Trip R eport - DS-1(Classified)
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Document Creation Date:
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 31, 1959
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CIA-RDP78-02820A000500020070-7.pdf | 181.09 KB |
Approved For Release 2000/09/1 IA-RDP78-02820A000500020070-7
The Files - 3-110, T.O. 9
Trip Report - 1$-1 Display System
1. On 12 karch 1959 a visit was ma?ade to
Illinois, to monitor progress in the davelop> n oT , V
Display System, Persons participating in the discussions weeret
2. Packaging of the readout equipment has been completed. The
transmitter adapter is a rack-mounted 3 inches. The
readout unit is 6 x 4 x 2-1/2 inches. stated that this
equipment (including the battery) will operate sa sfactorily over
temperature range of -3000 to 60?C. The readout unit uses two batteries,
a 1.2-volt battery at 0.5 amperehours and a 6-volt battery at 1 aerpeere--
hour. These batteries are nickel-cadmium rechargeable vented cells and
will provide up to 28 hours of operation.
3. The equip oeent to be delivered Is an engineering model, and its
construction, design and assembly consists of parts and components
rmally found on-the--shelf. Upon viewing this equit, it was
realised by the writer that miniaturization techniques could reduce the
present size of the readout device to about 2/3 of its present size.
There is no reason to decrease the size of the rack-mounted transmitter
4. Transmitter Adapter - This unit converts a teletype baudot code
into a binary code which in turn triggers one of two audio oscillators
(1800/2500 cps).. These two tones sequentially tranwit according to the
combinations of the binary code which are fed into the modulator section
of a conications transmitter. In .4-3 aka of operation, the trans-
mitter in turn radiates this intelligence to the air. It is to be noted
that the transmitter adaptor output signal may be fed over a subcarrieer
channel of a microwave system such as is employed by this .gency. This
capability then allows complete control to be maintained at the receiver
site by operation's peersonnel. If this is not desired, the Operations
people will have to transmit a teletype message over normal key lines to
a tape reperforator located at the transmitter station. The output tape
of this perforator in turn will then be fed into the transmitter adapter
through a keying head,
Approved For Release 2000/09/1 P78-02820A000500020070-7
Approved For Release 2000/09/11 :
%'%'f-LJr vv"zuay-lon WOUL be dertakene
and the writer diem sed moth
e the feasibility of the e
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/ th1y Report
f -T
(1 April 1959)
being Glit tlY ~io for agent-- _ :.,.mss r ~+ r ti:'s sU L2 J. s"
receivers. The bandpa" of the receivers
MAY be SUCh as to ice these two tones in a poor position relative to
the frse ue cY r spoe a of the 1P. to some receivers the overall fre-
5. eedout Unit This device is *=zectsd to the audio output of
a standard ergo it receiver and converts the binary code bnation to
neric sl inforti+ by flashing one of ten lights located on top of
the unit. A possible difficulty in the design of this equ i,pewrtt is that
o t}ho !~'~[itatir;r~ww wV LT-- t_- _--
es ber such as to place these
of the response curve, far down on the slope thug creating more noise
than si, .l. SM*v*r. two features aid in oveeroo this interference:
(1) the fact that the visual rice dart be triggered by noise
aacord#ng to tests conducted by and (2) the fthat the filter
and dector itry of the viaua rea out device Operates at a -2 db
Clete systeea
stag} that the final
e to epletee,
month study prograrA.
e require
he diduet know bow such would __
be required.
his request as era as possible,__..~-_,.
25X1 A9E
Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-0282OA000500020070-7
OD 1 April 1959.
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