Investigations by Civil Service Commission

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Document Release Date: 
February 17, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 10, 1955
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04007A000600080006-2.pdf77.57 KB
STANDARD For ReleastP2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-04007AM0600080006-2 Utltce 1Vlemorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT : Director of Security DATE: 10 August 1955 PROM : Chief., Clearance Branch SUBJECT: Investigations by Civil Service Commission )7-N-yl.,,,F rW '7 ] JusT ___ adz"T Rev AR I* There is attached for your signature a memorandum to the Civil Service Commission concerning the number of requests which we will make to them for investigations during this and the next fiscal year. 2. The requests which we would make to the Civil Service Commission under the current program would include the guards and the char force, and other maintenance and operating personnel who would enter our buildings during our off duty hours. 3. I have checked this matter out with the Physical Security Division which, in turn, has checked where necessary with the Logistics Office. Based upon these checks it is estimated that our requirements to the Commission for the year ending June 1956 would be 86 guards and 66 others for a?total of 152 cases in the present year. It is estimated that in the Fiscal year ending June 1957, there would be 56 guard cases and 15 others for a total of 71. 4. Under the present program the 1956 investigations would cost us $38,000 based upon an average cost of $250 per investigation. The 1957 would cost us $17,750. 5. For these investigative expenses there has been allocated only $7,000 for the present year and of this sum, $1700 have already been spent. The remaining funds available would permit only 21 more cases to the Commission this fiscal year. 6. The Administrative. and Training Staff advised that it would be necessary to go back to the Comptroller for additional funds for this purpose after the remaining $5300 is spent. 7. The matter has also been discussed with SSD to determine the SSD position on theif resuming the responsibility for investigating GSA personnel (until January of this year they investi- gated the guards and in the past year or two completed investigations of some 170 char force employees of GSA). feels that the Division could absorb the additional load which would be required by our sending the GSA cases to them instead of the CSC. For the present 25X1A9a 25X1A9a I Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000600080006-2