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? \?
By Ferdinand World?an 'all ot er tuiderdeVefdped
? areas?throngii a "rnsy glass ,,?of,,..4nti2,
Post Revolter.
together are nowhere More agonizing
: ,,....threugh such a glass in wartime-WhelIte 4:?
colonialism. Franklin, AoosevelCilooked
111E ACHES and pains of keeping allies ?
ite Bi'
rote uxe
%,:r.ifyitated the British, trench but
than in trying to work out a connrion'
American-British-French policy toward the .
?-???' talking of independence for India;in4-, "n7, 401!rOrtts:
? China, and IndonesiaP
Moslem world. -
an foxy forms ,rather than Amen.-
n, and a debate lhe Indian Parliament
'at Ne-frDelhi 4 V. ' oit a replica of the
, . ,
fthe of
. was lookin throughthe sane ' ' ' ''''`I ` 4 ' ' ' .
g espectacles centlY von their f trying
ree om or are
ountries that have re-
. resident Truman
n '
when he approved the text of last Ties -'-' o W. titt??vt,, the,: Briiisah,lc. eep a certain nine-
Sometimes- it is painful' to work out
even an American policy that mikes sense. ? . _ - : :teen h century ccm escension and superi-
day"s speech, about freeddm.' 3ority'tekvard the' Pedple. They are hated
Last ,Tuesday, for example, President
The American argument, so, round, 'for It, especially lit ll-an and Egypt And
Truman said in a public speech that the
so firmt t so fully packed with , evil . :they still inel,ce a distinction between
peoples of Africa and Asia were right in
wanting political freedom as well as eco - intentions so free and easy with ,,tjlg ' :1110det7iteS," wally ` the representatives
nomic betterrnent. - z-
? assumptions, goes something ilk nt the rich '
e _landholders, and those more
ab id natronalists who happen to have
The United States could not hive 'be- r ?
. ? ,,eonid?an economic giant without 'having-
- . pdpular backing. ,. ,
It was wonderful prepaganda?at least ' ?, ?
'''hadrir' ee Political institutions. 5iiiiilail 4, ,:?,?Nothing irritatei'the 'British more than
for the Africans and Asians for whom ,it ?,.
the President' ' ' - ' - i? a' : -i? .th - .: t e os earl world, like other tinderde-,, 14
, . . ? . Veloped ? areas, cannot possibly develop ?,-='--,,,,,ty
"Tem .-World. k, en Anthony Eden,
.political - ice winstalled at he British Foreign Of
United Nations, Erifest A. 'Oross, an .
, , . . health and strength unless' .'re ' "rf' - went to Pat:15111'st November, Secre-
nounmd that the United States would .. -? -
- rorms are ,combined With eeeno,mic and ? ?tory, Acheson talked patronizingly to him
abstain?in other words; ,would not take' -
social progress. ' ' 'about Iran, as if ,Eden were a novice. Ac-
sides?on whether; to let the 'Security . `''': . ic ' di' Persian
,,, , , , 0 course?an ere e ar u , n
Of d 'h the g in6 ;.ttially," Eden nows , elanguage,
was so clearly intended;?,:, But on ThuridaY ? -7' to !lave Americans' lecture them about the
Council hear complaints against French
In?instance, the United States was pillous agitators? to use the present fer-4?. '
Sib.,artiitit,'fhe har;,and Eden's coun-
trip inoieover;'fias been deep in Middle
in the President's words, allow-"nes'eru-
this e '
trying to avoid giving public offense to the ment in the Moslerh world to stir up 1:11;x1. ' gastern Politics an& troubles for 200 years.
shed and diserder. Still less; tp"Secietary ' ?This is both the strength and the weak
French It did not want the Security
Council used as a stick for beating one of - - ,riess Of British policy In the Middle East
. Acheson 's- words of last Wednesday; can the strength being that the British know
America's most important allies. ' you assume that .full independence Will e- history and the background better
The effect; however, was a little like an
? , ,. , . solve all problems When former subject iliiin Amerieans-
peoples get 'their freedom and discover
that it doesn't solve their problenia,' said
the Secretary, they are apt to turn i'
communism as another panacea. ??
. ?
. , seems to backtrack on itself?Yoncannot, 2which Acheson. ne_ver learned in a bril-
, .
rule in Tunisia. ,
old cartoon of ,Herblock's which showed
the -American delegate In the Security
Council standing on his head and saying:
"We want to make our position perfectly
clear." ,
Agreed on Danger
iF AMERICAN officials find it trouble-
some to be consistent toward the Mos-
lem world; the three allies together find
it infinitely worse. Try asithey will, the
Americans, British and French simply can-
not look at die problems of this vast area
through the same eyeglasses. ?
All three can see the same landmark in
the 'background: the golden domes of the
Kremlin, which symbolize the Pushful
power of the SoViet Union. All three want
the same thing: to keep Soviet power out
of the Moslem, world. They wish they
could' have peace and contentment all the
way from Morocco to Singapore so that
they could cbncentrate on the essential?
namely, on the containment of Soviet
power in Europe and the Far East.
But the details in the foreground look
hopelessly different, depending on
Ix nether oneApprevednForsReleas
they tend to neglect or forget the tide of
e,ohdaialyg.ekthit,;iare,,eping the Moslem world
e Thick of It
Louder Than Words HEN 'IT ethnei to the French, the
differing outlook among the three
HE BRITISH have to do less hemming
and hawing in explaining their posi- allies becomes glaringly apparent, and
tion for the simple reason that they make I
for several relevant reasons, For one
fewer speeches about political freedom :
s'. n ,
thi g the - Independence or home-rule
, --moverrients today are taking place on
for other peoples. Since F.D.R. was iri the \:.?prench territory, in Tunisia and Morocco;
'White House, the British have given' full , , there are no movements of comparable
Independence to India, Pakistan, Burma 'teriousnesi under the British or Amen
'andCeylon; 'they have set Up Self-goir--, -6an 'Bags. ??-? - -
erning assemblies in West Africa and the, _ In each of the French North African de-
Caribbean;'they have given full, ettiren-' 'pendericies,:there is a rich, sizable and
. Chinese in their Malayan col- politically powerful group of French set-
ship to the Chin '
melt and a
, s the most recent step iiirtfi' .'-?-'.tlefs,the "colons"; these people have done
postwar sequence, they have propoSed/ -rillti?, ler the
cotintrie where they live,
letting the Sudan decide its own futtire - narrowness of their vision can be
'Only to that of the relative
, The British, in short, can argue t'Inat:"InPa'red?
f ' British settlers in Kenya, in
their deeds are more persuasive than ' ,:handful
, , where 'Colonel Blimp now
American words. The odd fact 'IS' that',4''''st Africa,
little about political freedom, whose pres- Comparatively recent years to conquer
' 'i;.ri.Tdhse'aFrheatphy, home--------'more
Britain, whose leaders talk comparatively ver had to fight in
ent Prime Minister personifies the old and keep Morocco and Tunisia; they feel
imperialism is more_popitlar in India to- they knew better than the British or the
etiaOLOOffig/27iteiWeRDR7434007711M0000570 21 ith the native
who for cenerationt Aga[n5t populations there. qtiey are all the more
or -8
- In qr?-nidi11.7.
-to f
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' ' : ''' wont ? aatno puu iagualct eqj palsqadaageqj uuot maw ol sumilat Jeagypict 2uy:
. , ? ?
.,tuaysoll au; ;mitt auueap iyaq; uy apild ysiaso-dloacr tyoua.1,/ aUf 'if? 'spigoXou b; )1uy:1,.,Lurin'efs aCrivay2a.rj 'aiehii'::A.aty; ;wig
qauara - u.toqurgs lady uragetuaaJd , usnyid . -mnitin..i.ditue.rdeiitisytaii'au; tfiiipti4*#fiflAaint:: -,astyr,*inti ouv
4aarcly3upd Ueapaury Sufgauoaai Jo AVA1 TMLIIII jo aayna, plUrlaou etg. (4tafy eq; , :7oXsq piq ifuitnOu tilya utsitiuotivicice
?uuis rpug o; anaq yiyAt siopeay pally)? aq; 04 ls.jyj watt; jytuqns.91.;ou: elliodury uaaq ,- ?-aa.ul ,uo ;is louuea Aatg mg 2un
'Jag syq; 4C3atuoydip Jo sagayxue .zaqio aneq ping* ly ;mg esnaxa au; my/A?MT . !aq .40ml tyauaag 0E11 :'atyas alp i
_ etIl IR 111L41 *Zgal J0 SDIPPTa ?Ill 0 auO sy ? ?Jaqio au; limn ;as maul' j'da4 4taty; ' '. ,.:L ?,e; ? ,:' ' ' ? ; ' " -. ?uy i
usa 4Caty; mOTI 'days uy dawy
4S0Sfillaad yaluatuapurg auras at g anvil uana `4apuod 61 pyaohyayoum'.alg JO; 'aolza ;a :o; uciyun ja ynos au; .91 .uogalynul
Ile a
a sme . ., .. .., ,. , . .
tins suL10;a1 40111 Nuyaunogua .jo ,pgaisuf ? . eq pin.OM 11-DPJV 11110N 'fit utopeaji P
iazil moll pa iyaunop X; ymaas aq; o; , ' , ' :- . =,....? :?.,,,,o,,..',AtAi 'audza atm tif ' -Od Ito pue 4upy; atuas aq; ''T.usy
, ?
YeacIda am laocIdns o; apann ;say pasnlar 2um; ;Op aig, ?mop al' snyuall ,angysod . 7tuoa pug iususuoylau uvayjjv upoN
Awl; SuA uosaaa auo sy qamkt 'aysytnu, uy i tywit p4snuo7. Ina* 'rid,aq; mg ;,-s.reaS,luaaar uy papualuoe scamp .
eJaudsourla lamb a luam Aaq,j, ?paaaans o; ?suaysyunI au"; -ol. eyiya-atuclt.roj'ayesociload .,., /tam latot anoid o; velum jsey atp ay
Sucigago2au au; lueni 'asJnoa jo ` 2uldaanns pity -snoaaUe2;;IjajjECO; :rejupit ,jay agog; 2uysn eau traupaa .41.1,j,_;,,?Stu;
' pus splays palyufl au, oxau ;arm 1 - ;say paaJRa ,Syyang aliad III ? j101.11T1.10A0X_ , qauaid. at; Ismail); uoguaJpayuy ;a
..:. ? , ?sanias au; `susyaggod qauala Buypaay au; Buotue,. ,...01 pus patuai tre in paSAAJoj
-luau; 'gym .73u1;ego.Sau aJani IpUO-Ij stg jy Noogno pA1sseth2o4d atoUi e.';;O:?:: 'asneaaq: ?? 'loot Aplueij tjg61 in eqynaulog Aclua;
sa -3yooy gym suoyssnasyp ',Noyuroa am pus Sgaud 'ainsse.ul?uSaYiatu*LIO,. linsa.y.-::1 sa' 'ypa2aga .Saapay peaaAoasyp aneu ,qat
laddud a jo a3uvauaddv am' sett `Age.inleu , Agaud ?0330.10B1 pull. I?rsiunj? y, y ,`......:elare:,;,',aq; .1ja.A. ?moan alaJapolu ,2pua ayq't
.rapzaad , ueysyunj: au; ;nu .`uyEaq 01. oo; aq o; lou `a;enyid uy..`qaua..4.,eqj loyAs--!7e,aJ, a sit qusyytmeliati:usysyupy "Jo ,za
jnoue mou aja ,sUonefloaaisi -j!,Taiumiano ,,. papaayd anaq" 'uol2umsem.''pue