Mission of the Inspection and Security Staff
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Document Creation Date:
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 25, 1998
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Publication Date:
June 14, 1950
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IWease 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP7
'' or DIE ?i]COTRD:
1)t Juno 19 O
'ission of the Inspection
tU ,a~ecuri ~~T Sty?i
1. Last week ',=~ nage '.ertt i rtdtted a ' r ono ;~ d rt;v' S-i 0n O-P
edition of the statement, of the ?`is_-i on .:gnu r'Uncti_ons for our
information and file. Colonel Edwards a pravac.. the v;aint
ccrmro,:,u.se between SCS and I:ianagement Office of the statement
wero the) final cat reed-Uz oil change to the r':raf'I of ) ~.. ;3i lion
an oc :,(1r~1;11~ULcd yc tr1E~ ~tilia ;C3,`Ce'`t7t (!i' doer `' ho ai ,r'wed theca
for 11',9 "Till 3 7"PVl 'e ,a
LnLS 1 s attached !iei,eto as .tnclosure I. )Lncloo re 2 was the
revision of ",ailagementt s draft r`?r Cq ef, and
Enclosure l with t1je changes C.tark ed therein in ponci l an ink
the III-lission and Farnctions of the Crfice of the Chief, I R' SS.
of these Functions.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030044-6_
a staff,off#cer, the Chief, Inspection and Security Staff, is
charged with advising Agency offieitls-?on programs and policies relating
to the.~axi++ of all Agency activities, except for certain communications
S ~,r.?i-7
activities; and with performing specified audit and inspection functions.
The Chief, Inspection and Security Staff, will:
1. Formulate and recommend programs and policies relating to the
security of all CIA activities, including personnel, installations
and equipment, except certain communications activities.
2. Establish safeguards necessary to prevent penetration by agents
of foreign countries or any unauthorized elements.
3. Obtain and evaluate through investigations and liaison contact
pertinent information regarding personnel for employment, assignment
or association with the Agency. Approve or disapprove from a
security standpoint the employment or utilization of individuals by
the Agency.
4. Determine the effectiveness with which security programs and
policies are being accomplished.
5. Coordinate and engage in policy and program planning of emergency
measures as authorized by the DCI.
6. Prescribe security policies relating to the liaison and contact
relations of the CIA with Federal departments and agencies and certain
other governmental and nongovernmental organizations.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 CIA-RDP78-04007A000500030044-6
Approvease P78jWf
7. Investigate reports of violation or noncompliance with security
policies or regulations and recommend or initiate appropriate action
as may be required.
$. Perform audits of unvouchered funds, reporting results to the
xecutive. h c
9. Make inspections, investigations and reports as directed by the
Executive and the Director.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CJA-RDP78-04007A000500030044-6
Approved Fir' R vlepse 2001/Or8/.15 , Q[,A DP78-04DO0 A00050003ip0 #%I 5-I
As a staff officer, the Chief, I & S5 is the advisor to the DCI and
his staff on overall security matters, on inspections relating to personnel
and installations, and on audits and appraisals of fiscal practices and
procedures. He is also the security advisor to the various offices and
activities of the CIA.
As a staff chief, the Chief, I & SS, is responsible to the Director for
the security appraisals of CIA applic1n.t and for the operation and
maintenance of proper security practices within the Agency including
personnel, physical and document security measures; for thedevelopment of
appropriate security programs, policies and controls, for domestic counter-
intelli;ence within CIA, for the audit of fiscal transactions and for developing
necessary liaison arrangements with other government departments on security
the U.S._plantand contract security, and special security measures to
support sensitive operations. The Chief, I & SS9 is also charged with special
research in security fields for the purpose of developing technical interrogation
techniques and security screening methods and devices. He is responsible for
special investigations, inspections and audits of any nature ordered by the DCI
including the verification of unvouchered funds and other matters, t=ic conduct
of highly classified surveys and projects assigned for security or cover
reasons, and the development of safety programs.
Approved For Release 2001/0$ ,15 ,CIA-RDP78-
Or Rase 2001/08/1 x - 07/ p500030044-6
The Chief, Inspection and Security Staff, will:
1. Assure that proper security practices and procedures are carried
out throughout the Agency.
2. Formulate and recommend programs and policies relating to the
security of all CIA activities, including personnel, installations,
classified information and equipcaent, except certain carmunications
3. Establish safeguards necessary to prevent penetration by agents
of foreign countries or any unauthorized elements.
4. Obtain and evaluate through investigations nd liaison contact
pertinent information regarding personnel for employment, aseignnent
or association with the Agency. Approve or disapprove from a security
standpoint the employmmrt or utilization of individuals by the Agency.
;. Determine the effectiveness with vhich security programs and
policies are being accomplished.
6. Coordinate and engage in policy and program planning of emergency
measures as authorized by the DCI.
7. Prescribe security policies relating to the liaison and contact
relations of the CIA with Federal departments and agencies and certain
other ;overnmental and nongovernmental organizations.
8. Investigate reports of violation or concoupliance with security
policies or regulations Including cormnunications security and recommend
or initiate appropriate action as may be required.
Approved For Release 2001/08/15 : CllfQ1;7~-04007A000500030044-6