Establishment of the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee Subcommittee for Security Control (Security Advisory Board).

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 20, 1945
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\Approved elease 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-00ZA000300030042-0 11110-140 'NOWNOW 71 D. CF,N TVA' niTzu,14iw1x2:, 7letablie'3aellt of the stete-r4r-cav Coordilating Co So? Security Co..2tro1 (;:recurIty iictvlsory alem)recid 61141120, datod 2o No ab.3r' 1945, the Joint 4"4oL tatX a a* Irte the Aate-a'ar-NavyCoordinatick CoacAttee that the ecrtt, 1dvia6ry Board of the ()Moo or T4Lr Inrormation had 1)47E-on aolitihod aa ot 31 Auouut 1945, in accordance with We privisiona of'Clcoutiv* trdew 9408 (31 Aucust 1945). b? 1ro2ooed that the raw:dal:2c ?ufletjor Advisory '43oar1 of Civl be the cl ity taent. )* 2. In =CC 252, dated 21 Janoary 1946, the aoting $tao =Atm' or oaNCC recozaandod that =CC appoint a at-Zooasittee to be. known aa the ,ocurity i'tdvieory Nord and tb be carep000d of State,'? sad t'iavy Yaraboro .with por..sanont Lecretariat to carry (Alt the roaidual,runctiono a the liL,vuidated 600l.2'ity Advisory foert cAt D'ht? 3? The taw raisbor at !AMC by LCC 252/1, dated 30 Jaauery 191263 ai.vrovod, as an ti easure, the recoazendation at the 4C-tang tt9rarr.arir oontatatxt i OVICC 252, however, rocoAtendod Parther that thoord, an oreatt-ed, zroportu and reco:14endatioas to t'AtNEIC roea:Aliyizz Th eanrter for the Board or o oa ard efientivo and 'Ito IhSitty aS placinc the board untior the :Waal IteUitenco .i.uthorIty at a l'uturo data. SOCC, anibueventIy eopeintod an ad hoc- oomnitteo to report on MCC 252. ail Log comittoo report ( :aoloeure to JZ'CG. datomt5 Fehrvary 1246) coacludod that: Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000300030042-0 Approv4E64,Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-0,000300030042-0 ?siormsol NorNS (1) The problem presented in 8mcC,252 involved "a mattor of common intorost" to the astol 11ar and avy. Dopartmwita who are the largest 2rodute1:'s of elaaaifiod information. (2) Thera is no need for an additional agency to carry out U. old 041 Security '.id.viaory Board functima nor ia there an existing depart:Antal aeancy which could advantageously atauso these functions. (3) The asaignad functions would not entail conflict with existing departaental or agenty authority and responsibility. C. Tha ad hoc comaittwo etroa-1y reccurandad that the Jeovrity Adarory Board be ro-establiehed as a subowmittee of =CC as soon as posaiblo. ly informal action of 3 April 1946, CC approved the ad o coaaittoo report (Inolosuro to &ACC 252/2). Gs Tab A. a latter A'o 4r. . T. Puler:ion, ixting Ccairtgino OacnriV Adviaory. ooard, dated April 10, 1914* encloses a tiemorand= from MCC, dated 5 April 1246, which ostablishes the MCC- Subcommittee for Security Control, to be known as the Security Advisory Board* and outlinos ita aasigned tunction) nr. Aoderson requouto that the Central Into-11i- t;onco Group designate an offitar to act in a lialoon capacity with the Iloard oa all mattoro affecting the socurity of this Crop and to attend 2oar1 wetinga to discuss cocurity problera cowion to all civilian govern- ntal dopartsents and agenoies. 7. it is roc needed that, a. Tab o doeloa __las your principal ropreser;. tive and I Igo your alternate representative to servo in A liaison capacity with the eANcc, Security Advisory Uoard, ba sicaed arid dispatched. b._ The Central IALollicence Group liaison officers thus nominated oloaoly obaarvo the functioning of the Security Advisory :loard with a Wisw to W.Arina axperience upon rhicb to baso a specific reoommendation tx) you as to the desirability of iaitiating action 'Mich wodLi plata the Board uodor the National Intollicance Authority at a ftlture data. Captain* USN Acting Chief, Central Planninc Staff Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007A000300030042-0 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 2 la ,000.???mi. Approvtryk'd FN.Rejeciase 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-0408,7~300030042-0 or iJacord: 1. - Ur. "1.. T. Andersori,. tett% phaiman of the Security Advisory Board, when telophoLed by I on 29- April, rocconded that, in view or the fact that h1eb-leve1 security policy natters mill be discussed at Board metluo attended by u rapmsaotatve of CIO, the Acting; Chief of the Security Drench, C'eS, C1.0? would be bettor suited to sorve as the CIO 7ieprrlsentative ttlan an atirtintatrativ1.-type Security ?lacer. Colonql iilakoney, Arm 41/Ober of the '6'.AB, toloOi=u1 on O Aprill alno trolleyed it adviseis Liat aot as tho CIG representatives Cotoloinricei AdlUnistrative ations. C.V.} Policy i!c Ci, Approved For Release 2002/05408_: CIA-RDP78-04007A000300030042-0 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A 25X1A9A