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Approved For Release 2q@PPR d3J01 ?[A? i!j 2820A000500020041-9 MONTHLY REPORT I March - 31 March 1959 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BRANCH IINGINEE:ING STAFF 25X1A6a 25X1A6b EXTERNAL PROJECTS SECTION 2037 AGENT HIGH-SPEED COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, RS-16 - Three RS-16A field sets have been installed in the Middle East 25X1A at All three field units have 25X1A6b been success y t es e F-iWno he AS-1l base station at Successful shots have also been made into the AS-4 base station at - Delivery of 10 RS-16C field sets from _ is 25X1 A5 scheduled for 15 April 1959- 2047 CACHING AIDS AND TECHNIQUES - ns for a contract with the 25X1A5a1 have been completed and work has begun on the evaluation s udy for new means of sealing burial 2056 HAND CRANK GENERATOR, HG-3 - 25X1A5a1 The demonstrated an engineering model of the HG-3 which successfully met the electrical speci- fications. Difficulty was experienced in the crank mechanism, however, due to slippage of the crank belts. The HG-3 has been returned to the contractor for correction of this slippage; it is now scheduled for delivery early in April. (See Conference Report: Hand Crank Generator, HG-3 dated 20 March 1959) 2061E REUSABLE TAPE - 25X1A5a1 R+D Laboratory evaluation of the reusable tape made by the has been completed. Tests results show the tape to be very satisfactory. R+D activity on this project has now been completed and no further reporting is contemplated. 2069 AGENT RADIO SET, RS-11 - An analysis and appraisal of the modified RT-11 has been completed at the R+D Laboratory and. results of these tests are now being evaluated. Approved For Release 2000/09/1 AOO 5Obd2b 1-9 r;? 3 RE1 S J L T'S 1 r oil NAT@3NALS 25X1W 25X1 AE 25X1 A9, 25X1 A9~ Approved For .1% FATP-0282OA000500020041-9 2070 INFRARED COMMUNICATIONS DEVICES - The production schedule of the IS-5 equipment was threatened 25X1A5a1 when makers of the optical system. asked for an in o era a extension has now arranged to have Corporation produce the -uqulrea op cs an expects delivery of the prototype optical units by 15 April 1959. (See Telecon Report: IS-5 Infrared Production Contract dated 30 March 1959) 25X1A9a 2082 AGENT AUTOMATIC KEYING DEVICES, CK-7 - Production and delivery of 100 CK-7 Coder/Keyers has passed the 50% mark in completed units. Progress on this project is satisfactory and delivery of spare parts will begin next month. (See Telecon Report: Approval to Give Two CK-7's to Signal Coxes dated 6 March 1959 and Trip Report: Coder Keyer CK-7 dated 1 April 1959) 2089A F - CATIONS AND PROCESSING SYSTEM, AS-4A - 25X1A6a AS-4/AS-4A operational testing between and _ has been underway since early February 1959? Test results using off-line encryption and decryption have been good. Tests of on-line encryption and decryption have only recently been initiated. 25X1A9a 25X1 A5, 25X1 A5, 25X1 A9< 25X1 A61 2095 AGENT TRANSISTOR RECEIVER, RR/D-11 - 25X1A9a Three prototype RR/D-11 receivers were delivered by the 25X1A6a contractor. Two of these were forwarded to the field as part of the AS-3 system., one going to and one to 25X1A6b The third receiver was forwarded to the R+D Laborato analysis and appraisal. The remaining nine receivers are scheduled for delivery in April. (See Telecon Report: Delivery Schedule for Production RR/D-11's dated 17 March 1959) 2096 AGENT EQUIPMENT POWER SOURCES - 25X1 A9a 25X1A5a1 The is presently testing the BC-11X thermoelectric battery charger. Delivery date is given as 3 April 1959. 25X1A5a1 The proposal for research on a photo- galvanic M ce 1 which can be recharged by simple exposure to light has been accepted and forwarded to Logistics for con- tractual action. Approved For Release 20 R?P78-02820A000500020041-9 Approved For Reljeas .2L-1 J,t 1jF l y j 78-0282OA000500020041-9 25X1A5a1 ?5X1A5a1 dated 12 March 1959) 2099 HIGH-SPEED AGENT TO SUB-BASE COMMUNICATIONS SET, RS-13B - 25X1A9a w c more th (See Trip Rep has delivered the BC-7 thermoelectric generator an meets the specified output of three watts. ort: Thermoelectric Generator, ]3C-7 dated 18 March 1959 ) AGENT TRIPHAS E COMMUNICATIONS SET, RS-18 - 25X1A9a Four RS-18 fi delivered. O The three rem ing/operation from the eld sets and an associated base station have been ne field set will be evaluated by the R+D Laboratory. aining sets will be used early in April for engineer- al tests from Washington, D.C., to and . modifications has A cost estimate covering to be made in the automatic base station proposal eceived. (See Conference Report: RS-18 at It has been determined that this program should be terminated. The Procurement Division, OL, has been formally requested to initiate termination of the contract and to have residual inventory forwarded to the warehouse for inspection and subse- quent disposition. 2103 AUTOMATIC DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, AS-6 - The contractor is progressing satisfactorily with fabrication of the AS-6 equipment. Plans are being made to evaluate the LOA i /Ana to the base station in zas been tentatively chosen as the location for the AS base station and appropriate frequencies are being selected for this operation. (See conference Report: AS-6 Conference dated 19 March 1959) 2104 UNIVERSAL MODULAR SUBASSEMBLIES, TAILOR - R+D Laboratory evaluation of the TAILOR transmitter modules continued. A number of these modules were used quite success- 25X1 C10b fully before the Technical Requirements Board in a demonstration of the techniques to be utilized in (See Telecon Report: Production Costs - Project ed 10 March 1959) 2101+A TAILOR MODULAR RECEIVER, RR-22 - The contractor continues to make satisfactory progress in the fabrication of the prototype RR-22 Band I and Band II modular receivers. Approved For Release 20 n 11 - A-RDP78-0282OA000500020041-9 25X1A9 25X1A6a 25X1 A9E 25X1C10b 25X1 A9< Approved For Release 20 CIA-RDP78-0282OA000500020041-9 2108 AGENT AUTOMATIC STATION, AS -3 - The two AS-3 systems delivered by the Corporation were returned to the contractor for minor 25X1A6a rework and then forwarded to the field along with RR/D-Zits and TP-31s for demonstration and evaluation. One system was sent to M and one to ~. The project engineer 25X1 A6b accompanied the equipment to the field to demonstrate its operation and to instruct local personnel on maintenance and operating procedures. 2110 RADIO CIRCUIT DEVELOPMENT - R+D Laboratory evaluation of the transmitter, receiver and the selective call system. developed under this project has been delayed because of the heavy work load at the laboratory. Priority ratings for this equipment are to be reestablished. 2112 DZ LOCATION SYSTEM, BN-l - resentatives of the 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 to determine the posse e use of 15X1 A5a1 also V ?~ -- y v,. tiV1J.+14 participated in the testing of a beacon at Eglin AFB. (See Conference Report: _ Short Pulse Radar System dated 20 March 1959 and. Trip Report: Beacon Tests at Eglin AFB dated 12 March 1959) 25X1A5a1 2113 60-DAY PROGRAM TIMER, CU-2 - The contractor has started repair work on the 21 faulty CU-2 units. 2114C SUBMINIATURE RECORDER, CB-7 - has made significant progress in modifying the CB-7 recorder. A completely new tape transport design (using the original motor) is being effected along with improved packaging. A breadboard model of the modified CB-7 is scheduled for demonstration by 15 April 1959. (See Conference Reports: Subminiature Recorder, CB- dated 12 and 18 March 1959) 2114E SPECIAL PURPOSE TAPE TRANSPORT - This project was initiated this month in response to an urgent OC-SP requirement for three 6 to 8-hour recorder transports, one to be available before 1 May 1959 and two before 1 June 1959? The contractorts proposal to fabricate the three units within the allowable time schedule by simplifying the original design criteria of the CB-5 recorder (which most nearly meets the requirement) was accepted and work was begun on 24 March 1959? (See Trip Report: Modification of 24-Hour Breakdown Recorder, CB-5 dated 26 March 1 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 25X1 A9e 25X1A9 25X1A~ 25X1A9 25X1 A9, Approved For Release 2000 RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 2115 TIME AND EVENT MARKER, IN-7 - A two to three week delay in delivery of the 15 IN-7 units has been approved to allow the contractor to correct align- ment difficulties experienced in the 2nd prototype. No additional funds will be required. The parallel development for a ruggedized version of the TEM prototype is proceeding satisfactorily. Several subassemblies have been fabricated. (See Trip Report: Time and Event Marker, IN-7 dated 19 March 1959) 2116 SIGNAL ACTUATE DEVICE, CU-3 - False triggering of the CU-3 prototype by random noise pulses has resulted in a decision to delete the development of electronic activation circuitry from this project. The Agency currently has two other signal actuate devices under development and an electronic package for the CU-3 will be taken from one of these units. The contractor has been requested to submit a technical and cost proposal for the fabrication of 16 SAD units excluding the electronic package. (See Trip Report: Signal Actuate Device, CU-3 dated 19 March 1959) 2117 MINIATURE COAXIAL CABLE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, WS-1 - The first WS-1 prototype was delivered this month. Delivery of the second. prototype has been delayed pending test results from the first which may point up the need for minor modification work. OC-SP testing of the first prototype is scheduled to begin next month. (See Trip Report: WS-1 Miniature Coaxial Cable System dated 26 March 1959) 2121 MINIATURE AGENT VFO, OS-1 - The contractor has delivered the first OS_4 prototype which will be forwarded to the R+D Laboratory for evaluation prior to fabrication of additional OS-4 units. 2122 AGENT SHORT-RANGE COMMUNICATIONS SET, RS-19 - The contract for the development of the RS-19 has been amended to increase available funds by $20,550. Delivery date for the equipment has been extended to 1 August 1959. (See Telecon Report: RS-19 Production dated 18 March 1959 and Trip Report: RS-19 Development dated 31 March 1959) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/09/1 ; CIA_RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 Approved For Release 2000/09111.1-- WRY, -02820A000500020041-9 ~ 9a_J ea Li.- jaL s? 2123 100-WATT FIELD STATION TRANSMITTER, RT-27 - The variable frequency oscillator of the prototype transmitter has been finished and successfully tested by the contractor. The complete RT-27 is now ready for delivery and will be shipped 2 April 1959? Initial tests made by the contractor indicate that the RT-27 meets specifications in all respects. 2121E RADIO RELAY SYSTEM, RS-23 - The twelve monitor receivers and accessories have been completed and the system. instruction books have been written. The contractor is experiencing some difficulty in optimizing operation of the relay transmitter be he wide manufacturing tolerances 25X1A5a1 found in the GA 53194 transistors. The experi- mental relay On Plas reshipped to the Agency in working condition and has been forwarded to the field. 2127 SEARCH RECEIVING SYSTEM, CS-8 - The working breadboard of the CS-8 is now being transformed into a production prototype. The weight of the equipment presents a major problem and considerable effort is being devoted to weight reduction. Lightweight alloy materials and sub- miniature components are being used wherever possible. (See Trip Report: CS-4 and CS-8 Collection Systems dated 16 March 1-959) 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 2131 MINIATURE 3-CHANNEL DATA RECORDER, CB-3 - = has started repair work on the CB-4 playback recorder which was damaged in ent to the Agency. R+D Laboratory evaluation of the CB-3 and CB-4 recorders and the Elgin CB-3 continued. See Trip Report: Playback Recorder, CB-4 dated 19 March 1959) 2132 CARRIER RECEIVING SYSTEM, WR-1 - The WR-1 prototypes are approximately 95% completed but may have to be held at the contractor's plant for final test. 5X1 A5a 1 A belated delivery of - mechanical filters io causing the delay in completion. Preliminary copies of the bill of material, operating spare parts list and maintenance spare parts list have been received for approval prior to finalization. 2133 HIGH-SPEED FIELD S'T'ATION, AS-5 - The contractor's proposal for an AS-5 test program and the purchase of an additional AS-5 system has been received and is under evaluation. The contractor is also requesting a time extension of two months to complete the AS-5 development. This extension is required to compensate for the extra time devoted to the AS-6 and RS-16A programs. Approved For Release 20 `.DP78-02820A000500020041-9 ~. .,. e.. -i- VI-1 U E-1 I Approved For Release 2001D11 ciA-:jRq ?y 02820A00050002 41-9 2136 VISUAL DISPLAY SYSTEM, DS-1 - The DS-1 equipment is scheduled to be shipped from on 1 April 1959. Preparation of the final report will take another month. (See Trip Report: DS-1 Display System. dated 31 March 1959) 2137 MAGNETIC CODER/KEYER, CK-8 - The contractor has submitted the first quarterly progress report covering the period from contract initiation to December 1958. The size reduction of the CK-8 requested by the Agency has been accomplished. The keyer is presently 3-5/16 by 3-15/16 by 2-3/8 inches and the coder is 4-1/4 by 3-3/8 by 1-9/16 inches. (See Trip Report: Coder/Keyer, CK-8 dated 31 March 1959) 25X9A2 2138 - ANTENNAS - Necessary steps have been taken to correct the technical difficulties reported from the field. Procurement of some essential components may cause a short delay in effecting corrective measures, but no delays greater than 2 or 3 weeks are anticipated. (See Trip Report: Antennas dated 31 March 1959) 25X1A9a 2139 AUTOMATIC DATA STORAGE AND READOUT SYSTEM, CS-11 - Progress on the receiving and transmitting portions of the CS-11 system is on schedule. Approximately 85,E of the work on the first prototype modules has been completed. The subcontrac - recorder has been awarded to of San Carlos, 211+0 AGENT TRANSMITTER, RT-21 - The electronic control circuity for the RT-21 has been constructed and "debugged". This circuitry will now be combined with the oscillator and amplifier stages of the transmitter. The problem of automatically matching antenna impedances from 25 to 1300tjl000 ohms remains unresolved. 2141 STUDY FOR UNCONVENTIONAL AGENT SET, RS-24 - The contractor is making satisfactory progress on the RS-24 study. Basic modulation techniques and storage methods have been tentatively firmed up and effort is presently being concentrated on final configuration and packaging recommendations. Approved For Release 20,00/0&*4-!- P78-0 25X1A9a Approved For Release 20001 11.j_w: ;CIA-R.0 P'-02820A00 2141A STUDY FOR NOISE-MODULATED AGENT SET - The contractor is presently reviewing final parameters for the noise modulated agent set. An extension of time in which to complete the final report was requested and granted. 2142 CLANDESTINE ELINT ANTENNAS - The final report covering development of a clandestine ELINT antenna system has been received. Negotiations based on the results of this study are now in progress for the design and construction of two complete antenna systems. 2143 TRAVELING WAVE TUBE AMPLIFIERS - The contractor reports satisfactory progress on this task. Delivery of two of the tube types (0.5 to 1.0 kmc PM and LO-NOISE) will commence in two weeks. Completed development of the other three types (4 to 8 km.c LO-NOISE, 12 to 16 kmc LO-NOISE, and 12 to 16 kmc PM) is expected -Yrithin 1 to 2 months. 2145 PORTABLE MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDER/REPRODUCER, CB-9 - `The transistorized circuitry for this unit was tested over the specified temperature range of -20? to +55? C. Although harmonic distortion remained within the 0.5% specified, the amplifier gain varied directly with the temperature. Sapple capstan drive motors are being received and tested for speed stability, and the special record and reproduce heads are being fabricated. 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 2146 LONG-RANGE ELINT DATA TRANSMITTER, CS-15 - Effort on this task has been temporarily suspended by the contractor pending an Agency decision on the future course of action to be followed in development of the CS-15 Collection System. It is expected that these questions will be settled within the next two weeks. 2147 SPECIAL PURPOSE RECORDERS, CB-12, CB-13 and CB-14 - These rep being designed and built by the M Wunder Task Order 1, Contract 602. From pre nary Agency testing of the CB-12 and CB-13 recorders, the contractor's performance appeared to be unsatisfactory and work was interrupted on the CB-14 equipment. Final evaluation of the tests, however, determined satisfactory Approved For Release 2000%! 78-02820A000500020041-9 25X1A 25X1Ac, 25X1 A9~ 25X1Ac Approved For Release 2000/09/11 P78-02820A000500020041-9 alww~ 0400 accomplishment and design effort on the CB-14 was continued. A contract amendment has been requested which will increase the funds and extend the time of this project. 21+8 SEARCH RECEIVER., CS-5 - Specifications for the CS-5 have been submitted to five potential contractors. A conference will be held with each contractor prior to submission of proposals to assure that the contractor's design philosophy will be based on a sound understanding of system requirements. 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 21+9 TRAVELING WAVE MASER - A niobium solenoid has been constructed which retains superconductivity during sudden small changes in current while furnishing the desired field of approximately 2000 oersteds. The ruby has been lapped and matched to the waveguide section. First tests of the assembled maser are expected to begin during the next reporting period. (See Trip Report: Traveling Wave Maser dated 31 March 1959) 2150 CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION, TV/CC-1 - A technical and cost proposal for development of the TV/CC-1 is expected from the within the next week or two. 2151 CONDUCTING GLASS ANTENNAS - Four sample conducting form of dipoles have been received from and forwarded to the R+D Laboratory for N a a o of their charac- teristics. When the results of this evaluation are made available a meeting will be scheduled with project engineers of to discuss possible applications of this glass and a second glass which they make (which is conducting throughout its entire volume) to our immediate and future requirements. (See Conference Report: dated 17 March 1959) 2152 MINIATURE MICROWAVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM - A rough draft of the Task Outline for Development of a Miniature Microwave Communications System has been completed. This out- line will be finalized, reviewed and then submitted to the for a firm price quotation. Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CII .RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9 25X1 A9~ 25X1A 25X1A5 25X1 AS Approved For Release 200(6991(tpa$ 25X1A3a 2153 25X1A5a1 fARP20A0006D 1 A9a 25X1A5 215+ HIGH-SPEED FIELD STATION' AS-9 - A comprehensive comparison of the four proposals for this system has been made and the final choice of contractors for this one-year study program will be made in the near future. 2155 COLD CATHODE TUBES - Some interest has been expressed in the possible application 25X1A5a1 of cold cathode techniques in special requirements where low power consumption is mandatory. Liaison has been established with representatives of to discuss future developments and applications of the cold cathode tube. (See Trip Report: IRE National Convention dated 31 March 1959) 2627 VARIABLE SPEED TAPE RECORDER/REPRODUCER, BT-7 - 25X1A9a Approximately 500 of the modification work on the tape deck portion of this equipment has been completed. 1 May 1959 is tentatively given as the delivery date of the prototype unit. (See Trip Report: Variable Speed Tape Recorder/Reproducer, BT-7 dated 26 March 1959 2638 AUTOMATIC DIGITAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEM., AS-8 - A conference was held with representatives from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Andrews Air Force Base to discuss the use and availability of the original System II equipment for a reconnaissance appl erence was also held with representatives of to discuss correction of the AS-8 system deficiencies. (See Conference Reports: Air Force Representatives dated 18 March 1959 and dated 12 March 1959 and Trip Report: Visit to ARDC with Reference to System II Requirement dated 25 March 19-5 Approved For Release 2000109L1 I 2IA-RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 25X1 A9E 25X1 A9E 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/09/11 DJ 02820A000500020041-9 2639 VHF COLLECTION RECEIVER, CR-2 - The CR-2 engineering model was received from the contractor this period. A visual inspection and preliminary operational test predict complete satisfaction with the mechanical design. A Class A evaluation by the R+D Laboratory has been requested. The contractor is fabricating four additional -prototype units. 261+0 SIGNAL DELAY DEVICE - Specifications for the fabric..tion of 20 signal delay devices .ere forwarded to three prospective contractors. Technical and cost proposals have been received from all three and are currently being evaluated. 26112 PHOTOGRAPHIC DATA REMEDING TECHNIQUES A sales representative of theil"JilliM Corporation, Anaheim, California, was contacted at the IRE show. Although he was not able to discuss optical recording on a technical basis, he did express the company's interst in C,overnment R+D in the field. 25X1A9a 25X1A9 25X1 Ac 261+3 TRANSISTOR ADAPTER FABRICATION, TA-lC - 25X1/ 25X1A6a The TA-iC is presently being reworked in _ The prototype unit will then be resubmitted to Headquarters for evaluation. Upon acceptance of the prototype, 57 units will be fabricated by the foreign contractor. 264.4 INFIATABLE HIGII-GAIN POUCHABLE ANTENNAS - Model shop work by the contractor is almost completed. Delivery of the completed antenna systems is expected by 25X1E 1 April 1959. 261+8 CS-8 BROADBAND ANTENNA REQUIRENE'NT AN-20 - , 25X1. This antenna has been returned to for minor mechanical modification, photography, and an evaluation of its electrical characteristics from 30 to 60 mc. Negotiations have been initiated to purchase five additional 30 to 600 me antennas. 2649 GUARDBAND RECEIVER, CR-16 - The contractor has reported considerable success in developing a single band tuner covering the range of 30 to 260 mc. An investigation of harmonic crystals is in process to determine the feasibility of also providing fixed frequency operation. 25X1 25X1, Approved For Release 2000/0 _ 78-02820A000500020041-9 -i1_ Approved For Release 2000/09/11 X78-02820A000500020041-9 25X9A2 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 2651 ONE-TIME PAD 25X1A9a The required repairs on the printing platform of the 25X9A2 equipment have been completed and the equipment was delivered to NSA on 27 March 1959. Arrangements are now being made for an Agency demonstration of the device. 2652 SECTIONALIZED METAL PARABOLIC REFLECTORS AND FEEDS - Work on most of the units is nearing completion. Delivery of the equipment is expected 1 April 1959. 2653 SEARCH RECEIVING SYSTEM MODIFICATION, CS-1+ - The refurbished CS-4 equipment has been tested and evaluated. Performance is considered entirely satisfactory. This task is now being closed out. (See Trip Report: CS-?+ and cs-8 Collection Systems dated 16 March 1959) 2655 MINIATURIZED TEST EQUIP NT - 25X1 25X1) Three competitive proposals for miniaturized. pulse analyzers are currently under evaluation. Familiarization discussions were held at = prior to submission of roposal for 25X1A5a1 miniaturized signal generat ipment. See Trip Report: Miniaturized Test t1w dated 26 March 1959) 25X11 2656 TELEMETRY BAND COLLECTION RECEIVER, CR-17 - Further action on the CR-17 has been postponed pending a reaffirmation of the operational requirement from the sponsoring division. 2657 RADIO RELAY SYSTEM, RS-28 - The engineering model of this four-channel relay system is approximately 95% complete. Further testing of the ultrasonic microphone input channel will be necessary. Instruction books to assist Agency technical evaluation of this system are approximately 50% complete. 2660 RADIO RELAY REPEATER SYSTEM - Development of a repeater unit compatible with both the RS-23 and the RS-25 relay systems was begun this period. Basic design work is in process at the Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CTA2-RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 25X1A 25X1A9 25X1 25X1, Approved For Release 2000/09/1 DP78-02820A000500020041-9 2661 TRANSISTORIZED VHF MONITOR RECEIVER - Development of this refined monitor receiver will permit portable operation at the receiving end of the RS-23 and RS-25 relay systems. Design work was initiated this period. 2662 DATA REDUCTION CONSOLE - Clearances are being processed to perms udy of an existing data reduction system built by Following receipt of proper clearances, a meeting w1e arranged with representatives of various government agencies to discuss different data reduction requirements. Investigation still continues to find an interim-solution to the problem of high-speed data reduction. (See Trip Report: IRE National Convention dated 31 March 1959) 2663 MODIFIED NEMS-CLARKS 1302-A VHF RECEIVER - The Office of Logistics is currently working out contract negotiations for this program with 2664 EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATIONS - On 9 March 1959 an electronic one-way dead letter drop was demonstrated to representatives of the Technical Requirements Board. All equipment operated satisfactorily. On 23 March 1959 two agent radio sets were shown, including the RS-19 and the repackaged AN/PRC-34/36 Helmet radios. Also shown were the RS-9, the RS-25A and the CR-2, and the CV-2. All equipment performed satisfactorily. 2. SERVICE CONTRACTS - - (RD)XG-1604, Task Order C and D Work Orders Completed During March 1959: Fabricate Teletype Parts Fabricate Tight Tape Arm (Teletype Part) Modify Motor Generator Set Work Orders Outstanding: 2,500.00 175.00 919.00 Design and Fabricate to 2 MC R Design an Fabricate VA-9 Signal Operated Rel RS-1 Modification Kits Antenna Mounts F b i t Fabricate 20 Teletype 14odification Kits 30 60 eceiver d ay, vv-6 a r ca e an Audio Carrier Interrupting ICU-9 Fabricate 231-D Indicator Panels Device, ! 50.Oo 72.00 Approved For Release 2000/091119--`-13_ 25X1A5a, 25X1A5a, 25X1A5a1 25X1 A5e 25X1 A5e 25X1 A5E 25X1 A5a Approved For Release 2000/ -RDP78-02820A000500020041-9 Dollar Balance Remaining, T.O. C 3,561.28 Dollar Balance Remaining, T.O. D 9,030.35 ?5X1A5a1 B. RD-79 T.O. 15 Work Orders Completed During March 1959: None Work Orders Outstanding: 1 Evaluate Frequency Shift Converters 14,441.00 3 Speech Clipper for 231-D 6,910.00 4 Frequency Extension Kits for 231-D 856.00 Dollar Balance Remaining, T.O. 15 33,597.42 25X1A5a1 C. N RD-145 T.o. 5 Work Orders Completed During March 1959: 4 Fabricate KE-6 Keyers 8,945.59 Work Orders Outstanding: 1 Fabricate Filter Traps 2,420.17 6 Fabricate Transistorized RP-6 Power Supplies 14,954.00 Dollar Balance Remaining, T.O. 5 27,019.65 ?5X1A5a1 D. , RD-128 T.O. 3 Work Orders Completed During March 1959: None Work Orders Outstanding: 3 Pleasurement of a Reflex Slot Antenna 3,300.25 4' Design and Fabrication of a Receiving Antenna Group 2 397.03 Dollar Balance Remaining, T.O. 3 512.84 ChTM, t.J.. Approved For Release 2000/668-1_E7 -RDP78-0282OA000500020041-9