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Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 ANDUM ft' c The Honorable 1/443.644 r 1,iewles }:"ntilr iecretary of tat The Honor bie swe L. 011patrie Deputy :-..;ecratary ol The lionorable Mcre unAty A..,, to the iretQent The 14 nor oieIrner b. aats eputy Liirectur, LtAke."... t the ButtgA? The IL,nor .itclwaro 4.1, MT row .irector. (;n tatc. irform*tio gency Aa rece,it meeting Ql our ihuraday lurkcixeln a p:opotted ieLL from the i-reeident to certain e.cabassadors abrc.iad was circulated and aubsequently under date a May 1461, was dispatchnd. Lnder date of May 47 the i-'rezident requested the heads of executive department and agencies to instruct their representatives in the field in accordance with the President's letter of May 49 to the chiefs of diplomatic missions. At the time of our consideration of this letter, 1. mentioned that there were certain intelligence operations which were regulated by National Security Council Directives. I &leo pointed out that when, under date of November 8, 19(i0, l'resideat Eisenhower had te011ed en Executive Order covering the role of our U. 5. Diplomatic 1-issions Abroad and the coordinating role of the Chief* of Mission, he had also issued a special confidential memorandum to the Secretary of otate. Defense, and the Director of Centra,I Intelligence, pointing out that the Executive order was not intended -t-) supersede existing arrangements with respect to foreign intelligence activities, which are governed by National Security Council intelligence directives and other pertinent directives, regulations. and procedures. NSC review(s) completed. Approved For R?:(e4:4e :fer: ei A )RDP8aB01676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 In discussing the advance draft ef whet became the President's letter of May 29. 1961. I pointed out that there should, in due course, be follow-up instructions dealing with the question of coordination. of intelligence activities. I append herewith for your convenience copies of the President' $ letters of May Z7 and May 29. 1961; a proposed follow-up Presidential Memorandum to accomplish the objectives I have mentioned, and a copy of the somewhat corresponding actions which were taken by the President, dated November S. 1960. I should like to discuss these papers at our next Thursday luncheon. LZ_XN DU LES ?tractor Enclosures 0/DCl/AWD:ji Distribution: DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - DD/ P 1 - COPS via C/ FI 1 ER ?-???"" Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDF'80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Releasc 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105- THE WHITE HOUSE WAS May 27, 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES There is attached a copy of a letter which I have sent to each American Ambassador abroad. The fourth and fifth para- graphs on page three were omitted from the letter sent to coun- tries where we do not have military forces. On page three of this letter I state: "I have informed all heads of departments and agencies of the Government of the responsibilities of the chiefs of American Diplomatic Missions for our combined operations abroad, and I have asked them to instruct their representatives in the field accordingly." I shall appreciate your instructing representatives you may have in the field in accordance with the attached letter. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release,2003/MOrgykRITIN1501676R000800050105-5 0 May Z9, 1961 Dear Mr. Ambassador: Please accept my best wishes for the successful accom- plishment of your mission. As the personal representative of the President of the United States in you are part of a memorable tradition which began with Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, and which has included many of our most distinguished citizens. We are living in a critical moment in history. Powerful destructive forces are challenging the universal values which, for centuries, have inspired men of good will in all parts of the world. If we are to make progress toward a prosperous community of nations in a world of peace, the United States must exercise the most affirmative and responsible leadership. Beyond our shores, this leadership, in large measure, must be provided by our ambassadors and their staffs. I have asked you to represent our Government in because I am confident that you have the ability, dedication, and experience. The purpose of this letter is to define guidelines which I hope may be helpful to you. The practice of modern diplomacy requires a close under- standing not only of governments but also of people, their cul- tures and institutions. Therefore, I hope that you will plan your work so that you may have the time to travel extensively out- side the nation's capital. Only in this way can you develop the close, personal associations that go beyond official diplomatic circles and maintain a sympathetic and accurate understanding of all segments of the country. Moreover, The Honorable Approved For Release 2003/080ONGVIOR1PBOB111676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release W03/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800060105-5 CONFIDENTIAL - 2 - Moreover, the improved understanding which is so essential to a more peaceful and rational world is a two-way street. It is our task not only to understand what motivates others, but to give them a better understanding of what motivates us. Many persons in who have never visited the United States, receive their principal impressions of our nation through their contact with Americans who come to their country either as private citizens or as government employees. Therefore, the manner in which you and your staff personally conduct yourselves is of the utmost importance. This applies to the way in which you carry out your official duties and to the at- titudes you and they bring to day-to-day contacts and associations. It is an essential part of your task to create a climate of digni- fied, dedicated understanding, cooperation, and service in and around the Embassy. In regard to your personal authority and responsibility, I shall count on you to oversee and coordinate all the activities of the United States Government in You are in charge of the entire United States Diplomatic Mission, and I shall expect you to supervise all of its operations. The Mission includes not only the personnel of the Department of State and the Foreign Service, but also the representatives of all other United States agencies which have programs or activities in I shall give you full support and backing inc arryirg out your assign- ment, Needless to say, the representatives of other agencies are \ expected to communicate directly with their offices here in Washington, and in the event of a decision by yc. in which they do not concur, they may ask to have the decision reviewed by a./ higher authority in Washington. 11),),weVer CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP801301676R000800050105-5 CONFIDENTIAL - 3 - However, it is their responsibility to keep you fully informed of their views and activities and to abide by your decisions unless in some particular instance you and they are notified to the con- trary. If in your judgment individual members of the Mission are not functioning effectively, you should take whatever action you feel may be required, reporting the circumstances, of course, to the Department of State. In case the departure from of any individual member of the Mission is indicated in your judgment, I shall ex- pect you to make the decision and see that it is carried into effect. Such instances I am confident will be rare. Now one word about your relations to the military. As you know, the United States Diplomatic Mission includes Service Attaches, Military Assistance Advisory Groups and other Mili- tary components attached to the Mission. It does not, however, include United States military forces operating in the field where such forces are under the command of a United States area military commander. The line of authority to these forces runs from me, to the Secretary of Defense, to the joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington and to the area commander in the, field. Although this means that the chief of the American Diplomatic Mission is not in the line of military command, nevertheless, as Chief of Mission, you should work closely with the appropriate area military commander to assure the full exchange of infor- mation. If it is your opinion that activities by the United States military forces may adversely affect our over-all relations with the people of government of you should promptly discuss the matter with the military commander and, if neces- sary, request a decision by higher authority. I have informed all heads of departments and agencies of the Government of the responsibilities of the chiefs of American Diplomatic Missions for our combined operations abroad, and I have asked them to instruct their representatives .Irt the field ac- cordingly. As you know, CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release =3/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 CONFIDENTIAL - 4 - As you know, your own lines of communication as Chief of Mission run through the Department of State. Let me close with an expression of confidence in you per- sonally and the earnest hope that your efforts may help strengthen our relations with both the Government and the people of . I am sure that you will make a major contribution to the cause of world peace and understanding. Good luck and my warmest regards, Sincerely, (Signed) John F. Kennedy CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 tit.A:FT EMO ryum FOR: The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Director, Central Intelligence Agency 27 May, I requested the heads of executive departments and agencie. to instruct their representatives in the field in accordance with my letter of ,9 May to Our In etion, your attention Ls dire ted to Section 231 of Executive Order 10893, dated S November 1960. dealing with the Mutual Security Act of 1954. follow.: .'SectiStat,.on Di ?magic Missions. The several Chief. of tb. Uxited Stat.. Diplomatic Missions in foreign countries, as the representatives of the Preaident and acting on his behalf, 11 have and extinct. to the extent prmitted by law and in accordance with such instructions the Went may from time to time promulgate, affirmative responsibility for ition and supervision over the carrying out by agencies of their functions ictivi countries. " y letter of y. and your instructions to the field are not existing arrangements with respect to foreign intelligence governed by National Security Council intelligence directives intended to it activities, which their pertinent directives. regulations, and procedures. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 COPY 0,o-*_....itter 8. 1960 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 TO THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: todayI have signed an Executive order which is designed to carry out the provisions of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. as amended, and to provide for the administration of United States activities in foreign countries. I wish to direct particular attention to Part II of the order. The coordination and supervision of these activities I. a most vital aspect of the conduct of our foreign affairs. It is my desire that all appropriate steps be taken to assure that the Chief of the United States Diplomatic Mission is effective In discharging his role as the representative of the President. Therefore. I am instructing that, to the extent permitted by law and within the framework of established policies and programs of the United States. the Chief of Mission shall have and exorcise affirmative responsibility for the coordination and supervision of all United States activities in the country to which he is accredited. It is expected that particular emphasis will be given to the following in the exercise of this authority: (1) the Chief of Mission will take affirmative responsibility for the development. coordination, and administration of diplomatic, informational, educational, and trade activities and programs; 41C031012lies technical and financial assistance; military assistance; and the disposal of surplus agricultural commodities abroad. (2) the Chief of Misbion will assure compliance with standards estab- lished by higher authority, and will recommend appropriate changes in such standards end suggest desirable new standards, governbig the personal conduct and the level of services and privileges accorded all United States civilian and military personnel stationed in the foreign country and report to the President upon adherence to such standards. and (3) the chief of Mission will establish procedures so that he is kept informed of United States activities in the country. He will report promptly to the President as to any matter which he considers to need correction and with respect to which he is not empowered to effect correction. In order that there be full understanding of the above, it is my desire that the Chief of Mission be made fully avrare of his responsibilities and authority with respect to United States activ- ities, in the country to which he is assigned, under todar? order and this memorandum. Not only should instructions be issued to the Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/1Ee: CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 United States Missions; provision should also be made for complete instruction in these matters before a new Chief of Misfit= assumes his duties at his post. It is the responsibility of each agency concerned to participate in the indoctrination of each Chief of Mission and take steps within the agency to instruct its personnel as to the authority of the Chief of Mission and as to the necessity of keeping him fully informed concerning current and prospective program and administrative activities. Steps should also be taken to provide the Chief of Mission with eceseary staff assistance so he can fully carry out the assigned The Director of the Bureau of the Budget is requested (1) to lead, in consultation with the Department of State and other ed agencies, in developing the moat appropriate method of providing the required staff facilities at the country level, and of establishing such arrangements In Washington. as may be necessary to enable each Chief of Mission to carry out effectively his responsi- bilities as the representative of the President. and (Z) to present to the President appropriate recommendations with respect to such facilities and arrangements. The following prior Presidential documents (related to the subject of this memorandum or of today's Executive order), to the extent not previously rendered obsolete or otherwise inapplicable, are hereby superseded: I. The June 1, 1953. memorandum regarding the reorganisation of the Executive Branch for the conduct of foreign affairs. The memorandum of three heads of departments and the Director for Mutual Security concerning the reorganization of the Special Representative in Europe, which was approved June 16 1953. The November 6 1954, letter concerning Executive Order No: 10575, etc. 4. The AprU 15. 1955. letter to the Secretary of State concerning the establishment of the International Cooperation Administration, etc. 5. The July 24, 1956, memorandum concerning administration of overseas functions. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 The November 19, 1959, memorandum concerning reports required by sections 111(a) and 111(b) of the Mutual Security Appropriation Act, 1960. andura shall be published in the Federal Register. t Eis *r Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 tcf ZIDLNTIAL7 g 7/0 Approved For Release 201737C187T8-: -CIA:RDP801301676R0008000501ux.5-5 '11-11; V HITE HOUSE . ash ington MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF DEEENSE THE DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1960 Section -01 of Executive Order No. 1ut393, dated November klt6), dealing with the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended. reads as follows: action ZOI. i unctions of ,...".hi.efs of United States Diplomatic Missions. The several Chief s of the United States Diplomatic Missions in foreign countries, as the representatives of the President and acting on his behalf. shall have and exercise, to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with such instructions as the President may from time to time pro- mulgate. affirmative responsibility for the coordination and supervision over the carrying out by agencies of their functions in the respective countries. " This Section is not intended to supersede existing arrangements with respect to foreign intelligence activities, which are gov- erned by National Security Council intelligence directives and other pertinent directives, regulations, and procedures. cc: Bureau of the Budget National Security Council jai:2;N T Dwhtht Eisenhower Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 :I_ June ]()61 EXTRACTS FROM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVES RELATING TO COORDINATION OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES OVERSEAS Over-all Coordination "The Director of Central Intelligence shall coordinate the foreign intelligence activities of the United States in accordance with existing law and applicable National Security Council directives. ..." (Para. 1, NSCID 1) "a. To maintain the relationship necessary for a fully coordinated intelligence community, and to provide for a more effective integration of and guidance to the national intelligence effort, a United States Intelligence Board (USIB) is hereby established under the directives of the National Security Council and under the chaLrmanship of the Director of Central Intelligence. The Board shall advise and assist the Director of Central Intelligence as he may require in the discharge of his statutory responsibilities and pursuant to paragraph 1 above. ..." (Para. 2, NSCID 1) Overt Collection Activities "5. The senior U. S. representative Ln each nation or foreign jurisdiction where the United States maintains official representation shall coordinate in his area the collection activities not covered by other National Security Council Directives. ... (NSCID 2) Clandestine Activities "2. To ensure centralized direction through prior, comprehensive and continuing coordination of all clandestine activities authorized herein, the Director of Central Intelligence shall: a. Establish, in consultation with the U. S. Intelligence Board, the procedures necessary to achieve such direction and coordination. b. Coordinate all clandestine activities authorized herein and conducted outside the U. S. and its possessions, including liaison which concerns clandestine activities or which involves foreign clandestine services, except when the provisions of paragraph 8 apply; also coordinate clandestine activities with overt collection abroad. ..." (NSCID 9) ;IF ' .bvedForRelease 2003/08/14 :,GIA-RDP80B01676R000800050,105:5 : Approved ForRelease 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800Q50105-5 b. in a roreign area, except where paragraph 40 applies, the Director of Central Intelligence shall, after consultation with the Secretary of State, ensure that the senior U. S. representative, or his designated representative, is appropriately advised of U. S. espionage and clandestine counterintelligence activities conducted in or from the area." (NSCID 5) "8. In active theaters of war where U. S. forces are engaged, or when the President so directs: ... b. Espionage and counterintelligence operations which, because of some exceptional political, diplomatic or other implication, are conducted independently by the Central Intelli- gence Agency, shall be coordinated by the Director of Central Intelligence with the Secretary of Defense and, as appropriate, with the Secretary of State. ..." (NSCID 5) COMINT and ELINT "The Secretary of Defense is designated as executive agent of the Government for the conduct of COMINT and ELINT activities in accordance with the provisions of this directive and for the maintenance and operation of the National Security Agency. ..." (Para. 5, NSCID 6) "a. The COMINT and ELINT missions of the National Security Agency (NSA) shall be to provide an effective unified organization and control of the (1) COMINT and (2) ELINT intercept and processing activities of the United States, to provide for integrated operational policies and procedures pertaining thereto and to produce COMINT information and ELINT information in accordance with objectives, requirements and priorities established by the U. S. Intelligence Board. ..." (Para. 6, NSCID 6) IIa. The Director of NSA shall be responsible for accomplishing the mission of NSA. For this purpose all COMINT and ELINT intercept and processing activities of the United States are placed under his operational and technical control. When action by the Chiefs of the operating agencies of the Services or civilian departments or agencies is required, the Director shall normally issue instructions pertaining to COMINT and ELINT operations through them. However, because of the unique technical character of COMINT and ELINT operations, the Director is authorized to issue direct to any operating elements under his oper- ational control task assignments and pertinent instructions which are within the capacity of such elements to accomplish. He shall also have direct access to, and direct communication with, any elements of the Service or civilian COMINT or ELINT agencies on any other matters of operational and technical control as may be necessary, and he is authorized to obtain such information and intelligence material from them as he may require. All instructions issued by the Director under the authority provided in this paragraph shall be mandatory, subject only to appeal to the Secretary of Defense by the Chief of Service or head of civilian department or agency concerned. ..." (Para. 7, NSCID 6) roved For Release 2003/08/18 : cIA-RDP80B0167,8R000800050105-5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 iV.a.7 49, 196/ Dear Mr. AmbasSae0::: 4Cleale ace y1,-.4:13 wiol:es for the steccu1 accorri- plisiimens, of, yov.r Zflir:'.6jOY.1. AS th Ci2,i2.,o-ozez:.:ntative of the 1: tri.,:z;leett fh.3 Cnite4 1:,-a-xt of a which be::;,-.,a with e'en.n'ir.lin and Thornz.n ard ve'alch ha s el ow,. ro$:t (":24e:inf,.;17-1131!..a?1, We arts ith. in 4._ cricz1,1 rztbrac.-_t l:.11..s...-ntry? Pov,ierrul tivfiCI:r,C43 VaLICS ccn;urloo. /.:2-tre nien vdill in arte of tho uorl(a. O'Ire to TrAZ.77.%1-- prz"..,ZZOI;$ toward a.otTereus comnaktnity .f.:?,::rationo in a v.ty:rill c, the tite ttt,t ex.erciso the :no:A ro'31,:ons5.b1e11ip. 1.yoal1 our iz measure, r.c.,ust bop-lovided by ? r-.4..ris4t)at',1?ae,ns and their aete-c1. you to reprczent our Govermnent in Guinea. cz;u:.le I arn. 47c..\:113.:dent er17.11; you _1--,reto tbilty. dicz.tion and Th t: pl.a"1:-:nte Of tais letter is to d,Lfineiire ,.:v.tich I ho;ie may 1-4,8 to you. Whq practice of rao-e.orn eir,aorlac..yre.;atArcis a elooes under- at?;nei-:743 not cnly of 3.ovntg$ 'cat aluo peo141o, their cui- to an4 inetitutionta. There-L'oze, Ihopo that ycra plan- ..? your v-roz% sott yott iy have tl:io tir:.o to travel o;ttentively. oide the ila' capit.A. Only in tl-titT? Way n develop the closo, per:Go-nal asoociatiow3tht,s7.1boyo7td cio- tc circlen nnd svynyi.,.-Atb.aczic and ?EtecurIteudci ztaz.dinz of. all sevnenta of tho lvloroover, 1-1:,lorzble Cor,aivey. Gainca. -C..."I'LL7NTIAL ? Approved For.Release 20.03/08/18 : CIA-RDP8060.1676R000800050105-5 IC Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800050105-5 CON:41,DaN TIAL -Moreover, the i-nproved enderstzt-at-Z:rr-.3. whici1 L, tlo essential . to a more and Ct.t.:1