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Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RpP78-03107A000600020042-8 available foreign press the Sino-Soviet Bloc from latest FOREIGN PRESS BULLETIN 8 AUG 60 Selected news items primarily on 19$ 16 9 GaC V DATE - VW XQ JUST ---- NEXT REV _____ a CM & CLASS Y 6iu S LASS w e CMG COMP TYPE " ----- Foreign Documents Division CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY . 2430 E St., N. W., Washington 25, D. C. Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 THIS MATERIAL C INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN NING OF THE ESPIONAGE LAWS, TITLE 18, USC, SECS. 793 AND 794, THE TRANSM OR REVELATION OF WHICH IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBI W. Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I A-L Foreign Press Bulletin is a daily publication of the Foreign Docu- ments Division giving press its of current interest which, to our knowledge, have not been reported by other media. The items are grouped by subject category. CPYRGHT CPYRGHT MAO'S WORKS SOLD IN SENEGAL -- Peiping, Chung-kuo Ch'ing-nien Pao, 4 Jul 60, p 4 According to preliminary statistics of the Restoration (Fu-hsing) Bookstore, during the first 5 months of 1960, some 282 copies of Mao Tse-tung's works were sold in Senegal. Saint Niang, member of the Central Committee of the African Independence Party, said that the masses pur- chasing books from the Restoration Bookstore in Senegal have shown par- ticularly great interest in the works on Marxism-Leninism and that every day, many people purchase or subscribe to Mao's works. He also said that the Senegalese workers find an inexhaustible inspiration in Mao's works, which, he said, help and guide the working class in its struggle. for national liberation. NEW COMMUNIST HISTORICAL MAGAZINE TO BE PUBLISHED IN SLOVAKIA -- Prague, Nova Mysi, No 6, Jun 60 During the year of the 15th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising, the Bratislava Institute of KSS (Communist Party of Slovakia) History has begun publication of the nonperiodic magazine, Z dejin Kom- unistic a str Slovenska (From the History of the Communist Party of Slovakia). The first three monographic Issues of the magazine are devoted to the often neglected beginnings of the antifascist movement in Slovakia in 1939-1942. Other issues to follow sopn will deal with the national liberation struggle: the underground activities oftthe Communist Party in the Slovak Army, in the plants, and in the rural areas; various facets of the history of the armed partisan movement; Soviet aid to those fighting in Slovakia in 1944; and the advance of the liberation battles of the Czechoslovak and Soviet armies during the closing days of World War II. C-0-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1 %9+/2?/F,DPZ803107A000600020042-8 CPYRGHT COMMUNIST CHINA PRODUCES STEREOSCOPIC FILMS, PROJEbT R -- Rome, L'Unita, 20 Jul 60 A stereoscopic puppet film, titled "Medal for an. Athlete," is being produced at the Shanghai studios for animated cartoons. Recently the Shanghai studios for educational and scientific films produced three stereoscopic documentary films.. Iii audition, a stereoscopic film ~spro jector has been Produced under the "Shanghai" trade mark. ~PYRGHT CHINESE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL SCHEDULES MILITIA TRAINING FOR STJDENTS:_- Peiping, Kuang-wing Jih-pao, 16 Jul 60, p 2 The first day of each month has been designated as "Mili$ia Day" at the Fukien Electrical Machinery School. On this day, the entire faculty and student body are scheduled for milit.a training from morning to night. The students are organized into companies, platoons, and squadrons and are given training in close-order drill, rifle marksmanship, artillery action, and combat firing. ECONOMIC CPYRGHT CPYRGHT HUNGARIAN RICE CROP DIFFICULTIES -- Budapest, Magyar Mezogazdasag, Vol XV, No 11, 18 Jul 60, p 17 Because of the unseasonably cool spring weather, the Hungarian rice crop had a poor start. Much of the seed grain rotted, especially in the old fields. According to the observations of the Szarvas ORKI [a research institute in Szarvas], in 1959 some 41.5-5+.9 percent of the rice seeds rotted during germination because of the poorly prepared soil and too much water. In 196,0 in certain areas, an even greater amount of rice is rotting. In other places, the high water level drowned some plants and various parasites destroyed the shriveled, weakened plants. SHANGHAI SHIPYARD LAUNCHES CHINA'S LARGEST AND FASTEST DIESEL VESSEL -- Shanghai, Chie)Y-fang Jih-pao, 30 Jun 60, p 2 On 29 June 1960, the East Shanghai Shipbuilding Yard launched China's largest and fastest diesel engine passenger-freight vessel, the Min-chu No 18. It is 105.5 meters long and has a maximum displacement of 3,600 tons and a speed of 16 knots fully loaded. This ship has accommodations C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 C-0-1-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L CPYRGHT CPYRGHT CPYRGHT for 774 passengers and a freight capacity of 800 tons. Designed and constructed entirely by the Chinese, this ship is equipped for comfort. It has a large dining room capable of seating over 100 persons at a time, has more than 100 square meters of floor space for entertainment, and over 120 square meters of walking space on the promenade deck. This ship will be put on the Shanghai-Ningpo run. CHINESE PETROLEUM DRILLERS INTRODUCE NEW TECHNIQUE -- Peiping, Shih-yu K f an-t' an, No` 7, 2 Apr 60, p 20 eep we r ers e upersonic waves (ch'ao-sheng,po) a great aid in testing the soundness f the materials in deep-well drill rods before they are used. The rifling operations improved. reakage rate of rods is being greatly reduced and safety and speed of CZECHOSLOVAK AGRICULTW3 PLAN DELIVERIES LAG -- Prague, Zemed.elske Noviny, I 9 Jul 60 Except for slaughter cattle and poultry, the Czechoslovak agricultural produce delivery plan for the first half of 1960 was not fulfilled. De- liveries were as follows (in percent): milk, 93.5; slaughter hogs, 94.7; eggs, 93,,5; and suckling pigs, 53.6. The lag in egg deliveries, while a mere 6.5 percent of plan, means that 100 million eggs had to be imported to meet the country's requirements. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CPYRGHT SOVIET CONFEREN'CE'ON LOW AND,MIDDLE ENERGY NUCLEAR REACTIONS -- Mosc&v Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, No 45, 22 Jul 60, p 4 New data on the structure and interactiont of atomic nuclei will be given at the Second All-Union Conference on Low and Middle Energy Nuclear Reactions, at Moscow University 21-28 July 1960. The reports presented by Soviet and Foretdgn physicists will make it possible to?form precise ideas on the present state of the subdivision of nuclear physics concerned with interactions between nuclei and particles having an energy amounting to several tens of millions of electron volts,, Special sessions will deal with the problems involved in direct nuclear interactions. The accumulated data make it possible to conclude that nteractions between nuclei do not take place in two stages, as has been assumed in the classical theory, but directly, bypassing the stage of the formation of a so-called intermediate nucleus. Another important -3 - C-0-N'-F-I-D-E-11-T-I-A-L Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 CPYRGHT CPYRGHT subject to be discussed at the conference is the interaction between heavy ions. Bombardment of nuclei with heavy ions has opened up new prospects for nuclear physics. This is the method which G. Flerov, Corresponding M nber of the Academy of Sciences USSR., and his coworkers applied in synthesizing Element 102. New transuranium elements are being produced by this method. PLEXIGLAS USED IN SKULL SURGERY IN CHINA -- Shanghai, Chieh-fang Jih-pao, 24 Jun 6p, p 3 Surgeons of the Canton Red Cross Hospital have successfully used Plexiglas plate to mend the cranium of two patients. The patients are completely cured and are engaged in production again. For cranium repair, Plexiglas does not have the disadvantages of alloy plate, which cause infection and bone chipping. Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/25: CIA-RDP78-03107A000600020042-8