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Approved For Release 2000/QNilzj,W8-03721 A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 (Public Law 724, 79th Congress) as amended to November 30, 1962 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 91189 WASHINGTON : 1962 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 CONTENTS Pale TITLE I-SHORT TITLE, OBJECTIVES, AND DEFINITIONS --------------- I Part A-Short Title-------------------------------------------- 1 Part B-Objectives-------------------------------------------- 1 Part C-Definitions-------------------------------------------- 2 TITLE II-GOVERNING BODIES FOR THE DIRECTION OF THE SERVIC2 Part A-Ofl'icers----------------------------------------------- 2 Director General__________________________________________ 2 Part B-Boards----------------------------------------------- 3 Board of the Foreign Service________________________________ 3 The Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service_______________ 3 TITLE III-DUTIES------------------------------------------------ 4 Part A-General Duties________________________________________ 4 Compliance with Terms of Statutes, International Agreements, and Executive Orders ------------------------------------- 4 Duties for Which Regulations May Be Prescribed------------- 4 Delegation of Authority To Prescribe Regulations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 Part B-Services for Government Agencies and Other Establishments of the Government__________________________________ 4 TITLE IV-CATEGORIES AND SALARIES OF PERSONNEL________________ 4 Part A-Categories of Personnel_________________________________ 4 Part B-Salaries---------------------------------------------- 5 Chiefs of Mission------------------------------------------ 5 Foreign Service Officers ------------------------------------ 5 Salaries at Which Foreign Service Officers May Be Appointed_ _ 6 Foreign Service Reserve Officers_____________________________ 6 Foreign Service Staff Officers and Employees__________________ 7 Salaries at Which Foreign Service Staff Officers and Employees May Be Appointed-------------------------------------- 8 Salaries of Alien Clerks and Employees_______________________ 8 Salaries of Consular Agents_________________________________ - 8 Part C-Salaries of Officers Temporarily in Charge---------------- 8 As Charges d'Affaires ad Interim____________________________ 8 As Officers in Charge of Consulates General or Consulates ------ 9 Part D-Time of Receiving Salary_______________________________ 9 Chiefs of Mission------------------------------------------ 9 Other Officers and Employees_______________________________ 9 Part E-Classification ------------------------------------------ 10 Classification of Positions in the Foreign Service and in the Department - -- -- - - - -- 10 Administrative Establishment of Salary Differentials__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Compensation Plans for Alien Employees_____________________ 11 Classification of Consular Agents____________________________ 11 Exemption from the Application of the Classification Act ------- 11 TITLE V-APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS__________________________ 11 Part A-Principal Diplomatic Representatives -------------------- 11 Policy---------------------------------------------------- 11 Appointments--------------------------------------------- 11 Lists of Foreign Service Officers Qualified To Be Career Ministers or Chiefs of Mission To Be Furnished to the President------- 12 Part B-Foreign Service Officers________________________________ 12 Appointments--------------------------------------------- 12 Commissions---------------------------------------------- 12 Limits of Consular Districts________________________________ 12 Assignments and Transfers_________________________________ 12 Citizenship Requirements___________________________________ 13 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 IV CONTENTS TITLE V-APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS --- C011tinued Part B-Foreign Service Officers--Continued Page Admission to Class 7 or 8------------------------------------ 13 Admission to Classes 1 to 7, inclusive --------- ---------------- 13 Admission to the Class of Career Minister --------------------- 14 Reassignment to Foreign Service of Former Ambassadors and Ministers------------------------ - ----------------------- 14 Reappointment, Recall, or Reemployment of Foreign Service Officers------------------------------------------------- 14 Part C-Foreign Service Reserve Officers------------------------- 14 Establishment of Reserve----------------------------------- 14 Appointments and Assignments to the Reserve------- --------- 14 Appointment or Assignment to a Class----------------------- 15 Commissions---------------------------------------------- 1.5 Benefits--------------------------------------------------- 1-5 Reappointment or Reassignment of Reserve Officers ----------- - 16 Reinstatement of Reserve Officers ---------------------------- 16 Part D-Foreign Service Staff Officers and Employees-------------- 16 Appointments---------------------------------------------- 16 Assignments and Transfers--------------------------------- 16 Commission as Consul or Vice Consul________________________ 17 Citizenship Requirement----------------------------------- 17 Part E--Alien Clerks and Employees ---------------------------- 17 Appointments---------------------------------------------- 17 Assignments and Transfer ---------------------------------- 17 Part F-Consular Agents ---------------------------------------- 17 Part G-Assignment of Personnel by the War and Navy Departments_ 17 As Couriers and Inspectors of Buildings---------------------- - 17 As Custodians--------------------------------------------- 17 Part H-Assignment of Foreign Service Personnel----------------- 18 Assignments to Any Government Agency or International Organi- zation -------------------------------------------------- 18 Compulsory Service of Foreign Service Officers in the Continental United States------------------------------------------- 19 Assignment for Consultation or Instruction -------------------- 19 Assignment to Trade, Labor, Agricultural, Scientific, or Other Conferences---------------------------------------------- 19 Assignments to Foreign Governments------- ---------------- 19 Foreign Language Knowledge Prerequisite to Assignment-_----_ 20 TITLE VI-PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION----------------------------- 20 Part A-Definitions-------------------------------------------- 20 Part B-Efficiency Records -------------------------------------- 2 Responsibility of the Director General for the Keeping of Effi- ciency Records------------------------------------------ 20 To Whom Records Shall Be Available________________________ 20 Part C-Promotion of Foreign Service Officers and Foreign Service Reserve Officers-------------------------------------- 21 Promotion of Foreign Service Officers by Selection------------- 21 Eligibility------------------------------------------------- 21 Recommendations for Promotion ----------------------------- 21 Promotion of Foreign Service Reserve Officers------------------ 21 Within-class Salary Increases of Foreign Service Officers and Reserve Officers-----------------------------.------------ 22 Relationship Between Promotions and Functional and Geographic Area Specialization______________________________________ 22 Part D-Separation of Officers and Employees from the Service-____ 22 Foreign Service Officers Who are Career Ambassadors or Career Ministers----------------------------------------------- 22 Participants in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System who are not Career Ambassadors or Career Ministers- 22 Selection-out---------------------------------------------- 23 Selection-out Benefits______________________________________ 23 Foreign Service Officers Retired from Class 7 or 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 Voluntary Retirement-------------------------------------- 24. Separation for Cause--------------------------------------- 24 Termination of Limited Appointments of Foreign Service Re- serve Officers and Staff Officers and Employees--- - - - - - - - - - - - 25 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/1 UTG DP78-03721 A00060001 0019-3 TITLE VI-PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION-Continued Page Part E-Promotion of Foreign Service Staff Officers and Employees__ 25 Class Promotion of Staff Personnel__________________________ 25 Within-Class Salary Increases_______________________________ 26, Part F-Separation of Staff Officers and Employees________________ 26 For Unsatisfactory Performance of Duty--------------------- 26, For Misconduct or Malfeasance_____________________________ 26 Part G-Promotion and Separation of Alien Clerks and Employees-_ 26 Promotion------------------------------------------------ 26 For Unsatisfactory Performance of Duty_____________________ 26 Separation for Misconduct or Malfeasance____________________ 27 Part H-Separation of Consular Agents__________________________ 27 Part I-Inspections-------------------------------------------- 27 TITLE VII-THE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE ------------------------- 27 Establishment of the Institute______________________________ 27 The Director of the Institute-Appointment, Salary, and Duties- 27 Aid to Nonprofit Institutions ------------------------------- 28 Appointment, Assignment, and Detail to the Institute --------- 28 Instruction and Education at Other Localities Than the Institute _ 29 Endowments and Gifts to the Institute_______________________ 29 Acquisition of Real Property for the Institute----------------- 29 TITLE VIII-THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYS- TEM------------------------------------------------ 29 Part A-Establishment of System ------------------------------- 29 Rules and Regulations_____________________________________ 29 Maintenance of Fund______________________________________ 30 Participants---------------------------------------------- 30 Annuitants----------------------------------------------- 31 Part B-Compulsory Contributions______________________________ 31 Part C-Computation of Annuities______________________________ 32 Part D-Benefits Accruing to Certain Participants---------------- 33 Retirement for Disability or Incapacity-Physical Examination- Recovery----------------------------------------------- 33 Death in Service__________________________________________ 35 Retirement of Persons Who Are Participants Under Section 803(A)(3)----------------------------------------------- 36 Discontinued Service Retirement____________________________ 36 Part E-Disposition of Contributions and Interest in Excess of Bene- fits Received---------------------------------------- 37 Part F-Period of Service for Annuities__________________________ 37 Computation of Length of Service___________________________ 37 Prior Service Credit________________________________________ 38 Extra Service Credit for Service at Unhealthful Posts__________ 39 Credit for Service While on Military Leave___________________ 40 Recomputation of Annuities of Certain Former Participants _ _ _ _ 40 Part G-Moneys---------------------------------------------- 40 Estimate of Appropriations Needed_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 Annual Report to Congress_________________________________ 40 Investment of Moneys in the Fund__________________________ 40 Attachment of Moneys_____________________________________ 40 Part H-Annuitants Recalled, Reinstated, or Reappointed in the Service or Reemployed in the Government______________________ 41 Recall---------------------------------------------------.. 41 Reemployment-------------------------------------------- 41 Part I-Voluntary Contributions________________________________ 41 TITLE IX-ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS______________________________ 42 Part A-Allowances and Special Allotments_______________________ 42 Representation Allowances__________________________________ 42 Part B-Travel and Related Expenses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 General Provisions_________________________________________ 43 Loan of Household Furnishings and Equipment--------------- 44 Transportation of Motor Vehicles____________________________ 44 Part C-Commissary Service___________________________________ 45 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvied For Release 2000/ O%I IA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019-3 TITLE IX-ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS-Continued Pagel Part D-Leaves of Absence------------------------------------- 46 Annual Leave--------------------------------------------- 46 Ordering Return of Personnel to United States on Leaves of Absence --------------- --------------------------------- 46 Reserve Officers Assigned to the Service---------------------- 46 Transfer of Leave of Absence------------------------------- 47 Application of Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951------------- 47 Part E-Medical Services-------------------------------------- 47 Expenses of Treatment -------------------------------------- 47 Travel for Medical Purposes-------------------------------- 48 Physical Examinations and Costs of Inoculations..------------- 48 TITLE X-MISCELLANEOUS------------------------------------------ 49 Part A-Prohibitions------------------------------------------ 49 Against Uniforms------------------------------------------ 49 Against Accepting Presents--------------------------------- 49 Against Engaging in Business Abroad------------------------- 49 Against Correspondence on Affairs of Foreign Governments----- 49 Against Political, Racial, Religious, or Color Discrimination- - - - 49 Part B-Bonds------------------------------------------------ 50 Part C-Gifts------------------------------------------------- 50 Part D-Authorization to Retain Attorneys---------------------- 51 Part E-Delegation of Authority-------------------------------- 52 Part F-Exemption from Taxation------------------------------ 52 Part G-Interpretation of the Act------------------------------- 52 Liberal-Construction Clause-------------------------------- 52 Provisions That May Be Held Invalid----------------------- 52 Headings of Titles, Parts, and Sections----------.------------- 52 Provisions of the Act of July 3, 1946------------------------- 52 Part H-Authorization for Appropriations------------------------ 52 TITLEIXI-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS---------------------------------- 53 Part A-Temporary Provisions Concerning Appointments and Sal- aries of Officers and Employees of the Service----------- 53 Reinstatement of Chiefs of Mission Who Are Former Foreign Service Officers------------------------------------------ 53 Transfer of Foreign Service Officers From Old Classes to New Classes------------------------------------------------- 53 Transfer of Other Officers and Employees of the Service From Their Present Positions to New Positions------.------------- 53 In-class Promotions---------------------------.------------- 54 Rules Governing the Making of Salary Determinations in Carry- ing Out an Initial Classification of the Service-------------- 54 Part B-Temporary Provisions Concerning Retirement------------- 54 Mandatory Retirement------------------------------------- 54 Rate of Annuities To Be Recomputed-----------.------------- 55 Part C-Miscellaneous Temporary Provisions ---------------------- 55 Bonds---------------------------------------------------- 55 Use of Appropriations-------------------------------------- 55 Part D-Repeal Clauses---------------------------------------- 55 Repeal of Particular Statutes..------------------------------ 55 General Repeal or Amendment Provision ---------------------- 60 Rights and Liabilities Under Statutes That Are Repealed------ 60 Statutes Previously Repealed by Implication------------------ 61 Continuance in Force of Existing Rules, Regulations, and Execu- tive Orders---------------------------------------------- 61 Part E-Effective Date of Act----------------------------------- 61 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09 ?EMA-RDP78-03721A0006ft010019-3 APPENDIXES List of Laws Which Repealed, Amended, or Otherwise Affected I rage 65 . Sections of the Foreign Service Act of 1946------------------ 65 Public Law 135-68th Congress (Rogers Act)------------------ II 72 . III. Public Law 715-71st Congress (Moses-Linthicum Act) --------- 83 IV. Public Law 40-76th Congress ------------------------------- V. Public Law 197-76th Congress------------------------------ 90 92 Public Law 277-76th Congress------------------------------ VI 93 . Public Law 464-76th Congress------------------------------ VII 95 . VIII. Public Law 17-77th Congress------------------------------- 95 IX. Public Law 69-77th Congress------------------------------- 96 X. Public Law 48-79th Congress------------------------------- ----- XI. Public Law 488-79th Congress------------------------- ------- 102 XII. Public Law 724-79th Congress----------------------- ----- 144 XIII. Public Law 73-81st Congress-------------------------- 145 XIV. Public Law 759-83d Congress ------------------------------- XV. Public Law 22-84th Congress------------------------------- 146 150 0 XVI. Public Law 250-84th Congress------------------------------- ------- - 15 - XVII. Public Law 828-84th Congress--------------------- ------- 156 XVIII. Public Law 885-84th Congress----------------------- ------- 156 XIX. Public Law 86-707---------------------------------- ------- 171 XX. Public Law 86-723---------------------------------- ----- 171 Index---------------------------- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946, AS AMENDED TO NOVEMBER 30, 1962 [PUBLIC LAW 724-79TH CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 957-2D SESSION [H.R. 69671 AN ACT To improve, strengthen, and expand the Foreign Service of the United States and to consolidate and revise the laws relating to its administration. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I-SHORT TITLE, OBJECTIVES, AND DEFINITIONS PART A-SHORT TITLE SEc. 101. Titles I to X, inclusive, of this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act of 1946". PART B-OBJECTIVES SEc. 111. The Congress hereby declares that the objectives of this Act are to develop and strengthen the Foreign Service of the United; States so as- (1) to enable the Foreign Service effectively to serve abroad the interests of the United States; (2) to insure that the officers and employees of the Foreign Service are broadly representative of the American people and are aware of and fully informed in respect to current trends in American life; (3) to enable the Foreign Service adequately to fulfill the functions devolving on it by reason of the transfer to the Depart- ment of State of functions heretofore performed by other Gov- ernment agencies; (4) to provide improvements in the recruitment and training of the personnel of the Foreign Service; (5) to provide that promotions leading to positions of author- ity and responsibility shall be on the basis of merit and to insure the selection on an impartial basis of outstanding persons for such positions; (6) to provide for the temporary appointment or assignment to the Foreign Service of representative and outstanding citizens of the United States possessing special skills and abilities; (7) to provide salaries, allowances, and benefits that will per- mit the Foreign Service to draw its personnel from all walks of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Rele q ? QQg9il ,i0cI R P77B03721A000600010019-3 American life and to appoint persons to the highest positions in the Service solely on the basis of their demonstrated ability; (8) to provide a flexible and comprehensive framework for the direction of the Foreign Service in accordance with modern prac- tices in public administration; and (9) to codify into one Act all provisions of law relating to the administration of the Foreign Service. SEC. 121. When used in this Act, the term- 1) "Service" means the Foreign Service of the United States; (2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of State ? M "Department" means the Department of ~tate ; "Government agency" means any executive department, board, bureau, commission, or other agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government, or any corporation wholly owned (either direct- ly or through one or more corporations) by the United States; (5) "Government" means the Government of the United States of America ; (6) "Continental United States" means the States and the District of Columbia; (7) "Abroad" means all areas not included in the continental United States as defined in paragraph (6) of this section; (8) "Principal officer" means the officer in charge of an embassy, legation, or other diplomatic mission or of a consulate general, con- sulate, or vice consulate of the United States; and (9) "Chief of mission" means a principal officer appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to be in charge of an embassy or legation or other diplomatic mission of the United States, or any person assigned under the terms of this Act to be minister resident, charge d'aflaires, commissioner, or diplomatic agent. TITLE II-GOVERNING BODIES FOR THE DIRECTION OF THE SERVICE 1 SEC. 201. The Service shall be administered by a Director General of the Foreign Service, hereinafter referred to as the Director Gen- eral, who shall be appointed by the Secretary from among Foreign Service officers in the class of career minister or in class 1. Under the general supervision of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the administration of the Department, the Director General shall, in addition to administering the Service and perform- ing the duties specifically vested in him by this or any other Act, co- ordinate the activities of the Service with the needs of the Department and of other Government agencies and direct the performance by officers and employees of the Service of the duties imposed on them 1 Bee footnote on D. B. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseT2OOOJ0 t1 SEQI&R ZP-4s 721 A000600910019-3 by the terms of any law or by any order or regulation issued pursuant to law or by any international agreement to which the United States is a party. SEG. 202. [Repealed by P.L. 81-73, (63 Stat. 111; 22 U.S.G. 811a).] PART B-BOARDS BOARD OF THE FOREIGN SERVICE 2 SEC. 211. (a) The Board of the Foreign Service shall be composed of the Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the administration of the Department, who shall be chairman; two other Assistant Secre- taries of State, designated by the Secretary to serve on the Board; the Director General; and one representative each, occupying posi- tions with comparable responsibilities, from the Departments of Agriculture, 'Commerce, and Labor, designated, respectively, by the heads of such departments. The Secretary may request the head of any other Government department to designate a representative, occupying a position with comparable responsibilities, to attend meet- ings of the Board whenever matters affecting the interest of such de- partment are under consideration. (b) The Board of the Foreign Service shall make recommendations to the Secretary concerning the functions of the Service; the policies and procedures to govern the selection, assignment, rating, and pro- motion of Foreign Service officers; and the policies and procedures to govern the administration and personnel management of the Service; and shall perform such other duties as are vested in it by other sections of this Act or by the terms of any other Act. THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR THE FOREIGN SERVICE SEC. 212. (a) The Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary and under the general supervision of the Board of the Foreign Service, provide for and supervise the conduct of such examinations as may be given to candidates for appointment as Foreign Service officers in accordance with the provisions of sections 516 and 517 or to any other person to whom an examination for admission to the Service shall be given in accordance with the provisions of this or any other Act or any regulations issued pursuant thereto, and provide for such pro- cedures as may be necessary to determine the loyalty of such persons to the United States and their attachment to the principles of the Constitution. (b) The membership of the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, not more than half of which shall consist of Foreign Service officers, shall be constituted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. g Amended by sec. 3 of P.L. 81-73 (63 Stat. 111; 22 U.S.C. 811a), which reads as follows: "The Secretary of State, or such person or persons designated by him, notwith- standing the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 stat. 909) or any other law, except where authority is inherent in or vested in the President of the United States shall administer coordinate and direct the Foreign Service of the United States and the personnel oil the State bepartment. Any provisions in the Foreign Service Act of 1946 or in any other law, vesting authority in the 'Assistant Secretary of State for Administration', the 'Assistant Secretary of State in Charge of the Administration of the Department', the 'Director General', or any other reference with respeet thereto, are hereby amended to vest such authority in the Secretary of State." he Deputy Under Secretary for Administration at present serves as Chairman of the Board of the oreign Service. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Relea 2 Q /I]vIWAR[W7l8.4Q3721A000600010019-3 TITLE III-DUTIES PART A-GENERAL DUTIES COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF STATUTES, INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS SEC. 301. Officers and employees of the Service shall, under the direction of the Secretary, represent abroad the interests of the United States and shall perform the duties and comply with the obligations resulting from the nature of their appointments or assignments or imposed on them by the terms of any law or by any order or regula- tion issued pursuant to law or by any international agreement to which the United States is a party. DUTIES FOR WHICH REGULATIONS MAY BE PRESCRIBED SEc. 302. The Secretary shall, except in an instance where the authority is specifically vested in the President, have authority to prescribe regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution and the laws of the United States in relation to the duties, functions a:nd obligations of officers and employees of the Service and the admin- istration of the Service. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO PRESCRIBE REGULATIONS SEC. 303. In cases where authority to prescribe regulations relating to the Service or the duties and obligations of officers and employees of the Service is specifically vested in the President by the terms of this or any other Act, the President may, nevertheless, authorize the Secretary to prescribe such regulations. PART B-SERVICES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT SEc. 311. The officers and employees of the Service shall, under such regulations as the President may prescribe, perform duties and functions in behalf of any Government agency or any other establish- ment of the Government requiring their services, including those in the legislative and judicial branches, but the absence of such regula- tions shall not preclude officers and employees of the Service from acting for and on behalf of any such Government agency or establish- ment whenever it shall, through the Department, request their services. TITLE IV-CATEGORIES AND SALARIES OF PERSONNEL PART A-CATEGORIES OF PERSONNEL SEC. 401. The personnel of the Service shall consist, of the following categories of officers and employees : (1) Chiefs of. mission, who shall be appointed or assigned in accordance with the provisions of section 501; (2) Foreign Service officers, who shall be appointed in accordance with section 511, including those serving as chiefs of mission; Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseA09d9P/G&1 sE ERA?7, -9p47621 A000600910019-3 (3 Foreign Service Reserve officers, who shall be assigned to the Service on a temporary basis from Government agencies or ap- pointed on a temporary basis from outside the Government in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 522, in order to make avail- able to the Service such specialized skills as may from time to time be required; (4) Foreign Service stair officers and employees, who shall be ap- pointed in accordance with the provisions of section 531 and who shall include all personnel who are citizens of the United States, not comprehended under paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (6) of this sec- tion, and who shall occupy positions with technical, administrative, fiscal, clerical, or custodial responsibilities; (5) Alien clerks and employees, who shall be appointed in accord- ance with the provisions of section 541; and (6) Consular agents, who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 551. 3 Sic. 411. The President shall for salary purposes classify into four classes the positions which are to be occupied by chiefs of mis- sion. The per annum salaries of chiefs of mission within each class shall be as follows : Class 1, $27,500 per annum ; class 2. $25,000; class 3,$22,500; and class 4, $20,000. 4 Sic. 412. There shall be 10 classes of Foreign Service Officers, in- cluding the classes of career ambassador and of career minister. The a As amended by sec. 2 of P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704; 22 U.S.C. 866). See footnote 4 for text of see. 16(f) of P.L. 84-828, relating to effective date of salary increases for chiefs of mission. Authority to classify positions of chiefs of mission was delegated to the 4 Secretary by E.O. 9799. As amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 538) ; and subsequently amended and restated by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704; 22 U.S.C. 867). Subsections (a), (b), (a), and (f) of sec. 16, P.L. 84-828, read as follows: "Sue. 16. (a) Foreign Service officers presently serving in the class of career ambassador and the class of career minister shall receive the salary prescribed for career ambassadors and for career ministers, respectively, by sec. 412 of such Act, as amended "(b) Foreign Service officers and Reserve officers in the other classes shall be trans- ferred to the new classes established by sec. 412 of such Act, as amended, as follows : Officers of class 1 to the new class 1 ? officers of class 2 to the new class 2; officers of class 3 of the new class 3; officers o1 class 4 to the new classes 4 or 5 as determined by the Secretary, in accordance with the second sentence of this subsection ; officers of class 5 to the new class 6 ? and officers of class 6 to- the new class 7. In accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe there shall be transferred to the new class 4 those officers of the present class 4 who either arc receiving the sixth through the eighth step rates of the present class 4 or who were eligible and were recommended for promotion by the selection board next preceding the effective date of this Act. All remaining officers in the present class 4 shall be transferred to the new class 5. ' (c) Each officer transferred pursuant to paragraph (;b) of this section shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe receive basic salary at that one of the rates of the class to which he is transferred whici, shall, as nearly as possible, correspond to the salary he is receiving at the time of transfer, except that no officer shall suffer a reduction in basic salary as a result thereof. "(f) The class and salary adjustments made pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), and (e) of this section and the salary increases for chiefs of mission authorized by section 2 of this Act shall be made effective as of the first day of the first pay period which begins after the date of enactment of this Act or on the first day of the first pay period which begins after July 1, 19561, whichever shall be later." (Although the above text does not amend any specific section of the Act, it was included in the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1956 and is considered a part of the Foreign Service Act as amended.) Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Rele gqfp95/~GIi,RPr9603721A000600010019-3 per annum salary of a career ambassador shall be $20,000. 1) The per annum salary of a career minister shall be $19,800. On the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Salary Reform Act of 1962, the per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows: e Class 1------------------------- $18,975 $19,650 ----- ---- ---------- ---------- - claw, _________________________ Class 3 16,900 16,400 $16,900 $17,400 $17,900 ---- ----- $18,400 ----------- $18,90) ------------------------- Class 4 - 13,440 , 13,885 14,330 14,775 15,220 15,665 16,111) _________________________ Class 5 11 150 11,515 11,880 12,245 12,610 12,975 13,340 _________________________ Class 6 9,316 0,620 9,925 10,230 10,535 10,840 11,145 _________________________ Class 7 7,705 7, 960 8,216 8,470 8, 725 8, 980 9,235 _________________________ Class 8 6,475 6,690 6,905 7,120 7,335 7,550 7,765 _________________________ 5,540 5,725 5,910 6,095 6,280 6,465 6,60 On the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1964, the per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows: Class 1----------------------- '- $18,975 $19,650 - Class 2_________________________ 15,900 16,400 $16,900 $17,400 $17, $18,400 $18,900 Class 3_________________________ 14,265 14,735 15,205 15,675 16,145 16,615 17,085 Class 4_________________________ 11725 12,110 12,495 12,830 13,265 13,650 14,035 class 5------------------------- 9,695 10,015 10,335 10,655 10,975 11,295 11,615 Class fi_________________________ 8,090 8,355 8,620 8,885 9,160 9,416 9,68(1 class 7---------------------- ___ 6,810 7,035 7,260 7,485 7,710 7,935 8,160 Class 8_________________________ 51795 5,990 6,185 6,360 6,575 6,770 6,965 7 SEC. 413. A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer shall. receive basic salary at one of the rates of the class to which he is appointed which the Secretary shall, taking into consideration his age, qualifications, and experience, determine to he appropriate for him to receive. 8 SEC. 414. (a) There shall be eight classes of Foreign Service Re- serve officers, referred to hereafter as Reserve officers, which classes shall correspond to classes 1 to 8 of Foreign Service officers. (b) A Reserve officer shall receive salary at any one of the rates provided for the class to which he is appointed or assigned in accord- ance with the provisions of section 523. (c) Any person assigned as a Reserve officer from any Government, agency shall receive his salary from appropriations provided for the Department during the period of his service as a Reserve officer. 5 P.L. 82-201 (65 Stat. 612) Increased the salary rate for career minister from $13,500 to $14,300. P.L. 84-94 (69 Stat. 172) increased the rate to $14 800. P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) Increased the rate to $17,500. P.L. 85-462 (72 Stat. 1111) Increased the rate to $19,250, and P.L. 86-568 (74 Stat. 299; 22 U.S.C. 867) Increased the rate to $19,800. 8 Salary rates for Foreign Service officers, classes 1 through 6, were increased by P.L. 41-160 (63 Stat. 407), P.L. 82-201 (t65 Stat. 612) and P.L. 84-94 (69 Stat. 172). P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) added classes 7 and 8, and adjusted the salary rates of classes 1 through 8. P.L. 85-462 (72 Stat. 211), P.L. 86-588 (74 Stat. 299), and P.L. 87-793 (76 Stat. 861 ; 22 U.S.C. 867) further increased salary rates. 7Section 413(b) was amended by P.L. 83-759 (6S Stat. 1051). Section 413 was sub- sequently amended andrestated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24; 22 U.S.C. 868). 8 An amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704; 22 U.S.C. 869). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release PQA"I1st1GtkRBPc7ZO3V21A00060C7J10019-3 FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES Sgo. 415. (a) Effective on the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Salary Reform Act of 1962, there shall be ten classes of Foreign Service staff officers and employees, referred to hereafter as staff offi- cers and employees, and the per annum salaries of staff officers and employees within each class shall be as follows : s Class 1______________ $13,440 $13, 885 515 11 $14,330 11 880 $14,775 246 12 $15, 220 610 12 $16,665 075 12 $16,110 13,340 $16,555 13,705 $17, 000 14,070 ___ Class 2_____________ Class 3 11,150 316 -9 , 9,620 , 9,925 , 10,230 , 10,535 , 10,840 11,145 11,450 11,755 ----- _____________ Class4------------- , 7,705 6 910 7,960 140 7 8,215 370 7 8,470 600 7 8,725 830 7 8,980 8,060 9,235 8,290 9,490 8,520 0,745 8,750 _______ $8,980 Class5_____________ Class 6_____________ , 6,225 , 6,435 , 6, 645 , 0,855 , 7, 065 0 7, 275 560 8 7,485 750 6 7, 695 6 940 7,905 130 7 _ - 8,115 320 7 - Class 7_____________ 8 5,610 060 5 5,800 230 5 5,990 400 5 6,180 5,570 6,37 5,740 , 5,910 , 6,080 , 6,250 , 6,420 , 6,590 _____________ Class Class 9______ , 4, 575 , 4, 725 0 , 4,875 4 390 5,025 530 4 6,175 870 4 8,325 4 825 5,475 980 4 5,625 5,135 6, 775 5,290 5,030 5,445 Class10-______ 4,110 4,25 , , , , , On the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1964, the per annum salaries of staff officers and employees within each class shall be as follows : Class 1_____________ $14,265 11 725 $14,735 110 12 $15,205 495 12 $15,675 880 12 $16,145 265 13 $16,615 13,650 $17,085 14,035 $17,655 14,420 $18,025 14,805 -------- -------- Class 2_____________ Class 3 ------------- , 9,695 , 10,015 , 10,335 , 10,655 , 10,975 0 11,295 415 11,615 680 9 11,935 945 9 12,255 210 10 -------- --- Class 4 ------------- 8,090 7 295 8,355 535 7 8,620 775 7 8,885 8 015 9,15 8,255 9, 8,495 , 8,735 , 8,975 , 9,215 ----- $9,455 class 5 ------------- Class 6_____________ , 6,670 0 , 6,785 085 6 , 7,000 280 6 , 7,215 6 476 7,430 670 6 7,645 6 865 7,860 7,060 8,075 7,255 8,290 7,450 8,505 7,645 Class 7_______ Class 8------- 5,89 5,270 , 5,445 , 5,620 , 5,795 , 5,970 , 6,145 0 6,320 645 6 6,495 800 6 6.670 955 5 6,845 110 6 Class 9______ _ 4, 715 215 4 4, 870 4 355 5,025 4 495 5,180 835 4 5,335 4,775 5,49 4,915 , 5,060 , 5,215 , 5,370 , 5,625 _ Class 10__ , , , , (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this sec- tion, the Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, classify positions at levels below class 10, and establish salary rates 9 Salary rates for Foreign Service staff officers and employees, classes 1 through 22, were increased by P.L. 81-160 (63 Stat. 407), P.L. 82-201 (65 Stat, 612), P.L. 84-94 (69 Stat. 172), P.L. 85-462 (72 Stat. 212) and P.L. 86-568 (74 Stat. 300). The number of classes was reduced from 22 to 10 by I'.L. 87-793 (976 Stat, 862; 22 U.S.C. 870) and salary -7 3 provided for conversion to the rates as the salary rates increased. Section 904 of appropriate 87!7V36 new classes and for determination of app p "SEC. 904. Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers, and Foreign Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this title at one of the rates provided by section 412 or 415 of the Foreign f this title at the rate of their class determinedpto beiappropriate by the Secretary ofd State: Provided, That staff officers and employees shall be transferred to the new staff classes established by this Act as follows : Corresponding new class un- Present class under section der section 415 of the For- 415 of the Foreign Service eign Service Act of 1046, as Act of 1946 amended FSS- 1---------------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 1 FSS- 2-------------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 1 FSS- 3----------------------------------------------------------------- FSS-2 FSS- 4----------------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 3 FSS- 5--------------------------------------------------------- ------- FSS- 6 - --------- - -- --------------- --- ------ - --- ----- ---- FSS- 8 FSS 7--- -------------- - - -- - ---- --- --------- -------- ------- FSS- 4 FSS- 8----------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 6 FSS- 9---------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 7 ---- FSS-10------- ---------------------------------------------------- _ FSS-11----------------------------------------------------------------- FSS- 8 FSS-12--------------------------------- -------------------------------- FSS-13---------------------------------------------------------------- FSS-10 FSS-14 and below ---------------------------------------------- -------- i Remain at present class and salary rate until revised pursuant to new section 415 (b)." Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Relea 2PA9i4W/1t-I J~ C~F71?193721 A000600010019-3 therefor at lower rates than those prescribed by this section, for Ameri- can employees recruited abroad who are not available or are not qualified for transfer to another post and who perform duties of a more routine nature than are generally performed at the class 10 level. SALARIES AT WHICH FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES MAY BE APPOINTED 10 SEC. 416. (a) A person appointed as a staff officer or employee shall receive basic salary at one of the rates of the class to which he is appointed which the Secretary shall, taking into account his quali- fications and experience and the needs of the Service, determine to be appropriate for him to receive. (b) Whenever the Secretary determines that the needs of the Service warrant the appointment of staff officers or employees in a particular occupational group uniformly at a rate above the minimum rate of the applicable class, he may adjust the basic salary of any staff officer or employee in the same class and occupational group who is receiving less than such established rate. SALARIES OF ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 417. The salary or compensation of an alien clerk or employee shall be fixed by -the Secretary in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 444. The salary or compensation of an alien clerk or employee fixed on a per annum basis may, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be payable on a weekly or biweekly basis. When a one- or two-week pay period of such a clerk or em- ployee begins in one fiscal year and ends in another, the gross amount of the earnings for such pay period may be regarded as a charge against the appropriation or allotment current at the end of such pay period. SALARIES OF CONSULAR AGENTS SEC. 418. The salary or compensation of a consular agent shall be fixed by the Secretary in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 445. PART C-SALARIES OF OFFICERS TEMPORARILY IN CHARGE AS CHARGES D'AFFAIRES AD INTERIM SEC. 421. For such time as any Foreign Service officer shall be authorized to act as charge d'affaires ad interim at the post to which he is assigned, he shall receive, in addition to his basic salary as For- eign Service officer, compensation equal to that portion of the differ- ence between such salary and the basic salary provided for the chief of mission as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate. 10 As amended and restated by P.L. 86--723 (74 Stat. 831; 22 U.S.C. 871). 11 A3 amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 831; 22 U.S.C. 872). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0p 1 S"E '9Pbf -P T21 A000600910019-3 AS OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF'CONSULATES GENERAL OR CONSULATES SEC. 422. For such time as any Foreign Service officer or any consul or vice consul who is not a Foreign Service officer is temporarily in charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence or in- capacity of the principal officer, he shall receive, in addition to his basic salary as Foreign Service officer or consul or vice consul, com- pensation equal to that portion which the Secretary shall determine to be appropriate of the difference between such salary and the basic salary provided for the principal officer, or, if there be none, of the former principal officer. PART D-TIME OF RECEIVING SALARY SEC. 431. 1-2(a) Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre- scribe, a chief of mission may be entitled to receive salary from the effective date of his appointment to the date marking his return to his place of residence at the conclusion of the period of his official service as chief of mission or upon termination of his service in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section, but no chief of mission shall be entitled to receive salary while absent from his post whenever the Secretary shall find that such absence was without authorization or justification. If a chief of mission in one position is appointed as chief of mission in another position, he shall be entitled to receive the salary pertaining to the new position commencing on the effective date of the new appointment. 13 (b) The official services of a chief of mission shall not be deemed terminated by the appointment of a successor but shall continue until he has relinquished charge of the mission and for such additional period as may be determined by the Secretary, but in no case shall such additional period exceed fifty days, including time spent in transit. During such period the Secretary may require him to render such serv- ices as he may deem necessary in the interests of the Government. (c) During the service of a Foreign Service officer as chief of mission he shall receive, in addition to his salary as Foreign Service officer, compensation equal to the difference, if any, between such salary and the salary of the position to which he is appointed or assigned. SEC. 432. (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre- scribe, any officer or employee appointed to the Service may be entitled to receive salary from the effective date of his appointment to the date when he shall have returned to his place of residence at the conclusion of the period of his official service, or the termination of time spent on authorized leave, whichever shall be later, but no such officer or employee shall be entitled to receive salary while absent from his post whenever the Secretary shall find that such absence was without authorization or justification. 12 As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stitt. 831 ; 22 U.S.C. 881). 18 As amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 831 ; 22 U.S.C. 881). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019.3 Approvj~ For Rele ? PP/89%JV1&IA6 tgfTPjP3721A000600010019-3 (b) A Foreign Service officer, appointed during a recess of the :Senate, shall be paid salary from the effective date of his appointment until' the end of the next session of the Senate, if lie has not theretofore been confirmed by the Senate, or until his rejection by the Senate before the end of its next session. (c) A Foreign Service officer promoted to a higher class shall receive salary at the rate prescribed in section 412 for the class to which he is promoted from the effective date of his appointment to such class. A Foreign Service officer promoted to a higher class during a recess of the Senate shall receive salary at the rate prescribed for the class to which he is promoted from the effective date of his appointment to such class until the end of the next session. If the senate should reject or fail to confirm the promotion of such an -officer during the session following the date of his promotion, the Foreign Service officer shall, unless he has become liable to separation in accordance with the provisions of section 633,14 be automatically reinstated in the class from which he was Promoted and receive the :salary he was receiving prior to his promotion, such reinstatement to by effective, in the event of rejection of the nomination, from the date of rejection; and in the event of the failure of the Senate to act on the nomination during the session following a promotion, from the ter- mination of that session. CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE AND IN THE DEPARTME NT " SEC. 441. (a) Under such regulations as he may prescribe, and in order to facilitate effective management, the Secretary shall classify all positions in the Service at posts abroad, excluding positions to be occupied by chiefs of mission, and in the case of those occupied by For- eign Service officers, Reserve officers, and staff officers and employees, he shall establish such positions in relation to the classes established by sections 412, 414, and 415, respectively. Positions occupied by alien employees and consular agents, respectively, shall be allocated to such classes as the Secretary may establish by regulation. (b) Under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1071 and the following), classify positions in or under the Department which he designates as Foreign Service Officer positions to be occupied by officers and employees of the Service, and establish such positions in relation to the classes established by sections 412, 414, and 415. SEc. 442. (Repealed by P.L. 86-723; 74 Stat. 847). " SEc. 443. (Repealed by P.L. 86-.707; 74 Stat. 795). 14 Reference to or 634" deleted by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24; 22 U.S.C. 882(c)). 11 Amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 831 ; 22 U.S.C. 886). 18 see sec. 231 of P.L. 86-707 for similar provisions. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release pj(j~ -&-JRPR7A-q;T~1A000600g100193 17 -SEC. 444. (a) The Secretary shall, in accordance with such regu- lations as he may prescribe, establish compensation plans for allQn employees of the Service : Provided, That such compensation plans shall be based upon prevailing wage rates and compensation practices for corresponding types of positions in the locality, to the extent consistent with the public interest. (b) For the purpose of performing functions abroad, other Govern- ment agencies are authorized to administer alien employee programs in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Act. SEC. 445. Upon the basis of the classification provided for in section 441, the Secretary shall, with the advice of the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time prepare schedules of salaries for classes of positions of consular agents, which classes shall be established by regulation, and shall allocate all such positions to the appropriate classes. EXEMPTION FROM THE APPLICATION OF THE CLASSIFICATION ACT Y8 SEC. 446. Title II of the Act of November 26, 1940, entitled "An Act extending the classified executive Civil Service. of the United States" (54 Stat. 1212; 5 U.S.C. 681), is hereby further amended by deleting paragraph (vii) of section 3(d) and by substituting in lieu of the present language of paragraph (vi) of section 3(d) the follow- ing language: "Offices or positions of officers and employees of the Foreign Service". TITLE V-APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS PART A-PRINCIPAL DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES POLICY 19 SEC. 500. It is the policy of the Congress that chiefs of mission and Foreign Service officers appointed or assigned to serve the United States in foreign countries shall have, to the maximum practicable extent, among their qualifications, a useful knowledge of the principal language or dialect of the country in which they are to serve, and knowledge and understanding of the history, the culture, the economic and political institutions, and the interests of such country and its people. 20 SEC. 501. (a) The President shall, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, appoint ambassadors and ministers, including career ambassadors and career ministers. 17 As amended anj restated by P.L. 76-723 (74 Stat. 832 ; 22 U.S.C. 889). is No longer for applfeationr-see sec. 202 (2) of the' Classification Act of 1949 (P.L. 81-429, 63 longer 954; 5 U.S.C. 1082). 19 As s;ddedi by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832 ; 22 U.S.C. 900),. 20 As amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536; 22 U.S.C. 901). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.3 Approval For Rele QW9%Jj%ICpI#TRpP,~?g03721A000600010019-3 (b) The President may, in his discretion, assign any Foreign Service officer to serve as minister resident, charge d'affaires, commissioner, or diplomatic agent for such period as the public interest may require. LISTS OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS QUALIFIED TO BE CAREER MINISTERS OR CHIEFS OF MISSION TO BE FURNISHED TO THE PRESIDENT 21 SEC. 502(a) The Secretary shall, on the basis of recommendations made by the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time furnish the President with the names of Foreign Service officers qualified for appointment to the class of career ambassador and class of career min- ister together with pertinent information about such officers, but no person shall be appointed into the class of career minister who has not been appointed to serve as a chief of mission or appointed or as- signed to serve in a position which, in the opinion of the Secretary, is of comparable importance. A list of such positions shall from time to time be published by the Secretary. No person shall be appointed into the class of career ambassador who has not (1) served for at least fifteen years in a position of responsibility in a Government agency, or agencies, including at least three years as a career minister; (2) ren- dered exceptionally distinguished service to the Government; and (3) met such other requirements as the Secretary shall prescribe. (b) The Secretary shall also, on the basis of recommendations made by the Board of the Foreign. Service, from time to time furnish the President with the names of Foreign Service officers qualified for appointment or assignment as chief of mission, together with per- tinent information about such officers, in order to assist the President in selecting qualified candidates for appointment or assignment in SEC. 511. The President shall appoint Foreign Service officers by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. All appointments of Foreign Service officers shall be by appointment to a class and not to a particular post. SEC. 512. Foreign Service officers may be commissioned as diplo matic or consular officers or both and all official acts of such officers while serving under diplomatic or consular commissions shall be per- formed under their respective commissions as diplomatic or consular officers. LIMITS OF CONSULAR DISTRICTS SEC. 513. The Secretary shall define the limits of consular districts. ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS SEC. 514. A Foreign Service officer, commissioned as a diplomatic or consular officer, may be assigned by the Secretary to serve in any diplomatic position other than that of chief of mission or in any con- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release ,i09JP t*k1scgWKI p-21 A00060991001943 sular position, and. he may also be assigned to serve in any other capacity in which he is eligible to serve under the terms of this or any other Act. He may be transferred from one post to, another by order of the Secretary as the interests of the Service may require. CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS SEC. 515. No person shall be eligible for appointment as it Foreign Service officer unless he is a citizen of the United States and has been such for at least ten years. SEC.22 516. (a) No person shall be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer of class 8 unless he has passed such written, oral, physical, and other examinations as the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service may prescribe to determine his fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service and has demonstrated his loyalty to the Government of the United States and his attachment to the principles of the Constitution. The Secretary shall furnish the President with the names of those persons who have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of class 8. 23 (b) The Secretary may furnish the President with the names of those persons who have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of class 8, whom he recom- mends for appointment directly to class 7 when in his opinion, their age, experience, or other qualifications make such an appointment appropriate. ADMISSION TO CLASSES 1 TO 71 INCLUSIVE "'SEC. 517. A person who has not been appointed as a Foreign 'Serv- ice officer in accordance with section 516 of this Act shall not be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer of classes 1 to 7, inclusive, unless he has passed comprehensive mental and physical examinations prescribed by the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service to de- termine his fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service; demon- strated his loyalty to the Government of the United States and his at- tachment to the principles of the Constitution; and rendered at least four years of actual service prior to appointment in a position of re- sponsibility in the service.of a Government agency, or agencies, except that, if he has reached the age of thirty-one years, the requirement as to service may be reduced to three years. The Secretary shall furnish the President with the names of those persons who shall have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of classes 1 to 7, inclusive. The Secretary shall, taking into consideration the age, qualifications, and experience of each candidate for appointment, recommend the class to which he shall be appointed in accordance with. the provisions of this section. 32 As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) ; and P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 882; 22 U.S.C. 911) Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832; 22 U.S.C. 911). 24 As amendied by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24) ; P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) ; and P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832; 22 U.S.C. 912). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approved For Relea, . 2A,QIW/&'h~i IActgp7Q;Q3721A000600010019-3 2s SEC. 518. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the class of career ambassador or career minister who is not a Foreign Service officer. REASSIGNMENT TO FOREIGN SERVICE OF FORMER AMBASSADORS AND MINISTERS SEC. 519. If, within three months of the date of the termination of his services as chief of mission and of any period of authorized leave,. a Foreign Service officer has not again been appointed or assigned as chief of mission or assigned in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 514, he shall be retired from the Service and receive retirement, benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. 26 REAPPOINTMENT, RECALL, OR REEMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS SEC. 520.28 (a) The President may, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, reappoint to the Service, a former Foreign Service officer who has been separated from the Service. The Secretary shall, taking into consideration the qualifications and experience of each candidate for reappointment and the rank of his contemporaries in the Service, recommend the class to which he shall be reappointed in accordance with the provisions of this section. 21(b) The Secretary may recall any retired Foreign Service officer temporarily to duty in the Service whenever he shall determine such recall is in the public interest. 28 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of title 5, United States Code, section 62, and title 5, United States Code, section 715a, a Foreign Service officer heretofore or hereafter retired under the provisions of section 631 or 632 or a Foreign. Service staff officer or employee here- after retired under the provisions of section 803 shall not, by reason of his retired status, be barred from employment in Federal Govern- ment service in any appointive position for which he is qualified. An annuitant so reemployed shall serve at the will of the appointing officer. SEC. 521. In accordance with the terms of this Act and under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, there shall be organized and. maintained a Foreign Service Reserve, referred to hereafter as the Reserve. 29 SEC. 522. Whenever the services of a person who is a citizen of the United States and who has been such for at least five years are required by the Service, the Secretary may- 2 As amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536; 22 U.S.C. 918). 20 As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832; 22 U.S.C. 915). n As amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832 ; 22 U.S.C. 915). 28 Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 832; 22 U.S.C. 815). 29 As amended by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24 ; 22 U.S.C. 922). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasgn 9A(QW iRQI -RDF678-*0is721A00060.O010019-3 (1) appoint as a Reserve officer for nonconsecutive periods of not more than five years each, a person not in the employ of the Government whom the Board of the Foreign Service shall deem to, have outstanding qualifications; (2) assign as a Reserve officer for nonconsecutive periods of not more than five years each a person regularly employed in any Government agency, subject, in the case of an of ploye to tha Government agency other than t Department o , consent of the head of the agency concerned; and 80 (3) extend the appointment or assignment of any Reserve officer, or continue the services of any such Reserve officer by reappointment without regard to the provisions of section 527 of this Act, for not more than five additional years if the Secretary deems it to be in the public interest to continue such officer in the Service, except that the assignment of any Re- serve officer under paragraph (2) above may not be extended under the provisions of this paragraph without the consent of the head of the agency concerned. APPOINTMENT OR ASSIGNMENT TO A CLASS SEC. 523. A Reserve officer, appointed or assigned to active duty,, shall be appointed or assigned to a class and not to a particular post,. and such an officer may be assigned to posts and may be transferred from one post to another by order of the Secretary as the interests of the Service may require. The class to which he shall be appointed or assigned shall depend on his age, qualifications, and experience. COMMISSIONS SEC. 524. Whenever the Secretary shall deem it in the interests of the Service that a Reserve officer shall serve in a diplomatic or con- sular capacity, he may recommend to the President that such officer be commisioned as a diplomatic or consular officer or both. The Presi- dent may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, com- mission such officer as a diplomatic or consular officer or both, and all official acts of such an officer while serving under a diplomatic or consular commission shall be performed under his commission as a diplomatic or consular officer. In all other cases, appropriate rank and status analogous to that of Foreign Service officers engaged in work of comparable importance shall be provided to permit Reserve officers to carry out their duties effectively. SEC. 525. (Repealed by P.L. 86-723 ; 74 Stat. 847) . SEC. 526. A Reserve officer shall, except as otherwise provided in regulations which the Secretary may prescribe, receive all the allow- ances, privileges, and benefits which Foreign Service officers are en- titled to receive in accordance with the provisions of 'title IX. ? Added by P.L. 86-108 (73 Stat. 257 ; 22 U.S.C. 922). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approved6For Releasee2QOA Q/'LllivfeI 7$j.ft3721A000600010019-3 REAPPOINTMENT OR REASSIGNMENT OF RESERVE OFFICERS SEC. 527. A person who has served as -a Reserve officer may not be reappointed or reassigned to active duty until the expiration of a period of time equal to his preceding tour of duty or until the expira- tion of a year, whichever is the shorter. REINSTATEMENT OF RESERVE OFFICERS SEC. 528. Upon the termination of the assignment of a Reserve offi- cer assigned from any Government agency, such person shall be en- titled to reinstatement in the Government agency by which he is regularly employed in the same position lie occupied at the time of assignment, or in a corresponding or higher position. Upon reinstate- ment he shall receive the within-grade salary advancements he. would have been entitled to receive had he remained in the position in which he is regularly employed under the Classification Act of 1949, 'as amended, or any corresponding provision of law applicable to the posi- tion in which he is serving. A certificate of the Secretary that such person has met the standards required for the efficient; conduct of the work of the Foreign Service shall satisfy any requirements as to the holding of minimum ratings as a prerequisite to the receipt of such salary advancements. PART D-FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES APPOINTMENTS 32 SEC. 531. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, appoint staff officers and employees on the basis of qualifi- cations and experience. The Secretary may make provisions for tem- porary, limited, and such other types of appointment as he may deem necessary. He is authorized to establish appropriate probationary periods during which newly appointed staff officers or employees, other than those appointed for temporary or limited services shall be required to serve. The Secretary may terminate at any time, without regard to the provisions of section 637, or the provisions of any other law, the services of staff officers or employees appointed for temporary or limited service and staff officers or employees who have not com- pleted probationary periods, except that if such separation is by reason of misconduct the provisions of section 637 shall be applicable. ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS 33 SEC. 532. Under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secre- tary may assign a staff officer or employee to any post or he may as- sign him to serve in any position in which he is eligible to serve under the terms of this or any other Act. A staff officer or employee may be transferred from one post to another by order of the Secretary as the :interests of the Service may require. si As amen!dedj by P.L. 87-723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 928). a2 As amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 936). As amended and restated by P.L. 86--723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 937). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release } T3pq E kP?7 Ag721A00060 010019-3 COMMISSION AS CONSUL OR VICE CONSUL SEC. 533. On the recommendation of the Secretary, the President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, commission a staff officer or employee as consul. The Secretary may commission a staff officer or employee as vice consul. Official acts of staff officers or employees while serving under consular commissions in the Service shall be performed under their respective commission as consular officers. CITIZENSIIIP REQUIREMENT SEC. 534. No person shall be eligible for appointments as staff officer or employee who is not a citizen of the United States at the time of his appointment. PART E-ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 541. The Secretary shall appoint alien clerks and employees at posts abroad under such regulations as he may prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 444. ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFERS SEC. 542. The Secretary may assign an alien clerk or employee to a position at any post, and any such clerk or employee may be trans- ferred from a position at one post to a position at another as the in- terests of the Service may require. PART F-CONSULAR AGENTS SEC. 551. The Secretary may appoint consular agents under such regulations as he may prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accord- ance with the provisions of section 445. PART G-ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL BY TIIE WAR AND NAVY DEPARTMENTS AS COURIERS AND INSPECTORS OF BUILDINGS ,SEC. 561.34 (Repealed by P.L. 84-1028; 70A.'Stat.675.) AS CUSTODIANS SEC. 562.34 (Repealed by P.L. 84-1028; 70A Stat. 675.) 34 Sections 561 and 562 (22 U.S.C. 956 and 957) were repealed by P.L. 84-1028, recodi- fied into 10 U.S.C. 713 and 5983, respectively, and restated (70A Stat. 33 and 374)? as follows : "Sec. 713. State Department: assignment or detail as couriers and building inspectors "(a) Upon the request of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of a military department may assign or detail members of the armed forces under his jurisdiction for duty- "(1) as inspectors of buildings owned or occupied abroad by the United States; "(2) as inspectors or supervisors of buildings under construction or repair abroad by or for the United States ; and ' '(3) as couriers of the Department of State. "(b) The Secretary concerned may assign or detail a member for duty under subsection (a) with or without reimbursement from the Department of State. However, a member so assigned or detailed may be. paid the traveling expenses authorized for officers of the For- eign Service of the United States. These expenses shall be paid from appropriations of the Department of State." Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approvgq For Relea?AQ9,(&9/s',J-I&I*Fl~P7?TP3721A000600010019-3 ASSIGNMENTS TO ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION SEC. 57135 (a) Any officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed for duty in any Government agency, or in any international organization, interna- tional commission, or international body, such an assignment or com- bination of assignments to be for a period of not more than four years, except that under special circumstances the Secretary may extend this four-year period for not more than four additional years. 36 (b) If a Foreign Service officer shall be appointed by the Presi- dent, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or by the President alone, to a position in any Government agency, any United States delegation or mission to any international organization, in any international commission or in any international body, the period of his service in such capacity shall be construed as constituting an as- signment within the meaning of paragraph (a) of this section and such person shall not, by virtue of the acceptance of such an assign- ment, lose his status as a Foreign Service officer. Service in such a position shall not, however, be subject to the limitations concerning the duration of an assignment contained in that paragraph. 31 (c) If the basic minimum salary of the position to which an officer or employee of the Service is assigned pursuant to the terms of this section is higher than the salary such officer or employee is entitled to receive as an officer or employee of the Service, such officer or employee shall, during the period such difference in salary exists, receive the salary and allowances of the position in which he is serving in lieu of his salary and allowances as an officer or employee of the Service. Any salary paid under the provisions of this section shall be the salary on the basis of which computations and payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions of title VIII. No officer or employee of the Service who, subsequent to the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1960, is assigned to, or who, after June 30, 1961, occupies a position in the Department that is designated as a Foreign Service officer position, shall be entitled to receive a salary differential under the provisions of this paragraph. 33 (d) The salary of an officer or employee assigned pursuant to the terms of this section shall be paid from appropriations made available for the payment of salaries of officers and employees of the Service. "Sec. 5983. State Department: assignment of enlisted members as custodians of buildings in foreign countries "Upon the request of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Navy may assign en- listed members of the naval service to serve as custodians under the supervision of the principal officer at any embassy, legation, or consulate." Under the National Security Act of 1947 (P.L. 80-253, 61 Stat. 499; 5 U.S.C. 181-1) the Department of War was designated "Department of the Army," and the title of its Secretary became "Secretary of the Army." P.L. 84-1028, defines the terms military departments" and "Secretary concerned". Section 571(a.), was amended and restated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24). It was further amended and restated by P.L. 86--723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 961). as As amended by P.L. 81-73 (63 Stat. 111) ; further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 961)) ST Amended by section 502(h) of P.L. 85-477 (72 Stat. 273) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 833; 22 U.S.C. 961). as Added by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24) ; amended and redesignated "(d)" by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 834 ; 22 U.S.C. 961). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release40gA(QW I R [A-RPPo18rQ 721A0006QQ010019 -3 Such appropriations may be reimbursed, however, when the Secretary enters into reimbursement agreements for all or any part of the salaries of officers or employees assigned to such agencies and payment is received pursuant thereto, or when an officer or employee of the Serv- ice is assigned to a position the salary of which is payable from other funds available to the Department. COMPULSORY SERVICE OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES SEC. 572. Every Foreign Service officer shall, during his first fifteen years of service in such capacity, be assigned for duty in the conti- nental United States in accordance with the provisions of section 571 for periods totaling not less than three years. SEC. 573. (a) Any officer or. employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed to any Government agency for consultation or specific instruction either at the commence- ment, during the course of, or at the close of the period of his official service; and any. such detail or assignment, if not more than four months in duration, shall not be considered as an assignment within the meaning of section 571. (b) Any officer or employee of the Service may be assigned or de- tailed for special instruction or training at or with public or private nonprofit institutions; trade, labor, agricultural, or scientific associa- tions; or commercial firms. ASSIGNMENT TO TRADE, LABOR, AGRICULTURAL, SCIENTIFIC, OR OTHER CONFERENCES SEC. 574. An officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed for duty with domestic or international trade, labor, agricultural, scientific, or other conferences, congresses, or gatherings, including those whose place of meeting is in the continental United States; or for other special duties, including temporary details under commission not at his post or in the Depart- ment. and 1479). SEC. 576. (Repealed by P.L. 86-723; 74 Stat. 847). SEC. 577. (Repealed by P.L. 86-723; 74 Stat. 84:7). ASSIGNMENTS TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS s0 SEC. 575. The Secretary may, in his discretion, assign or detail an officer or employee of the Service for temporary service to or in cooperation with the government of another country in accordance with the appropriate provisions of titles III and IX of Public Law 402, Eightieth Congress (62 Stat. 7 and 13; 22 U.S.C. 1451-1453, 1478 89 As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 834; 22 U.S.C. 965). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.3 Approvee)For Relea*#E2pi9/11RvA,;7A;3721A000600010019-3 40 SEC. 578. The Secretary shall designate every Foreign Service Officer position in a foreign country whose incumbent should have a useful knowledge of a language or dialect common to such country. After December 31, 1963, each position so designated shall be filled only by an incumbent having such knowledge : Provided, That the Secretary or Deputy Under Secretary for Administration may make exceptions to this requirement for individuals or when special or emergency conditions exist. The Secretary shall establish foreign language standards for assignment abroad of officers and employees of the Service, and shall arrange for appropriate language training of such officers and employees at the Foreign Service Institute or elsewhere. TITLE VI-PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION PART- A-DEFINITIONS SEC. 601. For the purposes of this title- (1) "Efficiency record" is the term which describes those materials considered by the Director General 41 to be pertinent to the prepara- tion of an evaluation of the performance of an officer or employee of the Service. (2) "Efficiency report" is the term which designates the analysis of the performance of an officer or employee made by his supervising officer or by a Foreign Service inspector in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE KEEPING OF EFFICIENCY RECORDS . SEC. 611. The Director General,-" acting under the general direc- tion of the Board of the Foreign Service, shall be responsible for the keeping of accurate and impartial efficiency records. Under his di- rection there shall be assembled, recorded, and preserved all available information in regard to the character, ability, conduct, quality of work, industry, experience, dependability, and general usefulness of all officers and employees of the Service, including the reports of For- eign Service inspectors and the efficiency reports of supervising of- ficers. The Director General shall undertake such statistical and other analyses as may be necessary to develop the validity and re- liability of efficiency reporting forms and procedures. SEC. 612. The correspondence and records of the Department relat- ing to the officers and employees of the Service, including efficiency records as defined in section 601 (1) but not including records per- taining to the receipt, disbursement, and accounting for public funds, 4" As added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 834 ; 22 U.S.C. 968). a Amended by P.L. 81-73 (63 Stat. 111; 22 U.S.C. 811a). See footnote 2. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 9 P19L1' RQt -RBP78i-03721A0006001001943 shall be confidential and subject to inspection only by the President, the Secretary, the Under Secretary, the Counselor of the Department, the legislative and appropriations committees of the Congress charged with considering. legislation and appropriations for the Service or representatives duly authorized by such committees, the members of the Board of the Foreign Service, the Director General, and such officers and employees of the Government as may be as- signed by the Secretary to work on such records. Under such regu- lations as the Secretary may prescribe and in the interest of efficient personnel administration, the whole or any portion of an efficiency record shall, upon written request, be divulged to the officer or em- ployee to whom such record relates. PART C-PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS AND FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS BY SELECTION SEC. 621. All promotions of Foreign Service officers shall be made by the President, in accordance with such regulations as he may pre- scribe, by appointment to a higher class, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Promotion shall be by selection on the basis of merit. ELIGIBILITY 42 SEC. 622. The Secretary shall, by regulation, determine the mini- mum period Foreign Service officers must serve in each class and a standard for performance for each class which they must meet in order to-become eligible for promotion to a higher class. In the event the Director General shall certify to the Board of the Foreign Service that a Foreign Service officer has rendered extraordinarily meritorious service, the Board of the Foreign Service may recommend to the Secretary that such officer shall not be required to serve such mini- mum period in class as a prerequisite to promotion, and the Secretary may exempt such officer from such requirement. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROMOTION SEC. 623. The Secretary is authorized to establish, with the advice of the Board of the Foreign Service, selection boards to evaluate the performance of Foreign Service officers, and upon the basis of their findings the Secretary shall make recommendations to the President for the promotion of Foreign Service officers. No person assigned to serve on any such board shall serve in such capacity for any two consecutive years. PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS SEC. 624. Any Reserve officer may receive promotions from one class to a next higher class in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. ads See Service I In ortion of lass P.L. 84-828 (70 ew be considered as Wconstitut constituting service in the follows: former see. 16 11( d) class he for the purposes of 622, and determining eligibility this does not amend?a y sP cific as mended.) Act Amendments of 1956 and is the section of its. Included and t a he Act, of the s Foeign Servie At Foreign considered Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A00060001001943 ApprovedsFor Relea 2Q@pQ115' R,gL4ARDg78 9?721A000600010019-3 WITHIN-CLASS SALARY INCREASES OF FOREIGN SERVICE: OFFICERS AND RESERVE OFFICERS 43 SEC. 625. Any Foreign Service officer or any Reserve officers whose services meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Service and who shall have, been. in a given class for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall, on the first day of each fiscal year, receive an increase in salary to the next higher rate for the class in which he is serving. Without regard to any other laws the Secretary is authorized to grant to any such officer additional :in- creases in salary, within the salary range established for the class in which he is serving, based upon especially meritorious service. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROMOTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL AND GEOGRAPHIC AREA SPECIALIZATION 44-SEC. 626. The achievement, of the objectives of this Act requires increasing numbers of Foreign Service officers to acquire functional and geographic area specializations and to pursue such specializations for a substantial part of their careers. Such specialization shall not in any way inhibit or prejudice the orderly advancement through class 1 of any such officer in the Foreign Service. PART D-SEPARATION OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES FROM THE SERVICE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS WHO ARE CAREER AMBASSADORS OR CAREER MINISTERS 4:5 SEC. 631. Any Foreign Service officer who is a career ambassador or a career minister, other than one occupying a position as chief of mission or any other position to which he has been appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall upon reaching the age of sixty-five, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821, but whenever the Secretary shall determine it to be in the public interest, he may extend such an officer's service for a period not to exceed five years. 46 PARTICIPANTS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYSTEM Who ARE NOT CAREER AMBASSADORS OR CAREER MINISTERS 413 SEC. 632. Any participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, other than one occupying a position as chief of mission or any other position to which he has been appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who is not a career ambassador or a career minister shall, upon reaching; 43 See section 16(e) of P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 707)), which reads as follows : "(e) Offl- cers transferred in accordance with the provisions of this section shall receive credit fox time served in a previous class toward in-class promotion In accordance with section 625." (Although this does not amend any specific section of the Act, it was included in the ActeasnamService ended.) Act Amendments and restated by P.L. considered (74 a part Stat 884 22 rU.s C. Service 995). 44 Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 834). ra As amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 835; 22 U.S.C 1001). ae As amended by P.L. 84-250 ((69 Stat. 536) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 .tat. 835; 22 U.S.C. 1002). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2Q0 W&9 h r :sQ1AeRDR7&wO&721A000600a10019.13 the age of sixty, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821, but when- ever the Secretary shall determine it to be in the public interest, he may extend such participant's service for a period not to exceed five years. SEC. 633. (a) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations concern- ing- (1) the maximum period during which any Foreign Service officer below the class of career minister shall be permitted to remain in class without promotion; and (2) the standard of performance which any such officer must maintain to remain in the Service. (b) Any Foreign Service officer below the class of career minister who does not receive a promotion to a higher class within the specified period or who fails to meet the standard of performance required of officers of his class shall be retired from the Service and receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 634. SEC. 634.48 (a) Any Foreign Service officer in classes 1, 2, or 3 who is retired from the Service in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. 49 (b) Any Foreign Service officer in classes 4, 5, 6 or 7 who is retired from the Service in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall receive- (1) one-twelfth of a year's salary at his then current salary rate for each year of service and proportionately for a fraction of a year, but not exceeding a total of one year's salary at his then current salary rate, payable without interest, from the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, in three equal install- ments on the 1st day of January following the officer's retirement and on the two anniversaries of this date immediately following: Provided, That in special cases, the Secretary may in his discre- tion accelerate or combine the installments; and (2) a refund of the contributions made to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest as provided in sec- tion 841(a), except that in lieu of such refund such officer, if he has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a), may elect to receive retirement benefits on reaching the age of sixty in accordance with the provi- 47 As amended and restated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24 ; 22 U.S.C. 1003). See also that portion of section 16(d) of P.L. 84-828, which reads as follows: "(d) Service in a former class shall be considered as constituting service in the new class for the purposes of deter- mining * * * (2) liability for separation, in accordance with the provisions of section 833". (Although this does not amend any specific section of the Act, it was included in the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1956 and is considered a part of the Foreign Service Act as amended.) 45 As amended and restated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24; 22 U.S.C. 1004). "Amended and restated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24),, further amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) and amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 835; 22 U.S.C. 1004). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approved For Release OA9 4,rrclA%RDR-k8s03721A000600010019-3 ? sions of section 821. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 4 or 5 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty, his death shall be considered a death in service within the meaning of section 832. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 6 or 7 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty, the total amount of his contributions made to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest as pro- vided in section 841(a), shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section 841(b). 50 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3477 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 203) or the provisions of any other law, a Foreign Service officer who is retired in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall have the right to assign to any person or corporation the whole or any part of the benefits receivable by him pursuant to paragraph (b) (1) of this section. Any such assign- merit shall be on a form approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and a copy thereof shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treas- ury by the officer executing the assignment. 51.SEC. 635. Any Foreign Service officer in class 7 who is appointed under the provisions of section 516 (b) and any Foreign Service officer in class 8 shall occupy probationary status. The Secretary may termi- nate his service at any time. 52 SEC. ;636. Any participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System who is at least fifty years of age and has rendered twenty years of service, including service within the meaning of section 853, may on his own application and with the consent of the Secretary be retired from the Service and receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. 53 SEc. 637. (a) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any Foreign Service officer, Reserve officer, or staff officer or employee, on account of the unsatis- factory performance of his duties, or for such other cause as will 60 As amended and restated by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24; 22 U.S.C. 1004(e)). As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704; 22 U.S.C. 1005). See also that portion of section 16(d) of P.L. 84-828, which reads as follows: "(d) * * * Officers who are transferred to new class 7 in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall continue to occupy probationary status pursuant to section 635' . (Although this does not amend any specific section of the Act, it was included in the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1956 and is considered a part of the Foreign Service Act as amended.) 'Further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 836; 22 U.S.C. 1005) ba As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 836 ; 22 U.S.C. 1006)(. ss Amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 704) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 836; 22 U.S.C. 1007). See also sec. 55 of P.L. 86-723 which reads as follows : "SEC. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any Foreign Service staff officer who accepted an appointment as a Foreign Service Reserve officer in the Depart- ment of State during the period beginning September 1, 1958, and ending December 31, 1958, both dates inclusive, shall not be separated from the Foreign Service before the expiration of his original appointment as a Foreign Service Reserve officer, except as authorized by section 637 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended." (Although this does not amend any specific section of the Act, it was included in the Foreign Service Act Amend- ments of 1960 and is considered a part of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended.) Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasg 099p1/1' #-F POT8rgA721A00060'A010019 promote the efficiency of the Service, with reasons given in writing, but no such officer or employee shall be so separated until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and the unsatisfactory performance of his duties, or other cause for separation shall have been established at such hearing, unless he shall have waived in writing his right to a hearing. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Foreign Service officers of class 8 or any other officer or employee of the Service who is in a probationary status or whose appointment is limited or temporary, except when separation is by reason of misconduct. (b) Any participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System separated under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section shall receive a refund of the contributions made to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest, as provided in section 841 (a) except that in lieu of such refund such officer may (except in cases where the Secretary determines that separation was based in whole or in part on the ground of disloyalty to the United States) if he has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under this System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(x), elect to leave his contributions in the Fund and receive an annuity, computed as prescribed in section 821 commencing at the age of sixty years. In the event that an officer who has elected under the provisions of this section to receive a deferred annuity dies before reaching the age of sixty, his contributions to the Fund, with interest, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of sections 841 and 881. (c) Any officer or em loyee of the Service separated under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section who is not a participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System shall be entitled only to such benefits as shall accrue to him under the retirement system in which he is a participant. (d) Any payments made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall be made out of the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund. TERMINATION OF LIMITED APPOINTMENTS OF FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS AND STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 54 SEC. 638. Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other law, the Secretary may, under such regulations as lie may prescribe, terminate at any time the services of any Reserve officer or staff officer or employee serving under limited appointment, except that, if the termination is because of misconduct, the provisions of section 637 shall be applicable. PART E-PROMOTION Or FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES 55 'SEC. 641. All promotions of staff officers and employees to a high- er class shall be made at a higher salary on the basis of performance "As amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 837; 22 U.S.C. 1008). se As amended and restated by P.L. 86-728 (74 Stat. 837; 22 U.S.C. 1016). 91189-62-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approv24 For Rele ~NQIQ9hlAvi I pp7AA-bO3721A000600010019-3 and merit in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. 6E SEC. 642. Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre- scribe, any staff officer or employee whose services meet the standards- required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Service shall re- ceive an increase in salary at periodic intervals to the next higher- salary rate for the class in which he is serving. Without regard to any other law the Secretary is authorized to grant any such officer or employee additional increases in salary within the salary range estab- lished for the class in which he is serving, based upon specially meritorious service. [PART F-SEPARATION OF STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. [FOR UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF DUTY [SEC. 651. The Secretary may, under such reigulatons as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any staff officer or employee on account of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties, but no such officer or employee shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and. the unsatisfactory performance of his duties shall have been estab- lished at such hearing. [FOR MISCONDUCT OR MALFEASANCE [SEC. 652. The Secretary shall separate from the Service any staff officer or employee who shall be guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office., but no such officer or employee shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and his misconduct or malfeasance shall have been. established at such hearing.] PART Gf-PROMOTION AND SEPARATION OF ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 661. Alien clerks and employees shall receive promotions from one class to a higher class and in-class promotions in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. SEC. 662. The Secretary may, under such regulations as. he may pre- scribe, separate from the Service any alien clerk or employee on account of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties. GH As amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 837) andP.L. 87--793 (76 Stat. 863; 22 U.S.O. 1017). d, See section 637, as amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 836; 22 U.S.C. 1007), which combined procedures for separation of staff personnel with those for separation of Foreign Service officers and Reserve officers. Through inadvertence sections 651 and 6.52 and the headings, were not repealed. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 27 SEC. 663. The Secretary shall separate from the Service any alien -clerk or employee who shall be found guilty of misconduct or malfeasance. PART II-SEPARATION OF CONSULAR AGENTS SEC. 671. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, separate any consular agent from the Service on account of- (a the unsatisfactory performance of his duties; or (b) misconduct or malfeasance. SEC. 681. The Secretary shall assign or detail Foreign Service offi- cers as Foreign Service inspectors to inspect in a substantially uniform manner and at least once every two years the work of the diplomatic and consular establishments of the United States. Whenever the Secretary has reason to believe that the business of a consulate is not being properly conducted and that it is necessary in the public interest, he may authorize any Foreign Service inspector to suspend the prin- cipal officer or any subordinate consular officer and to administer the office in the place of the principal officer for a period not exceeding ninety days. The Secretary may also authorize a Foreign Service inspector to suspend any diplomatic officer except a chief of mission. A Foreign Service inspector shall have the authority to suspend any other officer or employee of the Service. dS SEC. 701. The 'Secret'ary shall, in order to furnish training and instruction to officers and employees of the Service and of the Depart- ment and to other officers and employees of the Government for whom training and instruction in the field of foreign relations is necessary, and in order to promote and foster programs of study incidental to such training, establish a Foreign Service Institute, hereinafter called the Institute. The Secretary may also provide appropriate orienta- tion and language training to members of family of officers and em- ployees of the Government in anticipation of the assignment abroad of such officers and employees. Other agencies of the Government shall wherever practicable avoid duplicating the facilities of the In- stitute and the training provided by the Secretary at the Institute or elsewhere or while abroad. THE DIRECTOR OF TI1E.INSTITII7Tr-APPOINTMENT, SALARY, AND DUTIES SEc. 702. The head of the Institute, who shall be known as its Direc- tor, shall be appointed by the Secretary. The Director shall., under the general supervision of the Director General 59 and under such m As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat., 837) and sec. 708 of P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 464; 22 U.S.C. 1041). w Amended by P.L. 81-73 (63. Stat. 111;, 22 U.S.C. 811a). See footnote 2. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 4 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, establish the basic pro- cedures to be followed by the Institute; plan and provide for the gen- oral nature of the training and instruction to be furnished at the Institute; correlate the training and instruction to be furnished at the Institute with the training acivities of the Department and other Government agencies and with courses given at private institutions that are designed or may serve to furnish training and instruction to officers and employees of the Service; encourage and foster such programs outside of the Institute as will be complementary to those of the Institute; and take such other action as may be required for the proper administration of the Institute. SEC. 703. The Secretary may, within the limits of such appropria- tions as may be made specifically therefor, make grants or furnish such other gratuitous assistance as he may deem necessary or advisable to nonprofit institutions cooperating with the Institute in any of the programs conducted by the Director by authority of this title. APPOINTMENT, ASSIGNMENT, AND DETAIL TO THE INSTITIITE "o SEC. 704. (a) The Secretary may oppoint to the faculty or staff of the Institute on a full- or part-time basis such personnel as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this title in accordance with the provisions of the civil-service laws and regulations and the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, except that, when deemed nec- essary by the Secretary for the effective administration of this title, personnel may be appointed without regard to such laws and regula- tions, but any person so appointed shall receive a salary at one of the rates provided by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. All appointments to the faculty or staff of the Institute shall be made without regard to political affiliations and shall be made solely on the basis of demonstrated interest in, and capacity to promote, the pur- poses of the Institute. (b) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe and on a full- or part-time basis, assign or detail officers and employees of the Service to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute or to receive training at the Institute. (c) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe and on a full- or part-time basis, assign or detail any officer or em- ployee of the Department, and, with the consent of the head of the Government agency concerned, any other officer or employee of the Government, to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute, or to re- ceive training. During the period of his assignment or detail, such officer or employee shall be considered as remaining in the position from which assigned. (d) It shall be the duty of the Director to make recommendations to the Secretary with regard to the appointment, assignment, or detail of persons to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute, and the Secre- tsry shall in each case take such recommendations into consideration in making such appointments, assignments, or details. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaserRQ0 JI1shCvi& RQPa - 721A000609910019=3 61 (e) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, in the absence of suitably qualified United States citizens, em- ploy persons who are not citizens of the United States by appointment to the staff of the Institute either on a full- or part-time basis or by contract for services in the United States or abroad at rates not in ex- cess of those provided by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1071). 61 (f) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, provide special monetary or other incentives not inconsistent with this Act to encourage Foreign Service personnel to acquire or retain proficiency in esoteric foreign languages or special abilities needed in .the Service. SEC. 705. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, pay the tuition and other expenses of officers and employees of the Service, assigned or detailed in accordance with the provisions of section 573 (b) far special instruction or training at or with public or private nonprofit institutions, trade, labor, agricultural, or scientific associations, or commercial firms. ENDOWMENTS AND GIFTS TO THE INSTITUTE SEC. 706. The Secretary may accept, receive, hold, and administer gifts, bequests, or devises of money, securities, or property made for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Foreign Service Institute in accordance with part C of title X. SEc. 707. The Secretary may, in the name of the United States, ac- quire such real property as may be necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Institute and, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, such other property and equipment as may be necessary for its operation and maintenance. 62 TITLE VIII-THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYSTEM RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC. 801. (a) The 63 President may prescribe rules and regulations for the maintenance of a Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, originally established by section 18 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 144), referred to hereafter as the System. 61 Added by P.L, 86-723 (74 Stat. 837, 838 ; 22 U.S.C. 1044)j. 62 See P.L. 83-769 as amended by P.L. 87-299 (68 Stat. 1142 and 75 Stat. 640; 5 U.S.C. 740c) concerning nonpayment of annuities in cases where employees are convicted of certain Federal offenses or commit certain actions. See also sec. 405 of P.L. 84-854 (70 Stat. 761; 5 U.S.C. 740d), an amendment to P.L. 83-709, concerning forfeiture of annuities of persons remaining outside the United States to avoid prosecution. 03 Authority to prescribe rules and regulations was delegated to the Secretary of State by E.O. 10897. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-13 Approvesb For Releas 2 M/ 1.vQ&BDR7i$.43721 A000600010019-3 (b) The Secretary shall administer the System in accordance with such rules and regulations and with the principles established by this Act. SEC. 802. The Secretary of the Treasury shall maintain the special -fund, known as the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, referred to hereafter as the Fund, originally constituted by section 18 .of the Act of May 24,1924 (43 Stat. 144). SEC. 803. (a) The following persons, hereafter referred to as par- ticipants, shall be entitled to the benefits of the System : (1) All Foreign Service officers; (2) All other persons making contributions to the Fund on the effective date of this Act; (3) Any chief of mission who is not otherwise entitled to be a participant and who fulfills the conditions of paragraph (b) of this section; (b) A person to become a participant in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraphs (a) (3) of this section must- (1) have served as chief of mission for an aggregate period of twenty years or more, exclusive of extra service credit in accordance with the provisions of section 853; and 64 (2) have paid into the Fund a special contribution for each year of such service in accordance with the provisions of section 852(b). ,05 (c) (1) In accordance with such regulations as the President may prescribe, any Foreign Service staff officer or employee appointed by the Secretary of State who has completed at least ten years of con- tinuous service in the Department's Foreign Service, exclusive of military service, shall become a participant in the System and shall make a special contribution to the Fund in accordance with the pro- visions of section 852. (2) Any such officer or employee who, under the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section, becomes a participant in the Sys- tem, shall be mandatorily retired for age during the first year after the effective date of this paragraph if he attains age sixty-four or if he is over age sixty-four; during the second year at age sixty-three; during the third year at age sixty-two; during the fourth year at age sixty-one, and thereafter at age sixty. ;(3) Any officer or employee who becomes a participant in the Sys- tem under the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section who is ea Amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Start. 838; 22 U.S.C. 1062). 6c' Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 838; 22 U.S.C. 1068), Authority to regulate was delegated to the Secretary of State by E.O. 10897. Norm : The text of sec. 56(b) (1) of P.L. 86-723 reads as follows: "The provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of section 803 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended by section 31(b) of this Act, shall become effective on the first day of the first month which begins more than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, except that any Foreign Service staff officer or employee, who at the time this Act becomes effective meets the requirements for participation in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, may elect to become a participant in the System before the mandatory provisions, become effective. Such Foreign Service staff officers and employees shall become participants effective on the first day of the second month following the date of their application for earlier participation." Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release M,0( 91414 s {4? 7 ,-q;7~1A0006Oq 10019 3 age 57 or over on the effective date of this paragraph, may retire vol- untarily at any time before mandatory retirement under paragraph (c) (2) of this section and receive retirement benefits under section 821. 66 SEC. 804. (a) Annuitants shall be persons who are receiving annu- ities from the Fund and all persons, including surviving wives and husbands, widows, dependent widowers, children and beneficiaries of participants or annuitants who shall become entitled to receive annu- ities in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as amended, or in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Act of May 1, _1956 (70 Stat. 125). (b) When used in this title the term- (1) "Widow" means the surviving wife of a participant who was married to such participant for at least two years immediately pre- ceding his death or is the mother of issue by such marriage. (2) "Dependent widower" means the surviving husband of a par, ticipant who was married to such participant for at least two years immediately preceding her death or is the father of issue by such -marriage, and who is incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability, and who received more than one-half of his support from such participant. (3) "Child" means an unmarried child, under the age of eighteen years, or such unmarried child regardless of age who because of physical or mental disability incurred before age eighteen is incapable of self-support. In addition to the offspring of the participant and his or her spouse the term includes (a) an adopted child, and (b) a step-child or recognized natural child who received more than one- half of his support from the participant. PART B-COMPULSORY CONTRmUTIONS 67 SEC. 811 (a) Six and one-half percent-Lim of the basic salary re- ceived by each participant shall be contributed to the Fund for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds, and allowances. An equal sum shall also be contributed from the respective appropriation or fund which is used for payment of his salary. The amounts deducted and withheld from basic salary together with the amounts so contributed from the appropriation or fund, shall be deposited by the Department of State in the Treasury of the United States to the .credit of the Fund. (b) Each participant shall be deemed to consent and agree to such deductions from basic salary, and payment less such deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and acquaintance of all claims and ,demands whatsoever for all regular services during the period cov- ered by such payment, except the right to the benefits to which he shall be entitled under this Act, notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation affecting the individual's salary. 00 Amended and restated by P.L. 86--723 (74 Stat. 838 ; 22 U.S.C. 1064). MAmended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536) and further amended and restated by P.L. 6-723 (74 Stat. 839; 22 U.S.C. 1071). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A00060001001913 Approvegt,)For Releas E2 9/llR,~,QO 7A Q3721A000600010019-3 PART C-COMPUTATION OF ANNUITUiS sa SEC. 821. (a) The annuity of a participant shall be equal to 2 per centum of his average basic salary for the highest, five consecutive years of service, for which full contributions have been made to the Fund, multiplied by the number of years, not exceeding thirty-five, of service credit obtained in accordance with the provisions of sections 851, 852, and 853. However, the highest five years of service for which full contributions have been made to the Fund shall be used in com- puting, the annuity of any participant who serves as chief of mission and whose continuity of service as such is interrupted prior to retire- ment by appointment or assignment to any other position determined by the Secretary to be of comparable .importance. In determining the aggregate period of service upon which the annuity is to be based, the fractional past of a month, if any, shall not be counted. 89 (b) At the time of retirement, any married participant may elect to receive a reduced annuity and. to provide for an annuity payable to his wife or her husband, commencing on the date following such par- ticipant's death and terminating upon the death of such surviving wife or husband. The annuity payable to the surviving wife or husband after such participant's death shall be 50 per centum of the amount of the participant's annuity computed as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, up to the full amount of such annuity sp(icified by him as. the base for the survivor benefits. The annuity of the participant making such election shall be reduced by 21/2 per centum of any amount up to $2,400 he specifies as the base for the survivor benefit plus 10 per centum of any amount over $2,400 so specified. 70 (c) (1) If an annuitant dies and is survived by a wife or husband and by a child or children, in addition to the annuity payable to the surviving wife or husband, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each child an annuity equal to the smallest of: (i) 40 per centum of the annuitant's average basic salary, as determined under paragraph (a) of this section, divided by the number of children; (ii) $600; or (iii) $1,800 divided by the number of children. (2) If an annuitant dies and is not survived by a wife or husband but kry a child or children, each surviving child shall be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of: (i) 50 per centum of the annuitant's average basic salary, as determined under paragraph (a) of this ? section, divided by the number of children; (ii) $720; or (iii) $2,160 divided by the number of children. 71 (d) If a surviving wife or husband dies or the annuity of a child is terminated, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recom- puted and paid as though such wife, husband, or child had not survived the participant. ae Amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536), P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 705), and amended, and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 839; 22 U.S.C. 1076). P.L. 84-348 (66 Stat. 81 22 U.S.C. 1077 and 1078), increased the annuities of Foreign Service officers who retlr114 before November 13, 1950, and the annuities of the beneficiaries of such officers. The act of May 1, 1956, P.L. 84--503 (70 Stat. 125) increased the annuities of Foreign Service officers who retired priorto July 1, 1949, and of certain beneficiaries ; and also authorized in certain circumstances, grants to widows of Foreign Service officers. P.L. 85-882 o1 September 2, 1958, increased annuities and made provision for future increases to June- 30, 1962. Further increases were authorized by P. L. 86-612, approved July 12, 1960. a?Amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 705) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 839; 22 U.S.C. 1076). 70 Amended and restatedi by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 839 22 U.S.C. 1076). Former sec. 821(c) as amended, is now see. 821(f1. 'n Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 884)0 ; 22 U.S.C. 1076). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser2@OWO l gEQAFR0PZ8-0 21 A000600010019.3 Dated upon death, marriage, or attainment of the age of eighteen years, except that, if a child is incapable of self-support by reasons of mental or physical disability, the annuity shall be terminated only when such child dies, marries, or recovers from such disability. 73 (f) At the time of retirement an unmarried participant may elect to receive a reduced annuity and to provide for an annuity equal to 50 per centum of the reduced annuity payable after his or her death to a beneficiary whose name shall be designated in writing to the Secretary. 'The annuity payable to a participant making such election shall be reduced by 10 per centum of an annuity computed as provided in paragraph (a) of this section and by 5 per centum of an annuity so computed for each full five years the person designated is younger than the retiring participant, but such total reduction shall not exceed 40 per centum. No such election of a reduced annuity payable to a beneficiary shall be valid until the participant shall have satisfactorily passed a physical examination as prescribed by the Secretary. The annuity payable to a beneficiary under the provisions of this para- ,graph shall begin on the first day of the next month after the par- ticipant dies. Upon the death of the surviving beneficiary all pay- ments shall cease and no further annuity payments authorized under this paragraph shall be due or payable. PART D-BENEFITS ACCRUING TO CERTAIN PARTICIPANTS this section shall begin on the first day of the next month after the participant dies and such annuity or any right thereto shall be termi- 72 (e) The annuity payable to a child under paragraph (c) or (d) of RETIREMENT FOR DISABILITY OR INCAPACITY-PIIYSICAt EXAMINATION-RECOVERY SEC. 831.74 (a) Any participant who has `five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), and who becomes totally disabled or incapacitated for useful and efficient service by reason of disease, illness, or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the Secretary, be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed in section 821. If the disabled or incapacitated participant has less than twenty years of Service credit toward his retirement under the System at the time he is retired, his annuity shall be computed on the assumption that he, has had twenty years of service, but the additional service credit that may accrue to a participant under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his age at the time of retirement and the manda- tory retirement age applicable to his class in the Service. 74 (b) In each case, the participant shall be given a physical exami- nation by one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons designated by the Secretary to conduct examinations, and disability shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of the advice of such physi- cians or surgeons. Unless the disability is permanent, like examina- 72 Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 840; 22 U.S.C. 1076). 78 Formerly. sec. 821(c). Amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 840; 22 U.S.C. 1076 74 A). mended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 840, 841 ;, 22 U.S.C. 1081, See para- graph (4) of sec. 104(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.(,. 104(a)(4) relating to the exclusion from gross income of compensation for injuries and sickness for reference to disability annuity payable under the provisions of sec. 831 of the Foreign Service Act (22 U.S.C. 1081). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A00060001001913 Approve For Relea 2OG1/9/ QIO1AdRDP 84O3721A000600010019-3 tions shall be made annually until the annuitant has reached the statutory mandatory retirement acre for his class in the Service. If the Secretary determines, on the asis of the advice of one or more duty qualified physicians or surgeons conducting such examinations that an annuitant has recovered to the extent that he can return to duty, the annuitant may apply for reinstatement or reappointment in the Service within one year from the date his recovery is determined. Upon application the Secretary shall reinstate any such recovered disability annuitant in the class in which he was serving at time of retirement, or the Secretary may, taking into consideration the age, qualifications, and experience of such annuitant, and the present class of his contemporaries in the Service, appoint him or, in the case of an annuitant who is a former Foreign Service officer , recommend that the President appoint him, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to a class higher than the one in which lie was serving prior to retirement. Payment of the annuity shall continue until a date six months after the date of the examination showing recovery or until the date of reinstatement or reappointment in the Service,, whichever is earlier. Fees for examinations under this provision, together with reasonable traveling and other expenses occurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Fund. If the annuitant fails to submit to examination as required under this sec: tion, payment of the annuity shall be suspended until continuance of the disability is satisfactorily established. 75 (c) If a recovered disability annuitant whose annuity is discon- tinued is for any reason not reinstated or reappointed in the Service,. he shall be considered to have been separated within the meaning of section 834 as of the date he was retired for disability and lie shall'.,, after the discontinuance of the disability annuity, be entitled to the benefits of that section or of section 841 (a) except that he may elect voluntary retirement in accordance with the provisions of section 636 if he can qualify under its provisions. 75 (d) No participant shall be entitled to receive an annuity under this Act and compensation for injury or disability to himself under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, covering the same period of time. This provision shall not bar the right of any claimant to the greater benefit. conferred by either Act for any part of the same period of time. Neither this provision nor any provision of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, shall be so construed as to deny the right of any person to receive an an- nuity under this Act by reason of his own services and to receive concurrently any payment under such Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, by reason of the death of any other person. 75 (e) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the right of any person entitled to an annuity under this Act shall not be affected because such person has received an award of compensa- tion in a lump sum under section 14 of the Act of September 7, 1916,. as amended, except that where such annuity is payable on account of the same disability for which compensation under such section has. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/QQ99// ((;;IIAA RDPp$ ]21A0006 10019-3 THE FOREid 1E'RVICE ACT OF l B ti been paid, so much of such compensation as has been paid for any period extended beyond the date such annuity becomes effective, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, shall be refunded to the De- partment of Labor, to be paid into the Federal Employees' Com- pensation Fund. Before such person shall receive such annuity he shall (1) refund to the Departmenet of Labor the amount represent- ing such computed payments for such extended period, or (2) au- thorize the deduction of such amount from the annuity payable to him under this Act, which amount shall be transmitted to such De- partment for reimbursement to such Fund. Deductions from such an- nuity may be made from accrued and accruing payments, or may be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in such manner as the Secretary of Labor shall determine, whenever he finds that the financial circumstances of the annuitant are such as to warrant such deferred refunding. 76 SEC. 832. (a) In case a participant dies and no claim for annuity is payable under the provisions of this Act, his contributions to the Fund, with interest at the rates prescribed in sections 8'41 (a) and 881(a), shall be paid in the order of precedence shown in section 841(b). (b) If a participant who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Service and is survived by a widow or a dependent widower, as defined in section 804, such widow or dependent widower shall be entitled to an annuity equal to 50 per centum of the annuity computed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section and of section 821(a). The annuity of such wi ow or dependent widower shall commence on the date following death of the participant and shall terminate upon death of the widow or dependent widower, or upon the dependent widower's becoming capable of self-support. (c) If a participant who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Service and is survived by a wife or a husband and a child or children, each surviving child shall be entitled to an annuity computed in accordance with the provisions of section 821(c) (1). The child's annuity shall begin and be terminated in accordance with the provisions of section 821(e) . Upon the death of the surviving wife or husband or termina- tion of the annuity of a child, the annuities of any remaining chil- dren shall be recomputed and paid ,as though such wife or husband or child had not survived the participant. (d) If a participant who has at least five years of service credit. toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Serv- ice and is not survived by a wife or husband, but by a child or chil- dren, each surviving child shall be entitled to an annuity computed Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019.f3 Approve#,, For Relea 2 QR/I)vI 1.AARCaP71g4( 3721 A000600010019-3 in accordance with the provisions of section 821 (c) (2). The child's annuity shall begin and terminate in -accordance with the provisions of section 821 (e). Upon termination of the annuity of a child2 the annuities of any remaining children shall be recomputed and paid as though that child had never been entitled to the benefit. (e) If, at the time of his or her death, the participant had less than twenty years of service credit toward retirement under the Sys- ternz the annuities payable in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of section 821 on the assumption he or she has had twenty years of service, but the additional service credit that may accrue to a deceased partici- pant under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his or her age on the date of death and the mandatory retirement age applicable to his or her class in the Service. In all cases arising un- der paragraphs (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section, it shall be as- surned that the deceased participant was qualified for retirement on the date of his death. RETIREMENT OF PERSONS WIIO ARE PARTICIPANTS UNDER SECTION 803(A)(3) SEC. 833. (a) Any person who is a participant, has at least twenty yyears of service to his credit, and has reached the age of fifty years, but is not a Foreign Service officer at the time he is retired in accord- ance with the provisions of law governing retirement in the position that he occupies, shall be entitled to an annuity computed as prescribed in section 821. (b) Any person who is a participant in accordance with the pro- visions of section 803(a) (3) shall be entitled to voluntary retirement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as a Foreign Service officer. 77 DISCONTINUED SERVICE RETIREMENT SEC. 834. (a) Any participant who voluntarily separates from the Service after obtaining at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), may, upon separation from the Service or at any time prior to becoming eligible for an annuity, elect to have his contribu- tions to the Fund returned to him in accordance with the provisions of section 841, or to leave his contributions in the Fund and receive an annuity, computed as prescribed in section 821, commencing at the age of sixty years. (b) If a participant who has qualified in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraph (a) of this section to receive a deferred annuity commencing at the acre of sixty dies before reaching the age of sixty his contributions to the Fund, with interest, shall be paid in accord- ance with the provisions of sections 841 and 881. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release ;RQOJ IJJ :Ql&-ftQP7?,;0 7?1 A000600 10019 PART E-DISPOSITION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND INTEREST IN EXCESS OF BENEFITS RECEIVED ? SEC. 841. (a) Whenever a participant becomes separated from the Service without becoming eligible for an annuity or a deferred annuity in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the total amount of contributions from his salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum, compounded annually at the end of each fiscal year through June 30, 1960; semiannually as of December 31, 1960; annually thereafter as of December 31, and proportionately for the period served during the year of separation including all contribu- tions made during or for such period, except as provided in section 881, shall be returned to him. (b) In the event that the total contributions of a retired partici- pant, other than voluntary contributions made in accordance with the provisions of section 881, with interest at 4 per centuin per an- num compounded annually as is provided in paragraph (a) of this section added thereto, exceed the total amount returned to such par- ticipant or to an annuitant claiming through him, in the form of an- nuities, accumulated at the same rate of interest up to the date the annuity payments cease under the terms of the annuity, the excess of the accumulated contributions over the accumulated annuity pay- ments shall be paid in the following order of precedence, upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person : (1) To the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the retired participant in writing to the Secretary; (2) If there be no such beneficiary, to the surviving wife or hus- band of such participant; (3) If none of the above, to the child or children of such partici- pant and descendants of deceased children by representation; (4) If none of the above, to the parents of such participant or the survivor of them; (5) If none of the above, to the duly appointed executor or admin- istrator of the estate of such participant; (6) If none of the above, to other next of kin of such participant as may be determined by the Secretary in his judgment to be legally entitled thereto. (c) No payment shall be made pursuant to paragraph (b) (6) of this section until after the expiration of thirty days from the death of the retired participant or his surviving annuitant. PART F-PERIOD OF SERVICE FOR ANNUITIES COMPUTATION OF LENGTH OF SERVICE 76 SEO. 851. For the purposes of this title, the period of service of a participant shall be computed from the effective date of appoint- ment as a Foreign Service officer, or, if appointed prior to July 1924, as an officer or employee of the Diplomatic or Consular Service 711 70 Amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 844; 22 U.S.C. 1091;. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-13 Approv d For Rele, a AQW%, lI~iPR( FIZ$g03721 A000600010019-3 of the United States or from the date he becomes a participant under the provisions of this Act, as amended, but all periods of separation from the Service and so much of any leaves of absence without pay as may exceed six months in the aggregate in any calendar year shall be excluded, except leaves of absence while receiving benefits under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, and leaves of absence granted participants while perform- ing active and honorable military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States. PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT 80 SEC. 852. (a) A participant may, subject to the provisions of this section, include in his period of service- (1) civilian service in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Federal Government and in the District of Co- lumbia government, prior to becoming a participant; and (2) active and honorable military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast, Guard of the United States. (b) A person may obtain prior civilian service credit in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph (a) (1) of this section by mak- ing a special contribution to the Fund equal to 5 per centum of his basic annual salary for each year of service for which credit is sought subsequent to July 1, 1924, and prior to the effective date of the For- eign Service Act Amendments of 1960, and at 61/2 per centum there- after with interest compounded annually at 4 per centum per annum to the date of payment. Any such person may, under such conditions as may be determined in each instance by the Secretary, pay such special contributions in installments. (c) (1) If an officer or employee under some other Government retirement system, becomes a participant in the System by direct transfer, such officer or employee's total contributions and deposits, including interest accrued thereon, except voluntary contributions, shall be transferred to the Fund effective as of the date such officer or employee becomes a participant in the System. Each such officer or employee shall be deemed to consent to the transfer of such funds and such transfer shall be a complete discharge and. acquittance of all claims and demands against the other Government retirement fund on account of service rendered prior to becoming a participant in the System. (2) No officer or employee, whose contributions are transferred to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section, shall be required to make contributions in addition to those transferred, for periods of service for which full contributions were made to the other Government retirement fund, nor shall any ' Amended by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24) ; further. amended, restated and new paragraphs ( 61) d) and (e) added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 844, 845; 22 U.S.C. 1091. NOTE : Section 8(c) of P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 26) provides that- "(c) A special contribution to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund made by any participant on or after April 1, 1948, for the purpose of obtaining service credit in accordance with the provisions of sec. 852(a)(2) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 for periods of active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States shall be refunded. Such refund shall not include any interest covering the period such special contribution, or any part thereof. was on deposit in the fund." Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release.Qj1.1s-RqIAE RDPo 8 036 21 A0006000 1 001 9 39 refund be made to any such officer or employee on account of contribu- tions made during any period to the other Government retirement fund, at a higher rate than that fixed by section 811 of this Act for contributions to the Fund. (3) No officer or employee, whose contributions are transferred to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section, shall receive credit for periods of service subsequent to July 1, 1924, for which a refund of contributions has been made, or for which no contributions were made to the other Government retire- ment fund. A participant may, however, obtain credit for such prior service by making a special contribution to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. (d) No participant may obtain prior civilian service credit toward retirement under the System for any period of civilian service on the basis of which he is receiving or will in the future be entitled to receive any annuity under another retirement system covering civilian person- nel of the overnment. (e) A participant may obtain prior military or naval service credit in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) (2) of this see- tion by applying for it to the Secretary prior to retirement or separa- tion from the Service. However, in the case of a participant who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of military or naval service, the period of service upon which such retired pay is based shall not be included, except that in the case of a participant who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of a service-connected disability incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or caused by an instrumentality of war and incurred in line of duty during a period of war (as that term is used in chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code), or is awarded under chapter 67 of title 10 of the United States Code, the period of such military or naval service shall be included. No contributions to the Fund shall be required in con- nection with military or naval service credited to a participant in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) (2) of this section. EXTRA SERVICE CREDIT FOR SERVICE AT UNIIEALTIIFUL POSTS 81':SEC. 853. The President may from time to time establish a list of places which by reason of climatic or other extreme condtions are to be classed as unhealthful posts, and each year of duty subse- quent to January 1, .1900, at such posts inclusive of regular leaves of absence, of participants thereafter retired, shall be counted as one year and a half, and so on in like proportion in reckoning. the length of service for the purpose of retirement, fractional months being considered as full months in computing such service, but no such extra credit for service at such unhealthful posts shall be credited to any participant who shall have been paid a salary differential in accordance with section 443, as amended, for such service performed subsequent to the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955. 81 As amended by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24, 22 U.S.C. 1093). Authority to establish list of places was delegated to the Secretary of State by E.O. 10903. Salary differentials, formerly in sec. 443 which section was repealed by P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 795), are now included in Title II of that Act. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019.3 Approv For Release 200Q~PW IA5RDP843721 A000600010019-3 THE FUREI- ALI' ~F 1 y CREDIT FOR SERVICE WHIM ON MILITARY LEAVE SEC. 854. Contributions shall not be required covering periods of leave of absence from the Service granted a participant while per- forming active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States. 3a RECOMPUTATION OF ANNUITIES OF CERTAIN FORMER PARTICIPANTS SEC. 855. The annuity of each former participant under the Sys- tem, who retired prior to July 28, 1956, and who at the time of his, retirement had creditable service in excess of thirty years, shall be recomputed on the basis of actual years of creditable service not in excess of thirty-five years. Service which was not creditable under the System on the date a former participant retired, shall not be in- cluded as creditable service for the purpose of this recomputation.. The annuities payable to such persons shall, when recomputed, be, paid at the rates so determined, but no such recomputation or any other action taken pursuant to this section shall operate to reduce the rate of the annuity any such person is entitled to receive under the System. ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATIONS NEEDED SEC. 861. The Secretary of the Treasury shall prepare the estimates of the annual appropriations required to be made to the Fund, and shall make actuarial valuations of such funds at intervals of five years, or oftener if deemed necessary by him. The Secretary of State may expend from money to the credit of the Fund an amount not exceeding $5,000 per annum for the incidental expenses necessary in. administering the provisions of this title, including actuarial advice. ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS SEC. 862. The Secretary shall submit annually to the President and to the Congress a comparative report showing the condition of the Fund and estimates of appropriations necessary to continue this title in full force. SEC. 863. The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest from time to time in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions of the Fund as in his judgment may not be immediately required for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds, and allowances, and the income derived from such investments shall constitute a part of such Fund. SEC. 864. None of the moneys mentioned in this title shall be assignable either in law or equity, or be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, except as provided in section 634(c) .113 sz Added by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 845). `e"834(b)" was changed to "634(c)" by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 24; 22 U.S.C. 1104). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release20p t1 #MR b?-Q,A721A00060Qg10019-3 PART II-ANNUITANTS RECALLED, REINSTATED OR REAPPOINTED IN TILE SERVICE OR REEMPLOYED IN THE GOVERNMENT . 84 SEC. 871. Any annuitant recalled to duty in the Service in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 520(b) or reinstated or re- appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 831(b) shall, while so serving, be entitled in lieu of his annuity to the full salary of the class in which he is serving. During such service, he shall make contributions to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of section 811. When he reverts to his retired status, his annuity shall be determined anew in accordance with the provisions of section 821.. 115 SEC. 872. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any officer or employee of the Service, who has retired under this Act, as amended, and is receiving an annuity pursuant thereto, and who is, reemployed in the Federal Government service in any appointive posi- tion either on a part-time or full-time basis, shall be entitled to receive the salary of the position in which he is serving plus so much of his annuity payable under this Act, as amended, which when combined with such salary does not exceed during any calendar year the basic salary such officer or employee was entitled to receive under sections. 412 or 415 of the Act, as amended, on the date of his retirement from the Service. Any such reemployed officer or employee who receives salary during any calendar year in excess of the maximum amount which he may be entitled to receive under this paragraph shall be en- titled to such salary in lieu of benefits hereunder. 86 (b) When any such retired officer or employee of the Service is reemployed, the employer shall send a notice to the Department of State of such reemployment together with all pertinent information relating thereto, and shall pay directly to such officer or employee the salary of the position in which he is serving. 88 (c) In the event of any overpayment under this section, such overpayment shall be recovered by withholding the amount involved from the salary payable to such reemployed officer or employee, or from any other moneys, including his annuity, payable in accordance with the provisions of this title. PART I-VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS SEC. 881. (a) Any participant may, at his option and under such. regulations as may be prescribed by the 84 President, deposit addi- tional sums in multiples of 1 per centum of his basic salary, but not in excess of 10 per centum of such salary, which amounts together with interest at 3 per centum per annum, compounded annually at the end of each fiscal year through June 30, 1960; semiannually as of Decem- ber 31, 1960; annually thereafter as of December 31, and proportion- 8A As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 7Q5) and further amended and restated by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 845; 22 U.S.C. 1111). "I Addedi by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 846; 22 U.S.C. 1112). 86 As amended by sec. 708 of P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 464; 22 U.S.C. 1112). sr Authority delegated to the Secretary of State by E.O. 10897. 91189-62-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv4 V FFor Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 ately for the period served during the year of his retirement, includ- ing all contributions made during or for such period, shall, at the date of his retirement and at his election, be 1) returned to him in a lump sum; or 2) used to purchase an additional life annuity; or (3) used to purchase an additional life annuity for himself and to provide for a cash payment on his death to a beneficiary whose name shall be notified in writing to the Secretary by the participant ; or (4) used to purchase an additional life annuity for himself and a life annuity commencing on his death payable to a bene- ficiary whose name shall be notified in writing to the Secretary by the participant with a guaranteed return to the beneficiary or his legal representative of an amount equal to the cash payment referred to in paragraph 3. (b) The benefits provided by subparagraphs 2, 3, or 4 of paragraph (a) of this section shall be actuarially equivalent in value to the pay-- ment provided for by paragraph (a) (1) of this section and shall be calculated upon such tables of mortality as may be from time to time prescribed for this purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. 88 (c) In case a participant shall become separated from the Service for any reason except retirement on an annuity, the amount of any additional deposits with interest at 3 per centum per annum, com-- pounded as is provided in paragraph (a) of this section, made by him under the provisions of this paragraph shall be refunded in the mannner provided in section 841 for the return of contributions and. interest in the case of death or separation from the Service. (d) Any benefits payable to an officer or to his beneficiary in re- spect to the additional deposits provided under this paragraph shall. be in addition to the benefits otherwise provided under this title. TITLE IX-ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS PART A-ALLOWANCES AND SPECIAL ALLOTMENTS 89 REPRESENTATION ALLOWANCES 89 SEC. 901. In accordance with such regulations as the President may prescribe and not withstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.G. 70), the Secretary is authorized to gra,n.t to any officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States allowances in order to provide for the proper repre- sentation of the United States by officers or employees of the Service. es As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stmt. 846. 22 U.S.C. 1116). r As amended and restated by P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 801 ; 22 U.S.C. 1131). For pro. visions relating to other allowances, formerly in sec. 901 of the Foreign Service Act, see Title II of P.L. 86-707 ; and for provisions relating to official residence allotments for- merly in see. 902 of the Foreign Service Act, see sec. 311 of P.L. 86-707 which added a new sec. 22 to the Administrative Expense Act of 1946. Authority to regulate was delegated to the Secretary of State by E.O. 10903. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release01jGVE~ RDg o8-Us 621A000600910019-3 PART B-TRAVEL AND RELATED EXPENSES SEC. 911. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he shall prescribe, pay- (1) the travel expenses of officers and employees of the Service, including expenses incurred while traveling pursuant to orders issued by the Secretary in accordance. with the provisions of section 933 with regard to the granting of home leave; (2) the travel expenses of the members of the family of an officer or employee of the Service when proceeding to or returning from his post of duty; accompanying him on authorized home leave; or otherwise traveling in accordance with authority granted pursuant to the terms of this or any other Act; (3) the cost of transporting the furniture and household and personal effects to an officer or employee of the Service to his successive posts of duty and, on the termination of his services, to the place where he will reside; 90 (4) the cost of packing. and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and household and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Service, when he is absent from his post of assignment under orders, or when he is assigned to a post to which he cannot take or at which he is unable to use such furniture and household and personal effects, or when it is in the public interest or more economical to authorize storage; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effects stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limitation fixed by regulations, when not otherwise fixed by law; 40 (5) the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and household and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Service in connection with assignment or transfer to a now post, from the date of his departure from his last post or from the date of his departure from his place of residence in the case of a new officer or employee and for not to exceed three months after arrival at the new post, or until the establishment of residence quarters, whichever shall be shorter; and, in connection with separation of an officer or employee of the Service, the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing for a period not to exceed three months, his furniture and household and personal effects; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effects stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limita- tions fixed by regulations, when not otherwise fixed by law. (6) the travel expenses of the members of the family and the cost of transporting the personal effects and automobile of an As amended and restated by P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 796 22 U.S.C. 1136). The term "furniture and household effects" is defined in sec. 301 o>{ P.L. 86-707-see p. 164 of Appendix. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved i For Release 20099( - l~4 Pj7q?~03721A000600010019-3 officer or employee of the Service, whenever the travel of such officer or employee is occasioned by changes in the seat of the government whose capital is his post; (7) the travel expenses and transportation costs incident to the removal of the members of the family of an officer or employee of the Service and his furniture and household and personal effects,, including automobiles, from. a post at which, because of the prev- alence of disturbed conditions, there is imminent danger to life, and property, and the return of such persons, furniture, and ef- fects to such post upon the cessation of such conditions; or to, such other posts as may in the meantime .have become the post to which such officer or employee has been assigned; (8) the cost of preparing and transporting to their former homes in the continental United States or to a place not more- distant, the remains of an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States and of the members of his family who may die abroad or while in travel status; 91 (9) the travel expenses of officers and employees of the Serv- ice who are citizens of the United States, and members of their- families, while serving at posts specifically designated by the. Secretary for purposes of this paragraph, for rest and recupera- tion to other locations abroad having different environmental conditions than those at the post at which such officers and em- ployees are serving, provided that such travel expenses shall be- limited to the cost for each officer or employee and members of" his family of one round-trip during any continuous two-year- tour tour unbroken by home leave and two round trips during any continuous three-year tour unbroken by home leave; 92 (10) the travel expenses of members of the family accom- panying, preceding, or following an officer or employee if, while he is en route to his post of assignment, he is ordered temporarily for orientation and training or is given other temporary duty. LOAN OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT 93 SEC. 912. The Secretary may, if he shall find it in the interests of the Government to do so as a means of eliminating transportation costs, provide officers and employees of the Service with basic house. hold furnishings and equipment for use on a loan basis in personally owned or leased residences. "SEC. 913. The Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, transport for or on behalf of an officer or employee of the Service, a privately owned motor vehicle in any case in which lie shall determine that water, rail, or air transportation of the motor vehicle is necessary or expedient for all or any part of the distance be- tween points or origin and destination. Not more than one motor 708, P 22 87 .C. 1 86 707d(74bStat. 794)) for pro visions inSaSpriors see. 9 1(9'), repealed by PS .L. 86 707. P.L. 5 Added by sec. 708, P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 464; 22 U.S.C. 1136). 01 As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 846; 22 U.S.C. 1137) e4 Identical amendments made by P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 798) and P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat.. 847;-22 U.S.C. 1138). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2p0 RLJG1N: W5DAP77 o 039 g1 A000600050019-3 -vehicle of any such officer or employee may be transported under .authority of this section during any four-year period, except that, as a replacement for such motor vehicle, one additional motor vehicle of any such officer or employee may be, so transported during such period upon approval, in advance, by the Secretary and upon a determina- tion, in advance, by the Secretary that such replacement is necessary for reasons beyond the control of the officer or employee and is in the interest of the Government. After the expiration of a period of four .years following the date of transportation under authority of this sec- tion of a privately owned motor vehicle of any officer or employee who has remained in continuous service outside the continental United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) during such period, the trans- portation of a replacement for such motor vehicle for such officer or ,employee may be authorized by the Secretary in accordance with this section. PART C-COMMISSARY SERVICE SEC. 921. 116 (a) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, establish and maintain emergency commissary or mess services in such places abroad where, in his judgment, such services are necessary temporarily to insure the effective and efficient perform- ance of the duties and responsibilities of the Service, such services to be available to the officers and employees of all Government agencies located in any such places abroad. Reimbursements incident to the maintenance and operation of commissary or mess service shall be at not less than cost as determined by the Secretary and shall be used as working funds : Provided, That an amount equal to the amount ex- pended for such services shall be covered into the Treasury as miscel- laneous receipts. 96 (b) The Secretary, under such regulations as he may prescribe, may authorize and assist in the establishment, maintenance, and op- eration, by officers and employees of the Service, of non-Government- operated commissary and mess services and recreation facilities at ;posts abroad, including the furnishing of space, utilities, and proper- ties owned or leased by the United States for use by its diplomatic and consular missions. The provisions of the Foreign Service Build- ings Act, 1926, as amended (22 U.S.C. 292-300), may be utilized by the Secretary in providing such assistance. Commissary or mess :services and recreation facilities established pursuant to this subsec- tion shall be made available, insofar as practicable, to officers and .employees of other Government agencies and their dependents who are stationed abroad. Such services or facilities shall not be established in localities where another United States agency operates similar services or facilities unless the Secretary determines that such addi- tional services or facilities are necessary. as (c) Notwithstanding the last paragraph under the heading "Sub- sistence Department" in the Act of March 3, 1911 (10 U.S.C. 1253), ,or the provisions of any other law, charges at any post abroad by a commissary or mess service or recreation facility authorized or as- sisted under this section shall be at the same rate for all civilian per- sonnel of the Government serviced thereby, and all charges for 0 As amended by P.L. 828, 84th Cong. (70 Stat. 705; 22 U.S.C. 1139). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release o000N09tlll -ECl,~ F~pP7 -03721 A000600010019-3 supplies furnished to such a service or facility abroad by any Govern- ment agency shall be at the same rate as that charged by the furnish- ing agency to its civilian commissary or mess services or recreation facilities. 96 (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5 of the Act of July 16, 1914, as amended (5 U.S.C. 78) the Secretary may authorize any principal officer to approve the use of Government-owned vehicles located at his post for transportation of United States Government employees who are American citizens, and their dependents, to and_ from recreation facilities when public transportation is unsafe or is not available. 97 PART D-LEAVES OF ABSENCE ANNUAL LEAVE SEC. 931. [Repealed by P.L. 82-233 (65 Stat. 672; 5 U.S.C. 2061 et seq.).] SEC. 932. [Repealed by P.L. 82-233 (65 Stat. 672; 5 U.S.C. 2061 et seq.).] ORDERING RETURN OF PERSONNEL TO UNITED STATES ON LEAVES OF ABSENCE 9#' SEC. 933. (a) The Secretary may order to the continental United States, its Territories and possessions, on statutory leave of absence any officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States upon completion of eighteen months' continuous service abroad and shall so order as soon as possible after completion of three yearn of such service. (b) While in the continental United States, its Territories and pos- sessions, on leave, the service of any officer or employee shall be avail- able for such work or duties in the Department or elsewhere as the Sec- retary may prescribe, but the time of such work or duties shall not be counted as leave. RESERVE OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO TIIE SERVICE 99 SEC. 934. (a) A Reserve officer, assigned to the Service from any Government agency shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be granted annual leave of absence and sick leave of absence in accordance with the provisions of part D of this title during the period of his assignment. (b) Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, a per- son assigned to the Service as a Reserve officer from any Government agency may, notwithstanding the provisions of the Act of December 21., 1944 (58 Stat. 845; 5 U.S.C. 61b), transfer to the Service any annual or sick leave of absence standing to his credit at the time of 93 As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 705; 22 U.S.C. 1139). 97 Foreign Service officers and; employees are governed by the provisions of the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended (P.L. 82-233; 65 Stat. 672; 67 Stat. 136; 5 U.S.C. 2061, et seq.). 99 As amended by P.L. 84-726 (70 Stat. 563) to add in line 2 the words' ,Its Territories and possessions". Further amended by sec. 708 of P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 464; 22 U.S.C. 1148). 99 Superseded by the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended, P.L. 82-233, (65- r tat. 672; 5 U.S.C. 2061 et seq.). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2QQOiQWIbir :sGjAcRQPT7&0W7;1A000600 10019-3 his assignment to the Service. On his return to the agency by which he is regularly employed, he may transfer the aggregate of his accu- mulated and current annual and sick leave to that agency but the amount of leave so transferred shall not exceed the maximum which an officer or employee of the agency to which he is returning may have to his credit on the date of his return. 100 ,SEC. 935. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe an officer or employee of the Service who resigns from the Service in order to accept an appointment in any Government agency may trans- fer to such Government agency any annual or sick leave of absence standing to his credit at the time of his resignation from the Service and any officer or employee of any Government agency who resigns from such agency in order to accept an appointment to the Service may transfer to the Service any annual or sick leave of absence standing to his credit at the time of his resignation from the Govern- ment agency in which he was employed, but in no event shall the amount of annual or sick leave of absence so transferred exceed the maximum amount of the annual or sick leave of absence which may be accumulated in either the Service or the Government agency to which., such person is appointed, as the case may be. APPLICATION OF SICK AND ANNUAL LEAVE ACT OF 19 51 101 SEC. 936. The Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2061 and the following), shall apply to career ministers, and Foreign Service officers, who are not serving as chiefs of mission or who are not serving in a position in the Department which requires. appointment by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and to Foreign Service Reserve officers who are com- missioned as diplomatic or consular officers, or both, in accordance with section 524 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended,, notwithstanding the provisions of section 202(c) (1) (A) of the An- nual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended. PART E-MEDICAL SERVICES 102 SEC 941. (a) In the event an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States incurs an illness or injury while such person iS located abroad, which requires hospitalization or sim- ilar treatment, and which is not the result of vicious habits, intemper- ance, or misconduct on his part, the Secretary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay for the cost of treat- ment of such illness or injury. (b) In the event a dependent of a United States citizen officer or employee of the Service who is stationed abroad, incurs an illness or loo Superseded by the Annual and Sick Leave Act o8 1951, as amended, P.L. 82-233. (65 Stat. 672; 5 U.S.C. 2061 et seq.). 101 Added by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 708; 22 U.S.C. 1151). 102 As amended and restated by P.L. 84-828 (M Stat. 706; 22 U.S.C. 1156). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 I Approv~eSd For Release 200J N1, ? PI F P7 03721 A000600010019-3 THE FORE L IC 1 6 99 injury while such dependent is located abroad, which requires hos- italization or similar treatment, and which is not the result of vicious habits, intemperance, or misconduct on his part, the Secretary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay for that portion of the cost of treatment of each such illness or injury that exceeds $35 up to a maximum limitation of one hundred and twenty days of treatment for each such illness or injury, except that such maximum limitation shall not apply whenever the Secretary, on the basis of professional medical advice, shall determine that such illness or injury clearly is caused by the fact that such dependent is or has been located abroad. (c) After sufficient experience in the operation of the medical pro- tection plan authorized in subsections (a) and (b) of this section has been obtained, as determined by the Secretary, and if he considers that the benefits so authorized can be provided for as well and as cheaply in other ways, the Secretary may, under such regulations, and for such persons, locations, and conditions as he may deem appro- priate, and within the limits prescribed in such subsections, contract for medical care pursuant to such arrangements, insurance, medical :services, or health plans as he may deem appropriate. 103 TRAVEL FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES 1?3 SEC. 942. (a) In the event an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States or one of his dependents, requires medical care, for illness or injury not the result of vicious habits, intemperance or misconduct, while stationed abroad in a locality where there is no qualified person or facility to provide: such care, the Secre- tary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay the travel expenses of such person by whatever means he shall deem appropriate, including the furnishing of transportation, and without regard to the Standardized Government Travel Regulations and sec- tion 10 of the Act of March 3,1933, as amended (60 Stat. 808; 5 U.S.C. 73b), to the nearest locality where suitable medical care can be ob- tained. If any such officer, employee, or dependent is too ill to travel unattended, or in the case of a dependent too young to travel alone, the Secretary may also pay the round-trip travel expenses of an at- tendant or attendants. 104 (b) The Secretary may establish a first-aid station and provide for the services of a physician, a nurse, or other medical personnel at a post at which, in his opinion, sufficient personnel is employed to warrant such a station. 1115 SEc. 943. The Secretary shall., under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for physical examinations for applicants for em- ployment and for officers and employees of the Service who are 103As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 706) and further amended and restated by see 708 of P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 464; 22 U.S.C. 1157). 146 As amended by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 706; 22 U.S.C. 1157). 103 As amended by P.L. 84-22 (69 Stitt. 24), and further amended and restated by P.L. 84-828 (70 Stat. 707; 22 U.S.C. 1158). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release ,QQO1QWII :spj&Lt[ PT7 0A)7~1A0006009J0019-3 citizens of the United States, and for their dependents, including examinations necessary to establish disability or incapacity in accord- ance with the provisions of section 831, and shall provide for ad- ministering inoculations or vaccinations to such officers and employees and their dependents. TITLE X-MISCELLANEOUS PART A-PROHIBITIONS AGAINST UNIFORMS SEC. 1001. An officer or employee of the Service holding a position of responsibility in the Service shall not wear any uniform except such as may be authorized by law or such as a military commander may require civilians to wear in a theater of military operations. SEc. 1002. An officer or employee of the Service shall not ask or, without the consent of the Congress, receive, for himself or any other person, any present, emolument, pecuniary favor, office, or title from any foreign government. A chief of mission or other principal officer may, however, under such regulations as the President may prescribe, accept gifts made to the United States, or to any political subdivision thereof by the government to which he is accredited or from which he holds an exequatur. AGAINST ENGAGING IN BUSINESS ABROAD SEC. 1003. An officer or employee of the Service shall not, while holding office, transact or be interested in any business or engage for profit in any profession in the country or countries to which he is assigned abroad in his own name or in the name or through the agency of any other person, except as authorized by the Secretary. AGAINST CORRESPONDENOE ON AFFAIRS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS SEC. 1004. (a) An officer or employee of the Service shall not cor- respond in regard to the public affairs of any foreign government except with the proper officers of the United States, except as authorized by the Secretary. (b) An officer or employee of the Service shall not recommend any person for employment in any position of trust or profit under the, government of the country to which he is detailed or assigned, except as authorized by the Secretary. AGAINST POLITICAL, RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, OR COLOR DISCRIMINATION SEC. 1005. In carrying out the provisions of this Act, no political' test shall be required and none shall be taken into consideration, nor shall there be any discrimination against any person on account of race, creed, or color. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv%g For Rele ?N 9411vicCI W7&03721 A000600010019-3 PART B-BONDS 106 SEC. 1011. Every secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul, Foreign Service officer, and Foreign Service Reserve officer, and, if required, any other officer or employee of the Service or of the Depart- ment before he enters upon the duties of his office shall give to the United States a bond in such form and in such penal sum as the Secre- tary shall prescribe, with such sureties as the Secretary shall approve, -conditioned without division of penalty for the true and faithful per- formance of his duties, including (but not by way of limitation) certi- fying vouchers for payment, accounting for, paying over, and deliver- ing; up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property that shall come to his hands of any other person to his use as such officer or employee under any law now or hereafter ,enacted and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer or em- ployee, and such bond shall be construed to be conditioned for the -true and faithful performance of all official duties of whatever char- acter now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him, or by him as- sumed incident to his employment as an officer or employee of the Gov- ~ernment. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, upon ap- proval of any bond given pursuant to this Act, the principal shall not be required to give another separate bond conditioned for the true and faithful performance of only a part of the duties for which the bond given pursuant to this Act is conditioned. The bond of an officer or employee of the Service shall be construed to be conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all acts of such officer incident to his office regardless of whether appointed or commissioned as diplomatic, consular, Foreign Service officer, or other officer of the Service. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to obviate the necessity of furnishing any bond which may be required pursuant to the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended (44 Stat. 688; 47 Stat. 405; 56 Stat. 39; 5 U.S.C. 821-823, 827-833). PART C--GIFTS 107 SEC. 1021. (a) The Secretary may accept on behalf of the United States gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for the benefit of the Department including the Service or for the carrying out of :any of its functions. Conditional gifts may be so accepted at the discretion of the Secretary, and the principal of and income from any such conditional gift shall be held, invested, reinvested, and used in accordance with its conditions, but no gift shall be accepted which is conditioned upon any expenditure not to be met therefrom or from the income thereof unless such expenditure has been approved by Act of Congress. (b) Any unconditional gift of money accepted pursuant to the au- thority granted in paragraph (a) of this section, the net proceeds from ELI" See P.L. 84-323 (69 Stat. 618; 6 U.S.C. 14), which provides for the purchase of bonds by {be Federal Government. 101 As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stitt. 847 ; 22 U.S.C. 809). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 51 the liquidation (pursuant to paragraph (c) or paragraph (d) of this section) of any other property so accepted, and the proceeds of insur- -ance on any such gift property not used for its restoration, shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and are hereby appro- priated and shall be held in trust by the Secretary of the Treasury for the benefit of the Department including the Service, and he may in- -vest and reinvest such funds in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. Such gifts and the income from such investments shall be available for expenditure in the operation of the Department including the Service and the performance of its func- tions, subject to the same examination and audit as is provided for appropriations made for the Service by Congress. (c) The evidences of any unconditional gift of intangible personal property, other than money, accepted pursuant to the authority ranted in paragraph (a) of this section, shall be deposited with the liquidate them except that they shall be liquidated upon the request of the Secretary whenever necessai,to meet payments required in the operation of the Department including the Service or the perform- ance of its functions. The proceeds and income from any such prop- erty held by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be available for ,expenditure as is provided in paragraph (b) of this section. (d) The Secretary shall hold any real property or any tangible personal property accepted unconditionally pursuant to the authority granted in paragraph (a) of this section and he shall permit such property to be used for the operation of the Department including the Service and the performance of its functions or he may lease or hire such property, and may insure such property, and deposit the income thereof with the Secretary of the Treasury to be available for expenditure as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. The in- come from any such real property or tangible personal property shall be available for expenditure in the discretion of the Secretary for the maintenance, preservation, or repair and insurance of such property and any proceeds from insurance may be used to restore the property insured. Any such property when not required for the operation of the Department including the Service or the performance of its func- tions may be liquidated by the Secretary, and the proceeds thereof deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, whenever in his judg- ment the purposes of the gifts will be served thereby. (e) For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, any gift, devise, or bequest accepted by the Secretary under authority of this Act shall be deemed to be a gift, devise, or bequest to or for the use of the United States. PART D-AUTIIORIZATION To RETAIN ATTORNEYS SEc. 1031. The Secretary may, without regard to sections 189 and 365 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.C. 49 and 314), authorize a prin- cipal officer to procure legal services whenever such services are re- quired for the protection of the interests of the Government or to enable an officer or employee of the Service to carry on his work efficiently. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApproXyd For Relq#~eFMXOM/1140kC,I -&DP78-03721 A000600010019-3 PART E-DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY SEc. 1041. [Repealed by P.L. 81-73, 63 Stat. 111; 22 U.S.C. 811a. Section 11 of P.L. 84-726, amended P.L. 81-73, to authorize redelegation.] 108 [PART F-EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION 1051. Section 116 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended (53 IStat. 48; 53 Stat. 575; 56 Stat. 842; 58 Stet. 46; 26 U.S.C. 116), relative to exclusions from gross income, is further amended by add- ing at the end thereof a new subsection to read as follows: [" (k) In the case of an officer or employee of the Foreign Service allowances United States, amounts otherwise under r the iterms of title IcX of the Foreign Service Act of 1946."] PART G-INTERPRETATION OF THE ACT LIBERAL-CON*1UCTION CLAUSE SEC. 1061. The provisions of this Act shall be construed liberally in order to effectuate its purpose. PROVISIONS THAT MAY BE HELD INVALID SEc. 1062. If any provision of this Act or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, the validity of the remainder of the Act and the applicability of such pro- vision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.. HEADINGS OF TITLES, PARTS, AND SECTIONS SEc. 1063. The headings descriptive of the various titles, parts, and sections of this Act are inserted for convenience only, and, in case of any conflict between any such heading and the substance of the title,, part, or section to which it relates, the heading shall be disregarded.. PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF JULY 3, 1946 SEc. 1064. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the pro visions of sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Act of July 3,1946 (Public Law 488, Seventy-ninth Congress). The "classified grades" within the meaning of that Act shall, from and after the effective date of this Act, be construed to mean classes 1 to 5, inclusive. PART II-AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS SEc. 1071. Appropriations to carry out the purposes of this Act are hereby authorized. vie Exemptioat of allowances from gross income for tax purposes is now contained in section 912 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended by P.L. 86~ 707 (74 Stat. 802; 26 U.S.C. 912). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RD THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT 78-109721A00060 10019-3 TITLE XI-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS PART A-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS AND SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES or THE SERVICE REINSTATEMENT OF CHIEFS OF MISSION WHO ARE FORMER FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS SEC. 1101. Any person who on the effective date of this Act is a chief of mission and who has previously been a, Foreign Service officer may be reinstated as a Foreign Service officer in the class of career minister. TRANSFER OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FROM OLD CLASSES TO NEW CLASSES SEC. 1102. (a) Foreign Service officers on active service on the effec- tive date of this Act shall, by virtue of this Act, be transferred from the classes in which they are serving on such date to the new classes established by this Act as follows: Officers of class I to the new class 1; officers of class II to the new class 2; officers of classes III and IV to the new class 3; officers of classes V and VI, to the new class 4; officers of classes VII and VIII, to the new class 5; officers in the unclassified grade, to the new class 6. (b) Each officer so transferred shall under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe receive that salary in the new class which shall as nearly as possible correspond to his relative standing in the Service. (c) Whenever, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the officers in a new class shall be officers who previously served in two former classes that were combined to form the new class, the period of minimum service in class for the purposes of deter- mining eligibility for promotion in accordance with the provisions of section 622, shall commence to run from the date of their promotion to the lower of the two classes from which the now class is composed and from the date of their promotion to the higher of the two classes from which the new class is composed for the purposes of computing the minimum period an officer shall serve in a class before the commence- ment of the period during which he must obtain a promotion in order to prevent being retired. In all other cases, service in a former class shall be considered as constituting service in the new class for the purposes of section 622. TRANSFER OF OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE SERVICE FROM THEIR PRESENT POSITIONS TO NEW POSITIONS SEC. 1103. The Secretary shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for the transfer of the personnel of the Service, other than persons occupying positions which under the terms of this Act constitute them chiefs of mission and Foreign Service officers, to corresponding positions established by the terms of this Act or by any regulations issued pursuant thereto. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvgi For Rele~ Si~v9~ ? CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019-3 VICE ACT OF 1946 IN-CLASS PROMOTION SEC. 1104. In making transfers of personnel in accordance withi the provisions of sections 1102 and 1103, credit for time served in a previous class or position shall be given for the purpose of determin- ing eligibility for in-class promotions in a new class in the same manner as if such time had been served in the new class. RULES GOVERNING THE MAKING OF SALARY DETERMINATIONS IN CARRYING OUT AN INITIAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE SERVICE SEC. 1105. In making the initial classification of the Service for- Foreign Service staff officers and employees in accordance with the., provisions of sections 441 and 442, the following rules shall apply : (1) The principle of equal compensation for equal work, irrespec- tive of sex, shall be followed. (2) If an officer or employee is receiving basic salary at less than. the minimum rate of the class or subclass to which the position he holds is allocated, his salary shall be increased to the lowest basic salary of that class or subclass. (3) If an officer or employee is receiving a basic salary within the range provided for the class or subclass to which the position he holds is allocated, and at one of the rates within that range, no change shall be made in his basic salary; if his basic salary rate is within the range but does not correspond to any one of the rates prescribed for that range by section 415, his salary shall be adjusted by fixing it at the next higher rate above the rate which he is receiving. (4) If an officer or employee is receiving basic salary at a rate in excess of the maximum basic salary rate provided by section 415 for the class or subclass to which the position he holds is allocated in accordance with the provisions of section 1103, he shall not suffer a diminution in salary as a consequence of the classification of the position which he holds so long as he continues to occupy that position, _ but if he is not receiving salary at one of the rates prescribed in section 415, his salary shall be adjusted by fixing it at the next higher rate above the rate which he is receiving. PART B-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS CONCERNING RETIREMENT MANDATORY RETIREMENT SEC. 1111. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 632 re- garding the retirement of Foreign Service officers at the age of sixty years, Foreign Service officers below the class of career minister shall, during the first year after the effective date of this Act, be mandatorily retired for age upon reaching the age of sixty-four unless their services have been extended in accordance with the provisions of section 632; during the second year, at age sixty-three; during the third year, at age sixty-two ; during the fourth year, at age sixty-one ; and, there- after, at age sixty, but in no event shall any Foreign Service officer be mandatorily retired for age during such four-year period until he has had fifteen years of service. (b) No Foreign Service Officer shall be mandatorily retired in ac- cordance with provisions of section 633 or 634 until three years after the effective date of this Act. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release lgpgWW41SEglA PAPPd18-lQ4721A00060 10019-3 821(c). 109 SEc. 1112. The Secretary shall cause annuities of all persons who are receiving annuities from the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability Fund on the effective date of this Act to be recomputed in accordance with the provisions of section 821 (a) and annuities pay- able to such persons shall, commencing on the effective date of this Act, be paid at the rates so determined, but no such recomputation or any other action taken pursuant to this Act shall operate to reduce the rate of the annuity received by any such person unless such person voluntarily elects to receive a reduced annuity as provided in section SEC. 1121. The provisions of this Act shall not operate to impair the validity of any existing bond furnished by any officer or employee of the Service. USE OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 1122. Funds appropriated to the Department of State for the fiscal year 1947, under the caption "Foreign Service", are hereby made available for the purposes of this Act in accordance with authority granted herein and such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. The appropriation of such additional funds as may be required to carry out the provisions of this Act is hereby authorized. SEC. 1131. The following statutes or parts of statutes are hereby repealed : (1) Section 208 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of May 29, 1928 (ch. 901, Public Law Numbered 611, 45 Stat. 987) (5 U.S.C. 163). (2) Section 1674 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by section 6 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (ch. 23 Public Law Numbered 242, 38 Stat. 806) and as further amended by the Act of March 3, 1875 (ch. 153, 18 tat. 483), and by that part of the Act of July 1, 1916 (ch. 208, Public Law Numbered 131, 39 Stat. 252), which constitutes the second proviso under the heading "Salaries of Secretaries in the Diplomatic Service" (22 U.S.C. 40 and 51). (3, Section 1675 of the Revised Statutes as amended by the Act of March 3, 1875 (ch. 153, 18 Stat. 483), and by that part of title I of the Act of February 27, 1925 (ch. 364, Public Law Numbered 502, 43 Stat. 1015), under the heading "Diplomatic and Consular Service" and the subheading "Ambassadors and Ministers" (22 U.S.C. 32). (4) Section 1685 of the Revised Statutes as amended by schedule A of the Act of March 2, 1909 (ch. 235, Public Law Numbered 292, 35 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovV For Releasee R910911,,~tCPlM P179 g03721A000600010019-3 Stat. 673), and as further amended by section 3 of the Act of Febru- ary 5, 1915 (ch. 23, Public Law Numbered 242, 38 Stat. 805), section 17 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (ch. 182, Public Law Numbered 135, 43 Stat. 143), hereinafter referred to as the Act of May 24, 1924, and by that part of title I of the Act of February 27, 1925 (ch. 364, Public Law Numbered 502, 43 Stat. 1016), which reads as follows: "Provided, That after June 30, 1924, vice consuls while in charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence of the principal officer shall. be entitled to additional compensation in the same manner and under the same conditions as Foreign Service officers as provided in section 17 of the Act of May 24, 1924," renumbered as section 25 and further amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (ch. 276, Public Law Numbered 715, 46 Stat. 1210), hereinafter referred to as the Act of February 23,1931 (22 U.S.C. 20). (5) Section 1686 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 36). (6) Section 1688 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 39). (7) Section 1695 of the Revised Statutes and section 3 of the Act of April 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, Public Law Numbered 83, 34 Stat. 100), which reenacted certain parts of section 1695 of the Revised Statutes without specifically amending such section (22 U.S.C. 51a and 55). (8) Section 1696 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 58). 9 Section 1712 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of June 18, 1888 (ch. 393, 25 Stat. 186 (22 U.S.C. 80). (10) Section 1713 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of June 18,1888 (ch. 393, 25 Stat. 186) (22 U.S.C. 82). (11) Section 1714 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 71). (:12) Section 1738 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 105). 13) Section 1740 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 121). (114) Section 1743 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 125). (15) Section 1744 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 33). 16) Section 1748 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 129 17 Section 1749 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 130 18) Section 1752 of the Revised Statutes (22 U.S.C. 132 . (19) That part of section 1 of the Act of June 11, 1874 (ch. 275, 18 Stat. 67), which reads as follows : "And the Secretary of State is authorized to allow and pay to the secretary of legation and to the second secretary of legation and to the messenger of the legation in Paris, from the moneys collected at the legation for the transmission of consular invoices, an amount not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred dollars in any one year, to be divided and distributed as the Secretary of State may direct, provided that the surplus receipts are sufficient for that purpose" (22 U.S.C. 37). (20) Section 4 of the Act of June 11, 1874 (ch. 275, 18 Stat. 70) (22 U.S.C. 122). (21) The Act of June 17,1874 (ch. 294, 18 Stat. 77) (22 U.S.C. 124 and 126). (22) That part of the Act of January 27, 1879 (ch. 28, 20 Stat. 273), which reads as follows: "And it shall be the duty of consuls to make to the Secretary of State a quarterly statement of exports from, and imports to, the different places to which they are accredited, giving, as near as may be, the market price of the various articles of exports and imports, the duty and port charges, if any, on articles imported and exported, together with such general information as Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleasgAPgWQ i/N1IEft - PoT819?8721A000693010019-3 they maybe able to obtain as to how, where, and through what chan- nels a market may be opened for American products and manufac- tures. In addition to the duties now imposed by law, it shall be the duty of consuls and commercial agents of the United States, annually, to procure and transmit to the Department of State as far as prat ticable, information respecting the rate of wages paid for skilled and unskilled labor within their respective jurisdiction." (22 U.S.C. 81). (23) That part of section 5 of the Act of February 14, 1903 (ch. 552 Public Law Numbered 87, 32 Stat. 827), reading as follows : "And all consular officers of the United States, including consuls- general, consuls, and commercial agents, are hereby required, and it is made a part of their duty, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to gather and compile, from time to time, useful and material information and statistics in respect to the subjects enumerated in section 3 of this Act in the countries and places to which such consular officers are accredited, and to send under the direction of the Secretary of State, reports as required by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor of the information and statistics thus gathered. and compiled, such reports to be transmitted through the Department of State to the Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor," as amended by section 3 of the Act of April 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, Public Law Num- bered 83, 34 Stat. 100) by the Act of August 23, 1912 (ch. 350, Public Law Numbered 299, 37 Stat. 407), and by the Act of March 4, 1913 (ch. 141, Public Law Numbered 426, 37 Stat. 736) (15 U.S.C. 175). (24) Section 11 of the Act of February 14, 1903 (ch. 552, Public Law Numbered 87, 32 Stat. 830) (5 U.S.C. 162). (25) Section 4 of the Act of April 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, Public Law Numbered 83, 34 Stat. 100), as amended by section 10 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 142), and renumbered as section 17 and further amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1209) (22 U.S.C. 9). (26) That part of section 8 of the Act of April 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, Public Law Numbered 83, 34 Stat. 101), reading as follows : "but this shall not apply to consular agents, who shall be paid by one-half of the fees received in their offices, up to a. maximum sum of one thousand dollars in any one year, the other half being accounted for and paid into the Treasury of the United States" (22 U.S.C. 99). (27) That part of schedule A of the Act of March 2, 1909 (ch. 235, Public Law Numbered 292; 35 Stat. 672), which reads as follows : "And hereafter no new ambassadorship shall be created unless the same shall be provided for by Act of Congress." (22 U.S.C. 31.) (28) Section 7 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (ch. 23, Public Law Numbered 242, 38 Stat. 807), as amended by section 12 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (ch. 105, Public Law Numbered 48; 59 Stat. 105, here- inafter referred to as the Act of May 3, 1945 (22 U.S.C. 38) ). (29) That part of the Act of July 1, 1916, which, under the heading "Salaries of Secretaries in the Diplomatic Service," authorizes the President to designate and assign any secretary of class one as coun- selor of embassy or legation (39 Stat. 252), as amended by section 16 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 143), and renumbered as section 23 by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1210) (22 U.S.C. 18). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve For Releas E200 04~/~ C~V7,?493721A000600010019-3 (30) The joint resolution of September 29 1919 (ch. 72, Public Resolution Numbered 16,41 Stat. 291) (22 U.S.C. 34) . (31) That part of the Act of June 1, 1922 (ch. 204, Public Law Numbered 229 42 Stat. 600), which under the heading "Diplomatic and Consular Service" and subheading "Ambassadors and Ministers" in title I authorizes the appointment of an envoy extraordinary, and minister plenipotentiary to Egypt (22 U.S.C. 34c). (32) Section 1 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 140), renmrn- bered as section 8 by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207) (22 U.S.C.1) (33) Section 2 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 140), renum- bered as section 9 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207) (22 U.S.C. 2). (34) Section 3 of the Act of May 24, 1924 '(43 Stat. 140), renum- bered as section 10 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207), and as further amended by section 2 of the Act of April 24, 1939 (ch. 84, Public Law Numbered 40, 53 Stat. 583), and by sections 4 and 5 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat.. 102, 103) (22U.S.C.3). (35) Section 4 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 140), renum-. bored as section 11 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1215), and as further amended by the Act of June 29, 1935 (ch. 337, Public Law Numbered 181, 49 Stat. 436) (22 U.S.C. 4). (36) Section 5 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 141), renum- bered as section 12 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 2:3, 1061 (46 Stat.1208) (22 U.S.C. 5 and 6). (37) Section 6 of the Act of May 24, 1924 renumbered as sections 13 and 14, and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931, and as further amended by section 6 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 103) (22 U.S.C. 7). (38) Section 9 of the Act of May 24, 1924 '(43 Stat. 142), renum- bered as section 16 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1208), and further amended by section 7 of the Act of May 3,1945 (59 Stat. 103) (22 U.S.C. 11). (39) Section 12 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 142), renum- bered as section 19 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1209), and further amended by section 8 of the Act of May 3,1945 (59 Stat. 104) (22 U.S.C. 12). (40) Section 13 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 143), renum- bered as section 20 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23,1931 (46 Stat. 1209) (22 U.S.C. 14). (41) Section 14 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 143), renum- bered as section 21 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1209), and further amended by section 9 of .the Act of May 3,1945`(59 Stat. 104) (22 U.S.C. 15 and 16). (42) Section 15 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 143), renum- bered as section 22 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1210), and further amended by the Act of March 7.7, 1941 (ch. 20, Public Law Numbered 17, 55 Stat. 44) (22 U.S.C. 17 and 17a),. (43) Paragraph 1 of section 17 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 143), renumbered as section 24 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1210) (22 U.S.C. 19). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser,4ipQQ{QW41silp,A-F ,P&819;721A00060A010019-3 (44) Section 18 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 144), as amen ed by section 1 of the Act of July 3, 1926 (ch. 798, Public Law Numbered 519, 44 Stat. 902), renumbered as section 26 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1211), further amended by section 3 of the Act of April 24, 1939 (ch. 84, Public Law Numbered 40, 53 Stat. 584), by the Act of July 19, 1939 (ch. 330, Public Law Numbered 197, 53 Stat. 1067), by the Act of August 5, 1939 (ch. 441, Public Law Numbered 277, 53 Stat. 1208), by section 1 of the Act of April 20, 1940 (ch. 118, Public Law Num- bered 464, 54 Stat. 143), by section 4 of the Act of October 14, 1940 (ch. 859, Public Law Numbered 846, 54 Stat. 1118), and by section 1 of the Act of May 13, 1941 (ch. 115, Public Law Numbered 69, 55 Stat. 189) (22 U.S.C. 21) (45) Section 19 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 146), renum- bered as section 27 by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1213) (22 U.S.C. 22). (46) Section 20 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 146), renum- bered as section 28 and amended by section 7 of the Act of February 23,1931 (46 Stat. 1213) (22 U.S.C. 23). (47) Section 31 of the Act of May 24, 1924, as added to that Act by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1214), and as amended by section 10 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 105) (22 U.S.C. 23f and 23g). (48) Section 32 of the Act of May 24, 1924, as added to that Act by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1214), and as amended by section 5 of the Act of Jul 3, 1946 (Public Law 488, Seventy-ninth Congress) (22 U.S.C. 23h). (49) Section 33 of the Act of May 24, 1924, as added to that Act by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1215), and as amended by section 4 of the Act of April 24, 1939 (ch. 84, Public Law Numbered 40, 53 Stat. 588) (22 U.S.C. 3a and 23i). (50) Section 34 of the Act of May 24, 1924, as added to that Act by section 7 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1216) (22 U.S.C. 23j). (51) That part of the Act of February 27, 1925 (ch. 364, Public Law Numbered 502, 43 Stat. 1017), which under the heading "Diplo- matic and Consular Service" and the subheading "Allowance for Clerk Hire at United States Consulates" reads as follows : "Clerks, whenever hereafter appointed, shall so far as possible, be appointed under civil-service rules and regulations", and similar provisions in later Acts (22 U.S.C. 56). (52) That part of the Act of February 27, 1925 (ch. 364, Public Law Numbered 502, 43 Stat. 1016), which under the heading "Dip- lomatic Service" and the subheading "Clerks at Embassies and Lega- tions", reads as follows: "who (clerks at the embassies and legations) whenever hereafter appointed shall be citizens of the United States * * * and so far as practicable shall be appointed under civil-service rules and regulations", and similar provisions in later Acts (22 U.S.C. 35). (53) Section 2 of the Act of July 3, 1926 (ch. 798, Public Law Numbered 519, 44 Stat. 903 (22 U.S.C. 21a). (54) Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 of the Act of March 3, 1927 (ch. 365 Public Law Numbered 768, 44 Stat. 1394), as amended by the Act of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvg5l For Release 39 q9 1vrcgIRItRPTA93721A000600010019-3 April 12, 1930 (ch. 142, Public Law Numbered 122, 46 Stat. 163) (15 U.S.C. 197-197d and 197f) . (55) The Joint Resolution of January 22, 1.930 (ch. 22, Public Resolution Numbered 32,46 Stat. 57) (22 U.S.C. 34a). (56) The Act of June 5, 1930 (ch. 399, Public Law Numbered 304, 46 Stat. 497-499) (7 U.S.C. 541-545). (57) The Joint Resolution of June 5, 1930 (ch. 404, Public Reso- lution Numbered 81, 46 Stat. 502) (22 U.S.C. 34b). (58) The Act of January 21, 1931 (ch. 42, Public Law Numbered .569, 46 Stat.1040) (22 U.S.C. 32a). (59) Section 1 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207), as :amended by section 2 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 102) (22 7J.S.C. 23a). (60) Section 2 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207) (22 U.S.C. 23b). (61) Section 3 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207), as amended by section 1 of the Act of April 24, 1939 (ch. 84, Public Law Numbered 40, 53 Stat. 583), and as further amended by section 3 of the Act of May 3,1945 (59 Stat. 102) (22 U.S.C. 23c). (62) Section 4 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207) (22 U.S.C. 23d). (63) Section 5 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1207) (22 U.S.C. 23e). (64) That part of section 209 of the Act of June 30, 1932 (ch. 314, Public Law Numbered 212, 47 Stat. 405), as amended, which was added to that Act by the Act of April 30, 1940 (ch. 172, Public Law Numbered 499, 54 Stat.114) (5 U.S.C. 823a). (65) That part of Reorganization Plan Numbered 11, made effec- tive July 1, 1939, by the Act of June 7, 1939 (oh. 193, Public Resolu- tion Numbered 20, 53 Stat. 813), designated as subparagraphs (a), (b), and (c) under section 1 of part 1 (53 Stat. 1431) (note under 5 U.S.C. 133t). V.C. ) Section 1 of the Act of May 3, 1945) (59 Stat. 102) (22 U. 1a). (67) Section 12 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 105) (22 U.S.C. 24). GENERAL REPEAL OR AMENDMENT PROVISION SEC. 1132. Any statute that is not repealed by section 1131 but which is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act shall be considered as having been amended or superseded by such pro- visions. RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES UNDER STATUTES THAT ARE REPEALED SEc. 1133. The repeal of the several statutes or parts of statutes accomplished by section 1131 shall not affect any act done or right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause, before such repeal, but all rights and liabilities under the statutes or parts thereof so repealed shall continue, and may be enforced in the same manner as if such repeal had not been made; subject, however, to the provisions of section 1134. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0Qd A&1 sEq)ER FbQ-Q 47g21A00060%910019-3 SEC. 1134. The repeal of the several statutes or parts of statutes accomplished by section 1131 shall not be a construed as a revival, up to the effective date of this Act, of any statute or part of a statute that may have previously been repealed by implication. CONTINUANCE IN FORCE OF EXISTING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS SEC. 1135. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, existing rules, regulations of or applicable to the Service, and Executive orders shall remain in effect until revoked or rescinded or until modified or superseded by regulations made in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. PART E-EFFEOTIIVE DATE OF ACT SEC. 1141. The effective date of this Act shall be three months fol- lowing the date of its enactment. Approved August 13, 1946. NOTE : Sec. 14 of P.L. 84-22 (69 Stat. 28) provides that "Notwithstanding the pro- visions of this Act, existing rules, regulations of or applicable to the Foreign Service of the United States shall remain in effect until revoked or rescinded or until modified or superseded by regulations made in accordance with the provisions of this Act unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of this Act." Sec. 18 of P.L. 84-828 (to Stat. 708), is identical. Sec. 54 of P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 848) is similar. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 APPENDIXES Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 APPENDIX I List of laws which repealed, amended, or otherwise affected sections of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 Laws Which Repealed Amended or Otherwise Affected Sections of t1,e Foreign Service Act of 1946 Seotionl Affected P.L. 600, 79th Cong. (60 Stat. 806) ------------------------------------ 942 P.L. 253, 80th Cong. (61 Stat. 499)____________________________________ 561 P.L. 402, 80th Cong. (62 Stat. 13)----------------------------------- 575,576 P.L. 73 81st Con g. (63 Stat. 111)______________ 201, 202, 57171 (b) (b),, 611, 702,1(141 P.L. 160, 81st Cong. (63 Stat. 407)__________________ __ 412,415 -------------- . 429, 81st Cong. (63 Stat. 954)____________________ 446, 528, 704 P.L. 784, 81st Cong. (64 Stat. 843) ______________ P.L. 201, 82d Cong. (65 Stat. 612) ---------- 415 P.L. 233 82d Con g. 412,415 g. (65 Stat. 672; 67 Stat. 136) -------------- 931, 932, 934, 935 P.L. 348, 82d Cong. (66 Stat. 81) _______________ ----- 821,1112 --------------- . 591, 83d Cong. (68A Stat. 290) ----------------------------------- 1051 P.L. 759, 83d Cong. (68 Stat. 1051)_______ 413 ------------------------------------ 763,83d Cong. (68 Stat. 1105)____________________________________ 625 P.L. 769, 83d Cong. (68 Stat.1142)-------------------------------- Title VIII P.L. 22, 84th Cong. (69 'Stat. 24) ------------- 413, 432(c), 433, 517, 522, 571(a), 571(e), 633, 634, 804, 852, 853, 864, 901 (2) (ii) and (iv), 911 (9), 943. P.L. 94, 84th Cong. (69 Stat. 172) ----------------------------------- 412,415 P.L. 250, 84th Cong. (69 Stat. 536)___ 412, 501(a), 502(a), 518, 631, 632, 811821 P.L. 323, 84th Cong. (69 Stat. 618) ------------------------------------ 1011 P.L. 503, 84th Cong. (70 Stat. 125)_____-__ __ Title VIII ---------------------- P.L. 726, 84th Cong. (70 Stat. 555) ------------------------------------ 933 P.L. 828, 84th Cong. (70 Stat. 704)------------------------------------ 411, 412,414,516, 517, 634, 635, 821, 871, 902, 921, 936, 941, 942, 943 P.L. 854, 84th Cong. (70 Stat.736)-------------------------------- Title VIII P.L. 885, 84th Cong. (70 Stat. 890)__________________________________ Title IX P.L. 1028, 84th Cong. (70A Stat. 33, 374)_____________________________ 561, 562 P.L. 85-462 (72 Stat.203) ------------------------------------------ 412,415 P.L. 85-882 (72 Stat. 1705) -------------------------------------- Title VIII P.L. 86-108 (73 Stat. 246) -------------------------------------------- 522 P.L. 86-568 (74 Stat. 296) ------------------------------------------ 412,415 P.L. 86-612 (74 Stat.371)---------------------------------------- Title VIII P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 792)__________________________ 443, 901, 902, 903, 911,913 P.L. 86-723 (74,Stat. 831) ---------------------- 416,417,43-1,441,442,444,500, 516, 517, 520, 525, 528, 531, 532, 571, 575, 576, 577, 578, 625, 626, 631, 632, 635, 636, 637, 638, 642, 701, 704, Title VIII, 912, 913, 1021 P.L. 87-195 (75 Stat. 424)___________________________ 701, 872, 911, 933 (a), 942 P.L. 87-793 (76 Stat. 832)-------------------------------------- 412,415,642 APPENDIX II [PUBLIO --No. 135-68TH CONGRESS) [H.R. 63571 An Act For the reorganization and improvement of the Foreign Service of the United States, and for other purposes, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11~ECji-F~pl 03721A000600010019-3 66 THE FOREIGN SER Diplomatic and Consular Service of the United States shall be known as the Foreign Service of the United States. SEC. 2. That the official designation "Foreign Service officer" as employed throughout this Act shall be deemed to denote permanent officers in the Foreign Service below the grade of minister, all of whom. are subject to promotion on merit, and who may be assigned to duty in either the diplomatic or the consular branch of the Foreign Service at the discretion of the President. SEc. 3. That the officers in the Foreign Service shall hereafter be graded and classified as follows, with the salaries of each class herein affixed thereto, but not exceeding in number for each class a propor- tion to the total number of officers in the service represented in the following percentage limitations : Ambassadors and ministers as now or hereafter provided; Foreign Service officers as follows: Class 1, fi er centum, $9,000; class 2, 7 per centum, $81000; class 3, 8 per centum, 7,000; class 4, 9 per centum, $6,004; class 5, 10 per centum, $5,000; r class 6, 14 per centum, $4,500? class 7, $4,000; class 8, $3,500; class 9, $3,000; unclassified, $3,000 to i,500: Provided, That as many Foreign Service officers above class 6 as may be required for the purpose of ins section may be detailed by the Secretary of State for that purpose. SEC. 4. That Foreign Service officers may be appointed as secre- taries in the Diplomatic Service or as consular officers or both: Pro- vided, That all such appointments shall be made by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate : Provided further, That all official acts of such officers while on duty in either the diplomatic or the consular branch of the Foreign Service shall be performed under their respec- tive commissions as secretaries or as consular officers. SEC. 5. That hereafter appointments to the position of Foreign Service officer shall be made after examination and a suitable period of probation in an unclassified oxade or, after five years of continuous service in the Department of Mate, by transfer therefrom under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe : Provided, That no candidate shall be eligible for examination for Foreign Service officer who is not an American citizen : Provided further, That rein- statement of Foreign Service officers separated from the classified service by reason of 'appointment to some other position in the Gov- ernment service may be made by Executive order of the President under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe. All appointments of Foreign Service officers shall be, by commission to a class and not by commission to any particular post, and such of- ficers shall be assigned to posts and may be transferred from one post to another by order of the President as the interests of the service may require : Provided, That the classification of secretaries in the Diplo- matic Service and of consular officers is hereby abolished, without, however, in any wise impairing the validity of the present commissions of secretaries and consular officers. SEC. 6. That section 5 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (Public 242), is hereby amended to read as follows : "SEC. 5. That the Secretary of State is directed to report from time to time to the President, along with his recommendations, the names of those Foreign Service officers who by reason of efficient service have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of minister, and the names of those Foreign Service officers and employees and officers and employees in the Department of State who by reason of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleasgjRAgA(Y ' q - POT8f9A721A0006q?010019-3 efficient service, an accurate record of which shall be kept in the De- partment of State, have demonstrated special efficiency, and also the names of persons found upon taking the prescribed examination to have fitness for appointment to the lower grades of the service." SEc. 7. That on the date on which this Act becomes effective the Secretary of State shall certify to the President, with his recommenda- tion in each case, the record of efficiency of the several secretaries in the Diplomatic Service, consuls general, consuls, vice consuls of career, consular asistants, interpreters, and student interpreters then in office and shall, except in cases of persons found to merit reduction in rank or dismissal from the service, recommend to the President the recom- missioning, without further examination, of those then in office as follows : Secretaries of class one designated as counselors of embassy, and consuls general of classes one and two as Foreign Service officers of class one. Secretaries of class one designated as counselors of legation and consuls general of class three as Foreign Service officers of class two. Secretaries of class one not designated as counselors, consuls general of class four, and consuls general at large as Foreign Service officers of class three. Secretaries of class two, consuls general of class five, consuls of classes one, two, and three, and Chinese, Japanese, and Turkish secre- taries as Foreign Service officers of class four. Consuls of class four as Foreign Service officers of class five. Secretaries of class three, consuls of class five, and Chinese, Japa- nese, and Turkish assistant secretaries as Foreign Service officers of class six. Consuls of class six as Foreign Service officers of class seven. Secretaries of class four and consuls of class seven as Foreign Serv- ice officers of class eight. Consuls of classes eight and nine as Foreign Service officers of class nine. Vice consuls of career, consular assistants, interpreters, and student interpreters as Foreign Service officers, unclassified. SEc. 8. That consuls general of class one and consuls of class one holding office at the time this Act takes effect shall not, as a result of their recommissioning or reclassification, suffer a reduction in salary below that which they are then receiving : Provided, however, That this provision shall apply only to the incumbents of the offices mentioned at the time this Act becomes effective. That the grade of consular assistant is hereby abolished, and that all consular assistants now in the service shall be recommissioned as Foreign Service officers, unclassified. SEc. 9. That sections 1697 and 1698 of the Revised Statutes are hereby amended to read as follows : "Every secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul of career, or Foreign Service officer, before he receives his commission or enters upon the duties of his office, shall give to the United States a bond, in such form as the President shall prescribe, with such sureties, who shall be permanent residents of the United States, as the Secretary of State shall approve, in a penal sum not less than the annual compen- sation allowed to such officer, conditioned for the true and faithful Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve For Release 2000/09/1SERVICE 1: CIAcRDP78-03721A000600010019-3 6 accounting for, paying over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property which shall come to his hands or to the hands of any other person to his use as such officer under any law now or hereafter enacted, and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer : Provided, That the operation of no existing bond shall in any wise be impaired by the provisions of this Act: Provided further, hat such bond shall cover by its stipulations all official acts of such officer, whether as Foreign Service officer or as secretary in the Diplomatic Service, consul general, consul, or vice con- suls of career. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury." SEC. 10. That the provisions of section 4of the Act of April 5, 1906, relative to the powers, duties, and prerogatives of consuls general at large are hereby made applicable to Foreign Service officers detailed for the purpose of inspection, who shall, under the direction of the Secretary of State, inspect the work of offices in the Foreign Service, both in the diplomatic and the consular branches. Sze. 11. That the provisions of sections 8 and 10 of the Act of April 5, 1906, relative to official fees and the method of accounting therefor shall include both branches of the Foreign Service. SEC. 12. That the President is hereby authorized to grant to diplo- matic missions and to consular offices at capitals of countries where there is no diplomatic mission of the United States representation allowances out of any money which may be appropriated for such purpose from time to time by Congress, the expenditure of such representation allowance to be accounted for in detail to the Depart- ment of State quarterly under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe. SEC. 13. Appropriations are authorized for the salary of a private secretary to each ambassador who shall be appointed by the ambassa- dor and hold office at his pleasure. SEC. 14. That any Foreign Service officer may be assigned for duty in the Department of State without loss of class or salary, such assignment to be for a period of not more than three years, unless the public interests demand further service, when such assignment may be extended for a period not to exceed one year. Any Foreign Service officer of whatever class detailedfor special duty not at his post or in the Department of State shall be paid his actual and necessary expenses for travel and not exceeding an average of $8 per day for subsistence during such special detail: Provided, That such special duty shall not continue for more than sixty days, unless in the case of trade conferences or international gatherings, congresses, or conferences, when such subsistence expenses shall run on.ty during the period thereof and the necessary period of transit to and from the place of gathering : Provided further, That the Secretary of State is authorized to prescribe a per diem allowance not exceeding $6, in lieu of subsistence for Foreign Service officers on special duty or Foreign Service inspectors. SEC. 15. That the Secretary of State is authorized, whenever he deems it to be in the public interest, to order to the United States on his statutory leave of absence any Foreign Service officer who has performed three years or more of continuous service abroad : Pro- vided, That the expenses of transportation and subsistence of such officers and their immediate families, in traveling from their posts Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser PqW"41SE&IAFAPP778-44721AO0060010019-3 to their homes in the United States and return, shall be paid under the same rules and regulations applicable in the case of officers going to and returning from their posts under orders of the Secretary of State when not on leave: Provided further, That while in the United States the services of such officers shall be available for trade conference work or for such duties in the Department of States as the Secretary of State may prescribe. SEC. 16. That the part of the Act of July 1, 1916 (Public, Numbered 131), which authorizes the President to designate and assign any secretary of class one as counselor of embassy or legation, is hereby amended to read as follows : "Provided, That the President may, whenever he considers it advisable so to do, designate and assign any Foreign Service officer as counselor of embassy or legation." SEC. 17. That within the discretion of the President, any Foreign Service officer may be appointed to act as commissioner, charge d'affaires, minister resident, or diplomatic agent for such period as the public interests may require without loss of grade, class, or salary : Provided, however, That no such officer shall receive more than one salary. That section 1685 of the Revised Statutes as amended by the Act entitled "An Act for the improvement of the Foreign Service, ap- proved February 5, 1915," is hereby amended to read as follows : "SEC. 1685. That for such time as any Foreign Service officer shall be lawfully authorized to act as charge d'affaires ad interim or to assume charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence of the principal officer at the post to which he shall have been as- signed, he shall, if his salary is less than one-half that of such principal officer, receive in addition to his salary as Foreign Service officer compensation equal to the difference between such salary and one-half of the salary provided by law for the ambassador, minister, or principal consular officer, as the case may be." SEC. 18. The President is authorized to prescribe rules and regula- tions for the establishment of a Foreign Service retirement and dis- ability system to be administered under the direction of the Secretary of State and in accordance with the following principles, to wit: (a) The Secretary of State shall submit annually a comparative report showing all receipts and disbursements on account of refunds, allowances, and annuities, together with the total number of persons receiving annuities and the amounts paid them, and shall submit annually estimates of appropriations necessary to continue this section in full force and such appropriations are hereby authorized : Provided, That in no event shall the aggregate total appropriations exceed the aggregate total of the contributions of the Foreign Service officers thertofore made, and accumulated interest thereon. (b) There is hereby created a special fund to be known as the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund. (c) Five per centum of the basic salary of all Foreign Service officers eligible to retirement shall be contributed to the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund and the Secretary of the Treas- ury is directed on the date on which this Act takes effect to cause such deductions to be made and the sums transferred on the books of the Treasury Department to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allow- ances : Provided, That all basic salaries in excess of $9,000 per annum shall be treated as $9,000. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveofor Relea,*%~2991A /II ,iqlAA 7 3721 A000600010019-3 (d) When any Foreign Service officer has reached the age of sixty- five years and rendered at least fifteen years of service he shall be retired : Provided, That the President may in his discretion retain, any such officer on active duty for such period not exceeding five years as he may deem for the interest of the United States. (e) Annuities shall be paid to retired Foreign Service officers under the following classifications, based upon length of service and at the following percentages of the average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement : Class A, thirty years or more, 60 per centum; class B, from twenty-seven to thirty years, 54 per centum; class C, from twenty-four to twenty-seven years, 48 per con- tu.m; class D, from twenty-one to twenty-four years, 42 per centwn; class E, from eighteen to twenty-one years, 36 per centum; class F, -from fifteen to eighteen years, 30 per centum. (f) Those officers who retire before having contributed for each -year of service shall have withheld from their annuities to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund such proportion ,of 5 per centum as the number of years in which they did not contribute bears to the total length of service. (g) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to invest from time to time in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund as in his judg- ment may not be immediately required for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances and the income derived from such investments shall constitute a part oY said fund. (h) None of the moneys mentioned in this section shall be assign- able, either in law or equity, or be subject to execution, levy, or attach- ment, garnishment, or other legal process. (i) In case an annuitant dies without having received in annuities an amount equal to the total amount of his contributions from salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum compounded an- nually up to the time of his death, the excess of the said accumulated contributions over the said annuity payments shall be paid to his or her legal representatives; and in case a Foreign Service officer shall die without having reached the retirement age the total amount of his contributions with accrued interest shall be paid to his legal repre- sentatives. - (j) That any Foreign Service officer who before reaching the age of retirement becomes totally disabled for useful and efficient service by reason of disease or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the President, be retired on an annuity under para- graph (e) of this section: Provided, (however, That in each case such disability shall be determined by the report of a duly qualified physi- cian or surgeon designated by the Secretary of State to conduct the examination: Provided further, That unless the disability be perma- nent, a like examination shall be made annually in order to determine the degree of disability, and the payment of annuity shall cease from the date of the medical examination showing recovery. Fees for examinations under this provision, together with reason- able traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund. - - When the annuity is discontinued under this provision, before the annuitant has received a sum equal to the total amount of his con- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser2g0Ql &1sEeI .RD 7-3721 A00060bb10019-3 tributions with accrued interest, the difference shall be paid to him or to his legal representatives. (k) The President is authorized from time to time to establish, by Executive order, a list of places in tropical countries which by reason of climatic or other extreme conditions are to be classed as unhealthful posts, and each year of duty at such posts, while so classed, inclusive of regular leaves of absence, shall be counted as one year and a half, and so on in like proportion in reckoning the length of service for the pur oses of retirement. (1)) Whenever a Foreign Service officer becomes separated from the service except for disability before reaching the age of retirement, 75 per centum of the total amount of contribution from his salary without interest shall be returned to him. (m) Whenever any Foreign Service officer, after the date of his retirement, accepts a position of employment the emoluments of which are greater than the annuity received by him from the United States Government by virtue of his retirement under this Act, the amount of the said annuity during the continuance of such employment shall be reduced by an equal amount : Provided, That all retired Foreign Service officers shall notify the Secretary of State once a year of any positions of employment accepted by them stating the amount of com- pensation received therefrom and whenever any such officer fails to so report it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to order the payment of the annuity to be suspended until such report is received. (n) The Secretary of State is authorized to expend from surplus money to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund an amount not exceeding $5,000 for the expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of this section, including actuarial advice. (o) Any diplomatic secretary or consular officer who has been or any Foreign Service officer who may hereafter be promoted from the classified service to the grade of ambassador or minister, or appointed to a position in the Department of State shall be entitled to all the benefits of this section in the same manner and under the same conditions as Foreign Service officers. (p) For the purposes of this Act the period of service shall be computed from the date of original oath of office as secretary in the Diplomatic Service, consul general, consul, vice consul, deputy consul, consular assistant, consular agent, commercial agent, inter- preter, or student interpreter, and shall include periods of service at different times in either the Diplomatic or Consular Service, or while on assignment to the Department of State, or on special duty, but all periods of separation from the service and so much of any period of leave of absence as may exceed six months shall be excluded : Provided, That service in the Department of State prior to appoint- ment as a Foreign Service officer may be included in the period of service, in which case the officer shall pay into the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund a special contribution equal to 5 per centum of his annual salary for each year of such employment, with interest thereon to date of payment compounded annually at 4 per centum. SEc. 19. In the event of public emergency any retired Foreign Service officer may be recalled temporarily to active service by the President and while so serving he shall be entitled in lieu of his retirement allowance to the full pay of the class in which he is tem- porarily serving. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releatw2ft6i09/4viGiAdRQP78,t?3721 A000600010019-3 SEC. 20. That all provisions of law heretofore enacted relating to secretaries in the Diplomatic Service and to consular officers, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby made applicable to Foreign Service officers when they are designated for service as diplomatic or as consular officers, and that all Acts orparts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. SEC. 21. That the appropriations contained in Title I of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, and for other purposes," for such compensation and expenses as are affected by the provisions of this Act are made available and may be applied toward the payment of the compensation and expenses herein pro- vided for, except that no part of such appropriations shall be available for the payment of annuities to retired Foreign Service officers. SEC. 22. The titles "Second Assistant Seereta of State" and "Third Assistant Secretary of State" shall hereafter be known as "Assistant Secretary of State" without numerical distinction of rank; but the change of title shall in no way impair the commissions, salaries,_ and duties of the present incumbents. There is hereby established in the Department of State an addi- tional "Assistant Secretary of State," who shall be appointed by the- President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of $7,500 per annum. The position of Director of the Consular Service is abolished and the salary provided for that office is hereby made available for the salary of the additional Assistant Secretary of State herein authorized. SEC. 23. That this Act shall take effect on July 1, 1924. Approved, May 24,1924. APPENDIX III [PuBLIc-NO. 715-71ST CONGRESS] [H.I1. 9110] An Act For the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of" the United States of America, and, providing compensation therefor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the clerks in the .Foreign Service of the United States of America shall be graded and classified as follows, and shall receive, within the limitation of such appropriations as the Congress may make, the basic compensa- tions specified : Senior clerks. Class 1, $4,000; class 2, $3,750; class 3, $3,500; class 4, $3,250; class 5, $3,000. Junior clerks. Class 1, $2,750; class 2, $2,500; class 3, all clerks, whose compensation as fixed by the Secretary of State is less than $2,500 per annum. SEC. 2. Appointments to the grade of senior clerks and advance- ment from class to class in that grade shall herea-fter be by promo- tion for efficient service, and no one shall be promoted to the grade of senior clerk who is not an American citizen and has not served as a clerk in a diplomatic mission or a consulate, or both, or as a clerk in the Department of State for at least five years. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release r 0 6i1AQWRQ,PZ$-Q3 21 A00060Q910019-3 SEC. 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized, at posts where in his judgment it is required by the public interests for the purpose of meeting the unusual or excessive costs of living ascertained by him to exist, to grant compensation to clerks assigned there in addition to the basic rates herein specified, within such appropria- tions as Congress may make for such purpose : Provided, however, That all such additional compensation with the reasons therefor shall be reported to Congress with the annual Budget. SEC. 4. No clerk who is not an American citizen shall hereafter be appointed to serve in a diplomatic mission. SEc. 5. The President is hereby authorized to prescribe regulations for the administration of the foregoing provisions. SEC. 6. Section 5 of the Act of April 5, 1906, entitled "An Act to provide for the reorganization of the Consular Service" (United States Code, page 646, section 57), is hereby repealed. SEC. 7. That the Act (Public Numbered 135, Sixty-eighth Con- gress) approved May 24, 1924, entitled "An Act for the reorganiza- tion and improvement of the Foreign Service of the United States, and for other purposes," be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows : "SEC. 8. That hereafter the Diplomatic and Consular Service of the United States shall be known as the Foreign Service of the United States. "SEC. 9. That the official designation `Foreign Service officers,' as employed throughout this Act, shall be deemed to denote permanent officers in the Foreign Service below the grade of minister, all of whom are subject to promotion on merit and who may be appointed to either diplomatic or consular positions or assigned to serve in the Department of State subject to section 21 of this Act, at the discretion of the President. "SEC. 10. That the officers in the Foreign Service shall hereafter be graded and classified as follows with the salaries of each class herein affixed thereto, except as increases in salaries are authorized in section 33 of this Act, but not exceeding in number for each class a proportion of the total number of officers in the service represented in the following percentage limitations : "Ambassadors and ministers as now or hereafter provided : For- eign Service officers as follows : Class 1, 6 per centum, $9,000 to $10,000; class 2, 7 per centum, $8,000 to $8,900; class 3, 8 per centum, $7,000 to $7,900; class 4, 9 per centum, $6,000 to $6,900; class 5, 10 per centum, $5,000 to $5,900; class 6, 14 per centum, $4,500 to $4,900; class 7, $4,000 to $4,400; class 8, $3,500 to $3,900; unclassified, $2,500 to $3;400: Provided, That as many Foreign Service officers above class 6 as may be required for the purpose of inspection may be detailed by the Secretary of State for that purpose. "SEC. 11. That Foreign Service officers may be commissioned as diplomatic or consular officers or both : Provided, That all such appointments shall be made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate: And provided further, That all official acts of such officers while serving under diplomatic or consular commissions in the Foreign Service shall be performed under their respective com- missions as secretaries or as consular officers. "SEC. 12. That hereafter appointments to the position of Foreign Service officers shall be made after examination and officers so, 01189-62-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve A, For Relea 2 %q9/1E', ~IqlPAZRgF71?~Q3721A000600010019-3 appointed shall serve a suitable period of probation in an unclassified grade or, under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe, after five years of continuous service in an executive or quasiexecutive position in the Department of State, by transfer therefrom : Provided, That no candidate shall be eligible for exam- ination for Foreign Service officer who is not an American citizen and who shall not have been such at least fifteen years: Provided further, That reinstatement of Foreign Service officers separated from the classified service by reason of appointment to some other position in the Government service may be made by Executive order of the President under such rules and regulations as he may pre- scribe. Except that the number of such officers reinstated shall not affect the number of the percentage of the class provided in sec- tion 10. "All appointments of Foreign Service officers shall be by commis- sion to a class and not by a commission to a particular post, and such officers shall be assigned to posts and may be transferred from one post to another by order of the President as the interests of the service may require: Provided, That the classification of secretaries in the Diplomatic Service and of consular officers is hereby abolished without, however, in any wise impairing the validity of the present commissions of secretaries and consular officers. "Suo. 13. That section 5 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (Public, Numbered 242), is hereby repealed. "SEc. 14. That the Secretary of State is directed to report from time to time to the President, along with his recommendations, the names of those Foreign Service officers who by reason of efficient service have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of minister and the names of those Foreign Service officers and clerks and officers and employees in the Department of State who by reason of efficient service, an accurate record of which shall be kept in the Department of State, have demonstrated special efficiency, and also the names of persons found upon taking the prescribed examina- tion to have fitness for appointment to the service, and any Foreign Service officer who may hereafter be promoted to a higher class within the classification prescribed in section 10 of this Act shall have the status and receive the compensation attaching to such higher class from the date stated in his commission as the affective date of his promotion to such higher class. "That the grade of consular assistant is hereby abolished. "SEC. 15. That sections 1697 and 1698 of the Revised Statutes are hereby repealed. "SEC. 16. Every secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul of career, or Foreign Service officer, before he receives his commission or enters upon the duties of his office, shall give to the United States a bond, in such form as the President shall prescribe, with such sureties, who shall be permanent residents of the United States, as the Secretary of State shall approve, in a penal sum not less than the annual compensation allowed to such officer, conditioned for the true and faithful accounting for, paying over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property which shall come to his hands or to the hands of any other person to his use as such officer under any law now or hereafter enacted, and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2pO%ftjGt: &-q q7~-047A1A000600( J0019-3 now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer : Pro- vided, That the operation of no existing bond shall in any wise be impaired by the provisions of this Act: Provided further, That such 'bond shall cover by its stipulations all official acts of such officer, whether commissioned as diplomatic or consular officer or Foreign Service officer. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury. "SEC. 17. That the provisions of section 4 of the Act of April 5, 1906, relative to the powers, duties, and prerogatives of consuls gen- eral at large are hereby made applicable to the Foreign Service offi- cers detailed for the purpose of inspection, who shall, under the direc- tion of the Secretary of State, inspect in a substantially uniform manner the work of diplomatic and consular offices. "SEC. 18. That the provisions of sections 8 and 10 of the Act of April 5, 1906, relative to official fees and the method of accounting therefor shall apply to diplomatic officers below the grade of minister and to consular officers. "SEc. 19. That under such regulations as the President may pre- scribe, and within the limitations of such appropriations as may be made therefor, which appropriations are hereby authorized, ambas- sadors, ministers, diplomatic, consular, and Foreign Service officers may be granted allowances for representation; and also post allow- ances wherever the cost of living may be proportionately so high that in the opinion of the Secretary of State such allowances are necessary to enable such diplomatic, consular, and Foreign Service officers to carry on their work efficiently : Provided, That all such allowances shall be accounted for to the Secretary of State in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe and the authorization and approval of such expenditures by the Secretary of State, as complying with such rules and regulations, shall be binding upon all officers of the Government: Provided fur- ther, That the Secretary of State shall report all such expenditures annually to the Congress with the Budget estimates of the Depart- ment of State. "SEC. 20. Appropriations are authorized for the salary of a private secretary to each ambassador to be appointed by the ambassador and hold office at his pleasure. "SEC. 21. That any Foreign Service officer may be assigned for duty in the Department of State without loss of class or salary, such assignment to be for a period of not more than three years, unless the public interest demand further service, which such assignment may be extended for a period not to exceed one year. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1742 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, any ambassador or minister or any Foreign Service officer of whatever class detailed for duty in connection with trade conferences or international gatherings, congresses, or conferences, or for other special duty not at his post or in the Department of State, except temporarily for purposes of consultation, shall be paid his salary and expenses for travel and subsistence at the rates prescribed by law. "SEc. 22. That the Secretary of State is authorized whenever he deems it to be in the public interest, to order to the United States on his statutory leave of absence any Foreign Service officer or vice consul of career who has performed three years or more of con- tinuous service abroad : Provided, That the expenses of transportation Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Rele, e 9 %JJI,,CJ 4~91?17 03721A000600010019-3 and subsistence of such officers and their immediate families, in traveling from their posts to their homes in the United States and return, shall be paid under the same rules and regulations applicable in the case of officers going to and returning from their posts under orders of the Secretary of State when not on leave; And provided further, That while in the United States the services of such officers shall be available for trade conference work or for such duties in the Department of State as the Secretary of State may prescribe, but the time of such work or duties shall not be counted as leave. "The Secretary of State is authorized, in his discretion and subject to such regulations as may be issued by the President to grant to any officer or employee of the Foreign Service not to exceed sixty days annual leave of absence with pay. If such officer or employee returns to the United States, the leave of absence granted under the provisions of this section shall be exclusive of the time actually and necessarily occupied in going to and from the United States, and such time as may be necessarily occupied in awaiting sailing. Any portion of sixty days annual leave not granted or availed of in any one year may be cumulative, not to exceed exclusive of time in transit and awaiting sailing, one hundred and twenty days in three years or one hundred and eighty days in four years : Provided further, That employees, not American citizens, may be granted not to exceed thirty days of leave of absence with pay in any one year. "The Secretary of State is also authorized to grant to any officer or employee of the Foreign Service on account of personal illness or on account of exposure to a contagious disease which would render presence at a post of duty ha-zardous to the health of fellow employees, sick leave of absence with pay at the rate of fifteen days a year, the unused portion of such sick leave to be cumulative not to exceed one hundred and twenty days: Provided, That during the first year of operation of this act not to exceed thirty days of additional sick leave of absence with pay may be granted. "No Foreign Service officer shall be absent from his post with pay for more than forty-eight hours without permission, except as pro- vided herein. "Section 1742 of the Revised Statutes is hereby repealed. "SEc. 23. That the part of the Act of July 1, 1916 (Public, Num- bered 131), which authorizes the President to designate and assign any secretary of class 1 as counselor of embassy or legation, is hereby amended to read as follows : "Provided, That the President may, whenever he considers it ad- visable so to do, designate and assign any Foreign Service officer as counselor of embassy or legation.' "SEc. 24. That within the discretion of the President, any Foreign Service officer may be assigned to act as commissioner, charge d'affhires, minister resident, or diplomatic agent for such period as the public interests may require without loss of grade, class, or salary : Provided, however, That no such officer shall receive more than one salary. "SEc. 25. That for such times as any Foreign Service officer shall be lawfully authorized to act as charge d'affaires ad interim or to assume charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence of the principal officer at the post to which he shall have been as- signed, he shall, if his salary is less than one-half that of such princi- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release,p%q?4j) sLq.-RP74-q47;1A00060010019-3 pal officer, receive in addition to his salary as Foreign Service officer, compensation equal to the difference between such salary and one-half of the salary provided by law for the ambassador, minister, or princi- pal consular officer, as the case may be. "Snc. 26. The President is authorized to prescribe rules and regula- tions for the establishment of a Foreign Service retirement and dis- ability system to be administered under the direction of the Secretary of State and in accordance with the following principles, to wit: "(a) The Secretary of State shall submit annually a comparative report showing all receipts and disbursements on account of refunds, allowances, and annuities, together with the total number of persons receiving annuities and the amounts paid them, and shall submit annually estimates of appropriations necessary to continue this sec- tion in full force and such appropriations are hereby authorized: Provided, That in no event shall the aggregate total appropriations exceed the aggregate total of the contributions of the Foreign Serv- ice officers theretofore made, and accumulated interest thereon. "(b) There, is hereby created a special fund to be known as the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund. "(c) Five per centum of the basic salary of all Foreign Service officers eligible to retirement shall be contributed to the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund, and the Secretary of tie Treasury is directed on the date on which this Act takes effect to cause such deductions to be made and the sums transferred on the books of the Treasury Department to the credit of the Foreign Serv- ice retirement and disability fund for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances : Provided, That all basic salaries in excess of $10,000 per annum shall be treated as $10,000. "(d) When any Foreign Service officer has reached the age of sixty-five years and rendered at least fifteen years of service he shall be retired : Provided, That if any such officer shall have served thirty years he may be retired at his own request before reaching the age of sixty-five years: Provided further, That the President may in his discretion retain any such officer on active duty for such period prior to his reaching seventy years of age, as he may deem for the interests of the United ?tates. "(e) Annuities shall be paid to retired Foreign Service officers under the following classification, based upon length of service and at the following percentages of the average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement : Class A, thirty years or more, 60 per centum; Class B, from twenty-seven to thirty years, 54 per centum; Class C, from twenty-four to twenty-seven years, 48 per centum; Class D, from twenty-one to twenty-four years, 42 per centum; Class E, from eighteen to twenty-one years, 36 per centum; Class F, from fifteen to eighteen years, 30 per centum: Provided, however, That in computing the average annual basic ? salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement, so much of an officer's service as was rendered prior to July 1, 1924, in accordance with the classification and salaries established by laws then in effect as it is possible to credit to him by applying to all such periods of service rendered prior to July 1, 1924, the rules for corresponding classes in the reclassification provisions in section 7 of the Act of May 24, 1924, shall be considered as having been performed in accordance with the classifications and salaries estab- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Relee?g9fG'N % JJ1,1PXG'T P?Ps03721A000600010019-3 lished for Foreign Service officers in section 3 of the Act of May 24, 1924: And provided further, That no increases in annuities under this Act shall operate retroactively and nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as reducing the rate of the annuity received by any re- tired officer on the effective date of this Act. "(f) Those officers who retire before having contributed for each year of service shall be have withheld from their annuities to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund such propor- tion of 5 per centum as the number of years in which they did not contribute bears to the total length of service : Provided, That no deductions shall be made from the annuities of officers who have con- tributed thirty years, and no officer shall be required to contribute more than thirty years in any circumstances. "(g) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to invest from time to time in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund as in his judg- ment may not be immediately required for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances, and the income derived from such invest- ments shall constitute a part of said fund. "(h) None of the moneys mentioned in this section shall be as- signable either in law or equity, or be subject to execution, levy, or at- tachment, garnishment, or other legal process. "(i) In case an annuitant dies without having received in annuities an amount equal to the total amount of his contributions from salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum compounded annually up to the time of his death, the excess of said accumulated contribu- tions over the said annuity payments shall be paid to his or her legal representatives; and in case a. Foreign Service officer shall die without having reached the retirement age the total amount. of his contribu- tion with accrued interest shall be paid to his legal representatives. "(j) That any Foreign Service officer who, before reaching the age of retirement becomes totally disabled for useful and efficient . service by reason of disease or injury not due to vicious habits, in- temperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the President, be retired on an annuity under paragraph (e) of this section : Provided, however, That in each case such disability shall be determined by the report of a duly qualified physician or surgeon designated by the Secretary of State to conduct the examination : Provided further, That unless the dis- ability be permanent, a like examination shall be made annually in order to determine the degree of disability, and the payment of annuity shall cease from the date of the medical examination showing recovery. "Fees for examinations under this provision, together with reason- able traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund. "When the annuity is discontinued under this provision before the annuitant has received a sum equal to the total amount of his contributions, with accrued interest, the difference shall be paid to him or to his legal representatives. "(k) The President is authorized from time to time to establish, by Executive order, a list of places which by reason of climatic or Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0PdMt1-W&-R,PP~P-Q T21A000609910019-3 other extreme conditions are to be classed as unhealthful posts, and each year of duty subsequent to January 1, 1900, at such posts inclu- sive of regular leaves of absence, of officers already retired or here- after retired, shall be counted as one year and a half, and so on in like proportion in reckoning the length of service for the purpose of. retirement, fractional months being considered as full months in computing such service: Provided, however, That the President may at any time cancel the designation of any places as unhealthful with- out affecting any credit which has accrued for service at such posts prior to the date of the cancellation. "(1) Whenever a Foreign Service officer becomes separated from the service except for disability before reaching the age of retire- ment, or under section 33 of this Act, the total amount of contribu- tion from his salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum compounded annually up to the date of such separation, shall be returned to him. "(m) The Secretary of State is authorized to expend from sur- plus money to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund an amount not exceeding $5,000 per annum for the expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of this section, including actuarial advice. "(n) Xny diplomatic secretary or consular officer who has been or any Foreign Service officer who may hereafter be promoted from the classified service to the grade of ambassador or minister, or appointed to a position in the Department of State, shall be entitled to all the benefits of this section in the same manner and under the same condi- tions as Foreign Service officers : Provided, That any officer now in- cluded under the Act of May 24, 1924, and the amendment thereto of July 3, 1926, shall be entitled to the benefits of this section. "(o) For the purposes of this Act the period of service shall be computed from the date of original oath of office as diplomatic sec- retary, consul general, consul, vice consul, deputy consul, consular assistant, consular agent, commercial agent, interpreter, or student interpreter, and shall include periods of service at different times as either a diplomatic or consular officer, or while on assignment to the Department of State, or on special duty or service in another department or establishment of the Government, but all periods of separation from the service and so much of any period of leave of absence without pay as may exceed six months shall be excluded : Pro- vided, That service in the Department of State or as clerk in a mission or consulate prior to appointment as a Foreign Service officer may be included in the period of service, in which case the officer shall pay into the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund a special con- tribution equal to 5 per centum of his annual salary for each year of such employment, with interest thereon to date of payment com- pounded annually at 4 per centum, provided that such special contri- bution shall be subject to the limitations established by subdivision (f) of this section. "Snc. 27. In the event of public emergency any retired Foreign Serv- ice officer may be recalled temporarily to active service by the Presi- dent, and while so serving he shall be entitled in lieu of his retirement allowance to the full pay of the class in which he is temporarily serving. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 "SEC. 28. That all provisions of law heretofore enacted relating to diplomatic secretaries and to consular officers, which are not inconsist- ent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby made applicable to For- eign Service officers when they are designated for service as diplomatic or consular officers, and that all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. "SEC. 29. That the appropriations contained in Title I of the Act entitled `An Act making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciary and for the Departments of Com- merce and Labor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, and for other purposes,' for such compensation and expenses as are affected by the provisions of this Act are made available and may be applied toward the ayment of the compensation and expenses herein provided. "SEC. 30. That there is hereby established in the Department of State the office of legal adviser (in lieu of the Solicitor of the Department of State, which office is hereby abolished). The legal adviser shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and, consent of the Senate and shall receive the same salary as Assistant Secretaries of State. "SEC. 31. There shall be in the Department of State a Board of Foreign Service Personnel for the Foreign Service, whose duty it shall be to recommend promotions in the Foreign Service and to furnish the Secretary of State, with lists of Foreign Service officers who have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of :minister. The board shall be composed of not more than three Assistant Secretaries of State, one of whom shall be the Assistant Secretary of State having supervision over the Division of Foreign Service Personnel, who shall be chairman. The Chief of the Divi- sion of Foreign Service Personnel and one other member of the division may attend the meetings of the board and one of them shall act as secretary, but they shall not be entitled to vote in its proceedings. No Foreign Service officer below class I shall be as- signed for duty in the Division of Foreign Service Personnel. For- eign Service officers assigned to the division shall not be eligible for recommendation by the Board of Foreign Service Personnel for promotion to the grade of minister or ambassador during the period of such assignment or for three years thereafter, nor shall such officers be given any authority except of a purely advisory charac- ter, over promotions, demotions, transfers, or separations from the service of Foreign Service officers. "SEC. 32. The Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall assem- ble, record, and be the custodian of all available information in re- gard to the character, ability, conduct, quality of work, industry, ex- perience, dependability and general availability of Foreign Service officers, including reports of inspecting officers and efficiency reports of supervising officers. All such information shall be appraised at least once in two years and the result of such appraisal expressed in terms of excellent, very good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory, accompanied by a concise statement of the considerations upon which they are based, shall be entered upon records to be known as the efficiency rec- ords of the officers and shall constitute their efficiency ratings for the period. No charges against an officer that would adversely affect his efficiency rating or his value to the service, if true, shall be taken into Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release H90pjq /t11St F I ap-p3?21A000609P 10019-3 consideration in determining his efficiency rating except after the of- ficer shall have had opportunity to reply thereto. The Assistant Secretary of State supervising the Division of Foreign Service Per- sonnel shall be responsible for keeping of accurate and impartial ef- ficiency records of Foreign Service officers and shall take all measures necessary to ensure their accuracy and impartiality. Not later than November 1 at least every two years, the Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall, under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary of State, prepare a list in which all Foreign officers shall be graded in accordance with their relative efficiency and value to the service. In this list officers shall be graded as excellent, very good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory with such further subclassification as may be found necessary. All officers rated. satisfactory or above shall be eligible for promotion in the order of iaerit to the minimum salary of the next higher class.' This list shall not become effective in so far as it affects promotion until it has been considered by the Board of Foreign Serv- ice Personnel hereinbefore provided for and approved by the Secre- tary of State : Provided, That this list shall not be changed before the next succeeding list of ratings is approved except in case of extraor- dinary or conspicuously meritorious service or serious misconduct and any change for such reasons shall be made only after consider- ation by the Board of Foreign Service Personnel and approval by the Secretary of State, and tie reasons for such change when made shall be inscribed upon the efficiency records of the officers affected. From this list of all Foreign Service officers recommendations for promotion shall be made in the order of their ascertained merit within classes. Recommendations shall also be made, in order of merit, as shown by ratings in the examinations for appointment to the unclassified grade, with commissions also as diplomatic secretaries and vice consuls, of those who have successfully passed the examina- tions. All such recommendations shall be submitted to the Secretary of State for his consideration and if he shall approve, for transmission to the President. "The correspondence and records of the Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall be confidential except to the President, the Secretary of State, the members of the Board of Foreign Service Personnel, the Assistant Secretary of State supervising the division, and such of its employees as may be assigned to work on such correspondence and records. "Snc. 33. That notwithstanding the provisions of section 10 of this Act all Foreign Service officers having a rating of satisfactory or bet- ter who shall have been in classes 5, 6, 7, or 8 for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall on the first day ' of each fiscal year receive an increase of salary of 100, except that no officer shall receive a salary above the maximum of his class and all such officers in classes 1, 213 , or 4 shall in the same circumstances receive an increase of $200: Provided, That the Secretary of State is authorized to fix the salaries of Foreign Service officers in the unclassified grade within the salary range specified in section 10 of this Act; and, within the limits of appropriation therefor, to grant to Foreign Service officers in any class additional promotion in salary within the salary range established for the classes in which they are serving, based upon especially meritorious service. Increases in salary under the terms of this section shall be Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved )For Relea~#E29 1 / ~R-QAAPtDg7 3721 A000600010019-3 paid to Foreign Service officers only as the right to such increases ac- crues after the effective date of this Act. The President is hereby a.u- . thorized to establish by Executive order, regulations providing for the separation of Foreign Service officers from the Foreign Service, in accordance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed. Foreign Serv- ice officers so separated from the Foreign Service shall be retired from the service, after a hearing by the Secretary of State, upon an annuity equal to 25 per centum of his salary at the time of retirement, in the case of officers over forty-five years of age or in the case of officers under forty-five years of age with a bonus of one year's salary at the time of his retirement, either annuity or one year's salary to be payable out of the Foreign Service officers' retirement and disability fund and except as herein provided, subject to the same provisions and limita- tions as other annuities payable out of such funds; but no return of contributions shall be made under paragraphs (i) or (1) of section 26 of this Act in the case of any Foreign Service officer retired under the provisions of this section. Whenever it is determined that the eflicienY rating of an officer is unsatisfactory, thereby meaning below the star and required for the service and such determination has been con- firmed by the Secretary of Sf tate, the officer shall be notified thereof, and if, after a reasonable period to be determined by the circumstances in each particular case, the rating of such officer continues to be found unsatisfactory and such finding is confirmed by the Secretary of State after a hearing accorded the officer, such officer shall be separated from the service with the annuity or bonus provided in this section, but no officer so separated from the service shall receive the said annuity or bonus unless at the time of separation he shall have served at least fifteen years. He shall, however, if he has not served at least fifteen years have returned to him the full sum of his contribution to the an- nuity fund, with interest thereon at 4 per centum compounded an- nually. The benefits of this section, except at the option of the Secre- tary of State the return of an officer's contribution to the annuity fund, shall not be given to Foreign Service officers separated from the For- eign Service on account of malfeasance in office. "SEC. 34. That nothing in this Act shall be construed to reduce the salary of any Foreign Service officer upon promotion to a higher class. "SEC. 35. That the President is hereby authorized, whenever the necessity for such offices with a view to effecting economies in account- ing procedure is apparent, to prescribe certain fiscal districts or areas and to establish within each such district as a part of the Department of State service, a district accounting and disbursing office to exercise control over the accounts and returns of all diplomatic missions and consular offices within the district in such manner as the President may direct. To each such office may be assigned the administrative ac- counting responsibility for receipts and expenditures of the diplomatic missions and consular offices within the district. Each district office shall be in charge of an accountable officer, to whom all fees, and other official monies, received by any diplomatic, consular, or Foreign Serv- ice officer may be accounted for, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State, all such fees and monies, .or the residue thereof after the payment of salaries, allowances, and .current expenses of the diplomatic missions and consular offices within the district, to be paid by the district accounting and disbursing officer into the Treasury of the United States. Such district accounting and Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release,&Q(g141J s ,F07&-Q7~1A000600(A10019-3 disbursing officers accountable for the public monies may entrust monies to other bonded officers for the purpose of having them make disbursements as his agent, and the officer to whom the monies are entrusted, as well as the officer who entrusts the monies to him, shall be held pecuniarily responsible therefor to the United States. All diplomatic, consular, or Foreign Service officers on duty within the area covered by such district offices may be required to render accounts of their disbursements to the officer in charge of such district office to be included in his accounts. Said district accounting and disbursing officers and their agents shall be bonded respectively to the United States for the faithful performance of their duties in such penal amounts as the President may require. "Provided further, That the Secretary of State is authorized to appoint such district accounting and disbursing officers and their assistants in the same manner as clerks in diplomatic missions and consular officers are appointed. "Section 3622 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U.S.C., title 31, sec. 496), and any other existing statutes, insofar as they conflict with this section are hereby amended. "SEC. 36. That all fees and other official monies received by diplo- matic missions or consular offices or by the district accounting and disbursing offices provided in section 35 above, may be transmitted through the Department of State for deposit in the United States Treasury, or may be used in payment of salaries, allowances, and cur- rent expenses of said missions and offices, under such rules and regula- tions as the President may from time to time prescribe; the residue, if any, to be transmitted through the Department of State for deposit in the United States Treasury. Section 3617 of the Revised Statutes of the United States (U.S.C. title 31 sec. 484) is hereby amended. "SEC. 37. That this Act shall take effect on July 1, 1931." Approved February 23, 1931. APPENDIX IV PUBLIC-No. 40-76TH CONGRESS [CHAPTER 84--1sT SESSION} [H.R. 3655] To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compete- sation therefor", approved February 23, 1931. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act en- titled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the For- eign Service of the United States of America, and providing compen- sation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows : Section 3 of said Act is amended to read as follows : "SFc. 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized, at posts where in his judgment it is required by the public interests for the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve For Releve 2000/09/ ERICIA R[~7403721A000600010019-3 purpose of meeting the unusual or excessive costs of living ascer- tained by him to exist, to grant compensation to clerks assigned there in addition to the basic rates herein specified, and also to other em- ployees in the Foreign Service of the United States who are American citizens in addition to the basic rates of their salaries as fixed by the Secretary of State, within such appropriations as Congress may make for such purpose : Provided, however, That all such additional com- pensation with the reasons therefor shall be reported to Congress with the annual Budget." SEC. 2. Section 10 of said Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 10. (a) That the officers in the Foreign Service shall here- after be oraded and classified as follows, with the salaries of each class, herein affixed thereto, except as increases in salaries are authorized in section 33 of this Act, but not exceeding in number for each class a proportion of the total number of officers in the services represented in the following percentage limitations : "Ambassadors and Ministers as now or hereafter provided; For- Service officers as follows : Class 1, 6 per centum, $9,000 to $10,000; class 2, 7 per centum, $8,000 to $8,900; class 3, 8 per centum, $7,000 to $7,900; class 4, 9 per centum, $6,000 to $6,900; class 5, 10 per centum, $5,000 to $5,900; class 6, 14 per centum, $1,500 to $4,900; class 7, $4,000 to $4,400; class 8, $3,500 to $3,900; unclassified, $2,500 to $3,400: Provided, That as many Foreign Service officers above class 6 as may be required for the purpose of inspection may be detailed by the Secretary of State for that purpose. "(b) That any person appointed an Ambassador or a Minister by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who has taken his oath of office and entered upon his official duties as re- quired by law, may be thereafter transferred in accordance with a subsequent appointment as Ambassador or Minister by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate ? and notwithstand.- ing the provisions of section 1740 of the Revised gtatutes, as amended (U.S.C., title 22, sec. 121), he shall be entitled to be paid salary at the rate prescribed by law for the Ambassador or Minister, at the post from whihc he is transferred to the date he takes oath of office under his now appointment, and thereafter at the rate prescribed by law for the Ambassador or Minister at the new post, including in either case such period as he may be necessarily in transit traveling under orders, receiving instruction, or on authorized leave of absence, as provided by law for officers and employees of the Foreign Service of the United States. The taking of his oath by an Ambassador or Minister ap- pointed to a post shall not operate to deprive the retiring Ambassa- dor or Minister at such post of salary up to the date of his departure therefrom, while traveling under orders, during transit to his home in the United States and while on authorized leave of absence, as pro- vided by the law for officers and employees of the Foreign Service of the United States. Appropriations are hereby authorized to pay sal- aries in such cases." SEC. 3. Section 26 of said Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 26. The President is authorized to prescribe rules and regu- lations for the establishment of a Foreign Service retirement and dis- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release pp Q 1.i 6Eq)A RQFZO= Q 7621A00060%Q10019-3 ability system to be administered under the direction of the Secretary Of State and in accordance with the following principles, to wit : "(a) The Secretary of State shall submit annually a comparative report showing all receipts and disbursements on account of refunds, allowances, and annuities, together with the total number of persons receiving annuities and the amounts paid them, and shall submit annually estimates of appropriations necessary to continue this sec- tion in full force and such appropriations are hereby authorized. "(b) There is hereby created a special fund to be known as the Fore' Service retirement and disability fund. "(c) Five per centum of the basic salary of all Foreign Service officers eligible to retirement shall be contributed to the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund, and the Secretary of the Treasury is directed on the date an which this Act takes effect to cause such deductions to be made and the sums transferred on the-books .of the Treasury Department to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances : Provided, That all basic salaries in excess 'af $10,000 uper annum shall be treated as $10,000 and any. Ambassador, Minister, or Foreign Service officer appointed to a position in the Department of State as provided in paragraph (n) of this section, at a lower basic salary than he was receiving on the date of such appointment shall be considered for all purposes of this section as continuing to draw the higher salary and salary deductions authorized under this para- graph shall be on that basis: And provided further, That any Foreign Service officer may at his option and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President, deposit additional sums in multiples of 1 per centum of his basic salary, but not to exceed 10 per centum of such basic salary, which amounts together with interest thereon at 3 per centiun per annum compounded on June 30 of each year, shall, at the date of his retirement, be returned to him in a lump sum; or the officer may elect to use the accumulated amount of his additional deposits and interest to purchase an additional annuity which shall, if he so desires, carry with it a proviso that upon his death a cash benefit shall be paid in such amount as he may elect under regulations to be prescribed by the President, to a beneficiary designated in writing and filed in accordance with instructions of the Secretary of State. The amount of such cash benefit shall not exceed the accumu- lated amount of the officer's additional deposits with interest to the date of retirement: Provided, however, That in lieu of such cash benefit, the officer may direct that beginning at the time of his death his beneficiary shall be paid a life annuity of such amount as may be purchasable with the amount of the cash benefit and such annuity shall provide for the guaranteed return of at least the amount of the cash benefit. The calculation of the amount of the additional annuity purchasable by the retired officer under the provisions of this option shall be based upon such tables of annuity values as may from time to time be prescribed for this purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. In case an officer shall become separated from the service for any rea- son except retirement on an annuity, the amount of any additional deposits with interest at 3 per centum per annum compounded an- nually, made by him under the provisions of this paragraph shall be Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approves' For Rele a QW99I 1 API&-F P1%03721 A000600010019-3 refunded in the manner provided elsewhere in this section for the return of contributions and interest in the case of death or withdrawal from active service. Any benefits payable to an officer, or to his bene- ficiary, in respect to the additional deposits provided under this para- graph, shall be in addition to the benefits otherwise provided under this section. "(d When any Foreign Service officer has reached the age of sixty- 've years and rendered at least fifteen years of service he shall be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed in paragraph (e) of this section: Provided, That any Foreign Service officer who has reached the age of sixty years and rendered at least thirty years of service may be retired at his own request on the annuity computed as prescribed under paragraph (e) of this section: Provided further, That any officer below the age of sixty years who has rendered at least thirty years of actual service, exclusive of extra service credits as provided in paragraph (k) of this section, may be retired at his own request and elect to receive either (1) a deferred annuity begin- ning at age sixty computed as prescribed under paragraph (e) of this section, or (2) an immediate annuity computed as prescribed under paragraph (e) of this section, reduced by one-fourth of 1 per centum of such annuity for each month or major fraction thereof. between the date of his retirement and the sixtieth. anniversary of his date of birth: And provided further, That the President may in his discretion :retain any such officer on active duty for such period prior to his reaching seventy years of age as he may deem for the interests of the United States. "(e) The annuity of a retired Foreign Service officer shall be equal. to 2 per centum of his average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement, multiplied by the number of years of service not exceeding thirty years : Provided, That at the time of his retirement a Foreign Service officer, if the husband of a wife to whom he has been married for at least five years, may elect to receive a reduced annuity and designate his wife as his beneficiary, to whom will be paid any portion up to two-thirds of his reduced annuity, at the option of the officer, as long as she may live after his death : Provided, however, That the annuity payable to the widow shall in no case exceed 25 per centum of the officer's average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement. If the age of the officer is less than the age of the wife or exceeds her age by not more than eight years, the annuity of the officer will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half the annuity which he elects to have paid to his widow. If the age of the officer exceeds the age of the wife by more than eight years, the annuity of the officer will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half the annuity which he elects to have paid to his widow plus an additional reduction equal to 2 per centum of such widow's annuity for each year, or fraction thereof, that the difference in age exceeds eight : Provided further, That a, retired officer who is receiving an annuity on the effective date of this Act, if the husband of a wife to whom he was married at the time of his retirement and for a total period of at least five years, shall be entitled under the same terms and conditions set forth above, to elect. to receive a reduced annuity, a portion of which will be continued on his death throughout the life of his surviving widow, Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseTa9O (Mll1s, 'y FARP7 AI721A000609P10019-3 but all such elections by retired officers shall be made within six months following the effective date of this Act, and they shall all be effective on the same date, to be prescribed by the President : And provided further, That no increases in annuities under this Act shall operate retroactively and nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as reducing the rate of the annuity received by any retired officer on the effective date of this Act, unless the officer voluntarily elects to receive a reduced annuity as provided herein. "(f) In case a Foreign Service officer shall die without having established a valid claim for annuity, the total amount of his deduc- tions with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum compounded on June 30 of each year, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, shall be paid upon the establishment of a valid claim theref or in the order of precedence given under paragraph (i) of this section: Provided, however, That if the deceased officer ren- dered at least fifteen years of service and is survived by a, widow to whom he was married for at least five years, such widow shall be paid an annuity equal to the annuity which she would have been entitled to receive if her husband had been retired on the date of his death, under the provisions of paragraph (j) of this section, and had elected to receive the reduced joint and survivorship annuity, under paragraph (e) hereof, providing the maximum annuity for his widow, unless prior to the date of his death he shall have elected, in lieu of such widow's annuity, and with the approval of the Secretary of State, the return of his deductions with interest as provided in the first part of this paragraph covering officers dying without having established a valid claim for annuity. "(g) The Secretary of the Treasury is directed to invest from time to time in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund as in his judg- ment may not be immediately required for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances, and the income derived from such invest- ments shall constitute a part of said fund. "(h) None of the, moneys mentioned in this section shall be assign- able either in law or equity, or be subject to execution, levy, or attach- ment, garnishment, or other legal process. "(i) In case the total contributions of the retired officer, exclusive of additional voluntary contributions made under paragraph (c) of this section, together with interest at 4 percentum per annum com- pounded annually up to the date at which annuity payments cease under the terms of the annuity, exceed the annuity payments exclu- sive of any additional annuity purchased with voluntary contributions made under paragraph (c) hereof, accumulated at the same rate of interest up to such date, the excess of said accumulated contributions over said accumulated annuity payments shall be paid in the following order of precedence, upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor: "First, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in writing by such annuitant or Foreign Service officer and recorded in compliance with instructions of the Secretary of State, which are hereby au- thorized; "Second, if there be no such beneficiary, to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the estate of such annuitant or Foreign Service officer ; Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvgq For Rele 2At,94jj - U ftpp7p.p3721A000600010019-3 V(P "Third, if there be no such beneficiary, or executor or administrator, payment may be made, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of the death of the annuitant or Foreign Service officer, to such person or persons as may appear in the judgment of the Secretary of State to be legally entitled thereto, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person. "(j) Any Foreign Service officer who, after serving for a total period of not less than fifteen years, becomes totally disabled for use- ful and efficient service by reason of disease or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the President, be retired on an annuity under paragraph (e) of this section : Provided, however, That in each case such disability shall be determined by the report of a duly qualified physician or surgeon designated by the Secretary of State to conduct the examinations: Provided further, That un- less the disability be permanent, a like examination shall be made annually until the annuitant has reached the retirement age as defined in paragraph (d) of this section, and the payment of annuity shall cease from the date of the medical examination showing recovery. "Fees for examinations under this provision, together with reason- able traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund. "When the annuity is discontinued under this provision before the annuitant has received a sum equal to the total amount of his con- tributions, with accrued interest, the difference shall be paid to him or to his legal representatives. "(k) The President is authorized from time to time to establish, by Executive order, a list of places which by reason of climatic or other extreme conditions are to be classed as unhealthful posts, and each year of duty subsequent to January 1, 1900, at such posts, inclu- sive of regular leaves of absence, of officers already retired or here- after retired, shall be counted as one year and a half, and so on in like proportion in reckoning the length of service for the purpose of retirement, fractional months being considered as full months in computing such service: Provided, however, That the President may at any time cancel the designation of any places as unhealthful with- out affecting any credit which has accrued for service at such posts prior to the date of the cancellation. "(1) Whenever a Foreign Service officer becomes separated from the service before becoming eligible for an annuity, except under section 33 of this Act, the total amount of contributions from his salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum compounded annually up to the date of such separation, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, shall be returned to him. "(m) The Treasury Department shall prepare the estimates of the annual appropriations required to be made to the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund, and shall make actuarial valuations of such fund at intervals of five years, or oftener if deemed neces- sary by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of State is authorized to expend from money to the credit of the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund an amount not exceeding $5,000 per annum for the expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of this section, including actuarial advice. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release4O9WQW' Q A-RDR 8rM721A0006 010019-3 "(n) Any diplomatic secretary or consular officer who has been, or any Foreign Service officer who may hereafter be, promoted from the classified service to the grade of Ambassador or Minister, or appointed to a position in the Department of State, shall be entitled to all the benefits of this section in the same manner and under the same conditions as Foreign Service officers : Provided, That any officer now included under the Act of May 24, 1924, and the amendment thereto of July 3, 1926, shall be entitled to the benefits of this section. "(o) For the purposes of this Act the period of service shall be computed from the date of original oath of office as diplomatic sec- retary, consul general, consul, vice consul, deputy consul, consular assistant, consular agent, commercial agent, interpreter, or student interpreter, and shall include periods of service at different. times as either a diplomatic or consular officer, or while on assignment to the Department of State, or on special duty or service in another depart- ment or establishment of the Government, but all periods of separa- tion from the service and so much of any period of leave of absence without pay as may exceed six months shall be excluded: Provided, That service in the Department of State or as clerk in a mission or consulate prior to appointment as a Foreign Service officer may be included in the period of service, in which case the officer shall pay into the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund a special contribution equal to 5 per centum of his annual salary for each year of such employment subsequent to July 1, 1924, with interest thereon to date of payment compounded annually at 4 per centum." SEC. 4. Section 33 of said Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 33. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10 of this Act all Foreign Service officers having a rating of satisfactory or better who shall have been in classes 5, 6, 7, or 8 for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall, on the first day of each fiscal year receive an increase of salary of $100, except that no officer shall receive a salary above the maximum of his class and all such officers in classes 1, 2, 3, or 4 shall in the same circumstances receive an increase of $200: Provided, That the Secretary of State is authorized to fix the salary of Foreign Service officers in the unclassified grade within the salary range specified in section 10 of this Act; and, within the limits of appropriation therefor, to grant to Foreign Service officers in any class additional promotion in salary within the salary range estab- lished for the classes in which they are serving, based upon especially meritorious service. Increases in salary under the terms of this sec- tion shall be paid to Foreign Service officers only as the right to such increases accrues after the effective date of this Act. The President is hereby authorized to establish by Executive order, regulations pro- d in for the separation of Foreign Service officers from the For- eign Service, in accordance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed. Any Foreign Se, rvice officer so separated from the Foreign Service shall be retirefrom the Service, after a hearing by the Secretary of State,` upon an annuity equal to 25 per centum of his salary at the time of retirement, in the ease of an officer over forty-five years of age; or in 'the case of an'officer Linder forty-five years of age with a bonus of one year's salary at the time of his retirement, either annuity or one year's salary to be payable out of the Foreign Service retire- ment and disability fund and except as herein provided, subject to the same provisions and limitations as, other annuities payable out of 91189-62-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveg or Relea ,PA~q9fWll LAARp~F7P9qP721A000600010019-3 IrVq such fund; but no return of contributions shall be made under para- graph (1) of section 26 of this Act in the case of any Foreign Service officer retired under the provisions of this section : Provided, however, That any officer entitled to the bonus of one year's salary will receive in lieu of such bonus the amount of his contributions and interest under paragraph (1) of section 26 of this Act if such amount exceeds one year's salary. Whenever it is determined that the efficiency rating of an officer is unsatisfactory, thereby meaning below the standard required for the service, and such determination has been confirmed by the Secretary of State, the officer shall be notified thereof, and if, after a reasonable period to be determined by the circumstances in each particular case, the rating of such officer continues to be found unsatisfactory and such finding is confirmed by the Secretary of State after a hearing accorded the officer, such officer shall be separated from the service with the annuity or bonus provided in this section, but no officer so separated from the service shall receive the said annuity or bonus unless at the time of separation he shall have served at. least fifteen years. He shall, however, if he has not served at least fifteen years, have returned to him the full sum of his contributions to the annuity fund, with interest thereon at 4 per centum compounded annually, except as provided in paragraph (pc) of section 4 of this Act. The benefits ofthis section, except, at the option of the Secretary of State, the return of an officer's contributions to the annuity fund, shall not be given to Foreign Service officers separated from the Foreign Service on account of malfeasance in office." SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the calendar month following the expiration of sixty days from the date of its approval by the President. Approved, April 24,1939. APPENDIX V [PnBLIc-No. 197-76 i CoNan ss] [CHAPTER 330-18T SESSION] [H.R. 68361 AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensa- tion tion therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (n) of section 26 of the Act entitled "An act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensation therefor", approved Feb- ruary 23 1931 as amended, is amended to read as follows : "(n) Any diplomatic secretary or consular officer who has been, or any Foreign Service officer who may hereafter be, promoted from Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release r390 / ? j1j15,&}& F a81gj721A00060 010019-3 the classified service to the grade of Ambassador or Minister, or appointed to a position in the Department of State, shall be entitled to all the benefits of this section in the same manner and under the same conditions as Foreign Service officers : Provided, That any officer now included under the Act of May 24, 1924, and the amendment thereto of July 3, 1926 shall be entitled to the benefits of this section : And provided /urther, That hereafter an Ambassador or Minister, or a former Ambassador or Minister, or a person appointed to a position in the Department of State after serving as Ambas- sador, Minister, or Foreign Service officer, who is not otherwise entitled to an annuity under this section and who shall have served as such for the period mentioned in the following paragraph (1), shall nevertheless be entitled to the benefits thereof in the same manner and under the same conditions as Foreign Service officers, but subject to the following terms and conditions : "(1) Any person who has served as Ambassador or Minister, or a person appointed to a position in the Department of State after serving as Ambassador, Minister, or Foreign Service officer, con- tinuously or at different times for an aggregate period of twenty years or more, in which period may be included any periods of service in any of the capacities and as provided in paragraph (o) of this section, may become entitled to the benefits of this section as hereinafter provided by . paying into the Foreign Service retire- ment and disability fund a special contribution equal to 5 per centum of his annual salary for each year of such employment sub- sequent to July 1, 1924, with interest thereon to date of payment compounded annually at 4 per centum. "(2) Any Ambassador or Minister, or a person appointed to a position in the Department of State after serving as Ambassador, Minister, or Foreign Service officer, who becomes entitled to the benefits of this section as provided in the preceding paragraph (1) shall receive an annuity computed in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, including the right to voluntary retirement as provided by paragraph (d) of this section: Provided, however, That in case any Ambassador or Minister, or a person appointed to a position in the Department of State after serving as Ambassador, Minister, or Foreign Service officer, is retired from active service at less than sixty-five years of age and with at least twenty but less than thirty years of service, computed in accordance with this sec- tion, and assuming that he shall have complied with the require- ments of the law entitling him to such annuity, he shall receive an annuity computed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section on the basis of the total period of service thus computed, including extra service credits as provided in paragraph (k) of this section, the fractional part of a month, if any, to be eliminated from such total period of service; or if he is over sixty-five years of age (unless he is retained in active service as provided in paragraph (d) of this section), or not in active service, on the effective date of this Act such annuity shall begin on the date he complies with all the requirements of law to entitle him to such annuity." Approved, July 19, 1939. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve For Relea 2,QQj(9/57E'~II~~~1~F7Q?g3721 A000600010019-3 APPENDIX VI [PUBLIc-No. 277-76TrI CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 441-1ST SESSION] [S. 2788] AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classiticatlon of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensa- tion therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (o) of section 26, of the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classi- fication of clerks in the Foreign Service of the 'United States of America, and providing compensation therefor", approved February 2311931, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "(o) For the purposes of this Act the period of service shall be computed from the date of original oath of office as diplomatic secre- tary, counsul general, consul, vice consul, deputy consul, consular assistant, consular agent, commercial agent, interpreter, or student interpreter, and shall include periods of service at different times as either a diplomatic or consular officer, or while on assignment to the Department of State, or on special duty or service in another depart- ment or establishment of the Government, but all periods of separa- tion from the service and so much of any period of leave of absence without pay as may exceed six months shall. be excluded : Pro- vided, That service prior to appointment as a Foreign Service officer as a classified or an unclassified employee in the civil service of the United States or in the service of the District of Columbia, includ- ing periods of service at different times and in one or more depart- ments, branches, or independent offices, or the legislative branch of the Government, and also periods of service performed overseas under authority of the United States, and periods of honorable service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States may be included in the period of service, in which case the officer shall pay into the Foreign Service retirement and disability fund a special contribution equal to 5 per centum of his annual salary for each year of such employment subsequent to July 1 1924, with interest thereon to date of payment compounded annually at 4 per centum and all such officers within the purview of this provision may elect to make such deposits in installments during the continuance of their serv- ice in such amounts and under such conditions as may be determined in each instance by the Secretary of State; but in the case of a Foreign Service officer who is eligible for and elects to receive a pension under any law, or retired pay on account of military or naval service, or compensation under the War Risk Insurance Act, the period of his military or naval service upon which such pension, retired pay, or compensation is based shall not be included, but nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to affect in any manner his right to a pen- Sion, or to retired pay, or to compensation under the War Risk in- surance Act in addition to the annuity herein provided." Approved, August 5, 1939. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/1 s]tRg)6$-R(PP~,81g~~721A0006QQ010019-3 THM APPENDIX 'VII [PUBLIo--No. 464-46TH CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 118-3D SESSION] [H.R. 8446-] AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing com- pensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act en- titled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the For- eign Service of the United States of America, and providing com- pensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows : Section 26(e) of said Act, as amended by the Act of April 24, 1939, is amended to read as follows : "(e) The annuity of a retired Foreign Service officer shall be equal to 2 per centum of his average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement, mul- tiplied by the number of years of service not exceeding thirty years and in determining the aggregate period of service upon which the annuity is to be based, the fractional part of a month, if any, in the total service shall be eliminated: Provided, That at the time of his retirement a Foreign Service officer, if the husband of a wife to whom he has been married for at least five years, may elect to receive a reduced annuity and designate his wife as his beneficiary, to whom will be paid any portion up to two-thirds of his reduced annuity at the option of the officer as long as she may live after his death : Provided, how- ever, hat the annuity payable to the widow shall in no case exceed 25 per centum of the officer's average annual basic salary for the ten years next preceding the date of retirement. If the age of the officer is less than the age of the wife or exceeds her age by not more than eight years, the annuity of the officer will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half the annuity which he elects to have paid to his widow. If the age of the officer exceeds the age of the wife by more than eight years, the annuity of the officer will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half the an- nuity which he elects to have paid to his widow plus an addi- tional reduction equal to 2 per centum of such widow's annuity for each year, or fraction thereof, that the difference in age ex- ceeds eight : Provided further, That the officer may at his option also elect to have his annuity reduced by an additional 5 per centurn of the amount which he elects to have paid to his widow, with a provision that, from and after the death of his wife, if the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveq,[For Relea 99RO~(I( 9/~~RvrgIA RDP78 03721A000600010019-3 officer shall survive her, the annuity payable to the officer shall be that amount which would have been payable if no option had been elected: Provided further, That a retired officer who is receiving an annuity on the effective date of this Act, if the husband of a wife to whom he was married at the time of his retirement and for a total period of at least five years, shall be entitled under the same terms and conditions set forth above, to elect to receive a reduced annuity, a portion of which will be continued on his death throughout the life of his surviving widow, but all such elections by retired officers shall be made within six months following the effective date of this Act, and they shall all be effective on the same date, to be. prescribed by the President : And provided fur- ther, That no increases in annuities under this Act shall operate retroactively and nothing in this Act shall be interpreted as re- ducing the rate of the annuity received by any retired officer on the effective date of this Act, unless the officer voluntarily elects to receive a reduced annuity as provided herein." SEc. 2. The provisions of section 1 of this Act shall be construed and interpreted in every respect as having been in effect on and after July 1, 1939 (the effective date of the Act of April 24 1939, which it amends), and, accordingly, any retired officer is hereby authorized to avail himself of the benefits of these provisions, as follows : (a) A retired officer who elected to receive a reduced annuity and a life annuity payable to his surviving widow as provided in section 26 (e) of the Act of February 23, 1931, as amended by the Act of April 24, 1939, is hereby authorized, within six month, of the effective date of this Act, to amend such election in accordance with the addi- tional provisions of the aforesaid section 26(e) as established by section 1 of this Act and to change the amount thereof within the limitations established by these provisions: Provided, That such an amended election shall be effective on the first day of the calendar month in which the application is filed, except where the wife of such an officer has died since September 1, 1939, the date heretofore fixed in accordance with law as the effective date for such elections, such amended election shall be considered effective as of the latter date. (b) A retired officer who did not elect to receive a reduced annuity and a life annuity payable to his surviving widow, as provided in section 26(e) of the Act of February 23, 1931, as amended by the Act of April 24, 1939, is hereby authorized, within six months of the effective date of this Act to make such an election, but. only in accord- ance with the additional provisions of the aforesaid section 26(e) as provided in section 2 of this Act: Provided, That such an election shall be effective on the first day of the calendar month in which the application is filed. Ec. 3. This Act shall take effect on the 1st day of the calendar month following the date of its approval by the President. Approved, April 20, 1940. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0 4Q 1 sEGIAEF 7,p-Qgg21A000609910019-3 APPENDIX VIII [PUBLIC LAW 17-77TH CONGRESS] `CHAPTER 20-1ST SESSION [H.R. 32971 AN ACT To amend the first paragraph of section 22 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1210). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first para- graph of section 22 of the Act of February 23, 1931 (22 U.S.C. 17), be and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows : I`SEC. 22. That the Secretary of State is authorized whenever he deems it to be in the public interest, to order to the United States on his statutory leave of absence any Foreign Service officer or American employee who has performed three years or more of continuous serv- ice abroad : Provided, That the expenses of transportation and sub- sistence of such officers and employees and their immediate families, in traveling from their posts to their homes in the United States and return, shall be paid under the same rules and regulations applicable in the case of officers and employees going to and returning from their posts under orders of the Secretary of State when not on leave.: And provided further, That while in the United States the services of such officers and employees shall be available for trade conference work or for such duties in the Department of State as the Secretary of State may prescribe, but the time of such work or duties shall not be counted as leave." Approved, March 17,1941. APPENDIX IX [PUBLIC LAW 69-77TII CONGRESS [CHAPTER 115-1ST SESSION] [8.11231 AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing com- pensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 26 (d) of the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United 'tates of America, and providing compensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, as amended by the Act of April 24, 1939, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows : "(d) When any Foreign Service officer has reached the age of sixty-five years and rendered at least fifteen years of service he shall Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv i For Releas THE e 2000/09/11 - ofcqIpcfR' 7984P3721A000600010019-3 be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed in paragraph (e) of this section : Provided, That any Foreign Service officer who has reached the age of fifty years and rendered at least thirty years of service may, in the discretion of the Secretary of State, be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed under paragraph (e) of this sec- tion; or if any Foreign Service officer has reached the age of fifty years and has rendered at least fifteen but less than thirty years of actual service, exclusive of extra service credit as provided in para- graph (k) of this section, he may, at the instance of the Secretary of State, be retired on an annuity based on such actual'period of service: And provided further, That the President may in his discre- tion retain any Foreign Service officer on active duty for such period prior to his reaching seventy years of age as he may deem for the interests of the United States." SEc. 2. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the calendar month following the expiration of sixty days from the date of its ap roval by the President. Approved, May 13, 1941. APPENDIX X [PUBLIC LAW 48-79TH CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 105-1ST SESSION] [H.R. 6891 AN ACT To enable the Department of State, pursuant to its responsibilities under the Constitution and statutes of the United States, more effectively to carry out its prescribed and traditional responsibilities in the foreign field ; to strengthen the Foreign Service permitting fullest utilization of available personnel and facilities of other departments and agencies and coordination of activities abroad of the United States under a Foreign Service for the United States unified under the guidance of the Department of State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. It is the purpose of the Congress to enable the Depart- ment of State, pursuant to its responsibilities under the Constitution and statutes of the United States, more effectively to carry out its prescribed and traditional responsibilities in the foreign field; to strengthen the Foreign Service permitting fullest utilization of avail- able personnel and facilities of other departments and agencies and coordination of activities abroad of the United States under a Forei?;n Service for the United States unified under the guidance of the Department of State. SEC. 2. That section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensation therefor", as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows : "SECTION 1. The administrative, fiscal, and clerical personnel of the Foreign. Service of the United States of America shall be graded and classified as follows, and shall receive, within the limitation of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseaQg919 IERqA-RPP 8,94V21A00060, 010019-3 such appropriations as the Congress may make, the basic compensa- tion specified, and shall, within the salary range indicated, be entitled to administrative promotions in compensation which shall be made in accordance with the laws prescribing promotion of civil service personnel as respects the administrative groups and under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe for senior and junior clerks; "Administrative officers: Class I, $4,600 to $5,600; class II, $3,800 to $4,600; class III, $3,500 to $4,100. "Administrative assistants: Class I, $3,200 to $3;800; class IT, $2,900 to $3,500; class III, $2,600 to $3,200. "Clerks: Class I, senior clerks, $2,300 to $2,900; class II, junior clerks, all clerks whose compensation as fixed by the Secretary of State is less than $2,300 per annum." SEC. 3. That section 3 of the Act of February 23, 1931, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 3. The Secretary of State is hereby authorized to grant at all posts, allowances for living quarters, heat, light, fuel, gas, and electricity, and at posts where in his judgment it is required by the public interests for the purpose of meeting the unusual or excessive costs of living ascertained by him to exist, to grant post allowances to clerks assigned there and also to other employees of the Foreign Service of the United States who are American citizens, within such appropriations as Congress may make for said purpose: Provided, That all such allowances shall be accounted for to the Secretary of State in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe, and the authorization and approval of such expenditures by the Secretary of State as complying with such rules and regulations shall be binding upon all officers of the Government : Provided, however, That all such allowances and the reasons therefor shall be reported to the Congress with the annual budget." SEC. 4. That paragraph (a) of section 10 of the Act of February 23, 1931, as amended, is hereby amended to read: "SEC. 10. (a) The officers in the Foreign Service of the United States shall hereafter be graded and classified as follows, with the salaries of each class herein affixed thereto, except as increases in salaries are authorized in section 33 of this Act : "Ambassadors and Ministers, as now or hereafter provided; For- p n Service officers as follows: Class I, $9,000 to $10,000; class II, 000 to $8,900; class III, $7,000 to $7,900; class IV, $6,000 to $6,900; class V, $5,000 to $5,900; class VI, $4,500 to $4,900; class VII, $4,000 to $4,400; class VIII, $3,500 to $3,900; unclassified, $2,500 to $3,400: Provided, however, That as many Foreign Service officers above class VI as may be required for purposes of inspection may be detailed by the Secretary of State for that purpose." SEC. 5. That section 10 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new paragraph (c) "SEC. 10. (c) The Secretary of State is hereby authorized to assign for special duty as officers of the Foreign Service for nonconsecutive periods of not more than four years, qualified persons holding posi- tions in the Department of State, and, at his request, qualified per- sons holding positions in any other department or agency of the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveg For Relea 2 M/I&~, &tgDP74-a3721A000600010019-3 United States who have rendered not less than five years of Govern- ment service, and persons so assigned shall be eligible during the periods of such assignment to receive the allowances authorized by the provisions of section 19 of this Act. Persons assigned under the authority of this section shall be eligible to receive all benefits provided by civil-service law and regulation in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as though they were serving in their regular civil-service positions and upon termination of their assign- ment shall be reinstated in the respective department or agency from which loaned. The salaries and allowances of such persons shall notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be paid throughout the periods of such assignments from the appropriations provided for the Department of State." SEC. 6. Section 14 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows : `'`SEC. 14. That the Secretary of State is directed to report from time to time to the President, along with his recommendations, the names of those Foreign Service officers who by reason of efficient service have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of minister or ambassador and the names of those Foreign Service officers and clerks and officers and employees in the Department of State who by reason of efficient service, an accurate record of which shall be kept in the Department of State, have demonstrated special efficiency, and also the names of persons found upon taking the pre- scribed examination to have fitness for appointment to the Service, and any Foreign Service officers who may hereafter be promoted to a higher class within the classification prescribed in section 10 of this Act, as amended, shall have the status and receive the compensation attaching to such higher class from the date stated in his commission, as the effective date of his promotion to such higher class." SEC. 7. Section 16 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 16. That every secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul, or Foreign Service officer and, if required, any other officer or ein- ployee of the Foreign Service or of the Department of State before he enters upon the duties of his office shall give to the United States a bond in such form and in such penal sum as the Secretary of State shall prescribe, with such sureties as the Secretary of State shall approve, conditioned without division of penalty for the true and faithful performance of his duties, including (but not by way of limitation) certifying vouchers for payment, accounting for, paying over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property that shall come to his hands or to the hands of any other person to his use as such officer or employee under any law now or hereafter enacted and for the true and faithful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer or employee, and such bond shall be con- strued to be conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all official duties of whatever character now or hereafter lawfully im- posed upon him, or by him assumed incident to his employment as an officer or employee of the Government : Provided, That. notwithstand- ing any other provisions of law, upon approval of any bond given pursuant to this Act, the principal shall not be required to give an- other separate bond conditioned for the true and faithful performance Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releas a09 Q9 11ERJ RDP a 721 A000609010019-3 of only a part of the duties for which the bond given pursuant to this Act is conditioned : Provided further, That the operation of no exist- ing bond of a Foreign Service officer or vice consul shall in any way be impaired by the provisions of sections 1-23, 23f-231, title 22, of the United States Code : Provided further, That the bond of a Foreign Service officer shall be construed to be conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all acts :of such officer incident to his office regardless of whether commissioned as diplomatic, consular, or For- eign Service officer. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to obviate the necessity of furnishing any bond which may be required pursuant to the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended." SEC. S. Section 19 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows : "SEc. 19. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe and within the limitations of such appropriations as may be made therefor, which appropriations are authorized, ambassadors, minis- ters, diplomatic, consular and Foreign Service officers may be granted allowances for living quarters, heat, light, fuel, gas, and electricity; for representation; and also post allowances wherever the cost of liv- ing may be proportionately so high that in the opinion of the Sec- retary of State such allowances are necessary to enable such diplo- matic, consular, and Foreign Service officers to carry on their work efficiently : Provided, That all such allowances shall be accounted for to the Secretary of State in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe and the authorization and approval of such expenditures by the Secretary of State as comply- ing with such rules and regulations shall be binding upon all officers of the Government : Provided further, That the Secretary of State shall report all such expenditures annually to the Congress with the Budget estimates of the Department of State." SEC. 9. Section 21 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 21. That any Foreign Service officer may be assigned for duty in the Department of State or in any department or agency of the Government in the discretion of the Secretary of State without loss of class or salary, such assignment to be for a period of not more than three years unless the public interest demands further service, when such assignment may be extended for a period not to exceed one year, upon completion of which four-year assignment and reas- signment to the field, he may not again be assigned for duty in the Department of State or in any other department or agency of the Government until the expiration of at least three years of field duty. Any ambassador or minister, or any Foreign Service officer of whatever class, detailed for duty in connection with trade confer- ences, or international gatherings, congresses, or conferences, or for other special duty not at his post or the Department of State, except temporarily for purposes of consultation, shall, be paid his salary and ex enses of travel and subsistence at the rates precribed by law.' EC. 10. Section 31 of the Act of February 23, 1931, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 31. There shall be in the Department of State a Board of Foreign Service Personnel for the Foreign Service, whose duty it Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveq)~or Relea ggVPG92J' ER~,C A RDo 78 03721A000600010019-3 shall be to recommend promotions in the Foreign Service and to fur- nish the Secretary of State with lists of Foreign Service officers who have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade of Minister or Ambassador. The Board shall be composed of not more than three Assistant Secretaries of State, one of whom shall be the Assistant Secretary of State having supervision over the Division of Foreign Service Personnel and who shall be Chairman, an officer of the Department of Commerce designated by the Secretary of Com- merce and acceptable to the Secretary of State, and an officer of the Department of Agriculture designated by the Secretary of Agricul- ture and acceptable to the Secretary of State. The officer of the De- partment of Commerce shall sit as a member of the Board only when nominations and assignments of commercial attaches, the selection or assignment of Foreign Service officers for specialized training in com- mercial work or other matters of interest to the Department of Coin- merce are under consideration; the officer of the Department of Agri- culture shall sit as a member of the Board only when nominations and assignments of agricultural attaches, the selection or assignment of Foreign Service officers for specialized training in agricultural work or other matters of interest to the Department of Agriculture are under consideration. The Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Per- sonnel of the Department of State and one other member of that Di- vision may attend the meetings of the Board and one of them shall act as secretary but they shall not be entitled to vote at its proceedings. No Foreign Service officer below class I shall. be assigned as Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Personnel, nor shall such officer be given any authority except of a purely advisory character over pro- motions, demotions, transfers, or separations from the service of For- eign Service officers. The Director of the Office of the Foreign Service shall be assigned from among officers of the Foreign Service, but no Foreign Service officer below class I shall be so assigned." SEC. 11. Revised Statutes 1699, 1700, and 1701 are hereby repealed. SEC. 12. Section 7 of the Act of February 5, 1915 (38 Stat. 807), re- stricting the transaction of business by diplomatic officers, shall apply, with the exception of consular agents, to all officers and employees of the Foreign Service. Approved May 3, 1945. APPENDIX XI [PUBLIC LAW 488-79TIl CONORESS] [CHAPTER 539-2D SESSION [H.R. 5244] To authorize the appointment of additional Foreign Service officers in the classified grades. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized under the provisions of this Act to appoint, by and Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseeRQQ 9 1shGI&RUPai84Z21A00060010019-3 with the advice and consent of the Senate, not to exceed two hundred and fifty persons to positions as Foreign Service officers. Each such appointment shall be by commission to a classified grade and shall be in addition to all other appointments of Foreign Service officers. Snc. 2. A person appointed under this Act may, under such regu- lations as the Board of Foreign Service Personnel for the Foreign Service may prescribe, be commissioned as a Foreign Service officer of any classified grade, depending upon his age, experience, and ability. Upon appointment, any such Foreign Service officer shall receive the lowest basic salary of the. classified grade to which he, or she is appointed. SEc. 3. No person shall be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer under this Act unless he or she- (a) is an American citizen and has been such at least fifteen years ; and (b) has served (1) in the active military or naval service of the United States on or after September 16, 1940, and has been sepa- rated or released therefrom under honorable conditions after active service of ninety days or more, or by reason of an injury or disability incurred in service in line of duty, or (2) in the merchant marine as such service is defined by section 1 of the Act of June 23, 1943 (57 Stat. 162; 50 U.S.C. 1471), or (3) since December 7, 1941, for not less than two years in a position or positions of responsibility as an officer or employee of the legis- lative, executive, or judicial branches of the United States Gov- ernment, or of any corporation, wholly or partly owned by the United States, which is an instrumentality of the United States, whose service and experience can qualify him or her as a Foreign Service officer; and (c) has been designated by the 'Secretary of State as a candi- date for examination for appointment as a Foreign Service officer and has passed such examination as the Secretary may prescribe; and (d) was at least thirty-one years of age at the time of ap- plication. SE, c. 4. No appointment under this Act shall be made after the expiration of two years after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 5. The second paragraph of section 32 of the Act entitled "An Act for the reorganization and improvement of the Foreign Service of the United States, and for other purposes", approved May 24, 1924 (46 Stat. 1214), as amended, is amended to read as follows: "The correspondence and records of the Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall be confidential except to the President, the Secretary of State, and members of the Board of Foreign ,Service Personnel, the Assistant Secretary of State supervising the division, the legislative and appropriations committees of the Congress charged with legis- lating for and appropriating for the Department of State, or repre- sentatives duly authorized by such committees, and such employees of the Department of State as may be assigned to work on such correspondence and records." Approved July 3,1946. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApproveMor Release 2000/09/ 1 : CIA RDo 78 03721A000600010019-3 APPENDIX XII [PUBLIC LAW 724-79TH CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 057-2D SESSION] [H.R. 6967] AN ACT To improve, strengthen, and expand theForeign Service of the United States and to consolidate and revise the laws relating to its administration. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I-SHORT TITLE, OBJECTIVES, AND DEFINITIONS PART A-SHORT TITLE SEc. 101. Titles I to X, inclusive, of this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act of 1946".. PART B-OBJECTIVES SEc. 111. The Congress hereby declares that the objectives of this Act are to develop and strengthen the Foreign Service of the United States so as- (1) to enable the Foreign Service effectively to serve abroad the interests of the United States; (2) to insure that the officers and employees of the Foreign Service are broadly representative of the American people and are aware of and fully informed in respect to current trends in American life; (3) to enable the Foreign Service adequately to fulfill the functions devolving on it by reason of the transfer to the Depart- ment of State of functions heretofore performed by other Gov- ernment agencies; '(4) to- provide improvements in the recruitment and training of the personnel of the Foreign Service; (5) to provide the promotions leading to positions of author- ity and responsibility shall be on the basis of merit and to insure the selection on an impartial basis of outstanding persons for such positions z (6) to provide for the temporary appointment or assignment to the Foreign Service of representative and outstanding citi- zens of the United States possessing special skills and abilities; (7) to provide salaries, allowances, and benefits that will per- mit the Foreign Service to draw its personnel from all walks of American life and to appoint persons to the highest positions in the Service solely on the basis of their demonstrated ability; (8) to provide a flexible and comprehensive framework for the direction of the Foreign Service in accordance with modern prac- tices in public administration; and (9) to codify into one Act all provisions of law relating to the administration of the Foreign Service. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0912P/ SE -RPg7@-9W621A0006q 10019-3 PART C-DEFINITIONS SEc. 121. When used in this Act, the term- (1) "Service" means the Foreign Service of the United States; (2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of State; 3 "Department" means the Department of State; (4) "Government agency" means any executive department, board, bureau, commission, or other agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government, or any corporation wholly owned (either di- rectl or through one or more corporations) by the United States; (5)) "Government" means the Government of the United States of America; (6) "Continental United States" means the States and the District of Columbia; (7) "Abroad" means all areas not included in the continental United States as defined in paragraph (6) of this section; (8) "Principal officer" means the officer in charge of an embassy, legation, or other diplomatic mission or of a consulate general, con- sulate, or vice consulate of the United States; and (9) "Chief of mission" means a principal officer appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to be in charge of an embassy or legation or other diplomatic mission of the United States, or any person assigned under the terms of this Act to be minister resident, charge d'affaires, commissioner, or diplomatic agent. TITLE II-GOVERNING BODIES FOR THE DIRECTION OF THE SERVICE SEc. 201. The Service shall be administered by a Director General of the Foreign Service, hereinafter referred to as the Director Gen- eral, who shall be appointed by the Secretary from among Foreign Service officers in the class of career minister or in class 1. Under the general supervision of the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the administration of the Department, the Di- rector General shall, in addition to administering the Service and performing the duties specifically vested in him by this or any other Act, coordinate the activities of the Service with the needs of the Department and of other Government agencies and direct the per- formance by officers and employees of the Service of the duties im- posed on them by the terms of any law or by any order or regulation issued pursuant to law or by any international agreement to which the United States is a party. SEc. 202. The Director General shall be assisted by a Deputy Direc- tor General of the Foreign Service, hereinafter referred to as the Deputy Director General, who shall be appointed by the Secretary. If he is a Foreign Service officer, he shall be selected from among of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvddfor Releas2 ,,Q109/4.IiGlAdtUP78403721A000600010019-3 cers in the class of career minister or in class 1. The Deputy Director General shall act in the place of the Director General in the event of his absence or incapacity. SEC. 211. (a) The Board of the Foreign Service shall be composed of the Assistant Secretary of State in charge of the administration of the Department, who shall be Chairman; two other Assistant Secre- taries of State, designated by the Secretary to serve on the Board; the Director General; and one representative each, occupying posi- tions with comparable responsibilities, from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor, designated, respectively, by the heads of such departments. The Secretary may request the head of any other Government department to designate a representative, occupying a position with comparable responsibilities, to attend meet- ings of the Board whenever matters affecting the interest of such department are under consideration. (b) The Board of the Foreign Service shall make recommendations to the Secretary concerning the functions of the Service; the policies and procedures to govern the selection, assignment, rating, and pro- motion of Foreign Service officers; and the policies and procedures to govern the administration and personnel management of the Service ; and shall perform such other duties as are vested in it by other sections of this Act or by the terms of any other Act. SEC. 212. (a) The Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary and under the general supervision of the Board of the Foreign Service, provide for and supervise the conduct of such examinations as may be given to candidates for appointment as Foreign Service officers in accordance with the provisions of sections 516 and 517 or to any other person to whom an examination for admission to the Service shall be given in accordance with the provisions of this or any other Act or any regulations issued pursuant thereto, and provide for such pro- cedures as may be necessary to determine the loyalty of such persons to the United States and their attachment to the principles of the Constitution. (b) The membership of the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, not more than half of which shall consist of Foreign Service officers, shall be constituted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. TITLE III-DUTIES PART A-GENERAL DUTIES COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF STATUTES, INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS SEC. 301. Officers and employees of the Service shall, under the direction of the Secretary, represent abroad the interests of the United Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaserRP0 M111SE&IWRpP7,$ 721A00069 910019-3 States and shall perform the duties and comply with the obligations resulting from the nature. of their appointments or assignments or imposed on them by the terms of any law or by any order or regula- tion issued pursuant to law or by any international agreement to which the United States is a party. DUTIES FOR WHICH REGULATIONS MAY BE PRESCRIBED SEC. 302. The Secretary shall, except in an instance where the authority is specifically vested in the President, have authority to prescribe regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution and the laws of the United States in relation to the duties, functions, and obli- gations of officers and employees of the Service and the administra- tion of the Service. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO P'RESCRUM, REGULATIONS SEC. 303. In cases where authority to prescribe regulations relating to the Service or the duties and obligations of officers and employees of the Service is specifically vested in the President by the terms of this or any other Act, the President may, nevertheless, authorize the Secretary to prescribe such regulations. PART B-SERVICES FOR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS OF THEE GOVERNMENT SEC. 311. The officers and employees of the Service shall, under such regulations as the President may prescribe, perform duties and functions in behalf of any Government agency or any other establish- ment of the Government requiring their services, including those in the legislative and judicial branches, but the absence of such regula- tions shall not preclude officers and employees of the Service from acting for and on behalf of any such Government agency or establish- ment whenever it shall, through the Department, request their services. TITLE IV-CATEGORIES AND SALARIES OF PERSONNEL PART A-CATEGORIES OF PERSONNEL SEC. 401. The personnel of the Service shall consist of the follow- ing categories of officers and employees : (1) Chiefs of mission, who shall be appointed or assigned in accordance with the provisions of section 501; (2) Foreign Service officers, who shall be appointed in accordance with section 511 including those serving as chiefs of mission; (3) Foreign ?ervice Reserve officers, who shall be assigned to the Service on a temporary basis from Government agencies or appointed on a temporary basis from outside the Government in accordance with the provisions of section 522, in order to make available to the Service such specialized skills as may from time to time be required; (4) Foreign Service staff officers and employees, who shall be ap- pointed in accordance with the provisions of section 531 and who shall include all personnel who are citizens of the United States, not comprehended under paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (6) of this sec- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approver' Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 tion, and who shall occupy positions with technical, administrative, fiscal, clerical, or custodial responsibilities; (5) Alien clerks and employees, who shall be appointed in accord- ance with the provisions of section 541; and (6) Consular agents, who shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 551. SEC. 411. The President shall for salary purposes classify into four classes the positions which are to be occupied by chiefs of mission. The per annum salaries of chiefs of mission within each class shall be as follows: Class 1, $25,000 per annum; class 2, $20,000; class 3, $17,500; and class 4, $15,000. SEC. 412. There shall be seven classes of Foreign Service officers, including the class of career minister. The per annum salary of a career minister shall be $13,500. The per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows: Class 1, $12,000,$12,400,$12,800,$13,200,$13,500; Class 2, $10,000, $10,350, $10,700, $11,050, $11,400, $11,750, $11,900; Class 3, $8,000, $8,300, $8,600, $8,900, $9,200, $9,500., $9,800, $9,900; Class 4, $6,000, $6,300, $6,600, $6,900, $7,200, $7,500, $7,800, $7,900; Class 5, $4,500, $4,700, $4,900, $5,100, $5,300, $5,500, $5,700, $5,900; Class 6, $3,300, $3,500, $3,700, $3,900, $4,100, $4,300, $4,400. SEC. 413. (a) A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer of class 6 shall receive salary at that one of the rates provided for that class by section 412 which the Secretary shall, taking into con- sideration his age, qualifications, and experience, determine to be appropriate for him to receive. (b) A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer of classes 1 through 5, inclusive, shall receive salary at the minimum rate pro- vided for the class to which he has been appointed. SEC. 414. (a) There shall be six classes of Foreign Service Reserve officers, referred to hereafter as Reserve officers, which classes shall correspond to classes 1 to 6 of Foreign Service officers. (b) A Reserve officer shall receive salary at any one of the rates provided for the class to which he is appointed or assigned in accord- ance with the provisions of section 523. (c) A person assigned as a Reserve officer from any Government agency shall receive his salary from appropriations provided for the Department during the period of his service as a Reserve officer. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000649910019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 415. There shall be twenty-two classes of Foreign Service staff officers and employees, referred to hereafter as staff officers and em- ployees. The per annum rates of salary of staff officers and employees within shall be as follows : Class 1, $8,820, $9,120, $9,420, $9,720, $10,000; Class 2,$8,100,$8,340,$8,580,$8,820,$9,120; Class 3, $7,380, $7,620, $7,860, $8,100, $8,340; Class 4, $6,660, $6,900, $7,140, $7,380, $7,620; Class 5,$6,120,$6,300,$6,480,$6,660,$6,900,$7,140; Class 6, $5,580, $5,760, $5,940, $6,120, $6,300, $6,480; Class 7,$5,040,$5,220,$5,400,$5,580,$5,760,$5,940; Class 81$ 15001$45680,$4,860,$5,040,$5,220,$5,400; Class 9,$ 960,$4,140,$4,320,$4,500,$4,680,$4,860; Class 10, $3,600, 31720,$3,840,$3,0,60,$4,140,$4,320,$4,500; Class 11, $3,240,$3,360,$3,480,$3,600,$3,720,$3,840,$3,960; Class 12,$2,880,$9,000,$3,120, $3,240,$3,360,$3,480,$3,600; Class 13,$2,520,$2,640,$2,760,$2,880,$3,000,$3,120,$3,240; Class 14,$2,160,$2,280,$2,400,$2,520,$2,640,$2,760,$2,880; Class 15,$1,980,$2,040,$2,100,$2,160,$2,280,,$2,400,$2,520; Class 16,$1,800,$1,860,$1,920,$1,980,$2,040,$2,100,$2,160; Class 17,$1,620,$1,680,$1,740,$1,800,$1,860.,$1,920,$1,980; Class 18, $1,440,$1,500,$1,560,$1,620,$1,680,$1,740,$1,800; Class 19, $1,260, $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,560 $1,620; Class 20, $1,080, $1,140, $1,200, $1,260, $1,320, $1,380, 1,440 ; Class 21, $900, $960, $1'020,$1,()80,$1,140,$1,200,$1,260; Class 22, $720, $780, $840, $900, $960, $1,020, $1,080. SALARIES AT WHICH FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES MAY BE APPOINTED SEC. 416. A person appointed as a staff officer or employee shall receive salary at the minimum rate provided for the class to which appointed except as otherwise provided in accordance with the provisions of part E of this title. SALARIES OF ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEc. 417. The salary or compensation of an alien clerk or employee shall be fixed by the Secretary in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 444 (b). The salary or compensation of an alien clerk or employee fixed on a per annum basis may, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be payable on a weekly or biweekly basis. When a one- or two-week pay period of such a clerk or employee begins in one fiscal year and ends in another, the gross amount of the earnings for such pay period may be regarded as a charge against the appropriation or allotment current at the end of such pay period. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve for Relea 2 p/1)RSIRJAA-ROP71~493721A000600010019-3 SALARIES OF CONSULAR AGENTS SEC. 418. The salary or compensation of a consular agent shall be fixed byy the Secretary in accordance with such regulations as he shall prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 445. PART C-SALARIES OF OFFICERS TEMPORARILY IN CHARGE AS CHARGES D'AFFAIRES AD INTERIM SEC. 421. For such time as any Foreign Service officer shall be au- thorized to act as charge d'affaires ad interim at the post to which he is assigned, he shall receive, in addition to his basic salary as For- eign Service officer, compensation equal to that portion of the differ- ence between such salary and the basic salary provided for the chief of mission as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate. AS OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF CONSULATES GENERAL OR CONSULATES SEc. 422. For such time. as any Foreign Service officer or any consul or vice consul who is not a Foreign Service officer is temporarily in charge of a consulate general or consulate during the absence or inca- pacity of the principal officer, he shall receive, in addition to his basic salary as Foreign Service officer or consul, or vice consul, compensa- tion equal to that portion which the Secretary shall determine to be appropriate of the difference between such salary and the basic salary provided for the principal officer, or, if there be none, of the former principal officer. PART D-TIME OF RECEIVING SALARY CHIEFS OF MISSION SEC. 431. (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre- scribe, a chief of mission maybe entitled to receive salary from the effective date of his appointment to the date marking his return to his place of residence at the conclusion of the period of his official service as chief of mission or the termination of time spent on authorized leave, whichever shall be later, but no chief of mission shall be entitled to receive salary while absent from his post whenever the Secretary shall find that such absence was without authorization or justification. If a chief of mission in one position is appointed as chief of mission in another position, he shall be entitled to receive the salary pertain- ing to the new position commencing on the effective date of the new appointment. (b) The official services of a chief of mission shall not be deemed terminated by the appointment of a successor but shall continue until he has relinquished charge of the mission and has rendered such addi- tional services to the Department as the Secretary may require him to render in the interests of the Government for a period not in excess of thirty days, exclusive of time spent in transit. (c) During the service of a Foreign Service officer as chief of mis- sion he shall receive, in addition to his salary as Foreign Service Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseAQ0p~p~1-9)&RAIPaP-g34721A0006q 10019-3 officer, compensation equal to the difference, if any, between such salary and the salary of the position to which he is appointed or assigned. SEC. 432. (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre scribe, any officer or employee appointed to the Service may be en- titled to receive salary from the effective date of his appointment to the date when he shall have returned to his place of residence at the conclusion. of the period of his official service, or the termination of time spent on authorized leave, whichever shall be later, but no such officer or employee shall be entitled to receive salary while absent from his post whenever the Secretary shall find that such absence was with- out authorization or justification. (b) A Foreign Service officer, appointed during a recess of the Senate, shall be paid salary from the effective date of his appoint- ment until the end of the next session of the Senate, if he has not theretofore been confirmed by the Senate, or until his rejection by the Senate before the end of its next session. (c) A Foreign Service officer promoted to a higher class shall receive salary at the rate prescribed in section 412 for the class to which he is promoted from the effective date of his appointment to such class. A Foreign Service officer promoted to a higher class during a recess of the senate shall receive salary at the rate prescribed for the class to which he is promoted from the effective date of his a pointment to such class until the end of the next session. If the Senate should reject or fail to confirm the promotion of such an officer during the session following the date of his promotion, the Foreign Service officer shall, unless he has become liable to sepa- ration in accordance with the provisions of section 633 or 634, be automatically reinstated in the class from which he was promoted and receive the salary he was receiving prior to his promotion, such reinstatement to be effective, in the event of rejection of the nomi- nation, from the date of rejection; and in the event of the failure of the Senate to act on the nomination during the session following a promotion, from the termination of that session. CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS IN TIIE FOREIGN SERVICE SEC. 441. Under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secre- tary shall classify all positions in the Service, including those posi- tions at foreign posts which may be held by career ministers, and shall allocate all positions occupied or to be occupied by staff officers or employees to classes and subclasses established by sections 415 and 442, respectively, and by alien employees and consular agents to such classes as may be established by regulation. ADMINISTRATIVE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GROUPS OF POSITIONS FOR FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 442. The Secretary may, whenever he deems such action to be in the interests of good administration and warranted by the nature Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovetbFor Release 2& 9itlvicCI" P7dl43721A000600010019-3 of the duties and responsibilities of any group of positions occupied or to be occupied by staff officers and employees in comparison with other positions in the same class, establish by regulation for any such group of positions a minimum salary computed at, any one of the rates of salary above the minimum for a given class but not in excess of the middle rate provided for that class in section 415. Such groups of positions shall, for the purposes of this Act, be known as subclasses. SEC. 443. Whenever the President shall find and declare that the rates of salary provided for Foreign Service staff officers and employees in section 415 are inadequate for any positions allocated to any particular class or subclass, he may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, establish necessary schedules of differentials in the rates of salary prescribed for such classes or subclasses, but the differential in salary of a person holding any such position shall not exceed 25 per centum of the salary he would otherwise receive. Such differentials shall be granted only with respect to positions at pposts at which extraordinarily difficult living conditions of excessive physi- cal hardship prevail or at which notably unhealthful conditions exist. The Secretary shall prepare and maintain a list of such posts. S:so. 444. (a) Upon the basis of the cla.sification provided for in section 441, the Secretary shall, with the advice of the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time prepare schedules of salaries for classes of positons of alien clerks and employees of the Service which classes shall be established by regulation, and shall allocate all such positions to the appropriate classes. (b) All alien employees in an area. of comparatively uniform wage scales and standards of living, occupying positions of equal responsi- bility, shall receive equal pay except as there may be increases pro- vided for length of service in accordance with uniform procedures. SEc. 445. Upon the basis of the classification provided for in sec- tion 441, the Secretary shall, with the advice of the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time prepare schedules of salaries for classes of positions of consular agents, which classes shall be established by regulation, and shall allocate all such positions to the appropriate classes. Src. 446. Title II of the-Act, of November 26, 1940, entitled "An Act extending the classified executive Civil Service of the United States" (54 Stat. 1212; 5 U.S.C. 681), is hereby further amended by deleting paragraph (vii) of section 3(d) and by substituting in lieu of the present language of paragraph (vi) of section 3(d) the follow- ing language : "Offices or positions of officers and employees of the Foreign Services". Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 21001091&1 aBC4A 178-Q ,762lA0006CiQQ10019-3 TITLE V-APPOINTMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS PART A-PRINCIPAL DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTMENTS SEC. 501. (a) The President shall., by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, appoint ambassadors and ministers, including career ministers. (b) The President may', in his discretion, assign any Foreign Service officer to serve as minister resident, charge d'affaires, commis- sioner, or diplomatic agent for such period as the public interest may require. LISTS OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS QUALIFIED TO BE CAREER MINISTERS OR CHIEFS OF MISSION TO BE FURNISHED TO TIIE PRESIDENT SEC. 502. (a) The Secretary shall, on the basis of recommendations made by the Board of the Foreign Service, from time to time furnish the President with the names of Foreign Service officers qualified for appointment to the class of career minister together with pertinent information about such officers, but no person shall be appointed into the class of career minister who has not been appointed to serve as a chief of mission or appointed or assigned to serve in a position which, in the opinion of the Secretary, is of comparable importance. A list of such positions shall from time to time be published by the Secretary. (b) The Secretary shall also on the basis of recommendations made by the Board of the Foreign ~ervice, from time to time furnish the President with the names of Foreign Service officers qualified for appointment or assignment as chief of mission, together with per- tinent information about such officers, in order to assist the President in selecting qualified candidates for appointment or assignment in PART B-FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS APPOINTMENTS SEC. 511. The President shall appoint Foreign Service officers by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. All appointments of Foreign Service officers shall be by appointment to a class and not to a particular post. COMMISSIONS SEC. 512. Foreign Service officers may be commissioned as diplo- matic or consular officers or both and all official acts of such officers while serving under diplomatic or consular commissions shall be per- formed under their respective commissions as diplomatic or consular officers. LIMITS OF CONSULAR DISTRICTS SEC. 513. The Secretary shall define the limits of consular districts. ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS SEC. 514. A Foreign Service officer, commissioned as a diplomatic or consular officer, may be assigned by the Secretary to serve in any Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv? ,For RelegRp 9 1 -c9lA4ZQ,P77603721A000600010019-3 diplomatic position other than that of chief of mission or in any con- sular position, and he may also be assigned to serve in any other capacity in which he is eligible to serve under the terms of this or any other Act. He may be transferred from one post to another by order of the Secretary as the interests of the Service may require. CITIZENSIIIP REQUIREMENTS SEC. 515. No person shall be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer unless he is a citizen of the United States and has been such for at least 10 years. SEC. 516. No person shall be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer of class 6 unless he has passed such written, oral, physi- cal, and other examinations as the Board of Examiners for the For- eign Service may prescribe to determine his fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service and has demonstrated his loyalty to the Gov- ernment of the United States and his attachment to the principles of the Constitution. The Secretary shall furnish the President with the names of those persons who have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of class 6. ADMISSION TO CLASSES 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 WITHOUT PRIOR SERVICE IN CLASS 6 SEC. 517. A person who has not served in class F, shall not be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer of classes 1 to 5, inclusive, unless he has passed such written, oral, physical, and other examina- tions as the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service may prescribe to determine his fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service ; demonstrated his loyalty to the Government of the United States and his attachment to the principles of the Constitution; and rendered at least four years of actual service immediately prior to appointment in a position of responsibility in the Service or in the Department or both, except that, if he has reached the age of thirty-one years, the requirement as to service may be reduced to three years. The Secre- tary shall furnish the President with the names of those persons who shall have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of classes 1 to 5, inclusive. The Secretary shall, taking into consideration the age, qualifications, and experience of each candidate for appointment, recommend the class to which he shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this section. ADMISSION TO THE CLASS OF CAREER MINISTER SEC. 518. No person shall be eligible for appointment to the class of career minister who is not a Foreign Service officer. REASSIGNMENT TO FOREIGN SERVICE OF FORMER AMBASSADORS AND MINISTERS SEC. 519. If, within three months of the date of the termination of his services as chief of mission and of any period of authorized Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasptgptgf )IiRg -FAR lPO819~721A0006%01 0019-3 leave, a Foreign Service officer has not again been appointed or assigned as chief of mission or assigned in accordance. with the pro- visions of section 514, he shall be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. REINSTATEMENT AND RECALL Or FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS SEC. 520. (a) The President may, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, reappoint to the Service a former Foreign Service officer who has been separated from the Service by reason of appoint- ment to some other position in the Government service and who has served continuously in the Government up to the time of reinstate- ment. The Secretary shall, taking into consideration the qualifica- tions and experience of each candidate for reappointment and the rank of his contemporaries in the Service, recommend the class to which he shall be reappointed in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Whenever the Secretary shall determine an emergency to exist, the Secretary may recall any retired Foreign Service officer tem- porarily to active service. PART C-FOREIGN SERVICE RVSERVE OFFICERS SEC. 521. In accordance with the terms of this Act and under such regulations as the Secretary shall prescribe, there shall be organized and maintained a Foreign Service Reserve, referred to hereafter as the Reserve. SEC. 522. Whenever the services of a person who is a citizen of the United States and who has been such for at least five years are required by the Service, the Secretary may- (1) appoint as a Reserve officer for nonconsecutive periods of not more than four years each, a person not in the employ of the Government whom the Board of the Foreign Service shall deem to have outstanding qualifications of a specialized char- acter ; and (2) assign as a Reserve officer for nonconsecutive periods of not more than four years each a person regularly employed in any Government agency, subject, in the case of an employee of a Government agency other than the Department of State, to the consent of the head of the agency concerned. SEc. 523. A Reserve officer, appointed or assigned to active duty, shall be appointed or assigned to a class and not to a particular post, and such an officer may be assigned to posts and may be transferred from one post to another by order of the Secretary as the interests of the Service may require. The class to which he shall be appointed or assigned shall depend on his age, qualifications, and experience. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve for Relea E29M9/j&- jgA-R7A-A3721 A000600010019-3 SEC. 524. Whenever the Secretary shall deem it in the interests of the Service that a Reserve officer shall serve in a diplomatic or consular capacity, he may recommend to the President that such officer be commissioned as a diplomatic or consular officer or both. The President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, commission such officer as a diplomatic or consular officer or both, and all official acts of such an officer while serving under a diplomatic or consular commission shall be performed under his coin- mission as a diplomatic or consular officer. In all other cases, appro- priate rank and status, analogous to that of Foreign Service officers engaged in work of comparable importance shall be provided to per- mit Reserve officers to carry out their duties effectively. SEC. 525. The Secretary shall by regulation define the period during which a Reserve officer shall be considered as being on active duty. SEC. 526. A Reserve officer shall, except as otherwise provided in regulations which the Secretary may prescribe, receive all the allow- ances, privileges, and benefits which Foreign Service officers are en- titled to receive in accordance with the provisions of title IX. SEC. 527. A person who has served as a Reserve officer may not be reappointed or reassigned to active duty until the expiration of a period of time equal to his preceding tour of duty or until the expira- tion of a year, whichever is the shorter. SEC. 528. Upon the termination of the assignment of a Reserve of- ficer assigned from any Government agency, such person shall be en- titled to reinstatement in the Government agency by which he is regu- larly employed in the same position lie occupied at the time of as- signment, or in a corresponding or higher position. 'Upon reinstate- ment he shall receive the within-grade salary advancements he would have been entitled to receive had he remained in the position in which he is regularly employed under subsection (d), section 7, of the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, or any corresponding pro- vision of law applicable to the position in which he is serving. A certificate of the Secretary that such person has met the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Foreign Service shall satisfy any requirements as to the holding of minimun ratings as a prerequisite to the receipt of such salary advancements. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releas9,&09A(9qY Jq-RPP0?8fQ721A00061Qg010019-3 PART D-FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 531. The Secretary shall appoint staff officers and employees under such regulations as he may prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of sections 441, 442, and 443. SEC. 532. The Secretary may, in accordance with uniform pro- cedures established in such regulations as he may prescribe, assign a staff officer or employee to a position at any post and transfer such a person from a position in one class to a vacant position within the same class, and from one post to another. Upon demonstration of ability to assume duties of greater responsibility, such person may, as provided in section 641, be promoted to a vacant position in a higher class at the same or at a higher rate of salary and he may be trans- ferred from one post to another in connection with such promotion. COMMISSION AS CONSUL OR VICE CONSUL SEC. 533. On the recommendation of the Secretary, the President may, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, commission a staff officer or employee as consul. The Secretary may commission a staff officer or employee as vice consul. Official acts of staff officers or employees while serving under consular commissions in the Service shall be performed under their respective commissions as consular officers. CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENT SEC. 534. No person shall be eligible for appointment as staff officer or employee who is not a citizen of the United States at the time of his appointment. PART E-ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 541. The Secretary shall appoint alien clerks and employees at posts abroad under such regulations as he may prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accordance with the provisions of section 444. ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS SF.c. 542. The Secretary may assign an alien clerk or employee to a position at any post, and any such clerk or employee may be transferred from a position at one post to a position at another as the interests of the Service may require. PART F-CONSULAR AGENTS SEc. 551. The Secretary may appoint consular agents under such regulations as he may prescribe and, as soon as practicable, in accord- ance with the provisions of section 445. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvegll~or Releas%qQJWtJv ~4AFpo 78-06 721 A000600010019-3 PART. G-ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL BY THE WAR AND NA.vY DEPARTMENTS AS COURIERS AND INSPECTORS OF BUILDINGS SEC. 561. The Secretaries of War and Navy are authorized upon the request.of the Secretary, to assign or detail military and naval per- sonnel serving under their supervision for duty as inspectors of build- ings owned or occupied abroad by the United States or as inspectors or supervisors of buildings under construction or repair abroad by or for the United States, or for duty as couriers of the Depatment; and, when so assigned . or detailed, they may receive the same traveling expenses as are authorized for officers of the Service, payable from applicable appropriations of the Department. Such assignments or details may, in the discretion of the head of the department concerned, be made without reimbursement from the Department of State. AS CUSTODIANS SEC. 562. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized, upon request of the Secretary of State, to assign enlisted men of the Navy and the Marine Corps to serve as custodians under the supervision of the prin- cipal officer at an embassy, legation, or consulate. PART H-ASSIGNMENT OF FOREIGN SERVICE PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT TO ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY SEC. 571. (a) Any officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Director General, be assigned or detailed for duty in any Government agency, such an assignment or combination of as- signments to be for it period of not more than four years. He may not again be assigned for duty in a Government agency until the expira- tion of a period of time equal to his preceding tour of duty on such assignment or until the expiration of two years, whichever is the shorter. (b) A Foreign Service officer may be appointed as Director General or Deputy Director General, notwithstanding the provisions of the last; sentence of paragraph (a) of this section, but any such officer may not serve longer than four years in such position or positions and upon the.. completion of such service may not again be assigned to a position in the Department until the expiration of a period of time equal to his tour of duty as Director General or Deputy Director General or until the expiration of two years, whichever is shorter. (c) If a Foreign Service officer shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to a position in the Department, the period of his service in such capacity shall be con- strued as constituting an assignment for duty in the Department within the meaning of paragraph (a) of this section and such person shall not, by virtue of the acceptance of such an assignment, lose his status as a Foreign Service officer, Service in such a position shall not, however, be subject to the limitations concerning the duration of an assignment or concerning reassignment contained in that paragraph. (d) If the basic minimum salary of the position to which an officer or employee of the Service is assigned pursuant to the terms of this Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2080/A 9r :S DR78F0. 121A000609 10019-3 section is higher than the salary such officer or employee is entitled to receive as an officer or employee of the Service, such officer or employee shall, during the period such difference in salary exists, receive the salary of the position in which he is serving in lieu of his salary as an officer or employee of the Service. Any salary paid under the provisions of this section shall be paid from appropriations made available for the payment of salaries of officers and employees of the Service and shall be the salary on the basis of which computations and payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions of title VIII. COMPULSORY SERVICE OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS IN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES SEC. 572. Every Foreign Service officer shall, during his first fifteen years of service in such capacity, be assigned for duty in the continental United States in accordance with the provisions of section 571 for periods totaling not less than three years. ASSIGNMENT FOR CONSULTATION OR INSTRUCTION SEC. 573. (a) Any officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed to any Government agency for consultation or specific instruction either at the commence- ment, during the course of, or at the close of the period of his official service; and any such detail or assignment, if not more than four months in duration, shall not be considered as an assignment within the meaning of section 571. (b) Any officer or employee of the Service may be assigned or detailed for special instruction or training at or with public or private nonprofit institutions; trade, labor, agricultural, or scientific associa- tions ; or commercial firms. ASSIGNMENT TO TRADE, LABOR, AGRICULTURAL, SCIENTIFIC, OR OTHER CONFERENCES SEc. 574. An officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed for duty with domestic or international trade, labor, agricultural, scientific, or other conferences, congresses, or gatherings, including those whose place of meeting is in the continental United States; or for other special duties, includ- ing temporary details under commission not at his post or in the Department. ASSIGNMENTS TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS SEC. 575. The Secretary may, in his discretion, assign or detail an officer or employee of the Service for temporary service to or in coop- eration with the government of another country in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 25, 1938, as amended (52Stat. 442; 53 Stat. 652; 5 U.S.C.118e). ASSIGNMENTS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 576. The Secretary may, in his discretion, assign or detail an officer or employee of the Service for temporary service to or in coop- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvftg For Rele; QPAQ9'L11eCWPcPF 3.03721 A000600010019-3 eration with an international organization in which the United States participates under the same conditions as those governing the assign- ment or detail of officers or employees of the Service to the government; of another country in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 25, 1938, as amended (52 Stat. 442; 53 Stat. 652; 5 U.S.C. 118e). ASSIGNMENT OR DETAIL TO THE UNITED STATES NOT TO AFFECT PERSONNEL CEILINGS SEC. 577. An officer or employee of the Service assigned or detailed to the continental United States in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall not be counted as a civilian employee within the mean-. ing of section 607 of the Federal Employees' Pay Act of 1945, as amended by section 14 of the Federal Employees' Pay Act of 1946. SEC. 601. For the purposes of this title- (1) "Efficiency record" is the term which describes those materials considered by the Director General to be pertinent to the preparation of an evaluation of the performance of an officer or employee of the Service. (2) "Efficiency report" is the term which designates the analysis of the performance of an officer or employee made by his supervising officer or by a Foreign Service inspector in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary. RESPONSIBILITY OF THEDIRECTOR GENERAL FOR THE KEEPING OF EFFICIENCY RECORDS SEC. 611. The Director General, acting under the general direction of the Board of the Foreign Service, shall be responsible for the keeping of accurate and impartial efficiency records. Under his direc- tion there shall be assembled, recorded, and preserved all available information in regard to the character, ability, conduct, quality of work, industry, experience, dependability, and general usefulness of all officers and employees of the Service, including the reports of For- eign Service inspectors and the efficiency reports of supervising officers. The Director General shall undertake such statistical and other analyses as may be necessary to develop the validity and reliability of efficiency reporting forms and procedures. SEC. 612. The correspondence and records of the Department relat- ing to the officers and employees of the Service, including efficiency records as defined in section 601 (1) but not including records per- taining to the receipt, disbursement, and accounting for public funds, shall be confidential and subject to inspection only by the President, the Secretary, the Under Secretary, the Counselor of the Department., the legislative and appropriations committees of the Congress charged Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 21OQ1 1grEZQR7&0A7a1A00060PA10019-3 with considering legislation and appropriations for the Service or representatives duly authorized by such committees, the members of the Board of the Foreign Service, the Director General, and such officers and employees of the Government as may be assigned by the Secretary to work on such records. Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe and in the interest of efficient personnel ad- ministration, the whole or any portion of an efficiency record shall, upon written request, be divulged to the officer or employee to whom such record relates. PART C-PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS AND FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS BY SELECTION SEC. 621. All promotions of Foreign Service officers shall be made by the President, in accordance with such regulations as he may pre- scribe, by appointment to a higher class, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Promotion shall be by selection on the basis of merit. SEC. 622. The Secretary shall, by regulation, determine the mini- mum period Foreign Service officers must serve in each class and a standard for performance for each class which they must meet in order to become eligible for promotion to a higher class. In the event the Director General shall certify to the Board of the Foreign Service that a Foreign Service officer has rendered extraordinarily meritorious service, the Board of Foreign Service may recommend to the Secre- tary that such officer shall not be required to serve such minimum period in class as a prerequisite to promotion, and the Secretary may exempt such officer from such requirement. SEC. 623. The Secretary is authorized to establish, with the advice of the Board of Foreign Service, selection boards to evaluate the performance of Foreign Service officers, and upon the basis of their findings the Secretary shall make recommendations to the President for the promotion of Foreign Service officers. No person assigned to serve on any such board shall serve in such capacity for any two con- secutive years. PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS SEC. 624. Any Reserve officer may receive promotions from one class to a next higher class in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. SEC. 625. Any Foreign Service officer or any Reserve officer, whose services meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Foreign Service and who shall have been in a given class for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall, on the first Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approves For Rele W]Q II;I,cL R R 8 03721 A000600010019-3 day of each fiscal year, receive an increase in salary to the next higher rate for the class in which he is serving. The Secretar is authorized to grant to a Foreign Service officer or a Reserve of cer, in any class, additional increases in salary within the salary range established for the class in which he is serving, based upon especially meritorious service. PART D-SEPARATION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FROM THE SERVICE FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS WHO ARE CAREER MINISTERS SEC. 631. Any Foreign Service officer who is a career minister, other than one occupying a position as chief of mission, shall, upon reaching the age of sixty-five, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821., but whenever the Secretary shall determine an emergency to exist, he may, in the public interest, extend such an officer's service for a period not to exceed five years. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS WHO ARE NOT CAREER MINISTERS SEG. 632. Any Foreign Service officer who is not a career minister shall, upon reaching the age of sixty, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821 but when the Secretary shall determine an emergency to exist, he may, in the public interest, extend such an officer's service for a period not to exceed five years. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS IN CLASSES 2 AND 3 SEC. 633. The Secretary shall prescribe the maximum period dur- ing which Foreign Service officers in classes 2 or 3 shall be permitted to remain in such classes without promotion. Any officer who does not receive a promotion to a higher class within that period shall be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS IN CLASSES 4 AND 5 SEC. 634. (a) The Secretary shall prescribe the maximum period durin which Foreign Service officers in classes 4 or 5 shall be per- mitted to remain in such classes without promotion. Any officer who does not receive a promotion to a higher class within that period shall be retired from the Service and receive benefits as follows : (1) One-twelfth of a year's salary at his then current salary rate for each year of service and proportionately for a fraction of a year, payable without interest, in three equal. installments on the 1st day of January following the officer's retirement and on the two anniversar- ies of this date immediately following; and (2) A refund of the contributions made to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest thereon at 4 per centum, compounded annually, except that in lieu of such refund such officer may elect to receive retirement benefits on reaching the age of sixty- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 20O0.9911 I :sUA @L 78F08s7421A0006OQQI10019-3 two, in accordance with the provisions of section 821. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 4 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty-two, his death shall be considered a death in service within the meaning of section 832. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 5 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty-two, the total amount of his contributions made to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest there- on at 4 per centum, compounded annually, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section 841. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3477 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 203) or the provisions of any other law, a For- eign Service officer who is retired in accordance with the provisions of this section shall have the right to assign to any person or cor- poration the whole or any part of the benefits receivable by him pur- suant to paragraph (a) (1) of this section. Any such assignment shall be on a form approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and a copy thereof shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury by the officer executing the assignment. FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS RETIRED FROM CLASS 8 SEC. 635. Any Foreign Service officer in class 6 shall occupy pro- bationary status. The Secretary may terminate his service at any time. VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT SEC. 636. Any Foreign Service officer who is at least fifty years of age and has rendered twenty years of service, including service within the meaning of section 853, may on his own application and with the consent of the Secretary be retired from the Service and receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. SEPARATION FOR UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF DUTY SEa. 637. (a) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any Foreign Service officer above class 6 on account of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties; but no such officer shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and the unsatisfactory performance of his duties shall have been established at such hearing. (b) Any Foreign Service officer over forty-five years of age, sep- arated from the Service in accordance with the provisions of para- graph (a) of this section, shall be retired upon an annuity computed in accordance with the provisions of section 821 but not in excess of 25 per centum of his per annum salary at the time of his separation. (c) Any Foreign Service officer under forty-five years of age, sep- arated from the Service in accordance with the provisions of para- graph (a) of this section, shall at the time of separation receive a pay- ment equal to one year's salary or the refund of the contributions made by him to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, whichever shall be greater. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaei2QO/09I41ciC RDRVa-03721A000600010019-3 (d) Any payments made in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be made out of the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability Fund. SEPARATION FOR MISCONDUCT OR MALFEASANCE SEC. 638. The Secretary shall separate from the Service any Foreign Service officer or Reserve officer who shall be guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office, but no such officer shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and his misconduct or malfeasance shall have been. established at such hearing. Any officer separated from the Service in accordance with the provisions of this section shall not be eligible to receive the benefits provided by title VIII of this Act, but his con- tributions to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund. shall be returned to him in accordance with the provisions of section. PART E-PROMOTION OF FOREIGN SERVICE STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SEc. 641. Any staff officer or employee may, in accordance with uniform procedures established in regulations prescribed by the See- rotary, upon demonstration of ability to assume duties of greater responsibility, be promoted to a vacant position in a higher class at the same or at a higher rate of salary. S:EC. 642. In-class promotions of staff officers and employees shall be granted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. PART F-SEPARATION OF STAFF OFFICERS. AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 651. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any staff officer or employee on account of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties, but no such officer or employee shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and the unsatisfactory performance of his duties shall have been estab- lished at such hearing. - SEC. 652. The Secretary shall separate from the Service any staff officer or employee who shall be guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office, but no such officer or employee shall be so separated from the Service until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and his misconduct or malfeasance shall have been established at such hearing. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasp4OAQ 1&R *Bpgr,7QDQ;721A000 A000@W01 PART G-PROMOTION AND SEPARATION OF ALIEN CLERKS AND EMPLOYEES SEC. 661. Alien clerks and employees shall receive promotions from one class to a higher class and in-class promotions in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary. FOR UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF DUTY SEC. 662. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any alien clerk or employee on account of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties. SEC. 663. The Secretary shall separate from the Service any alien clerk or employee who shall be found guilty of misconduct or mal- feasance. PART H-SEPARATION OF 'CONSULAR AGENTS SEC. 671. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate any consular agent from the Service on account of- a the unsatisfactory performance of his duties; or b misconduct or malfeasance. PART I-INSPECTIONS SEC. 681. The Secretary shall assign or detail Foreign Service, offi- cers as Foreign Service inspectors to inspect in a substantially uni- form manner and at least once every two years the work of the diplo- matic and consular establishments of the United States. Whenever the Secretary has reason to believe that the business of a consulate is not being properly conducted and that it is necessary in the public in- terest, he may authorize any Foreign Service inspector to suspend the principal officer or any subordinate consular officer and to admin- ister the office in the place of the principal officer for a period not ex- ceeding ninety days. The Secretary may also authorize a Foreign Service inspector to suspend any diplomatic officer except a chief of mission. A Foreign Service inspector shall have the authority to sus- pend any other officer or employee of the Service. TITLE VII-THE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE INSTITUTE SEC. 701. The Secretary shall, in order to furnish training and in- struction to officers and employees of the Service and of the Depart- ment and to other officers and employees of the Government for whom training and instruction in the field of foreign relations is necessary, and in order to promote and foster programs of study incidental to such training, establish a Foreign Service Institute, hereinafter called the Institute. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved for Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 194.6 THE DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE-APPOINTMENT, SALARY, AND DUTIES SEC. 702. The head of the Institute, who shall be known as its Di- rector, shall be appointed by the Secretary. The Director shall, under the general supervision of the Director General and under such regu- lations as the Secretary may prescribe, establish the basic procedures to be followed by the Institute; plan and provide for the general nature of the training and instruction to be furnished at the Institute; corre- late the training and instruction to be furnished at the Institute with the training activities of the Department and other Government agen- cies and with courses given at private institutions that are designed or may serve to furnish training and instruction to officers and em- ployees of the Service; encourage and foster such programs outside of the Institute as will be complementary to those of the Institute; and take such other action as may be required for the proper administra- tion of the Institute. SEC. 730. The Secretary may, within the limits of such appropria- tions as may be made specifically therefor, make grants or furnish such other gratuitous assistance as he may deem necessary or advisable to nonprofit institutions cooperating with the Institute in any of the programs conducted by the Director by authority of this title. APPOINTMENT, ASSIGNMENT, AND DETAIL TO THE INSTITUTE SEC. 704. (a) The Secretary may appoint to the faculty or staff of the Institute on a full- or part-time basis such personnel as he may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this title in accordance with the provisions of the civil-service laws and regulations and the Classification Act of 1923 as amended, except that, when deemed nec- essary by the Secretary for the effective administration of this title, personnel may be appointed without regard to such laws and regula- tions, but any person so appointed shall receive a salary at one of the rates provided by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended. All appointments to the faculty or staff of the Institute shall be made without regard to political affiliations and shall be made solely on the basis of demonstrated interest in, and capacity to promote, the pur- poses of the Institute. b) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe an on a full- or part-time basis, assign or detail officers and employees of the Service to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute or to receive training at the Institute. (c) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe and on a full- or part-time basis, assign or detail any officer or em- b1) ployee of the Department, and, with the consent of the head of the Government agency concerned, any other officer or employee of the Government, to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute, or to re- ceive training. During the period of his assignment or detail, such officer or employee shall be considered as remaining in the position from which assigned. (d) It shall be the duty of the Director to make recommendations to the Secretary with regard to the appointment, assignment, or de- tail of persons to serve on the faculty or staff of the Institute, and Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releas q(QJ',B -IPP 81Q 721 A0006j0j010019-3 the Secretary shall in each case take such recommendations into consideration in making such appointments, assignments, or details. INSTRUCTION AND EDUCATION AT OTHER LOCALITIES THAN THE INSTITUTE SEC. 705. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, pay the tuition and other expenses of officers and employees of the Service, assigned or detailed in accordance with the provisions of section 573(b) for special instruction or training at or with public or private nonprofit institutions, trade, labor, agricultural, or scientific associations, or commercial firms. SEC. 706. The Secretary may accept, receive, hold, and administer gifts, bequests, or devises of money, securities, or property made for the benefit of, or in connection with, the Foreign Service Institute in accordance with part C of title X. SEC. 707. The Secretary may, in the name of the United States, acquire such real property as may be necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Institute and, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, such other property and equipment as may be necessary for its operation and maintenance. TITLE VIII-THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILTY SYSTEM RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC. 801. (a) The President may prescribe rules and regulations for the maintenance of a Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, originally established by section 18 of the Act of May 24,1924 (43 Stat.144), referred to hereafter as the System. (b) The Secretary shall administer the System in accordance with such rules and regulations and with the principles established by this Act. SEC. 802. The Secretary of the Treasury shall maintain the special fund, known as the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, referred to hereafter as the Fund, originally constituted by section 18 of the Act of May 24,1924 (43 Stat. 144). SEC. 803. (a) The following persons, hereafter referred to as par- ticipants, shall be entitled to the benefits of the System: 1 All Foreign Service officers; (2) All other persons making contributions to the Fund on the effective date of this Act; Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved L,For Release 2000109/ 1 : CIA-RDP78 03721A000600010019-3 THE (3) Any chief of mission who is not otherwise entitled to be a participant and who fulfills the conditions of paragraph (b) of this section; (b) A person to become a participant in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraphs (a) (3) of this section must- (1) have serve as chief of mission for an aggregate period of twenty years or more, exclusive of extra service credit in accord- ance with the provisions of section 853; and (2) have paid into the Fund a special contribution equal to 5 per centum of his basic salary for each year of such service with interest thereon to date of payment, compounded annually at 4 per centum. SEC. 804. Annuitants shall be persons who are receiving annuities from the Fund on the effective date of this Act, persons who shall become entitled to receive annuities in accordance with the provisions of sections 519, 631, 632, 633, 634, 636, 637, 831, 832, and 833, and all widows and beneficiaries of participants who are entitled to receive annuities in accordance with the terms of this title. PART B-COMPULSORY CONTRIBUTIONS SEC. 811. (a), Five per centuin of the basic salary of all participants shall be contributed to the Fund, and the Secretary of the Treasury is directed to cause such deductions to be made and the sums trans- ferred on the books of the Treasury Department to the credit of the Fund for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds, and allow- ances. (b) All basic salaries in excess of $13,500 per annum shall be treated as $13,500 for the purposes of this title. PART C-COMPUTATION OF ANNUITIES SEC. 821. (a) The annuity of a participant shall be equal to 2 per centum of his average basic salary, not exceeding $13,500 per annum, for the five years next preceeding the date of his retirement multiplied by the number of years of service, not exceeding thirty years. In de- termining the aggregate period of service upon which the annuity is to be based, the fractional part of a month, if any, shall not be counted. (b) At the time of his retirement, a participant, if the husband of a wife to whom he has been married for at least three years or who is the mother of issue by such :marriage, may elect to receive a reduced annuity for himself and to provide for an annuity payable to his widow, commencing on the date following his death and continuing as long as she may live. The annuity payable to his widow shall in no case exceed 25 per centum of his average basic salary for the five years next preceding his retirement or 662/3 per centum of his reduced annuity. If the age of the participant is less than the age of the wife or exceeds her age by not more than eight years, the annuity of the participant will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half of the annuity which he elects to have paid to his widow. If the age of the participant exceeds the age of the wife by more than eight years, the annuity of the participant will be reduced by an amount equal to one-half the annuity which he elects to have paid to his widow plus an Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000%091 AEg, ~lRF704-9~7~IA0006010 10019-3 additional reduction equal to 2 per centum of such widow's annuity for each year, or fraction thereof, that the difference in age exceeds eight. The participant may at his option also elect to have his annuity reduced by an additional 5 per centum of the amount which he elects to have paid to his widow, with a provision that, from and after the death of his wife, if the participant shall survive her, the annuity payable to the participant shall be that amount which would have been payable if no option had been elected. (c) A participant who is not married at the time of his retirement or who is married to a wife who is not entitled to an annuity in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section may elect to receive a reduced annuity for himself and to provide for an additional annuity payable after his death to a beneficiary whose name shall be notified in writing to the Secretary at the time of his retirement and who is acceptable to the Secretary. The annuity payments payable to such beneficiary shall be either equal to the deceased participant's reduced annuity payments or equal to 50 per centum of such reduced annuity payments and upon the death of the surviving beneficiary all payments shall cease and no further annuity payments shall be due or payable. The combined actuarial value of the two annuitants on the date of retirement as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be the same as the actuarial value of the annuity provided by paragraph (a) of this section. No such election of a reduced annuity payable to a beneficiary other than a child of the participant shall be valid until the participant shall have satisfactorily passed a physical examination as prescribed by the Secretary. Annuity payments pay- able in accordance with the provisions of this section to a beneficiary who is a child of a parl5cipant shall cease when the beneficiary reaches the age of twenty-one years. PART D-BENEFITS ACCRUING TO CERTAIN PARTICIPANTS RETIREMENT FOR DISABILITY OR INCAPACITY-PHYSICAL EXAMINATION- RECOVERY SEC. 831. (a) Any partici ant who, after serving for a total period of not less than five years, becomes totally disabled or incapacitated for useful and efficient service by reason of disease or injury incurred in the line of duty but not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or will- ful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the Secretary, be retired on an annuity computed as pre- scribed in section 821. If the disabled or incapacitated participant has had less than twenty years of service at the time he is retired, his annuity shall be computed on the assumption that he had had twenty years of service. (b) In each case such disability shall be determined by the report of a duly qualified physician or surgeon, designated by the Secretary to conduct the examination. Unless the disability is permanent, a like examination shall be made annually until the annuitant has reached the retirement age as defined in sections 631 and 632, and the payment of the annuity shall cease from the date of a medical examination showing recovery. Fees for examinations under this provision, to- gether with reasonable traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Fund. Approved For Release 2000/09/11 CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv? For Rele 2;g t%9~llvrcgl 7fZRPT8 03721 A000600010019-3 (c) When the annuity is discontinued under this provision before the annuitant has received a sum equal to the total amount of his contributions, with accrued interest, the difference shall be paid to him or his legal representatives in the order of precedence prescribed in section 841. SEC. 832. In case a participant shall die without having estab- lished a valid claim for annuity, the total amount of his contributions with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum, compounded on June 30 of each year, except as provided in section 881 and as here- inafter provided in this section, shall be paid to his legal representa- tives in the order of precedence given under section 841 upon the es- tablishment of a valid claim therefor. If the deceased participant rendered at least five years of service, and is survived by a widow to whom he was married for at least three years, or who is the mother of issue by such marriage, such widow shall be paid an. annuity equal to the annuity which she would have been entitled to receive if her husband had been retired on the date of his death and had elected to receive a reduced joint and survivorship annuity, computed as pre- scribed in section 821, providing the maximum annuity for his widow, unless prior to the date of his death he shall have elected, in lieu of such widow's annuity, and with the approval of the Secretary to have his deductions returned with interest as provided in the ?first sentence of this section covering participants dying without having established a valid claim for annuity. If the deceased participant had had less than twenty years of service at the time of his death, the annuity payable to his widow shall be computed on the assumption that he had had twenty years of service. RETIREMENT OF PERSONS WHO ARE PARTICIPANTS UNDER SECTION 803(A)(3) SEC. 833. (a) Any person who is a participant, has at least twenty years of service to his credit, and has reached the age of fifty years, but is not a Foreign Service officer at the time he is retired in accord-- ance with the provisions of law governing retirement in the position that he occupies, shall be entitled to an annuity computed as pre- scribed in section 821. (b) Any person who is a participant in accordance with the pro- visions of section 803 (a) (3) shall be entitled to voluntary retirement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as a Foreign. Service officer. PART E-DISPOSITION Or CONTRIBUTIONS AND INTEREST IN EXCESS OF BENEFITS RECEIVED SEC. 841. (a) Whenever a participant becomes separated from the Service without becoming eligible for an annuity or a deferred annuity in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the total amount of contributions from his salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum, compounded annually up to the date of such separation, except as provided in section 881, shall be returned to him.. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseT2000iOOMsxffi FCP158-00'P21A00060?%10019-3 (b) In the event that the total contributions of a retired partici- pant, other than voluntary contributions made in accordance with the provisions of section 881, with interest compounded annually at 4 per centum added thereto, exceed the total amount returned to such participant or to an annuitant claiming through him, in the form of annuities, accumulated at the same sate of interest up to the date the annuity payments cease under the terms of the annuity, the excess of the accumulated contributions over the accumulated annuity payments shall be paid in the following order of precedence, upon the estab- lishment of a valid claim therefor ; (1) To the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the retired participant in writing to the Secretary; (2) If there be no such beneficiary, to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the estate of the retired participant; (3) If there be no such beneficiary, or executor or administrator, payyment may be made to such person or persons as may appear in the judgment of the Secretary to be legally entitled thereto, and such pay- ment shall be a ban to recovery by any other person. (c) No payment shall be made pursuant to paragraph (b) (3) of this section until after the expiration of thirty days from the death of the .retired participant or his surviving annuitant. PART F-PERIOD OF SERVICE FOR ANNUITIES COMPUTATION OF LENGTH OF SERVICE SEC. 851. For the purposes of this title, the period of service of a participant shall be computed from the effective date of appointment as Foreign Service officer, or, if appointed prior to July 1, 1924, as diplomatic secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul, deputy con- sul, consular assistant, consular agent, commercial agent, interpreter, or student interpreter, and shall include periods of service at different times as either a diplomatic or consular officer, or while on assignment to the Department, or while on special duty or service in another department or establishment of the Government, or while on any assignment in accordance with the provisions of part H of title V, but all periods of separation from the Service and so much of any leaves of absence as may exceed six months in the aggregate in any calendar year shall be excluded, except sick leaves of absence for illness or injury incurred in the line of duty, with or without pay, and leaves of absence granted participants while performing active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States. PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT SEC. 852. (a) A participant may, subject to the provisions of this section, include in his period of service- (1) service performed as a civilian officer or employee of the Government prior to becoming a participant; and (2) active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States. (b) A person may obtain credit for prior service by making a special contribution to the Fund equal to 5 per centum of his annual Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApproveW(For Relea 2406/49/ vICdA ?RDPh84O3721A000600010019-3 salary for each year of service for which credit is sought subsequent to July 1, 1924, with interest thereon to date of payment compounded annually at 4 per centum. Any such participant may, under such conditions as may be determined. In each instance by the Secretary, pay such special contributions in installments during the continuance of his service. (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to affect in any manner a participant's right to retired pay, pension, or compensation in addition to the annuities herein provided, but no participant may obtain prior service credit toward an annuity under the Foreign Serv- ice Retirement and Disability System for any period of service, whether in a civilian or military capacity, on the basis of which he is receiving or will in the future be entitled to receive any annuity, pension, or other retirement or disability payment or allowance. EXTRA SERVICE CREDIT FOR SERVICE AT UNHEALTHFUL POSTS SEC. 853. The President may from time to time establish a list of places which by reason of climatic or other extreme conditions are to be classed as unhealthful posts, and each year of duty subsequent to January 1, 1900, at such posts inclusive of regular leaves of ab- sence, of participants thereafter retired, shall be counted as one year and a half, and so on in like proportion in reckoning the length of service for the purpose of retirement, fractional months being con- sidered as full months in computing such service. The President may at any time cancel the designation of any places as unhealthful without affecting any credit which has accrued for service at such posts prior to the date of the cancellation. SEC. 854. Contributions shall not be required covering periods of leave of absence from the Service granted a participant while per- forming active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States. SEC. 861. The Secretary of the Treasury shall prepare the esti- mates of the annual appropriations required to be made to the Fund, and shall make actuarial valuations of such fund at intervals of five years, or oftener if deemed necessary by him. The Secretary of State may expend from money to the credit of the Fund an amount not exceeding $5,000 per annum for the incidental expenses necessary in administering the provisions of this title, including actuarial advice. ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS SEC. 862. The Secretary shall submit annually to the President and to the Congress a comparative report showing the condition of the Fund and estimates of appropriations necessary to continue this title in full force. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release0 %14 g A RDP7 -Q 21A0006QQQ10019-3 Sno. 863. The Secretary of the Treasury shall invest from time to time in interest-bearing securities of the United States such portions of the Fund as in his judgment may not be immediately required for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds, and allowances, and the income derived from such investments shall constitute a part of such Fund. Sno. 864. None of the moneys mentioned in this title shall be assign- able either in law or equity or be subject to execution levy, attach- ment, garnishment, or other legal process, except as provided in section 634(b). PART II-O1 `IOERS REINSTATED TN Tm S'EavlcE SEc. 871. A Foreign Service officer, reinstated in the Service in accordance with the provisions of section 520 (b) shall, while so serv- ing, be entitled in lieu of his retirement allowance to the full pay of the class in which he is temporarily serving. During such service, he shall make contributions to the Fund in accordance prior to his reinstatement in the Service was based on less than thirty years of service credit, the amount of his annuity when he reverts to the retired list shall be recomputed on the basis of his total service credit. Snc. 881. (a) Any participant may, at his option and under such regulations as may be prescribed by. the President, deposit additional sums in multiples of 1 per centum of his basic salary, but not in excess of 10 per centum of such salary, which amounts together with interest at 3 per centum per annum, compounded on June 30 of each year shall, at the date of his retirement and at his election, be- 1) returned to him in a lump sum; or 2) used to purchase an additional life annuity; or 3) used to purchase an additional life. annuity for himself and to provide for a cash payment on his death to a beneficiary whose name shall be notified in writing to the Secretary by the partici- pant; or (4) used to purchase an additional life annuity for himself and a life annuity commencing on his death payable to a beneficiary whose name shall be notified in writing to the Secretary by the participant with a guaranteed return to the beneficiary or his legal representatives of an amount equal to the cash payment referred to in paragraph 3. (b) The benefits provided by subparagraphs 2, 3, or 4 of paragraph (a) of this section shall be actuarially equivalent in value to the pay- ment provided for by paragraph (a) (1) of this section and shall be calculated upon such tables of mortality as may be from time to time prescribed for this purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. (c). In case a participant shall become separated from the Service for any reason except retirement on an annuity, the amount of any additional deposits with interest at 3 per centum per annum, com- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovQ9,,For ReleqRS ;ggp/g9/sll &6Ac?,QP7?IP3721A000600010019-3 pounded annuallyy, made by him under the provisions of this para- graph shall be refunded in the manner provided in section 841 for the return of contributions and interest in the case of death or withdrawal from active service, (d) Any benefits payable to an officer or to his beneficiary in respect to the additional deposits provided under this paragraph shall be in addition to the benefits otherwise provided under this title. TITLE IX-ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS PART A-ALLOWANCES AND SPECIAL ALLOTMENTS QUARTERS, COST OF LIVING, AND REPRESENTATION ALLOWANCE'S SEC. 901. In accordance with such regulations as the President may prescribe and notwithstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (5 U. S. C. 70), the Secretary is authorized to grant to any officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States- (1) allowances wherever Government owned or rented quar- ters are not available for living quarters, heat, light, fuel, gas, and electricity, including allowances for the cost of lodging at temporary quarters, incurred by an officer or employee of the Service and the members of his family upon first arrival at a new post, for a period not in excess of three months after such first arrival or until the occupation of residence quarters, which- ever period shall be shorter, up to but not in excess of the aggre- gate amount of the per diem that would be allowable to such officer or employee for himself and the members of his family for such period if they were in travel status; (2) cost-of-living allowances, whenever the Secretary shall determine- (i) that the cost of living at a post abroad is proportion- ately so high that an allowance is necessary to enable an officer or employee of the Service at such post to carry on his work efficiently; (ii) that extraordinary and necessary expenses, not other- wise compensated for, are incurred by an officer or employee of the Service incident to the establishment of his residence at his post of assignment; (iii) that an allowance is necessary to assist an officer or employee of the Service who is compelled by reason of dan- gerous, notably unhealthful, or excessively adverse living conditions at his post abroad or for the convenience of the Government to meet the additional expense of maintaining his wife and minor children elsewhere than in the country of his assignment; (3) allowances in order to provide for the proper representa- tion of the United States by officers or employees of the Service. ALLOTMENT FOR OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF CHIEF AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE SEC. 902. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, make an allotment of funds to any post to defray the un- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleasgA090W41 I #-RPP?8rQQ721A00061@0010019-3 usual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of an official residence suitable for the chief representative of the United States at that post. ACCOUNTING FOR ALLOWANCES SEC. 903. All such allowances and allotments shall be accounted for to the Secretary in such manner and under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe. The Secretary shall report all such expenditures annually to the Congress with the budget estimates of the Department. PART. B-TRAVEL AND RELATED EXPENSES GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 911. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he shall prescribe pay- (11S the travel expenses of officers and employees of the Service, including expenses incurred while traveling pursuant to orders issued by the Secretary in accordance with the provisions of section 933 with regard to the granting of home leave; (2) the travel expenses of the members of the family of an officer or employee of the Service when proceeding to or returning from his post of duty; accompanying him on authorized home leave; or otherwise traveling in accordance with authority granted pursuant to the terms of this or any other Act; (3) the cost of transporting the. furniture and household and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Service to his successive posts of duty and, on the termination of his services, to the place where he will reside (4) the cost of storing the furniture and household and per- sonal effects of an officer or employee of the Service who is absent under orders from his usual post of duty, or who is assigned to. a post to which, because of emergency conditions, he cannot take or at which he is unable to use, his furniture and household and personal effects; (5) the cost of storing the furniture and household and per- sonal effects of an officer or employee of the Service on first arrival at a post for a period not in excess of three months after such first arrival at such post or until the establishment of residence quarters, whichever shall be shorter; (6) the travel expenses of the members of the family and the cost of transporting the personal effects and automobile of an officer or employee of the Service whenever the travel of such officer or employee is occasioned by changes in the seat of the government whose capital is his post; (7) the travel expenses and transportation costs incident to the removal of the members of the family of an officer or employee of the Service and his furniture and household and personal effects, including automobiles, from a post at which, because of the preva- lence of disturbed conditions, there is imminent danger to life and property, and the return of such persons, furniture, and effects to such post upon the cessation of such conditions; or to such other Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve, Pr Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 e THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 194$ post as may in the meantime have become the post to which such officer or employee has been assigned; (8) the cost of preparing and transporting to their former homes in the continental United States or to a place not more distant, the remains of an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States and of the members of his family who may die abroad or while in travel status. LOAN OF HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT Sm. 912. The Secretary may, if he shall find it in the interests of the Government to do so as a means of eliminating transportation costs, provide officers and employees of the Service with household equip- ment for use on a loan basis in personally owned or leased residences. SEc. 913. The Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, transport for or on behalf of an officer or employee of the Service, a privately owned automobile in any case where he shall de- termine that water, rail, or air transportation of the automobile is necessary or expedient for any part or of all the distance between points of origin and destination. PART C-COMMISSARY SERVICE SEO. 921. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may proscribe, and pursuant to appropriations therefor, establish and maintain emergency commissary or mess services in such places abroad where, in his judgment, such services are necessary temporarily to insure the effective and efficient performance of the duties and re- sponsibilities of the Service, such services to be available to the officers and employees of all Government agencies located in any such places abroad. Reimbursements incident to the maintenance and operation of commissary or mess service shall be at not less than cost as deter- mined by the Secretary and shall be used as working funds : Provided, That each year an amount equal to the amount of the appropriation for such service shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts not later than six months after the close of the fiscal year for which any such appropriation is made. SEc. 931. (a) The Secretary may, in his discretion and in accord- ance with such regulations as he may prescribe grant an officer or employee of the Service-who is a citizen of the i1nited States not to exceed sixty calendar days' annual leave of absence with pay. (b) Where an officer or employee on leave returns to the continental United States, the leave of absence granted pursuant to the pro- visions of paragraph (a) of this section shall be exclusive of the time actually and necessarily occupied in going to and from the continental United States, and such time as may be necessarily occupied in await- ing sailing or flight. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A0006g0Q10019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 (c) Any part of the sixty days' annual leave which an officer or employee may receive and which is not used in any one year shall be accumulated for succeeding years until it totals one hundred and eighty days. (d) The Secretary may in his discretion and subject to such regu- lations as he may prescribe, grant to an employee of the Service who is not a citizen of the United States thirty calendar days' annual leave with pay each calendar year. Any part of the thirty days' leave not used in any year shall be accumulated for succeeding years until it totals not exceeding sixty days. SEC. 932. The Secretary may in his discretion and subject to such regulations as he may prescribe, grant an officer or employee of the Service sick leave with pay at the rate of fifteen calendar days each calendar year. Any part of the fifteen days' sick leave not used or availed of in any year shall be accumulated for succeeding years until it totals one hundred and twenty days. SEC. 933. (a) The Secretary shall order to the continental United States on statutory leave of absence every officer and employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States upon completion of two years' continuous service abroad or as soon as possible thereafter. (b) While in the continental United States on leave, the service of any officer or employee, shall be available for such work or duties in the Department or elsewhere as the Secretary may prescribe, but. the time of such work or duties shall not be counted as leave. SEC. 934. (a) A Reserve officer, assigned to the Service from any Government agency, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, be granted annual leave of absence and sick leave of absence in accordance with the provisions of part D of this title during the period of his assignment. (b) Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, a per- son assigned to the Service as a Reserve officer from any Government agency may, notwithstanding the provisions of the Act of December 21, 1944 (58 Stat. 845; 5 U.S.C. 61b), transfer to the Service any annual or sick leave of absence standing to his credit at the time of his assignment to the Service. On his return to the agency by which he is regularly employed, he may transfer the aggregate of his accu- mulated and current annual and sick leave to that agency but the amount of leave so transferred shall not exceed the maximum which an officer or employee of the agency to which he is returning may have to his credit on the date of his return. SEC. 935. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe an officer or employee of the Service who resigns from the Service in Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved, For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 136 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 order to accept an appointment in any Government agency may trans- fer to such Government agency any annual or sick leave of absence standing to his credit at the time of his resignation from the Service and any officer or employee of any Government agency who resins from such agency in order to accept an appointment to the Service may transfer to the Service any annual or sick leave of absence stand- ing to his credit at the time ol- his resignation from the Government agency in which he was employed, but in no event shall. the amount of annual or sick leave of absence so transferred exceed the maximum amount of the annual or sick leave of absence which. may be accu- mulated in either the Service or the Government agency to which such person is appointed, as the case may be. SEC. 941. The Secretary may, in the event of illness or injury re- quiring hospitalization of an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States, not the result of vicious habits, in- temperance, or misconduct on his part, incurred in the line of duty while such person is assigned abroad, pay for the cost of the treatment of such illness or injury at a suitable hospital or clinic. SEC. 942. (a) The Secretary may, in the event of illness or injury requiring the hospitalization of an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States, not the result of vicious habits, intemperance or misconduct on his part, incurred while on assignment abroad, in a locality where there does not exist a suitable hospital or clinic, pay the travel expenses of such officer or employee by whatever means he shall deem appropriate and without regard to the Standard- ized Government Travel Regulations and section 10 of the Act of March 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1516; 5 U.S.C. 73b), to the nearest locality where a suitable hospital or clinic exists and on his recovery pay for the 'travel expenses of his return to his post of duty. If the officer or employee is too ill to travel unattended, the Secretary may also pay the travel expenses of an attendant. (b) The Secretary may establish a first-aid station and provide for the services of a nurse at a post at which, in his opinion, sufficient per- sonnel is employed to warrant such a station. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND COSTS OF INOCULATIONS SEC. 943. The Secretary shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for the periodic physical examination of officers and employees of the Service who are citizens of the United States, including examinations necessary to establish disability or incapacity in accordance with the provisions of section 831, and for the cost of administering inoculations or vaccinations to such officers or employees. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseH 0000/09I1 - FAT POT8r9A721A00061%9010019-3 TITLE X-MISCELLANEOUS PART A-PROHIBITIONS SEC. 1001. An officer or employee of the Service holding a position of responsibility in the Service shall not wear any uniform except such as may be authorized by law or such as a military commander may require civilians to wear in a theater of military operations. AGAINST ACCEPTING PRESENTS SEC. 1002. An officer or employee of the Service shall not ask or, without the consent of the Congress, receive, for himself or any other person, any present, emolument, pecuniary favor, office, or title from any foreign government. A chief of mission or other principal offi- cer may, however, under such regulations as the President may pre- scribe, accept gifts made to the United States or to any political subdivision thereof by the government to which he is accredited or from which he holds an exequatur. AGAINST ENGAGING IN BUSINESS ABROAD SEC. 1003. An officer or employee of the Service shall not, while holding office, transact or be interested in any business or engage for profit in any profession in the country or countries to which he is assigned abroad in his own name or in the name or through the agency of any other person, except as authorized by the Secretary. AGAINST CORRESPONDENCE ON AFFAIRS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS SEC. 1004. (a) An officer or employee of the Service shall not cor- respond in regard to the public affairs of any foreign government except with the proper officers of the United States, except as author- ized by the Secretary. (b) An officer or employee of the Service shall not recommend any person for employment in any position of trust or profit under the government of the country to ON he is detailed or assigned except as authorized by the Secretary. AGAINST POLITICAL, RACIAL, RELIGIOUS, OR COLOR DISCRIMINATION SEC. 1005. In carrying out the provisions of this Act, no political test shall be required and none shall be taken into consideration, nor shall there be any discrimination against any person on account of race, creed, or color. PART B-BONDS SEC. 1011. Every secretary, consul general, consul, vice consul Foreign Service officer, and Foreign Service Reserve officer, and, it required, any other officer or employee of the Service or of the De- partment before he enters upon the duties of his office shall give Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve or Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 L THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1,9411 to the United States a bond in such form and in such penal sum as the Secretary shall prescribe, with such sureties as the Secretary shall approve, conditioned without division of penalty for the true and faithful performance of his duties, including (but not by way of limitation) certifying vouchers for payment, accounting for, pay- ing over, and delivering up of all fees, moneys, goods, effects, books, records, papers, and other property that shall come to his hands or to the hands of any other person to his use as such officer or employee under any law now or hereafter enacted and for the true and faith- ful performance of all other duties now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him as such officer or employee, and such bond shall be con- strued to be conditioned for the true and faithful performance of all. official duties of whatever character now or hereafter lawfully imposed upon him, or by him assumed incident to his employment as an officer or employee of the Government. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, upon approval of any bond given pursuant to this Act, the principal shall. not be required to give another sep- arate bond conditioned for the true and faithful performance of only a part of the duties for which the bond given pursuant to this Act is conditioned. The bond of an officer or employee of the Service shall be construed to be conditioned for the true and faithful per- formance of all acts of such officer incident to his office regardless of whether appointed or commissioned as diplomatic, consular, For- eign Service officer, or other officer of the Service. The bonds herein mentioned shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to obviate the necessity of furnishin any bond which may be required pursuant to the provisions of the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended (44 Stat. 688; 47 Stat. 405; 56 Stat. 39; 5 U.S.C. 821-8231827-833). PART Oi-GII rs SEC. 1021. (a) The Secretary may accept on behalf of the United States gifts made unconditionally by will or otherwise for the benefit of the Service or for the carrying out of any of its functions. Con- ditional gifts may be so accepted if recommended by the Director General, and the rincipal of and income from any such conditional gifts shall be held, invested, reinvested, and used in accordance with its conditions, but no gift shall be accepted which is conditioned upon any expenditure not to be met therefrom or from the income thereof unless such expenditure has been approved by Act of Congress. (b) Any unconditional gift of money accepted pursuant to the authority granted in paragraph (a) of this section, the net proceeds from the liquidation (pursuant to paragraph (c) or paragraph (d) of this section) of any other property so accepted, and the proceeds of insurance on any such gift property not used for its restoration, shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States and are hereby appropriated and shall be held in trust by the Secretary of the Treasury for the benefit of the Service, and he may invest and reinvest such funds in interest-bearing obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. Such gifts and the income from such invest- ments shall be available for expenditure in the operation of the Serv- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A00060.Q10019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 ice and the performance of its functions, subject to the same exami- nation and audit as is provided for appropriations made for the Serv- ice by Congress. (c) The evidences of any unconditional gift of intangible personal property, other than money, accepted pursuant to the authority granted in paragraph (a) of this section, shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury and he, in his discretion, may hold them, or liquidate them except that they shall be liquidated upon the request of the Secretary whenever necessary to meet payments required in the operation of the Service or the performance of its functions. The proceeds and income from any such property held by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be available for expenditure as is provided in para- graph (b) of this section. (d) The Secretary shall hold any real property or any tangible personal property accepted unconditionally pursuant to the authority ? granted in paragraph (a) of this section and he shall permit such property to be used for the operation of the Service and the perform- ance of its functions or he may lease or hire such property, and may insure such property, and deposit the income thereof with the Secre- tary of the Treasury to be available for expenditure as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. The income from any such real prop- erty or tangible personal property shall be available for expenditure in the discretion of the Secretary for the maintenance, preservation, or repair and insurance of such property and any proceeds from in- surance may be used to restore the property insured. Any such prop- erty when not required for the operation of the Service or the per- formance of its functions may be liquidated by the Secretary, and the proceeds thereof deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury, when- ever in his judgment the purposes of the gifts will be served thereby. (e) For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes,. any gift, devise, or bequest accepted by the Secretary under authority of this Act shall be deemed to be a gift, devise, or bequest to or for the use of the United States. PART D AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN ATTORNEYS SEC. 1031. The Secretary may, without regard to sections 189 and 365 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.C. 49 and 314), authorize a prin- cipal officer to procure legal services whenever such services are re- quired for the protection of the interests of the Government or to enable an officer or employee of the Service to carry on his work efficiently. SEc. 1041. (a) The Secretary may delegate to officers or em loyees holding positions of responsibility in the Department or the Service or to such boards as he may continue or establish any of the powers conferred upon him by this Act to the extent that he finds such delega- tion to be in the interests of the efficient administration of the Service. (b) The Director General may delegate to officers or employees holding positions of responsibility in the Department or the Service any of the powers conferred upon him by this Act to the extent that he finds such delegation to be in the interests of the efficient adminis- tration of the Service. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 140 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 PART F-ExEM ON FROM TAXATION Sec. 1051. Section 116 of the internal Revenue Code, as amended (53 Stat. 48; 53 Stat. 575; 56 Stat. 842; 58 Stat. 46; 26 U.S.C. 116), relative to exclusions from gross income, is further amended by adding at the end thereof a new subsection to read as follows : "(-k) In the case of an officer or employee of the Foreign Service of the United States, amounts received by such officer or employee as allowances or otherwise under the terms of title IX of the Foreign Service Act of 1946." PART G-INTERPRETATION OF THE Acr SEC. 1061. The provisions of this Act shall be construed liberally in order to effectuate its purpose. PROVISIONS THAT MAY BE HELD INVALID SEC. 1062. If any provision of this Act or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, the validity of the remainder of the Act and the applicability of such pro- vision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. HEADINGS OF TITLES, PARTS, AND SECTIONS SEC. 1063. The headings descriptive of the various titles, parts, and sections of this Act are inserted for convenience only, and, in case of any conflict between any such heading and the substance of the title, part, or section to which it relates, the heading shall be disregarded. PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF JULY 3, 1946 SEC. 1064. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the pro- visions of sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Act of July 3, 1946 (Public Law 488, Seventy-ninth Congress). The "classified grades" within the meaning of that Act shall, from and after the effective date of this Act, be construed to mean classes 1 to 5, inclusive. PART H-AIITHORIzATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 1071. Appropriations to carry out the purposes of this Act are hereby authorized. TITLE XI-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS PART A-TEMPORARY PROVISIONS CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS AND SALARIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE SERVICE REINSTATEMENT OF CHIEFS OF MISSION WHO ARE FORMER FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS SEG. 1101. Any person who on the effective date of this Act is a chief of mission and who has previously been a Foreign Service officer may be reinstated as a Foreign Service officer in the class of career minister. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 200MMA , .# DR7c6~Q37Q1A00060MI0019-3 TRANSFER OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FROM OLD CLASSES TO NEW CLASSES SEC. 1102. (a) Foreign Service officers on active service on the effec- tive date of this Act shall, by virtue of this Act, be transferred from the classes in which they are serving on such date to the new classes established by this Act as follows : Officers of class I to the new class 1; officers of class II to the new class 2; officers of classes III and IV to the new class 3; officers of classes V and VI, to the new class 4; officers of classes VII and VIII, to the new class 6; officers in the unclassified grade, to the new class 6. (b) Each officer so transferred shall under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe receive that salary in the new class which shall as nearly as possible correspond to his relative standing in the Service. (c) Whenever, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the officers in a new class shall be officers who previously served in two former classes that were combined to form the new class, the period of minimum service in class for the purposes of deter- mining eligibility for promotion in accordance with the provisions of section 622, shall commence to run from the date of their promotion to the lower of the two classes from which the new class is composed and from the date of their promotion to the higher of the two classes from which the new class is composed for the purposes of computing the minimum period an officer shall serve in a class before the commence- ment of the period during which he must obtain a promotion in order to prevent being retired. In all other cases service, in a former class shall be considered as constituting service in the new class for the purposes of section 622. TRANSFER OF OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE SERVICE FROM THEIR PRESENT POSITIONS TO NEW POSITIONS SEC. 1103. The Secretary shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for the transfer of the personnel of the Service, other than persons occupying positions which under the terms of this Act constitute them chiefs of mission and Foreign Service officers, to corresponding positions established by the terms of this Act or by any regulations issued pursuant thereto. SEC. 1104. In making transfers of personnel in accordance with the provisions of sections 1102 and 1103, credit for time served in a previous class or position shall be given for the purpose of determin- ing eligibility for in-class promotions in a new class in the same manner as if such time had bee served in the new class. RULES GOVERNING THE MAKING Or SALARY DETERMINATIONS IN CARRYING OUT AN INITIAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE SERVICE SEC. 1105. In making the initial classification of the Service for Foreign Service staff officers and employees in accordance with the provisions of sections 441 and 442, the following rules shall apply : (1) The principle of equal compensation for equal work, irrespec- tive of sex, shall be followed. Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvg2For Rele4?9 ?9 Q9lllfc9I 1QP7Az03721A000600010019-3 (2) If an officer or employee is receiving basic salary at less than the minimum rate of the class or subclassto which the position he holds is allocated, his salary shall be increased to the lowest basic salary of that class or subclass. (3) If an officer or employee is receiving a basic salary within the range provided for the class or subclass to which the position he holds is a located, and at one of the rates within that range, no change shall be made in his basic salary; if his basic salary rate is within the range but does not correspond to any one of the rates prescribed for that range by section 415, his salary shall be adjusted by fixing it at the next higher rate above the rate which he is receiving. (4) If an officer or employee is receiving basic salary at a rate in excess of the maximum basic salary rate provided by section 415 for the class or subclass to which the position he holds is allocated in accordance with the provisions of section 1103, he shall not suffer a diminution in salary as a consequence of the classification of the position which he holds so long as he continues to occupy that position, but if he is not receiving salary at one of the rates prescribed in section 415, his salary shall be adjusted by fixing it at the next higher rate above the rate which he is receiving. SEC. 1111. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 632 re- garding the retirement of Foreign Service officers at the age of sixty years, Foreign Service officers below the class of career minister shall, during the first year after the effective date of this Act, be manda- torily retired for age upon reaching the age of sixty-four unless their services have been extended in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 632; during the second year, at age sixty-three; during the third year, at age sixty-two; during the fourth year, at age sixty-one; and, thereafter, at age sixty, but in no event shall any Foreign Service officer be mandatorily retired for age during such four-year period until he has had fifteen years of service. (b) No Foreign Service officer shall be mandatorily retired in ac- cordance with provisions of section 633 or 634 until three years after the effective date of this Act. SEC. 1112. The Secretary shall cause annuities of all persons who are receiving annuities from the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability Fund on the effective date of this Act to be recomputed in accordance with the provisions of section 821 (a) and annuities pay- able to such persons shall, commencing on the effective date of this Act, be paid at the rates so determined, but no such recomputation or any other action taken pursuant to this Act shall operate to reduce the rate of the annuity received by any such person unless such person voluntarily elects to receive a reduced annuity as provided in section 821(c). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser# 80 t1stiOW t ai8-Ma21A0006Qj10019-3 PART C-MISCELLANEOUS TEMPORARY PROVISIONS BONDS SEC. 1121. The provisions of this Act shall not operate to impair the validity of any existing bond furnished by any officer or employee of the Service. USE OF APPROPRIATIONS SEC. 1122. Funds appropriated to the Department of State for the fiscal year 1947, under the caption "Foreign Service", are hereby made available for the purposes of this Act in accordance with authority granted herein and such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. The appropriation of such additional funds as may be required to carry out the provisions of this Act is hereby authorized. PART D-REPEAL CLAUSES REPEAL OF PARTICULAR STATUTES SEC. 1131. (Omitted in this print-see print of Foreign Service Act as amended.) GENERAL REPEAL OR AMENDMENT PROVISION SEC. 1132. Any statute that is not repealed by section 1131 but which is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act shall be con- sidered as having been amended or superseded by such provisions. RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES UNDER STATUTES THAT ARE REPEALED SEC. 1133. The repeal of the several statutes or parts of statutes accomplished by section 1131 shall not affect any act done or right accruing or accrued, or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil cause, before such repeal, but all rights and liabilities under the statutes or parts thereof so repealed shall continue, and may be enforced in the same manner as if such repeal had not been made ; subject, however, to the provisions of section 1134. STATUTES PREVIOUSLY REPEALED BY IMPLICATION SEC. 1134. The repeal of the several statutes or parts of statutes accomplished by section 1131 shall not be construed as a revival, up to the effective date of this Act, of any statute or part of a statute that may have previously been repealed by implication. CONTINUANCE IN FORCE OF EXISTING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND EXECUTIVE ORDERS SEC. 1135. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, existing rules, regulations of or applicable to the Service, and Executive orders shall remain in effect until revoked or rescinded or until modified or superseded by regulations made in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvelor Relea2gg/IJxvlQ,EW71$.Q3721A000600010019-3 PART E-EFf FcTIvE DATE of ACT SEC. 1141. The effective date of this Act shall, be three months fol- lowing the date of its enactment. Approved August 13, 1946. APPENDIX XIII Public Law 73, Eighty-first Congress (As amended by P.L. 84-250; P.L. P872276; P.L. 85-477; P.L. 85-524; and [CHAPTER 143-1ST SESSION] [S. 1704] AN ACT To strengthen and improve the organization and administration of the Department of State, and for other purposes. 'Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, There shall be in the Department of State in addition to the Secretary of State an Under Secretary of. State, two Deputy Under Secretaries of State, and eleven Assistant Secretaries of State. 2 SEC. 2. (a) The Secretary of State and the officers referred to in section 1 of this Act, as amended, shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Counselor of the Department of State and the Legal Adviser who are required to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall rank equally with and shall receive the same salary as the Assistant Secretaries of State. Any such officer holding office at the time the provisions of this Act, as amended, become effective shall not be, required to be reappointed by reason of the enactment of this Act, as amended. Unless otherwise provided for by law, the rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of States shall be the same as that of Assistant Secretaries of State. (b) There is established in the Department of State an Office which shall be entitled as designated by the President, either Under Secre- tary of State for Political Affairs or Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs which Office shall be filled by appointment by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The incumbent of such Office shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,000 a year and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by 1 P.L. 83-2 (67 Stat. 4) amended section by providing for an Under Secretary of State for Administration at $17,500 until Dec. 31, 1954. Amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 536; 5 U.S.C. 151a) to read as follows : "There shall be in the Department of State in addition to the Secretary of State an Under Secretary of State, three Deputy Under Secretaries of State, and ten Assistant Secretaries of State. Sec. 602(j) of P.L. 8".77 (72 Stat. 274) changed the word "three" to "two". Sec. 1 of P.L. 85-524 (72 Stat. 363) changed the word "ten" to "eleven". 2 A. amended by P.L. 84-250 (69 Stat. 586; 5 U.S.C. 151b). Subsec. (b) added by P.L. 85-477 (72 Stat. 274) nd revised by P.L. 86-117 (73 Stat. 263). [See also Title I of P.L.a84-854 (70 Stat. 736; 5 U.S.C. 2201 of seq) for reference to basic compensation of officers mentioned in sections 1 and 2 of P.L. 81-73, as amended.] Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A0001600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 the Secretary of State. Any provision of law vesting authority in the "Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs", or any other refer- ence with respect thereto, is hereby amended to vest such authority in the Secretary of State. SEC. 3. The secretary of State, or such person or persons desig- nated by him notwithstanding the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 ('60 Stat. 999) or any other law, except where authority is inherent in or vested in the President of the United States, shall administer, coordinate, and direct the Foreign Service of the Jnited States and the personnel of the State Department. Any provisions in the Foreign Service Act of 1946, or in any other law, vesting au- thority in the "Assistant Secretary of State for Administration" the "Assistant Secretary of State in harge of the Administration of the Department", the "Director General', or any other reference with respect thereto, are hereby amended to vest such authority in the Secretary of State. 8 SEC. 4. The Secretary of State may promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the functions now or hereafter vested in the Secretary of State or the Department of State, and he may delegate authority to perform any of such functions, in- eluding if he shall so specify the authority successively to redelegate any of such functions, to officers and employees under his direction and supervision. SEC. 5. The following statutes or parts of statutes are hereby repealed Section 200 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, and amplified by the Acts authorizing the establishment of additional Assistant Secre- taries of State, including section 22 of the Act of May 24, 1924 (ch. 182, and the Act of December 8, 1944, R.S. 200; 43 Stat. 146; 58 Stat. 79'8; 5 U.S.C. 152, as amended by Public Law 767, Eightieth Congress). Section 202 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1000) and any other reference in such Act to the "Deputy Director 'General". section 1041 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1032). Approved May 26, 1949. APPENDIX XIV Public Law 759, Eighty-third Congress [PUBLIC LAW 759-93n CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 1177-2D SESSION] [H.R. 99101 AN ACT To amend section 413(b) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 413 (b) a As amended by see. 11(a) of P.L. 84-726 (70 Stat. 563; 5 U.S.C. 151e) to permit the redelegation of functions. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved1F?r Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "(b) A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer of classes 1 through 5, inclusive, shall receive salary at the minimum rate provided for the class to which he has been appointed, except that until March 31, 1955, not more than five hundred persons may be appointed from the classified civil service or the Foreign Service reserve or Foreign Service staff at other than the minimum rate." Approved August 31,1954. APPENDIX XV Public Law 22, Eighty-fourth Congress [PUBLIC LAW 22-84T11 CONGRESS] [CIIArTER 23-18T SESSION] [H.R. 4941] AN ACT To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and. for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1.955". SEC. 2. Section 413 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 413. A person appointed as a Foreign Service officer shall receive basic salary at one of the rates of the class to which he is appointed which the Secretary shall, taking into consideration his age, qualifications, and experience, determine to be appropriate for him to receive." SEC. 3. Section 443 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 443. The President may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, establish rates of salary differential, not exceeding 25 per centum of basic salary, for Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers, and staff officers and employees assigned to posts involving extraor- dinarily difficult living conditions, excessive physical hardship, or notably unhealthful conditions. The Secretary shall prepare and maintain a list of such posts." SEC. 4. Section 517 of such Act is amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the following : "A person who has not served in class 6 shall not be eligible for appointment as a Foreign Service officer of classes 1 to 5, inclusive, unless he has passed comprehensive mental and physical examinations prescribed by the Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service to determine his fitness and aptitude for the work of the Service; demonstrated his loyalty to the Government of the United States and his attachment to the principles of the Constitution; and rendered at least four years of actual service prior to 'appointment in a position of responsibility in the service of a Government agency, or agencies, except that, if he has reached the age of thirty-one years, the requirement as to service Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11 :CIA-RprP 1 ~ '21A0006P4 010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVI A may be reduced to three years. After the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955 and until otherwise provided by Act of Congress, not more than one thousand two hundred and fifty persons who have not served in class 6 may be appointed to classes 1 to 5, inclusive; of such persons, not more than forty may be appointed who were not employed on March 1, 1955, in the Department, includ- ing its Foreign Service Reserve and Foreign Service Staff personnel, and who have not also served in a position of responsibility in the Department, or the Service, or both, for the required period prior to appointment." SEC. 5. Section 522 of such Act is amended by striking out in para- graphs (1) and (2) the word "four" wherever it appears therein and inserting the word "five" in lieu thereof; and by striking out in para- graph (1) the phrase "of a specialized character' SEc. 6. (a) Section 571 (a) of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEc. 571. (a) Any officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed for duty in any Government agency, such an assignment or combination of assign- ments to be for a period of not more than four years, except that under special circumstances the Secretary may extend this four-year period for not more than four additional years.' (b) Section 571 is further amended by adding at the end thereof a new subsection (e) which shall read as follows : "(e) The salary of an officer or employee assigned pursuant to the terms of this section shall be paid from appropriations made available for the payment of salaries of officers and employees of the Service. Such appropriations may be reimbursed, however, when the Secretary enters into reimbursement agreements with heads of Government agencies for all or any part of the salaries of officers or employees assigned to such agencies and payment is received pursuant thereto, or when an officer or employee of the Service is assigned to a position the salary of which is payable from other funds available to the Department." Sm. 7. Sections 633 and 634 of such Act, and the headings thereto under "Part D", are hereby repealed and the following headings and sections are hereby enacted in lieu thereof : "SELECTION-OUT "SEc. 633. (a) The Secretary shall prescribe regulations concern- in "(1) the maximum period during which any Foreign Service officer below the class of career minister shall be permitted to remain in class without promotion; and "(2) the standard of performance which any such officer must maintain to remain in the Service. "(b) Any Foreign Service officer below the class of career minister who does not receive a promotion to a higher class within the specified period or who fails to meet the standard of performance required of officers of his class shall be retired from the Service and receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 634. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvef or ReleaME2999/1&~,A~4?D~78 03721 A000600010019-3 "SELECTION-OUT BENEFITS "SEC. 634. (a) Any Foreign Service officer in classes 1, 2, or 3 who is retired from the Service in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821. "(b) Any Foreign Service officer in classes 4 or 5 who is retired from the Service in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall receive- "(1) one-twelfth of a year's salary at his then current salary rate for each year of service and proportionately for a fraction of a year, but not exceeding a total of one year's salary at his then current salary rate, payable without interest, in the three equal installments on the 1st of January following the officer's retire- ment and on the two anniversaries of this date immediately following; and "(2) a refund of the contributions made to the'Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest thereon at 4 per centum, compounded annually, except that in lieu of such refund such officer may elect to receive retirement benefits on reaching the age of sixty-two, in accordance with the provisions of section 821. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 4 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty-two, his death shall be considered a death in service within the meaning of section 832. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 5 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty-two the total amount of his contributions made to the Foreign Aervice Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest thereon at 4 per centum, compounded annually, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section 841. "(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3477 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 203) or the provisions of any other law, a Foreign Service officer who is retired in accordance with the provisions of section 633 shall have the right to assign to any person or corporation the whole or any part of the benefits receivable by him pursuant to paragraph (b) (1) of this section. Any such assignment shall be on a form approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and a copy thereof shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury by the officer executing the assignment." SEC. 8. (a) Section 852(a) (2) of such Act is amended by inserting "Air Force," after "Marine Corps,". (b) Section 852(b) of such Act is amended by deleting the period at the end of the first sentence thereof and adding the following : 66 , except that no special contributions shall be required for periods of active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States prior to becoming a participant.". (c) A special contribution to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund made by any participant on or after April 1, 1948 for the purpose of obtaining service credit in accordance with the provisions of section 852(a) (2) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 for periods of active military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States shall Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release ;HE"'NAWIII ft1 7?T0lla1 A00060QV10019-3 be refunded. Such refund shall not include any interest covering the period such special contribution, or any part thereof, was on deposit in the fund. SEC. 9. (a) Section 853 of such Act is amended by striking out the period at the end of the first sentence thereof and adding the following clause : ", but no such extra credit for service at such unhealthful posts shall be credited to any participant who shall have been paid a salary differential in accordance with section 443, as amended, for such service performed subsequent to the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1955." (b) Section 853 is further amended by striking out the last sentence of that section. SEC. 10. (a) Section 901(2) of such Act is amended by striking, out the phrase "his post of assignment" at the end of paragraph (ii) of that section and substituting in lieu thereof the phrase "any post of assignment abroad or at a post of assignment in the continental United States between -as assignments to posts abroad". (b) Section 9012) is further amended by adding at the end there- of a new paragraph (iv) which shall read as follows: "(iv) that extraordinary and necessary expenses, not other- wise compensated for, must be incurred by an officer or employee of the Service, by reason of his service abroad, in providing for adequate elementary and secondary education for his dependents; allowances under this subparagraph for any post shall not exceed the cost of obtaining such educational services as are ordinarily pprovided without charge by the public schools of the United States plus, in those cases where adequate schools are not available at the post, board and room, and periodic transportation between the post 'and the nearest locality where adequate schools are avail- able; if any such officer or employee employs a less expensive method of providing such education, any allowance paid to him shall be reduced accordingly; no allowance shall be paid under this subparagraph for a dependent for whom a travel allowance has been paid under section 911(9) ;". SEC. 11. Section 911 of such Act is amended by changing the period in paragraph (8) to a semicolon and by adding at the end of the section tie following new paragraph : "(9) the travel expenses incurred by an officer or employee of the Service who is assigned to a foreign post, in transporting dependents to and from United States ports of entry designated by the Secretary, to obtain an American secondary or college edu- cation, not to exceed one trip each way for each dependent for the purpose of obtaining each type of education." SEC. 12. Section 943 of such Act is amended by adding the phrase ", and their dependents" after the words "United States and before the comma, and again at the end of the section immediately before the period. SEC. 13. Sections 432(c), 804, and 864 of such Act are amended re- spectively as follows: (1) Section 432(c) is amended by striking out the phrase "or 634" in the third sentence thereof. 2) Section 1804 is amended by striking out "633,". (3) Section 864 is amended by striking out "634(b)" at the end of the section and inserting "634(c)" in lieu thereof. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve For Relei aQQM9 LllbiQlATP RZ$o.03721A000600010019-3 Src. 14. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, existing rules, regulations of or applicable to the Foreign Service of the United. States shall remain in effect until. revoked or rescinded or until modi- fied or superseded by regulations made in accordance withthe provi- sions of this Act, unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. Approved April 5,1955. Public Law 250, Eighty-fourth Congress [Pu13I,ia LAw 250-84Tx CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 576-1sT SESSION] [S. 2237] AN Aar To amend the Act of May 26, 1949, to strengthen and improve the organization of the Department of State, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of the Act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151(a) ), is hereby amended to read as follows : "There shall be in the Department of State in addition to the Sec- retary of State an Under Secretary of State, three Deputy Under Secretaries of State, and ten Assistant Secretaries of State.' SF:c. 2. Section 2 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows : "The Secretary of State and the officers referred to in section 1 of this Act, as amended, shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Counselor of the Department of State and the Legal Adviser who are required to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall rank equally with and shall receive the same salary as the Assistant Secretaries of State. Any such officer holding office at the time the provisions of this Act, as amended, become effective shall not be required to be reappointed by reason of the enactment of this Act, as amended. Unless otherwise provided for by law., the-rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State shall be the same as that of Assistant Secretaries of State." Src. 3. The President may initially fill two of the Deputy Under Secretary positions established in section 1 of this Act by appointing, without further advice and consent of the Senate, the two Deputy Under Secretaries of State who, on the date of the enactment of this Act, held that designation pursuant to authority contained in section 2 of the Act of May 26, (63 Stat. 111)SEC. 4. Section 412 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 999), as amended (hereinafter referred to as "such Act"), is amended by striking the first sentence of said section and by inserting in lieu thereof the following : "There shall be eight classes of Foreign Serv- ice officers, including the classes of career ambassador and of career Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 000/091 trAC --RDPY81-09721A000660010019-3 minister. The per annum salary of a career ambassador shall be the same as that for an Assistant Secretary of State." SEc. 5. Section 501 (a) of such Act is amended by adding the phrase "career ambassadors and" immediately following the word "includ- inm" ISEC. 6. Section 502(a) of such Act is amended by inserting the phrase "class of career ambassador and" immediately following the phrase "qualified for appointment to the", and by adding the follow- ing sentence at the end of said subsection : "No person shall be ap- pointed into the class of career ambassador who has not (1) served for at least fifteen years in a position of responsibility in a Govern- ment agency, or agencies, including at least three years as a career minister; (2) rendered exceptionally distinguished service to the Government; and (3) met such other requirements as the Secretary shall prescribe." SEC. 7. Section 518 of such Act is amended by inserting the words "career ambassador or" immediately following the phrase "to the class of". SEc. 8. Section 631 of such Act is amended by inserting the words "a career ambassador or" immediately after the words "who is". SEC. 9. Section 632 of such Act is amended by inserting the words "a career ambassador or" immediately following the words "who is not". SEC. 10. (a) Section 811(a) of such Act is amended by striking out "811. (a)' and inserting "811." in lieu thereof and by striking out the phrase "of all participants" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "received by each participant". (b) Section 811(b) of such Act is hereby repealed. SEC. 11. Section 821(a) of such Act is amended by striking the phrase ", not exceeding $13,500 per annum." and "five years next pre- ceding the date of his retirement" and inserting the phrase "highest five consecutive years of service, for which full contributions have been made to the fund," immediately preceding the phrase "multi- plied by". Approved August 5,1955. APPENDIX XVII ,Public Law 828, Eighty-fourth Congress [PUBLIC LAW 828-84TH CCNoREss] [CHAPTER 770---2n SESSION [S. 34811 (AN ACT) To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and for other purposes. Be it emoted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1956". SE c. 2. Section 411 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended is amended by striking out the second sentence of that section and substituting in lieu thereof the following : "The per annum salaries of Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvedl5Por Releasw2OOOI 11 v(C 78aO6721A000600010019-3 chiefs of mission within each class shall be as follows : Class 1, $27,500 per annum; class 2, $25,000; class 3, $22,500; and class 4, $20,000." SEC. 3 Section 412 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 412. There shall be ten classes of Foreign Service officers, in- eluding the classes of career ambassador and of career minister. The per annum salary of a career ambassador shall be $20,000. The per annum salary of a career minister shall be $17,500. The per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows : Class 1------------------------------------- $14,600 $15,000 $15,400 $15,800 $16,200 $16,600 $17,000 Class 2------------------------------------ 12,600 12,900 13,200 13,500 13,800 14,100 14,400 Class 3------------------------------------- 10,600 10,900 11,200 11,500 11,800 12,100 12,400 Class 4------------------------------------- 9,000 9,250 9,500 9,750 10,000 10,250 10,500 Class 5------------------------------------- 7,400 7,650 7,000 8,150 8,400 8,660 8,900 Class 6_____________________________________ 6,100 6,300 6,600 6,700 6,900 7,100 7,800 Class 7------------------------------------- 5,100 5,250 5,400 5,550 5,700 5,860 6,000 Class 8------------------------------------- 4,300 4,450 4,600 4,750 4,900 5,050 5,200 5, 350." SEC. 4. Section 414(a) of such Act is amended by striking out the word "six" and inserting the word "eight" in lieu thereof ; and by striking out the number 4" and inserting in lieu thereof the number SEC. 5. Section 516 of such Act and the heading thereto is amended by striking the words "class 6" wherever they appear therein and inserting the words "class 8" in lieu thereof. SEC. 6. Section 517 of such Act and the heading thereto is amended by striking the heading thereto and substituting in lieu thereof "Ad- mission to classes Ito 7, inclusive"; by striking in the aforementioned section the number "6" wherever it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof the number "8"; by striking out in the aforementioned section the number "5" wherever it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof the number "7"; and by striking out the word "forty" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "one hundred and seventy-five"; by inserting before the period at the end of the second sentence the following : "as a Foreign Service officer"; and by adding after the second sentence a new sentence which shall read as follows : "Not- withstanding the above provisions of this section, the limitation on the maximum number of appointments authorized herein shall not be applicable in the case of any person appointed or assigned by the Secretary of State as a Foreign Service Reserve officer and who there- after has served in a position of responsibility in such capacity for the required period prior to appointment as a Foreign Service officer." SEC. 7. Section 634(b) of such Act is amended by striking the words "classes 4 or 5", and inserting in lieu thereof the words "classes 4, 5, 6 or 7"; by striking the words "class 4" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "classes 4 or 5"; and by striking the words `class 5" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "classes 6 and 7". SEC. 8. Section 635 of such Act and the heading thereto and section 637(a) of such Act are amended by striking the number "6" wher- ever it appears therein and by inserting in lieu thereof the number "8". SEC. 9. (a) Section 821 (a) of such Act is amended by striking the word "thirty" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "thirty-five", and by inserting after the first sentence the following new sentence: "How- ever, the highest five years of service for which full contributions have been made to the Fund shall be used in computing the annuity of any Foreign Service officer who serves as chief of mission and whose Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releas gO LQ lli4*-Bpgj7$ ;721A000@,W010019-3 continuity of service as such is interrupted prior to retirement by appointment or assignment to any other position determined by the Secretary to be of comparable importance." (b) Section 821 (b) of such Act is amended by striking the phrase "for the five years next preceding his retirement" and inserting in lieu thereof "as computed in accordance with subsection (a) of this sec- tion," Src. 10. Section 871 of such Act is amended by striking the word "thirty" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "thirty-five". Snc. 11. Section 902 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 902. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, make an allotment of funds to any post to defray the unusual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of official residences suitable for principal representatives of the United States at that post." Snc. 12. (a) Section 921 of such Act is amended (1) by inserting "(a)" immediately after "Snc. 921.", (2 by striking out "and pur- suant to appropriations therefor,", and (3) by amending the proviso in the second sentence to read as follows : "Provided, That an amount equal to the amount expended for such services shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." (b) Section 921 of such Act is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsections : "(b) The Secretary, under such regulations as he may prescribe, may authorize and assist in the establishment, maintenance, and op- eration, by officers and employees of the Service, of non-Government operated commissary and mess services and recreation facilities at posts abroad, including the furnishing of space, utilities, and proper- ties owned or leased by the United States for use by its diplomatic and consular missions. The provisions of the Foreign Service Build- ings Act, 1926, as amended (22 U.S.C. 292-300), may be utilized by the Secretary in providing such assistance. Commissary or mess services and recreation facilities established pursuant to this subsec- tion shall be made available, insofar as practicable, to officers and employees of other Government agencies and their dependents who are stationed abroad. Such services or facilities shall not be established in localities where another United States agency operates similar services or facilities unless the Secretary determines that such addi- tional services or facilities are necessary. "(c) Notwithstanding the last paragraph under the heading `Sub- sistence Department' in the Act of March 3, 1911 (10 U.S.C. 1253), or the provisions of any other law, charges at any post abroad by a commissary or mess service or recreation facility authorized or as- sisted under this section shall be at the same rate for all civilian per- sonnel of the Government serviced thereby, and all charges for sup- plies furnished to such a service or facility abroad by any Government agency shall be at the same rate as that charged by the furnishing agency to its civilian commissary or mess services or recreation facilities. "(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5 of the Act of July 16, 1914, as amended (5 U.S.C. 78), the Secretary may authorize any principal officer to approve the use of Government-owned vehicles located at his post for transportation of United States Government Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovecyFp)r Releas 20, 941IE QARDgi7$ _3721A000600010019-3 employees who are American citizens, and their dependents, to and from recreation facilities when public transportation is unsafe or is not available." SEC. 13. Section 941 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 941. (a) In the event an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States incurs an illness or injury while such person is located abroad, which requires hospitalization or simi- lar treatment, and which is not the result of vicious habits, intemper- ance, or misconduct on his part, the Secretary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay for the cost of treat- ment of such illness or injury. "(b) In the event a dependent of a United States citizen officer or employee of the Service who is stationed abroad, incurs an illness or injury while such dependent is located abroad., which requires hospitalization or similar treatment, and which is not the result of vicious habits, intemperance, or misconduct on his part, the Secretary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay for that portion of the cost of treatment of each such illness or injury that exceeds a $35 up to a maximum limitation of one hundred and twenty days of treatment for each such illness or injury, except that such maximum limitation shall not apply whenever the Secretary, on the basis of professional medical advice, shall determine that such illness or injury clearly is caused by the fact that such dependent is or has been located abroad. "(c) After sufficient experience in the operation of the medical protection plan authorized in subsections (a) and (b) of this section has been obtained, as determined by the Secretary, and if he con- siders that the benefits so authorized can be provided for as well and as cheaply in other ways, the Secretary may, under such regulations, and for such persons, locations, and conditions as he may deem ap- propriate, and within the limits prescribed in such subsections, con- tract for medical care pursuant to such arrangements, insurance, med- ical service, or health plans as he may deem appropriate." SEC. 14. (a) Section 942(a) of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 942. (a) In the event an officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States or his dependents incurs an ill- ness or injury requiring hospitalization, not the result of vicious habits, intemperance or misconduct, while stationed abroad in a local- ity where there does not exist a suitable hospital or clinic, the Secre- tary may, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, pay the travel expenses of such person by whatever means he shall deem appropriate and without regard to the Standardized Govern- ment Travel Regulations and section 10 of the Act of March 3, 1933, as amended (60 Stat. 808, 5 U.S.G. 73b), to the nearest locality where a suitable hospital or clinic exists, and on his recovery pay for the travel expenses of his return from such hospital or clinic. If any such officer, employee, or dependent is too ill to travel unattended, the Secretary may also pay the round-trip travel expenses of an attendant or attendants." (b) Section 942(b) of such Act is amended by inserting the words "a physician" and a comma immediately following the phrase "the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releases?0p Q 1&kQA- ,P 7Q. 721 A000fQ,9010019-3 services of"; and by inserting immediately following the words "a nurse" a comma and the phrase "or other medical personnel." SEC. 15. Section 943 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS AND COSTS OF INOCULATIONS "SEC. 943. The 'Secretary shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for physical examinations for applicants for em- ployment and for officers and employees of the Service who are citi- zens of the United States, and for their dependents, including exam- inations necessary to establish disability or incapacity in accordance with the provisions of section 831, and shall provide for administering inoculations or vaccinations to such officers and employees and their dependents." SEC. 16. (a) Foreign Service officers presently serving in the class of career ambassador and the class of career minister shall receive the salary prescribed for career ambassadors and for career ministers, re- spectively, by section 412 of such Act, as amended. (b) Foreign Service officers and Reserve officers in the other classes shall be transferred to the new classes established by section 412 of such Act, as amended, as follows : Officers of class 1 to the new class 1; officers of class 2 to the new class 2; officers of class 3 to the new class 3; officers of class 4 to the new classes 4 or 5 as determined by the Secretary, in accordance with the second sentence of this subsec- tion ; officers of class 5 to the new class 6; and officers of class 6 to the new class 7. In accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe there shall be transferred to the new class 4 those offi- cers of the present class 4 who either are receiving the sixth through the eighth step rates of the present class 4 or who were eligible and were recommended for promotion by the selection board next pre- ceding the effective date of this Act. All remaining officers in the present class 4 shall be transferred to the new class 5. (c) Each officer transferred pursuant to paragraph (b) of this sec- tion shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, re- ceive basic salary at that one of the rates of the class to which he is transferred which shall, as nearly as possible, correspond to the salary he is receiving at the time of transfer, except that no officer shall suffer a reduction in basic salary as a result thereof. (d) Service in a former class shall be considered as constituting serv- ice in the new class for the purposes of determining (1) eligibility for promotion, in accordance with the provisions of section 622, and (2) liability for separation, in accordance with the provisions of section 633. Officers who are transferred to new class 7 in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall continue to occupy probationary status pursuant to section 635. (e) Officers transferred in accordance with the provisions of this section shall receive credit for time served in a, previous class toward in-class promotion in accordance with section 625. (f) The class and salary adjustments made pursuant to paragraphs (a),. (b), and (c) of this section and the salary increases for chiefs of: mission authorized by section 2 of this Act shall be made effective as of the first day of the first pay period which begins after the date of enactment of this Act or on the first day of the first pay period which begins after July 1, 1956, whichever shall be later. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApproveqJor Releas&i2QQQ {1S1 P5 7QgQ3721A000600010019-3 . SEC. 17. A new section 936 is hereby added to such Act as follows: "SEC. 936. The Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, .as amended (5 U.S.C. 2061 and the following), shall apply to career ministers and Foreign Service officers, who are not serving as chiefs of mission or who are not serving in a position in the Department which requires appointment by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and to Foreign Service Reserve officers who are commis- :sioned as diplomatic or consular officers, or both, in accordance with section 524 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, notwith- :standing the provisions of section 202(c) (1) (A) of the Annual and ,Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended. SEC. 18. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, existing rules, -regulations of or applicable to the Foreign Service of the United :States shall remain in effect until revoked or rescinded or until modi- fied or superseded by regulations made in accordance with the provi- sions of this Act, unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of :this Act. Approved July 28,1956. APPENDIX XVIII [PIIBLIC LAw 885-84TZ3 CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 841-2D SESSION] IS. 2569] AN ACT To provide certain basic authority for the Department of State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State is authorized to establish, maintain, and operate passport and despatch agencies. SEC. 2. The Secretary of State, when funds are appropriated there- for, may- (a) provide for printing and binding outside the continental United States without regard to section 11 of the Act.of March 1,1919 (44 U. S.C.111) ; 4(b) for the purpose of promoting and maintaining friendly relations with foreign countries through the prompt settlement of certain claims, settle and pay any meritorious claim against the United States which is presented by a government of a foreign country for damage to or loss of real or personal property of, or personal injury to or death of, any national of such foreign coun- try : Provided, That such claim is not cognizable under any other Former sec. 2(b) was repealed by P.L. 86-707 (74 Stat. 800) and its provisions incor-Fore n Se 22 was added by sec 402 P.L. 87-565 (176 Stat 2ice 63;5 U. S.C. 170g)1136(4)). New see. 2(b) d Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721 A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 statute or international agreement of the United States and can be settled for not more than $15,000 or the foreign currency equivalent thereof. C) employ aliens, by contract, for services abroad; d) provide for official functions and courtesies; (e) purchase uniforms; and (f) pay tort claims, in the manner authorized in the first para- graph of section 2672, as amended of title 28 of the United States Code when such claims arise in foreign countries in connection with Department of State operations abroad. SEC. 3. The Secretary of State is authorized to- (a) obtain insurance on official motor vehicles operated by the Department of State in foreign countries, and pay the expenses incident thereto; (b) rent tie lines and teletype equipment; (c) provide ice and drinking water for United States Em- bassies and Consulates abroad; (d) pay excise taxes on negotiable instruments which are nego- tiated by the Department of State abroad; ' (e) pay the actual expenses of preparing and transporting to their former homes the remains of persons, not United States Government employees, who may die away from their homes while participating in international educational exchange activi- ties under the jurisdiction of the Department of State; (f) pay expenses incident to the relief, protection, and burial of American seamen, and alien seamen from United States vessels in foreign countries and in the United States Territories and possessions; (g) pay the expenses incurred in the aclmowledgment of the services of officers and crews of foreign vessels and aircraft in rescuing American seamen, airmen, or citizens from shipwreck or other catastrophe abroad or at sea; (h) rent or lease, for periods of less than ten years, such offices, buildings grounds, and living quarters for the use of the Foreign Service abroad as he. may deem necessary, and make payments therefor in advance; and (i) maintain, improve, and repair properties rented or leased pursuant to authority contained in subsection (h) of this section, and furnish fuel, water, and utilities for such properties. SEC. 4. The Secretary of State, is authorized to- (a) make expenditures, from such amounts as may be specifi- cally appropriated therefor; for unforeseen emergencies arising in the diplomatic and consular service and, to the extent authorized in appropriation Acts, funds expended for such purposes may be accounted for in accordance with section 291 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 107) ; and (b) delegate to subordinate officials the authority vested in him by section 291 of the Revised Statutes pertaining to certification of expenditures. SEC. 5. The Secretary of State is authorized to- (a) provide for participation by the United States in interna- tional activities which arise from time to time in the conduct of foreign affairs for which provision has not been made by the terms of any treaty, convention, or special Act of Congress : Pro- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approver' or Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP7q-9372IA000600010019-3 ,~ THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1 4 vided, That this subsection shall not be construed as granting au- thority to accept membership for the United States in any inter- national organization, or to participate in the activities of any international organization for more than one year without ap- proval by the Congress; and (b) pay the expenses of participation in activities in which the United States participates by authority of subsection (a.) of this section, including, but not limited to the following: (1) Employment of aliens; (2) Travel expenses without regard to the Standardized Gov- ernment Travel Regulations and to the rates of per diem allow- ances in lieu of subsistence expenses under the Travel Expense Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 835-842) ; (3) Travel expenses of persons serving without compensation in an advisory capacity while away from their homes or regular places of business not in excess of those authorized for regular officers and employees traveling in connection with said interna- tional activities; and (4) Rental of quarters by contract or otherwise. SEC. 6. The provisions of section 8 of the United Nations Participa- tion Act of 1945, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287e), and regulations there- under, applicable to expenses incurred pursuant to that Act, may be applicable to the obligation and expenditure of funds in connection with United States participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization. SEe. 7. The exchange allowances or proceeds derived from the ex- change or sale of passenger motor vehicles in possession of the For- eign Service aboard, in accordance with section 201(c) of the Act of June 30, 1949 (40 U.S.C. 481(c) ), shall be available without fiscal year limitation for replacement of an equal number of such vehicles. SEC. 8. The Secretary of State may, when authorized in an appro- priation or other law, transfer to any department, agency, or inde- pendent establishment of the Government, with the consent of the head thereof, any funds appropriated to the Department of State, for direct expenditure by such department, agency, or independent estab- lishment for the purposes for which the funds are appropriated. SEC. 9. The Secretary of State is authorized to enter into contracts in foreign countries involving expenditures from funds appropriated or otherwise made available to the Department of State, without regard to the provisions of section 3741 of the revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 22) : Provided, That nothing in this section shall be construed to waive the provisions of section 431 of title 18 of the United States Code. SEC. 10. Appropriated funds made available to the Department of State for expenses in connection with travel of personnel outside the continental United States, including travel of dependents and trans- portation of personal effects, household goods, or automobiles of such personnel shall be available for such expenses when any part of such travel or transportation begins in one fiscal year pursuant to travel orders issued in that year, notwithstanding the fact that such travel or transportation may not be completed during that same fiscal year. 5 SEC. 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 16 (a) of the c As amended by P.L. 86-723 (74 Stat. 847 ; 5 U.S.C. 107p). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release O P o ~11E ~1~41 PI 78- 721A000q 010019-3 Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 78(c) ), the Secretary of State may authorize any chief of diplomatic mission to approve the use of Gov- ernment-owned vehicles or taxicabs in any foreign country for transportation of United States Government employees from their resi- dence to the office and return when public transportation facilities other than taxicabs are unsafe or are not available. SE c. 12. The Secretary of State, with the approval of the Bureau of the Budget, shall prescribe the maximum rates of per diem in lieu of subsistence (or of similar allowances therefor) payable while away from their own countries to foreign participants in any exchange of persons program, or in any program of furnishing technical infor- mation and assistance, under the jurisdiction of any Government agency, and said rates may be fixed without regard to any provision of law in limitation thereof. 6 SEc.13. (Repealed by P.L. 86-707, 74 Stat. 800). 13 SEC. 14. (Repealed by P.L. '86-707, 74 Stat. 800). SEC. 15. Appropriations to carry out the purposes of this Act are hereby authorized. When so provided in an appropriation law, an appropriation made to the Department of State may remain available ? until expended. Approved. August 1, 1956. APPENDIX XIX [PUBLIC LAw 86-707] [86'rII CONGRESS, H.R. 7758] [September 6, 1960] AN ACT To improve the administration of overseas activities of the Government of the United States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That title I to V, inclusive, of this Act may be cited as the "Overseas Differentials and Allowances Act". TITLE I-PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS PART A-PURI'OSR SEC. 101. The. Congress hereby declares that it is the purpose of this Act to improve and strengthen the administration of overseas ac- tivities of the Government by- (1) providing a means for more effectively compensating Gov- ernment employees for the extra costs of hardships incident to their assignments overseas, (2) provided for the uniform treatment of Government em- ployees stationed overseas to the extent justified by relative con- ditions of employment, . Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovegFjor Release( p 1' R lpp,7$99~721A000600010019-3 (3) establishing the basis for the more efficient and equitable administration of the laws compensating Government employees for the extra costs and hardships incident to their assignments overseas, and (4) facilitating for the Government the recruitment and re- tentidn of the best qualified personnel for civilian service over- seas. PART B--DEFINITIONS SEC. 111. As used in this title, title II, and section 522 of title V, the term- (1) "Government" means the Government of the United States of America; (2) "Government agency" means (A) each executive department of the Government, (B) each independent establishment or agency in. the executive branch of the Government, including each corporation wholly owned (either directly or through one or more corporations) by the Government, (C) the General Accounting Office, and (D) the Library of Congress; (3) "Employee" means an individual employed in the civilian serv- ice of a Government agency and more specifically defined in reg- ulations prescribed by the 7 President, but including ambassadors, ministers, and officers of the Foreign Service of the United States under the Department of State; (4) "United States", when used in a geographical sense, means the several States of the United States of America and the District of Columbia ; (5) "Continental United States" means the several States of the United States of America, excluding Alaska and Hawaii but including the District of Columbia; and (6) "Foreign area" means any area (including the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) situated outside the United States, the Com- monwealth of Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, and the possessions of the United States. TITLE II-ALLOWANCES AND DIFFERENTIALS IN FOREIGN AREAS PART A-GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 201. Notwithstanding section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.C. 70), the allowances and differentials provided by this title are authorized for and may be granted only to an employee officially stationed in a foreign area unless otherwise provided in this title-- (1) who is a citizen of the United States, and (2) whose rate of basic compensation is fixed by statute or, without taking into consideration the allowance and differentials provided by this title, is fixed by administrative action pursuant to law or is fixed administratively in conformity with rates paid by the Government for work of a comparable level of difficulty and responsibility in the continental United States, Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0 Q t1 sng)ApRPP78-9 721 A0006gg910019-3 except that such allowances and differentials may be paid to an em- ployee officially stationed in a foreign area who is not a citizen of the United States to the extent that the payment of such allowances and differentials to such noncitizen employee is authorized by any pro- vision of law other than this title. SEC. 202. Allowances granted under this title may be paid in ad- vance, or advance of funds may be made therefor, through the proper disbursing officer in such sums as may be deemed advisable in con- sideration of the need and the period of time during which expendi- tures must be made in advance by the employee or employees. Any advance of funds not subsequently covered by allowances accrued to the employee or employees under this title shall be recoverable by the Government by setoff against accrued salary, pay, compensation, amount of retirement credit, or other amount due from the Govern- ment to such employee or employees and by such other method as may be provided by law for the recovery of amounts owing to the Govern- ment. The head of the Government agency concerned may, in accordance with regulations of the a President, waive in whole or in part any right of recovery under this section, if it is shown that such recovery would be against equity and good conscience or against the public interest. SEC. 203. The allowances and differentials authorized by this title shall be paid in accordance with regulations prescribed by the 8 Presi- dent establishing rules governing payments thereof and the respec- tive rates at which such payments shall be made, the foreign areas, the groups of positions, and the categories of employees to which such rates shall apply, and other related matters. PART B-QUARTERS ALLOWANCES SEC. 211. Whenever Government-owned or Government-rented quar- ters are not provided without charge for an employee in a foreign area, one or more of the following quarters allowances may be granted to such employee where applicable : (1) A temporary lodging allowance for the reasonable cost of tem- porary quarters incurred by the employee and his family (A) for a period not in excess of three months after first arrival at a new post of assignment in a foreign area or a period ending with the occupation of residence quarters, whichever shall be shorter, and (B) for a period of not more than one month immediately preceding final departure from the post subsequent to the necessary evacuation of residence quarters; (2) A living quarters allowance for rent, heat, light, fuel, gas, electricity, and water, without regard to the limitations of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 529) ; and (3) Under unusual circumstances payment or reimbursement for extraordinary, necessary, and reasonable expenses, not otherwise com- pensated for, incurred in initial repairs, alterations, and improve- ments to an employee's privately leased residence at a post of assign- ment in a foreign area, if such expenses are administartively approved in advance and if the duration and terms of the lease justify payment of such expenses by the Government. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovgO; or Relea. 21QQQWA vI(QIAeRDPI8403721A000600010019-3 PART C-COST-or-LIVING ALLOWANCES SEC. 221. The following cost-of-living allowances may be granted, where applicable, to an employee in a foreign area : (1) A post allowance to offset the difference between the cost of living at the post of assignment of the employee in a foreign area and the cost of living in Washington, District of Columbia; (2) A transfer allowance for extraordinary, necessary, and reason- able expenses, not otherwise compensated for, incurred by an em- ployee incident to establishing himself at any post of assignment in a foreign area or at a post of assignment in the United States between assignments to posts in foreign areas; (3) A separate maintenance allowance to assist an employee who is compelled, by reason of dangerous, notably unhealthful, or exces- sively adverse living conditions at his post of assignment in a foreign area or for the convenience of the Government, to meet the additional expense of maintaining, elsewhere than at such post, his wife or his dependents, or both; (4) An educational allowance or payment of travel costs to assist an employee with the extraordinary and necessary expenses, not other- wise compensated for, incurred by reason of his service in any foreign area or foreign areas in providing adequate education for his depend- ents, as follows : (A) An allowance not to exceed the cost of obtaining such elementary and secondary educational services as are ordinarily provided without charge by the public schools in the United States, plus, in those cases where adequate schools are not available at the employee's post, board and room, and periodic transportation between such post and the nearest locality, where adequate schools are available, without regard to the limitations of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 529) ; but the amount of the allowance granted shall be determined on the basis of the educational facility used; (B) The travel expenses of dependents of an employee to and from a school in the United States to obtain an American secondary or undergraduate college education, not to exceed one trip each way for each dependent for the purpose of obtaining each type of education; but no allowance payments under subparagraph (A) of this para- graph (4) shall be made for any dependent during the twelve months following his arrival in the United States for secondary education pursuant to authority contained in this subparagraph (B). Not- withstanding section 111(6) of this Act, travel expenses, for the pur- pose of obtaining undergraduate college education, may be author- ized under this subparagraph (B), under such regulations as the 9 President may prescribe, for dependents of employees who are citi- zens of the United States stationed in the Canal Zone. SEC. 231. A post differential. may be granted on the basis of condi- tions of environment which differ substantially from conditions of environment in the continental United States and warrant additional compensation as a recruitment and retention incentive. Such differen- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasai2000/09/iftz -RDR B4?3s721A0006 10019-3 tial also may be granted to any employee who is officially stationed in the United States who is on extended detail in a foreign area. Addi- tional compensation paid as a post differential shall not in any instance exceed 25 per centum of the rate of basic compensation. PART A-STORAGE SEO. 301. (a) Paragraphs (4) and (5) of section 911 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (22 U.S.C. 1136 (4) and (5)) are amended to read as follows : "(4) the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and household and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Service, when he is absent from his post of assignment under orders or when he is assigned to a post to which he cannot take or at which is he unable to use such furniture and household and personal effects, or when it is in the public interest or more economical to authorize storage; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effects stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limitations fixed by regulations, when not otherwise fixed by law ; "(5) the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and household and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Service in connection with assignment or transfer to a new post, from the date of his departure from his last post or from the date of his departure from his place of residence in the case of a new officer or employee and for not to exceed three months after arrival at the new post, or until the establishment of residence quarters, whichever shall be shorter; and in connection with separation of an officer or employee of the ?ervice, the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing for a period not to exceed three months, his furniture and household and personal effects; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effects stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limita- tions fixed by regulations, when not otherwise fixed by law." (b) Paragraphs (1) and (D) and (E) of section 4 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 209, 72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e(a) (1) (D) and (E)) are amended to read as follows : "(D) pay the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and house- hold and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Agency; when he is absent from his post of assignment under orders, or when he is assigned to a post to which he cannot take or at which he is unable to use such furniture and household and personal effects, or when it is in the public interest or more economical to authorize storage; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effects stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limitations fixed by regu- lations, when not otherwise fixed by law; Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved or ReleaWl2gQWQ W*tl]ivptAARD(FF7?~fQ3721A000600010019-3 "(E) pay the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place of storage, and storing the furniture and house- hold and personal effects of an officer or employee of the Agency in connection with assignment or transfer to a. new post, from the date of his departure from his last post or from the date of his departure from his place of residence in the case of a, new officer or employee and for not to exceed three months. after ar- rival at the new post, or until the establishment of residence quarters, whichever shall be shorter; and in connection with sepa- ration of an officer or employee of the Agency, the cost of packing and unpacking, transporting to and from a place ofstorage, and storing for a period not to exceed three months, his furniture and household and personal effects; but in no instance shall the weight or volume of the effect stored together with the weight or volume of the effects transported exceed the maximum limitations fixed by regulations, when not otherwise fixed by law. 10(c) The first section of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 806), as amended (5 U.S.C. 78b-1), is amended- (1) by striking out "(not to exceed seven thousand pounds if uncrated or eight thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds if crated or the equivalent thereof when transporting charges are based on cubic measurement)" in subsection (a) of such see- tion and inserting in lieu thereof "(not to exceed seven thou- sand pounds net weight)"; and (2) by adding at the end of such section the following new subsection: "(e) Whenever any civilian officer or employee (including any new appointee in accordance with section 7 of this Act) is assigned to a permanent duty station outside the continental United States to which he cannot take or at which lie is un..ble to use his household goods and personal effects or whenever the head of the department concerned authorizes storage of any such property in the public in- terest or for reasons of economy, storage expenses (including re- lated transportation and other expenses) may be allowed such oilier or employee in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Presi- dent; but in no instance shall the weight of the property stored under this subsection, together with the weight of property transported un- der subsection (a), exceed the maximum weight limitation provided by subsection (a)." 10(d) The term "furniture and household and personal effects", as used in the amendments made by this part to the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended, and the term "household goods and personal effects, as used in the amendments made by this part of the Adminis- trative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended, mean such personal prop- erty of an employee and the dependents of such employee as the Secretary of State and the Director of Central Intelligence, as the case may be, with respect to the term "furniture and household and personal effects", and the President, with respect to the term "house- hold goods and personal effects", shall by regulation authorize to be transported or stored under the amendments made by this part to such Acts (including, in emergencies, motor vehicles authorized to be 00 See H.O. 10530, as amended by E.O. 10903, relating to performance of certain functions by the Bureau of the Budget. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 165 shipped at Government expense). Such motor vehicle shall be ex- cluded from the weight and volume limitations prescribed by the laws set forth in this part. PART I3-OFFICIAL RESIDENCE EXPENSES SEC. 311. (a) The Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 806), as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the fol- loveing new section : "SEC. 22. Under such regulations as the 11 President may prescribe, funds available to the departments for administrative expenses play be allotted to posts in -foreign countries for the purpose of defraying the unusual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of official residences suitable for the chief representatives of the United States at such posts and such other senior officials of this Governiiient in foreign countries as the President may designate." (b) Section 8 of the United Nations Participation Act of 1945, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287e), is amended by striking out "and the allot- ment of funds, similar to the allotment authorized by section 902 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, for unusual expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of such living quarters, to be accounted for in accordance with section 903 of said Act;" and inserting in lieu thereof "and unusual expenses similar to those authorized by section 22 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended by section 311 of the Overseas Differentials and Allowances Act, incident to the operation and maintenance of such living quarters;". PART C-TRANSPORTATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES SEC,. 321. The first section of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 806), as amended (5 U.S.C. 73b-1), is amended by add- ing thereto, immediately following the new subsection (e) added to such first section by section 301 (c) of this Act, the following new subsection : "(f) Under such regulations as the 12 President may prescribe, the privately owned motor vehicle of any employee (including any new appointee, in accordance with section 7 of this Act) assigned to a post of duty outside the continental United States on other than temporary duty orders may be transported to, from, and between the continental United States and such post of duty, or between posts of duty outside the continental United States, whenever it is determined by the head of the department concerned to be in the interest of the Government for such employee to have the use of a motor vehicle at his post of duty. Not more than one motor vehicle of any employee may be transported under authority of this subsection during any four-year- period, except that, as a replacement for such motor vehicle, one addi- tional motor vehicle of any employee may be so transported during such period upon approval, in advance, by the head of the department concerned and upon a determination, in advance, by such department head that such replacement is necessary for reasons beyond the con- trol of the employee and is in the interest of the Government. After 11 Authority delegated to. the Secretary of State by E.O. 10903. 12 See E.O. 10530, as amended by E.O. 10903, relating to performance of certain functions by the Bmreau of the Budget. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 166 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 the expiration of a period of four years following the date of trans- portation under authority of this subsection of a privately owned motor vehicle of any employee who has remained in continuous serv- ice outside the continental United States during such period, the transportation of a replacement for such motor vehicle for such em- ployee may be authorized, in accordance with this subsection, by the head of the department concerned. The head of each department may, in accordance with this subsection, authorize the transportation of privately owned motor vehicles of employees of such department, assigned to duty outside the continental United States, by commercial means if available at reasonable rates and under reasonable conditions or by Government means on a space-available basis. This subsection shall not apply to the Foreign Service of the United States under the Department of State and to the Central Intelligence Agency but shall not affect the authority contained in section 913 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1027; 22 U.S.C. 1138) or paragraph (4) of section 4 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 210,72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e (a) (4) )." SEC. 322. Section 913 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1027; 22 U.S.C. 1138) is amended to read as follows : "TRANSPORTATION OF MOTOR VEIIICLES "SEC. 913. The Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, transport for or on behalf of an officer or employee of the Service, a privately owned motor vehicle in any ease in which he shall determine that water, rail, or air transportation of the motor vehicle is necessary or expedient for all or any part. of the distance between points of origin and destination. Not more than one motor vehicle of any such officer or employee may be transported under authority of this section during any four-year period, except that, as a replacement for such motor vehicle, one additional motor vehicle of any such officer or employee may be so transported during such period upon approval, in advance, by the Secretary and upon a deter- mination, in advance, by the Secretary that such replacement is neces- sary for reasons beyond the control of the officer or employee and is in the interest of the Government. After the expiration of a period of four years following the date of transportation under authority of this section of a privately owned motor vehicle of any officer or employee who has remained in continuous service outside the con- tinental United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) during such period, the transportation of a replacement for such motor vehicle for such officer or employee may be authorized by the Secretary in accord- ance with this section." SEC. 323. (a) That part of section 4(a) of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, .as amended (63 Stat. 209, 73 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e), which precedes paragraph (1) thereof, is amended- (1) by striking out "(a)"; and (2) by striking out "permanent-duty stations outside the con- tinental United States, its territories, and possessions," and insert- ing in lieu thereof "duty stations outside the. several States of the United States of America, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, but including the District of Columbia,". Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 200919 / N1 SERVICE 721A0006gg010019-3 THE (b) Paragraph (4) of section 4 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 210, 73 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e(a) (4) ), is amended to read as follows: "(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, trans- port for or on behalf of an officer or employee. of the Agency, a privately owned motor vehicle in any case in which it shall be determined that water, rail, or air transportation of the motor vehicle is necessary or expedient for all 'or any part of the dis- tance between points of origin and destination, and pay the costs of such transportation. Not more than one motor vehicle of any officer or employee 'of the Agency may be transported under authority of this paragraph during any four-year period, except that, as a replacement for such motor vehicle, one additional motor vehicle of any such officer or employee may be so, trans- ported during such period upon approval, in advance, by the Director and upon a determination, in advance, by the Director that such replacement is necessary for reasons beyond the con- trol of the officer or employee and is in the interest of the Govern- ment. After the expiration of a period of four years following the date of transportation under authority of this paragraph of a privately owned motor vehicle of any officer or employee who has remained in continuous service outside the several States of the United States of America, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, but including the District of Columbia, during such period, the transportation of a replacement for such motor vehicle for such officer or employee may be authorized by the Director in accord- ance with this paragraph." TITLE IV-AMENDMENTS TO ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE ACT OF 1951 SEc. 401. Subsections (d), (e), and (f) of section 203 of the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2062 (d), (e), and (f) ), are amended to read as follows : "(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c), a maximum accumulation not to exceed forty-five days at the beginning of the first complete biweekly pay period, or corresponding pay period in the case of an officer or employee who is not paid on the basis of biweekly pay periods, in any year is authorized for the following categories of em- ployees of the Federal Government stationed outside the United States : " (1) Persons directly recruited or transferred by the Federal Gov- ernment (A) from the United States, or (B) from the Commonwealth of Puerto Pico or the possessions of the United States for employment outside,the area of recruitment or from which transferred. "(2) Persons employed locally but (A) (i) who were originally recruited from the United States, or from the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States but outside the area of employment, (ii) who have been in substantially continuous employment by other Federal agencies, United States firms, interests or organizations, international organizations in which the United States Government participates, or foreign governments, and (iii) whose conditions of employment provide for their return transporta- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvg4,For Rele4R~ ?gAgtq9lllvicgIA4tRP7,603721A000600010019-3 tion to the United States or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States, or (B) (i) who were at the time of employment temporarily absent; for the purpose of travel or formal study, from the United States, or from their respective places of resi- dence in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States and (ii) who, during such temporary absence, have maintained residence in the United States or in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States but outside the area of employment. "(3) Persons who are not normally residents of the area concerned and who are discharged from service in the Armed Forces of the United States to accept employment with an agency of the Federal Government. "(e) The leave granted pursuant to this title shall be exclusive of the time actually and necessarily occupied in going to and from the post of duty and exclusive of such time as may be necessarily occupied in awaiting transportation, in the case of an officer or employee (1) who is within the purview of subsection (d) of this section, (2) whose post of duty is outside the United States, and (3) who returns on leave to the United States, or to his place of residence, which is outside the area of employment, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to more than one period of leave in a prescribed tour of duty at a, post outside the United States. "(f) Upon completion of twenty-four months of continuous service outside the United States, officers and employees may be granted, in accordance with regulations of the 13 President, leave of absence at a rate not to exceed one week for each four months of such service without regard to any other leave provided by this title, for use in the United States, or, if their respective places of residence are out- side the area of employment, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the possessions of the United States. Such leave so granted may be accumulated for future use without regard to the limitation in sub- section (d) of this section but no such leave shall be made the basis for any terminal leave or for any lump-sum payment." SEC. 402. (a) Section 202(b4(2) of the Annual and Sick Leave Act. of 1951, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2061(b) (2) ), is amended to read as follows : "(2) This title, except section 203(g), shall not apply to alien em- ployees who occupy positions outside the United States." (b) Section 203(g) of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2062(g)), is amended by striking out "the several States and the District of Columbia" and inserting in lieu thereof "the United States". (c) Section 202 of such Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2061), is amended by adding at the end of such section the following new subsection : "(d) As used in this title, the term `United States' means the several States of the United States of America and the District of Columbia." SEC. 403. The amendments made by this title to the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, as amended, shall take effect on the first day of the first pay period following the date of enactment of this Act. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasex0o4J) EP7o "03T~1A00060p10019-3 TITLE V-APPROPRIATION, REPEAL, AMENDATORY, AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS PART A-APPROPRIATION PROVISIONS Sr,-c. 501. (a) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act and the amendments made by this Act. b) Appropriations or funds otherwise available, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, to any department, agency, establishment or corporation of the Government of the United States of America within the purview of this Act or of any amendment made by this Act are hereby made available for the purposes of this Act and of any such amendment in accordance with the authority contained in this Act or contained in any law amended by this Act and in accordance with such regulations as the President may prescribe. PART B-REPEAL AND AMENDATORY PROVISIONS SEC. 511. (a) The following provisions of law are hereby repealed: (1) Sections 443, 902, 903, and 911(9) of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (60 Stat. 1006, 1025, and 1026; 69 Stat. 27; 22 U.S.C. 888, 1132, 1133, and 1136(9)); (2) Sections 2(b), 13, and 14 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide certain basic authority for the Department of State", approved August 1, 1956 (70 Stat. 890, 892; Public Law 885, Eighty-fourth Congress; 5 U.S.C. 170g(b), 170r,and 170s) ; and (3) Sections 1(d) and 4(b) of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 as amended (63 Stat. 208 and 211; 50 U.S.C. 403a(d) and 403e(b)). (b) Any provision of law which is not repealed by subsection (a) of this section but is inconsistent with any provision of this Act or of any amendment made by this Act shall be held and considered to be amended, modified, or superseded to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of and conform to such provision of this Act or of such amendment. (c) (1) Section 1(c) of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 208; 50 U.S.C. 403a(c)) is amended by striking out "Government; and" and inserting in lieu thereof "Government.". (2) Paragraph (1) (A) of section 4 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended (63 Stat. 209; 72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e(a) (1) (A) ), is amended to read as follows : "(1) (A) pay the travel expenses of officers and employees of the Agency, including expenses incurred while traveling pursuant to authorized home leave;". (3) Paragraph (3) (A) of section 4 of such Act (63 Stat. 209 and 210; 72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e(a) (3) (A)) is amended to read as follows : "(3) (A) Order to any of the several States of the United States of America (including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession of the United States) on leave of absence each officer or em- ployee of the Agency who was a resident of the United States (as described above) at time of employment, upon completion 91189-62-12 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvffb For Rele p;q(Qjg9(jR~r Plh P,79?603721 A000600010019-3 of two years' continuous service abroad, or as soon as possible thereafter." (4) Paragraph (3) (B) of section 4 of such Act (63 Stat. 210; 72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e(a) (3) (B)) is amended to read as follows: "(B) While in the United States (as described in paragraph (3) (A) of this section) on leave, the service of any officer or employee shall be available for work or duties in the Agency or elsewhere as the Director may prescribe; and the time of such work or duty shall not be counted as leave." (5) Paragraph (3) (C) of section 4 of such Act (63 Stat. 210; 72 Stat. 337; 50 U.S.C. 403e (a.) (3) (C)) is amended to read as follows : "(C) Where an officer or employee on leave returns to the United States (as described in paragraph (3) (A) of this sec- tion), leave of absence granted shall be exclusive of the time actually and necessarily occupied in going to and from the United States (as so described) and such time as may be necessarily occupied in awaiting transportation." (6) The Act entitled "An Act to provide living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, for civilian officers and employees of the Govern- ment stationed in foreign countries", approved June 26, 1930 (46 Stat. 818; Public Law 445, Seventy-first Congress; 5 U.S.C. 118a), is amended- (A) by striking out "and, where such quarters are not avail- able, may be granted an allowance for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, notwithstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (U.S.C., title 5, sec. 70)"; and (B) by striking out that part of the first proviso of such Act of June 26, 1930, which reads "or allowances in lieu thereof". (7) Section 901 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (22 U.S.C.1131) , is amended to read as follows : "REPRESENTATION ALLOWANCES "SEC. 901. In accordance with. such regulations as the. President may prescribe and notwithstanding the provisions of section 1765 of the Revised Statutes (5 U.S.C. 70), the Secretary is authorized to grant to any officer or employee of the Service who is a citizen of the United States allowances in order to provide for the proper representation of the United States by officers or employees of the Service." PART C-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 521. Whenever reference is made in any other law or in any regulation to any provision of law which is repealed, modified, amended, or superseded by reason of section 51.1 of this Act, such reference, unless inconsistent with this Act, shall be held and consid- ered to refer to this Actor the appropriate provision of, or amendment made by, this Act. SEC. 522. Notwithstanding any provision of this Act and until. such time as regulations are issued under this Act, employees shall continue to be paid allowances and differentials in accordance with rules and regulations issued pursuant to the laws in effect immediately prior to the enactment of this Act and such rules and regulations may be amended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of such laws. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/091161 : CIA-RDP78-039 21 A000609910019-3 THE FOREI SEC. 523. (a) Section 912 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to exemption for certain allowances) is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 912. EXEMPTIONS FOR CERTAIN ALLOWANCES. "The following items shall not be included in gross income, and shall be exempt from taxation under this subtitle : "(1) FOREIGN AREAS ALLOWANCES.-In the case of civilian offi- cers and employees of the Government of the United States, amounts received as allowances or otherwise (but not amounts received as post differentials) under- "(A) title IX of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (22 U.S.C., sec. 1131 and following), "(B) section 4 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended (50 U.S.C., sec. 403e), "(C) title II of the Overseas Differentials and Allowances Act, or "(D) subsection (o) or (f) of the first section of the Ad- ministrative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended, or section 22 of such Act. "(2) COST-or-LIVING ALLOWANCES.-In the case of civilian offi- cers or employees of the Government of the United States sta- tioned outside the continental United States (other than Alaska), amounts (other than amounts received under title II of the Over- seas Differentials and Allowances Act) received as cost-of-living allowances in accordance with regulations approved by the Presi- dent." (b) Paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 912 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended by subsection (a) of this section, shall apply only with respect to amounts received on or after the date of the en- actment of this Act in taxable years ending on or after such date. Approved September 6,1960. APPENDIX XX [PUBLIC LAW 86-723] [86TH CONGRESS, S. 2633] [September 8, 1960] AN ACT To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1960". SEC. 2. Section 416 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 416. (a) A person appointed as a staff officer or employee shall receive basic salary at one of the rates of the class to which he is appointed which the Secretary shall, taking into account his quali- fications and experience and the needs of the Service, determine to be appropriate for him to receive. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11 CIA RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 "(b) Whenever the Secretary determines that the needs of the Service warrant the appointment of staff officers or employees in a particular occupational group uniformit at a rate above the minimum rate of the applicable class, he may adjust the basic salary of any staff officer or employee in the same class and occupational group who is receiving less than such established rate." SEC. 3. Section 417 of such Act is amended by striking out "(b)" in the first sentence. SEC. 4. Section 431 of such Act is amended by striking out in the first sentence of paragraph (a) the phrase "the termination of time spent on authorized leave, whichever shall be later," and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase "upon termination of his service in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section,"; and by amending paragraph (b) of this section to read as follows : "(b) The official services of a chief of mission shall not be deemed terminated by the appointment of a successor but shall continue until. he has relinquished charge of the mission and for such additional period as may be determined by the Secretary, but in no case shall such additional period exceed fifty days, including time spent in tran- sit. During such period the Secretary may require him to render such services as he may deem necessary in the interests of the Gov- ernment." SEc. 5. Section 441 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS IN TIIE FOREIGN SERVICE AND IN TIIE DEPARTMENT "SEC. 441. (a) Under such regulations as he may prescribe, and in order to facilitate effective management, the Secretary shall classify all positions in the Service at posts abroad, excluding positions to be occupied by chiefs of mission, and in the case of those occupied by For-~ eigi-i Service officers, Reserve officers, and staff officers and employees, he shall establish such positions in relation to the classes established by sections 412, 414, and 415, respectively. Positions occupied by alien employees and consular agents, respectively, shall be allocated to such classes as the Secretary may establish by regulation. "(b) Under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secretary may, notwithstanding the provisions of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1071 and the following), classify positions in or under the Department which he designates as Foreign Service Officer poistions to be occupied by officers and employees of the Service, and establish such positions in relation to the classes established by sections 412., 414, and 415." SEC. 6. Section 444 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "SEc. 444. (a) The Secretary shall, in accordance with such regula- tions as he may prescribe, establish compensation plans for alien employees of the Service: Provided, That such compensation plans shall be based upon prevailing wage rates and compensation practices for corresponding types of positions in the locality, to the extent con- sistent with the public interest. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release p , , Ills-&[ Pap8 3721A0006Q 10019-3 "(b) For the purpose of performing functions abroad, other Gov- ernment agencies are authorized to administer alien employee pro- grams in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Act." SEC. 7. Title V of such Act is amended by adding at the beginning thereof the following new section : `POLICY "SEC. 500. It is the policy of the Congress that chiefs of mission and Foreign Service officers appointed or assigned to serve the United States in foreign countries shall have, to the maximum practicable extent, among their qualification, a useful knowledge of the principal language or dialect of the country in which they are to serve, and knowledge and understanding of the history, the culture, the economic and political institutions, and the interests of such country and its people." SEC. 8. (a) The heading to section 516 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "ADMISSION TO CLASS 7 OR 8". (b) Section 516 of such Act is amended by striking out "SEC. 516." and inserting in lieu thereof "SEC. 516. (a)" and by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph (b) which shall read as follows: "(b) The Secretary may furnish the President with the names of those persons who have passed such examinations and are eligible for appointment as Foreign Service officers of class 8, whom he recom- mends for appointment directly to class 7 when in his opinion, their age, experience, or other qualifications make such an appointment appropriate." SEC. 9. (a) Section 517 of such Act is amended by striking out the words "A person who has not served in class 8" which appear at the beginnin~ of the first sentence, and inserting in place thereof the fol- lowing : 'A person who has not been appointed as a Foreign Service officer in accordance with section 516 of this Act". (b) Section 517 of such Act is further amended by striking out the second and third sentences of such section. SEC. 10. (a) The heading to section 520 of such Act is amended by -striking out the phrase "REINSTATEMENT AND RECALL" and substituting 'in lieu thereof the phrase "REAPPOINTMENT, RECALL, OR REEMPLOYMENT". (b) The first sentence of paragraph (a) of section 520 of such Act is amended by inserting a period after the word "Service" where it appears for the third time, and by striking out the remainder of that sentence. (c) Paragraph (b) of section 520 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "(b) The Secretary may recall any retired Foreign Service officer temporarily to duty in the Service whenever he shall determine such recall is in the public interest." d) Section 520 of such Act is further amended by adding at the en n thereof a new paragraph (c) which shall read as follows : "(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of title 5, United States Code, section 62, and title 5, United States Code, section 715a, a Foreign Service officer heretofore or hereafter retired under the provisions of section 631 or 632 or a Foreign Service staff officer or employee here- after retired under the provisions of section 803 shall not, by reason of his retired status, be barred from employment in Federal Govern Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvel or Relea"n29g/Illi,QA, DR7A-A3721A000600010019-3 ment service in any appointive position for which he is qualified. An annuitant so reemployed shall serve at the will of the appointing officer." SEC. 11. Section 528 of such Act is amended by striking out in the second sentence of such section the phrase "subsection (dy, section 7, of the Classification Act of 1923" and substituting in lieu thereof the phrase "the Classification Act of 1949". SEC. 12. Section 531 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 531. The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, appoint staff officers and employees on the basis of qualifi- cations and experience. The Secretary may make provisions for tem- porary, limited, and such other types of appointment as he may deem necessary. He is authorized to establish appropriate probationary periods during which newly appointed staff officers or employees, other than those appointed for temporary or limited services shall be re- quired to serve. The Secretary may terminate at any time, without regard to the provisions of section 637, or the provisions of any Other law, the services of staff officers or employees appointed for tem- porary or limited service and staff officers or employees who have not completed probationary periods, except that if such separation is by reason of misconduct the provisions of section 637 shall be applicable." SFr. 13. Section 532 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 532. Under such regulations as he may prescribe, the Secre- tary may assign a staff officer or employee to any post or he may assign him to serve in any position in which he is eligible to serve under the terms of this or any other Act. A staff officer or employee may be transferred from one post to another by order of the Secretary as the interests of the Service may require." SEC. 14. (a) Section 571 of such Act is amended by striking out paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d), and the heading to such section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following : "ASSIGNMENTS TO ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION "SEC. 571. (a) Any officer or employee of the Service may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be assigned or detailed for duty in any Government agency, or in any interantional organization, interna- tional commission, or international body, such an. assignment or coin- bination of assignments to be for a period of not more than four years, except that under special circumstances the Secretary may extend this four-year period for not more than four additional years. "(b) If a Foreign Service officer shall be appointed by the. Presi- dent, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or by the President alone, to a position in any Government agency, any United States delegation or mission to any international organization, in any international commission, or in any international body, the period of his service in such capacity shall be construed as constituting an as- signment within the meaning of paragraph (a) of this section and such person shall not, by virtue of the acceptance of such an assign- merit, lose his status as a Foreign Service officer. Service in such a position shall not, however, be subject to the limitations concerning the duration of an assignment contained in that paragraph. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release1.aQ0/11 l -15;Ct&RQPa18- 721A0006?f10019-3 "(e) If the basic minimum salary of the position to which an officer or employee of the Service is assigned pursuant to the terms of this section is higher than the salary such officer or employee is entitled to receive as an officer or employee of the Service, such officer or employee shall, during the period such difference in salary. exists, receive the salary and allowances of the position in which he is serving in lieu of his salary and allowances as an officer or employee of the Service. Any salary paid under the provisions of this section shall be the salary on the basis of which computations and payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions of title VIII. No officer or employee of the Service who, subsequent to the date of enactment of the Foreign Service Act Amendments of 1960, is assigned to, or who, after June 30, 1961, occupies a position in the Department that is designated as a Foreign Service officer position, shall be entitled to receive ,a salary differential under the provisions of this paragraph." (b) Paragraph (e) of section 571 of such Act is amended by strik- ing the phrase "with heads of Government agencies" where it appears in the second sentence and by redesignating the paragraph as "(d) ". SEC. 15. Section 575 of such Act is amended by striking out all after the word "accordance" and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase "with the appropriate provisions of titles III and IX of Public Law 402, Eightieth Congress (62 Stat. 7 and 13; 22 U.S.C. 1451-1453, 1478 and 1479)." SEC. 16. Title V of such Act is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section : "FOREIGN LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE PREREQUISITE TO ASSIGNMENT "SEC. 578. The Secretary shall designate every Foreign Service Officer position in a foreign country whose incumbent should have a useful knowledge of a language or dialect common to such country. After December 31, 1963, each position so designated shall be filled only by an incumbent having such knowledge : Provided, That the Secretary or Deputy Under Secretary for Administration may make exceptions to this requirement for individuals or when special or emergency conditions exist. The Secretary shall establish foreign language standards for assignment abroad of officers and employees of the Service, and shall arrange for appropriate language training of such officers and employees at the Foreign Service Institute or else- where." SEC. 17. Section 625 of such Act and the heading of such section are amended to read as follows : "WITHIN-CLASS SALARY INCREASES OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS AND RESERVE OFFICERS "SEC. 625. Any Foreign Service officer or any Reserve officer, whose services meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Service and who shall have been in a given class for a continuous period of nine months or more, shall, on the first day of each fiscal year, receive an increase in salary to the next higher rate for the class in which he is serving. Without regard to any other law, the Secretary is authorized to grant to any such officer additional in- creases in salary, within the salary range established for the class in which he is serving, based upon especially meritorious service." Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approveff for Relea &2AQQi#QP/lE'RijpjArRPF7?193721 A000600010019-3 SEC. 18. Title VI of such Act is amended by inserting after section 62 the following new section and the heading thereto : "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROMOTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL AND GEOGRAPHIC AREA SPECIALIZATION "SEC. 626. The achievement of the objectives of this Act requires increasing numbers of Foreign Service officers to acquire functional and geographic area specializations and to pursue such specializations for a substantial part of their careers. Such specialization shall not in any way inhibit or prejudice the orderly advancement through class 1 of any such officer in the Foreign Service." SEC. 19. The heading "PART D-SEPARATION OF FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FROM THE SERVICE" under title VI of such Act is amended to read as follows : "PART D--SEPARATION OF OFFICERS AND EM- PLOYEES FROM THE SERVICE". SEC. 20. Section 631 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS WHO ARE CAREER AMBASSADORS OR CAREER MINISTERS "SEC. 631. Any Foreign Service officer who is a career ambassador or a career minister, other than one occupying a position as chief of mission or any other position to which he has been appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall upon reaching the age of sixty-five, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821, but whenever the Secretary shall determine it to be in the public interest, he may extend such an officer's service for a period not to exceed five years." SEc. 21. Section 632 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "PARTICIPANTS IN THE FOREIGN SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYSTEM WHO ARE NOT CAREER AMBASSADORS OR CAREER MINISTERS "SEc. 632. Any participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, other than one occupying a position as chief of mission or any other position to which he has been appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who is not a career ambassador or a career minister shall, upon reaching the age of sixty, be retired from the Service and receive retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions of section 821, but whenever the Secretary shall determine it to be in the public interest, he may extend such participant's service for a period not to exceed five years." SEC. 22. Subparagraphs (1) and (2) of paragraph (b) of section 634: of such Act are amended to read as follows : "(1) one-twelftli of a year's salary at his then current salary rate for each year of service and proportionately for a fraction of a year, but not exceeding a total of one year's salary athis then current salary rate, payable without interest, from the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, in three equal install- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11 1s CIA-RDP7o8-03 621 A000601QQ10019-3 ments on the 1st day of January following the officer's retirement and on the two anniversaries of this date immediate following : Provided, That in special cases, the Secretary may in his discre- tion accelerate or combine the installments; and "(2) a refund of the contributions made to the Foreign Serv- ice Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest as provided in section 841(a), except that in lieu of such refund such officer, if he has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a), may elect to re- ceive retirement benefits on reaching the age of sixty in accord- ance with the provisions of section 821. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 4 or 5 and who has elected to receive retirement benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty, his death shall be considered a death in service within the meaning of section 832. In the event that an officer who was separated from class 6 or 7 and who has elected to receive retire- ment benefits dies before reaching the age of sixty, the total amount of his contributions made to the Foreign Service Retire- ment and Disability Fund, with interest as provided in section 841(a), shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of sec- tion 841(b)." SEC. 23. Section 635 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS RETIRED FROM CLASS 7 OR 8 "SEC. 635. Any Foreign Service officer in class 7 who is appointed under the provisions of section 516 (b) and any Foreign Service of- fice in class '8 shall occupy probationary status. The Secretary may terminate his service at any time." SEC. 24. Section 636 of such Act is amended by striking out the phrase "Any Foreign Service officer" and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase "Any participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System". SEc. 25. (a) Paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of section 637 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows : "SEC. 637. (a) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may prescribe, separate from the Service any Foreign Service officer, Reserve officer, or staff officer or employee, on account of the unsatis- factory performance of his duties, or for such other cause as will promote the efficiency of the Service, with reasons given in writing, but no such officer or employee shall be so separated until he shall have been granted a hearing by the Board of the Foreign Service and the unsatisfactory performance of his duties, or other cause for separa- tion, shall have been established at such hearing, unless he shall have waived in writing his right to a hearing. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Foreign Service officers of class 8 or any other officer or employee of the Service who is in a probationary status or whose appointment is limited or temporary, except when separa- tion is by reason of misconduct. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 178 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 "(b) Any participant in the. Foreign Service Retirement and Dis- ability System separated under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section shall. receive a refund of the contributions trade to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, with interest, as provided in section 841(a) except that in lieu of such refund such officer may (except in cases where the Secretary determines that separation was based in whole or in part on the ground of disloyalty to the United States) if he has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under this System, excluding military or naval service that is cred.- ited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852 (a), elect to leave his contributions in the Fund and receive an annuity, com- puted as prescribed in section 821 commencing at the age of sixty years. In the event that an officer who has elected under the provisions of this section to receive a deferred annuity dies before reaching the age of sixty, his contributions to the Fund, with interest, shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of sections 841 and 881. "(c) Any officer or employee of the Service separated under the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section who is not a participant in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System shall be en- titled only to such benefits as shall accrue to him under the retirement system in which he is a participant. "(d) Any payments made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall be made out of the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund." SEC. 26. Section 638 of such Act and the heading to such section are amended to read as follows: "TERMINATION OF LIMITED APPOINTMENTS OF FOREIGN SERVICE RESERVE OFFICERS AND STAFF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES "SEC. 638. Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other law, the Secretary may, under such regulations as lie may prescribe, termi- nate at any time the services of any Reserve officer or staff officer or employee serving under limited appointment, except that, if the ter- mination is because of misconduct, the provisions of section 637 shall be applicable." SEC. 27. Section 641 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 641. All promotions of staff officers and employees to a higher class shall be made at a higher salary on the basis of performance and merit in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe." SEC. 28. Section 642 of such Act and the heading thereto are amended to read as follows : "WITHIN CLASS AND LONGEVITY SALARY INCREASES "SEC. 642. (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary may pre, scribe, any staff officer or employee whose services meet the standards required for the efficient conduct of the work of the Service shall receive an increase in salary at periodic intervals to the next higher salary rate for the class in which he is serving. Without regard to any other law the Secretary is authorized to grant any such officer or employee additional increases in salary within the salary range estab- lished for the class in which he is serving, based upon specially meritorious service. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000601 10019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 "(b) Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, any staff officer or employee who has attained the maximum salary rate prescribed by section 415 for the class in which he is serving may be granted from time to time an additional salary increase beyond the maximum salary rate for his class in recognition of longevity or pro- ficiency in the Service. Each such salary increase shall be equal to the maximum salary rate increase of the applicable class and no per- son shall receive more than four such salary increases while serving in the same class." SEC. 29. Section 701 of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following : "The Secretary may also provide to the extent that space is available therefor appropriate orientation and language training to spouses of officers and employees of the Government in anticipation of the assignment abroad of such officers and employees. Other agencies of the Government shall wherever practicable avoid duplicating the facilities of the Institute and the training provided by the Secretary at the Institute or elsewhere." SEC. 30. (a) Paragraph (a) of section 704 of such Act is amended by striking out "1923" in the two places where it appears and insert- ing in lieu thereof "1949". (b) Section 704 of such Act is amended by adding at the end of such section new paragraphs (e) and (f) which shall read as follows: "(e) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, in the absence of suitably qualified United States citizens, em- ploy persons who are not citizens of the United States by appointment to the staff of the Institute either on a full- or part-time basis or by contract for services in the United States or abroad at rates not in ex- cess of those provided by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C.1071). "(f) The Secretary may, under such regulations as he may pre- scribe, provide special monetary or other incentives not inconsistent with this Act to encourage Foreign Service personnel to acquire or retain proficiency in esoteric foreign languages or special abilities needed in the Service." SEC. 31. (a) Section 803(b) (2) of such Act is amended to read as follows- "(2) have paid into the Fund a special contribution for each year of such service in accordance with the provisions of section 852(b)." (b) Section 803 is further amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph (c) which shall read as follows: "(c) (1) In acordance with such regulations as the President may prescribe, any Foreign Service staff officer or employee appointed by the Secretary of State who has completed at least ten years of con- tinuous service in the Department's Foreign Service, exclusive of military service, shall become a participant in the System and shall make a special contribution to the Fund in accordance with the provi- sions of section 852. "(2) Any such officer or employee who, under the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section, becomes a participant in the Sys- tem, shall be mandatorily retired for age during the first year after the effective date of this paragraph if he attains age sixty-four or if he is over age sixty-four; during the second year at age sixty-three; Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 1$0 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 during the third year at age sixty-two; during the fourth year at age sixty-one, and thereafter at age sixty . "(3) Any officer or employee who becomes a participant in the Sys- tem under the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section who is age 57 or over on the effective date of this paragraph, may retire vol- untarily at any time before mandatory retirement under paragraph (c) (2) of this section and receive retirement benefits under section 821." SEC. 32. Section 804 of such Act is amended to read. as follows : "SEC. 804 (a) Annuitants shall be persons who are receiving annu- ities from the Fund and all persons, including surviving wives and husbands, widows, dependent widowers, children and beneficiaries of participants or annuitants who shall become entitled to receive annu- ities in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as amended, or in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Act of May 1,. 1956 (70 Stat. 125). "(b) When used in this title the term- "(1) `Widow' means the surviving wife of a participant who was married to such participant for at least two years immediately pre- ceding his death or is the mother of issue by such marriage. "(2) `Dependent widower' means the surviving husband of a par- ticipant who was married to such participant for at least two years immediately preceding her death or is the father of issue by such marriage, and who is incapable of self-support by reason of mental or physical disability, and who received more than one-half of his support from such participant. "(3) `Child' means an unmarried child, under the age of eighteen years, or such unmarried child regardless of age who` because of physical or mental disability incurred before age eighteen is incapable of self-support. In addition to the offspring of the participant and his or her spouse the term includes (a) an adopted child, and (b) a step-child or recognized natural child who received more than one- half of his support from the participant." SEC. 33. Section 811 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "SEC. 811. (a) Six and one-half per centum of the basic salary re- ceived by each participant shall be contributed to the Fund for the payment of annuities, cash benefits, refunds, and allowances. An equal sum shall also be contributedfrom the respective appropriation or fund which is used for payment of his salary. The amounts de- ducted and withheld from basic salary together with the amounts so contributed from the appropriation or fund, shall be deposited by the Department of State in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Fund. "(b) Each participant shall be deemed to consent and agree to such deductions from basic salary, and payment less such deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and = demands whatsoever for all regular services during the period cov- ered by such payment, except the right to the benefits to which he shall be entitled under this Act, notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation affecting the individual's salary." SE c. 34. (a) Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of section 821 of such Act are amended to read as follows : "SEC. 821. (a) The annuity of a participant shall be equal to 2 per centum of his average basic salary for the highest five consecutive Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releaser2iO(O#19i4 IspiC1A-RE)P74O3~721 A0006WO10019-3 years of service, for which full contributions have been made to the Fund, multiplied by the number of years, not exceeding thirty-five, of service credit obtained in accordance with the provisions of sections 851, 852, and 853. However, the highest five years of service for which full contributions have been made to the Fund shall be used in com- puting the annuity of any participant who serves as chief of mission and whose continuity of service as such is interrupted prior to retire- ment by appointment or assignment to any other position determined by the Secretary to be of comparable importance. In determining the aggregate period of service upon which the annuity is to be based, the fractional part of a month, if any, shall not be counted. "(b) At the time of retirement, any married participant may elect to receive a reduced annuity and to provide for an annuity payable to his wife or her husband, commencing on the date following such par- ticipant's death and terminating upon the death of such surviving wife or husband. The annuity payable to the surviving wife or husband after such participant's death shall be 50 per centum of the amount of the participant's annuity computed as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section, up to the full amount of such annuity specified by him as the base for the survivor benefits. The annuity of the participant making such election shall be reduced by 21/2 per centum of any amount up to $2,400 he specifies as the base for the survivor benefit plus 10 per centum of any amount over $2,400 so specified. "(c) (1) If an annuitant dies and is survived by a wife or husband and by a child or children, in addition to the annuity payable to the surviving wife or husband, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each child an annuity equal to the smallest of: (i) 40 per centum of the annuitant's average basic salary, as, determined under paragraph (a) of this section, divided by the number of children; (ii) $600; or (iii) $1,800 divided by the number of children. "(2) If an annuitant dies and is not survived by a wife or husband but by a child or children., each surviving child shall be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of : (i) 50 per centum of the annuitant's average basic salary, as determined under Paragraph (a) of this :section, divided by the number of children; (ii) $720; or (ii) $2,160 divided by the number of children." (b) Section 821 of such Act is further amended by adding new para- graphs (d), (e), and (f) which shall read as follows: "(d) If a surviving wife or husband dies or the annuity of a child is terminated, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recom- puted and paid as though such wife, husband, or child had not survived the participant. "(e) The annuity payable to a child under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section shall begin on the first day of the next month after the par- ticipant dies and such annuity or any right thereto shall be terminated upon death, marriage, or attainment of the age of eighteen years, ex- cept that, if a child is incapable of self-support by reasons of mental or physical disability, the annuity shall be terminated only when such child dies, marries, or recovers from such disability. "(f) At the time of retirement an unmarried participant may elect to receive a reduced annuity and to provide for annuity equal to 50 per centum of the reduced annuity payable after his or her death to a bene- ficiary whose name shall be designated in writing to the Secretary. The annuity payable to a participant making such election shall be Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvet $or Releasei20OM9/t4RVlUArdRO77-A3721 A000600010019-3 reduced by 10 per centum of an annuity computed as provided in paragraph (a) of this section and by 5 per centum of an annuity so computed for each full five years the person designated is younger than the retiring participant, but such total reduction shall not exceed 40 per centum. No such election of a reduced annuity payable to a beneficiary shall be valid until the participant shall have satisfactorily passed a physical examination as prescribed by the Secretary. The annuity payable to a beneficiary under the provisions of this paragraph shall begin on the first day of the next month after the participant dies. Upon the death of the surviving beneficiary all payments shall cease and no further annuity payments authorized under this para- graph shall be due or payable." SEC. 35. (a) Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of section 831 of such Act are amended to read as follows : "(a) Any participant who has five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), and who becomes totally disabled or incapacitated for useful and eui- cient service by reason of disease, illness, or injury not due to vicious habits, intemperance, or willful misconduct on his part, shall, upon his own application or upon order of the Secretary, be retired on an annuity computed as prescribed in section 821. If the disabled or in- capacitated participant has less than twenty years of service credit toward his retirement under the System at the time be is retired, his annuity shall be computed on the assumption that he has had twenty years of service, but the additional service credit that may accrue to a participant under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his age at the time of retirement and the mandatory retire- ment age applicable to his class in the Service. "(b) In each case, the participant shall be given a physical exami- nation by one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons designated by the Secretary to conduct examinations, and disability shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of the advice of such physi- cians or surgeons. Unless the disability is permanent, like examina- tions shall be made annually until the annuitant has reached the statutory mandatory retirement age for his class in the Service. If the Secretary determines, on the basis of the advice of one or more duly qualified physicians or surgeons conducting such examinations that an annuitant has recovered to the extent that he can return to duty, the annuitant may apply for reinstatement or reappointment in the Service within one year from the date his recovery is determined. Upon application the Secretary shall reinstate any such recovered disability annuitant in the class in which he was serving at time of retirement, or the Secretary may, taking into consideration the age; qualifications, and experience of such annuitant, and the present class of his contemporaries in the Service, appoint. him or, in the case of an annuitant who is a former Foreign Service officer, recommend that the President appoint him, by and with the advice and consent; of the Senate, to a class higher than the one in which he was serving prior to retirement. Payment of the annuity shall continue until a date six months after the date of the examination showing recovery or until the date of reinstatement or reappointment in the Service, whichever is earlier. Fees for examinations under this provision, Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release,2 0O0 1 vQlA*RDPT8-O 21 A000600G10019-3 together with reasonable traveling and other expenses incurred in order to submit to examination, shall be paid out of the Fund. If the annuitant fails to submit to examination as required under this sec- tion, payment of the annuity shall be suspended until continuance of the disability is satisfactorily established. "(c) If a recovered disability annuitant whose annuity is discon- tinued is for any reason not reinstated or reappointed in the Service, he shall be considered to have been separated within the meaning of section 834 as of the date he was retired for disability and he shall, after the discontinuance of the disability annuity, be entitled to the benefits of that section or of section 841 (a) except that he may elect voluntary retirement in accordance with the provisions of section 636 if he can qualify under its provisions." (b) Section 831 of such Act is further amended by adding new paragraphs (d) and (e) which shall read as follows: "(d) No participant shall be entitled to receive an annuity under this Act and compensation for injury or disability to himself under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, covering the same period of time. This provision shall not bar the right of any claimant to the greater benefit conferred by either Act for any part of the same period of time. Neither this provision nor any provision of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, shall be so construed as to deny the right of any person to received an an- nuity under this Act by reason of his own services and to receive concurrently any payment under such Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, by reason of the death of any other person. "(e) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the right of any person entitled to an annuity under this Act shall not be affected because such person has received an award of compensation in a lump sum under section 14 of the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, except that where such annuity is payable on account of the same disability for which compensation under such section has been paid, so much of such compensation as has been paid for any period extended beyond the date such annuity becomes effective, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, shall be refunded to the De- partment of Labor, to be paid into the Federal Employees' Compen- sation Fund. Before such person shall receive such annuity he shall (1) refund to the Department of Labor the amount representing such computed payments for such extended period, or (2) authorize the deduction of such amount from the annuity payable to him under this Act, which amount shall be transmitted to such Department for reim- bursement to such Fund. Deductions from such annuity may be made from accrued and accruing payments, or may be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in such manner as the Secretary of Labor shall determine, whenever he finds that the financial circum- stances of the annuitant are such as to warrant such deferred refunding." Sic. 36. Section 832 of such Act is amended to read as follows : "Snc. 832. (a) In case a participant dies and no claim for annuity is payable under the provisions- of this Act, his contributions to the Fund, with interest at the rates prescribed in sections 841(a) and 881(a), shall be paid in the order of precedence shown in section 841(b). Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvg#jFor Release 200 O;9h'hivi(GI tDiP7$ 3721 A000600010019-3 "(b) If a participant who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852 (a) (2), clies before separation or retirement from the Service and is survived by a widow or a dependent widower, as defined in section 804, such widow or dependent widower shall be entitled to an annuity equal to 50 per centum of the annuity computed in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph (e) of this section and of section 821(a). The annuity of such widow or dependent widower shall commence on the date following death of the participant and shall terminate upon death of the widow or dependent widower, or upon the dependent widower's becoming capable of self-support. "(c) If a. participant who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Serv- ice and is survived by a wife or a husband and a child or children, each surviving child shall be entitled to an annuity computed in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 821(c) (1). The child's an- nuity shall begin and be terminated in accordance with the provisions of section 821(e). Upon the death of the surviving wife or husband or termination of the annuity of a child, the annuities of any remain- ing children shall be recomputed and paid as though such wife or husband or child had not survived the participant. "(d) If a participant who has at least five years of service credit toward retirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that is credited in accordance with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), dies before separation or retirement from the Serv- ice and is not survived by a wife or a husband, but by a child or chil- dren, each surviving child shall be entitled to an annuity computed in accordance with the provisions of section 821(c) (2). The child's annuity shall begin and terminate in accordance with the provisions of section 821(e). Upon termination of the annuity of a child, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recomputed and paid as though that child had never been entitled to the benefit. "(e) If, at the time of his or her death, the participant had less than twenty years of service credit toward retirement under the Sys- tem, the annuities payable in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of section 821 on the assumption he or she has had twenty years of service, but the additional service credit that may accrue to a deceased participant under this provision shall in no case exceed the difference between his or her age on the date of death and the mandatory retirement age ap- plicable to his or her class in the Service. In all cases arising under paragraphs (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section, it shall be assumed that the deceased participant was qualified for retirement on the date of his death." SEC. 37. A new section 834 is hereby added to such Act as follows : "DISCONTINUED SERVICE RETIREMENT "SEc. 834. (a) Any participant who voluntarily separates from the Service after obtaining at least five years of service credit toward re- tirement under the System, excluding military or naval service that Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release gtq#(11,,g)A-(gPJF8 99 721A0006 010019-3 is credited in: accordance, with the provisions of section 851 or 852(a) (2), may, upon separation from tie Service or. at any time prior to becoming eligible for an annuity, elect to have his contributions to the Fund returned to him in accordance with the provisions of section 841, or to leave his contributions in the Fund and receive: an annuity, computed as prescribed in section 821, commencing at the age of sixty. years. "(b) If a participant who has qualified in accordance with the pro- visions of paragraph (a) of this section to receive a deferred annuity commencing at the age of sixty dies before reaching the age of sixty his contributidns-to the Fund,with interest, shall be paid in accord- ance with the provisions of sections 841 and 881." SEC. 38. Section 841 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 841. (a) Whenever a participant becomes separated from the Service without becoming eligible for an annuity or a deferred annuity in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the total amount of contributions from his salary with interest thereon at 4 per centum per annum. compounded annually at the end of each fiscal year through June 30, 1960; semiannually as of December 31, 1960; an- nually thereafter as of December 31, and proportionately for the period served during the year of separation including all contribu- tions made during or for such period, except as provided in section 881, shall be returned to him. "(b) In the event that the total contributions of a retired partici- pant, other than voluntary contributions made in accordance with the provisions of section 881, with interest at 4 per centum per annum compounded annually as is provided in paragraph (a) of this section. added thereto exceed the total amount returned to such participant or to an annuitant claiming through him, in the form of annuities,: accumulated at the same rate of interest up `to the date the annuity payments cease under the terms of the annuity, the. excess of the. accumulated. contributions over the accumulated annuity payments shall be paid in the following order of precedence, upon the establish-. ment of a' valid claim therefor, and such payment shall be a bar to. recovery by anv other person "(1) To the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the retired participant in writing to the 9 1 ".(2) If there be no such beneficiary,.to the surviving wife or hus hand of such participant; "(3) If none of the above, to. the child or children of such-partici- pant and descendants of 'deceased children by representation; "(4) If none of the above, to the parents of such participant or the', survivor of them ; "(5) If none of the above, to the duly appointed executor or admin- istrator of the estate of such participant; "(6)' If none of the above, to the next of kin of such participant as may be determined by the Secretary in his judgment to be. legally entitled thereto. "(c) No payment shall bemade pursuant to, paragraph. (b) (6) of this section until. after the expiration of thirty days from the death of the retired participant or his surviving annuitant." Sra. 39. Section 851 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 851. For the purposes of this title, the period of service of a participant shall be computed from the effective date of appointment 91189-62-13 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approve or Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 TI3E FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 A8- a Foreign Service officer, or if appointed rior to July 1, 1924, as an officer or employee of the Diplomatic or Consular Service of, the United States, or from the date he becomes a participant under the provisions of this Act, as amended, but all pperiods of separation from the Service and so much of any leaves of absence without pay as may exceed sixmonths in the aggregate in any calendar year shall be ex- eluded, except leaves of absence while receiving benefits under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act of September 7, 1916; as amended, and leaves of absence granted participants?while perform- activeand honorable military or naval service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States." SEC. 40. (a) Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of section 852 of such Act are amended to read as follows : - _ .. _ ;' ' (1) A participant may, subject to the provisions of this section, include in his period of service-- "(1) civilian service in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Federal Government and in the District of Co- lumbia government, prior to becoming it participant; and A"(2) active and honorable military or naval, service in the rmy, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard of the United States. "(b) A person may obtain prior civilian service credit in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph (a) (1) of this section by mak- ing a special contribution to the Fund equal to 5 per centum of his basic annual salary for each year of service for which credit is sought subsequent to July 1, 1924, and prior to the effective date of the For- eign Service Act Amendments of 1960, and at 61/2 per centum there- after with interest compounded annually at 4 per centum per annum to the date of payment. Any such person may, under such conditions as `ma be determined in each ' instance by the Secretary, pay such special contributions in installments. "(c) (1) If an officer or employee under some other Government retirement system, becomes a participant in the System by direct transfer, such officer or employee's total contributions and deposits, including interest accrued thereon, except voluntary contributions, shall` be transferred to the Fund effective as of the date-such officer or employee becomes a participant in the System.. Each such officer or employee shall be deemed to consent to the transfer of such funds and such transfer shall be a complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands against the other Government retirement fund on account of service rendered prior to becoming a participant in the System. "(2) No officer or employee, whose contributions are transferred to the Fund in accordance with the Provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section shall be required to make contributions in addition to those transferred, for periods of service for which full contributions were made to the other Government retirement fund, nor shall any refund be madeto any such officer or employee on account of contribu- tions made 'during any period to the other Government retirement fund at a higher_ rate than that fixed by section 811 of this Act for Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release, g9O Milk-, F,PP8-P21 A000699 10019-3 "(3) No officer or employee, whose contributions are transferred to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of this section, shall receive credit for periods of service, subsequent to July 1, 1924, for which,a refund of contributions has been made, or for which no contributions were made to the other Government re- tirement fund. A participant -may, however, obtain credit for such prior set vice`by in't,king a special contribution to the Fund in accord- ance with-the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section." (b) Section 852 of such Act is further amended by adding at the pndthereof new paragraphs (d) and (e) which shall read as follows: "(d) No participant may obtain prior civilian service credit toward retirement under-the System for any period of civilian service on the ,Of which he is receiving or will in the future` be entitled to receive any annuity under another retirement system covering civilian person- nel of the Government. "(e) A participant may obtain prior military or naval service credit in accordance '.with the provisions of paragraph i (a) (2) of this sec- tion by applying for it to the Secretary prior to retirement or seppara- tion. from the Service:' However, in the case of a participant who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of military or naval service,' the period of service upon which such retired pay is based shall not be included, except that in the case of a participant who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of service-connected disability incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States or caused by an instrumentality of war and incurred in line of duty during a period of war (as that term is used in chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code), or is awarded under chapter 67 of title 10 of the CTnitedStates Code, the period of such military or naval service shall be included No contributions to the Fund shall be required in con- nection with military or naval service credited to a' participant in accordancewith the provisions of paragraph (a) (2) of this section." 'SEC. 41. Such. Act is amended by adding after section 854 .a'new. section as follows:, tem, who retired prior to July 28, 1956, and who at the time of Isis retirement-had creditable service in excess of thirty years, shall be recomputed .on the basis of actual years of creditable service not in excess of thirty-five years. Service which was not creditable under the System on the date a former participant retired, shall not be in- cluded as creditable service for the purpose of this recomputation. The annuities payable to such persons shall, when recomputed, be paid at the rates so determined, but no such recomputation or any other action taken pursuant to this section shall ? operate to reduce the rate of the annuity any such person is entitled to receive under the System." SEC. 42. The heading "Part H=OFFICERS REINSTATED IN THE SERVICE" under title VIII of such Act is. amended to read as, follows: "PART H-ANNUITANTS RECALLED, REINSTATED OR REAPPOINTED Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvefor Relea2p919/,sjv1PAc E?7?493721 A000600010019-3 SEC. 43. Section 871 of such Act is amended and a heading is added thereto as follows : SEC. 871. Any annuitant recalled to duty in the Service in accord- ance with the provisions of section 520 (b) or reinstated. or reappointed in accordance with the provisions of section 831(b) shall, while so serving, be entitled in lieu of his annuity to the full salary of the class in which he is serving. During such service, he shall make contribu- tions to the Fund in accordance with the provisions of section 811. When he reverts to his retired status,, his annuity shall be determined anew in accordance with the provisions of section 821." Sm. 44. A new section 872 is hereby added to such Act as follows: "REEMPLOYMENT "SEC. 872. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any officer or employee of the Service, who has retired under this Act, as amended, and is receiving an annuity pursuant thereto, and who is reemployed in the Federal Government service in any appointive posi- tion either on a part-time or full-time basis, shall be entitled to receive the salary of the position in which lie is serving plus so much of his annuity payable under this Act, as amended, which when combined with such salary does not exceed during any calendar year the basic salary such officer or employee was entitled to receive under sections 412 or 415 of the Act, as amended, on the date of his retirement from the Service. Any such reemployed officer or employee who receives salary during any calendar year in excess of the maximum amount which lie may be entitled to receive under this paragraph shall be en titled to such salary in lieu of benefits hereunder. "(b) When any such retired officer or employee of the-Service is re employed, the employer shall send a notice to the Department of State of such reemployment together with all pertinent information relat-, ing thereto and shall cause to be paid, by transfer or otherwise, to the Department of. State funds necessary to cover gross salary, employer contributions, and gross lump sum leave payment relating to the em- ployment of the reemployed officer or employee. The Department of State shall: make to and on behalf of the reemployed officer or em- ployee payments to which he is entitled under the provisions of para- graph (a), of this section, and shall make those withholding and de- ductions authorized and required by law. "(c) In the event. of any overpayment under this section: the Secre- tary of State is authorized to withhold the amount of such overpay- ment from the salary payable to such reemployed officer or employee or from his annuity." SEC. 45. (a) So much of paragraph (a) of section 881 of such Act as precedes subparagraph (1) thereof is amended to read as follows: "(a) Any participant may, at his option and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President, deposit additional sums in multiples of 1 per centum of his basic salary, but. not in excess of 10 per centum of such. salary, which amounts together with interest at 13 per centum per annum, compounded annually at the end of each fiscal year through June 30, 1960; semiannually as of December 31, 1960; annually thereafter as of December 31, and proportionately for the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2O%%1 1 s, W7 -q;7 1A00060 %10019-3 period served during the year of his retirement, including all con- tributions made during or for such period, shall, at the date of his re- tirement and at his election, be-''. (b) Paragraph (c) of section 881 of such Act is amended by delet- ing the word "annually" and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase "as is provided in paragraph (a) of this section", and by changing the words "withdrawal from active service" at the end of such paragraph to "separation from the Service". SE c. 46. Section 912 of such Act is amended by changing the head- ing thereto to read "LOAN OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT" and by inserting between the words "with household" the word "basic" and by inserting between the words "household equipment" the phrase "furnishings and". SEC. 47. Section 913 of such Act and the heading thereto is amended to read as follows : "TRANSPORTATION OP MOTOR VEHICLES "SEC. 913. The Secretary may, notwithstanding. the provisions or any other law, transport for or on behalf of an officer or employee of the Service, a privately owned motor vehicle in any case in which lie shall determine that water, rail, or air transportation of the motor vehicle is necessary or expedient for all or any part of the distance between points of origin and destination. Not, more than one motor, vehicle of any such officer or einployee may be. transported under authority of this section during any four-year period, except that, as a replacement for such motor vehicle, one additional motor vehicle of, any such officer or employee may be so transported during such period upon approval, in advance, by the Secretary and upon a deterinina-. tion, in advance, by the Secretary that such replacement is necessary for reasons beyond the control of the officer or employee and is in the interest. of the Government. After the expiration of a period of four, years following the date of transportation under authority of th is sec-; tion of a privately owned motor vehicle of any officer or employee who has remained in continuous service outside the continental United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii) during such period, the trans- portation of 9, replacement for such motor vehicle for such officer or employee may be authorized by the Secretary in accordance with this; section." SEC. 48. (a) Section 1021 of such Act is amended by inserting the phrase "the Department including" immediately prior to the phrase "the Service" wherever it appears in this section. (b) Section 1021 (a) is further- amended by striking out the phrase "if recommended by the Director General" and inserting in lieu there: of the phrase "at the discretion of the Secretary". SEc. 49. Section 4 of the Foreign Service Buildings Act, 1926, as amended (22 U.S.C. 295), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection : "(c) For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to. amounts previously authorized, an amount not to, exceed $10,000,000, which shall remain available until expended." Six. 50. Section 11 of the Act of August 1, 1956 .(70 Stat.,890),is hereby amended by inserting after the phrase "Government-owned 9 11 89--- 62-14 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv,For Releg?g ;PaWQ91J,icC.IRRP17A$03721AO00600010019-3 vehicles" the phrase "or taxicabs", and by inserting after the phrase "public transportation facilities" the phrase "other than taxicabs". SEC. 51. Paragraph (4) of section 104(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 104(a) (4)) (relating to the exclusion from gross income of compensation for injuries and sickness) is hereby amended to read as follows : "(4) amounts received as a pension, annuity, or similar allow- ance for personal injuries or sickness resulting from active service in the armed forces of any country or in the Coast and Geodetic Survey or the Public Health Service, or as a disability annuity payable under the provisions of section 831 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1081; 60 Stat. 1021)." SEC. 52. The following headings and sections in the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, are hereby repealed : (1) Section 442 of such Act and the heading thereto. (2) Section 525 of such Act and the heading thereto. ,( 3) Section 576 of such Act and the heading thereto. (4) Section 577 of such Act and the heading thereto. SEC. 53. Any person who occupies a position in the Department of "State to which he was appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, at the time that he was an active Foreign Service officer, and who while holding this position has retired for age as a Foreign Service officer, and who on the effective date of this section, continues to hold such position is hereby reinstated, effec- tive as of the date of such retirement, to active status as a Foreign Service officer and shall be entitled to all the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, as though he had never retired. SEC. 54. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, existing rules and. regulations of or applicable to the Foreign Service of the United States shall remain in effect until revoked or rescinded or until modi- fied or superseded by regulations made in accordance with the provi- sions of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended by this Act, unless clearly inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or the pro- visions so amended. SEC. 55. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any For- eign Service staff officer who accepted an appointment as a Foreign Service Reserve officer in the Department of State during the period beginning September 1, 1958, and ending December 31, 1958, both dates inclusive, shall not be separated from the Foreign Service be fore the expiration of his on inal appointment as a Foreign Service Reserve officer, except as authorized by section 637 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended. SEC. 56. (a) The provisions of this Act shall become effective as of the first day of the first pay period which begins more than thirty days after the date of enactment of this Act, except as provided in paragraph (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section, and except as other- wise provided in the text of this Act. (b) (1) The provisions of paragraph (c) (1) of section 803 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended by section 31(b) of this Act, shall become effective on the first day of the first month which begins more than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, except that any Foreign Service staff officer or employee, who at the time this Act; becomes effective meets the requirements for participation in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System, may elect to be- Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Releasq p 14qM R -F Po ,8I9A721A0006A9010019-3 come a participant in the System before the mandatory provisions become effective. Such Foreign Service staff officers and employees shall become participants effective on the first day of the second month following the date of their application for earlier participation. (2) The provisions of paragraph (c) (2) of section 803 of the For- eign Service Act of 1946, as amended by section 31(b) of this Act, shall become effective on the first day of the first month which begins more than three years after the date of enactment of this. Act. (c) The amendment made by section 33 of this Act, with respect to a contribution to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund to be made by the Department, shall become effective July 1, 1961. (d) The amendment made by section 41 of this Act shall take effect on the first day of the first month which begins more than thirty days after the date of enactment of this Act. (e) The amendment made by section 51 of this Act shall be effec- tive with respect to taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act. Approved September 8,1960. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721AO00600010019-3 INDEX Page "Abroad," definition_____________________________________ 121(7) 2 Agreements, international. (See International agreements.) Alien clerks and employees: Appointments--------------------------------------- 541 Assignments and transfers____________________________ 542 Category of----------------------------------------- 401(5) Classification of positions_____________________________ 441, 444 Promotions----------------------------------------- 661 17 17 5 10, 11 26 Salary provisions____________________________________ 417,444 8, 11 Separation from service: Misconduct or malfeasance_______________________ 663 Unsatisfactory performance of duty---------------- 662 Allowances: Objectives of---------------------------------------- 111(7) Representation of United States_______________________ 901 Ambassadors, career. (See Career ambassadors.) Amendments to Foreign Service Act of 1946: Public laws amending or affecting, listed. (See Appendix.) Annual leave. (See under Leave.) Annuitants : Definition of---------------------------------------- 804 Reemployed----------------------------------------- 872 Annuities : Children's------------------------------------------ 821(c). 32 Computation---------------------------------------- 821 32 Computation of length of service---------------------- 851-854 37-40 Death in service_____________________________________ 832 35 Deferred annuities_____________________________ 634(b), 637(b) 23, 25 Disabled employees, annuities for---------------------- 831 33 Participants not Foreign Service officers at time of retire- ment--------------------------------------------- 833 36 Prior service credit__________________________________ 852 38 Recomputing of____________________________________ 855, 1112 40, 55 Reduced annuity with annuity for surviving spouse ------ 821(b) 32 Reduced annuity with annuity for designated beneficiary- 821(f) 33 Reemployed annuitants, annuity of -------------------- 872 41 Appointments: Alien clerks and employees___________________________ 541 17 Ambassadors: Presidential____________________________ 501 (a) 11 Appointment or assignment of chief of mission ---------- 519 14 Consular agents_____________________________________ 551 17 Foreign Service Institute: Director---------------------------------------- 702 27 Faculty and staff-------------------------------- 704(a) 28 Noncitizens ------------------------------------- 704(c) 29 Foreign Service officers: Appointment to class 7 or 8_______________________ 516 13 Appointment to classes 1 to 7--------------------- 517 13 Presidential -------------------------------------- 511 12 Probationary period_____________________________ 635 24 Recess appointment______________________________ 432(b) 10 Foreign Service Reserve officers: Appointment to class---------------------------- 523 15 Qualifications ----------------------------------- 522 14 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721AO00600010019-3 Approved or Relea*ft,2QQJPWI RN pTQ 7 3721 A000600010019-3 Appointments-Continued Section Page Foreign Service staff officers and employees____________ _ 531 16 Ministers: Presidential_______________________________ 501(a) 11 Appropriations : Authorization for____________________________________ 1071 52 Foreign Service retirement and disability fund ----------- 861 40 Funds for fiscal 1947, for purposes of 1946 m A D t t f i t f 1122 55 y, r men epar o , ass gnmen o personnel to Foreign Service-------------------------------------------------------- 17 Assignments: Alien clerks and employees _-_--______________________.- 542 17 Compulsory service in United States --------------------- 572 19 Conferences and congresses ---------------------------- . 574 19 Foreign governments ----------------------------------- 575 19 Foreign Service Institute________________________ 704(b), 704(c) 28 Foreign Service officers_______________________ 514,571,573-578 12, 18 20 Foreign Service Reserve officers ----------- 522, 523 571 573 578 , , - 14--20 Foreign Service staff officers and employees ----- 532 571 573- 578 16, 1 Government agencies______________________________ 571, 573(a) 8--20 18,19 International organizations---------------------------- 571 18 Nongovernmental institutions and organizations---------. 573(b) 19 Presidential ------------------------------------------ 501(b) 12 Salaries______________________________________ 571 (c) and (d) 18 Special duties --------------------------------------- , 574 19 Attachment of moneys in Foreign Service retirement and dis-? ability fund: Provisions ________________________________. 864 40 Attorneys, authorization to retain -------------------------- 1031 51 Authority of the Secretary ---------------------------- 301, 302, 303 4 B Beneficiaries -------------------------------------------- . 841(b) 37 Benefits, Retirement. (See under Retirement; Retirement and disability fund; Retirement and disability system; Selection- out ) . Board of Examiners: Entrance examinations for Foreign Service officer candi- dates ______________________________________ 212(a),516,517 3,13 Loyalty of candidates to United States and Constitution, responsibility for____________________________ 212(a), 516, 517 3, 13 Membership---------------------------------------- 212(b) 3 Board of the Foreign Service: Duties and responsibilities____________________________ 211(b) 3 Establishment of selection boards for performance evalua- tion ---------------------------------------------- 623 21 Hearings for separation from service for: Cause------------------------------------------- 637 24 Unsatisfactory performance of duty________________ 637 24 List of qualified officers furnished to President---------- 502 12 Membership---------------------------------------- 211(a) 3 Bonds, for true and faithful performance of duty: Deposit of------------------------------------------ 1011 50 Validity of ------------------------------------------- 1121 55 Building inspectors, assignment of Army and Navy personnel--------- 17 Business abroad, engagement in, prohibition--------------- 1003 49 Career ambassadors: Appointments: Presidential_____________________________________ 501(a) 11 Qualifications-------------------------------- 502(a), 518 12, 14 Inclusion in 10 classes of Foreign Service officers-------- 412 5 Retirement of_______________________________________ 631 22 Salary rate------------------- --------------------- 412 5 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For ReleaseA0pdp9WG'1 sEERPI-Q47621A0006qqQ10019-3 Career ministers: Appointments: Section Page Presidential_____________________________________ 501(a) 11 Qualifications________________________________ 502(a)518 12,14 Inclusion in 10 classes of Foreign Service officers--------- 412 51 Reinstatement of former Foreign Service officers serving as chief of mission on November 13, 1946_____________ 1101 53 Retirement of--------------------------------------- 631 22 Salary rate----------------------------------------- 412 5 Categories of personnel___________________________________ 401 4 Cause, separation for_____________________________________ 637 24 Charges d'affaires ad interim, salary provisions-------------- 421 Chiefs of mission: Acceptance of gifts to United States or political subdivi- sion---------------------------------------------- 1002 49 Appointment and assignment____________________ 501(a), 502(b) 11, 12 Category of----------------------------------------- 401(1) 4 Definition------------------------------------------ 121(9) 2 Participants in retirement and disability system--------- 803 (b) 30 Reassignment--------------------------------------- 519 14 Reinstatement of former Foreign Service officers--------- 1101 53 Retirement of ------------------------------------ 519, 821(a) 14, 32 Salary: Classification rates_______________________________ 411 5 Time of receiving________________________________ 431 9 Citizenship requirements: Foreign Service officers_______________________________ 515 13 Foreign Service Reserve officers_______________________ 522 14 Foreign Service staff officers and employees------------- 534 17 Classification (see also Salaries) : Act of November 26, 1940, exemption from application of parts of title II____________________________________ 446 11 Alien clerks and employees, salary schedule------------- 441, 444 10, 11 Classes 1-7, qualifications for admission to______________ -517 13 Class 7 or 8, qualifications for admission to_____________ 516 13 "Classified grades," meaning__________________________ 1064 52 Consular agents------------------------------------- 441,445 10,11 Foreign Service officers : Classes and salaries, listed ------ 412 5 Foreign Service Reserve officers ----------------------- - 523 15 Foreign Service staff officers and employees_____________ 441 10 Position classification, responsibility for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 441 10 Transfer from old classes I-VIII to new classes 1-6 ------ 1102(a) 53 Classification Act of 1949, as amended, appointment of Foreign Service Institute personnel ------------------------------- 704(a) 28 Codification of provisions of law into one Foreign Service Act--- 111(9) 2 Commissary service for Government personnel abroad -------- 921 45 Commissions as diplomatic or consular officers---------- 512, 524, 533 12, 15,17 Comparable position _-_---------------------------------- 502 12 Compensation. (See. Salaries.) Compulsory service in United States for Foreign Service officers ----------------------------------------------- 572 19 Computation of annuities: Length of service____________________________________ 851 37 Persons not Foreign Service officers at time of retirement- 833 36 Procedure------------------------------------------ 821 32 Recomputing of_____________________________ ______ 855, 1112 .40, 55 Conferences and congresses, domestic or international, assign- ment of Foreign Service personnel -------- .---------------- - 574 19 Consul general, bonds for true and faithful performance of duty----------------------------------------------- 1011, 1121 50,55 Consul or vice consul: Bonds, for faithful performance of duty, deposit and va- lidity of----------------------------------------- -1011, 1121 50,55 Commissioning of Foreign Service staff officers as-------- - 533 17 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvggq;For Rele 3QQA( 9tllli(:QI tpp7 3721 A000600010019-3 Consular agents: Section Page Appointment---------------------------------------- 551 17 "Category of------------------------------------ ---- 401(6) 5 'Classification of position ------------------------------ 441, 445 10,11 'Salary provisions____________________________________ 418, 445 8, 11 Separation from -service ------------------------------- 671 27 'Consular districts, limits of_______________________________ 513 1.2 Consulates general or consulates, salary provisions for officers in charge--------------------------------------------- 422 9- Consultation with any Government agency ----------------- 573(a) 19 "Continental United States", definition--------------------- 121(6) 2 Continuance in force of existing rules, regulations, and Execu- tive orders____________________________________________ 1135 61 Contributions to Foreign Service retirement and disability fund: Compulsory----------------------------------------- 811 31 Order of precedence for payment----------------------- 841(b) 37 Return of______________________________________ 832, 834, 841 35, 36, 37 Voluntary, limitations and options_____________________ 881 41 Correspondence on affairs of foreign governments, prohibition of--------------------------------------------------- 1004(a) 49 Couriers, assignment of Army and Navy personnel----------- 17 Credit. (See Service credit toward retirement.) Custodians, assignment of Navy and Marine personnel------- 17 D Date, effective of 1946 act________________________________ 1141 61 Death in service, payment of annuities--------------------- 832 35 Definitions of terms used in act: Annuitants------------------------------------------ 804 31 Abroad-------------------------------------- ------ 121(7) 2 Chief of mission -------------- .----------------------- 121(9) 2 Continental United States ---------------------------- 121(6) 2 Department----------------------------------------- 121(3) 2 Efficiency record------------------------------------- 601(1) 20 Efficiency report_____________________________________ 601(2) 20 Government________________________________________ 121(5) 2 Government agency__________________________________ 121(4) 2 Principal officer -------------------------------------- 121(8) 2 Secretary------------------------------------------- 121(2) 2 Service --------------------------------------------- 121(1) 2 "Department," definition --------------------------------- 121(3) 2 Departmental personnel, detail to Foreign Service Institute faculty or staff---------------------------------------- 704(c) 28 Dependents of Foreign Service personnel: Physical examinations and inoculations----------------- 943 48 Travel expenses: Post of duty, to and from----- 911(2), 911(6), 911(7), 911(10) 43, 44 Differentials in salary rates_______________________________ 10 Director General of Foreign Service: Appointment---------------------------------------- 201 2 Functions and duties --------------------------------- 201 2 Responsibilities in connection with efficiency records----- 611, 622 20, 21 Director of Foreign Service Institute: Appointment ----------------------------------------- 702 27 Duties -------------------------------------------- 702, 704(d) 27,28 Disability or incapacity, retirement benefits- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 831 33 Discrimination, political, racial, religious, or color, prohibition of--------------------------------------------------- 1005 49 Duties of Foreign Service officers. (See under Foreign Service officers.) E Effective date of 1946 act_________________________________ 1141 61 Effective rules and regulations of Foreign Service, effective until revoked or rescinded ------------------------------- 1135 61 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 0 'c1 sE QJArR 'ir 7O-Q 21 A0006QQ910019-3 Efficiency records: Section Page Availability for inspection__________________ _________ 612 20 Definition__________________________________________ 601(1) 20 Responsibility for keeping ---------------------------- 611 20 Efficiency reports, definition______________________________ 601(2) 20 Eligibility for promotion__________________________ 622, 624, 641, 661 21, 25, 26 Endowments and gifts to Foreign Service Institute---------- 706 29 Examinations, entrance: Responsibility for--------- 212(a), 516, 517 3, 13 Examinations, physical. (See Physical examinations.) Examiners Board of (See Board of Examiners ) , . . Executive orders: Compliance with, by Foreign Service officers ------------ 301 4 Continuance in force, notwithstanding provisions of act -- 1135 61 Exemption from parts of act of November 26, 1940---------- 446 11 Exemptions from taxation, gross income-------------------- 1051 52 F Family members. (See Dependents.) First-aid stations at certain posts--------------------------- 942(b) 48 Foreign governments: Assignment of Foreign Service personnel to------------- 575 19 Prohibition of Foreign Service officer recommendations for employment of personnel ------------------------- 1004(b) 49 Titles or presents to Foreign Service personnel, prohibition of----------------------------------------------- 1002 49 Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended: Amendments to. (See Public laws and appendix.) Headings of titles, parts, and sections, for convenience 1063 52 Invalid provisions, effect on other provisions------------ 1062 52 Liberal-construction clause____________________________ 1061 52 Provisions of act of July 3, 1946, effect on --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1064 52 Short title__________________________________________ 101 1 Foreign Service Board. (See Board of the Foreign Service.) Foreign Service Institute: Aid to nonprofit institutions__________________________ 703 28 Appointment, assignment or detail to faculty or staff ----- 704(a)- 28 704(d) 28 Appointment of noncitizens___________________________ 704(e) 29 Details of personnel from Foreign Service, Department, and other Government agencies -------- 704(b), 704(c), 704(d) 28 Director, appointment and duties---------------------- 702 27 Endowments and gifts to ------------------------------ 706 29 Establishment_______________________________________ 701 27 Functions ------------------------------------------ 701 27 Real property, acquisition of__________________________ 707 29 F i l ore gn anguages: Incentive awards for proficiency_______________________ 704(f) 29 Prerequisite for certain positions----------------------- 578 20 Training-------------------------------------------- 578,701 20,27 F i S i f th U it d St t gn ore erv ce o e n e es : a Delegation of authority -------------------------------------- 52 Gifts to, conditional and unconditional, regulations--_--_ 1021 F i f D f S h 50 unct ons, trans er to epartment o tate from ot er agencies------------------------------------------ 111(3) 1 Foreign Service officers: Allotment for official residences of principal representa- tives at post----------------------------------------------- 42 Ambassadors (S e Career ambas adors ) ti . e . s Appointment---------------------------------------- 511 12 Category of----------------------------------------- 401(2) 4 Charge d'Affaires ad interim, salary provisions---------- 421 8 Chiefs of mission. (See Chiefs of mission.) Citizenship requirements_____________________________ 515 13 Classification of positions. (See Classification.) Commissions as diplomatic or consular officers ---------- 512 12 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 ApprovgcJ For Releafjg 2Q 11viSSlAcFPP73r93721AOOO6OOO1OO19-3 Foreign Service officers-Continued section Page Compulsory assignment in United States--------------- 572 19 Consulates general or consulates, salary provisions for officers in charge of-------------------------------- - 422 9 Inspectors, assignment or detailed as------------------- 681 27 Ministers. (See Career ministers.) Presidential appointments and assignments------------- 501(b) 12 Principal officer, definition-------------------- ------ 121(8) 2 Probationary status--------------------------------- 531, 635 16,24 P ti (S P ti ) romo ons. ee romo on. Reappointment or reinstatement------------- 520(a), 831(b), 871 14, 33 41 Reemployment----------------------------------- 520(c), 872 , 14, 41 Recall------------------------------------------- 520(b), 871 14,41 Retirement. (See Retirement.) Salaries. (See Salaries.) Selection-out. (See Selection-out, Separation.) Separation. (See Separation.) Training. (See Training assignments.) Transfer from old classes to new (see also Sec. 16 of Public Law 84-828) -------------------------------------- 1102 53 Transfers------------------------------------------- 514 12 Foreign Service Officer positions------------------------ 441(b), 578 10, 20 Foreign Service Reserve officers: Annual and sick leave: Entitlements of Reserve officers -- 934 46 Category of----------------------------------------- 401(3) 5 Citizenship requirements- - --------------------------- 522 14 Cl ification (S Cla ification ) . ee . ass ss Commissions as diplomatic or consular officers---------- 524 15 Establishment of Reserve----------------------------- 521 14 Promotion. (See Promotions.) Reappointment and reassignment---------------------- 527 1.6 Reinstatement-------------------------------------- 528 1.6 Salaries. (See Salaries.) Separation. (See Separation.) Transfers------------------------------------------- 523 15 Foreign Service retirement and disability fund, (See Retire- ment and disability fund, Foreign Service.) Foreign Service retirement and disability system. (See Retire- ment and disability system, Foreign Service.) Foreign Service staff officers and employees: Category of----------------------------------------- 401(4) 5. Citizenship requirement------------------------------ 534 17 Classification. (See Classification.) Commission as consul or vice consul------------------- 533 17 Probationary period--------------------------------- 531 16 Promotion. (See Promotions.) Retirement. (See Retirement.) Salaries. (See Salaries.) Separation. (See Separation.) Training. (See Training assignments.) Transfer from old classes to new----------------------..------- 7' Transfers------------------------------------------- 532 16 Fund. (See Retirement and disability fund, Foreign Service.) Furniture, household goods, and personal effects, transporta- tion and storage----- 911(3), 911(4), 911(5), 911(6), 911(7) ----------- 43, 4:4 Gifts to Foreign Service: Conditional and unconditional------------------------ 1021 50 Endowments and gifts to Foreign Service Institute- - - --- 706 29 Presents or titles from foreign governments, prohibition of _ 1002 4:9 Real or tangible personal property--------------------- 1021(d) 51 "Go vernment," definition--------------------------------- 121(5) 2 "Go vernment agency," definition--.------------------------ 121(4) 2 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721AO00600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000M MI satAiRRP7S-0370 A0006 10019-3 Government agencies and other Government establishments: Section Page Activities of Foreign Service, coordination with---------- 201 2 Assignment of Foreign Service officers to: Detail to, for consultation------------------- 571(a), 573(a) 18, 19 Length of detail--------------------------------- 571(a) 18 Salaries payment-------------------------------- 571(d) 18 Duties and functions of Foreign Service toward--------- 311 4 Representatives on Board of Foreign Service ------------ 211 3 Governing Bodies for direction of Foreign Service: Boards. (See Board of Examiners; Board of the Foreign Service.) Officers: Deputy Director General. (See Sec. 202, repealed by Public Law 73 (81st Cong.).) Director General. (See Director General of Foreign Headings of titles, parts, and sections of act---------------- 1063 52 Hearings for separation from service----------------------- 637 24 Home leave, travel expenses------------------------------ 911(1) 43 Hospitalization. (See Medical expenses.) Household equipment, on loan basis----------------------- 912 44 Household goods, furniture, and personal effects, transportation and storage----------------- 911(3), 911(4), 911(5), 911(6), 911(7) 43,44 I Incapacity or disability, retirement benefits----------------- 831 33 Incentives for language proficiency or special abilities-------- 704(f) 29 In-class promotions. (See under Promotions.) Income taxes on gross incomes, exclusion from-------------- 1051 52 Inoculations and vaccinations: Cost of administering-------------------------------- 943 48 Dependents----------------------------------------- . 943 48 Institute, Foreign Service. (See Foreign Service Institute.) Inspections: Authority of inspectors ------------------------------- 681. 27 Detail of Foreign Service officers---------------------- 681. 27 Diplomatic and consular posts, every 2 years------------ 681 27 Inspectors, building, assignment of Army and Navy personnel-- 17 Institutions, nonprofit, aid from Foreign Service Institute- - _ - 703 28 International agreements: Compliance with, by Foreign Service personnel---------- 301 4 Duties of Service toward----------------------------- 201 2 International organizations, assignment of Foreign Service personnel to------------------------------------------- 571 is Invalid provisions of Foreign Service Act of 1946, effect on other provisions--------------------------------------- 1062 52 Investment of moneys in Foreign Service retirement and dis- abilityfund ------------------------------------------- . 863 40 La L nguages,foreign ---------------------------------_--- 500, 578 11,20 Le ave: Application of Annual and Sick Leave Act-------------- 936 47 Career Minister------------------------------------- 936 47 Leaves of absence, in computation of length of service---- 851 37 Statutory leave after 18-month absence---------------- 933 46 Reserve officers------------------------------------- 934 46 Transfer of leave------------------------------------- 934, 935 46,47 Li beral-construction clause of Foreign Service Act of 1946----- 1061 52 Li st of officers qualified for appointment as career minister, career ambassador, or chief of mission-------------------- 502 12 Lo an of household furnishings and equipment--------------.- 912 44 Lo yalty requirements: Applicants for Foreign Service officer positions---.------------------------------------ 212(a), 516, 517 3, 13r Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approvq#)For Rele 2QN&9111vFcQI QP7A.603721A000600010019-3 Mandatory retirement, temporary provisions---------------- 1111 54 Marine Corps, assignment of personnel to Foreign Service------------- 1.7 Medical-services: Dependents_________________________________________ 941, 943 47,48 Expenses of treatment________________________________ 941 4:7 First aid stations and nurses__________________________ 942(b) 4:8 Physical examinations and inoculations----------------- 943 48 Travel. (See Travel.) Mess. (See Commissary service for Government personnel abroad.) Military or naval service: Active, retirement credit for_______ 852, 854 38, 40 Ministers, career. (See Career ministers.) Misconduct or malfeasance_________________________ 637, 663, 671(b) 24,27 Motor vehicles, transportation of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 913 44 N Navy, Department of, assignment of personnel to Foreign Service------------------------------------------------------- Nongovernmental institutions and organizations, assignment of Foreign Service personnel to__________________________ 573(b) 0 Objectives of Foreign Service_____________________________ 111 1 Official residences of principal American representatives at post, allotment for--------------------------------------------------- 42 Personnel: Appointments and assignments. (See Appointments; As- signments.) Categories__________________________________________ 401 4 Detail to Foreign Service Institute faculty or staff------- 704(b), 28 704(c), 704(d) 28 Prohibition of Foreign Service officer recommendations for foreign government employment--------------------- 1004 (b) 49 Records, availability for inspection -------------------- 612 20 Salaries. (See Salaries.) Transfer of, to new classification_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1103 53 Physical examinations: Applicants and/or their dependents---------------- 516, 517, 943 13, 48 Disability or incapacity______________________________ 831(b) 33 Employees and dependents___________________________ 943 48 Principal officer, definition________________________________ 121(8) 2 Probationary periods for staff employees____________________ 531 16 Probationary status, FSO-7 and FSO--8-------------------- 635 24 Prohibitions : Correspondence re foreign governments_________________ 1004(a) 49 Discriminations, political, racial, religious, or color ------- 1005 49 Engagement in business abroad_______________________ 1003 49 Gifts from foreign governments________________________ 1002 49 Recommendations for employment of persons to foreign governments______________________________________ 1004(b) 49 Uniforms, except as authorized by law ----------------- 1001 49 Promotions: Alien clerks and employees___________________________ 661 26 Foreign Service of&cers_______________ 432(c), 621, 622, 623, 1104 10, 21, 54 Foreign Service Reserve officers---------------------- 624, 1104 21,54 Foreign Service staff officers and employees ------------ 641, 1104 25, 54 Recess--------------------------------------------- 432(c) 10 Recommendations for-------------------------------- 623 21 Transfer from old classification to new (see also Sec. 16 of Public Law 84-828) ---------------------- 1102(c), 1103, 1104 53, 54 Within-class salary increases-------------------------- 625, 642 22,26 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 A410019-3 Approved For ReleaseA09ffl 'k1 8-E9j#ERPFZP-9~4721A0006G Public laws, amending or affecting Public Law 724: List. section Page (See Appendix.) ----------------------------------------------- 65 R Real property for Foreign Service Institute, acquisition of---- 707 29 Reappointment or reinstatement of officers-------- 520(a), 831(b), 871 14, 33, 41 Reassignment of officers---------------------------------- 519 14 Recall of officers-------------------------------------- 520(h), 871 14,41 Recommendations for employment by foreign governments--- 1004(b) 49 Recreation----------------------------------------------- 921 45 Reemployment of officers------------------------------ 520(c), 872 14,41 Regulations and rules: Authority for prescribing----------------------------- 302, 303 4 Continuance in force--------------------------------- 1135 61 Delegation of authority to prescribe-------------------- 303 4 Reinstatement of Reserve officers-------------------------- 528 16 Remains of officers and family members who die abroad, ex- penses------------------------------------------------ 911(8) 44 Repeal of particular statutes, listed----------- 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134 55, 60 61 Reports to Congress: Foreign Service retirement and disability fund - - - - - - _ - - - 862 , 40 Representation abroad, allowance for---------------------- 901 42 Reserve officers. (See Foreign Service Reserve officers.) Rest and recuperation------------------------------------ 911(9) 44 Retirement: Benefits-------------------------------------------- 519, 14, 631, 632, 633, 634, 636, 637, 821, 831, 832, 833, 834, 841 22-24, 32-37 Career ambassadors---------------------------------- 631 22 Career ministers------------------------------------- 631 22 Chiefs of mission------------------------------------ 519 14 Classes 1-3----------------------------------------- 634(a) 23 Classes 4-7----------------------------------------- 634(b) 23 Extension of services in the public interest-------------- 631, 632 22 Participants not career ambassadors or career ministers -- 632 22 Participants separated for cause----------------------- 637 24 FS officers who are chiefs of mission-------------- --- 519 14 FS staff officers and employees------------------------ 803(c) 30 Mandatory, temporary provision------- ------------- 1111 54 Voluntary, with benefits------------------------------ 636 24 Retirement and disability fund, Foreign Service: Annuitants. (See Annuitants.) Appropriations, annual: Estimate of needs------------------------------- 861 40 Evaluation of, every 5 years---------------------- 861 40 Attachments of moneys in---------------------------- 864 40 Contributions: Compulsory------------------------------------- 811 31 Return of: Classes 4, 5, 6, and 7------------------------ 634(b)(2) 23 In excess of annuity payments---------------- 841(b) 37 Misconduct--------------------------------- 637 24 Noneligibility on length of service------------- 841(a) 37 Unsatisfactory performance of duty ------------ 637 881 24 41 Voluntary ------------------------------------- _ Investment of moneys in fund------------------------ 863 40 Maintenance of------------------------------------- 802 30 Recomputing of annuities---------------------------- 1112 55 Reca lled, reappointed, or reemployed officers, status of- - - - - - - 871 41 Rep ort to Congress on condition of fund------------------- 862 40 i R m Forei n Service: st d di bilit t et , g sa y sy e an remen Administration of------------------------------------ 801(b) 30 Death in service______________________________ ---- 832 35 Disability or incapacity------------------------------ 831 33 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approv94,For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACT OF 1946 Retirement and disability system Foreign Service-Continued section Page Participants---------------------------------------- 803 30 Rules and regulations, authority to prescribe------------ 801(a) 29 Service credit toward retirement: Military or naval service, active------------------- 852, 854 38, 40 Prior Government service------------------------- 852 38 Unhealthful posts------------------------------- 853 39 Salaries: Alien clerks and employees--------- ---------------- 417, 444 8, 11 Career ambassadors and career ministers--------------- 412 5 Charge d'affaires ad interim---------------------------- 421 8 Chiefs of mission------------------------------------ 411, 431 5, 9 Consular agents------------------------------------- 418,445 8,11 Differentials---------------------------------------- ------ 10 Foreign Service Institute faculty and personnel---------- 704(a) 28 Foreign Service officers-------------------------------- 412E432 5,9 Foreign Service Reserve officers ------------ 414 (b), (c), 432, 528 6, 9, 54 Foreign Service staff officers and employees-------- 415, 432, 1105 7, 9, 54 Objectives------------------------------------------ 111(7) 1 Officers temporarily in charge of consulates general or consulates ----------------------------------------- 422 9 Personnel assigned pursuant to section 571(a)-(c) -------- 571(d) 18 Retirement deductions from-------------------------- 811 31 Time of receiving---------------------------------- 431, 432 9 Transfer of Foreign Service officers to new rates (see also see. 16 of Public Law 84-828) ----------------------- 1102(b) 53 Within-class increases---------------------------- 625, 642, 661 22, 26 "Secretary," definition----------------------------------- 121(2) 2 Selection boards for officer performance evaluation ----------- 623 21 Selection-out. (See Separation, FSO's.) Separation: Alien clerks and employees--------------------------- 662, 663 26, 27 Consular agents------------------------------------- 671 27 Foreign service officers: Mandatory retirement--------------------------- 631, 632 22 Misconduct------------------------------------- 637 24 Selection-out------------------------------------ 633,634 23 Separation for cause----------------------------- 637 24 Termination during probation--------------------- 635 24 Unsatisfactory performance----------------------- 637 24 Voluntary retirement---------------------------- 636 24 Foreign Service Reserve officers-.---------------------- 637,638 24, 25 Foreign Service staff officers and employees: Misconduct------------------------------------- 637,638 24,25 Separation for cause----------------------------- 637 24 Termination of limited appointment--------------- 638 25 Unsatisfactory performance----------------------- 637 24 "Service," definition---------------------------------------- 121(1) 2 Sick leave. (See Leave.) Specialization, functional and geographic area--------------- 626 22 Statutes of United States, compliance with, by Foreign Service officers----------------------------------------------- 301 4 Statutes (see also Public laws), repeal of, listed_- 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134 55, 60, 61 Statutory leave of absence after 18-month service abroad------ 933 46 Storage of household goods and furniture______________ 911(4), 911(5) 43 Suspension by inspectors: Principal officers------------------------------------- 681 27 Other officers and employees__________________________ 681 27 Taxes: Exclusion of allowance from gross income--------------- 1051 52 Gifts to Foreign Service____________________________ 1021(e) 51 Temporary provisions of act____________________________ 1101-1122 53-55 Title, short, for titles I-X---------- .---------------------- 101 .1 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2QQW" 1shCvi&PAQPa18 a21A0006Q10019-3 Training: Section Page Language training----------------------------------- 578 20 Language training for spouses_________________________ 701 27 Training assignments: Associations, trade, scientific, etc__________________ 573(b) 19 Commercial firms________________________________ 573(b) 19 Foreign Service Institute: Department officers and employees ------------ 704(c) 28 Foreign Service officers and employees --------- 704(b) 28 Persons from other Government agencies------- 704(c) 28 Other Government agencies----------------------- 573(a) 19 Public or private nonprofit institutions------------- 573(a) 19 Transfer of leave---------------------------------------- 935 47 Transfers: Alien clerks and employees--------------------------- 542 17 Foreign Service officers------------------------------- 514 12 Foreign Service Reserve officers_______________________ 523 15 Foreign Service staff officers and employees------------- 532 16 Present positions to new positions (see also Sec. 16 of Public Law 84-828, and Sec. 904 of P. L. 87-937) ------------ 1103 49 Transportation. (See Travel and related expenses.) Travel and related expenses: Family members----------------- 911(2), 911(6), 911(7), 911(10) 43,44 Furniture, household, and related effects---------- 911(3), 911(7) 43,44 Medical purposes------------------------------------ 942(a) 48 Privately owned motor vehicles----------------------- 913 44 Remains of officers or family members------------------ 911(8) 44 Rest and recuperation-..------------------------------ 911(9) 44 Storage of furniture, household goods, or personal effects-- - 911(4) 43 911(5) 43 To recreation facilities------------------------------- 921(d) 46 Treasury, Department of, deposit of gifts to Foreign Service: Conditional and unconditional------------------------ 1021 50 Real or tangible property----------------------------- 1021(d) 51 Unhealthful posts: Extra service credit for service at---------------------- 853 39 Uniforms, except as provided by law, prohibition of ---------- 1001 49 Unsatisfactory performance of duty----------------- 637, 662, 671(a) 24, V Vaccinations and inoculations for employees and dependents- 943 48 Vehicles : Government-owned, use of---------------------------- 921 (d) 46 Privately owned, transportation of_____________________ 913 44 Vice consul: Bonds, for faithful performance of duty, deposit and va- lidity of--------------------------- _------------ 1011, 1121 50, 55 Commissioning of Foreign Service staff officers as-------- 533 17 Voluntary contributions to Foreign Service retirement and disability fund, limitations and options___________________ 881 41 Voluntary retirement: Benefits-------------------------------------------- 636 24 Persons not Foreign Service officers at time of retirement.. 833 36 W Widow's annuity------------------------------------- 821(b), 832 32,35 Within-class salary increases-------------------------- 625, 642, 661 22, 26, 26 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-03721A000600010019-3 MR,