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Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 URAWWME _. I dene c rg- pTi.ry efforts as well as Its beast ve been devoted to awned tnaturrectton carried on Races L beration .Army. The ALA, receives supp money, medicine. Jute ,ligence!) from the Mm u Yuen (collective tx,^~..,, h ose s Ations) w MC' front or "peoples" orgIMIT stia ted at an where from 10.000 to 100, 000. membere'hip to 95 per cent Chinese. Outside of the jungle, , .. bi r&Au ti is still relatively weak.; its main strongholds are osswng labor unions and students. particularly these in the W U004 middle sc ols. a o"w= .e> in Malaya derives its *9* basic problems coxm to many newly independent, t- l pa loped countries: the bra=g of traa4ditional Suck a for new rep ks a lath a I unfulfilled economic communal problem, by thre growing s of local Chinese, and to their cultural herttsqge from politics and government. a MCP proper is 5.000; that of to 1, 6.00 to Z. 0 . gip' decided at to fourth Plenary Conference sort to armed action to gain control of the country. l dup to armed insurrection was to consist of intensified and a cams aign of sabotage and terrorism to harass eak+en the government. MCP Was never area to advance beyond tst phase of aggression. vdAch. however, extend 'd over a !eraal years and was stU1 going on at we and of 195 y. Two militant action groups were formed by the MCP. drawing i ve rnbears from front groups in villages organ sed to g ship in dap*. In Malaya those, factors Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RD - 915R000900030094-6 _WR 1 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 6"'u J"T n~nrn(?N t ten MCP's armed force, MRLA. One of these groups, ps, was a fiat.-time action unit; the other, the Corps, wars a part-time action unit. The main Corps were: ambush, area an estates, 'aph lines, sabotaging rail tes being and a amuaaition. AdditionaUy? they posted hams and carried nut Other agitation and propaganda acts. The Principal tasks of the Self-Protection Corps were sabotage of power, telegraph and railway lines, destroying rubber trees and pia on buildings. Also, the Solf-Protection Corps had to post handbills, and to obtain and raise food and other Minna for the MRLA. MC? members of the leadership fraction in the People's Action Party and those in the illegal Chlinose h Laser were apparently responsible for student riots of 1954 and 1955 in Saxgapore. ire are no details available cancer MCP men for sabotage and i .Me Targets U.S. or Allies Per** years 1948 through 1957 there were thousands many of which British plantation managers, 4 troops were ambushed and k .ed train my deaths and even more, injuries 1952 Communist units attacked a U. S. Valley. On several occasions Conc. capture arms from police or Name Guard re many clashes occurred Uetween e in the spring of 1954-1955. In May 1955 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 port and.brick workers in Singapol kted with student disorders. The day most 455, the students set up roadb aoc ks .neous attacks on the police in severaal. Students hurled stones., wounding police- .g the latter to use tear gas. ude s st*ned, .y ory~p overturned or b Yned police cars. Lt or jerrorism Targets is%s' i eyes when ice. au s , were attacked and murdered an the highway's. L 6 Communists were hold responsible for throw ten person a$tst acts tti sh League before, during and a s l es of May and 3unee 1954 In Sing ore were tudent disorders of May 1955 in Singaapore, r inflicted upon witnesses was the slaying onds, United Press co . astral ar communist leader Lance shooting of Lee Chi Hua. the disfigure nt Mme. Singapore Nanyang Girls' High (c) the shooting of lrspoctor San unch Officer of the Singapore enteral threatening letters were written. td beaten. Singapore to convey to MCP le Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA- R00'0900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 February and early March 1.948 in that ehortly after Sharkey's stop at cided to resort to insurrection. Moral by the C nform; material support from I organized. Reports of December 1952 MCP loader Chin wig was trraWng ,y to obtain advice and guidance. Sapport spore originating in the channeled through the w unist rout organization, the International Union of Students. 1. s else upon soc rder to try to as a protector its future by this p' discreet and :n the new Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 I. ;9 h larger than is ra; and than the estimated number of rs or sympathizers would indicate. It is ide organization and is in a position to provide any piarty by voting for the only atiter party which D are not Communists but who wished to }rotes ,ad that many of the des received by the NUF were a the Comm t tnaurractianists have UOW In n rs and in fighting power. they are still able to raid villages and to attack and sabotage transportation and comm, wons fr q, asst I essfuUy enough to Bader econom c City c - n oon- -da ng. s i lega and illegal C a of Surma are i umonberabip, of appr~ately 4, OOO - 4,. 0 ears. The me a total e has been carried out by military and vfkML cad"s. eT in Comm st bloc countries. Ion is avaiiab a about traWag of Burmese Co lose to the caporal Approved For Release 2001/07/28 CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 S. ss as Targets e Tar iL of the P has aimed at weak n In ;nce saaary 1,94$) Government of 7 bridges had a up in the preceding gear) a and hor ing of sraa mss, elections by intimidation of vote convoy and mau trains, t police Outpa of ices. .k d that the BCP'a militant action w Mc ted in late March 1948 was direct response to, t: w Burmese Communists. Proof of spoemc ,aed by the meetings in India in early 1948 which 47 and by sahsega+ient resolutions calling for aggres- such action a gparessed in the Zhdanov speech e; e ninunists outside Surma for the SCP pitriad, however, is lacking. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : a, 8-0 1 00900030094-6 for weapons, ? ds and equipment, the oat of 1953. When violent action was xese were app racy convinced that aterial aid the local. ozn=tunist 954 the Rangoon press was urging nd, t some P leea dera in l9 W1951 spent Cbina. Whether this involved training attempts were made by these leaden terrorist action in the near [nut to be of approximately the sate 57. U mass surrenders of terrorists Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 11 a c 0 - Z, 000 been offer Republic Vietnam. (South Vietnam) derives tie continuing threat posed by the Iarge and ,ed forces of the Communist " aocratic a UU) a residual apparatus of litic agitators left behind in South have a e"caon" thr direct North scctious, and formation of a ; chi- Leon at U. Ultimate direction C wised after the wit the war had' errorism. The reorganizatto order to prepare them for anew c date. There takes place in., the indo_ .ons of 1955. sub'rersion, Nmits was n in South on indicating any such has been provided Uy Two Militant, auction units erhicl d -violence in South (The CP of North Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 ffi=00900030094-6 itc AU *V ewe ai a to date shows that tra g in sabotage md terrorism is guts in sptotal training centers in the North to Conumgnistm who operate in the ttb. Selected cadres rec*eives intmot-ve training in c unicatiaan', espionage metes, btack Sk"reed most capable are recreated for this training. Special grvaps aro selected from among the trainees to act among the orders; olhors are to act among the army. ;ntay Communists have engage mix= against 111. S. or 117. S. des targets. aim of Comm #st subversion E of confidence in the teem gave qtrs. crate with dissident sects ernment. The sects are io aid beecause of their short supplies cdE arms ed in late 1955 t to cede tali to rebel units or to snip It nay u hits tried to sabotage the March 1956 elections. l ag this terroristic action grenadesS were - hr near voting eats, mot boxes were burned or stolen, etc. There was a large increases in the number of assassinations in the last q r-ter of 19 57 ? Most of these occurred in the Provinces where Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 C t turiats baea ed yg men conic-a at udUftry a etas with harm if they ccmptied with the con ri on. tit pr a of terrorism *xA as lknth Vist sm. From the puttorn of 1954 and 1957 it seems probable that it terrorist action while working as m at4an grates. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 I. of Indonesia ;aggressive action to take over control nationalist movement at the time of the, ) adi n since early 1952 the Pia has followed a selectively supporting several go'rern t directly represented in the present olitical influence through mass daemon- PZRPM were to constitute the nucleus of these groups. The leader of each group was the person who normally served as head t PUBES zoaunittee for the given area. In sow %* parts of isneaala -centred Village Security Organizationis (O) or ""age Defense Organizations had been formed by approximately +d--1957 for future paramilitary action. ,n the regional, elections of 1957. Mu a of the parently lies in its control of a series Of ts, mean important of which is the largest of the with a claimed membership of 1, 0001, 000. The ength lies in Java and North Sumatra. U. l ssbotage/guerria units were being planned and organized the Central Sumatra area about mid-1957. Members of groups was a fa tionary of PIMs fraction in the Communist- controlled veterans organization, ?ERISE . hnmodiately responsible for the execution of these ac under the ultimate direction of the PKI Central Ccnmittee, 0 votes in the general elections of 1955 and over organizations, and appeals to national su ity. It Its Ra a p +narible for Sabotage, ltssassinaticm, Acts of terrorist nature being carried out in Jan -ary 1957 were M. Sabotage ,_ ra!BLng Gives Within Indonesia Communist-controlled Village Defense Organizations (OPD) in Sumatra have received arms and training. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDPK>=a 00030094-6 L .gave. Targets a. '. g. and/or d anti:-French demonstrations staged in 6 with official government son ction were e by PKI elements, causing damage to h and 8rilish diplomatic installations. Ls were Communist-controlled veteran ;rim. Of the seventy-seven organizations which pearUc paced. 95 per cent were Communist or Communist- dominated. In late 1957 caused the and-Dutch campaign reach extreme portions. r Sabotage Targets Ldation were tarried out In January 1957 tders of the religious parties who had criticized :t PKI guerrilla/sabotage groups which ;seed in the summer of 1957 in Central siize arms from given locations and would Council (the Administrative Council for nation in Central Sumatra) by acts of t, communication routes, military arms dumps; by withholding food sup serves and by carrying out guerrilla. action ngforces. In Amt 1957 PK1 was planning Para iiitary action to o erthro w the administration of Military Territory n, South ra. lu t tcber 1957 Communist-led Village Defense Organization (OPI) units attacked the headquarters of the Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-0091.5$Q00900030094-6 - the USSR# China or nest g rnm*10 to s ep ','IF violent acition yree w s": G.... _ -- - -- specially -r front organizations, e. oA . - - raps` orgy nxaa rec+eiVed military to ng. PEI:1-1 P81 trol *d AMitions y. ; ,mist-con i ti n r ~ f 4 aL to the U. S. aau eaeevt ~r `f`lee iarge* omntU *t-cunt ' filed .on. f , which is a specia lq influential state ? l D rta-, among they e ::....- w- - ee of the aggressive ac on it co - on t ~ ute'h iAgWLw"jw=w ' r e BSI violence would be t Pg sa tn+e government in the future. Another s4a n g r t that some f ac ,et is presented by the ad of e c are under the; _ $ or suspected Members. fay some ev denC that: met SY of 1)ja Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RDP7 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 --- P,NZ5 I. +stm:ass and Streiaassgb I. Cc has been illegal bership is 1, 000 - operation: in the mounts ns of central d aced the COOMM wa t-led Huk rebellion rty, government militigr '50 of important leaders of the the Communists have turned to a "legal d isfiltra on by constitutional means. nment was successful in eradicating open Pte' influence d youth org, d to reaactvat te; mt. years the former NO Popularity of the late President Magsaysay and his program of economic exp*nsiou and social reform contributed to the effectiveness of th. government's campaign against the Con ats. Although previously declared illegal under the Constitution by court ruling, the C4mmuuist Patty and H-uk have been formally outlawed the Anti-Subversion o law in June 1957, which establishes specific penAlities for Communist activities. it. I units Responsible for Sabo !M, Assasstnaitd ice and armed action was direction of the Military Conu itteee of the Secr*UrLat. Decisions utions when practicable were made known to lower d by regular troops of the RUB, the Party'aa e throughout the period 1949-19S4 appear to have gional C ittse/Co and Conferences. most Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-0 10094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 rnitted by the regular provisions were made,whereby d out by strategically placed c ,vile Party members of the Sabotage Division of the Civilian Agencies of the National Intelligence Department, the P3 Intelligence in. The Sabotage Division existed mostly on p;aaaper h by October 1.950 some units of it had been +aactivated: cxtdatton Squad and Labor Agitation Groups. n mainly im. the final state of the revolutionary e of the general offensive against the existing would supposedly be done by key men in usted men in government offices and technician ex. One of the goals of the Party In 1961 was the could carry out sabotage rM *alone Key leader a of the Co the congress of Labor Orrganta Outing the leadership traction within tnvolved. in the campaign of violence and saa i CLO officers were Indicted in June 1951 for ha% on wiA robbery a 'l rant: omitted murder, involvement in a P plot to overthrow the iv n the P'biltppine arty planning and training for iradu d in a PEP document captured in October 1950 ;n part an follows: "Based on this formulation of the obleem the following measures should be aadoptecd:.. . recruiting work among technological people to conduct as on the manufacture of home-made weapons, And researches, actually manufacture them. Send out e teehnolog;ic*l Wires to advise the militar problems of the armed struggle. Start training key workers in the art of industrial sabotage,. i' ,e* Thirteen rankin Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-kDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 #`.S. and; pszty by arson, baaineaar U. S. Armed F'er?es P units. In tb* eve of am outbreak of Soviet Union PJLP wed (according to captured Party documents) to initiate a program of *&botago in local industries m~txxa scturir g war goods. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 tion initiated by other Communist Other Sabotage Targets SlUing of Communist renegades and of non-cooperative r$I*1 people, Xxtortioen of fps from individual citizens, especially bum reset Confiscation of station crops, X*Wag bus passengers and burning buses. s little evidence of foreign support and guidance of PKP's campaign was timed to begin almost d terrorism campaign. It is significant, arch 1948. During 1949 PKP was enthused past Asia after the Coramunist meetings in India ear Communist successes in China ad was encouraged by the indications in Chinese Communist propaganda that aid to eimmu*ists in the Philippines would be forthcoming. of T, C unist eakness of strength and influence, t may initiate a program of fu aca sabotage In case of an outbreak of involving the Soviet Union, PKP wo dd, in parties, undertake any sabotage ch would hinder Soviet enemies. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA ~aQ 1 S?O :? fl0030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 d Strength of the Ia IQ.MlfllM~lWf. ist Party f ICP), a has since 1955 rnwd the posture of an overt :ideal organization which professes to ss and independence" for Japan through rather than violence and subversion. directed mainly towards eking the pro- '', winning popular support or position on international issues, ce thdn non-Communist organizations, trade unions, and farmers' of S P strength is in the urban sortio of its votes from tion than does any other party. The resulting from reports of i:ntraparty discord 1nanciai practices of the JCP, combined with of the Party's subservience to Bloc interests example, 3C P' a support of the Soviet intervention In have tended to thwart JCP efforts to expand its mem- bership. is believed that the total membership of the Party has. suffered a *ubetaan ;a l decline during the past year. SCP's estimated Membership ill 60, 000. planning and directin e to the Military lairs Committee ecutes any action decided upon. In the unit is "a military organization of fighting me movements and make all preparations ng up arms to protect themselves and enemy at factories and farm v ilage$ . 19 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 tense Corps must pr6d*cee, 04V 're, m : and dish bdormaden auout so=" and Pr*P& wee amen tbo .ts demands of the workers and far aces s a, st,04 t tar y tactics, obtain enemy's pis, s eert the en*My's v*y for the organization of partisan . During the e f aer si ve phase the l swan and se'-deefensae organizations Inn:.. ied struggle against American ' p*r is ri.&' Z) deepen the re ro i asary rsse$. and (3) Obstruct the efforts of the bas**, p r -e and transport arrms, nd deprive tb*m of t r rights. According a these struggles of the defensive, phase-- ea ae. prover 'fi ae ag legal and ti1egal eted by the masses. Ldi ay sabotage of 1949 isee the partisan forces be .P fractions in the trade anions. .01 td " r a .* C t ee :+ action. sued inst ti Bans on tarry Affairs .milt+ees, inc *Concrete Somb' comp glass or trap sinter gsbeet Ee Tr a Clime for USAD eaae $t Moc Countries No Information reported. Zg. lei was apparen rte re stye devise r. sing Pau rifle pellets for emanating :ailed instructions rder, Approved For Release 2001/07/28: CIA-RD - 4-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 - '' r Tar S. and/ear U .ivee sabotage of the Jesse national railways tied a in 1949. One accide which resulted from caused 3 deaths and 30 iuriiees. In another 6 persons were, killed, and about IZ injured. se railway accident statistics covering 1949 shows the following types o 39 cases 16 caseselr: S cases of laying dynami as cliaxed hyr the murder as begun in F ekkaW , in early 1952. may ce was precipitated by Communists in 19'52.. Riots in Tokyo "suited in several hundred casualties U. S. vehicles. Other minor inst cee:s of attack dense or U. a. military personnel occurred. JCP sie at federation of Students' &a-Government Associations i7REN)--wel ro involved in demonstrati against the of U. S. Air rorce runways in order to permit the - , In 11.95+6 nearly $00 persons were injured et a survey team which was protected 14- 2i, 000 Tachikavwa Mr blase, and obstructive action kawa. In 1957 the students erected flag- p6 ees which interfered with landings and departures of U. S. planes. Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RD2- 09? WZQMMW30094-6 1950 Wc:nsed vim, The le JC' of svvr - Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP7~8-00915R000900030094-6 K"04 e I Labor ftfty eg she October 1949. There is eridenc ~. _ _.,,. , ...,`. 9traa a w a Conan t uudergro d Organization continues pac rly in urban areas. *vex. ire ;ts virtually the general population, and .ties are vigorously we been reduced pa ice 1947. The in each a( the. ces of the SKLP. Tr LvreA Wi eriorated prior to June ea ere trained in large nun-Avers sch ol., to North Norea am saboteurs V. !bow a "` ets a. U.S. &w/or U. 3. AI U** Pers, Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDPy78-00915R000900030094-6 ~~~~~ Enel~ nDni ?.&b_jjNL* Targets Phi ./C v Win? t all firms of m i Ett 4 CO far sevexal years, The North Kare" Party/ r the close direction of representatives t ra un&rtaken in South rea saigned to a p 'essicn4 intelligence, agency verxunent. It is not likely that such. action n unless an iaternatioaall, conflict appeared Approved For Release 2001/07/28 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000900030094-6