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ON!FlDENTIAL ME*3R&N 3M F( : Director of logistics :.a: Deputy Director (support) AUG 30 1951 SMJECT: listablishaant. of Numerical Acquirer to for Initial Procurement Procedure for Bstablis _Its'tr1sa , tr? rlisats, MI-%16/3 1. In accordance with the referenced ms's the ED/P is evie1 Board has considered certain item rsoa .d by the chr:ical Services Staff for procurement and.stoc The 1. g t dings of the board are as follows: a. Portable Privacy systesi (/APD Protect P-121) - no stock control member. 1 Classification recosseendsds Llsited Standard 2 numerical requirsasat,for initial procure- Monts Dome (3) Additional pertinent intormatioa: The Board understands that 20 units together with 7 adapter units were originally procured by TSB and fatly issued to the Office of Physical Security,, whichr has a;. substantial portion of the original grm* starvA In the ii aeiJ.ngton area. It Is recase~end*d that thess items be located and those not in use or contag~lated for use be returned to general stock for lases to other slats of the Agency as the need arises. fte Board, requests that it be advised of the number and condition of serviceability of the itass. than- Sade mars,#;{*. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050005-0 Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDFNi4000300050005-0 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA- 718A000300050005-0 CON' i IDEN T IAL 25X1A This :tea is non-recurring; governed by t.nose on han1; is not a Ccld War Contingency Item; ._ er not replace other stw.-it item. (,) Classification recommended: 9tandard (2) Numerical requirment for initial ure- vent: 200 each (pad of 100 sheets, 3* x q "r (3) Additional pertinent infosMatioo) Aie, be noted on the breakdown of requirements, attsnhsd, the estimtes of the Area Divisions total153 aeeb for tvo years requirement. T 1w larger n' Wr s t d by the Board includes an all+draaoe for a;stoek 25X1A 25X1A level of fifty units in addition to the caused divisional reQuireasnts. This its ns be if possible; is not a Cold War 0octingneY item; 40" not replace other stock item. 25X1 C (1) Classification reccndeds Ingests Ord k2) Numerical requirement for initial rocVre- sent: 100 each (books of ;,0 sheets, 8 Z 11" (3) Additional pertinent inf ornatioa s Area Division estimated requirements for two years total 52 units. The larger cumber reco ed by the Board includes an allowance for a minimum stock level of 50 units in addition to the estimated divisional require- ments. This item may be recur if possible; not a Cold War Contingency it..; dots. not rep s otter stock it. ,: -1705 - 030 d. Water Purification Lit (Stock control arbor - (1) Classification recoi^mendedi Sara (2) Numerical requirement for initial P; 'e?- ment: none (3) Additional pertinent inforaatioet Area D! estimated requirements for two years, 152 omits, Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RIP78-04718A000300050005-0 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050005-0 CON H D'DTLAL ji:s Cold War Contingency requirements, 136 units, ul.inq 288 units are met by some 659 units the board ?erstands to be on hand. This item is recurr ; if -,xssible; :e a Cold War Contingency item but does not replace i-,eas present:y stockpiled. e. Stainless Steel Container 7 x 9 x 16' (Stock ~:trci number - 7./8110-000-1:98) This item is understood by the Board to have passed 1 procureent channels. No initial require- ment shcuid thus be stated. Hoverer, information supplied to the Board in the course of the survey indicates that a aintmKa stock level of 500 ua ,tl;:is, desirable is re-oamendad by the Board. f. Stainless Steel Container, 7 x 9 x 8" (Stock v:)ntrol number - 7, 110-005-6924) (1) Classification recewwndsdi Interim Sta lard (2) Numerical regc i rtment for initial. proc it e- imart - 350 each (3) Additional pertinent information: Area Div. ision estimated requirements for. two years are 124 wets. However, based on experience with the larger cuntAiner t itemm 3. above) the- Staff f sls that this item will be required in larger ntibirs thananti,:c.ippted ty the Divisions. Mere?cre, the Board has recommended a nlnxr s zt .en- ?c -::-rt the estimated requirements -the Dlvis. ins plus s. add.itionai number to provide a m:.nimm stock Level n+ 20 units. This item -.'erring; same as Stainl*A_Bteel Cmtainer, Stock No. 7/8110-000-1596; is not a Cold War CoiDtin,Btncy Item; does not replace other stock item. Bxecutivo Agent DAD/P Materiel board .iment w: orig. only 'N,-zaerical Requirements SJx '~. y.d as ~),-/ to # CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000300050005-0