The Personality of Adolph Hitler

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Document Release Date: 
August 11, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 1, 1943
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Approved Foe19}99/8/I c.Analysis of The Personality of Adolph Hitler., With Predictions of His Future Behavior and Suggestions for Dealing, With Hirri, ran Approve",qj ase 4 8 1 2 ' 00030002-2 4'Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2` ANALYSIS OF THE PERSONALITY OF ADOLF HITLER with predictions of his future behavior and suggestions for dealing with him now and after Germanys surrender Henry A. hurray, M. D IIarvarc. Psychological Clinic Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 FOEE.NORD Aim The aim of this memorandum is (1) to present an analysis of Adolf Hitler's personality with an hypothetical formulation of the manner of its development; (2) on the basis of this, to make a few predictions as to his conduct when confronted by the mounting successes of the Allies; and (3) to offer some suggestions as to how the U. S. Government might now influence his mental condition and behavior (assuming it sees fit to do so), and might cI a1 with hi:m, if taken into custody, after Germany's surrender. The proper interpretation of Hitler's person- ality is important as a step in understanding the M~ holaq of the ?.7-1-31 ,1 Nazis and - since the typical Nazi exhibits a strain that has, for a long time, been prevalont among Germans - As a step in understanding tha psychology of the German people. Hitler's unprscederted appaal, the eleva- tion of this man to the "tatus of dam:-god, can be explained only on the hypotho i t'^.a t he and his ideology have almost exactly met the n-_,-,3s, longings, and sentiments of the majority of Germans. Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 The attainment of a clear impression of the psychology of the German people is essential if, after surrender, they are to be converted into a peace-loving nation that is willing to take its proper place in a world society. Sources of Information for this 'Analys1s: - As is well known, there are no thoroughly re- liable sources of information about Hitler's early life and what is known about him since 1918 is in many respects insufficient or contradictory. This analysis has been based, for the most part, on the following material: 1. Data supplied by the Office of Strategic services 2. H5_tleris MEIN KAMPP, New York, Re,ynal & Hitchcock, 1939' 3. Hitler's WY NEW ORDER, New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941 4. ~teiden, K.., H1~1.7-ER, A BIOGRAPHY, London, lG'36 5, Rauschning, H., VOICE OF DESTRUCTION, New York 6. Baynes, H. G., GERMANY POSSESSED, LoIIdon, 141 It is generally agr.?esd that MEIN KAMPF is not to be relied on as a fact-_lal document, but as the translators say in the introduction to the American edition, this work "is probably the best written evidence of the character, the mind, and the spirit of Adolf Hitler." An analysis of the metaphors used in Approved For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 Approved. For Release 1999/08/24: CIA-RDP78-02646R000100030002-2 MEIN KAT,1 F has proved rewarding in the attempt to discover the underlying forces of his personality, MY NEW ORDER, edited by Roussy de Sales, has also been utilized extensively. A paper publi: hed by W.H.D. Vernon, HITLER THE MAN - NOTES FOR A CASE HISTORY (Tour. of Abn? & Soc. Psychol., 1942, 37, 29?7- 30S), was w. itten under my general quperv.rl_sion and contains r^o