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Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617A005800010021-1 ...V* GENERAL 1, Balkan treaties.-..The State Department has suggested to Dunn that the Deputies at the Council of Foreign Ministers might begin work on the Balkan treaties while awaiting instructions and committee reports on the various provi- sions of the. Italian treaty., The Department also suggests that Dunn obtain information regarding the USSR's attitude on the economic and military aspects of the Balkan treaties. 2. Fifth Fleet to leave Japan--The Navy reports'that the Fifth Fleet will withdraw from Japanese waters about 15 March. It will be relieved by a Task Group of the Seventh Fleet under. the command of Rear Admiral Bennett. - sidering a coup d'etat after adjournment of Parliament on 12 .March, Qavam, after obtaining the post of President of the .Iranian. Republic, then would accede to all. Soviet demands. Qavam allegedly postponed his departure. from Moscow in order to avoid questioning by Parliament. Soviet moves--Embassy Tehran reports that Soviet troops are being evacuated only from the area south'of the Elburz mountains and are being retained on the Caspian slope and in the Tabriz area, both of which are scenes of Soviet oil-drilling operations. The troops in Azerbaijan are apparently being concentrated near the Turkish and Iraqi borders. EUROPE-AFRICA IRAN: Qavam reportedly considering a coup--Enlbass-c , Moscow has been told that Qavam, at the suggestion o the Soviets maybe con 4. USSR: Censorship of US press dispatches--Charge Kennan has recommended that the.State Department consult at once With the home offices of An rican correspondents now in CONFIDE ' DIA? OSD, DOS review(s) completed. ' 1t TO-P ` RET Document No. Q NO CHANGE in Class. D DECLASSIFIED Class. C IA MGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 25 Auth: DDA REG, 77/176 Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1 Moscow to ascertain whether they wish their correspon- dents to continue filing copy. Kennan emphasizes that cm,,. ent Soviet censorship regulations permit complete distortion of any story filed in Moscow, without the know- ledge of either the correspondent or his home offices 5POLAND: CJSSR brainshipmenGs--Ambassador Lane has transmitted the text of a telegram to the UK Foreign Office from the British Ambassador stating that: (a) the Polish Go,;, ernment was led to believe that the Soviets would supply Poland with, 350,000 tons of seed grain by mid-January; (b) the Polish Minister of Agriculture now says that only 150,000 tons will be available from this source; and (c) the Soviet Ambassadorrs declaration. that the USSR is giving 200,000 tons of grain to Poland is untrue. So far as can be determined, 45,000 tons are coming from Germany and 110,000 tons from stocks on farms operated by the Red Arr:iy in ex-German territory. The remaining 45,000 tons are allegedly being sent from the Ukraine, which the Bri- tish Ambassador questions in view of UNRRA food shipments to that area. 0. HUNGARY: Premier makes concessions to leftists--The Premier, following leftist threats to withdraw from the coalition Government unless the Smallholders Party is purged of "reactionary elements", told Schoenfeld that he plans to make certain! political and economic concessions; since he feels that maintenance of the coalition Government is imperative to prevent either a leftist dictatorship or paralyzing. strikes and unrest. He proposes to expel certain reactionary members of the Smallholders Party, concede nationalization of coal mines and initiate discussions regarding nationalization of other sub-soil resources. Concurrently, he hopes to regain Soviet confidence in the Smallholders Party, which he considers indispensable in order to cope with pending economic difficulties. 7. ITALY: Plebiscite_ decree-Allied HQ in the Mediterraflean has received from the Italian Premier a draft of the decree CONFIDENTIAL1 ET Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1 now before the Consultative Assembly providing for a plebiscite on the question of the monarchy, to be held simultaneously with elections for the Constituent Assembly. Under this decree, if the voting favors a republic, the Con- stituent Assembly will elect a temporary Chief of State to serve until the new, constitution is formulated and approved, after which a Chief of State can be appointed in accordance with constitutional provisions. If the vote goes against a republic, the regime of the Lieutenant General of the Realm will continue as at present until the new constituion comes into force. Pretoria to President Truman stating that ta. there is less than two months' supply of wheat in the country, and (b) unless the 360,000 tons requested from the Combined Food Board for the remainder of 1946 are obtained, "starvation must result even among the European population.'' Smuts adds that South Africa, must also import 700,000 tons of corn during 1946 but that a substantial portion of these imports may be obtained from Argentina, 8. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Smuts requests wheat from US-- Prime Minister Smuts has sent a message through Legation FAR EAST. 25X1 INDOCHINA: Outbreak in Sai on-- 25X1 25X1 French troops' in Saigon have wrec e e printing pan o a Socialist publication and have ublicl beaten up the most prominent local Socialist. the three-hour riot had the sanction o high-ranking o icer and that most observers interpreted it as an Army protest against any moderation of terms to the Viet Nam Government. T Approved For Release 2002/08/1r~' L t 9-01 617AO05800010021 -1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002,/ 8/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1 11. N.E.I.: Sjahrir's position strengthened _-Ambassador Hornbeck reports that, in the opinion of an official in the Netherlands Foreign Office, the Indonesian National Com- mittee has strengthened Sjahrir's position by giving him full freedom (a) to form a new cabinet from candidates put for-ward by various political groups and (b) to conduct nego- tiations with van Mook without continually referring back, to Soekarno for approval. THE AMERICAS 12. ARGENTINA: Peron}s lead increasin--Embassy Buenos Aires reports that incoming 'returns indicate that Demo- cratic chances of winning are steadily diminishing. 13, CHILE: Soviet Embassy to o,en-Embassy Santiago advises that an Attache of the Soviet Embassy in Mexico is in Chile preparing for the arrival of the Soviet Ambas- sador to Chile. 14. COLOMBIA: Concern over military dictatorships--The Foreign Minister of Colombia has expressed concern over an apparent trend toward military dictatorships in American Republics,. He believes that the Argentine Army, since the publication of -the Blue Book, has been actively intriguing toward this end in Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Ecuador. OkA Approved For Release 2002/08/1 01617A005800010021-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/16 : CIA-RDP78-01617AO05800010021-1