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June 15, 1964
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Approved For Release 2000/04/14: IA-RDP78-03061A000200080002-1
n Y 15 June ISM
i3riefly Noted
Defense of Private Agriculture in Poland
Howe Drogi, the main theoretical organ of the Polish
Communes Party, has published a lengthy defense of private
peasant farming by TJlieczyslaw Mieszczankowski, a leading pro-
ponent of non-collectivized agriculture since the 1956 upris-
ing. Both the article's length and its publication in Rowe
Drogi would seem to mark it as a basic, if not definitive,
per a congress "white paper" on agriculture.
The new article is actually an extension of Elieszczankowski' ;
argument, advanced in a series of Zycie Gospodarcze articles
last year, against a reorganization ofPolish agri ulture which
would build the countryside around state farms and lead to the
eventual dissolution of the private peasant economy. The de-
matic wing of the Polish Party has been arguing for some time
that, since collectivization has met with failure in Poland and
will probably never be attempted again, state farms afford the
best remaining opportunity to introduce public ownership in the
countryside. [See unclassified attachment "Polish Economist Sayj
Communist Socialized Agriculture Cannot Succeed" for summary of
arguments. 7
We cite the IIowe Drogi article as an indication that Polane
is officially abandoning Communist agricultural collectivization
as an unworkable theory and a proven failure. We also: note that
dogmatic Communists, refusing the evidence of pragmatic tests
and disregarding the welfare of the people, still attempt to
maintain their ?arty control over the economic life of the coun-
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15 June 1664
1 July Communist .?arty of China founded. 1921
2 July Afro-Asian Women's Conference, Djaltzarta, July 2-10.
5 July Conference for Denuclearization of Mediterranean Basin,
':WPC-promoted, Algiers, July 5-9.
13 July President Urrutia, in TV address, charges Communism
endangers Cuban revolution. 1959.
13 July Potae ?ius XII[ excommunicates all defending Commun .st
anti-Christian doctrines; bars from sacraments those
reading CP doctrine. 1949.
15 July Women's International Strike for Peace Demonstration,
all NATO countries.
17 July Second OAHU Feads of State Meeting, Cairo, 17-20 July.
19 July Laos becomes independent by treaty with France, 1949.
23 July Geneva Agreements guaranteeing Laos' independence and
neutrality. 1962.
27 July French Thermidor 170th anniversary. ?obespierre over-
thrown, guillotined following day. 1794
31 July 33,444 refugees register during July at West Berlin re-
ceiving center (highest total since March 1953). 1961.
31 July Agreement reached for Federation of Malaysia. 1962
6 Aug 10th World Congress Against A and 11 Bombs, Tokyo.
13 Aug Third anniversary of The Wall, sealing Last-West Berlin
August Symposium of "Poking Center" of World Federation of
Scientific Workers (VIFSW) in Peking.
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nr not al Develo ments;
23 May-S June 1964
1. Soviet, and pro-Soviet media during this period continued
to propagate intensively the Soviet position and to denounce the
Chinese, although mostly not going beyond previous polemics.
Soviet Goverment daily Izvestiya featured a series of editori-
als: May 30, describing an castigating Chinese efforts to.sub-
vert, soviet citizens; June 3, implying that the Chinese are re-
moving themselves from .the socialist camp and nullifying the
provisions,oj the Sino-Soviet alliance; and June 5, saying that
"one cannot put up with" the uncoordinated acts of some which
involve the intere$ts of other fraternal states and damage the
commion line of the socialist countries -- and it lists "behind-
the-scenes intrigues and "concealed speculations" in foreign
trade, the wor? of mass organizations, and sports (for the
first time) among the Chinese sins. In addition o a steady
stream of endorsements of the CPSU position by other parties,
Pravda published (Hay 24) an emotional niece by prominent writer
S.aonov describing Chinese efforts to subvert "Soviet us" and
ringingly declaring that they will fail, and a 2-part reprint
(June 3-4) of a major article from 3?artiynaya Zhizn (Party Life)
which outlines the case against the nese "Fegemonist-snlitters,"
stresses the obligation of Communists to adhere to international
Communist di ine voluntarily, estates the need for a
new interne aLo ,. conference, an calls for collective efforts
by the M-L parties to remove the threat of a split caused by
the subversive activities of the CCP. It said that "the over-
whelming majority" of world parties are with the CPSU and that
"a majority" favor calling a conference as soon as possible.
The June J{ommunjst published excerpts of statements supporting
the Cu..SU by 5 parties, not including some known to be pro-
Soviet, and Problems of,Peace and Socialism added several more.
2. On May 26, Radio Belgrade's Moscow correspondent, com-
menting on the announced plans for Oast German boss Ulbricht to
go to Moscow May 29 (for his 3rd visit this year said a
Moscow circles view it as the beginning of a new round of mutual
visits preparatory to a world conference, which coulc'""be held
before the end of the year. His comment seemed to be borne out
as a new, high-level Rumanian Party delegation went to Moscow
on the same day (26th ,f, a Bulgarian high-level ?arty delegation
went on June 4, and Tito de ours -from Finland to meet Khrushch3_,
in Leningrad on June U.
3. The Chinese struck back only once -- but apparently
with considerable force -- during this period, with a brief,
T (Commentary Cont. )
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(voiiimentary Cont.)
pungent Sovernment statement dated 3C May in response to the
Soviet Government s a even a month earlier denouncing Chinese
opposition to USSR participation in the Second Afro-Asian Con-
ference. The Chinese demonstra a that the Soviet Union is a
1,uronean power and cannot have it both ways, point to the
precedent set at the 7irst A-A Conference in Bandung when the
U SOY, was not invited (T1ehru quoe? with aonro v~al on reasons
r,hy not) and still supnortela it,' and what has changed to
cause the Soviet leaders to adopt a now attitude now. They
assert that if the Soviet leaders 'have t"the least respect" for
A-A countries, and their decisions at Djakarta, they should
not "carp and cavil and attempt to overthrow this conclusion
through crude interference." The Chinese is'~ rhetorically what
difference there is between the Soviet attitude toward A- . and
that of the '7estern Lowers, and question Soviet motives "in
persistently wanting to squeeze into the Second A-A Conference."
"The times when the Asian and African countries coul-~ )e or deredd
about by 'others are gone forever."
4. In t:3, possibly significant move, the Soviet 7'oreign Minis--
try took. a large ground of forei n diplomatic chiefs from L oscow
on a tour o:f Alma-Ata afid vicinity, capital of the azak i S5L,,
largest of the Soviet ventral Asian republics, lying just across
the disputed border from Chinese Sinkiang.
S. Among the other Communist-ruled countries, another
group of Chinese workers departed from Mongolia, the Czechs
denounced Chinese interference in their internal affairs, --
and the '*.umanians appeared to be moving still furthar toward
in.'epen?dence of the USSR, signing an extensive economic co-
operation pact with the US, exploring possibilities for a
relationship with the 71estern Agreement on Tariffs and rade
(GATT), etc. ?erhaps even more significant, on June 5 monitors
pie'tad up a Bucharest domestic broadcast in Rumanian which re-
butted and denounced a May 30 Moscow Rumanian-language broad-
cast entitled "let Us Strengthen the Socialist Community" --
although Bucharest identified radio Moscow only as "a foreign
radio station." Oress reports of a recent Ithrushchev secret
tri-i to Bucharest in an effort to unseat Gheor hiu-Dej are not
confirmed, although such an effort might have been made several
years ago.)
FBIS reports that radio Poking broadcast the texts of
the 7 C?SU and CCp letters, which it released on S May, 1, 300
times by the end of the month, almost as often as the 14 June
L303 CC? letter (1,113 times). With the beginning of June,
Peking's transmitters shifted to massive dissemination of the
30 t':ay CM Government statement [see ward 3 above].
It appears that the CPSU continues and intensifies its
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(Commentary Cont.)
Approved For Release 2000/04
Commentary Cont.
drive for a d co i ,~?er :, despite the objections wishes
as feasible
anes o `convene it as earl
of even fr enc
, y p
possibly before the a- of the yea,;:. _ Soviet domestic opinion
is being prepay'edd "for arasti'c anti-Chinese reas=res, and it
pr~ea cs that cd`et ?~m nest neti:~ drive n, mays al s Communist
support is graduall ac'ddin to the number'
u nber of lesser parties
Who can be, cot te4. ' s-.sever, the Soviets have apparently ha;
little or no su,ccoss ii grea i, own the opposition or resist-
ance. .moiS such important hold-outs as Pmmania,, 'Iwoslavia, anc'
Italy, and it is therefore still too `early to forecast the out-
:Despite the great volume of their out a:=t the Soviet ,ci_3ropa.-
); st r
_ z points in the
duri `"his this. nettle of 'wo? s
`~4ro 3
to h na6ont ast, at least ~! n our , udgement,
the Cjainese propably scored heavily ation the ',fro--Asians with
their str; Government statement [see Para 3 above].
On tla' conwr:a'~igtion inherent and apparent in the
Soviet e or a notii "liberal" i:aage against the
~',o evGnr Qp .'..~.-,~.' 5.j7i3ne of the .~)~
tyrants and till ,reserve tEe clor_cdn: disc ~dd
mo'Ve ,ntit; use, for exa.~aole (in addition to the rich materials
dQSC ~
a,i i oaf V # .n ta,7l pent), the 3-part ',?ravda series
May 10-1? on a "creative attitude" as the true oninist ala-
proach to blast' the CLlnese acceptance of what was written de-
cades awo as isa~:autable scripture in contrast to the brava June
3-r_. protest against efforts h some people to :define c Aerent
types of narti~'es on' the -rounds that the type of iiarxist-Leninist
art was s ia2oc in Lenin' s time and there is no' necessity to
evolve n. vi, yes.
2, 17e continue t 9 qse the mutual recriminations of sub-
versive Act , v,, '!!`-~ . e Ma nst "both your houses. " 2-or example,
xzvest a complcins L 'l 30)' that the Chinese have mailed more
than 11 , a0 gam~ =l~lets to Soviet citi=ins within a short period:
how many pieces of pro?a andaa material does the TJSSr aaii "with-
in a short period to citizens of the USA, great tritain, Japan,
Indonesia, or any country where they are not banned from the
3, To loaders of , Qr anizatio:as and officials in Asian and
10 African countr~,osS play basic the C?'Ly attempt to act as the
leader of the , n ung conierei ce, past and future by, for , 11 C~3 1 G, suS esting hat 'to Chinese re,,resentat"ives that it is
or, attempting to order otl
andic1uejstioning theircr'ight to charge that the tYSSRR is aers emou--"
ing to sque?ze~into the Second A-A Conference."
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'he Indonesian CP (PKI)celebr'ates its 44th anniver
China, ndt , IraqArgentina, ~ So
, Brazil, Nigeria, Rumania) in
the Up$~ 4rr,ves 34n, ,.14Q,,-4t. (capital of Kazakh SSR) from Moscow
on a V40A ,p anized _ ._,.y e USSR Ministry o Vo-reign Affairs.
The 4iplomatss rll7, vtatt yarioU.s sights of Alma-Ata, industrial
enterprises, a suburban collective farm, the Kazakh Academy of
Sciences, theaters, and other ct;lt4ral establishment . 21 delayed): Pravda publishes a dispatch from Canberra
ng a joint, ,sir ,e at, p f .. the CPs of Australia and Ceylon
es; . L_Tb :i
appearing in,the paper Tribune: they both con emn he Ch nnese
activitie an ,-beNli y tJa t time has come to convoke as
soon as Possible an i pt,er
io con' e it
12 -de3aydA large group of heads of forei n di
L> p
QUS (including the at bas cdors of Indonesia %4^n 14
P ~. s
deterrinat.iQfla to s ash ,X9,VAVlolisr and attacked Yugoslavia by
name. P raid? qc ~;o/!S I ,donesian-language broadcast on the oc-
caS on Qal~;d for "ir a,ctio:. against the confused and danger-
ous steps talon by Chinese or nu list leaders,"
23- 4: Corrected dates for 2-part Izvestiya article on re-
Vlutlonary theory described in last Chino rom Tass summary
which gave dates as 2-2-.
tlUo Splitting, activities of _t -e CCU lea.dwxs." "Against whom
is '411 his ( al:ioe d. poison) written? Against imperialism?
1 4 0 9 0 is) against you and me, agaiTast us, Soviet us,
Sovi comraSoviet C'DmMux vests, the Soviet people, and Com-
muni^ts in ott.~,; cv~ar~tr .:3. You. irnedlately ask yourself:
Soar ---0? H ;)v od tb s.. l a,ppen?... 4'" "There was no single year
in the e Qry-e_)f? my genert tion _when our country and Party had
not helped the Chip people and Cc? in every possible way,"
sharing like brothers. tbat..which _we ourselves needed, tie re-
calls "hQW m4Sb .o 'e Ind respect-for the Soviet Union and the
C?SU't hQ saw .while .marching as a Pravda correspondent with the
Chinese PILE 4 to het t, ti g ang Kai-shek t roofs.
utu 4";_; - -iiv''.u puaAisnes article "Do Not Go Astray," by lead-
n ''Soviet'rter Kota,ntin Simonv in which he denounces
~S PimQngv,says that "A -crude and primitive double game is
being la played by the Cl4nes.e .splitters" in "the hope, naive in
its Absurdity, that someone among us will fall for this bait"
an "conic to ke teve", that it is "a quarrel above our heads
with our leaders , alon
It wears that tbe, hope has given rise to attempts
to stuff ,w#h heAvy, dull, and clumsy radio propaganda
and to l to private addresses various documents contain-
1n re~os ,erous tztta,cl~5 on our ?arty and its leadership....
Approv F"a jV? d ob?b ;Clt,"- 78 0~$AASOUgb48(9 M01 0f it, either
r par icu , anyt?rhere or Frith anyone " 1'he
ry Vrith a m$P r?a in * TE- arta Speeches re eated nVI'
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.(Chronology Cont.)
bait with which you are trying to catch someone in our
country is rotten,...
May 25: Czech Party daily Rude Pravo publishes "excerpts from
e ers w ac the Chinese Peoe'S Association for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries is sending" to Czech officials
in capitalist countries which are "slandering the present
leadership of the Czech CP and denouncing the abolition of the
personality cult in Czechoslovakia." Rude Pravo rejects "this
unheard-of interference."
Khrushchev returns after a visit to the UAR regarded as
generally successful in publicizing Soviet aid to underdeveloped
countries, though in one impulsive speech he sounded a sour note
deprecating Arab unity as against Proletarian unity.
May 2C: On the 40th anniversary of the 13th Congress of the
-puss an Bolshevik C? (23-31 May 1924), Pravda carries an article
by "Candidate of Historical Sciences 1. TLuznetsov and veteran
Party member ? Torekhov" recalling Lenin's testament," with its
recognition of Stalin's shortcomings. y go -1-n-9 a out in in-
stilling Mao Tse-tung's personality cult, the Pekin; figures
are now praising Stalin." The same Pravda carries a statement
by the Chi'lean'CP/CC calling "for the iest convocation of
an international conference.
A Rumanian Party delegation led by CC Secretary Stoilca
,arrive in Moscow or a is mar -ed by a warm and friendly atuos-
phere." Tass said they dame "to familiarize themselves with
experience in party guidance of economy in engineering and
petrochemistry," but observers believe that they are primarily
concerned with problems of the world movement.
rya.~ 27 Pravda carries an 'article commenting on bow e inv's
tin poi ey, claiming to be a "model of revolutionalism,"The
gets along amicably with British colonialism in Hong bong.
authors complain especially about "C's role as "a major foreign
center of slanderous propaganda and subversive activity conducted
by Peking against the `Soviet Union and against the T7CTtI."
The Mikoyan-led Soviet "parliamentary delegation" departed
froi Japan after a 2 veiek visit which apparently produced no
notable results.
May 20: Pravda features' Italian CP deputy chief Lon o ~ s : ?';e
ov a Union s a Bulwark of 'Peace and Democracy. " After con-
demning the Chinese line and anti-Soviet activities, Longo ends
ambiguously: "it is necessary'to condemn those methods of
political struggle -- a priori con emna don and exoammunications -- to which they adhere and which we must uncond"Niona y reject."
Pravda also reprints from the London Daily Porker a C?GB state-
maht which discusses prerparations or a wor conference' but
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(Chronology Cont.)
does not urge it: the aim of such a conference must be unity,
and there can be no question of "exconmunication.0
On the other side, the Chinese ;press republishes an article
from the 25 May issue of the Melbourne Van.?ard organ of the
pro-Chinese dissident C'' of u trsal (Marxist-Leninist) in full
support of the Chinese s on. on e disputed time able for
a world meeting: "Three or four years from now....'here is no
hurry, and haste can only add to confusion."
May 29: East German ?arty boss Ulbricht is given a red carpet
reception in oscow on a state visit of two weeLs? Fadio
Belgrade's Mosc" correspondent Says Moscow circles view this
as the beginning of a now round' of mutual visits preparatory to
a now conference, which, aacc rdin to some repctts, could be
held before the end of this year."
May 30: Soviet Government :'aily Izvestiya editorial "On the
Ma-t ire of the Relations between, Socialist Countries" 3Lpbasizes
that Chinese tall: about "sovereignty" and "independence,' as
shown by their deeds, "are hypocrisy and deception." Asserting
that "interference into the internal affairs of the USS'I~ has
been lifted in China to the level of an official political line,"
Izvestiya charges, that according to Tass, "Chinese organiza-
tions try to exercise political influence on Soviet citizens
with the help of officials at Chinese institutions an the Soviet
Union, students and tourists. Chinese organs send anti-boviet
literature to the USSR, more often than not through illegal
channels. More than 11,030 m hlets vilifying CPSU =policy have
been mailed to Soviet people within a short period. Particularl ,
alara ng acre a inc en s provoked by Chinese authorities on
the Soviet-Chinese border which at times take the form of gross
provocations." In contrast, "the CPSJ unconditionally rejected
the antidemocratic and actually antisocialist methods which
Stalin used," restored principles of equality and non-inter-
ference, liquidated mixed joint stock companies, relinquished
r$ghts to the naval base in port Arthur and Dalny. On the same
day, Moscow's Communist Youth league organ Xonsonols'kaya ?ravda
publishes materials of a Komsomol CC' plenum which scusse the
CPSU February plenum resolutions. First Secretary Pavlov, in
main report, stressed duty of all Soviet youth to support the
resolutions against "the Chinese splitters who try to sever the
youth movement in Asia, Africa, and Latin America from inter-
national democratic youth organizations and thereby undermine
the democratic youth movement."
Pr vda publishes an editorial from~the
Jordanian CP organ A1- i a awamah As-Shabiyah lining up with the
, including support or a con erence.
Naa, 33-31: The CP Government issues on the 30th -- and all
Chinese papers publish on a 31st -- a statement striking back
sharply at the Soviet Government statement a noo'n earlier de-
tlarL` A A =RAs er acce e see &f @6M 1
Ano Aprile 25 and
ro s a n on eren ro ; ~.
Tray '~? 3 Chronology Cont.)
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(C4040 IQ Z`Y Con ;,. )
this statement the Soviet Govern: ent unscrupulously
0, tba. Ja? rta -preparatory meeting for failing
to in-
jhq Q.oyiat Union to the Second A-A Conference and re-
ed. to eude attar and abuses against the prticipants.
A11, its arguments boil down to the following: the
Soviet Union is an Asian power and, must participate in the
Asian-Afr.p,An Conference; to object to its participation
means to "divide" the forces fighting against imperialism,
4nd tp, ?Qyi,et. Union will make a "rebuff." These fiords
are wrong in their point of departure, absurd in logic, and
rtdiculou~ ,in couglusioz s.
The C ,statement refers to Soviet description of the
enorr9t4s .size of its territory in Asia. "Does the fact that
all the large Asian states coup? fit into the Asian part of the
US I. give It more say than all the Asian and African countries
put together? Size cannot frighten anybody .... In international
relations each state is a single entity and can have only one
political center." IJeaw ly three-fourths of Soviet population
live in Europe: the political center of the Soviet Union as a
single entity has always been in Europe and therefore it has
traditionally bgen; acZtnvrledged as ?n uropean country.
The statement points to the first A-A conference in
Bandung, where "the Soviet Union as a whole was not invited,"
"nor were its union republics in Asia," and it quotes the late
Dime Minister U3hru in 1954: "Soviet Asia was not invited
because Politically it is part of a 3uropean unit, namely the
Soviet Union." 9e was quite right," say the Chinese. !lore-
ovex, the Soviets supported the Bandung conference without be-
ing invited. "On what grounds can the Soviet leaders insist
on being invited to the second... ?What changes have taken place
...? Can it be that the capital of the Soviet Union has been
moves froia Tti oscoc} t Vlac ivosto .... ?",
The Chinese elaborate on the "racism" issue, asking what
kind of. racism -- yellow, black, or unity of the yellow and
black against the white -- and pointing out that among the
participants at Djakarta were "quite a few countries whose
population is mostly White.',
The statement then takes tide offensive:
In frantically vilifying China and behaving as if the
D jal:arta meeting had been manipulated by China single-
handed, do you still acknowledge the existence of the other
A-A countries? In what position do you want to -place the
other 21 countries....?
If the Soviet leaders have the least respect for
A-A countries, they should first of all res-pee this con-
clusion...and should not carp and cavil and attempt to
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v, aronolo y wont.
Ovortp=row t p..cpiclusA,o through crude interference..
ce ic. here katc eer your attitude tocrard A-L
mo eve .,Wear eno z an Viers s en yr aantin- to sruee ;a
the P.econd A-A Con erence
lxL the Asian and
African countries are
have t .oac "> ?oae The
t yes wize t he s_an and rIcancountries
co or e.x~ ou~.. by others are gone forever. Those w o
su w le r ac Qas '.o Ise mes are case. TIa suggest that the
Soviet leaders 4a4 better, not talye such an attitude,"
gay 31: Pravda, carries an article by V. Stepanov, one of Soviet
Q e ates a 7,th, CQn Tess of the Ceylon CL' on the activities
of the Ceylonese spl.itters and their Chinese bosses: among
other things, He charges that "the splatters spent monthly u_
to 2q3 030 ru les -- 4.3, 333 dollars -- on ?pub s ng anu y is-
triot' a newspaypers and propaganda literature i Ceylon."
Junuvr e 2: Pravda carries an article by "Algerian political and
pt? is lea er 4 r A Douhaji''. on the Chinese sp itting activities
at the recent Ag ers ,F PSO session. "^he Chinese delegation's
Conduct was such as to suggest that they car:~e o the con erence
E1e &ntet.tan. either to set the peoples against the Soviet
uses ax1ounces tk Q purchase by the Chinese Techno-I
t C
; of "Covet tu,r1Qprop IL-10V airliners, "on the bassi , of mutual
deliveries bets, en, the Soviet Union and the Cn ." it added
that "tlie deaf WAS. preceded by talks between the Chinese firm
and the 7renoh, " and that. "Techno-Import changed its mind and
gave preference, to the roviet aircraft."
June.3: An Izvostiya editorial on the need for coordinating
actions and Polley, national and international interests,
describes',s moves toward terminating its status as a mem-
ber of t4e caqrl camp and nullifying the provisions
of the OQviet.-Cl4i s.e alliance. The CM? Government-, it says,
has stopped coord*ngta its actions in the international
arena with Other, socialist parties, " is "waging an open strug-
gle against the a ;reed line o the majorit
of the
states, ft "rejects oonsultat.ion on major international problems,"
and "stopped tahing part in the worhh of different conferences
between leaders pP socialist_ states," "Tait. ing foreign policy
Steps affecting the interests of other socialist saes, sae
VC oe no't dee1 it.necessary o consult em or even to
inform them in zicvance. "
oypr, the Cpi2 : :-vt is now openly voicing its con-
to pt for trey tic s , Fndd agreements concluded with fraternal
countries. Neel:ing to justify its flirting with reaction-
y regimes, T.arshal Chen Yi declared that China is an
L-ned". country. politically speaking, a s means that
Aaarm4.d FernRelease 2MO 04/ ~R ft3 IA 6 C $0 1 ~~orid social-
(Chrono logy Cont.)
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(Chronology Cont.)
TO, e ed tq; j rt.ent. on tq state that since 1903 the Chinese
Govt, has 4ras,t ,ca,~,.l,y rgduced..its deliveries of lead, mercury,
wolfs , and molybdenum to the Soviet Union and "completely
stopped its c~e]ivc ra,os, q f strategic racy materials." T:ioreover,
"there is evi ,odnoe that str t-epic raw materials from the PL
are re. ch r~~~ ritll st .cou~itries." The Chinese Govt_ also
o ivu sena,an foreign policy information which it undertook .
to ex c singe under le, roaty of friendship
alliance and mutual
assistance. 'ro l ? 19C~ar 3,3., the SovGovt sent the CPL. Govt.
over 1,1:0' items. ,o,f in,forMat.iQn on important international ques-
tipns b -4t rgt,;,yk qc qi ly 38 such items from the CPR, "largely of
secohd-rate it ,pprtance . and? irk ooral form."
radio Moscow also. announces the publication by the Political
Literature Pubi .sling Eouso of a collection of materials and
documents entitlecc ",^or the Cohesion of the IC!1, " including the
most im;)ortan .acu tints othe CPSU and SovGovt statements e.-.-
posin the anti-L ninist, neo-Trotskyite course of the CCP
According to the hJew. '70r% Times, the June issue of the
CPSiJ theoreti:cal: journa ,o munis appears with excerpts fro:
statements, by 3 foreign C s vo g -support of the soviet
position in the conflict, saying that the "absolute majority"
%a.1 condemned toe htnese.. The list was not represented as
complete and did not include several parties known to be pro-
June Pravda publishes in two installments an arti
"`,alas the ep
+~Itters and for the Unity of the Communist Move-
Mont" from the now, issue of Partiynaya Zhizn (?arty Life) . It
traces the road,of the present-day lid, who, at the 1O Z3
conference, "in their correspondence with the leading organs cf
fraternal parties and also by distributing propaganda
material, ...tried to. force on _all CPs their own particular anti-
Leninist platform and to subordinate the ,?CL to their ovn ideo-
logical leadersgip. iowever, the FPs remained true to the iMM-L
positions of principle,. Then-the CC? leaders began to resort
more and more openly to various hinds of unpleasant devices --
slander, bribery, and blackmail -- thus trying to bring under
its influence at least some of the Communists from other coun-
tries .... But this deyicf gid lot succeed, either."
The article,, after tracing the road taken by the CCP from
196'3 through 1933, turns to Lenin as authority on three signs
of fractional4ppA which it the Chinese: the presence of a
special platform; group fractionary discipline; and special
press organs, .l,n,th.e .latter, mention is made of "the nev inter-
national magazine published in, several languages at Peking's
expense under the high- f lor~n t t 'le of Rw VOL.V TIQN. --
The second ,installment begins by condemning the now dia-
lectic on the , ,neyitability of a split and the Chinese attempts
to draw an analogy between their splitting methods and the
St q 8r F ~I~a b/d4 dnGIA-F dtP7t8 R S1~$@@ lp~$Qp0~1 those who
61 (Chronology Cont.)
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(Chrono logy Cont.)
say that "the 1CM is allegedly in the process of selection,
crystallization, and consolidation, and that at the present
time there exist four types of Communist and workers parties."
(The M-L party; a party where the leadership is controlled by
revisionists but in which exists an M-L opposition; a party
under complete control of revisionists, while M-Ls expelled
form M-L groups; and a party in'which the leadership is re-
visionist but alongside which a new CP has formed -- the
Indonesian formulation.)
"Some comrades think they can maintain contact with all
the groups and parties mentioned above, and are appealing to
others to do the same. Thus they are in effect supporting a
sort of Communist multiparty system. But where can such an
arrangement lead to in practice? Some say toward a selection,
toward the breeding of new varieties. But wasn't the type of
the working class revolutionar arty, the party oT" Ls;r-Faped
n s time? Is i ele any necessity to evolve new types
n a?n
,...The overwhelming majority of the world's CPs are con-
solidating on the platform of...the 1957 and 1960 Moscow con-
ferences....They speak of four types of party, but who gave them,
the right to elevate these factional subversive organizations
working against the Communist movement to the rank of CPs?..."
The article notes the "highly significant" way the
editors of the London ~F~ipnaaucial Times describe the Chinese
aims: "the Chinese leaders have been using Marxism-To-771'"s'-
guise their military and expansionist aims.
What to do about it? The article stresses the obligations
of Communists to adhere o international Communist discipline --
voluntarily, in to spirit of Lenin, and in accordan with
evaluations and conclusions collectively worked out in
tha international conferences.
To remove the threat of the split hanging over the
VICM, the Chinese leaders must return to the general plat-
form of tMiun sT movemenontinue their political
struggle against M-t parties, an EEre ? settle inter-
party differences within the framework of enin s norms....
A new international conference of Communists could
be a new, important stage in the struggle for unity. The
majority of the worlds Cps are in favor of calling one
as soon as possible, ...The Chinese leaders are increasingly
and openly seeking to postpone the calling of a conference.
...To remove the threat ofr a split created by the C6;Ps
subversive activities, collective efforts by the M-L
parties are needed....
June 4; A Bulgarian Party dole
ation headed by CC Secretary
p e or&Wrpr eain. i' ?&J `Jd - l
lL~~.Qf0021th C~?SW ex-
Chronology Cont.)
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(Chronology Cont.)
1YtCP1A announces that another
accounts for about tor-thirds
Mongolia, indicating that this
of the 3533 who ha" been there.
Tass reports fror:i Hexico City that the Mexican C'? has pub-
lished a resolution which recalled that the 14$h_7T-r ongrass
at the and of last year had endorsed a new world conference and
says that "the Presidium believes that such"a conference is even
more necessary under present conditions....
Indonesian C? Chairman Aidit welcomed New Zealand C? Secy
Gen Mcox on a vi sit to Djakarta, praising him as "leader of
a Cl? which holds high the banner of M-L and stands in the fore-
front of the struggle to smash modern revisionism," a party
from which the Pay can learn much.
The new issue of Problems of Peace and Socialism, accord-
ing to UPI, carries an art cle by a Costa 1ican Communist whol
visited Mao in lay and reports him as saying: "Personally,
like international tension." It also added parties in North
Vietnam, Ecuador and Iran to the list in Iaommunist endorsing
the Soviet call for a world conference, ac^or nor to A??.
June 5: "Completing its series of articles on the nature of
relations among socialist countries," according to a ?'ass sum-
mary, tzvestiya denounces the CC? leaders for "casting aspersion
on econora c cooperation among the socialist countries," and
alleging that "such cooper'.tion leads to the subordination by
the More developed countries of the less developed ones and a
loss of equality by`the latter." (We recall, of course, that
this was also reflected in the Rumanian April 22 declaration.)
Izvesti= a calls f'absolutely impermissible the uncoordinated
steps o some members of the community which involve the in-
terests of other fraternal states and damage the common line of
the socialist countries." "One cannot put up with any behind-
the-scenes the-scenes int.,rigzes,' concealed speculations in the field of
rei nn .trade, in the w
o Chinese ea
ns, in arts -- and that is yj a the
A t ashington host 'rebort by S. Posenfeld says ' that rh1ru-
shchev m e a sect and unsuccessful trip to Bucharest about
one month ago to unseat fumanian leader Lseorghiu-Dej, according
to unverified reports from the Rumanian cap
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15 June 1J4
793. Lysenkkois? Still Lives Ctn.
rACKGROlNi'D: Marxism represses science. For scientific
researb and tnoug to progress, a is essential that there
be no "unthinkable thoughts," no dogmas which cannot be ques-
tioned, and no fear among scientists that they may be punished
for unpopular findings. Marxism professes to be scientific,
but it is really a dogmatic theory, not verified by experience,
and not open to revision. From time to time, Marxist dogma
has collided with scientific work, since the latter has de-
valop_3ed rapidly in the last century, while the former has--at
least in theory--stood still. For many years, Marxist theo-
reticians contested Einsteints theories, believing them to be
idealist (as opposed~`.o m~ to alist); the concept of cybernetics
net for a time with similar hostility. Official Marxism ism
has reversed itself by now on these two questions, nuclear phys-
ics and control techniques being fields too important to a
Great Power to permit dogmatic foot-dragging. But in biology
and particularly in genetics, the CPSU still supports the pseudo-
scientific doctrines of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko, usually
cared"Michurin science" in the Soviet Union, after the scien-
tifically-ignorant Soviet plant-breeder, Ivan Vladinirovich
Michurin (1655-1935).
Inherited V3. Acquired characteristics. iviichurinism is
based on the doctrine-that acquired c aracteristics can be in-
herit:,1. Marx had already warmly embraced this doctrine, which
was lr3 d by many scientists in his time. He acclaimed the work
of Darwin and sought (unsuccessfully) to get Darwin's agrerment
to having Das Kapital dedicated to him; at the same time 1;1rirx
scornfully-s' ism ssed the theories of Thomas Malthus on po :~ula-
tion, which had partly inspired Darwin's vwork. But at the end
of the nineteenth century, the discoveries of the Austrian monk
Gregor Mendel became widely known in professional circles and,
amplified by the work of other biologists, such as August
t7eismann and T. 12. Morgan, these findings indicated that ac-
quired characteristics could not be inherited. Handel's theory
was that heredity is transmitTee by discrete living particles,
which later became known as genes, and scientific research d?-
mon.strat:ed by 1915 that the chromosomes of the cell nucleus con-
sist of thousands of these elements, each located in a linear
order which can be mapped. The adaptation of a living organism
to its external onvircm-:aent in no way affected its genes.
Mendelian genetics were repellent to good Marxists, for
several reasons.
1. The theory, especially as developed by twentieth century
research, was too complicated; non-specialists who were
political activists cou not understand it themselves,
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('7... ?;opt.)
and found it useless for propaganda purposes. Unsophisti-
cated experimenters like Luther Burbank, Michurin, and
Lysenko likewise failed to understand the Mendelian theory,
or the evidence which supported it.
2. Mendel, like Malthus, was a cleric; indeed Mendel was
a monk. Other proponents of Mendelianism were our ;eois
sc?en fists, without "social consciousness." Always in-
clined to see things in black-and-white, good vs. bad
terms, Marxists identified their own views with science
and materialism, and identified Mendelianism with meta-
physics and idealism. They distorted the Mendelian theory
to make it seem that the germ plasm or the genes were a
spiritual element, like a soul.
A. Mendelian genetics outdated views expressed by Marx
and angels.
4. The denial that acquired characteristics could be trans-
mitted to later generations ran counter to Marxist plans
to rebuild society over a short Tier o , to creams o creat-
Ing a err SAM Man, an o s- erles for rapid re-
education of every kind.
Although most Western scientists had accepted Mendelianism by
the time of the Bolshevik revolution, Soviet scientists made
valiant eff-s to show the inheritability of acquired charac-
teristics. The psychologist F.V. Pavlov tried to show that an
acquired ability to learn could be transmitted; a serious and
competent scientist, he admitted by 1927 that his experiments
had not proven the point. Michurin, and after him, Lysenko
claimed to have created new plant species over a short period;
their claims are believed to have rested on poor experimental
techniques and, at least in Lysenko's case, on falsification.
A notorious case was that of an Austrian zoologist,Paul Kammerer,
who claimed to have changed the color of salamanders; he evades"
an examination of his specimens for seven years, and after they
were finally checked (in 1926) and shown to have been painted
with India ink, he committed suicide. At the time of his ex?-
posure, Kammerer had accented an appointment to head an insti-
tute in Moscow. Perhaps partly because of this experience, a
strong and able school of Mendelian geneticists was permitted
to work in the Soviet Union in the '20's and early '30's, led
by Uikolai Ivanovich Vavilov.
Stalin represses science. But a new school arose under
Stalin, associating itself rr th the name of Michurin and led
by Lysenko. Whatever his shortcomings as a scientist, Lysenko
was and is an able politician and propagandist. He managed to
got Vavilov exiled and imprisoned: Vavilov died in a concentra-
tion camp in 1963. Lysenko's theory appealed to the xenophobia
of Stalin and Zhdanov, and in 1943, this theory became official;
the few remaining adherents of Mendelian genetics either recante
or were removed from their positions. Biological research in the
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"Tur '"' (793 Cont.)
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Khrushchev supports controversial Lyrsen'ko. Some revival
of genetics took p ace after Stalin's ea , and it has been
possible for Soviet biology to recover some of the ground it
had lost when Mendelians were branded public enemies. But since
the consolidation of KKhrushchev's position, Lysenko has suc-
ceeded to a degree in consolidating his position as well. Khru-
shchev has a fondness for "Practical" scientists who "get the
work out," and Lysenko has pandered to this taste, claiming
fabulous results for his Lenin Hills experimental farm, espe-
cially in grain production and in raising (through breeding)
the butterfat content of miles,:. Of course, Lysenko's farm's pro-
duction (if the figures are accurate at all) is attained by a
lavish use of the best materials and equipment, and an intensive
expenditure of man-hours. But at the slightest criticism of
Lysenko, Khrushchev points to Lysenko's figures and tells the
other experts to go to Lenin Hills and learn.
Ideology continues to block Soviet biological science. In
1-larch a erary journal, Neva, printed an article, "Pro-
spects of Soviet Genetics," by . zI "l~edvedev and V. ICirpichni?cov
[see unclassified attachment for text]. This article gave an
excellent layman's survey of modern genetics, and without nar4a-
iag Lyysenko, attacked the isolation of Soviet biology from world
biology as survival of the cult of personality. But other
Soviet scientists failed to come to the support of these writero,
and on 13 August, Sel'skaya Shizn (rural Life) printed a force-
ful criticism by 11-,A-.70 spans ay, a a- fu Lysenko follower
who occupies LysenL.o's old position as President of the V. 1.
Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Olshansky
concluded that a s,3irit of conciliation between Michurin genet-
ics and "classical" (i.e., Mendelian) genetics was "impermissi-
ble in biology" and that the Medvedev-Kirpichnikov article "must
be considered mistaken and harmful for our science." Neva re-
winted the Olshansk.iy article in September, along swit=note
of apology; by October, more than half of Neva's editorial
board had been replaced. Other signs contin~o show the ef-
forts of the Lysenkoites to enforce conformity: for example,
a recent book, Genetics, by M. il. Lobashev, was sharply denounce,':
in a review of March 1964 as an attempt "to revive the old
idealistic, metaphysical V1eismann-Mendel-L orb an genetic theory."
True, there has been a real change since the days when
Vavilov died in a concentration camp. Today, much worthwhile
Soviet material is published with a ritual bow in the direction
of P ,Iichurin. Biochemical science in the rest of the world has
in recent years witnessed exciting advances with research on
l ITA (desoxyribonucleic acid) and Ei?A (ribonucleic acid) ; L"rNA
molecular chains appear to provide a sort of genetic code or (in
the couriuter sense) program, and indeed seem to be the material
counterpart of the theoretical concert of the genes. The Soviet
biologists are well aware of these developments, and even Lysenko
himself tries to incorporate DNA into his own system. In a sense,
molecular biology may ultimately serve Soviet purposes, since it
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wMiko (793 Cont.)
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has Made it an-?ear possible to induce or blocs, mutations--i.e.,
to control genetic processes. But as long as the ideological
line prevails in Soviet biology, indelaendent research will be
hindered, the exploitation of '7:stern research will be Nandi-
-capped, political hacks will occupy important. positions, and
the best talent will be discouraged from taking u this study.
Lysenko cannot be blamed for last year's agricultural failure,
but the reliance on an official line and the discouragement of
initiative leadsto similar results in biology, agriculture, and
other fields of Soviet life as well.
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r ,~ ~. (793.)
Approved For Release 2000/04/i4:-CIA-RDR7&-o3061A00020008t$O ne 1964
79z.:- Not So Peaceful Co-existence
BACKGROUND: `here is no detente in the cold war with the
greemen s have een made in
Soviet non althoug a series of agreement-s-
an attempt to reduce the nuclear arms race and to create a
pore favorable political climate in preparation of settling
the truly crucial issues. These limited agreements (e.g. re-
duced production of fissionable materials for military purposes,:,
limited nuclear test ban, the US-USSR Consular agreement) are
hopeful signs but they do not yet touch the heart of the crucial
issues (e.g. disarmament, German questions) nor do they indicate
any trend in Soviet foreign policy away from the goal of Com-
munist world domination.
US and free world-'s" teps toward rapprochement with the
Soviet Union could be interpreted in many countries as more
significant than they are with respect both to our policy and
to the intentions of Khrtishchevts CPSU. To the extent that this
is the case, such countries may rush into relations with the
USSR and Eastern European Communist countries which expose
them to undue influence and penetration; or they may pressure
the major powers to make sweeping agreements with the USSR
which lack controls and verification (e.g. disarmament with-
out inspection, German agreements without protection for Berlin
or self-determination for people of Fast Germany, non-agression
pacts with predatory and unreliable countries such as Cuba and
Communist China).
CPSU Position and Polic . The Soviet Union recognizes the
restraints place3 oil-large scale direct aggressive action by
a determined free world possessing destructive military capabi-
lities at least equal to its own. But it is not clear that
CPSU leadership is equally cognizant of the danger of limited
war (e.g. Communist supported insurrection within countries or
between "third" countries) -- which it has not renounced. F3or
can we rely upon the Soviet leaders' ability to calculate
correctly what the free world response in the event of communist
agression in one part of the world or another is likely to be.
Firm, explicit US and western policies are one attempt to pre-
vent Soviet miscalculation and the agreement on the "hot line"
between Washington and Moscow is at least a recognition by the
Kremlin that miscalculation is a possibility.
In the long run, it is possible that a Soviet policy of
indirect aggression and subversion is more dangerous than direct
aggressions. Faced by a belligerent Communist China demanding a
sow down on revolutionary doctrine in a struggle for power
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over the Communist movement on the one side and by restless
Eastern 2uropean countries and peoples, increasingly caressing
for political and economic autonomy, on the other, Khrushchev's
CPSU must prove success for its "peaceful coexistence" policy --
that is, indirect subversion in all of its aspects.
The CPSU is attempting to develop as many normal relations
as possible with non-Communist countries -- and particularly
hey nations in the developing areas, e.g. Algeria, UAf, Ghana
Indonesia. Its major purpose in such relations is to penetrate
and indoctrinate, subvert to insurrection and by other means
to impose cc.amunist systems.
Aggressive, anti-imperialist Soviet foreign policies.
Khrus "neaceXuj- advocating ostensibly
reasonable and normal relations with other countries in many
respects, also continues aggressive actions against the free
world and democratic institutions. It males little difference
whether Soviet attp.clrus on the free world are rationalized as
necessary (1) to maintain the USSR's status in the Communist
world and to offset Chicom charges that Khrushchev and the
CPSU are soft on capitalism, or (2) to quiet real or purported
pressi res within the US S11. itsief. The attacks and the pos-
sible consequences are real in either case. Further, the
rationalizations tend to make Khrushchev's overtures more ac-
ceptable to many and to promote a peaceful image for the USS
in contrast to belligerent Communist dogmatists and Mao's CM?,
''71hether Khrushchev might be moving toward a tougher line
is a moot question. That he is continuing hxs attacks on the
Test in general and the US in particular is a fact. The Soviet
Union's not so peaceful coexistence practices are found in many
places. Some of these are as follows:
Indochina. The CPSU charges the US with aggression in Vietnam
and C,,ia7odia, blames it for the crisis in Laos and claims it
has a plan to invade that country. Moscow endorses Sihanouk
and favors the ?athet Lao and VietCong, though presumably wary
of Chicorn victory through these forces in Indochina. All US
attempts to assist the struggling Indochina countries to defeat
the brutal, outright aggression from the northern Communists
are interpreted as US imperialism.
Ambassador L edorenko, speaking to the United Nations on
21 P;! ay 100: charged that the US made "war against the peo-
ple of Vietnam" committed "aggressive actions" against
Cambodians, and "stubbornly violated" the Geneva Agreements
of 10054, which violation led in the case of Cambodia to
"this meeting of the Security Council." quarry Schwartz
(iTZ Times 24 Play) said that 1 edorenko's speech "used
some c--he roughest, cold war language heard in the
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Security Council in years."
An Izvesti as article of 25 May signed by "Observer" (used
for viet o1icy statements) [as reported by the H Y Times
173 26 May 1964] "blamed' the US in the current crisis in os.
It charged that American arms had been shipped to rightist
forces, t'tich attempted a coup last month...." It likened
Laos to South Vietnam and warned against any attempt to
transfer to Laos the 'bankrupt' American policy in South
Vietnam. ... Such an attempt would 'create a dangerous
new seat of war,' would heighten political fevers through-
out Southeast Asia a:,-d would constitute an expansion of
American 'aggression.' the paper sa d . "
Cuba. An "Observer" article in Izvestiya of 25 April 1904 on
M-overflights of Cuba contains extxem" statements which also
give pause to the view of a Soviet policy of rapprochement with
the US. Khrushchev, supporting Castro's threats to shoot down
American reconnaissance planes, says among otter things that
the overflights are a contravention of the US-Soviet agreement of
October 1362, that :Cuba has the right to Soviet weapons to pro-
tect its sovereignty, and that there can be no real improvement
in ^oviet-American relations unless the US respects Cuban
sovereignty. The facts are that Cuba has never allowed the in-
spection agreed to in the Kennedy"hruszchev understanding of
1OS2; that Khrushchev assists, and, through his intelligence
services, actively participates in :astro's policy of encourarg'nL;
and assisting insurrection (with Soviet bloc weapons) against
legal Latin American governments; and that he otherwise en-
courages or allows Castro's vehement attacks on the US (even
sugesting that the US prepares bacterial warfare -- a charge
now appearing in SEA also).
Africa. In addition to vitriolic charges of imperialism against
-e :`, est during his two-week visit to the UAL in May 1964, ?
fthrushchev obtained Nasser's support in a joint communique which:
claimed that the success of their economic and political coopera-
tion were the fruits of the peaceful coexistence policy betreen
countries with different social systems; charged that imperialists
exploit other countries, interfere in Cyprus and abridge Cuba's
sovereignty; stated that the CPS has the right to Taiwan; and op-
posed all forms of colonialism (i.e. the purported neo-colonial#s.a
of the US in particular).
In another communique signed with Algerian Premier Ben Bella
in floscow shortly before his African trip, Khrushchev secured
Algerian agreement for practically his whole vehement anti-
imperialist (Wrest) campaign, and support for his own mis-
leadingly labeled "national liberation" policy. Pcr example,
K and Ben Bella:
announced "solidarity with the peoples of Africa, Asia
and Latin America heroically struggling against colonialism
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(79~' Cont . )
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(794 Cont.)
and imperialism and for national liberation, ....
"decisively condemn all forms of colonial oppression and neo-
colonialism and are resolved to continue giving active sup-
port to the national liberation movement ....
"condemn attempts by the imperialists to violate the
sovereignty of the Cuban Republic ...."
"expressed their belief that disarmament would "prevent
colonial powers from using arms for repressing national
liberation movements ...."
and hoped for strengthening the links between Algeria and Cuba,
i.e. between on Bella and Fidel Castro.
11hrushchev, who has selected two good show cases from which
to projec an attractive Soviet image into Africa, paid well
for the opportunity to further influence and penetrate the
continent: a $277 million to the UAR and a $125
million r 1 to Algeria. Only Western aid is dan-
gerous, imperialist and colonialist, according to Soviet propa-
Others. The USSR has supplied excessive quantities of military
hardware for Sukarnots territorial conquests and Indonesia's
confrontation with iaysia. In Cyprus, where this
called for disarmament while seeking to mediate in that tragic
island's problems, the Soviet Union supports a military solu-
tion by government loaders. The Soviet Union has consistently
fought the UST General Assembly's peacekeeping
functions, and on numerous occasions has sought to sabotage its
attempts to prevent the outbreak of war. The USSR has, also,
provided weapons for illegal aggression,c, .-", : -~'.:,`f dissidents,
in the non o, A. Somalia, and to the Kurds. The
buzzing of U "planes in air corridors over Germany and inter-
forenco with convoys on the highway to blast 76-R in, the carrot
and stick treatment of the Seandina-rian countries and inter-
ference in the internal affairs of Finland, are but further
examples of the C?SU's non-peaceful coexistence policy. rSoo
summary checklist for the "Soviet Union's Not So Peaceful Co-
existence" Y
11ZFM21TC"": .2G rr`l32, item 725 of 12 January 1DC4, "Against
Complacency in the Cold War."
Also, Press Comment, current items on CPSU attacks
on the free wor and charges against the US.
(794 Cont.)
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13 " V, _ 15 June 1964
70b. The Succession Dilca:ima in Communist China
3A'Cd{GRQUND: When Lenin died an
t aga
n when Stalin diet':, it,
a' ea ^e ~a ~e remaining Communist leaders were firmly united
in their determination to carry on the ideas of the sdan,: leader.
And yet in both cases, shortly after the death of the leader his
former subordinates `iere deeply divided
engaged in ?if : r ndd
death struggles for Pocwer. That Pro the chances that the Chi.r.:cs.
Communists will be able to avoid a severe crisis in the period
after Ilao dies? In view of Mao's advanced age--he was 70 last
-fie =erg;box--and his apparent mental and physical debilitation in
recent years, the question has very real significance for the in-
medfate future.
heir apparent. The CC? has attempted to ease the situation
by greorah ng Liu ,~ iao-chi. as Mao's appointed successor. In 1059
Mao turned over to Liu the chairmanship of the Government while
retaining the more important post of party chairman. Although
the duties of the C??fl chairman are largely ceremonial, t.- s
transfer enhanced Liu's prestige by making him nominal chief
of state. Liu has also been allowed to act as China's foremost
i~feological spokesman after Mao of course. Liu however is 36,
nearly as old and frail as Mao. Even if he should achieve a
successful takeover from Mao it would necessarily be as a care-
ta.ka administration. Liu certainly does not have the status
to appoint his own successor as Mao has done.
There are, moreover, other factors that mare it uncertain
whether even Mao can successfully install Liu as his successor.
When a legendary leader like Mao has dominated the Party for
such a long time, the moment he dies or is effectively removed
from leadership, the environment changes so drastically that
any cosparison with the situation that existed just before his
death is invalid. Many who were willing and able to work har-
moniously together under Sao's tutelage may suddenly find that
they are no longer able to find common goals and objectives.
It is one thing to hold a regime together on the basis of re-
volutionary comradeship and zeal developed in the hard school
of the Long March and the caves of `:.rerun. It is quite another
thing to weld a new leadership out of those who have witnessed
the tragedy and confusion of their elders during the recent
period of high hones and shattered dreams.
"?urged" leaders. The reckless and controversial policies
that have ea ? o sac dismal failures in recent years are cer-
tain to have left strains and ill will among leaders and cadres.
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There is evidenc3 f .,this .i:n tide, ,fn11 from grace of Chan' !Tun,
formerly Chink* t: ec4 0 . e ' and the dismissal of
Defense mini
Q ua C erx Yun is thought to have
opposed the comzmmt~nes anc the Great Loan Forward, Ea spoke on
that matter as China's foremost economic expert and it is rea-
sonable to assume that many others in this group shared his
views, but considered it futile to sacrifice themselves in use-
less opposition to the ?arty ideologists. Pang Teh-huai also
opposed the Great Leap .Forward but the main point of his op-
position to the "arty authorities carne when they sought to im-
-aose Party controls over the army and to divert men and material
from the armed forces to industry and. agriculture. There is
also evidence that he opposed Mao's views. on the relative role
of men and weapons in modern warfare. Again, it is reasonable
to assume that other army leaders shared (and share) Pang's
point of view but find it expedieht to bide their time until a
more propitious opportunity presents itself Such an opt,or-
tunity could come when feuding political factions in the Party
find themselves competing for the support of the People's Liber-
ation Army.
Potential Competing Groups: Liu Shao-chi and T:n Esiac-
:- en , Genera Secretary of Fit e CCP, are considered to be eaders of a "hard" group that controls the ?arty apparatus and
has used it in recent years to dominate Chicory policy-ma:}ing,
This group of die-hard Stalinists advocates overly ambitious
industrial and economic goals, but a series of economic disasters
in the past fete years has forced them to retreat somewhat. They
are concerned lest this period of retreat cause ideological de-
viations and bring "revisionisu" into their "pure" Marxism-
Luainism. That is why the Chinese Party and the Chinese people
are still being subjected to political campaigns against "class
enemies," e.g. the socialist educational campaign.
Premier Chou En-lai heads what is apparently a comparatively
more moderate__(or a ~ east more realistic) group that includes
Yoroign Minister Chen Yi, Finance Minister Li Esien-nien, and
Li 17u-shun, Chinas clo"peconomic planner. Most o the 'Better
educated, and more brilliant Party members adhere to this group.
Chou 'a sophistication and international experience are unique
among the top Chinese leaders, most of whom have never been out-
side China except for occasional trips to other Communist coun-
tries. Chou is thought to have special appeal for China's in-
tellectuals and has appeared as the regime's spokesman when it
is necessary to conciliate the intellectual class.
Little is known about the personalities in other groups
that may play a role in the question of Mao's succession. It
is likely that there are dissident groups in tae military estab-
lishment and also in the government bureaucracy--the economic
s _iocialists and industrial technocrats who have seen their own
economic plans and goals pushed aside to meet the demands of
ideology. Still another faction, so vastly important in Com-
raunIst countries, is the public security force O i terest
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44 r
here is the fact that the fastest rising man in the regime in
the past three or four years is Lo Jiu-ching, long-time com-
mander of the Public Security Force anster of public
Security.e is currently the Army Chief of Staff and a member
of. the party Central Secretariat. Els support will be very
valuable to any group in a struggle for power.
The Second Generation: Another major aspect of the suc-
cession pros em n Ccm iunist China is the average age of the 13
members of the Chicot politburo -- most are in their late 60s
or 73s and the average age is over 35. No attempt has been made
to bring gradually second echelon leaders into the top bureau-
cracy and train thou for ultimate leadership. The top 40 men
in the ?arty are all in the older age-group and only below that
level are there any noticeably younger men, men in the 50-58
year age group. There is twofold significance in this fact:
First, these younger men may react strongly when the legendary
Mao is removed from the scene. They may rebel against the "Yentn
caves" mentality of their elders and seek to put the nation on
ghat they consider to be a sounder, more balanced economic path.
Second, and perhaps even more important, this age gap would mean
that the ton post may change hands several times in the next fete
years. Because of the advanced age of the contenders for the
top post, Mao's successor may find the extreme burdens of high
command more than he can adjust to and carry successfully at
such an age. If this should happen it would further stimulate
second-generation leaders to seek the top post for one of their
group. Thus it would not be unlikely to see three or four new
?arty chairmou rise to the surface in the period between now an6
1933 or 1970.
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Approved For Release 2000/04/14' 61A0002000800Q:1June 1964,
1W,be. Communists Foment Racial Hatred in British Guiana
After living in relative harmony for many years, the two
major races -- East Indian and Negro -- that make up the po-'ula-
tion of British Guiana are locked in a deadly struggle that has
brought about the declaration of a state of emergency and the
dispatch of additional British troops to the colony.
The immediate cause of the current outbreak is the strike
of sugar cane rkers called 12 February 1964? by the Guiana
Agricultural Workers Union (GAW TJ) , a scab union controlled by
the party in power, in protest over the fact that a rival union,
the i anpow,er Citizens Association (PICA) is and has for many
years been recognized by management and by the British Guiana
Trade Union Congress (BGTUC) as the responsible bargaining
The current strike is more an excuse than a genuine cause.
The subversive activities of the Jagan Party's Progressive Youth:
Organization (PYO),is a similar direct cause. The P"?O is re-
sponsible for most of the a r~ oc ies committed against the
Negro population and for the sabotage against the canefields.
The roots of the conflict are rather political and ideological.
They go back to the impasse created by the 1961 elections, in
which the Peoples Progressive Party (?PP) of Cheddi Jagan won
a majority of the seats in the assembly. Jagan, a self-confesse:a
Marxist who has given every indication that he is a bona fide
to consolidate his power and prepare the colony for eventual
collectivization under a Castro-Communist government.
The 1961 elections were held under a district system,
whereby the winner of the majority of the votes in a given
electoral district -- whether by a large or a small majority
-- would win the assembly seat. Such a system favored the
Indians, who lived scattered in small towns with relatively
small majorities, as against the Negroes (or Africans, as they
prefer to call themselves), most of whom live crowded together
in Georgetown. The PPP, with 42.6q% of the votes, received 23
seats in the 35-man assembly against 15 for the two opposition
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('797 Cont.)
Com1Lmunist, became premier and proceeded
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(7-07 Cont.) 0 ^ M;; M;.
Under proportional representation proposed by British Colo-
Secretary,Duncan S ndys last October 25, after the leaders of
the three major parties who could not agree among themselves had
asked him to provide a solution, a party vil1 be given seats in
proportion to the number of votes vihich it receives. This system
will be in effect for elo:tions, the date for which is expected
to be set before the and of l C4. The opposition parties, the
People's National Congro .~s (17111C) and the United Force (F) ex-
pect that their comb! aed porcoTMi ages will be sufficient to enable
thorn to form a coalition ,ovei?r.ment capable of removing; Jagan
and revering the prc : e d i :. ,-? roux leftward trend of Guiana
politics. and his C?ommonist line supporters have feared
that they vili lose under proportional representation. Therefore,
the ppp and the PYO embarked on a campaign of sabotage, subversIcand disruption that h ,s but one aim: to prevent elections they
cannot be sure of winnit . 25X1 C10b
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(797 Cont.)
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NEW (797.)
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Polish 13conomist Says
Communist Socialized Agriculture Cannot Succeed
The main theoretical organ of the Polish Communist Party
Howe Drogi has published a long article which shows, on the
lia-sis-o-f7solish experience, why private farms are more produc-
tive than socialized (i.e. either collectives or state farms).
This article is an extension of L ieczyslaw Hieszczankowslai's
argusaont presented in a series of Zycie Gospodarcze articles
last year against reorganizing Polish agriculture. Me. has been
a leading proponent of non-collectivized agriculture since the
Polish 1956 uprising.
In the Howe Drogi article, apparently written to counter
proposals of- o'gm'a`tic Communists to reorganize the private pea-
sant farms into state farms, 11ieszczanltowski presents the fol-
loving arguments:
a. The nationalization of land and investment goods is
not an end in itself; the main purpose of socializing
agriculture is to ensure greater productivity.
b. Poland, since 1956, has achieved greater productivity
without nationalizing land and equipment, while at the
same time avoiding "the negative effects which some-
time accompany the socialization of production forces."
c. Under present Polish conditions, large-scale collec-
tivized agricultural units are clearly not superior to
the peasant economy. Large socialist farms produce less
at greater cost than medium (5-13 hectare) private Jhrm3.
Until Poland has sufficient investment funds to pour in-
to large enterprises, they will remain inferior as re-
ards productivity to the smaller farms. "In this situ-
ation it is impossible to implement the socialization
of land - - - it is impossible to replace the individual
peasant farms by large agricultural enterprises."
The author recommends that State influence on agricultural
production be along such lines as purchase of machinery and
judiciously applied loans from the Agricultural Development fund
to loosely-knit country cooperatives.
June 1964
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May 29, 1963
Volume XV, Number 18
Published Each Week by
The Joint Committee on Slavic Studies
Appointed by the American Council of Learned
A Criticism of the Lysenko Viewpoint in Genetics
and V. Kirpichnikov. Neva, No. 3, March, pp. 165-175. 5,000
words. Condensed text:) Genetics is the science that studies
the phenomena of heredity and variability. Many people are
acquainted with the controversy that has been going on steadily
for more than thirty years now in the field of genetics. There
are two schools of genetics in our country: classical genetics,
which is often called "formal," and another school that rejects
the chromosome theory of heredity.*
At the much-talked-of session of the All-Union Academy of
Agricultural Sciences in 1948 the principle of the class nature
of biology-the principle that there are fundamental differences
between Soviet genetics and the genetics of Western countries
that must be recognized, the principle of the irreconcilability
of various schools in genetics-was put forward and applied.
This principle was vigorously endorsed at the time by Stalin.
Classical genetics was pronounced a bourgeois science and
thus found itself "outlawed."
Fourteen years have passed since then, and all this time the
dominant positions, especially in the educational sphere, have
been controlled in our country and the people's democracies
by representatives of the new school of genetics. Meanwhile,
classical genetics has continued to develop and has scored
great victories. The greatest discovery of recent years has
owr~ been the deciphering of the physical and chemical nature of
the chromosomes, the cell (nuclear) structures that are the
basis of heredity. The role of these structures in the synthe-
sis of proteins has been clarified, and scientists are now at
grips with the problem of controlling that synthesis. Genetic
laws have been very important as clues to the nature of
many serious diseases of man and for the improvement of
methods of diagnosing, preventing and treating them. The
progress of classical genetics has led to major advances in
agriculture. There has been a revolution in the propagation of
corn, sugar beets and other extremely valuable crops. Poultry
and pig raising, the breeding of fur-bearing animals and many
other branches of animal husbandry are being reorganized
under the impact of genetics.
The time has come to take stock, to see the reasons for the
burgeoning of classical genetics all over the world and to as-
sess the outlook for the further development of this important
branch of science.
'[Lb., the Lysenko scfiboi. See Current Digest of the Soviet
Press, Vol. XV, No. 5, pp. 3-10 for Lysenko's own statement
of his theory, and Vol. XV, No. 16, pp. 23-25 for a defense and
elaboration of that theory, as it applies to the role of DNA, by
Mikhail Olshnnsky, present head of the Academy of Agricul-
tural Sciences.]
tCurrent Digest of the Soviet Press
Vol. XV, NO. 4
pp. 3-5.
Approved For Release 2000/04/14: CIA-RD~78-(39 d11b#ftNMt -10f heredity boils down to an ex-
In January of this year the Party Central Committee and the
U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers adopted a special resolution on
measures for the further development of biological science
and the strengthening of its ties with practice.t A great deal
of attention is given in it to genetics. Genetics should hold a
fitting place of honor in the Soviet Union. All the advances of
present-day genetics should be applied to our country's econ-
omy. This is the patriotic duty of Soviet scientists.
The History of the Gene Theory.-Classical genetics devel-
oped at the end of the 19th century as a unitary world science,
like physics, chemistry, geology, botany and other branches
of natural science. Its laws reflect the nature of certain bio-
logical phenomena and are therefore (like the laws of any
other science) the same for the scientists of all countries.
The basic postulate of genetics in the first half of the 20th
century was, as we know, the theory of the genes-material,
self-reproducing factors of heredity. The genes are localized
in the chromosomes within the cell nucleus and influence the
development of the various characters of the organism.
When all work being done. in the U.S.S.R. using the methods
of classical genetics was suspended in 1948, that science did
not stop developing. The world is a big place; there are many
scientists in it, and far from all of them took on faith the postu-
lates of the new theory of heredity. Classical genetics proceed-
ed to develop at an ever swifter pace. The number of publica-
tions and books confirming the existence of the genes and the
correctness of the chromosome theory of heredity grew year
by year. Every year brought reports of fundamental discoveries
in the unraveling of the nature of heredity; geneticists were
awarded Nobel Prizes for their work.
This process has gradually come to include our country too.
After the 20th Party Congress a healthier atmosphere in the
domain of science, and particularly in biology, set in. Free
discussion of many key scientific problems became possible.
A number of laboratories resumed genetic research, which was
urgently needed by several branches of industry, medicine and
agriculture. Controversy in the field of genetics also began to
Well, what has happened? Why have the predictions of the
sterility and degradation of "formal" genetics not come true?
This question demands a clear-cut answer. Impartial analysis
of the path traversed by classical genetics and by biology as a
whole is essential, for only on that condition can all the achieve-
ments of this science be enlisted in the service of the Soviet
But first of all a brief account should be given of just what
heredity is and why the study of heredity is of such great im-
portance for both the theoretical and the practical aspects of
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planation of why individuals of one or another species repro-
duce their like, why children resemble their parents, why and
how the characteristics and features of parents are transmitted
to their progeny. A new organism develops out of a single cell
(zygote) formed by the fusion of two reproductive cells (gam-
etes)-a male and a female. The fertilized egg cell-the zygote-
is comparatively simple: the membrane, liquid cytoplasm, a
central nucleus, reserve substances and a number of other
structures-this is the total extent of the microscopic morphol-
ogy before the start of that speedy development which results
in the appearance of an infinitely complex and perfect organ-
ism. To explain the mechanism of this development is to ex-
plain the nature of heredity, to unlock the basic mystery of the
organic world, to find the keys to the control of heredity for
the benefit of man. It was on this particular point that the basic
variance of the two schools in genetics arose. One of them,
without denying the great influence of the environment, attached
primary importance to the structures of the egg cell and the
spermatazoon, from which the new organism originates; the
other focused Its attention solely on the external conditions of
that development.
The premise of classical genetics is that there exist in liv-
ing cells special self-reproducible particles called genes, which
are transmitted from one generation to another and the particu-
lar combination of which predetermines the character of the
individual development of a biological system. It would prob-
ably be helpful to recall briefly how the concept of genes came
into being in science. It originated, as we know, in the form
of a hypothesis advanced to explain the laws of particulate in-
heritance In hybrids established in the classical experiments
of the Czech scientist G. Mendel almost a century ago. ...
However, the so-called chromosome theory of heredity did
not make its appearance until several decades after Mendel's
first experiments, when a striking resemblance was discovered
between the "behavior" of chromosomes and the nature of the
inheritance of various characters.
The strides of cytology in the early part of our century
showed that in every cell and its nucleus there is a particular
set of chromosomes-small rodlike structures the number and
form of which are constant for a given species. When cell di-
vision occurs, the constancy of the number of chromosomes is
maintained by their self-replication. Each chromosome cre-
ates its like before the division of the cell begins. The organ-
ism's development starts, it will be recalled, as a result of
the fusion of two cells, a maternal and a paternal; the number
of chromosomes in the fertilized egg is double the number in
each gamete. However, the number of chromosomes charac-
teristic of the species remains at the former level, since in
the formation of sex cells there occurs what Is called reduction
division, in which, as distinct from ordinary cell division, the
paired chromosomes separate into daughter cells without pri-
or doubling, each sex cell acquiring half a set of chromosomes.
It was thus established that in every normal cell of any sexual-
ly reproducing living organism there is a quantitatively con-
stant and always paired set of chromosomes. ...
In this early period of the development of genetics, the
genes still continued to be hypothetical factors of heredity,
although there was no longer any doubt about the localization of
the genes in the chromosomes. Methods were even worked out
for determining the continuity of genes in the chromosomes,
genetic maps were made of the chromosomes, the relationship
of dependence was discovered between the appearance of char-
acters and changes in particular segments of the chromo-
somes, etc., but the chemical nature of the genes and the mech-
anism of their reproduction were not unraveled until much
The most Important discoveries In this area have been made
only in the past ten to 15 years, and these discoveries have
been revolutionizing biology. Elucidation of the biochemical
structure of the genes has resulted from the swift hand-in-
hand development of the two sciences genetics and biochem-
istry, from the fruitful efforts of many laboratories and hun-
drods of scientists.
The development of classical genetics in recent decades has
shown the vitality of this science, reinforced Its link with
physics and chemistry and brought about its extensive involve-
ment in the practice of medicine and agriculture. The gene
theory has successfully passed the test of time. The nature
and mechanism of the operation of genes have in broad terms
been established, and one would think the prolonged dispute
over this problem might have been brought town end. But the
controversy over the gene theory continues and retains Its
acute character. What explains this?
Before answering this question, let us review those princi-
pal discoveries of classical genetics that have led to identifi-
cation of the precise biochemical mechanisms of heredity.
Genetics and Cybernetics. The Concept of Hereditary In-
formation.-The development of the embryo brings into being
a highly complex living system made up of billions of cells
Interconnected in the most appropriate fashion. This develop-
ment produces a miracle of nature-the thinking brain; optical
perfection-the eyes; an acoustical device of the highest order-
the hearing apparatus; and many other systems of the living
organism, systems whose organization is always astonishingly
appropriate. The development of this appropriateness in na-
ture was explained by Darwin's theory of evolution and selec-
tion. Cumulative change in one or another direction has been
going on for millions of years. Selection and the struggle for
existence go on uninterruptedly. Bit by bit, detail by detail,
change of one kind or another cumulates over thousands of
generations, and as a result we observe the emergence of a
new appropriate system. We live in a world made up of appro-
priately organized living creatures. But no one of them is
everlasting; every individual, however viable it may be, grows
old and dies. It cannot transmit to its progeny its brain, its
liver, its eyes-all those perfected systems that have developed
in nature in the course of evolution over many millions of
years. The individual transmits to its progeny an Insignifi-
cantly small bit of its body-the egg cell or the spermato-
zoon-which contains nothing but a nucleus with its chromo-
somes and cytoplasm. To the superficial observer it looks as
if these microscopic sex cells have nothing to do with the
grown organism, as if the brain, muscles and blood of the
body that engendered them have disappeared without a trace
and the development of these cells starts each time from
scratch. The narrow-minded scientist is perturbed by the
insignificant size and seeming simplicity of the sex cell; he
looks at the perfected, infinitely complicated organism and ex-
claims: 'They have nothing to do with one another!" It seems
an absurdity to him that the insignificantly small chromosomes,
visible only through a microscope, should contain a full store
of information on the structure and functions of, for instance,
an elephant or a whale. But if the elephant has developed as a
biological species in the process of evolution over hundreds of
millions of year, it would be an even greater absurdity for it to
come into being as something really new in the space of the
months that embryogeny takes. Unless one accepts the reality
of a hereditarily fixed, "programmed" development, the devel-
opment of so perfect and complicated a system as, for example,
the body of a mammal in the space of some months of embryog-
eny is no more credible than the Biblical legend of the world's
creation. Acceptance of such "programmed development"-of a
program somehow coded in the chromosomes of the cell-is In
most cases criticized from theoretical premises that are highly
tendentious and show insufficient competence. Some people see
a 'dualism" in this conception, maintaining that two forms of
one and the same system are impossible. Yet cybernetics and
information theory have proved that one and the same item of
information can be expressed by the most diverse means. An
exact diagram of a complicated machine essentially contains
all the information about that machine, and the machine can be
replicated from this diagram. More than that, it is easier and
simpler to replicate the machine from the diagram than from a
finished model. But the machine may weigh many, many tons
while the diagram can be accommodated on several frames of
film, can even be made microscopic. The diagram is not the
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functioning machine, but it contains the Information with which which can be compared to a photographic negative and the
the machine can be built. If diagram equivalents of machinery other to the positive. Where the negative has a dark area the
were not produced, the development of technology would be im- positive has a light, and vice versa. The same is true of DNA.
possible. If, for example, a country that had well-developed in- Where thymine, for instance, is located on one chain, adenine
dustry but no technical documentation for aircraft and no tech- is to be found on the other, and here adenine 'is to be found
nical cadres familiar with the work suddenly decided to develop on one, thymine, and nothing else, can be located on the other.
jet planes, a great deal of time would be wasted on trial and or- When light is passed through a negative Image we get a post-
ror and experiments, on the development of experimental do- tive, and when it to passed through the positive film we get the
signs. It is unrealistic to think that a finished, perfected jet negative again; similarly, in DNA the result of separating the
plane could be produced rapidly. That is feasible, however, double helix into the "positive" and "negative" chains is that a
given the availability of diagrams and documentation reflecting "negative" chain forms alongside the "positive" and a "positive"
preliminary research and develo
over a long period of alongside the
negative," and we get two identical molecules.
time. The discovery of this phenomenon is unquestionably one of
Something similar is the case in the organic world: In the the greatest advances made in natural science; this discovery
processes of reproduction every organism transmits to its has explained the material, biochemical nature of the continui-
progeny a precise, miniature, extraordinarily economical ge- ty of life on our planet, and perhaps in the whole universe.
netic record of its structure, its characteristics and its com- The concept of "controlling" the synthesis of DNA thus
osition. This record is concentrated in the chromosomes in proved to be superfluous. DNA is capable of exact self-replt-
he form of molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated as cation; It itself "controls" its own synthesis, and if any pro-
NA.* DNA is that mysterious "substance of heredity" whose teins-enzymes-are needed to speed up that synthesis, they
xistence was so long and fruitlessly debated. As was to have are created according to the "program" inscribed in DNA it-
eon expected, the debate was settled by the incontrovertible self. the formation of proteins actually turns out to be the
Cogic of facts. basic function of DNA, while RNA is the main intermediary
It was only recently that skeptics were deriding the claim helping DNA to control the process of metabolism.
rrw hat a nucleic acid could cot 1 4. 1
n ro
rat as typographical matrices can be sent from the capital to throughout the body.
ther cities so that newspapers can be run off from them in Heredity complicated is the characteristic structures ensures the replication
arge local editions, so ribonucleic acid (RNA)* formed from and higher levels. Replication can be based either on a model
)NA is sent from the nucleus of the cell to the.periphery, the (self-replication) or on a "design." Replication based on a
ytoplasm, where various protein molecules begin to form on model is inherent only In the nucleic acids. Proteins, not to
is surface. mention more complicated structures of the organism, are
Despite the convincing, one might even say irrefutable, na- formed on the basis of a design.
ure of this factual material, the skeptics have not given in. Genetics and Biochemistr . Experimental Elucidation of the
"Let us assume," they have said, "that the nucleic acids d
o Biochemical Nature of t e Genes.- a st outs as to te
ontrol the synthesis of proteins. But what controls the syn- existence of the genes disappeared back in the 1920s. Even at
sis of the nucleic acids themselves? What determines the that time genetics had a number of irrefutable proofs of the
eproduction of their subtle structure, their specificity? This key role played in heredity by the chromosomes, of the linear
surely accomplished by particular proteins." But this the- arrangement of the hereditar factors
is, too, a purely polemic one, proved incorrect. First theo- Y (genes) the c rom -
etically, then experimentally it has been shown that ribonu- somes, and of the preservation of the individu dualvli ty y of chrom o-
is formed comes and particular genes. later these proofs became so
leic acid, which governs the synthesis of proteins
But in the past decade this objection has been completely molecules concentrated in chromosomes and transmitted from
isposed of. Hundreds and thousands of investigations have generation to generation have proved unfounded. Conversely,
hown that nucleic acids are polymers as complex as proteins of the hypothesis
heredity, al y, alof lgand the dperme distribution of the characteristic
hat their molecules are dozens and hundreds of times larger of the m numeate every " atom" and substance
han those of proteins and that, just like the proteins, nucleic living organism-nucleic acids, proteins, enable. This
lipides, juices, etc.,-is theoretically vulnerable. This
cids possess species, tissue and intercellular specificity, hypothesis, when applied to a complicated biological system,
oreover, rigorous research has shown that the proteins are is no more credible than, say, the hypothesis that the organism
ormed from nucleic acids, that the surface of nucleic acids is of man has no specialized system of vision, hearing or thought,
kind of template, which predetermines the structure of the that man sees or thinks with all the cells and "atoms" of his
ynthesized protein in the same way that a typographical ma- body, that the characteristic of vision or thought is diffused
rix predetermines the appearance of the newspaper text And
sm. Metabolism, they ,
aid, depended on proteins. Proteins-there was the basis of Thus the abstract theoretical objections: to the theory that
Me. genetic, hereditary species information is recorded in DNA
om DNA, and that the DNA molecules are endowed with the numerous that a mere listing of them would take up a whole
of self-replication. This self-replication is speeded .
t by a special protein, an enzyme, but the action of the en- of the It was a genes long was time, ascertained. cienti sta the knew o new relatively nature
me is nonspecific, and the fidelity of the replication depends about the e subtle structure of the a genes and ;unmsome ,and
the actual structure of the DNA. Such is the nature of the this sometimes enabled skeptics m with and
cleotide building blocks that make up DNA that they form netics to pronounce tgene his s a concept who were unfamiliar reactionary and ary nd widealist,
the ry specific pairs of combinations with each other. The whole without adducing any proof.
NA molecule is made up of two intertwining chains, one of The brilliant work done recently bybiochemists and geneti-
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a complex polymeric mole- 1 ciats has filled in this gap in our knowledge. We shall touch
ule composed of a great many repeating structural units- 1 here on only a few illustrations characterizing the most recent
nucleotides." Every nucleotide contains carbon (in the form stage in the development of biochemical genetics, a stage
f deoxyribose), phosphoric anhydride and a nitrous base (ade- I marked by elucidation of the biochemical structure of the genes,
ins, thymine, guanine or cytosine). DNA is found almost ex- the mechanism of their reproduction and their role in the syn-
lusively in the nuclei of plant and animal cells. thesis of proteins.
i bone etc act ) Is a polymer similar in structure to We might begin the story of these fundamental discoveries
1 11I VUr plilnCT.
One of the simplest viruses-the tobacco mosaic virus-con-
Approved For Release 2000/04/14: CI- RD"846" 1000 h. are strung, as it were,
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hundreds of identical protein molecules which form a kind of Scientists have succeeded in proving the special functions of
sheath. The proteins of the virus are quite specific; there are DNA In the transfer of hereditary characteristics even on the
no such proteins in the cells of the tobacco plant. And it was In level of bacteria. They have learned that if to a nutrient me-
this extremely simple structure that the separation was made dium being used for the cultivation of certain bacteria is added
between the "hereditary substance"-RNA-and the `soma"- an extract containing DNA from another bacterial strain, this
the body of the virus, consisting of proteins. results in the transfer of a number of characteristics of that
In 1937, Frankel-Conrad in the U.S. and Schramm in the strain to the basic culture (experiments in. trans formation).
Federal Republic of Germany for the first time established that They have discovered and investigated the' nature of the sexual
the RNA of a virus retains its infectiousness even though sep- process in bacteria. It turns out that bacteria in fusing inter-
arated from the protein. Even if its protein sheath is removed, change their DNA, and that simultaneously there is a transfer
this protein-free virus RNA induces all the disease symptoms I of the hereditary features of the strains. The role of DNA in
when introduced into a plant. Furthermore, typical virus par- the mechanism for synthesis of adaptive enzymes* has also
ticles accumulate in the plant complete with their protein been shown.
sheath. The virus RNA replicates not only itself In the cells These new data have proved the special role of DNA and
but also the virus proteins. It is, of course, the enzymatic ac- brought to light previously unknown peculiarities of the work-
tivating systems of the plant cells that are used for the synthe- ings of the genetic system. The problem of protein synthesis
sis of virus protein, but the template of this synthesis is the has been solved in its fundamentals.
virus RNA. The experiments to determine the Infectiousness The only thing the opponents of the gene theory have contrib-
of "pure" virus RNA were quickly taken up and repeated for uted to the speedy advance of biology has been artificially in-
dozens and hundreds of viruses, and the result was always the flated doubts. They have exulted over every blank spot on the
same. We have put the word "pure" in quotes, because the ab- map.of scientific discoveries. They have sought to convince
solute purity of so complex an aggregation as RNA cannot, of everyone that the solution to the whole problem, vindication of
course, be guaranteed. However, even the presence of hun- their own ideas, lies in the area of these blank spots. But
dredths of a per cent of amino acid Impurity was enough for the these spots have been growing fewer and fewer.
skeptics to voice doubt. "There, you see," they exclaimed, An especially graphic illustration of how progressive and
"the RNA was not absolutely pure l" Perhaps that very impurity worthwhile have been the new discoveries in the field of ge-
was the most important factor? But to obtain absolutely pure netics is the progress made in the research effort to uncover
RNA is quite impracticable, as it is to obtain absolutely pure the mechanism of hereditary variability. From the viruses to
protein. Biopolymers are highly delicate compounds, and at the higher animals, the mechanism governing the emergence
some stage of the purification the actual structure of RNA of Inheritable changes (mutations) has proved to be one and
breaks down. Of course, the attempt to emphasize the hundredth the same: For a mutation to occur, there must be a change in
of a per cent of impurity in RNA in the solution of the heredity the DNA of the reproductive cells of organisms or the DNA of
problem was not to be taken seriously. And this objection fell phage particles, or in the RNA of particles of certain viruses.
flat just as soon as the mechanisms of loss of infectiousness In viruses and phages the production of mutations can now be
began to be explored. Only those agents that had an effect on brought to a degree of perfection where a juxtaposition reveals
RNA destroyed the Infectious principle of the preparation. what change in the position of one or another amino acid in the
The experiments in the transfer of the hereditary charac- protein chain has resulted from changing a particular nucleo-
teristics of a species by means of nucleic acids were continued tide in the RNA or DNA chains.
on more complex organisms-bacteriophages, made up of ten This was how scientists in 1961 began deciphering the nu-
or twenty proteins plus DNA. The DNA is contained, as in a cleotide code of hereditary information and ascertained the
case, in the head of the phage, attached to which is a mobile dimensions and bounds of the genes in the DNA molecule.
tail. Every gene proved to be a section of the DNA molecule (or
It has been discovered that a phage particle, "swimming up" RNA molecule, in the case of certain viruses) responsible for
to a bacterium and "puncturing" it by a special process, injects the formation of one protein. The mystery that had shrouded
into its cytoplasm only one gigantic molecule of DNA. The re- the concept of the "gene" vanished. Earlier pronounced "un-
maining portion of the body of the phage takes no part in its knowable," the genes proved amenable to investigation and al-
replication. Once inside the bacterium, the DNA molecule be- teration. But a diffuse, mysterious property of heredity, per-
comes intensely "active." Special configurations of RNA form meating every tiniest particle of the living organism and al-
on its surface-bearers of genetic information. They "settle" leged to reside in the need of these particles for certain to-
on the cell structures of the bacterium and initiate the synthe- tally unidentified prehistoric conditions, conditions "under
sis of the phage's proteins. The DNA meanwhile begins to prop- which they originated"-this did remain unknowable.
agate, and by the end of this propagation the single molecule of Genetics and Medicine.t Genetics andSpace Exploration.-
phage DNA has been replaced in the cell of the bacterium by a The unlocking of subtle mechanisms of biological phenomena
score of phage particles. However, experimental attempts to Invariably has practical consequences. A major discovery in
infect a bacterium with phage DNA that had been artificially the field of biology always produces a chain reaction of discov-
isolated from phages initially failed to yield positive results. eries in fields of applied knowledge that are closely connected
Ph DNA is a very large long polymer with a molecular with biology.
weight of tens of millions. Isolating this DNA in pure form and Genetics in the 20th century is playing the same revolution-
undamaged proved a difficult task; furthermore, without a spe- izing role in the advance of medicine and the mastering of the
cial puncturing process involving lysozyme, an enzyme that dis- organic world as has fallen to atomic physics In the technical
solves bacterial membranes, it could not penetrate the cyto- sciences.
plasm. In normal infection an insignificant quantity of protein- The unlocking of the biochemical nature of the gene has made
only about 1% of the weight of DNA-gets into the cell of the
bacterium along with the DNA. But for the skeptics this, too,
proved a pretext for doubting that the "hereditary substance"
was DNA. However, minute phages with smaller DNA mole-
cules have recently been discovered and investigated. The
DNA of these phages has proved to be infectious even in the
absence of proteins, especially if `naked" bacteria-bacteria
whose tough membranes have been removed beforehand with
lysozyme-are treated with it.
an especially powerful impact on many fields of medicine. We
can show this with several examples.
*Adaptive enzymes is the name given to those enzymes that
are produced in organisms only when the surrounding medi-
um has substances on which they have an effect. These en-
zymes are consequently of great adaptive importance in the
life of an organism.
t(For an article an the application of genetics in medicine, see
Current Digest of the Soviet Press, Vol. XV, No. 11, pp. 12-14.1
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1. Cancer-that frightful scourge of mankind-has not yet somes and one Y (XXY); the appearance of a set of three X
been conquered. Many hypotheses have been advanced to ex- chromosomes (XXX) is also fraught with serious consequences.
plain the causes of this grave disease, but the most promising In all these cases simple cytological methods can be used for
and most thoroughly reasoned has turned out to be the genetic diagnosis.
theory of cancer. This was acknowledged at the international Several hereditary pathologies, for instance sickle-cell ane-
cancer congress recently held in Moscow. This theory has uni- mia,* have been found in tens of millions of persons living in
fied all the other cancer concepts-virus, carcinogenic, etc.- tropical and subtropical regions. The Inheritance of sickle-
and provided realistic premises for a more systematic attack cell anemia has been studied in detail. The presence of one
on cancer. The genetic theory of cancer is based on a large hereditary factor of anemia leads to a change in the chain of
body of precise facts. According to this theory, the appearance the DNA-RNA-protein synthesis. Abnormal hemoglobin ap-
of a cancer cell is the result of several induced somatic muta- pears in the blood. The malaria plasmodium is unadapted to
tions of normal cells in tissues and organs. A certain percent- this hemoglobin, so that carriers of the anemia factor are pro-
age of mutations-changes in the composition of the cell DNA- tected against deadly tropical malaria, and although children
is inevitable, since absolutely exact reproduction of complex bearing two sickle-cell anemia genes die, the number of per-
polymers in all cells is an impossibility. Inside the billions of sons with the anemia gene is not declining in malaria regions.
cells in a living organism trillions of reproductions of individu- Knowing that in marriages of persons heterozygous with re-
al DNA molecules occur daily, and needless to say they cannot spect to this gene every fourth child dies of anemia, a doctor
all be exact-mistakes are unavoidable in the world of living is now able to warn the parents of the danger and prevent the
matter. Changes may be effected in certain sections of the DNA appearance of afflicted children.
molecules by the influence of the so-called "free radicals" al- It has been calculated that on the average every twentieth
ways found in cells, by the action of admixtures of nucleotide person born on earth suffers from some hereditary ailment.
analogues and, finally, by internal and external radiation. Con- Only genetics can help the scientists discover the nature, ways
sequently cell mutation goes on in a living organism all the of treating and, most important, methods of preventing these
time, roughly one cell in a thousand proving to be "spoiled.' anomalies. Schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, idio-
Among these mutants some may appear which reproduce and cy, imbecility, neurofibromatosts, cerebral diplegia, the Down
grow faster than normal cells and which the regulating systems syndrome and hundreds of other terrible and hitherto incur-
are unable to control. This is the kind of stray cell from which able diseases oppressing the human race can be eradicated by
a tumor develops. medical science only if it works closely with genetics. The
Scientists are currently engaged in unraveling the nature of mistaken idea that these diseases are all a purely social phe-
cancerous mutations, uncovering the factors that cause them. nomenon should be forgotten. And there is no comforting our-
To establish just which chromosomes and genes cause malig- selves with the hope that they will give ground by themselves.
nant growths in undergoing change is to open the door to a radt- We must declare all-out war on these diseases, and along with
cal solution of this problem. It was recently found that chronic it a campaign against those irresponsible critics who have long
mycloid leukemia, one of the grave cancerous diseases of the declared the science of human genetics-the science whose
blood, is invariably preceded by a mutational change in the in- advance is shaping the future of medicine-to be racism.
dividual's 21st chromosome and the selective propagation of In recent years hardly any medico-genetic research has
the blood-producing cell containing the altered chromosome. been carried out in the Soviet Union. No textbooks on medical
2. The appearance of Immunity, both hereditary and acquired genetics have been published. A scientific and practical of-
has turned out to depend on gene changes. Immunology is fort must be organized in this field with the shortest possible
henceforth closely and indissolubly bound up with genetics; the delay. Arrangements must at the same time be made to pro-
problem of immunity in man and animals has become a genetic duce cadres of physicians trained in genetics and to set up a
problem. broad network of medico-genetic consultation centers to fore-
3. Genetic methods have been successfully applied in work stall the emergence of hereditary diseases and keep records
done on substances that produce antibiotics. With the help of of their spread.
ultraviolet irradiation and chemical treatment, it has proved 5. Man's penetration into outer space is impossible unless
possible to obtain many mutant forms of fungi, actinomycetes a number of medico-genetic problems are solved. Radiation,
and bacteria that produce tens and even hundreds of times even in small doses, increases the number of mutations in an
more penicillin, streptomycin and other major antibiotics. individual's chromosomes. Most of these mutations are harm-
Everyone is aware that the discovery of antibiotics was prob- ful; some of them cause serious diseases which thereafter are
ably the most important event in the history of medicine in the consistently transmitted through the mechanism of heredity.
20th century; few people realize, however, that their broad use On the very first satellites launched by the U.S.S.R., Soviet
has become possible only because of the achievements of the scientists sent into space some plants and small animals (flies,
geneticists. For instance, the work done. in the U.S.S.R. (by rats and mice) as well as test tubes containing DNA. Their
Alikhanyan and other scientists) on the genetic selection of object in sending up these first space travelers was to study
penicillin producers has made possible a manyfold reduction in the speed of the mutation process in living creatures in near-
the cost of producing this preparation. earth space, which has belts of high radiation running through
4. Particularly large gains have now been registered in the it. The genetic investigation of the little "cosmonauts" helped
investigation of hereditary diseases of man. More than 500 ensure safe flights for the Soviet conquerors of space-Ga-
diseases showing clear-cut heritability have already been de- garin and Titov, Nikolayev and Popovich.
scribed in the literature. All of them are caused by changes in Genetics and Agriculture.-Heredity is the key to control of
the structure of the genes and chromosomes. the vital activities of living systems; it is the key to the al-
It has been discovered in recent years that several serious teration of forms in desired directions. Naturally, the dis-
diseases of man are caused by the appearance of an extra covery of the molecular mechanisms makes many times easi-
chromosome or the absence of a chromosome in the cell nucle- er and greatly accelerates the development of new animal
us of the human embryo. Diagnosis of such diseases can now breeds. and plant varieties. The systematic remaking of the
be made very early and treatment started in good time. Thus organic world for the benefit of man is becoming feasible.
an average of one out of every 500 to 700 newborn children has
a serious defect of the sexual system caused by a change in
the set of sex chromosomes. In Turner's disease there is no *Sickle-cell anemia is a disease in which the shape of the
Y chromosome in the nucleus and only one X chromosome blood corpuscles changes and normal hemoglobin is replaced
(XO); in the Klinefelter syndrome there are two X chromo- by abnormal hemoglobin that is an inferior oxygen carrier.
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The opponentspfelasdsicaageRnettccs wan ~x4$/today den ChPR9 rPipl? ids3th }~7 Qq~bt lh~2fTi V~'bden tested in 18 different
paramount role of DNA in the transmission of hereditary char- areas of the U.S.S.R. The three best hybrids ensure a 15-20%
acters, dismiss the chromosome theory of heredity as errone- increase in sugar yield per unit of area.
ous and reactionary. Maintaining that the unit of heredity is Triploid sugar beets are not the only example of practical
the whole. cell, that heredity changes quickly and easily under utilization of polyploids.
the impact of the environment, and that these changes are adap-; Splendid results have been obtained in Japan in the cultiva-
tive, they are vigorously pushing their "new" methods of selec-
1, 1-inn M maAdinan trin1nid watermelons containing 20% more
tion, methods of developing new strains through directional
"nurture." At the same time they Insistently argue the thesis
that classical genetics has yielded agriculture nothing. Is this
contention valid? Without touching on the question of whether
it is possible to develop breeds and varieties by the agency of
nurture, we shall try here to show, on the basis of several con-
crete examples, that great and often decisive successes In the
selection of the broadest variety of plants and animals may be
laid to the application of classical genetics. As far back as the
mid-1930s the great Soviet geneticist and plant breeder N. 1.
Vavilov noted as among the greatest achievements of classical
genetics the development of crossed-line hybrid corn and the
production, by means of simple Mendelian interbreedings, of
grain varieties resistant to rust and other parasites. Let us
dwell first on hybrid corn.
1. The first corn-breeding work was done in the 1920s by
the prominent American geneticist Shull. First, "inbred" lines
were developed-layers that propagated solely by self-pollina-
tion. These lines were outwardly poor-looking: The plants were
puny, only a small number of kernels developed in the ears, and
the yields dropped off markedly. After eight to ten generations
of "in"-breeding, the lines were crossed with one another and
the best hybrids were intercrossed again. In this way so-called
"double-crossed" hybrids were obtained which were actually
hybrids of four lines. The quality of the ears in the crossed-
hybrids sharply improved and the yield increased by an
average 20% to 30% over the starting variety.
On N. I. Vavilov's initiative, similar work was begun in the
U.S.S.R. Several excellent crossed-line hybrids (VIR-42 and
others) were soon obtained. However, all corn-hybrid work was
later pronounced harmful and stopped; it was declared, without
any basis in fact, that the prolonged breeding of related lines
of corn could yield no good results.
Only a trip to the U.S.A. by our experts and the active back-
ing of hybrid corn by N. S. Khrushchev made it possible to re-
sume the breeding of new Soviet hybrids. Though it has been
delayed almost two decades, the large-scale use of commercial
hybrid corn has now begun in Soviet agriculture. In the U.S.,
"double-crossed" hybrids account for 90% of all the corn plant-
ed, and the increase in the yields has netted American farmers
profits of hundreds of millions of dollars. The benefits from
the growing of hybrid corn have also been very substantial in
the U.S.S.R., and they will unquestionably increase.
Utilizing genetic methods, the Soviet geneticist-selectionist
M. I. Khadzhinov has succeeded in introducing the hereditary
character of male infertility in several of the best varieties of
corn. In the hybridization of corn, to avoid self-pollination, the
pollen-bearing tassels must be torn off all the maternal-parent
plants by hand. The existence of male-sterile lines makes this
work unnecessary, releases manpower and yields large money
2. Through the use of colchicine and other alkaloids that in-
hibit cell division, it is possible to obtain plants with a doubled
set of chromosomes (tetraploids); the chromosomes divide, but
the cell is unable to do so. Tetraploid sugar beets have been
developed this way, i.e., through the use of coichinine. By
crossing such beets with ordinary beets the selectionist gets
triploids-plants in which the number oftchromosomes has been
increased by half. They usually reproduce poorly and are often
quite sterile, but they frequently yield bigger crops. Triploid
sugar beets are very stable and have a higher sugar content.
Extensive and successful sugar-beet breeding work has been
done in the Soviet Union by a group of selectionist-geneticists
of the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics working
under the direction of the gifted scientist A. N. Lutkov. The
sugar and with almost twice the yield. In Sweden tetraploid
rye, developed by the prominent selectionist Montsing, has
given a good account of itself. The Soviet geneticist G. D.
Karpechenko was the first to succeed in showing that sterile
plant hybrids can be made fertile by the doubling of the chro-
mosome set. Such "amphidiploids' have been obtained in the
case of many plants. To A. R. Zhebrak goes the credit for
breeding valuable fertile amphidiploid hybrids of hard wheat
and Timofeyev wheat, the latter being resistant to many dis-
The Soviet scientists V. V. Sakharov and A. R. Zhebrak have
produced higher-yielding polyploid forms of buckwheat and are
working for their adoption in agricultural production.
It aHould be added that many of the best varieties of fruit
trees are triploids (bananas, for instance), while in the case of
flowers the overwhelming majority of the double varieties are
polyploids. In general, the phenomenon of polyploidy is quite
common in nature. For example, wheat represents a natural
series of diploid (one-grained), tetraploid (hard) and hexaploid
Leningrad. The report by Hero of Socialist Labor V. Ye. Pt-
sarev on some remarkable polyploid rye-wheat hybrids and
another by one of our oldest selectionists, M. F. Ternovaky,
on polyploid varieties of tobacco should be singled out for spe-
cial mention from among the numerous papers read at the con-
3. The resistance of plants to parasites is very often in-
herited according to simple Mendelian laws, in the 3:1 ratio.
This enables selectionists, by means of simple crossings, to
make a valuable, high-yielding variety of barley, wheat or other
cereal resistant to a specific dangerous disease.
A parasite is usually adapted to the host plant, to the protein
composition of its cells. A small change in the set of plant
proteins resulting from a mutation disturbs this adjustment
and can make the plant resistant. This has given rise to a pew
method of selection for resistance. It consists in treating
plants of a high-yielding but unstable variety with a powerful
mutagen (for example, gamma rays)* and then searching out
the resistance mutations. In recent years varieties of rust-
resistant barley, wheat that is proof against fungus diseases,
and other plant varieties have been developed by this means. amp"
The selection of disease-resistant mutants is also being
carried out for domestic animals, with particular success in
poultry breeding. Here, too, resistance is sometimes deter-
mined by the presence of just one particular gene.
4. The methods of commercial crossing that were first
worked out on corn (double-crossed hybrids) later began to he
used extensively in animal husbandry as well. The interbreed-
ing of closely related lines is being practiced for obtaining
so-called "inbred lines' (in poultry farming, pig raising, the
breeding of fish, etc.). The intercrossing of lines not infre-
quently yields hybrids notable for greater productivity and
hardiness (heterosis). Such crossed-line hybrids are being
bred in chicken farming (U.S.A., Britain, Holland, Belgium,
the U.S.S.R. and other countries), pig raising (U.S.A.), and in
several other branches of animal husbandry and in carp farm-
ing (U.S.S.R). The benefits from commercial crossing are
quite substantial. Commercial hybridization is being prac-
ticed more widely year by year and is being extended to more
and more domestic animals. The bases for this, method were
mutagen is a chemical substance, radiation or some other
agent that acts on an organism to produce chromosome
6 .
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worked out in all their details by Soviet geneticists.
5. Fur-bearing animals-the rabbit, the mint: and others-
offer a splendid example of the direct utilization of simple
genetic differences, the selection of particular genes in the
breeding process. The mink is an especially good case in
point. In Sweden, the U.S.A., Canada and other mink-breeding
countries furs with wonderful new colors have been obtained
In recent years on the basis of conventional gene recombina-
tion. Skins of these colors are in great demand and cost 15%-
20% more than the usual skins. The same work is being done
successfully with other fur-bearing animals.
6. Very important methods have been worked out by the So-
viet scientist B. L. Astaurov for the control of sex in silkworms,
and these are now being applied to large animals as well. These
methods are wholly based on the chromosome theory of sex.
We shall confine ourselves to these few examples. Classical
genetics has already exerted enormous influence on such im-
portant branches of agriculture as the cultivation of corn and
sugar beets, poultry farming, the breeding of fur-bearing ani-
mals and others. In many cases the influence of genetics is not
manifested so clearly, and tells only in the acceleration and im-
provement of selection methods; but neither crop cultivation
nor animal husbandry can get by today without drawing widely
on the data and methods of genetics. The myth of the "fruitless-
ness" of classical genetics in the field of agriculture must be
shattered; it is doing our country a great deal of harm.
Conclusion.-In this article we have touched on only few of
the practicaFand theoretical aspects of present-day genetics.
We have seen that this science Is really making a searching
and comprehensive investigation of the laws of heredity, and
from materialist positions. Thanks to the strides of biochem-
istry, molecular biology, cytology and other sciences, genetics
has in recent years been able to uncover the intimate mecha-
nisms governing the transmission of characters from one gen-
eration to its successors and to identify and investigate the
structures that perform the functions of a special genetic "mem-
ory" and efficiently coordinate the processes of metabolism,our
growth and development in all living creatures
By having mastered these profound mysteries of biochemistry,
genetics has now assured itself a central place among the bio-
logical sciences
plisha number of cardinal practical tasks i in medicine
and agriculture.
All attempts to ignore the practical and theoretical signifi-
cance of present-day genetics and to confine the development
of Soviet biology within the narrow framework of a single school
should be resolutely rebuffed. All the resources of Soviet sci-
entists and all the methods and achievements of biological sci-
ence that have been tested by time and world experience should
be marshaled to serve the Soviet people.
How is it that the progress of modern genetics has been held
back for so long in our country? Why have we so long let the
capitalist states hold a large and productive sector of the sci-
entific front on the pretense that classical genetics was a bour-
geois science? After all, we do not talk of "bourgeois physics,"
"bourgeois chemistry" or "bourgeois physiology" I On the con-
trary, in these and other spheres of knowledge we keep close
track of all the advances abroad'and try to make speedy use of
everything new and interesting. Moreover, we strive in the So-
viet Union to ensure the advance of scientific research on an
up-to-date level in all branches of science without exception.
Only in biology do some individuals persist in trying to draw
a sharp line between Soviet and world science and in ignoring
anything done by representatives of other scientific schools.
The answer to these questions seems to us a very simple one.
All this could have happened only in a setting of perversions-
those perversions that were observed in the period of the cult
of the individual. The attempt by some scientists to isolate
Soviet biology from world science is a harmful survival of the
cult; it shows loss of contact with reality and fear mo made openly
and honestly admitting and rectifying the
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The ov et union's Not So Peaceful Coexistence
The Soviet Union claims that its foreign policy is peaceful
coexistence, that it seeks normal relations with free world
countries and peaceful, negotiated solutions to problems which
threaten the security of the world. Elowever, in practice, the
USSR is engaging in hard line aggressive tactics where it suits
their goals of world domination, for example: by encouraging
and supporting insurrection by dissident elements against legal
free world governments; and by supporting government leaders in
aggressi actions to annex territories belonging to other coun-
tries. A few cases are summarized below.
Indonesia. Credit extended to Sukarno over a period of
years by -fie SSL has been used primarily in purchasing military
hardware from communist countries. These loans now mount to
a staggering debt of some one billion dollars. The service on
the debt'%alone is an almost nsuDpor a ? burden on the Indo-
nesian economy, long ailing for lack of attention. Sukarno,
aware also of the need to divert his people's attention from
his failure to alleviate their own economic plight, is now pur-
suing his territorial expansion in a confrontation with the
'ederation of Malaysia. Only massive Soviet support has permit-
ted Sukarno to mount and continue his military aggression against
neighboring countries, -- a policy which also weakens the coun-
try internally and creates the conditions for a communist take-
Laos. The USSR has supplied the Pathet Lao with significant
amounts of the large military hardware which they are using in
their attempt to take the country by force and destroy the coa-
lition government established and guaranteed by the 14-nation
Geneva Conference in 1962. The Soviets have encouraged and sup-
ported the Pathet Lao in their recent attacks violating the
truce agreement; and the USSR has not supported the legitimate
demand by the Laotian Premier that'-they return to the position
held prior to their truce violation.
Cuba. Khrushchev, through his intelligence services, eco-
nomic and military support, actively participates in Castro's
policy of instigating insurrection against legal Latin American
governments. The USSR's massive aid program frees Castro's
limited economic resources for military uses. A scant 20 months
ago the United States cut short the Soviet's attempt to place
offensive missles in Cuba. At that time (October 1962), IShru-
shchev agreed that Cuba would be inspected to ascertain the re-
moval of such missiles. This agreement has not been fulfilled,
and Khrushchev is now saying (Izvestiya "observer" article 25
April) that US overflights con tra`vene the US-Soviet October 1962
agreement and that Castro has the right to use Soviet weapons
against reconnaissance planes.
Iraq. The Soviets, who had foresightedly supplied the Iraq
army with Soviet-bloc arms, withheld vital supplies of spare
parts and ammunition needed by the government's armed forces
1,1he6pl hee~Cf~ i~~Aa 1~ra - ~3A6I 0a04 8 r1s ago. They
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have from time to t me supported the Kurds in their revolts
against the government. The Soviets arbitrarily support legal
governments or rebellious minority groups, as suits their shift-
ing tactics.
Con Soviet official installations in the Congo were
close wen the newly elected government (June 1960) uncovered
the USS. plot to take over the country. Soviet arms were il-
legally flown into the country to support ill-fated communist
]Patrice Lumumba. After his downfall, his successor, pro-Communis'
Antoine Gizengo continued efforts to unseat the legal government
with Soviet arms, agitation and other assistance. The USSR, re-
fusing to support the UN peacekeeping mission, continued its ef-
forts to stimulate insurrection and subvert the country. Khru-
shchev, actively supporting anti-Adoula elements in Brazzaville,
has once more been exposed; documents recently found in the
possession of two Soviet intelligence officers contained evidence
of Soviet involvement in plans of the dissidents to overthrow tLc
Congolese government.
Somali. The USSR offered Somali some $31 million of militax
arras and equipment in 1963. The purpose of the hardware : to
support that government's illegal subversive and aggressive ef-
forts to take over lands occupied by nomadic Somali peoples in
neighboring Kenya and 3thiopia. The Soviet Union has also taken
some 600 Somali officers and men to the USSI:=~ for training -- in
pursuit of these same aggressive actions against peaceful neih-
bors. At the same time, official representatives of the USSR In
..3thiopia were expelled for subversive activities against that
Zanzibar. Soviet arms shipments were sent to pro-Cormaunist
leaders who ttempted to take over the newly independent govern-
ment of Zanzibar. After the initial failure of the coup, a build
up of Communist advisers, arms and official representatives
started. president Karume then signed articles of union with
Tanganiyka on Aroil 22nd in a move to strengthen his country.
Since that time the Soviets have continued to supply weapons and
advisers to Communists who are working assiduously to sever the
ties between the two countries.
Other. The Brazilian press recently exposed the heavy
SovietinvolvemenT-I-n--su ersive activities in that country,
which bore a resemblance to their efforts in the Congo. US
planes have been buzzed in the air corridors over Germany, truc_-
convoys have met with interference on the highways to U7est merlin
and other physical harassment has been used to remind the allies
of Communist military capabilities in the German problems. The
Soviet Union does not support the UN efforts to settle the Cyprcus
problem, but on the contrary encourages a military solution --
including willingness to supply hardware.
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Communists Exploit East African Vulnerabilities
East Africa, from the oldest kingdom in the world to the
newest nation, is beset by a stepped up Communist offensive to
influence or even, perhaps, to overthrow her weaker governments
under the giise of friendly assistance. The Soviet Union needs
an East African base, UN support frora the African members, al-
lies in the Sine--Soviet conflict and African mineral sources.
Communist China has much the same goals and, in addition, is
bidding for leadership of the world's revolutionary forces.
Arms shipments, press and information and manipulation of
political sympathizers have been widely used weapons in the
Communist offensive. The following are typical examples:
Somali Republic. Somali*s efforts to take over lands and
tribesmen of the noaaadic Somali peoples now living in eastern
Ethiopia and northeastern Kenya are being extensively supported
by the Soviet Union. In 1963 the USSR offered some $31 million
worth of military arms and equipment and toots some 400 Somali
officers and pilots for training in the USSR.
Ethiopia. Trio Soviet "diplomats", Second Secretary
Valdimir .ychkov and Attache Safar Abdilov were quietly ex-
pelled from Ethiopia after the government security services
discovered that they had been distributing anti-government
literature. Their activities allegedly included local travels
under assumed names.
United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar. Zanzibar
achieved independence from Britain in December 1963 with a
traditional Arab government. On January 12th, Soviet-trained
Eanga and China-financed Mohammed Babu organized a revolt under
nominal leadership of African nationalist Abeid Karume who
had become president. An immediate build-up of pro-Communist
power took place, supported by arms shipments from the USSR and
a large influx of advisors and technicians from European Com-
munist countries. President Narume, unable to cope with the
growing threat to Zanzibar independence, signed articles of
union with Tanganyika, later ratified by the Zanzibar Revolu-
tionary Council.
However, the Babu group has worked strenuously against the
April 22nd union with considerable assistance from bloc coun-
tries. Communist weapons and diplomatic and technical person-
nel contintie to arrive in large numbers from the Soviet Union
and China. The May Day parade revealed a well equiped military
organization. Aid offers were immediately forthcoming from
Moscow and East Europe, Many Communist country diplomatic
staffs were suddenly and greatly increased, including that of
East Germany, its only Embassy in the non-Communist world. A
large scale propaganda barrage on the benefits of Communist
ties is directed by East Germans and aimed at countering the
African desire for non-alignment and at deny inz~ the Zanzibari
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the stability of alignment with Tanganyika. The intensive ef-
forts to make Haan ibar a Communist base -- which could become
the "Cuba of Africa" as Babu once predicted -- are in interest-
ing contrast to the Soviets' demands for removal of foreign
bases from Worth Africa.
The former Tanganyika was granted independence from the
British in late 1961 under Julius Hyerere who is now ?resident.
The difficult job of building political and economic strength
was interrupted by echoes of the Zanzibar revolt -- a Tangan-
yikan army mutiny of mid-January, followed quickly by similar
revolts in Kenya and Uganda. The governments had to turn to
Britain to put down the mutinies quickly and without bloodshed.
But the mutineers and their countrymen remain unhappy over the
failure of independence to bring an immediate and magical im-
provement in their lives. Their frustrations make them vulner-
able to Communist exploitation.
One most significant area of penetration is the press,
heavily influenced by staffs trained in Communist countries and
by use of :Free TASS news services. Communist correspondents
use Dar-es-Salaam as a base for their contacts with exiles and
dissident leaders in neighboring countries. Kao Liang, the
i1CHA correspondent expelled earlier from India for "unjournal-
istic activities", acted for the Chinese Communist government
in getting money into Zanzibar for the January revolution via
TCCHA representative Babu.
Kenya came to independence in December 1963 to face, inter
alia, an nsistant Somali Republic seeking to annex the Somali
tribesmen and their grazing lands in Kenya. The battle con.?
sisted largely of propaganda and brief territorial incursions
but suddenly increased in scope when the Somali Republic turned
to USSR for arms. As they thus increased the military threat
against Kenya, the Soviet Union began a program to propagandize
the Kenyans and subvert the government.
Large scale efforts are being made in the information and
communications field. The Soviets have offered a radio station
capable of broadcasting into many of the neighboring countries
of East Africa and money, from Bulgaria as well as the Soviet
Union, to publish Pan Africa, a pro-Communist English language
bivweekly, edited by a Briish Communist.
The Kenyan Home Affairs Minister, Oginga Odinga, the Com-
raunists' best friend in Kenya, has obtained Communist money,
technical advisors and press equipment. He brought both the
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation and the Kenya News Agency under
government control so that he could appoint Communist sympa-
thizers to staff thera and obtain Communist training for em-
Uganda, independent since late 1962, has also been the
objecommunist attention. Individual leaders of the
Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC)) h y amounts
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of cash and other assistance from the Soviets. Notable are
"Jolly Joe" p iwanul= and John 1 altonge. The latter was ousted
from his position as UPC Secretary General in May 1964 for
Communist subversive activities.
An 3ast African x ederation which would join Tanganyika,
Kenya an gap a has been discussed for some time by the three
leaders Their customs union provides a first stem and they
recognize that their common problems suggest cooperative solu-
tions. The practical steps required to bring a federation into
being may be a long way ofd but a rapidly increasing Communist
threat, both internal and ezternall might provide an impetus
to greater combined 3ast African action.
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For many years, the several races that make up the population of
British Guiana lived in relative harmony. As Great Britain's policy
of "decolonization" began to take effect, the one thing that the vast
majority of the inhabitants had in common was a desire for national
independence. This drew the two major ethnic groups -- East Indians
and Negroes -- together for a time in a common cause. Today, after only
a few years of experience in limited self-government, British Guiana
is torn by racial strife that would plunge it into a bloody civil war
but for the presence of British troops.
The immediate cause of the current outbreak of violence is the
strike of sugar cane workers, called on 12 February 1964 by the Guiana
Agricultural Workers' Union (GAWU), a minority scab union controlled
by the party in power, in protest over the fact that a rival union, the
Manpower Citizens Association (MPCA) is recognized by both the employers
and the British Guiana Trade Union Congress (BGTUC).as the responsible
bargaining agency. By 1 June, with the strike in its 111th day, at least
33 Indians and negroes had been killed, 4+64 injured, 963 arrested, 841
houses destroyed or damaged by fire, and over a million dollar's damage
done to the cane fields.
Nearly half of British Guiana's population of 600,00o are descendents
of East Indian laborers. Most of them live in the rural areas and work
in the sugar cane fields. Negroes, descendents of African slaves,
make up about 35% of the population and live mostly in Georgetown.' the
capital. The other 15% approximately of the population is composed of
whites, Amerindians, and persons of mixed ancestry.
The two principal political parties follow almost mathematically
the racial constitution of the population: the People's Progressive
Party (PPP) is predominantly East Indian; the People's National Congress
(PNC), almost entirely Negro. A third party, the United Force
(UF), draws its strength from the managerial class, which generally
cuts across racial lines.
The leader of the PPP and premier o the colony's government is Dr.
Cheddi Jagan, an East Indian dentist educated in Chicago. An avowed
Marxist, Jagan has given every indication over the years that he is a
bona fide Communist and intends to make of British Guiana, as soon as it
attains complete independence, a Soviet enclave on the coast of South
America. His wife, nde Janet Rosenberg, of Chicago, was a member of the
Communist Youth prior to her marriage. She is even more radical than her
husband and is considered the brains behind his political organization.
Until she resigned on 1 June, she was Minister for Home Affairs in her
husband's government. (The national police force, largely composed of
Africans, as the Negroes prefer to call themselves, is under that ministry,
and it was her contention that the police were discriminating against the
East Indians. In reality, her ministry was not cooperating with the police.)
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The leader of the PNC is Forbes Burnham, a 41-year-old Negro lawyer
who calls himself a "left-wing democratic socialist", He has been the
principal force opposing Jagan's efforts to bring Castro-Communism to
British Guiana. Burnham was one of the founders of the PPP, but broke
off with Jagan in 1955 and formed his own Peoples National Congress.
.The United Force came into being in the elections of 1961. It is
led by Peter D'Aguiar, a self-made businessman of Portuguese descent.
At first regarded as unrealistically conservative for the practicalities
of Guianese politics, the OF has recently modified its views, and D'Aguiar
is recognized by all elements as a progressive knowledgeable industrialist.
Although-the current strike was the spark that ignited the racial
violence, it should be considered more an excuse than a genuine cause.
The roots of the conflict are rather political and ideological. They go
back to the impasse created by the 1961 elections, in which the PPP won
a majority of seats in the assembly. Jagan thus became premier under the
impartial eye of the British Governor and proceed somewhat too hurriedly
to consolidate his power and prepare the colony for eventual collectivi-
zation under a Castro-type Communist government.
One of Jagan's first acts was to take over the school system, which
included assuming control and management of some fifty denominational,
or parish, schools. The opposition had feared all along that the minister
of education would seize the schools and convert them into Godless
institutions. Parents protested, citing one of the clauses of the United
Nation's Declaration of Human Rights that: "Parents have a prior right
to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children."
As the party of the government in power, the PPP has been granted
facilities over official radio stations not available to other parties.
Now, the government has announced its intention of taking over all of
the stations and has notified the British Guiana Broadcasting Co., LTD.,
a station used at one time by the opposition, that its franchise, due to
expire at the end of 1964, will not be renewed.
Control over both education and communications, implying control
over the minds of the people, represents a giant step toward total power
for Jagan.
On the economic front, the Jagan government has established close
ties with Castro and Cuba. Through GIMPEX (Government Export-.Import
Corporation), which is more an arm of the PPP than a private agency,
as Jagan claims, the government has received a million-dollar loan from
Castro. This was ostensibly for railroad cross-ties, and the government
has been paid for them. However, few have been delivered yet. The logical
conclusion is that the funds are intended to strengthen the PPP and further
spread subversion in British Guiana.
Other, more direct, causes of the present stalemate of violence and
terror are the subversive activities of the Progressive Youth Organization
(PYO), the activist unit of the PPP. The PYO is generally believed to
be responsible for most of the atrocities committed against the African
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population and for the sabotage against the cane fields. Many of their
members have received guerrilla warfare training in Cuba and are suspected
of smuggling arms into British Guiana. Several small caches of weapons,
including four sub-machine guns and 2,000 rounds of ammunition were found
by police last April. Much to the chagrin of Janet Jagan, the police
announced that they had been hidden by members of the PYO. Following
the pattern of extremists in other areas that are targets for Communist
takeover, the PYO is reported to be organizing a secret military force,
the "Guiana Liberation Army."
Since the majority political party derives its power from the
majority ethnic group, and since it is apparently determined to impose
a Communist-type government upon the country as soon as it is given
complete independence, the non-Indian elements in the population are
perturbed and determined to resist by any means.
There is a possibility that the means was given to them last fall
in London. Unable to settle their difficulties, the three political leaders
(Jagan, Burnham and D'Aguiar) met on 25 October with British Colonial
Secretary Duncan Sandys, and all agreed -- even Cheddi Jagan -- to abide
by whatever solution Sandys should choose. To the delight of both Burnham
and D'Aguiar, he chose proportional representation.
The 1961 elections were held under a district system, whereby the
winner of the majority of the votes in a given electoral district --
whether a large or a small majority -- would win the assembly seat. The
African delegates, in Georgetown, polled heavy majorities, but got few
seats; while the Indians, living in small towns and villages, got smaller
majorities but more seats than even their greater numbers would justify.
For example, the PPP, with 42.6% of the votes, received 20 seats in the
35-man assembly, while the PNC, with 41% of the votes got only 11 seats.
the UP, with 16.4% of the votes on 4 seats. Under proportional repre-
sentation, which will be in effect in the elections to be held late in
1964, a party will be given seats in proportion to the overall number
of votes which it receives. Its stength in the assembly, therefore,
will more nearly reflect its popular strength. The assembly will then
be more truly representative.
More importantly, however, the combined percentages of the PNC and
the OF would be sufficient to form a coalition government that could
remove Jagan and reverse many of his ruinous policies.
This has been the real bone of contention. Jagan and his Communist-
lining supporters know that they cannot win under a system of proportional
representation. Therefore, the PPP and the PYO have embarked on a campaign
of sabotage, subversion, and disruption that has but one aim: to prevent
elections that they are almost certain to lose. To accomplish this aim,
their have resorted to the most cruel of means: race warfare. From the
beginning, Jagan has relied on his Indian backing to stay in power through
the ballot box. Now, he has threatened that in a physical clash, his
Indians will outnumber and outfight the others.
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Whether Jagan and his followers will create enough confusion to cause
Great Britain to postpone the elections remains yet to be seen. On 22
May, a state of emergency was declared and more British troops were dis-
patched to the colony. They now number over 1,100 and are actively patrolling
the troubled. areas. One thing is certain, according to Duncan Sandys:
Great Britain will not grant full independence to the colony until elections
are held and until a responsible government is in power capable maintaining
order with justice.
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