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Approved For Rel 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A00 010012-9 C Q-N- P- I -E N3-T-F A-L 25X1A 25X1A TR IG I November 1956 LANGUAGE TRNING FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AWARDS 6$ OL SI N This regulation pRescrIbes the policies, responsi iltiei and proced?rs which govern the m ainistra on of Agency Foreign Language Develop- ment Awards to members of the (MA Career Z fg. CON BENTS Page Ra EF d ,Oi ? ? ? a a ? ? o a r a ? o poL C"14 . . a 9 . . 4 ~- M ? s . . . ? a :e1e Ms l .Ca7 1S" 0wS1C l.4 w8 .' ~. '~ j~ iE8 ? ~c ? ? r ? ? e w e ? p 5 p p . ~ p iXI.OC DURES ? 8 w ? ? 6 ? ? m n . m 9 DEMMOKS Foi ign Language ave1opz rent Awards (1) Foreign Language Development Awards are monotxxy nefiR , granted in rac ognition of effort to achieve and to ? i na..n foreign language proftciency at awardable lev is . The amounts of awards will vary in accord mice with: the difficult of z e language; the type of effort (i.e., to achieve or to y. ai.h of oie cy); and, the level of aroficienc achieved o malam Approved For ReleaseC 31f1fif~"*ia- 7 "~ A000100010012-9 Approved For ReIbQV 2003/06/10: CIA-RDP78-04302A00W010012-9 25X1A TRAWING I November 1956 (2) Foreign Language Development Awards, are of two types as defined below: (a) Achievement Awards are those granted for achieving an awardable level of proficiency in a foreign language fog the first time, or for ?n easkikg the level of proficiency to the next higher awardable level. An achievement award -P-ay be earned only once for each awardable level of proficiency at- tained in the same foreign language. (b) Maintenance Awards are those granted for maintaining awardable level proficiency in a foreign language on a continuing basis. Maintenance awards may. a ,naed . an- nually on a recurring basis a Awardable Levels of Proficiency in Foreign Languages Mare are three awardable levels of proficiency which govern the amount of Achievement and Maintenance Awards; `1) High Proficiency (Co ehensive) : Ability to read, speak, write and understand at a high level of perfoxa an e a ility to f con freely to the language in non-tech cal matters in dealings with educated native speakers of the language, handling Inte ,aediate Approved For Releas ,( ,,,1.Q!&2aqd**000100010012-9 Approved For Re 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A0p010012-9 C-O--N-F-I-1 -E-N-T-I A-L 25X1A materials with nearly the some degree of accuracy and speed expected of a native speaker and difficult, though non-technical materials in a reasonably comprehensible manner at moderate speed. a. Foreign Language Development Awards are authorized for members of Specialized Proficiency: Ability either to read, or to speak in the language at the level of skill described for High Proficiency (Comprehensive). No mention made of pol- icy concerti- ing acquisition of a language through command assignment or study on indivi- dual initiative. (Par 6, a (1) of memo) TRAINING 1 November 1956 (2) Intermediate Proficiency (Comprehensive) : Ability to read, speak write and understand at a moderate rate of speed with a high degree of accuracy. This includes basic familiarity with the struc- ture of the language, ability to use the language easily in routine business and normal social-travel situations, and ability to read newspapers with the aid of a dictionary. the Career Staff who achieve or maintain an awardable level of profi- ciency in a designated foreign language. Approved For Release 2 3*6/ 0 f tfx 7 -k3~-A000100010012-9 Approved For Rel 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302AOOD 10012-9 C-O-N-F-I--D-E-N-T-I A-L 25X1A b. Awards should not be limited to Career Staff but after one year"s proba- tionary Status to encoura o study of lan.- guage. (Par 6, a (2) of c. memo) TRAINING 1 November 1956 Staff personnel who are not members of the Career Staff may take language training to develop language proficiency. Such personnel may receive a development award. , however, only by' adequate performance in an Agency foreign language proficiency teat following acceptance into the Career Staff. Eligibility for awards will be determined by performance in Agency foreign language proficiency tests. Foreign Language Development Awards will be granted as an incentive for effort made to achieve, to increase and to maintain awardable levels of Proficiency in designated foreign languages. Awards will not be granted merely as a bonus for possession of foreign language proficiency. Accordingly: (1) Achievement Awards will not be made for foreign language profi- ciency possessed by the individual as of the date of this regula- tion, or at a subsequent date of entrance on duty, _2Kcept that a retroactive award can be made when anemptoyeecan prove that past studs undertaken on individual initiative to enhance his value on his Ac en y assis nanenL (2) Maintenance awards will not be made: Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Rele003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A00 00 10012-9 N"Of 25X1A TRAINING 1 November 1956 (a) For High Pro .ciency (Comprehensive), acquired by the individual prior to employment prima y by virtue or residence aid or family association, that may be maintained without appreciable effort. (b) For proficiency in a language of languages representing a ma- Jo r basis of the indi .dual'a, employment and Position assign- ment in. the Agency, that may be maintained largely as a consequence of the duties of the assigned position. e Eligible is thviduls may qualify for AaWevement and maintenance Awards in more than one designated foreign language. Those excluded from Awards by the provisions of paragraph 2. d. CO above may: (a) Qualify for Achievement Awards increasing the level of proficiency to a high awardable level, or by achieving an awardable level of proficiency in another designated foreign language; (b) Qualify for Maintenance Aids in those foreign languages in which they are now proficient, except as restricted by a- g aph 2. d. (2). Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 Approved For Rel se 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302AOOO'J 010012-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I?-A-L 25X1A TRAINING 1 November 1956 (2) Those excluded from Maintenance Awards by the provisions of paragraph 2. d. (2) above, may qualify for Achievement and Main- tenance Awards in other designated foreign languages, or, where proficiency is less than High Proficiency (Comprehensive), by increasing the level of proficiency to a higher awardable level f. The established foreign language training programs of the Agency are available to staff personnel who wish to acquire foreign language pro- who have been recommended key supervisors andZ2E career management pAnels for foreign langua skudt ficiency Wand who are accepted for enrollment by the Director of Train- ing. The maintenance of proficiency, however, is regarded as a respon-- Negative in sibility of the individual and not an obligation of the Agency. )$6 concept of total program; disagrees i1O J'61IAWe!?3?.` ~F 11 with CS idea to encourage spare #&X1 Y1W 'Ai -` time study to 11101 11 Ill maintain skills. C3 personnel ~a`1J+/JE1~f~S+''1 should have free access to laboratory. OTR should expand class and lab for after hours study. O?ar. 6.a(4) of memo) C-O-N?E-I-D-E-N -T-I A -L Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 Approved For Rel 2003/06/10: CIA-RDP78-04302A00 10012-9 C-O -N-F-I-D-E-N T-I A-L 25X1A TRAINING 1 November 1956 3. RESPONSIBILITIES a. The Deputy Director (Support) will designate the languages and estab- lish the amounts of foreign language development awards, Ai/1AMU b. The Director of Training will: in consultation with aypropriate Deputy Directors, (1) Recommend /those foreign languages for which Development Awards are authorized and the amounts of awards in each case for approval of the Deputy Director (Support) . (2) Conduct Agency foreign language proficiency tests for candidates for Development Awards; determine the eligibility of the candi- date- for an award and the type and amount of award for which the candidate is eligible; and, provide official certification of eligi- bility of each candidate to the Director of Personnel for inclusion in the official personnel folder, and to the candidate. (3) Provide annually for the funds required to ni et the costs of Foreign Language Development Awards in the Office of Training budget, and approve the necessary documents to effect payment of awards. The Director of Personnel will record the language achievements of Agency personnel as certified by the Director of Training In the Foreign Language Register and in the individual's official personnel folder. Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 7 e"%_n_*T%_r._r%._r._ .r_T_e._T Approved For Re 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A 01 00010012-9 1w NW 25X1A TRH U.N( G 1 November 1.956 iqn o yt f 1ox~a e 1, to aut on ed a:Mounts of Virlyd.s I each case t o e y su ng that ~ 33 a a 3 ,x, ' die 1 d ~ aE A _ 11011 al nen"e- ~ u ~ ~ to ~ o edu a ~~ a~xa tie nt t I sure t~toNira ,etc gorard. Y#; e a C and date for V a L a Development Award adsh j . ; staff er8o e1 who to bc come s u& ?1ec. for a Foreign 1r119:ave1opmet Award in way designated foreign language w .: cake application, at any time, 7 to the Director of ^a ng A g Form No. 1005, "A Ali tion of Ca ndidate; Fare{gn ox, rage Development Aid. e hoa at the date of application: . co: -- (a) Are proficient in one or more of the designated f ei n languages _ . ~ VIA establish the level and type of proficiency they osses, by ng the f.. eicn language proficiency tests a oh eduled he JWrect r of Td wknin . Approved For ReIeas 2 gh#gL R P ?-P4 OJA000100010012-9 Approved For Release 2003/06/10: CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 25X1A `"ltA C Novena 156 (b Possess no appreciable profialenoy in the foreign language in w chi they wish to quaUfy for award, will o da wri en certification to this effect to the Dfre or of 'fra& ing on Agenoy Form No. 10054 To ;corm Qualified for a Foreign Language Dev p wet A xd C : O Members of the C Y, wee' Staff who, at the date of application a s ho l not be r qu.';re:d of Memo) candidates fora Foreign Lang age lop ment A ,7rd: (a) Possess an avmwdaab a level of proficiency a language, as termined by the 30-4r :or of TmInIng on the basis of RIM&- al-ency test results, will be registered as can c) s to re- calve an initial Maintenance Award after six demonstration in a second proficiency test has been maintained her after, candidates may qualify fir additional mairntenanc awards after twelve ,ion s by successful completion of proficiency Masts. Possess less than an awardable level of Doff ney In the knguage may qualify for an Ac aievemment d at such. tie ey are able successfc ly to complete t ho proficiency test, and anniml y theroafte.T., for f1afnten ,n Awards, by success- completion of annual proff ency tests. JbSO~YS ac ~? ~~~~P~Ad~il~i+~Mb ~~4/ Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 Approved For Rel 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A00 , (0 10012-9 25X1A T X I G I November 1956 a r ~ lea; a not yet members of the Career Staff who, at the &te of application as candidates for Foreign Language Develop- n., ent Awards; (a) Possess art awardable level of a? 1 eno in a lan u.age, as determined the D zect r of Training, an the basis of pw- fi ency tests results, will registered as didates to reeelve an initial Maintenance A urard f the profi len level possessed, to be effective upon satisfactory comple'dIon of a second proficiency test taken after acceptance into the Staff bu no sooner :. an six nths from t' e date of application as a candidate for award. Possess less than an awardable level of profL nc In the e, but who become other wwise qualife f r a s 'a ? poor to entry into he ear Staff, will be regl e ive an Achieve ent Award to effective upon sat13L 25X1A completion Of a proficiency test into the Career Staff. Agency personnel at P,eld Stations wlhc A (a) Acqu-tre an awardable level of proficiency :.n s f language ding a tour duty away fro n H.eadqua y e stab li h eligibility for awards upon their return t leadquarters Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-RDP78-04302A000100010012-9 Approved For Rel 2003/06/10: CIA-RDP78-04302A00010012-9 25X1A TRAINING 1 November 195 6 (b) Are, inem ors of the. weer WI, and who, i ' depa t e fro a Headqua tern, demonstrated possession of an awardable level of proficiency in a designated foreign language by sic ce Safe completion of foreign lane ms cie r tests, may be g-reated n a ntena a awards for each twelve months a iod fo o inn the date of the oiginal demonstration of proficiency, irkled that maintenance of proficiency is demons traced to he Director of Training u port return to Headquarters. (4) The rector of i t Will notify 7 each candidate of his p r- 3anoe in feign language proficiency testing. Those . aW d8 will be in-formed of the amount, and the, date upon wi the award will become effe ire, Payment of A. ards (1) The Dirextor of G `aing will approve awards to individuals . as soon he dat mine that they are eligible .and qualif'ied. (2) All , ? e& dz wi , paid to the Individual in a lamp suxa and will be dl a .wed from vouchered or co identi:l funds in accord n e with Ulm mane in which the recipient is nomnaHy reimbursed for MMi services .11m Approved For Release 2003/06/10 : CIA-P 8-0 302 000100010012-9 Approved For ReI 2003/06/10: CIA-RDP78-04302A00010012-9 25X1A TRAM ING I November 156 8chc du1e f Away&& The oasis Achievement and Maintenanom Awards for designated f ei ian age and proficiency levels will be set fo t in Agency notices to ?sued periodically. Approved For Release,0,L,l-fLWZf-Z*N2 000100010012-9