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April 23, 1957
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Approved For Release 2D /08/27: CIA-RDP78-01634R0003000 54-7 CO FIDENTIAL
Washington 25, NO.
MEMORANDUM OF MEETING: Working Group - Committee on Broadcasting and
Television (COB T)
27th Meeting held 10:15 A,M. April 23, 1957
COB Conference Room #357
Working Group Members Present:
USI(! - Robert E. Button, Chairman
Frederick A. Long, Alternate
CIA - Representative present
ICA - Gerald Winfield
Defense - Lt. Col. M, E. Williamson
State - William A. McFadden
Mrs. Florence Dowling, alternate
0CB Staff--Ralph R. Dusick, Staff Representative
Marjorie M. Denny, Staff Aes.s;ant
1. The minutes of the April 12 meeting were adopted with minor
revisions. A corrected version is being distributed with this memorandum.
With reference to Para. l.c. the Chairman informed the Committee
that, although COBAT would concentrate on television projects, it would
co iaue to coordinate projects inv&lvin aid to foreign govo?.-nm nts
in the es a olisnmen _ o_ .~eir radio bx?oa cas _ g systems.
2, The Chairman informed COBAT of a despatch from Beirut (No? 38 of
April 3, 1957, Confidential) on the basis of which he asked the Committee
to reconsider and support the Beirut TV project. A paper proposing
reactivation of the project for strategic reasons, and exploring possible
sources of support, will be prepared for consideration at the next meeting.
3. With reference to extending an invitation to Indian TV technicians
to visit the U.S. for training, the ICA representative stated that hI
agency had no project on TV-Communications in India under which it could
extend such an invitation. The working group agreed that this problem
might possibly be worked out through an 10E .S . grant
Q The project of establishing an educational TV station at Rawalpindi
for informing and training the Pakistan Armed Forces was discussed. w'~e
Defense Department has stated its position on the project; i,,e,,, that it
will furnish technical and program advice as requested. The State Department
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representative stated that since the project definitely came within USIA 9 s
Military Motivation Program, the only question would be whether the project
outlined were the most expeditious way to accomplish the desired mission.
Ne ICA representative informed the Committee of a draft policy statement
being prepared in his office which,, if finally cleared, would change. ICAls
position somewhat so as to allow for possible participation in such projects.
5. Concerning the study on the development of educational TV for
Indonesia, the ICA representative reported that, although this project
had been considered, it had not been approved.
6. Teheran TV was next discussed. ICA informed that two technicleis
were being sent to Teheran. The Defence Representative reported that a
request was coming into the Department of De "ense for the establishmwn t
of an Armed Forces W station in Teheran, and there was therefore the
possibility that the military might cooperate with the commercial operation.
The State Department representative suggested that, in view of the many
other demands in Iran, it would be well to request a roundup of all
available information from the Mission. The Committee agreed that a
joint State-USIA-ICA message, to be drafted by State, should be sent to
Teheran concerning this 7itaa.tion.
7. Discussion of the possibility of TV in Morocco was deferred until
the next meeting, by which time more data on this situation will be available.
The next meeting will be at the call of the Chairman.
Ralph R. Busiok
Staff Represeriative
Attachgent: Corrected version of minutes of April 12 meeting.
Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-01634R000300030054-7