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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-02646R000600150001-5.pdf162.09 KB
Approve f6 l1se 2000/08/27: 1 -02646R000600150001 'Security Izxi'or a Lion JAN?1719r RELPIGNIT OF 1.t SCI `. IFIC "10B NO..?_Ft DI FOLDER NO. _-?-1L7---- TL QQCSlIREIN Fu,: cuent to the request of the Azz i ten r: a I e .or c. m.3.E ! t a . ' Intelligence., the undo rsiggi ed del of Scie. It ^ is Cao-oul rats ba Mat. to nva luv,te any po^ ;ible three t to a ration ,l ieeurit j posed by Un-1 dentif ic,: Objects (71Fl7isv.g Sai..cem" ), and. to M C16, eneztica t Esc . M ,e Pc. el bas received the evicdence as present(-:4 b co ii t inte] Li- : c: ci = a 3 pri vriiy the Air Techgical In' l~g_i euce Center, act :ks ier e a select ion of the best doe cant ::d its. As : result of Ito considerations, the Panel concludes: t the evidence presented an Unidentified Flying' Objeete chows no indication that thc,sc pheno :env, co rtitute a direct physical threat to national. seawnlt . firmly believe that them- Is no residua a of cases ihici indicates y ph, na >c bich are attributable to foreign artlf._a.cts cepc ble of bos the ac'ta, and that there is no evidence that the phenc e:n.a indicate .a need ?or the revision of current scientific concepts. S.'ep=~s, the oangr? of be~irg Lz4 bye cant .Fn uad fl _e alwl , to ia, x.,1,: re 1 t" be y politic t~?breat to the Orderly fun tinning of the pr tl=active orb a. rat Me con-uDa ed c> ske..sis on the reporting of pxic no 'e a doer,,; in these parlous tines result in a Cite as e ;yles the of channels o a cup .m aAs ti bit i L rw I . Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-02646R000600150001-5 S :cur ty 1 :::.?orrition `Approved For Release 2000/08/27,: CIA- iadications of hostile action, and the cultivation of a mrbid notional in, which Skill3114a1 hc;stile Propaganda could induce iya a ricer . be h v or and bax ."u1 distrust of duly constituted authority. 1n order most effectively to strewn the ziat?on t ~ ~ s at e. for th t~: ly recognition nd the appropriate handling of true ~s dic t c.< o ' hostile action, end to min d.ze the concoiitan u d.` ers allude . to cc.ti'Ve, t P ezl aeeos'mends been giyjen maa the e.ure of Mystery they have u 'o t, f~ y kat the national security agencies institute policiez on i ntei,l CLee, tra!'ni g, and public ed.uca Wi desi.F ned to t'he mater:ia_l defenses end the norale of the cccntr to reco :iiz r ov,t proaptly and to react most effectively to true indications of hcz? ,ile intent or action. 14c suggest that these ,aims may be achieved by an integrated prognem c < si. ,cd. to reassure the pubic of the totaal lack of evince of inimical forces behind the phenomena, to train personnel to recognize as:d. reject false indications quickly anct effectively, and .. to strengthen regular ch for the evaluation of and prompt reaction to true indieations 25X9A5 Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-02646R000600150001-5