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~y~a a~J y.iff+ Ap d Fox Releas 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDPe03991A000500060010-9 ce iemorunaum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO : Director of Logistics FROM : Chief, Real Estate and Construction Division SUBJECT: Weekly Activity Report DATE: 23 June 1955 1. Items of Special Interest: a. Administration Building: (1) Progress on CNE renovations has been delayed due to lack of PBS carpenters; however, next phase of work will commence within next day or two. PBS painters have resumed work and at present time nine of twenty- eight rooms have been repainted. (2) All work in connection with packaged air conditioning (3) 25X1A 25X1A units completed. Units will be operable by end of week. Branch wiring for ONE window type units 70 percent complete; partial electrical outage has been scheduled from 5:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. on Saturday, 25 June 1955 to permit connecting of electrical panels-. The PBS Area Manager has given this Office permission to purchase and have installed a new steel flag pole in front of the Administration Building. b. East Building: (1) Erection of booth and installation of booth door in first floor Mens Toilet have been completed. (2) Soundproof air baffle for transom of Room 124A has been completed. c. Alterations and Installations for Electrical requirements have not been received. A Staff ? official has advised that these requirements will be forwarded to this Office by the end of this week. d. Committee - 2210 E Street: Renovations on third floor were completed effective close of business Wednesday, 22 June 1955. Approved For Release 1999/09/1 010-9 -RDOCH 25X1A Approved Fq&Release 199 ~W: CIA-RDP7&03991A000500060010-9 - 2 - e. Traffic Congestion - Corner 23rd and E Streets N. W.: 25X1A 25X1A Contact was made with Assistant Director of Vehicles and Traffic, Government of the District of Columbia with respect to this problem. He has indicated that appropriate signs will be made prohibiting parking at this intersection. (1) a. The 1 June Construction Report indicates that most buildings are 99-100% completed. The 7 1 bedroom quarters, swimming pool, and utility buildings are estimated to be completed by 15 December. All colla- teral equipment is in transit. 25X1 C 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A b. We have loaned 1 senior officer's quarters and 1 apartment house. to- for one year. This action was not refered to headquarters prior to the loan. (2) Comrno : Two 60KW highspeed diesel generators are in transit for use at the transmitter site. One will have auto- matic start equipment furnished and installed by contractor. One 60KW highspeed has been ordered for the receiver site to also be automatic start. The receiver generator building will remain of size to accommodate 2 generators (for possible future demand). Mr. Garrison returned 20 June. to remain site and approve schematics. Authority delegated 22 June. Architect-Engineer and Contractor negotiations completed. h. TSS LABORATORY AT Site clearing completed and excavation started. 2. General: Regulation covering the functions of the Space Maintenance & Facilities Branch has been delayed and is now scheduled for completion by 20 May. Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060010-9 Approved F ?Release 199 Wi9i CIA-RDP -0399IA000500060010-9 2A 3. Prosectsand Studies in Process: 25X1 A (1) (a) Test Laboratory: Contract signed and work started on 20 June 1955. (b) Heating Plant Repairs: Final inspection made. Two items will have to be corrected by contractor prior to final payment. (c) Warehouse Bldg. repairs: Inspection made on 16 June. Some extra work is anticipated on this job. (d) Airfield Repairs: Contract typed and forwarded to 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A C, 0. for signature. Contract awarded for 0,U06.68 and completion in 30 days. Tennis Courts: Contract forwarded to C. 0. for ex- ecution in the amount of 0,679.28 for furnishing and installing two tennis courts. (f) Painting interior of four Bldgs. at Contract forwarded to C.O. for execution in the amount of X2,790. Work will be accomplished during week of 15 August when no classes are held. (2) (a) Air Conditioning: Air conditioning units delivered to site. Electrical and carpentry sub- contractors preparing to start on 28 June. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A (b) Extras at Laboratory, Elevator: Work not completed. (c) Warehouses at Construction under way. Change order forwarded to C. 0, for execution. (d) Concrete J)raira.ge Ditch: Contract forwarded to C. 0. for execution in the amount of X5,970. with 30 days for completion. (e) Well at Bid within funds allocated received and contractor to execute contract prior to 30 June. (3) 25X1A Additional generator base disapproved as well as enlarged building unless construction already in progress. Insula- tion of roof on club-mess approved along with additional construction items. (4) FE: Request for 45 air conditioners disapproved. Approved F ~~910?n-R 0-9 esimates for aenerAtors_ t F Approved FgpReIease ;;c 1/20 : CIA-RDP, -03991A000 00060010-9 b, Real Estate:- 25X1A (1) Lease of- Warehouse:- 25X1A Permit from National Park Service for use of an area of park land during occupancy of subject premises was terminated effective 30 June 1955? (2) Maintenance of Microwave Tower, STATSPEC (3) Contract was executed for maintenance of subject facilities during Fiscal Year 1956. Heati and Air Conditioning Systems STATSPEC (4) Contract executed for the maintenance of subject systems during Fiscal Year 1956. Long Lines, AT&T:- 25X1A Information received from AT&T on re-routing of long line circuits is being studied by Comm. (5) Renovation of Living Quarters (6) Field authorized to renovate one set of living quarters at a cost of $600.00. Review of Hoover Commission Report on Real (7) Property Managementt- Subject report was reviewed and reply to the Bureau of the Budget is being drafted. Real Estate of Proprietary Projects:- 25X1A Meeting held with Commercial Division and PAPS relative to providing support in the acquisition of proprietary real estate. Decision reached that the services of the Safehouse Branch would be made available to proprietary case officers. (8) S ace in p 25X1A Field replied that Agency requirements were included in the present plans for the subject building. (9) Modification of Como Warehouse., The field proposal to make certain changes in the authorized modificati s t, approved. CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060010-9 Approved For Release 199W Approved F%,Release I 999/ USIA-RDP&03991 A000500060010-9 23 June 1955 3C - Space, Maintenance and Facilities 25X1 A 1. - Transformer Project: 25X1A 25X1A 3? Due to other caoa?itments contractor has not returned to the building in conjunction with faulty ceiling tile installation. Efforts are being made by this Office to have deficiencies corrected as quickly as possible. All phases of major alteration project have been completed. a. Final inspection of the building was made on 17 June 1955. The contractor is correcting deficiencies brought to light,( during the inspection. The strike of union painters is still in progress; therefore, painting is the only remaining major item. b. PBS group forces have completed the installation of bars and brackets on entrance doors. Room number designations and card holders are being installed. Plumbing installations, partitions and other miscellaneous requests made by this Office to follow. It. Recreation and Services Building: 25X1A a. Installation of air conditioning for Special Project8 Branch, OL being held in abeyance pending review by Chief, RE&C Division. b. GSA making arrangements to award contract for fluorescent lighting in Auditorium based on low bid at-'$3,615.00 for installation. Required fixtures to be furnished by PBS on a reimbursable basis. Work on this project has not been started due to shortage of PBS carpenters. Page 4 'CR,1 Approved For Release 1999/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060010-9 Approved Fe Release 19 Nowff : CIA-RDP7,&03991A000500060010-9 23 June 1955 25X1A 3C - Space, Maintenance and Facilities 6. North Building: Alterations requested by 'TSS in Rooms 12, 12k and 12B are progressing satisfactorily. All work assigned to the PBS Service District has been completed; window grilling, installation of air conditioning unit, fluorescent lighting, asphalt tile and repainting are major items to be accomplished. 7. 2430 E Street Area: New building location signs, parking and traffic designation signs fifty percent complete. Nine tons of asphalt black top were distributed throughout government owned roads and parking lots over last week-end. Remaining painting, erection of fence around Quo Building parking lot and erection of new signs to be accomplished as soon as possible, weather permitting. 8. I-J-K-L Buildings: Installation of a heavy feeder from transformer and generator to increase capacity was completed on 17 June 1955- 9. Curie Hall: a. Low bid in the amount of $5500.00 was received on 21 June 1955. Contract award to be made by PBS immediately. 25X1A b. Alterations and renovations required by Office of Personnel have begun. Arrangements were made with PBS group forces to expedite work required in Directorts suite. Additional alteration requirements of Personnel Office have not been received to date. PBS group forces have completed painting in Rooms 117A, B. and C. Two air conditioning units have been installed. 11. Telephone Section: a. This Office is awaiting memorandum reports from the SSA/DDS and ONE Offices relative to the recommendations made by the telephone survey team. Upon receipt of this information a final report will be prepared to reflect the results of this project. Page 5 Approved For Release 1 0 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060010-9 Approved Fex.Release 'fg16/20 :.CIA-RDP&03991 A000500060010-9 23 June 1955 3C - Space, Maintenance and Facilities 11. Telephone Section: (Coat) b. The Telephone Section is presently engaged in the preparation of the July 1955 edition of the Agency Telephone Directory. The revised classified and functional sections and current Government Dial Code listings will be delivered to the OL/Printing Services Division on 22 June 19559 12. Cinderblock Building: Evacuation of this building will be completed not later than the early part of next week. 13. Moves: 25X1A Completed during past week: OSI (partial) within Barton Hall, 17 June Security from I Building to - 21 June OCI within Tempo Que, 22 June OCD within Tempo M, 22 June DD/P, EE within K Building, 23 June Tentative for coming week: DD/P, EE within Tempo K, 24 June 25X1A Chief, Real Estate and Construction Division Page 6 Approved For Release 1"999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-03991A000500060010-9