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Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 200010B12$-:-CLOm RDP7-03 k G X00500170003-3 at leant, 1. possible to trace its 'atio i a Frm tads Pointt tjwn of bisto', one Can trace the at the t at conorary 3, cli aleets. who live in the heart of as a loosely organized league of city A.D., to the beginnings of the the Terrible in the late 16th cent. sigh e: USSR . sash, the sateiii.tes, t' 3s the Great Russians, the 5A nn.f Mt from o ov. Then ne ape ?- the white Th esisna. Mho wail in Pal ands and the sinus,, who live to the include Poles, tni.mma, departed n most to Siberia f e of different Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/218 2 CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 d a. Non the Terrible a t* as we shall me. Great (Tor in a ftnalan Mzm=OuB with a tefercr) who reISTed 800U M7 ; s 'Western rcqe b th mltwe aid 0sea as the repreas c e r rrmte of liberal thwght In 1tb Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/CBF?Wihi~?8-03362A000500170003-3 o a t iy onto to eeonc t3 a He vIoUnt tb?_t it shoed no sib of dishing b ad ate &vvpean a . xa caul amnU ba;ass Duropwri existed sing h t a vary dangarow thi g for a people ther? he :Iavfzw" of the who erO a fat Imadership - tea", the 5 . , c .ight.l In s acs =atom and thou zt. between these two . It is a .s a to esternm weiv mom inf . nti I, 3inae the fl0"lut of the Slavrphils have k in the ass rdm+y .- ,r ng, h of Western . nte of ) and meoh ie of inftstris1iz do , Pst&ri re aystam $ rkecI v - in fact,, it marked too ed, n 1:ergoi ng the tees of 1n eai lotion. Russia oned tied to ' E TIAL Catherine tho of Russian sOCiet-4, Ri asa Uf s solution Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/200 was y a 't r the st e of the Cvix*an awoke tea the feat that ? oietv and An snlfghtened Tsar Ale nd: r 11} in 362A000500170003-3 I%M 3':I. ~ ter a b Russian St} a: ?1.aae (or mra ctly P-LOO In the C ?n to the P"mxntS gift part of adanta of eae. to A it1cm Sin aT,Proprlat d frm the lwidou pz it. .fsoe, the gwtry be i uraad, The s ent i nee1 b .dds h these bmdz and 1- .ad a t= : vn the 'fie a village OMMInIty it it ini of the to the d -wt,a not or. S pir. 21 49 Years, Me as vg t:; , which m t 1917 bogy,, If nFof'i e give'l a eat : so eiety h fine-1.1y thoro to a dii r int t of Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/0 IM-0?2A000500170003-3 caw evor ue in tI odwy'of3,- nob' e aoeomppl l han t- , There waa the e t b1 shin trial by j' the dieaproint.. s stain a br cing e, aatantiox l system, and -T- to a m ..i l ex gfalativ system containing the rudiments of self- vv rn ut. latter co aiet i o ?viucial er;d district Za stva (the eir'guiar its ' tvo) to supervise the ad nistrati n of s xoh tin e public hsaith, edu tion* roads, tra r-g.t3:ering, suta thin a as are .tone t; :e qty o mrdeeioner in America toffy aid are far ret v from srn ' - ly ative eyatWA- Indeed, since everyt aingr the Z tva did was subject to t,!--e will hedged and r e;. 3sitles in the dieapg intmer t of the the led outright t nothing. v rigged that the rjority of represertatir n. the entry, But, ted as they were, they repro. rnte . t` e first V- 0 the tires of Iv the Terrible and are theca worthy of 'note. Tsar . le: der the f fi M,r strong -. rmeror Who had liberated the sees and shorn any Russian 1:I11.`"`, of coaa,l a to liberty. It is ironic that # irzationy he was en 'Lg I :m d constitution to his country, Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 '14 Approved For Release 2000 .A-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 His sure. 2.i and?app endenc a Pare no 1 a. eirat er .bed than UAY f the Russia n nolioe attalred the skill and rower that c uaed it to beeow the the pr -aeat -innishtaent its initiative rd. the +ostriatia im: ed uo n t nt of bittss nripit ^o outside their V. evrered their ties to their -aster and their tile a ?e ..s f nt. d. them .he ecna as i a motives for le vian ,ea, '11e ez i ies and tariffs he bestowed upon inctx7' he constructed, aal7ed Into leing of living proletariat at-ill red was e,)M 1*at as never ;, , of the "People#s WilV brought a sudiex: end to both thqrm proups, T10 Mhram extse ted and exiled the Under-, and the or tatier i.thered e.U7, Pr+ept now :n, rovolvtlonary partlAo - did not consist vhoUy of a iitel.li. entsia but -f an allia ree of the Intel p ntR a Wit,h the pre .e; xiat That the tradition of r l ution s kept very =wb alive. rewlutiorwxy parties later when ve trace the CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/2 0011 mm f? 2A000500170003-3 40, 'a .s 'r way of preft find Rusia a niee ai tc giant The prc1eta r t, vInir inor inert air ,"I", the i rson ttiona of Their Iiv gaunt tke e eervient spiz i f bin rtetia; f1he P' , was iabolas Ii, pew. aq it In aha g ng ti -ma had exi t Ale nd to the Strong , in the s a t at < ' . e s 3 t? t h e ' it p ee O. tai g over to hi s eta ?s r 4t`1'ir as lit$ 111 ia 3 heat ar:d r; and debauchwi t w o3 wto AI*xI 5, At'! nod an we en nay n a ' the terse by .0 q s the uffe 'ints of CONFIVENTI of his a tt7 . LVt vhOm .dad wife,, Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :.M A-RDP78-03162A000500170003-3 and his family and shot. The bodies were t ter s slih in 1'h weo, omnditImis r.l' i,n i t? she Tsar's chief . lntor thought of a l short ru tcaen ft ], ware rdght have a a trg ef"eet u with this in ipt.rd, he oked a w r with Japm short enough &3 is 3 it iteb' rophlo, yed a lar" ri,rre, at P trth a - MUtr:ri: blow occurs when the ` itic Japanese rld ar4, on angaping the lately and uttte?1y destro in W t aar long - ble, Feria was in such a 1c of s ff: rzi, :t infi n81 - would be a,bs1, The inglorious c ond$ct of tble extremely e h^ rf, halfway ro x Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/,4-RDP78-03?162A000500170003-3 "PW CONFIBENTiAL even mare, the ssi.ffce enp rtir th of 19" , ar event dil succeed in Asti: the foundation for a struck above the shelling,, by the To plate on a lab lled ` mod' SunU, iater Put down by Tssr#st tr?oope, never a on began with a ssa re and s -lay that ly G*por i e 1uti a of 19T7's Alta .qty in by Father s and their eti ldr,n, on a * .e Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 was not planed Ut1FU JLI tIRL Approved For Release 2000/08/28 bet" en 15 of t% b11cwe the To, tt Petersburg spre , loll uprisings e t v a r -, whiab occurred in of whole of. the city and RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 d. or the Revolutionists# ao . 0 U.i e board. uding working he strikers, nt1r g t In Siberia Poking) I& xrtil the Bole'.. tolVIDEAlikk ea , rlvars, hm"e sewn Fever, In `"'eta er, ay t oug' out the tmtrv. All ocse3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08 t note. Aommbly. . tie bi t the :ly and knowledge. Chip a its. 'r dom of kr wie ... bbut th, .e ear sui ru* by election in wh mi the fiver t per a' tad and can '?ctoS er 31, 1 St. Piterel i. nor the Trofessio Ina and the v cat an the t n that day, everyone went Im-ok to took vigorous to ut it down, *Finally s Cz' ?'it long this carder s nd the r&& 1 eel and wrote the end vi d for the :s .tic 3362A000500170003-3 city Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 rartic ulariy in the ng, the R vt1ution was s i 'Soviet$ being the Russian wor 2A000500170003-3 a point er:i develor. ed. in the towns and eitiss of the ted tprisiTt , rater Cats leaiership was .eonfia sd to the idea of having a soviet for several :he vorIdnimm of an hib1y sent any I4~ St. Petersbur nation: a :dept 0 for Ibi.ity fi as first general strike and imadUtely ng the strike. It as Bolshevik erg were indisc lag spirit of th absence of the more established rmmluti CONFIDENTIAL Is. at the manta Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/0 01t-03362A000500170003-3 he i nm3diataly afte Ly. The 1e .ere were a right well have h nee, they and the ovi, is lost ow uprising, vanished forces in any subsequent revolution. Lenin noted their power were reestablished in 1917, im iately upon the outbrea . of 3 c St. Petersburg, Lenin planned to take over the Soviet on the -irc-t one of Die -- :d of the R being, but actually one in which nothj The f cities majority wr oboe in actor: all classes that a d. his ,tides of l in the aot to liberalise the rn; a the Co tttution took t lead in initiating leglslati' pn. would so air artbe the Tsar's ti on slaw--,t an act of tr4as CONFIDENTIAL tely after the end of the last vesti fe of rebellion in the Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/085-03;?2A000500170003-3 Aetu l nife to the dear. no rit 3er the the pro alternative ao,-,ording to The sox of aoneery atjyes an". but only to Pass on that initla far t- turn, Mar the third : wwis composed asst a rt 2y ter, ahoaen frog the landowners and the wealth classes. It it zt Its terms, from l" - 1932 and, in fact, well with the Tear f a Minigt, s _ sled, mu do up of the same al ass of It lasts TLLr but, in viev o T rl a Prir* x If all the re Social. Revolutimanj Party,, whose n this tive is wort the Irdr.I the lames s so .vIly on h 1917, wise & of central crg niz ti he v ak t. .CONFIDENTIAL o win the suppo t of the Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/cwig$18-03362A000500170003-3 The Bolshevik party also wee a ng a play for reasant eo tr 1 keeping with I4minaa belief t1at revolution depen an al liar and the Peasantry, in '861 to for tt:e seers into a oonservative, pro la-- .. the taxes whi ob t1.y were in app x tely t 192010 epz we into the first World War i V. ekh ov, a former t:ed Marx 1, et later in the rty in Baseman history was the a Li into Russia. ny reoeIvQd of losing and of the neaeF into. It was frog of the he later heir doctrine f". Plekhanov Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/O T2 4 , inhahitarts of fought in the labor Ply. held. It began in r that the del betook -a to Condom. conference oB d the split of and ne vlk win . : ins, who led the Bolshevik fa eozrr pt c f the vanguard into the Bolshevik n. T-lit forward the was his proposal that all who joined the arty should TOrticmipais z do . Gov 78-03362A000500170003-3 the moist ement we ss but It dates the he first Con of the Social Demoomt: s f'eflov editor the news In other words oiplin4d ^e up to some as l? d.ers to the n n-t ai. rating see to join and to set a relation in force by eheer s. majority of of nunhers. This, I sus n the Central Cost, .ttt,ee point but on other From this for his wing his op' onents with that e .rly Insight into his fsedE.li ,r of the Party Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 IDRPi Approved For RelgAse 2000/08/28 :.+Q. -RDP78-033 2A000500170003-3 In the re lution of 19059, in the is y. After the year ..y hope of suc a r . rev+oiz tif- i U1 f"irrt step Afar 5 .I,a rmpi. . she R? voluti which he destrad. evil's lotion was a ce ay ro ~: r 'y ~,,~r Gaaaor ia, mined his f1r hie ep1 dergrout d. Fi oS A then ,; special favor trc a the ` chrana, iniaiaal to the Cad6ts an Ru sia, in spading Lr. obtaininq opj-,*sat the liberalizing 3".1e work. tG i t orpni r of armd x ob Awy in f the nsho ke the 1 tile bIr 311 re 1 too golfIDEW.- fa ks.", Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000Cy11t78-03?,2A000500170003-3 An early o ' "ei. sueo ded in this a but b ugb AtT he rressuura on the ''aster a. allies . to and devastating defeat to the e,r the Germs i.nfli Russian soldiers 8lauEttered and in the aunt of ttterisi captured and destroyed the Russians lost terra thim a third of their artir? Russian arm, that is -,. in those battles offensive in 1926 -- the Russ: t - die- in retret,t. The rte of the , rM raridly disint . from rc.4tsnt until, they reaahad a total of t t hinn by 1912. only the ear but the entire nation 'be Tsar .r bad been varued by his advisers the Russian oeono y The corrvrtion and inef ioi oy of the government were over he it ; the i,nt3.'tai trnn3 `?ublio health dop The Tear mear%tillet end :d left St. Peta rsturg. The ^sa na awe:, the the influence 1. 1. The re de barren and the neastnts COF1OEN1' replace 1 zmiai i ,t l the, the artillery of Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 78-03L62A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/ 1ff Hptp~l 11W , 'board of opposition to zags had bscoa, give the Tadar'et &_::E lu a majority The Duma e3a11ed upon the Tear in P ovemT r to rep1ac e with one in zich the country the of Rasputin by can And i u . oh (or dom. When fhi$ ealy Lion of the Tea .-dam die ppe*r , 7". to heip bn the t4falott. according to the old calmer) raw1 ztion b ka I would like to say somethin big After the the Gregorian (o of about l? Ore about dates, Nring the entire or, old style, calendar s used. the one in which the Boleabe^vi.ka a5au ed power, ) calendar to* its r1aoe. the flr--t revolution is caned either the Revolution of March 1917, (ma.- tyie) or of et ary 1917, (03d ee *1e). in f the * t lenderless lu It tg on ?00, n 1916. To reali 0 the t style calendar. a and rxfne of these had auticipeteed ,hen =,was of ,amen c+33ow d by, su rhssicm of strikes = to the streets. Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 In this situation, the Du the Approved For Release 200 78-03362A000500170003-3 10D the Tsar oiicred the so, .niter the St, Pete, g Soviet was fo elected Constituent Ass bly should eoi a on the Ntw f of the Russian state. tfryis point. unti.' 'h e aOU4 Dower represent titivo of e members were no eoisios of 'tho Y th the Txm and iit;t of rte i le. rto the sv aiona1 -n the two fy, an faroh 15, with tie et s1 noe It was, to some larly abide ing this time, as controlled _ i Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 the nrovisioml Approved For Release 20 ASE P78-03,i2A000500170003-3 ,d, ernnent and th Two thins ft the war, in Switaw1mid pet of the Soviet with the and of the honeymoon,, tha opposition on of the Provisional Gov 1- terl a ;3 d im .ate1y after the PAMI'ution) atrip through n a seals 1 raid car revolut n. Henceforth the Bolsheviks, o had be 'ernrent, of eeieirg power. They re Land* . that lo, for the the slogans and 'All Poor to the Soviets. unity,. .Lenin ensvered that it was a time for mpropating many d be said to have gauged the t, far het',.er than the ofter Cc emu tlyr, they were as actual leers hip of V319 a ztz -- so 'hat in the faahaices of the a with beeones Ie 1sr by finding out ei faster than the st in that direction. A going and ruinnin g a little Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Relese 2000/%"F swt 8-033~62A000500170003-3 ate--:411,y deteriorating ei r No. One" of f In this order,z officers, soldiers, on or off`, the effect f military dieoip nine, the general var..wea ne t, and all them combined to r ice the Russian to the least fie force in :history. The people of mesia were equally sick of war. Consequently, the deter -tic n of the Provincial G. - eeat to eont3nm the righting suet an of" ansive was started in JUy it was sucossaftl , Is s duties officers and given over , officers had no power at attention were a'tis., t resiane of Austrian until the The second 'bay end to the bonevc rather V -An the thousands called ?Juiy Days*, and- which put a definite hold on the we terns, he Bolsheviks were UONFIDENTdAL n cc lapsed, min was e di Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000 08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 4w , 0 E N V At 'MP, C' J*4 220 Alownder XwomW7 boom .r, su*- in t b* i . 1 A,j, bout an U-81, ?Mt try Left and tecqyt=o Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/0tImftff*6-033,k2AO00500170003-3 Askin da*P wwmo* a Zp (2) Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Rel,pse 20H E DP78-0362A000500170003-3 I" fly IM The Bolsheviks I as we shall see # never let this emu; ?,27.. be people wanted; in other words were a group trained for leadership ye confined tbawelves to opposition movements. isional: Cov zt and the people.. The ping, it was self-appointed of Tsar had - nor was it So, a party of 1 ,OM took o it up by saying the they wanted rent of the Sovie, ative :, Trotsky was Foreign Co=dssar and tuent Asse 1y on which so many a democratic Russia convened in Petrograd. It utionaries, Lenin, therefore a dis than the Assembly a 3, he As ly? Shortly thereafter Go great support to the itati 1918 slice of terra called Comminists fl !C Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP7?-033,12A000500170003-3 CDNFIDNT~ ar d the in Of the later Soviet of the GtvII War Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Relese 2000 hP78-033 jA0005GO170003-3 that an ~ W be= shot. Be W take, I+ n'a I for a U.at bath Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For ReI se 2000/08/ b ++ 03 62A000500170003-3 Oation and up the Wbj suV;-orUrv For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3 Approved For Relgse 2000/O RREI tki-03 A000500170003-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : CIA-RDP78-03362A000500170003-3