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Approved For Release 19997MetrA-RDP780-2771R000300330002-8 26 May 1954. OVERSEAS CHINESE HIGHER EDUCATIONAL vAi:dLITIEs Thrv75D-R?MITREATrAMITTOMil rEt? The four Southeast Asian countries of Theiland, Indonesia Burma and the Philippines have no overaeaa Chinese, educatianal facilities at the college or university levels. In Thailand there also are no facilities for overseas Chinese at the middl school level, because they are banned. JJ In Indonesia, Burma and the Philippines several middle schools are run by overseas Chinese for Chinese students. In none of these countries is there government support for ouch facilities. The schools usually are run by a Chinese organization in the community?often a federation of organizations, A chamber of commerce or the community at large. They are not run directly by either the Communists or Nationalists as such, however, they often are operated through organizations politically inclined to a particular faction. When financial assistance is given, parti- cularly by Communist organizations, control of the administration and curriculum of the school is usually in the hands of theesup- porting organization. There is little government restriction on curriculum and administration in these three countries. However, entrance to government universities requires a matriculation certificate, and only schools conforming to the established national eurricu- lum can issue such certificates. Few echeois CAM to conform to these requirements; therefore overseas Chinese graduatee are. obliged to travel to another country--Taiwan, mainland China, United States or, in the near future, the Nanyang University in Malaya--for advanced education. Tuition in most Chinese schools is nominal and funds from tuition rarely even approach the expenses of running the school. Students often must supply their own texts, although, where such material is scarce, the texts often are rented from the school for the school year. The choice of textbooks end the curricu- lum usually are geared to the political leanings of the groups running the school. Peiping-approved textbooks and curriculum are used in schools that are pro-Communist, and their Taiwan counterparts in pro-Nationalist schools. Decause of the diffi- culty in obtaining non-Communist textbooks until but two years ago, many pro-Nationalist school sand the few neutral schools were forced to use Communist textbooks. Through US support this shortage has been greatly relieved. y While a few schools teach In the dialect of Chinese most prevalent in their area, most use the Ku? Yu or Mandarin, dialect. At the middle school level almost all. instruction is in Mandarin. The size-of the schools, in terms of students and faculty, is difficult to ascertain. Some, particularly those in outlying areas, are very small in size with less than 50 students. A few in the larger metropolitan area, such as Djakarta, have several hundred students. Reports on such statistics are scattered and often contradictory. The following characteristics are peculiar to certain countries Indonesia In Indonesia a great deal of friction exists between the local-born Chinese and Chinese who have emigrated from China. The Approved For Release 1999/08/24 : CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Approved For Release 1999/088,02771R000300330002-8 'local-born, particularly those whose families have been there for a few generations, have tended to assimilate fairly rapidly and few send their children to Chinese schools, utilizing Indonesianolutch or English language schools. While many of the children attending such schools Gpenk rbineLe, few. Ire able tn rE:ad or wrItc it, The foreign-born, on the other hand, usually cling to their Chinese culture and send their children to Chinese schools. Because this foreign-born group has been generally more . susceptible to Communism than have the local-born, a majority of the Chinese schools in Indonesia are pro-Commu- nist. 1/ IMIEPlas Overseas Chinese students in the Philippines are faced with the necessity of becaming pnlygleAs if they want a middle school education. They must learn Mandarin, since instruction Is usually offered only In that language. The teaching of Tagalog is required by law. Some subjects are taught only in English_ And a Filipino law, although not usually enforced, requires that Spanish also be taught. Most Chinese schools are divided into two depart- ments, an English department and a Chinese department, the former being taught In the morning and the latter in the afternoon. Many students enroll in both to obtain matri- culation certificates for Filipino universities. The curriculum for the English department la established by the Ministry of Education of the Filipino government; the Chinese by the Chinese Nationalist Embaasy in Manila- Even schools which are Communist-controlled or heavily Communist-infil- trated use the Nationalist curriculum to avoid trouble. Because .of the dual department system, there Is a certain amount of duplication In teaching, the same course taught in both Chinese and English on many occasions. - 2 - smaaloomemmmom Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 KEY TO LISTS OF SCHOOLS - indicates school is Communist-owned and operated, Communist controlled or GO heavily infiltrated AS to be virtually A Communist organ. A C - indicates school is firmly anti-Communist; this category includes pro-Nationalist schnoln. Neutral - indicates school stays clear of political struggle, - indicates either that political leaning of school is In dnubt, because of conflicttng or doubtful information, or that no information ts available concerning its. leanings. ?A-C - indicates infprmation is not certain, but school is probably anti-Communist, - indicates school is probbbl; Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Location and Chi ese Name - 26 May 1954 A. CERSEAS CIT1N7517 MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN BURMA L/ f2212.1sh Name or EquivAlent Poll Rtngoon !;hung Cheng Chung Hsueh Hua Ch'iao Nu Chang Chung Cheng Chinese Girls, (0022-2971-0022-1331-5478-0294-1166-0022) Chung Hua HsAeh Nsiao Ch1 nee Middle School ..(0022-5478-1331-2699) Chung Te Chung Hsueh Chong Der High St+r)ol (1504-1795-0022-1331) Fu Chien Nu Tzu Shih Fan Hsueh Hsiao Fukien Glrls1 Normal School (4395-1696-1166-1311-1597-4636-1331-2699) Hua Ch?1ao Chung Hsueh (5478-0294-0022-1331) Hua Hsia Chung Hsueh (5478-1115-0022-1221) Kuo Li Ch*iao Chung Hsueh (0948-4539-0294-0022-1331) Nan Yang Chung Hsueh (0589-3152-0022-1331) 2. Outer Provinces Bassein Min Chu Chung Hsueh (3046-0031-0022-1331) Kemmendine Burma-Chinese H,S, Glorious China H,S. National Independence Overseas Ch1ne6e Middle School Nan Yang Middle School al A-C AC Democrat4c 1LS, AC Locatinn and Chinese Name Al Kun Chung Hsueh ( (147-0948-0022-1331) Co -1-.thamo cv c) c) c) Hua Chung Hcueh Hsian (5478-0022-1331-2699) c) c) Insein c) c) c) Hua Chiao Hsueh Hsiao 0 (5478-0294-1331-2699) r?-? r?-? HIM Ch'iao Chung Hsueh Hsueh Hsiao Overseas Chinese (5478-0294-002n,-1321-1331-2699) 0 kandalay " Hua Chi an Yeh Yu Su Chin Chung Hsueh Overseas Chinese Professional Rapid (5478-0294-2914-7411-6643-6651=0022-1311) Progress HS. tNi 03 a Moulmein Ku Yu Chung Hsueh Public High School (03 1-2589-0022-1331) u_ Rua Chtiao Chung Hsueh Overseas Chinese Middle School (5478-0294-0022-1331) 2 0. 0. 215ash Name or Equivalent Poi1til Leaninc Patrfotn H,S. ChineeP Mi7P7P School Overseas Chinese H,S. A C Ptei Pen Chung Hsueh Foster Learning H,S, A-CC (1014-2609-0022-1331) Wakema AC Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 C? cv c) c) c) Hua Ch,iao Chung Hsueh Overseas Chinese Middle Stheoi c) (5478-0294-0022-1331 c) c) c) Cheribon, Java c) Djakarta Java L4),cat rid Chinese Name Bandung, Java Bo OVERSEAS CHINESE MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN INDONESIA 1// lish Name Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (0022-5478-0022.4331) Chinese High SchzIsl 26 May 1954 o_ Yin Hi Hua Ch'iao Kung Li Kao Chi Shang Yeh Hsueh Chinese Senior Business School AC 0 (0603-1441-5478-0294-0361-4539-7559-4787-0794- 2814-1311) 6 " Pa Cheng Chung Hsueh (usually called the Pa Chung- Djakarta High School 0721-1004-0022-1331) (Pa is an abbrevia:e for Batavia) CN1 00 a Pa Hua Hsueh Hsiao Djakarta Chinese High School AC o) (0721-5478-1331-2690 o) o) %- r. Kumpung Baru, Sumatra Chung Hua Chung Hsueh Chinese High School ..71) (0022-5478-0022-1331) (1L: Lampong Telok Betung, Sumatra u_ Hua Lien Chung Hsueh Chinese Union Middle School (5478-5114-0022-1331) L_ o_ o_ Madiun, Java Lien Chung Chung Hsueh United Chinese Middle Szhf),7,1 (5114=0022-0022-1331) - 6 - `mr.F.A.mi???????? Approved For Release 1999/08/24 C? Cs! Hua 'rung Chung Hui 5478-.4920-0022-2585) Su Tung Chune Hsiao (50161,90022-,=2699) Hua Ying Chung Hsueh OC (5478-5391-0022-1331) AN Pontianak, Borneo Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (0022-5478-0022-1331) C) OC 4k ;',14..Ati,tn and Chinese Name Medan, Sum4tra () " Samarindas Borneo Cs! CO CY) vm Semarang, Java Chen Chiang Chung Hsueh (2182-1730-0022-1331) Ta Hua Chung Hsueh (1129-5478-00224331) TE \ Chung Kuo Chung Hzueh U- (0022-0948-0022-1331) -a Suraba1.11, Java 2 o_ Lien Ho Chung Hsueh o_ (5114-0678-0022-1331) ct Hua Ch'iao Chung Hsiao Hsueh (5478-0294-0022-1420-1331) Overseas Chinese Association Middle Zchool Samatra Et Cot Middle Sethool ChinA3e-Engl17-111 Middle School (Catholic Sehool Chinese Middle School Stimulate Strength Middle School Greater China Middle School Overseas Chinese Middle and Primary School China Middle School AC A-C Union Middle School A-C Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Lc.tin and Chinese Name Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (002-5478-0022-1331) Min Kuang Chung Hsueh (3046-03/12-00-1311) Hsin Hua Chung Hsueh (2450-547S-0022-1331) Chia o Chung Chung Hsueh (0294-5883-0022-1331) Fu Wu Chung Hsueh (2591-0523-0022-1331) Tandjonm Priok, Java Chung Hua Chung Hsiao (0022-5478-0022-2699) wiLleFFMP English Name Chinose Middle Stho1 Light e.if the People Mlddle Nfn, China Middle School er3eAs MaJses Middle SchotA. Obey Duty Middle Schol Chinese Middle School Polltital Leanings Neutral A-C Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Teti-i^n av%ei rwrpoe Name Manlla* Chung Shan Chung Hsueh (CO22-1472-0022-1331) Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (0022-5478-0022-1331) Tan Hain Chung Hsueh (0030-1800-00224331) Chien Kuo Chung Hsueh (1696-0948-0022-1331) Hua Ch 1a Chung Hsueh (5478r0294-0022-1331) Nan Yang Chung Hsueh (0589-3152-0022-1331) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 C OVERSEAS CHINESE MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN THE PHILIPPINES 9 tr, lish Name or Equivalemt 26 May 1954 Politieal Leanings Sun Yat Sen Middle School ?AC Chinese High School* 18.3 Red Heart Middle School .?C Rebuild China Middle School Overseas Chinese Middle School South Seas Middle School Chiang Kai Shek High School Chinese Union High School Philippine Chinese High School Westminister High School First Chinese Girls High School AC cause nese names are no avi a or A SC oo i. Is Con ains some duplicasi.ons, - 9 - Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Location and Chinese Name 3.0 Bicol Cebu Cliie Sit IMP Davao Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (0022-5478-0022-1331) Iloilo Hua Shang Haueh Hsiao (5478-0794-1331-2699) **Chung Cheng Chung Hsueh (CO22-2973-0022-1331) * * Sariaya, Quizon pua Dhliao Chung Hsueh t5478-0294-0022-1331) Zamboanga Chung Hua Chung Hsueh (0022-5478-0022-1331) Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8 Political Leanings 7*-77rHEFTEUFg-Cheng is Chiang Kai Shek.s rea these two schools are actually the same. Grace Christian School Bicol Chinese Middle School Chinese South Island High School Chinese Middle School Chinese Commercial S hool Ory JOY a= alb Chiang Kai Shek Middle School Sun Yat Sen Middle School Overseas Chinese High School Chinese Lower Middle S hool name an? severa se os ve prey cus y use - 10 Approved For Release 1999/081441091JROP78-02771R000300330002-8 AC ?C ?C ?AC ?C S possi Approved For kelease 1999/08 ICI:VA-RDP780/771R000300330002-8 SOURCE REFERENCES 1. George Skinner, The Chinese in Southeast Asia, Cornell University Presi7?Itfia-a7r55U. 2, Ibid. 3 George Henry Weightman, The Chinese Community in the Phil ines, MA Thesis, triirver?Woir-Thr-PalTrer-Cess, an a, 2. 6. Ibid. 7. 8. 25X1A8a 25X1A8a 9. Weightman? op., cit.; 25X1A2g 25X1A2g - 11 - Approved For. Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02771R000300330002-8