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1. I aUo~e].d 7.ike to eddraaa saws r.~ark. to these gapers eus the 25X1A PRC sad the ptraswsed ~ 'Yhey ncsawt b? AertYeaad iry the obserratiae thank I aa< rsot isttbraed oaz edraseges vhlab have taken om' aeyr tdar gSiat in the Pty ghiloaagby aer ~. I have g~atharad llraa a raeark o1` yota?s a Couple at a~8o that pRShapa ttrere rp~a saws ateauga, nN,ybe brought about by ttta D[I~P raotlr~anlsll-tion. I~lth that s t84c ghat ajight otteertriae bs stupid aTguwaeets, I should like to aq brat ttsat I Qatnaot ogres with the ia~p7.ieations of the last sentaaae pt Soustqu~s mserarandua of 8 August. Zt is ssaae tooalsarj he seems to ear ttsax pro~eot sippxoval updar su appe~+oved t~~ is fully a Di1/P tsmctLoss, responsibility, end sssttwrity, with such agprcrai to be givsu, of Doane! Duly otter the proposed pcY-seat has basin ~x+egur3,y ststlad out. It this Sa rhat he intends to say, Z moat takes er~asepkiaes to the positiaas. I am sane that evidanoe exists In auppart of ~* belief that theta hsvo been gtoaeeta slhialh auperfieially fall in line witls a eovering progrsm, but either by eraoideut or design sltere8 or xe+re at ?ariawae with the polisy line of the program. 2. Nhen I aMa rith- aasmsnt Xea ottea made about "sa9~aller 25X1A pt'QgrarG6 Or pr0'~6ete,? ae-, the 0ara seaui6g, "enabl,lug oats." IZ tree partiauLrly true is tr&tteat they t+otLid attagpt to get agproral of 25X1A a broad shorter, so flexible or nebuloualy'+u'ittaA as to allot ptaatiaa3lir anything Ne'o~aot wiaa in the e>ealer of the prograw ab~eativo. I teal that >~/A ~ is s~-ch as aayero.ah rneu7A bs an abdieu-ti~sa set his gawk. Related to this thole argurwut is aq sglreersnt with youe amts of l7 Aya'!1 that Ne aead to ti~kttem opats'Ol.. You spotke of tigh'tetritrg esQSrts~rsl aas aeaetayr This, I a{ratt Se iw~ar~;, but I thick enet aroare ia~Ortnutt is taros aonkral 'ey the m/1- of the sgg~oat namattauats aaasessarily ia~rolv~ed is a gc+o~rat. tlanar 1n aiod of itaelt is oat ne~sarily retleatiYa of the sink acataiQ? aratia?ss. A t10E1 000 goo~eat is eaoa- iuatox~e sight ba a oasts gsmst feel 25X1 C let um eyr, !90?' a particular etYOeti Mhtle a ~kA0xQ00 tt~3~'e in stwthrr ease asst vs71 imrolw s asst rsQu9.reaestt eat Jia Oarrlson of ssssh a stature ew to take a mayor poarkiaas of his adYF~t toa~ a period o4 oars. If, then, ve al]xrvr 3tD/P a~a+ova~. of gero3eata xithin _~_ . Approved For Release 2001L08/28 : ~J~~tR.PCB,-~e4}7y18A0d0100120115-2 b:roed pales ap)oawr~i by YliaC? w Law allorad uniL.taoral dsR~rs~r3>;r-tioa i+7 an apsaratoor a~ tha ap~paet load 'ta bs pJasskl oes . adaiaistxa4ian. IP w Pail a~ the para~ast tails as a rasuit~ pha is to Mara. 1'hr aarwar is Ob~lOUa? Mite had i ~ char ~~g1 but Ya oatt7A, lest ~ the etutt to i"eea it." The asntsal adaiaisttatits ~ and thr astral aeLriniatratiws saasept pauld be nibbled t9 death iP the 7i?/A~ as a merd~sr' OP tha PSC~ a4u14 21gt eaceraise sane intlur>,aa away Ds'o~sta phial pace mauntrd. 3. Another its related to thr gseral prablar oP tight aaatY*ali but having xwthing to do pith the ae9minlsta:~ative ax~as~t aaoospt in a . par, is that~phiah in passing I alluded to in aq oaronnts oan 8oustaaea positis~ ? general pa.a~grrsr rpq have a propea? obleativr and ae~y rspo;essaat a xaur~tele aLloaatiwe oP l stYart but be tiwad to rover pro~eats vhieh Lays such an eaeplosiw: potaaitial as to endaager the Agsncy~ its pwple~ or aman ties national seauri'gr. 4. Saar time iareaY~ and 1 tbiaY pearhays this pa8 a lixra~n-art~' the 25X1A - ps is AS/B prsprrad a pgpaz cn FBa. Sn tLa papar pe attarptrd tC establish plat pe called "aritsria OP eansitivity." This is in pert rrCOgnited Sn 3A(2) OT thr pTapaerd re~ulatiaa. We Pelt? at that tim~j and I still Pesl~ that the lavela OP epp?'aval On a paro~sot should ba detrxained Hat oasiy pa:t grounds oP the Honey involved but also oP the possibleaaisahiaP either oP suooessPul conclusion of a paaw3rot car the unsuaasasful aaaa].usloea aP a pa:afwt. A'i2~00Cl~Q00 aaurh grant tcs the 25X1C ~ s?uiyorat~ althoafgh inroJ.viag a eansidsrabls sus oP arpney~ tia?al datsraiaatiaua is, os aovor?'sa, Hat tul1T an a~ative aoawera. >ivarvas, I do baliaee that any parogram and pr~alsat spgs+o*al p~raasdura ehoulA rnaognize these aritrria oP +esnsisivity, and w is the 1~jA ahanld, as a duty to tLr Aga>;mpr and to tLe Coiml~, darendi that pa~assdurw ~iyny~a4v~ry~r}~raayrct? ~R`ot_a flat p~?ar.agra~d+h 3g(~~-*~OP~aMv~ss~~t-.rG'P~a ,pry J~~f~f~~y~Y~_+~{,~ .y,~,~,~1~P1~ auth~iN ? ? YM .~.,~y~SgM~~~.~+~~?.. .ii~iMM~~~yi.~'P~ ~i~MMfiy 1fi.iW~ a~e ~a ~ !Mi ~.IAM~Ma iY 4i"M Y. attar pOTda~ it ~ the prixuaipls I Lave bean diaattrslarg but pith- out aleaar and porapsr dslinitioaa and vithaut dvr ward to tLs sansitivits is phatrraar Soere it easy tales. SA~ADD~A:RSW:jeb ADD~A chrono Approved For Release 2001/08/28 :CIA-RD~'F8A000100120115-2