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sA P se 2 /JJA-R
U 1"TEmw&A;1
T HE National Council
Party joins hands with
stand behind the Prime
on November 1. The res
The National Council pays its
humble tribute to the remarkable
heroism of our soldiers in the face
of extreme odds. The National
Council salutes the memory of
those sons of India who have
given their precious lives for the
defence of our borders.
The last few weeks have seen
an unprecedented mass upsurge
of our people against Chinese
aggression and for the defence of
the wuntry , In various parts of
the country, State and District
Committees of the Communist
Party have joined hands with
other patriotic forces to mobilise
and unite the masses for national
Violation Of Solemn
In violation of the solemn un-
dertakings given by the Chinese
Government during the last three
years, not to cross the McMahon
Line, % Chinese armed forces in
urge numbers have openly crossed
this international frontier and are
today in many places inside Indian
territory. The Chinese forces have
also simultaneously launched big
offensives against our positions in
The claims which have again
and again been put forward by
the Chinese Government on the
grounds that the McMohan Line
Is "illegal" because it was the
result of an agreement made at
a time when British imperialists
ruled over India, are completely
untenable and on no account can
such arguments justify their
launching aggression on India.
The crossing of this line, under
any excuse or pretence whatso-
ever, indisputably constitutes
aggression and violationtlsef our
The National Council congratu-
lates the members and supporters
of the Communist Party who have
joined the national defence efforts
in large numbers and participated
in different forms of patriotic
The National Council calls on
every Party member and sup-
porter to intensify his efforts in
support of the defence of the
country-in unity with all people.
The National Council extends
Its full support to the position
taken by Prime Minister Nehru
in regard to the conditions for
the opening of negotiations for the
settlement of the border disnute.
India had all alone declared its
willineness and Its desire to settle
the border disnute by peaceful
negotiations, and even today, in
the face of the Invasion of our
territorv, the Prime Minister has
reiterated his willingness to nego-
tiate with the Chinese Govern-
As long ago as last December,
our late General Secretary Ajoy
Ghosh publicly repudiated the
wrong Chinese understanding of
the character of the Indian Gov-
ernment and the policies pursued
by it.
The National Council of the
Communist Party of India never
expected a socialist country like
China- to settle a border dispute
with India by force of arms, and
make astounding claims against a
country which is engaged in
peaceful consolidation of its
newly-won Independence, which
belongs to the peace camp, which
follows a forelen policy of non-
alitnment, which has all along
maintained friendship with China,
and whose Government is run by
a parliamentary democracy and
not a military dictatorship.
liv its wrnno and mistaken
attitude, the Chinese Government
has facilitntsd the strengthening
of the flight-wine reactionary
parties and groups In this country,
and `vacillation' and calling for a
total reversal of foreign policy.
The Communist Party of India
stands for the strengthening and
building of the unity of all patrio-
tic forces in this national emer-
gency. The Communist Party of
India is not opposed to buying
arms from any country on a com-
mercial basis. But it is opposed
to the import of foreign personnel
to man the defences of this coun-
try. The people and armed forces
of India are capable enough to
defend their country once they
organise and move in their
millions as a solid united force.
Supreme efforts both by the
Government and people will have
to be made in this direction.
PM's Call
The pepole have responded
splendidly to the call of the Prime
Minister for united national effort,
Revoke Anti-People
The great common mass of
toiling people, who already live
in poverty but who by their
labour on land and in factories
will be working in the rear
fulfil the needs of production, also
need to be protected against the
anti-social vested interests.
While sharing the tasks of the
defence of the country., the peopl
want to be assured that all th
burdens of defence are not cas
on the poor toiling people. Hen
the Council hopes that those un
popular measures which ha
been on the anvil of the legis
latures are set aside and th
defence efforts are so organise
Communist Party National Council Resolution
world peace.
While defending the sacred soil
of our country from aggression,
our pepole are conscious of the
fact that a full-scale war between
two such big powers of Asia is a
disaster that everyone must exert
his best to avoid.
The National Council totally
rejects and repudiates the charac-
terisation made by the Chinese
authorities in their press and radio
propaganda, of Prime Minister
Nehru as "an agent of U.S. im-
perialists" and the leader of "re-
actionaries" and an "expansionist",
and of the Government of India
acting as a "tool of U.S. imperial-
"IN tI1EF~`I~~~~'`~~~'~~50~~,fOR
Text Of Pravda Editorial
MOSCOW, October 25:
The following is the full text of Pravda editorial
entitled "In the Interests of the Peoples, For the Sake
of Universal Peace", published today:
T HE Soviet Union and the
other socialist countries
regard it as the chief aims of
their foreign policy the en-
suring of peaceful conditions
for the construction of a new
society and for the develop-
ment of the world socialist
system, consolidation of
friendship among all peoples,
and the ridding of mankind
from the threat of a new
world war.
This position is consistent-
ly adhered to by the Soviet
Union and countries of the
socialist community in settling
all world policy problems.
Counterposing to imperialism
the new type of international
relations, the socialist states
persistently and purposefully
uphold the principles of free-
dom, national independence,
sovereignty and the possibility
for the people of every coun-
try to decide their destiny.
The countries of the socialist
camp act as genuine friends
and allies of the peoples. In
their struggle against coloni-
alism and the intrigues of the
Imperialist powers.
The young sovereign states
have inherited many unsolved
problems from the grievous
past. The imperialist quarters
never miss an opportunity of
taking advantage of d!fiicul-
ties connected, specifically,
with all kinds of border Issues
and disputes. In their ag-
gressivve aspirations U.S. Im-
perialism and Its allies in
NATO, SEATO and other mili-
tary blocs pin special hopes on
exploiting the unsettled bor-
der Issue between the People's
Republic of China and India.
The question of the Sino-
Indian border is a legacy of
the times when the British
colonialists held sway on In-
dian territory, arbitrarily cut-
ting and recutting the map of
The notorious McMahon
Line, which has never been
recognised by China, was im-
posed upon the Chinese and
Indian peoples. The imperi-
alist quarters did their utmost
to use border conflicts con-
nected with this line for pro-
voking an armed clash. The
Imperialists dream of setting
these great powers against
each other, and also of under-
mining the Soviet Union's
fr-.endship both with frater-
nal China and with frendly
The Soviet Union and the
People's Republic of China
are bound by many years of
unbreakable friendship. This
friendship rests on the com-
munity of alms: the building
of socialism and commun!srn,
Its. firm foundation is consti-
tuted by a uniform economic
base, a uniform polit'cal eys-
tem, a common ideology-
Marxism-Leninism. The So-
viet Union, China, and all the
countries of socialism are at
one in the struggle against
Imperialism, for peace all over
the world. The joint forces
of the socialist camp reliably
guarantee every social'st
country against encroach-
ments by imperialist reaction.
When four years ago, in 1958,
the Chiang Kai-shek clique
started, in collusion with U.S.
military, provocative activi-
ties in the Taiwan Strait, the
Soviet Government sternly
warned the fanciers of ulay-
ing with fire, stressing that
in the struggle against the in-
trigues of imperialism the So-
viet Union was fully on the
side of great fraternal China.
This warning was confirmed
by the head of the Soviet
Government, N. S. Khrush-
chov, in his radio and TV ad-
dress on July 2, 1962.
Profound satisfaction is
aroused in Soviet people by
the development of the Soviet
Unions' co-operation with
India. We rejoice over the
successes of the Indian peo-
ple, we understand their d!fti-
culties and z'eadily broaden
our cooperation which helps
develop the economy and cul-
ture of the country which. has
cast off the colonial yoke.
Soviet people hig'rly appre-
ciate sovereign India's contri-
bution to the struggle for
peace and international secu-
rity, against colonialism and
imperialist military blocs.
Soviet People
Are Worried
Soviet people, as all peace-
loving public, are worried by
the development of events on
the Indian-Chinese border,
especially in the recent pe-
riod, when things came to
armed clashes. Such a deve-
lopment does not accord with
the spirit of relations existing
between China and India. I
runs counter to the national
interests of both states. Ag-
gravation of relations bet-
ween China and India i
only profitable to the common
enemy of these states, Inter-
national imperialism.
The Soviet Government an
the Soviet people have always
advocated the peaceful adjust
ment of this frontier dispu
through negotiation.
lovers of peace adopt th
view. There is no question
that they will be gratified to
see the new move which the
Chinese Government . has
taken to peacefully settle its
dispute with India. This is
the statement issued by the
Government of the People's
Republic of China, the full
text of which is published in
today's Pravda.
"It is absolutely impossible
to imag!ne the solution of the
question of the Chinese-Indian
border with the help of arm-
ed force," the statement says.
"China and India are two
major Asian countries and
they bear great responsibility
for peace In Asia and the
world generally. They initiat-
ed the five principles of peace-
ful coexistence and took part
in the Bandung Conference.
And though present S.'no-
Indian relations are rather
strained there is still no rea-
son to jettison the five prin-
ciples and the Bandung
The Chinese Government
has suggested embarking on
ego a ons to settle e
uestion of the Sino-Indian
ont!er. It has expressed the
ope that the Indian Govern-
ent will be agreeable to hav-
g.both sides respect the line
etween n territories actually
ontrolled by both sides along
he entire fron-
ier and, to avoid contact,
will withdraw their armed
orces to within 20 kilometres
'stance. The Chinese Govern-
ent believes that there
ouid be another meeting
tween the Chinese . and
ndian Prime Ministers at a
eciprocally suitable moment.
The Chinese Government
as called on the Ind--an Gov-
rnment to energetically res-,
and to its proposals. It has
ged the Afro-Asian govern-
ents to exert an effort to
acilitate their realisation. It
as likewise called on all the
eace-loving countries and.
oples to bend their efforts
o promote Sino-Indian
endship, Afro-Asian soli-
arity and world peace.
The fomentation of the
oct between the two great
Zpowers brings grist to
e mill not only of imperial-
in general but also of
ertain reactionary circles in-
de India, most intimately
ssociated with foreign capital
a m s cs inimical
to the Indian people. To ad-
just the conflict peacefully
India's progressives must re-
double their efforts. One, of
course, must realise that when
relations are strained as they
are now, even some progres-
sively minded people may suc-
cumb to nationalism and be-
come jingoists. However, one
cannot do that, when ques-
tions of the struggle for peace,
of the solution of internation-
al issues, are at stake. In this
case, one must be an inter-
nationalist and strive not to
fan animosity and exacerbate
the conflict but settle it peace-
fully through negotiation. Of
course, there can be mis-
understand!ngs in relations
between states. But it is im-
perative from the point of
view of plain common sense
to show good-will on both
sides and not dictate any pre-
liminary terms when adjust-
ing disputes.
As for the Soviet people,
they take the Chinese Gov-
ernment's statement as an
expression of its sincere con-
cern for Its relations with
Ind--a and of its desire to end
the conflict. We think the
Chinese Government's propo-
sals constructive. Without
impairing the prestige of
enrier sloe, ey provide an
acceptable groundwork for
starting negotiations and for
peacefully settling controver-
sies in a way taking account
of the interests of both the
People's Republic of China
and India.
Against Imperialism
A friendly settlement of
the Sino-Indian frontier pro-
blem would once again de-
monstrate the great power of
the principles of the peaceful
co-existence and co-operation
of states with different sys-
tems. It would also promote
the traditional friendship be-
tween the Chinese and Indian
peoples and largely fac--litate
the consolidation of interna-
tional security in Asia and the
world generally. Further, it
would strike a fresh blow at
the forces of imperialism and
colonialism and against the
machinations of the aggres-
sive quarters of the U.S., who
in the last few days have em-
barked upon an extremely
perilous venture, which is
directed not only against
Cuba and the socialist states
but against all lovers of peace
in general.
Yemen Republic Vj4gious
The Yemeni Premier Abdallah al Sallal told a Cairo
correspondent on October 27 that the Republican Govern-
ment of the Yemen had been able, in the month since the
beginning of the revolution, to put down the unrest pro-
voked in the frontier regions by King Saud, King Hussein
and the ruler of Beihan.
e sat . we are acaL'
all our efforts to the
economic advance of Yemen. We
hoped to set about doing this
from the very first day of the re-
volution, but the conspiracies of
our enemies hampered us. Of
course, the defeat which Saud.
Hussein and the Beihan ruler sus-
tained, will not stop them. They
will continue sending their mer-
cenaries, arms and gold to Jauf
and Marib regions in order to pro-
voke unrest. That is why we shall
continue enhancing our vigilance."
al Sallal said, "has already draft-
ed an economic programme. It
has been submitted to an econo-
mic conference now taking place
at Sanaa. Above all, we must set
up a central bank. We have also
started various agricultural re-
forms. Above all, we must en-
large cotton crops and and new
markets for our farm produce.
We shall try to obtain loans
from various countries since the
treasury had been empty at the
time of the revolution. We shall
invite specialists from the who
world and ask for their help."
Meanwhile, MEN Agency cor-
respondent from Marib reports
that after bitter fighting, troops of
the revolutionary Government of
Yemen captured a height dominat-
ing Marib. In the course of the
170 rebels were killed and wound-
ed and too others were taken
Yemen aircraft discovered and
strafed mercenary forces near the
road between Marib and the Bri-
tish Protectorate of Beihan.
The Al Ahram correspondent
reports from Sanaa that Yemen re-
volutionary troops have blocked
another attempt by mercenaries
to enter Yemen from the North-
to enthuse the mass of people
d unite them for greater
oluntary sacrifices for the defence
f the country.
The Council notes that reao-
onary elements to the country
to trying to misuse popular 'In-
gnation against Chinese aggres-
on to rouse feelings against the
ommunist Party of India. In the
resent situation, this amounts to
othing but national disruption
d defiance of the Prime Minis-
r's call for national unity. The
uncil is confident that the
atriotic and democratic forces
the country will give a fitting
ebuff to all such attempts.
The Council calls on Communist advantage out of the present
porters everywhere:
40 To take an active part in the
work of the popular commit-
tees which are being set up in
support of the defence efforts;
To exert their best to build
up the National Defence Fund;
49 To work resolutely for in-
crease In production for de-
fence and people's needs;
0 To mobilise public opinion
against price rises, blackmar-
keting and profiteering and other
anti-social activities,. which hit the
working people and the nation;
0 To campaign tirelessly against
those groups, parties and ele-
ments which seek narrow political
0 To oppose attempts to force
India to give up her foreign
policy of non-alignment and
peace and thereby put her at this
mercy of the imperialist camp and
involve India in a prolonged full-
scale war;
40 To support all moves taken
by the Government of India
to bring about a peaceful settle-
ment, consistent with the honour
and dignity of the country.
The National Council is confi-
dent that all Communists will
stand at their posts of duty and
work, together with the rest of
the Indian people, to the greater
glory of the Motherland.
-Apprnverl Fnr Release 9000