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Approved For Relea EPARTMENT OF STATE e 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Intelligence Report No. 7422.1 COMMUNIST CHINA'S "PEOPLE'S DIPLOM/01'4,1' JANUARY 1955 THROUGH JUNE 1956 Office of Intelligence Research Prepared by Division of Research for Far East February 7, 1957 State Dept. declassification instructions on file d14111:?T- ill Agri -k a;RE Eall,stZgrycrigia, ..'=,...11"Sax?=--E 1.1P-1?.1V -rb---u OFFICIO., USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/E/W4ICTITAgR1!iW78-00915R000700060004-4 This report is based on inormation available through January 31, 19574 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1:42a1 Abstract 0. ......0..............,............00,000.00....... 00000 do I. Introduction o oit? ***** ***** 0**114?00?000w?00?041??ese00 A. Objectives and Development of "Peoples Diplomacy" 1 Nature of Delegations ***** ?O 0?04004(30041?0 ******* 0?????0 3 1, Cultural and Art odeaccooac00000000eoedlooip000rpoik000doe 4 2, 3. Scientific, Educational, and Public Health4 0 0 ? 9 ? tt 0 Workers, Women, and Youth 4400000000000000?04.400000.0 5 4. Peace and Friendship 0......o.,..,....a.,............ ?). Social CPubli Organization 00000004400,000$0.000000 6c) 6. Economic and Trade oogorpootic000dornaocropo doectobtocoo 6 7. Religious cr0000ir9aosoom00000000000c000so.iotoem000le 6 8, 9. Press and Broadcasting otworr000rmoson ****** teopecosoo Physical Culture 00.00/000004000000000,0000000006000060? 10, Parliamentary and Civic 000004,0 *** ? *** 00?0?00? 8 Co Costs 4??41.4??000 ********* 40 ****** *00000 8 D. Political Orientation of Delegations 10 E. Success af the Program... ***** ** * ....... ******* 11 110 Contacts and Exchanges Between Communist China and other Countries, January 1255 Threagh June 1956 .(Tabulation) 000000?0?00930 ********** 00????0?000 fol e 12 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/6F/W4b1ERY548-00915R000700060004-4 Abstract Sailluill.114811M111.1.1111?11 Since 1950 the Chinese Comnnnists have expended considerable effort and resources to promote the interchange of visits of their private citizens and semiofficial representatives with those of other nations. Peiping has encouraged these visits in order to develop "closer ties between nations, more friendly contacts, more economic and cultural intercourse." They began on a modest scale during the IlOrean hostilities and have since been rapidly accelerated, particularly during the past three years, when they were supplemented by numerous reciprocal state visits involving prime ministers, foreign ministers, and other official dignitaries. They have increasingly involved non-Commulist and anti-Communist personages. In 1956, Peiping claims, there were a total of over 5,400 individual visits by Chinese Communists to 49 countries, while over 5,200 foreigners, repre- senting 75 countries, visited Communist China. These visitors have travelled individually or collectively as scientists, eduoators? technicians, or as members of theatrical ensembles, athletic teams, trade promotional groups, social groups, or as representa- tives of a wide variety of semi-official organizations. Although their alleged purpose has been cultural and technical exchange, they have been used to advance Pelpingls international obectives? both in countries of the Corn:mist bloc and in nonwConraunist countries, particularly those with which it has no diplomatic relations. Communist Chines campaign of "peopleis diplomacy" has been effective, particularly in Asian countries, in advertising the domestic "attainments" of the regime, in creating the Nom./ impression of Peipingis "peaceful" purpose and "reasonable" conduct, and in reducing the Chinese Communist regineis international isolation. ii OFTICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY I. INTRODUCTION A. Objectives and D......aeve1aamL5.1.2=12111122,111ur The exchange of unofficial delegations between Communist China and. other countries of' the?Communist and_nen.Communist world,. referred to,ta_____ this paper as "peoples diplomacy," has been an portant adjunct to Chinese Comiunist.diplomacy.since.1950. It has been used by Peiping in an effort to ereate.a.spirit_of "socialist solidarity" between Communist China and other Conununist.bloc countries and. a .corresponding feeling of anti- . Western:.!!tolidarity" among Asian and, more recently??African peoples.- It has:been.used in the attempt to create credence for Communist propaganda charges and claims, most .notably the bacteriological warfare charges of tbe-Kerean.w.and present claims in-connectionwith Communist Chinats five.yearjaans. It has been used in the effort to break Communist Chinats .international isolation by expanding. contacts with non-Communist countries, particularly those that do not maintain.diplomatio,relations with Peiping, and to:create channels of subversive influence, particularly in Asia.: It. has been, used to and facilitate the acquisition of scientific And. technicalinformaticn from both the bloc.and-the rest, and to impress. the people of Cpmmunist-China with. the alleged advantages of' membership in the Communist bloa. , The most remarkable use of "peaplets diplomacy" to further Chinese Commuaist objectives was during the Korean war, when the Chinese Communists succeeded in creating acceptance in some circles for charges that the US had engaged in biological warfare in Korea and in widespread espionage and sabotage in China. These charges were illustrated by elaborate displays of equipment allegedly used by US forces in these activities and by photographs of materials allegedly dropped including "infected" flies and other insects. Selected groups of lawyers, scientists, and other "experts" were invited from many countries to view and investigate this evidence. Peipingts success in persuading susceptible foreigners, including non-Communists, of the truth of its propaganda encouraged the regime to extend "people's diplomacy" after the Korean hostilities to include in. creasing contacts non-Communists who for one reason or another were judged tobe -susceptible to Communist propaganda. Gradually the Chinese -- c Communist authorities o.Le to realize that often even confirmed anti- CoMmunista.could be exploited through the tactic'of."peoplets diplomacy," either because these individuals restrained their criticism while enjoying Peipingte lavish hospitality or because they were persons whose very presence contributed to breaking Peipingts international isolation. _ "People ?s diplomacy" has become increasingly important to the Chinese Communists as an avsAe of contact with non-Communist states as NOTE: The tabulation in this report covers the period January 1955 through June 1956. The general discussion in the introduction is based on this tabulation and on additional data from the period of the Korean War (1950) through January 1957. OFFICIAL USE OITLX Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 2 Peiping failed to gain the general diplomatic acceptance that it undoubted-17 had anticipated. Communist China it present has been recognized by an1y 30 statea, of which 25 are members of the UN. (The other five are Switzerland and the Communist regimes' in Outer Mongolia, North Korea; -- North Vietnam, and East Germany. In addition, Peiping enjoys the support . of twd UN members the Byeaorussian and Ukrainian Ss us which do not maintain independent diplomatic 'contacts but Share in the Soviet recognii. tion of Cohmunist China.) Of the states recognizing Peiping, 26 had accorded recognition before the CommEnist invasion of the Republic of Korea; only four have taken such action since the and of the Korean hostilities. In contrast to this record of limited diplomatic acceptance of the Peiping regime, the Chinese Communists have entered into direct contact ? - .withover,'70 countries through npeoplets diplomacY.n According to PoilAties clathsy,foreign visitors representing 63 states came to ComMunist China in. 1955; while.Chineee Communists travelled to 33 cOuntries in AsiapEuropp, Africa, and. the America3. For 1956 the number of countries contacted rose, acdOrding to. Chinese Communist claims, to 75 and 49, respectively. The '.. number Of indiviaUal visits invoZved was as follows: ? . ? Visits abroad TO CoMmunist bloc COUntries contacted Visits to Communist ? China To Commdnist.bloc Countries contacted 1954 (Calculated) 1955 (Claimed) 3,500 5,833 . n a- 3,941 "n" -Et') 33 2,900 4,760 n?a 1,811 na 63 ? 1956 (Claimf:d) over 5,400 n a 'IT over 5,200 n D.. NOTE: ThafigUrea for Chinese Communist .nvisits" to foreign. countries.. . _ _ inlude;some double CoUnting,, Some Chinese ,visited more.than.ama. . ..COuntry. and were counted ,fat each country,Visited._ The number of .?persons involved is therefore smaller than the figures given.. : The .1956. figures appear. to be inpoMplete Since:ot#sr_evidence sUggests that the huMber of Chiheee Communists travelling abroad increased for 1956. The figures for 1954 were calculated on. the basiethe percentage increase Peiping claims the. 1955 figures.. 'to represent over the preceeding year. CEFICIAL 'USE?. ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20 I IF 0 /510.5EzIONAMD1'78-00915R000700060004-4 3 B. Nature of Delegations The delegations, travelling collectively or individually in a continual flow to and from Communist China, vary both as to activities in which they engage and us to the training, background, and competence of the individual members. For example, missions may consist exclusively of medical personnel or of lawyers or of educators, or they may be hetero- geneous grotpings, composed of persons of widely different skills and experience. An example of the heterogeneous group is a so-called "cultural mission," sent by the Chinese Communists to Italy, France, and Switzerland in May and June 1956. This delegation was headed by a chemist and eon. slated, in addition, of an economist, a civil engineer, two writers, two painters: and a vocalist. The types of delegations sent most frequently to any one country depended to a considerable extent on the nature of relations between Communist China and the specific country cone ;d Thus; althongh "peace" missions and woment's and youth delegations were freely exchanged between mainland China and most other countries, emphasis was placed on technical missions in exchanges within the bloc and on types of delegations which might accomplish most in "selling" Communist China or inviting further contact in dealing with countries outside the bloc. In dealing with Burma, for example, Chinese Communist delegations were most frequently either Buddhist or "friendship" 6roups; in dealing with previously uric On.. tacted countries such as those in South America, Africa, and the Middle East, theatrical missions Were most common, in the case of most Western European states, attempts were made to present more sophisticated dele- gations gauged to appeal to the individual countries concerned. The Chinese Communists classified the delegations involved in "people's diplomacy" in 1955 according to 10 broad categories. These, together with the number of people involved and the number of delegations into Olich they were grouped (delegations in brackets), were as follows: ,Nature of delegation Iron foreign countries to China From China to foreign countries Cultural and art 1,353 (88) 2,048 (52) Scientific, educational and public health 444 (43) 2,245 (61) Workers, women, youth 1146 (117) 186 (34) Peace and friendship associations 649 (07) 19 (4) Social organizations 173 (14) 6 (2) Economic and trade 460 (32) 704 (33) Religious 12 (1) 86 (6) Press and broadcasting 37 (5)? 48 (11) Physical culture 351 (21) 491 (18) Parliamentary and civic 135 (9) 0 0 Total 4,760 (417 5,833 (221) Approved For Release 20012/11610:512,MA-FEDIP78-0091,5R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05MEUICIUSRIDE578-00915R000700060004-4 A comparable breakdoun for 1956 is not available. In generale however, the nature af the delegations has continued along the pattern established in-1955. - . 1. Cultural and Art. One of the main points of emphasis continues to bp the eSaailee Zredeatrical and art groups. One cultural team spant eight months abroad, touring nine countries. Lost significant of these developments were perhaes the visits of Chinese Communist theatrical groups in the spring of 1956 to South America, Ethiopia, and several Arab states -- areae in which the Chinese Communists had previously had little or no contact. The group visiting Ethiopia and the Arab states was made up largely of Chinese and Turki Moslem groups, featuring folk danoers from Sinkiang. Other representative functions included a visit to Norway of Chinese Communist actors to participate in the 50th anniversary of the death of Henrik Ibsen and the first showing of Chinese Communist films in Thailand (march 1956) and in Australia (August 1955). . Meanwhile, in Peiping the Chinese Mozart Committee staged a Mozart festival (June 19, 1956) to which were invited Austrian and other foreign delegations-. Peiping continued its annual festivities to commemorate the "worldes cultural ciente at which Val b Uhitman (for his "Leaves of Grass") was honored in 1956 and to which foreign cultural eel egeations were invited, Japanese Kabuki players gave several performances in Communist China; Indonesian (December 31 1955) aad Pakistani (May 16, 1956) movies were introduced fer the first time; and, among others, German and Prenoh authors and playwrights and Japanese and Italian painters and sculptors exhibited their skills and exchanged experiences with Chinese artiste; and an Argentinian composer and pianist conducted a concert tour of China. 2 Scientific "lemeational and Public Health Sclentific exchanges ranged frZ;i7rare .11,,ome energreMrb3.ffirping (Hay 1955) to a meeting of the Sino-Albanian Joint Committee for cooperation in TechnoledY and Technical Science. Other scientific exchanges included a parade of Soviet zooloeists, botanists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, and peogrephers. Similar teens, theueh fewer in number, came from other coun- tries, particularly from the Soviet bloc. Numerous Chinese scientists travelled abroad; one delegation participated in, the Indian Science Congress held in Barodae Bombay, JanUary 1955. Delegatianssof agricultural exports aleo_wereexchanged between Communist China and other bloc etates. ' One of the most conspicuous medioal.delegationsste visit mainland China'e6s that Of 16 Argentinian doctors Who spent nearly siX weeks (April 19 to W,29, 1956) studying public health and preventive medicine. Agrotp of Indonesian health experts visited various institutions on the Invitation of theXhineveLMedical association Fouiteen Indian studentstuffering ee OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000RENRICIORRW78-00915R000700060004-4 -.5 - from tuberculosis went to China for treatment at the "Asian Students Sanatorium" in'Yeiping.-Oonversely a group of Czech epidemic.prevention experts cameto.assibt the Chinese Communists in their epidemic control pregram. Educators of many types and levels travelled between China and many countries0 A group of 28 tearhers from primary, middle school, and teacherfQ institutes visited USSR educational institutions to study the Soviet system. Other smaller groups or individuals with similar general or more specific interests visited other countries while foreign educators historians, scientists, and others -- went to China to assist the Chinese or for purposes of study. 3. Workers liontnz,..and Youth. Generally the widest exchanges were those con'tdi.Weala,n-WsooTerarid-upescen categories. In some cases the rbilippines (students), Geld Coast (women), Senegal, and Madagascar. (youth and women), the only delegations to visit Communist China fell in these categories Delegations in this category were for the most part, official representatives at a congress of youth, students, or women, some sponsored by Communist China, others sponsored by other countries to which Communist China sent representatives. 4. Peace and Friendshipp "Peace" conferences, sponsored and composed of CommunilrgYilipatlilzeFS, Offered the Chinese Communists opportunity to meet left-wingers from many eountries with which they had otherwise no contact. After the Helsinki "peace" conference, Peiping issued a general invitation for delegates to visit Communist China. As a result visitors from many countries such as Iceland, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, with which Peiping had had little or no contact, made detours to China with no anal, 00ea.an4"tae purpose than to propagate "peace." Frie4ship associations, patterned after the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association04 have been established in previous years with most bloc countries, During the period covered by this report, greatest emphasis was placed on the establishment or expansion of friendship associations with Asian-African states. Although the Sino-Indian Friendship Association has existed for many years, the Indonesia-China Friendship Association is relatively young. Friendship associations with Pakistan were formed first in June 1956 and with Egypt (ravember 18, 1956) only after the call was issued for Chinese volunteers for Egypt in the Suez crises. Greatest effort over the past year appears to have been expended awr-wbeZence4....1 i*us r .1.41....01 ? 1 -I. 1. The friendship association names are compounded with the local name preceding; thus units of the association in China are known as the Sine-Indian Friendship Association while branches in India are desig- nated India-China re::.mdship Association. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 _ Approved For Release 2000101.OU CIA-R1U078-00915R000700060004-4 in opening new units of the Indonesia?China Friendship Association in various cities of Indonesia and secondary emphasis on increasing the number of units of the Japan-China Friendship Association in Japan. The Peiping regime gave North Korea 5,000 trees which were planted in pyongyang, and named the Korea-China friendship forest. 50 Social (Public)prganization. Precisely what delegations the Chinese C-oriM.X64113FlitTe?finTirs?c-itegory is not clear, although it may cover such groups as that representing the "Japanese Council for Restoration Of biplomatic Relations with China and the Soviet Union" which toured Communist China or the delegations representing Chinese cooperatives sent to study conditions in Norway and Sweden. 6, Economic and Trade. The Peiping regime participated widely in trade failTaiiirgrrlairenaries and expended considerable resources to make its exhibit conspicuous even if its wares were inferior to those of - competing countries. Peiping S's exhibits at the Poznan International Fair in Poland, the Paris International Fair in France, and the Reykjavik Fair in Iceland, drew much attention and generally provoked highly favorable comments. The Chinese also sponsored fairs and exhibits in Communist China, at which wares and goods of one or more countries were exhibited. Chinese missions energetically sought to increase trade with the nong.Zommunist bloc; they were particularly active in countries which had not recognized the Peiping regime, such as Japan and the Arab states; and trade missions may well have served as the opening wedge in Egypt and Syria both ot whioh fe,eedlly recognized Communist China shortly after trade missions appeared in each state. '?Economic delegations varied from highly technical mechanical and industrial missions to trade union delegations and experts on Mize culti. vation. Among such groups going to mainland China were a Hungarian textile mission and a mineral experts mission that provided technical aid in those fields, Indian railway workers who observed the operations of Chinese railways, and Czech farm specialists who helped install equipment given by Czechoslovakia to a Czech Friendship State Farm. Chinese Communist building workers union members went to New Zealand cities and Chinese agronomists went to Indonesia to study the cultivation of tropical amps. ?7, ' Religious. In the field of religion the Chinese Communists have attempted -to peeJn,e)e ...famed the illusion that freedom of religion exists in Communist China and have attempted to exploit religious institutions abroad for Communist purposes, lath ambitions to attain leadership of the Asian-African states, it has become particularly important for the Chinese to.foster the idea that Moslems in China are permitted freedom of religious exercise even though Communist ideology does not condone religion. To this end Islamic delegations were invited to China to observe Islamic communi. ties in China, to lecture at the Institute of Islamic Theology, and tn FICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200MML:M1IA278-00915R000700060004-4 at 7 alt, visit ,mosques And Islamic schoplein',Peipingl Sian,. Lanchow, and.Urunchi. In turn, Chinese Islamic delegations weresentto Moslemeountres and' Chinese Moslems were encouraged to make the hadj, Equally important has been the need to demonstrate a friendly attitude to: the Buddhist; as illustrated in relations with Thailand Burma, and Ceylon, and in the campaign to reduce. Tibetan:oPPosition:to.the regime. Buddhlst..missiens have been:_invite&to see how the Chinese Communists :have treata4 the Buddhist. community.: A -Burmese delegation brought back: glowing stories of Chinese Communist treatment as we] as a relic of the.Buddhats :t99th, .Chinese delegations went:to-Burma,- Indial.andllepal for variousz::? conferenoesoonnected with the current Buddhist: celebrations,. . . . . Although Chinese .Christians and'foreign Christian missionaries'hive been subjected to harsh treatment, religious persecution, imprisonmentl and even the ChIneseCoMmunist6 proclaim 'that religious'free7 dow.extends also to March 1956, Protestant leaders.frok. Sweden,.CzeohoSlovakiaverld India were Invited to China to Observe con;.? ditions of the Christian Church in China and to lecture at the lenching-:,- Union Theological Seminary and the Nanking Union Theological Seminary. The only delegation Of:ChirieseChristianineWri to participate in a 'Ohri8tianeOnferenceabroad?was:the group;:that:attendodthe-1956 Council of:ChurChesadetinginaunemr5N;-. . From the Chinese Communist viewpoint, perhaps the most useful Christian delegation ,to visit Communist China was the group of six British Quakers which to4red the country in October 1955, The delegation was interested in Observing the status of Protestant congregations in mainland China and in doing what it could to further international peace and understanding. The delegation, upon its return, issued a report that was on balance highly favorable to the regime. Members of the delegation, lectured widely in the UK, US, Canada, and Switzerland. 8. Press and Broadcasting. As in the case of 'peace" delegates, -Edirr eesil Peiping is e-rarrffiffition to participants in the conference of journalists in Helsinki in June 1956 to visit Communist China. As a result of this invitation delegates from manY nations including Brazil, Chile Iran, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay visited Ooramunist China. The Peruvian delegate was the only one from that country to visit Communist China during the period of this report, Communist China has recognized the value of friendly journalists in promoting Peipingts cause abroad and has encouraged even American pressmen to visit China. 9. Ph sical Culture. Although Peiping withdrew at the last moment from the 4M51155*-65 the pretext of not wanting to compete in the same arena with representatives of Nationalist China, the Peiping regime has given much emphasis to physical culture and to competition with athletic teams of Other countries in a wide variety of sports. Chinese Communist' teams have been sent abroad or vied with foreign teams in mainland China r Approved For Release 200d? 5R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200011176141514 Olik-(140P78-00915R000700060004-4 - 8 in isbOter'i track, swimming, badketballl'volleyball, ice hockey, skiing, skating, gymnaaticsi'weight.liftingl'pingr.pong, and motorcycle racing* They also sent a team to compete in the international model airplane tot-- - petition held in Hungary. ' 10. Par1iamentay and Civic. Approximately one-half of the meMbera. ofzihe'JapEgigIfilia rep or eflave visited Communist China at one time-- ot,another. .Large Japanese Diet delegations visited Communist China in AUgtst:(42-members) and in September 1955'(27 members) and smaller dole*. gatiOns.have made other trips. Parliamentary-meMbers from Syria, Brazil, Finland,-'and India have also toured the China Mainland. The Syrian deputies did so before Syria recognized the Peiping regime., In addition, teachers -. of Moslem parties in Indonesia (Kasjumi, PSII, Perti) visited Communist China at the invitation ofthe Chinese. Moslem League (M45r 4 to June 1, 1956)* -Lawyers 'and jurists from Japan, India, Italy, Syria, Belgium, Great Britain, and other countries have made numerous visits to mainland China . while: Chinese Communist jurists have visited Belgium, East Germany, and the USSR:" , Within the categoryofeividflinctions also Maylsaisted Chinese Communist Red Cross activitiesdlearly designed to, ocinvey the Impression of the Peiping regime's humanitarian character.' The 'Chinese Communist Red. Cross has been quick to make donations to peoples abroad who have suffered from acts of God, such asfloodsarthquakei,: sevemcold, and snowstorms* Although the donations havelDeen?onlyAokenigerierally 10;000 yuan, they have:beentroadcast quickly afterAhe'disasterlgiving the impression OU urgent and ready assistance from.:COmmunist:China.,:Among those tho have benefited. are flood victims in-Afghanistan;:bigoslavia, Mexico, Pakistan,. ancLTUrkey; earthquake victims in Greece (only Chinese Ccamunist overture' to:-Greece), Lebanon, and Turkey; and cold and snowstorm victims in Denmark?' and Turkey* C. Costs- The? importance attached to the program of "people's diplomacy* by-. Peipifig can be measured in part by the coat of the program, bothinterms of the time of key officials who grant interviews to visitors to Communist China and whip participate in tours of foreign countries, and interns of monetaryoutlay. Peiping almost invariably bears the full expenses; at least within China, of visiting delegations' transportation, hotel accommbdational and allowances for miscellaneous expenses, :and 'souvenirs. The latter range in some cases-?rom.the equivalent of US $44 to $160 per trip, and have enabled some visitors to leave China, with more money than they had when they entered* In some cases Peiping alsolpays for transportation from the country of origin to C4ina, In cases of delegations travelling via the USSR, Peiping apparently bears the expenses at least from the time of entry into Soviet or bloc territory. Approved For Release 20007EWM578-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/CEN%1A?k6W8-00915R000700060004-4 - 9 - The Peiping regime. almost. invariably bears the entire cost for Chinese Communist delegations to non-Communist countries (for delegations to bloc countries, reciprocity presumably applies). Proceeds from the sale of admissions during theatrical tours are usually donated to local charities, and goods exhibited at trade fairs on occasion have been given to influential local personages* The precise monetary costs of "people's diplomacy" cannot be calcu- lated but some roughapproximations are possible. During the period January 1955 through June 1956 terminal dates are known of 2,793 visitors who spent 17,480 weeks (or an average of 6.3 weeks per person) in Communist China and for 1,982 Chinese who spent 7,318 weeks (an average of 3.7 weeks per person) abroad. Professor E4 S. Kirby of the University of Hong Kong, who led a delegation to Communist China in 1955: reported that it cest the Peiping regime $194 per person per week during a 'visit in China. This figure probably represents the upper level of CommniSt expenditure on visitors to China as representatives from bloc countries probably are treated with less ostentation. Of the 4,760 visitors to Communist China in 1955, 1,811 were from the Soviet bloc. Using $194 as the weekly per...person cost for non-bloc visitors and an arbitrary $160 for bloc visitors, a 1955 cost figure of $4,700,000 is derived. Projected over the first six months of 1956 when roughly 2,600 persons visited Comma. mist China, this would result in approximately $2,600,000 or a total of $7,300,000 for the period January 1955 through June 30, 1956.1 CV-nese Communist visitors averaged 3.7 weeks abroad and in 1955 totaled 5,833 of wham 3,941 went to Soviet bloc countries, which may have met their local costs. The living costs in foreign exchange to Communist China for the remaining 1,892 may be estimated at $1,000,0000 based on reports from Chile and Ethiopia indicating that it costs $140 per person per week for the Chinese Communist opera troupes visiting those countries. An estimate of the travel costs for all Chinese Communist visitors abroad is at best even more tenuous since all official visits to foreign countries are presumably included though the same delegation in some instances visited more than one country. The magnitude in 1955, however, might have been $2,9001000 assuming an average round trip of 10,000 miles at a cost of $0.05 per mile. Again projecting these figures for roughly 2,700 Chinese abroad during the first six months of 1956 yields a figure of $1,800,0000 11.1 41W ? In summary, the cost calculation is as follows t 7333-:117-non..bloc countries (2,949 x 6.3 x $194 i= $3.6 million), (2) Bloc (1,81I 'x 6.3 x $100 e $1,1 millien)s First-halt:1956 . 2,600/4,750, = ;55, (.55 1',47 'million el $46 million). Total . $7.3 million4 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/MOCIXERikR78-00915R000700060004-4 The Cost of Chinese travelling abroad on "people's diplomacy" missions may thus be tentatively estimated at $5,700,000 during the 18.mnnth period.1 The sui of these rough calculations,$13,000,000, suggests that the program cost the Peiping regime at least $0,000,000 during this period and possibly as much as $20,000,000. In additicn to the monfatiry outlay, the program of "people's diplomacy" has added to the burden of Communist China's heavily.taxed trans- potation system, as many delegations have been granted the use of special railway coaches, buses and airplanes. The program has also added signifi. cantly to the burden pieced on Communist China's key officials, ranging from Nac Tse-tung, Liu Shao-chti, and Chou En.lai down to countless technical and ,managerial personnel, who have taken time out for visiting delegations. Virtually all important delegations are received at least by Liu Shao.achli or Chou Enalai and often by Mao Tsewtung himself; Delegations have been particularly impressed by the amount of time top ranking officials have devoted to them often exceeding the period officially scheduled* Some of Communist China's key officials have developed great skills ip tailoring these interviews to the susceptibilities of particular delegations, reflecting considerable effort in preliminary planning and briefing. . Political Orientation of aaeg._i.tiane 64,...spop?mammosma.w*,...116.4.1- "People's diplomacy" in its early days was limited almost exclusively to the exchange of delegations of trusted Communists and collaborators from Commmnist China and selected fellow-travellers and sympathizers from non- ComMunist,areas. The Communists soon learned that susceptible persons not subject to strict Gommunist discipline could be made to accept and propagate the most implausible Communist propaganda, and gradually they began to ' exploit visits of selected persons who were basically impartial or even. anti-Commmunidt. any such visitors. =combed to standard techniques of guided tours, emphasizing Communist China's material achievements (i.e. in the constructien or reconatruction of industrial plants). Few of the ' non-TellOw travelling visitors spoke Chinese and some of them were sufficiently unfamiliar with China to accept pre.Communist installations as CommUntst "achievements" (e.g. Japanese factories in Manchuria). With the further development of the post.Stalin "peace and coexistence" cam- ' peign, Peiping came to recognize that even critical visitors served its purposes by demonstrating the 'freedom' that existed in Communist China* Even the most highly critical visitors tended to overshadow their criticism 1. In summary, %he cost Calculation is as, follow:it 1956 -717-177inTE3rbs for visitors to non.loc countries (1,892 x3.7 x $1/40 s. $1.0 million), (2) Travel costs for all visitors abroad (5,833 x $500 m $2.9 million); First half 1956 . 2,700/5,833 m 46 (046 x 3.9 m $1.8 million); Total . $5.7 million. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2006ffiF041.46R-KINS78-00915R000700060004-4 with admissions of Cellmilnist material progress, and often the criticism itaelf vas exploited by Peiping as proof of the feasibility of "coexistence." For example, one highly respected British economist, Nicholas Kaldor, was permitted in Peiping to address a large student gathering on the fallacies of Marxist economies as "evidence? of academic freedom in Communist China. Peiping's techniques for limiting the critical reporting of anti- Communist visitors are varied. The technique of the guided tour is well known? loherever possible visitors are shown ?model? plants, farms, villages, and sorIWAes even prisons? The recent trend has been to permit delegations somewhat more leoway in selecting areas to be visited, but even where delegations are given a relatively free hand, time limitations, language barriers, and difficulties in transportation are exploited by the Communists to maintain the inaccessibility of sensitive areas. Often the visiter_to Cemmunist China is so overwhelmed with a schedule of interviews with important dignitaries and tours of undeniably worthwhile sights that he has little time to exercise whatever freedom Peiping ostensibly may grant 111214 Cenoomittant with the increasing latitude in issuing invitations to Communist China has been a tendency to permit travel abroad of Chinese whose support of the regime is quelfied in some way. The regime appears now to 'be su=ciently confident of its support to permit relatively independent-minded intellectuals to join delegations. The most noteworthy example of this trend was the permission granted the Dalai Lama to visit India, after the regime had repeatedly invented reasons why he could not leave Tibet to accept invitations to iminortant Buddhist celebrations out- side of China,, In such instances, Peiping presumably calculates that the individual has sufficient personal ties at home to make him hesitate to express excessive criticism of the regime and to prevent him from defecting. Missions inoluding "untrustworthy? delegates are, in addition, =WAY supervised by reliable fellow travellers or Communists. E. Success of the Program Although Peiping is recognized by only 30 states, through these informal channels contacts, tenuous or well established, have been formed with peoples or governments of some 70 nations. These contacts played a significant role in breaking down resistance in Egy,q, and Syria to recog. nition of Communist China and are being employed toward the same end in Sudan, Ethiopia Japan, most of the Arab states, and elsewhere. Before the visit to Ethiopia of a 75-man Chinese Communist theatrical group, a US Embassr.USIS report states, the only thing Ethiopians knew of the Chinese Communists was that they had been killing Ethiopians in Korea. After the visit, however, references to the Chinese Communists would hardly evoke the same hostile reaction as before. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200NOS1Ni3' ea-P0)78-00915R000700060004-4 .12. APeoplets diplomacy," supplementing the state visits of Chou En-lai :and other Peiping leaders and of foreign official dignitaries to Peiping, has done much to dispel fear of Chinese Communist militancy and aggres. sisanaas and has achievedc considerable success in creating, particularly in the Mind's of certain leaders Of Asian-African states, the impression of the "reasonable" and "peace-eeeking" characteristics of Chinese Communist leaders and of their policies. Through "peoplets diplodacy," Peipingts leaders have also made prOgress in fostering the concept that unlimited trade with Communist China would develop if only Western trade controls were eliminated, and that this trade would solve many local economic ills. Japan, in particular, haa been vulnerable to this approach. Chinese Communist trade overtures have not, however, been limited to the Far East, but have also been extended to South America, Europe, the Eiddle Fast, and Africa. Peiping has discovered that, the offer of trade opens avenues of contact that can lead to the achievement of other goals. Thus in Japan the issue of Sino-Japanese trade provides the Communists with leveraae for attacking US policy and to attempt to undermine the US in Japan. Trade offers have also opened the way for Chinese Communist penetration in 'the hiddle East. The Bandung Conference appears to have paved the way' for the sending of trade missions to Egypt and Syrie, which did much to weaken the Chinese Nationalist position in the ?addle East and to clear the way for ultimate recognition of Communist China, fit by Egypt, then by Syria and Yemen. In Japan, moreover "people's diploMaoy" supported by a flood of Japanese-language Chinese Communist propaganda has contributed to a climate in Japanese public opinion strongly favoring a rapprochement with Peiping. Over half of the members of the Japanese Diet have visited Communist China. , In general the Chinese Coanunists have succeeded in establishing contacts with peoples in many countries where they have been denied official contact because of their limited diplomatic relations. Through these informal channels they have been able to remold attitudes toward Communist China and to achieve some of their international objectives. In some cases dpeoplets diplomacy" has paved the way to formal diplomatic relations and Peiping, no doubt, has reat faith that its further development will play a significant role in ultimately bringing about Communist China's general acceptance as a world power. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/Mff6s.WAADP78-00915R000700060004-4 CONTACTS AND EXCHANGES BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES, JANUARY 1955 THROUGH JUNE 1956 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 NOTE The following tabulation is as complete a listing of delegations traveling to and from Communist China as it has been possible to compile from Chinese Communist sources. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000105105: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 CONTACTS AND EXCHANGES BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND OTHER COUNTRIES, JANUARY 1955 THROUGH JUNE 19561 Index 1. 2. 3. 4. Afghanistan Albania Argentina . . ? . ? ? 0 Australia 1, Fake 2 5 8 5. Austria . ? ? 11 6. Belgium 12 7. Bolivia 16 8. Brazil . 17 9. Bulgaria . 18 10. Burma ? 0 ? ? 24 110 Cambodia 29 12. Canada 32 13, Ceylon 33 14. Chile 34 15. Columbia 35 16. Costa Rica 36 17. Cuba 37 18. Czechoslovakia 38 19. Denmark 20. Egypt 49 21. W.4h1opia 54 22. Finland 59 23. France 60 24. Germany (mainly East) 66 25. Gold Coast 79 26. Greece 80 27. Guatemala 81 28. Hong Kong 82 29, Hungary 85 30. Iceland 91 1. NOTE: Under each country listed will be found a further breakdown covering the direction of the exchange as follows: (a) from the country concerned to Communist China, (b) to the country concerned from Communist China, and (c) agreements signed between Communist' China and the country concerned. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/06x01412678-00915R000700060004-4 Continued Page 92 105 114 115 116 1271 1 137 138 145 146 147 150 151 152 153 154 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 171 172 173 174 185 190 192 193 194 197 199 205 206 207 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36 . 37. India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Italy Japan f????????? ? , ..... . . . . 38. Jordan 39. Korea (North) . . . . . . 40. Kuwait . . . . . . . 41. Laos 42. Lebanon .?. . 43. Macao 44. Madagascar 45. Malaya 46. Mexico 47. Mongolia 48. Morocco 49. Nepal 50. , The Netherlands . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . 51. New Zealand 52. Nigeria 53. Norway 54. Pakistan 55. Paraguay. ? 56. Peru . ............ . . . . . . . .. 57. The Philippines . 58. Poland 59. Portugal- . . . . ........ . .... . . . ?. . 60. Ruzania 61. Saudi Arabia 62. Senegal 63. Spain 64. The Sudan 65. Sweden . . . . . . ... . . . . . ..... . .. 66. Switzerland 67. Syria 68. ?202 Thailand ? ? . ? .... 0 ........ ? 4 0 ? 69. Tunisia 70. Turkey 6 6 6 6 6 Approved For Release 2000/05/8Felsela78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/056g1WRBP78-00915R000700060004-4 Index, Continued Ps_z2. 71. Union of South Africa 208 72. The United Kiagaom 209 73. The United States 215 74. Uruguay 216 75. The USSR 218 76. Venezuela 241 77. Vietnam (North) 242 78. Yugoslavia 250. 79. International Conferences and Celebrations Sponsored by China 254 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 VfiCIASSIFIA) A.fghanistan Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R0007000600Q44 CONTACTS ANT) EKCEANGES_BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND 'OTHER COUNTRIES, JANUARY 1955 THROUGH JUNE 3.956 1. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND AFGHANISTAN a. P.J.a...MIETS.X.14. Arriveg Leader Name or Tre e Jo. 1,1, ? N.,,,urgx.r. Por..51....1,1009.1ernboommomeoerwftwe 6A7/56- 4 D.z.....SyltanAbpal.. ..7/16b6 Ts.zj,? geologist; Dz'1 Mohammed Akram, geographer; Mir AmInuddin.Ansari, President 'Department Press .of Kataghan; and -Dr... Abdul, liehim. To of DeleasIlon and Remarks Cultaral delegation visits China at the invitation of the MinistrY,of Culture. Members received by Chou En-lai on July 11. 5/29/56 A donation of 10,000 yuan for flood victims in Afghanistan is made by the Chinese Red Cross Society, UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED Albania Approved For Release 2000/05105.z:CIA-RDP78-00915R00070006000040m Arrive Depart: No. 3/1/55 ^ BENEEN COMMUNIST CUM AND ALB.AN:a a. MX AIBANIA Members 8/10/55- n a n a - 10/8/55 a - M1344 Gallo ,Avrazi n a Paarami 2/5/56- n a n a gafuir _Oust, Deputy Nitn-fmter Industry and. Mines 4/4/56 4/2466- 5/3/56 10(06- n a Petrit Radowitskal observer n a n a ma 9P11-11 Pe ekt92.919 member Central Council Albanian Trade Unions May 1956 1 Shoku Panajot Plakul Director Political DePartment Albanian People's Arty Name or Type. and. Remarks Pictorial Ex.htbition in Shanghai shows historical background. of Albanian People's Republic and. its a,Ch-ievements in economic and. cultural life. . Dance Ensemblqa largest of its kind. sent abroad. by Albania to date, visits China as guests of the Ministry of Culture and. the Ministry of Defense. Cultural delegation. Negotiates 1-95-6-p-lan for carrying out the Sino- ? Albanian Broadcasting Cooperation Agreement and. Agreement on Cultural Cooperation. Members of the delega- tion tour China and report on Albanian cultural achievements ,of pasb ten years. Scient.ific delegation attends second. meeting of Sino-Albanian Joint Committee for Cooperation in Technol- ogy and. Technical Science. World Federation of Scientific Workers. See International. Women's Intexpational Democratic Federation. See International m's..ade Union delegation takes part in the pational conference of outstand- ing Chinese workers in Peiping. Workers " Patti delegate visits China after attending Third Congress of Korean Workers' Party. n a Not available. Approved For Release 2000/050861AMMDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ARNO= UNCLA$SIFIED Albania Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-40 . 3 TO ALBANIA Arrive: D rt: Bo Leader MeMbers Name or Type of Deleti.a...z.n_ and Remarks 2/0/557 n, a LUSIgaft0aW0 n a , 'fice-PresiUTAA11- China Federation of Trade Unions 9/10/55- na na ma 11/15/55- n a 11A22/;55- n a LiMhlbl Vice 12/22/5, Minister Education 11/30/55- 12/4 55 3/31/56- ma April 1956 5/21/56- n a 0/56 Tserejhan member Central Committee CCP TnAILMnion; delegation attends Fourth Congress of Trade Unions of Albania. Acrobats and musicians perform Under provisions of the Sino-Albanian Cultural Cooperation AgyeeMent. All-China Democratic .Womer0a Fedora- tl,ort delegation arrives in Tirana to attend Fourth Congress. of Albanian Women's Union, Exhibition on Economic and Cultural 4-011.1e,Tuenta of 1.22.22Plafq,Jagblie of him opens in Tirana 'under the ausiaces of Albanian Committee for Cultui4a1 Relations with Foreign - Countries, Cultural delegation visits Albania in accordance with the Sino-Albanian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. An AllenianHMusic Week is presented by the Central People's Broadcast- ing Station in honor of the llth anniversary of the Albanian peoples liberation," Handicraft Exhibition opens in Tirana under the sponsorship of the Committee for Cultural kelations with :Foreign Countries. Cnituml_43ibition opens in Shkoder, -nozthlreSt Albania, Labor delegation attends Third arimw. Congress of Albanian Labor Party and tours Albania. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? , Albania ,Approved For Release 2000/051W 6M)P78-00915R000700060ftyeAments 4 c . AGREEMEIITS SEIM BET4:124.14,km=_CHINAALIDAIBAJI A. -.Date of Strgaral ?M.arch 2; . 1955 - Tirana (Agreement 'sined. in Peiping January 1.4, 1954) , . October ? '1955 Peiping. March : 'Peiping 2.955 Protocol for the. implementation of the Sino-Altva.a. n Cultual292m- ation fiale_tment: to broaden cultural . relations sena', cultural delegations, ? and. exchange experiences in the fields of science, education, and. culture between the two countries. 1956 Protocal for the implementation of the Sino-A.lbanian BroadcaeLg. Cocike:re.Vion Afgeement fl,on Cilaral CooFFaSfl-tion. Sino-Albanian Trade Protocol: China to supply AlSaida with wheat, oil and. fat cotton, tea ands flax products, Albania to 8414 China with copper; tobacco, and. cotton textiles, TJNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ID re pprOVed For 'Release 2000/0a5L:41A-RDP78-00915R0007000604irrinleraa 6 - 3. utawf.r_ ALTD,na.Q.WMA. nom ARGENTINA _ mtr3r,e,z Leader Tiiim7e"7:7-Type _ ,P1r4OP- epqrt: *.60411COWAKAILIM No Members . Remarks ..PeaTe, delegates visit China on the 8/27/55? 'Anyitation of the China Peace Com- HAllittee after attending World AssemlY for Peace in Helsinki. n a 10/6 5, .9/?1/5i5.7. 4P/X5/55 , ? 5/29/56 Luis Go:Bman, direct,orAxgentine paper r4t17.9.21a9?. IrSiN.M9M4:179aU Dr. j.F,Dalnastra; Dr. JOLH?Baigorrij_ - - Dr," Ja400etrangolo; Dr. J,Feldmaa; Dr. F0A.Be1li; Dr. J.Bosselli; D170. J,F,Gariceij Dr. J.Aaltzigsohn; Dr. F.14DIAmelio; Dr. S,Schujman; Dr. 11.11;Viaggio; Dr. M.:triart: and Dr. A.LoDratman 10106- n a n a 5/3/56 10056- 1 n n a ..Youth delegates. SeejaiiikWat.' :Jownaglet viOits_China as guest of: China Peace Committee after attend- Axle World Peace Assembly in Helsinki and youth festival in Warsaw. Medtcal delegation visits China at the imitation of the Chinese Medical Association. Studies public health -ind rir?iv?easures - gious diseases, particularly measures for preventing children's diseases. Members of the delegation were re- ceived by Chou En-lai on May 25. Woen's Ini-ernat4onal, Democratic Federatior See International, TrI?R_ynion delegate visits China at ingitation of All-China Federa- tion of Trade Unions to attend May Day celebrations. UNCIASSIFIED .? - - Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/ORCIlirDP78-00915R00070006136 a. majgguat Continued. Arr ve: "---"--slarir-e oPWN's -11'4?- 11.94XE419,rs of_kle.ipata. and. Reirwks ................--, 5/24/6- 7 Ateric1222w1A, CmL ukt1 delegation visits China at 6/u/6 the invitation of the Chinese People's Association'for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Members of the delegation were received. by Chou En-lai on May 28, 0/56- n a F. M. Pita 7/13/56 6/14/56- :1 M.Carlva Guastavino n a Lal.grers de3.egation visits China. The lawyers are received. by fihou on Ju-1.7 6. oper ..a.pMnist vists China on a performance tour as a guest.. :Of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, UNCIASSIFIED .10110101.11.44?M Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 _ UNCIASM100 Argentina Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R0007000600044 Y b. TO MWSIN.A: Arrive: LE3ader... Name or Type Depart: Na Meia'bors of tion and Remarks :6/3,2h,- 3 Li Ting-chil Vice n a --Manager China Nati Import & 'Export Corp; Eau Sheng-wii, Deputy Director Protocol Dept., Chine, Committee for Promotion Inter- national Trade; and Chen Peng-ping, Deputy'D:trec tor Et101cicies Research Department of the Ccauti tits() Trade delegates arrive in Buenos Aires to attend the second assembly of the Argentina Commission for the :Promotion .of International Trade. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? ? Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-KDP78-00915R000700060 Ji. 4. BETWEni cONICNIST C11111A. P4tA t. FROM AUSTRALIA Augglia Arrtve: leader Name or Trpe D0R1111 aMatMEPt of DelemlagL and. Reiarks 4/15b5- 7 V.G.Gross; n a Alex Barty; Robinsons Ray Shirlaw; Edgar Ross; Ivo Barrett; and Cl;yde Black 7/18/55 - ? ei 8/55 9/5/55- 10/15/55- n a 3/18/56- n a 6 W Gnllan 110 n a n a Dr. and. Mrs* Alex Dobbin ,TeUE_Bamdelegates attend May Day celebrations in Peiping. 2 L C Men.zies: Trade Comm:Us:toner Hong Kong; and. Mrs. Menzies -7/41?y? "4.s? 02/56 5/15/56- 6/4/56 1:,-17-0:2Aattzetat President Australia- Chita Society: and professor Far Eastern History at Australian Natioual tlitIvemity 1 Rev:Victor MblItgomery Keeling James: Joint Secretary Australian Peace Council .1.'earle delegates visit China at the 1..n.Titat4on'ofthe China Peace COmmittee-Ot.their return fronithe .-.World-PeaCe Asembly in Helsinki. First Chinese filpo "Iaang Shan-To and Chu Ying-ti, shown in Melbourne. Youth delegates. See Internatiza. ,Peace delegate and his wife visit China at the invitation of the China Peace Committee: after attending lielsitki World Assembly for Peace. l!rade Ccomissipner visits China to 'aiscuss development of trade between .Communist China and Australia. u-ai.:5traI delegation: composed of noted persons in, Australian cultural and academic circles: visits China at the invitation of the Chinese 1?cop1eis Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Peace delegate visits China at the Invitation of the China Peace Committee, UNCIASSIF1ED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/066ce.WaDDP78-00915R000700066' N a, 1rplAUSTRALJA1 Continued :n a a Arrive: Name or Type and Remarks 5/17/56- n a Frank Pursa) Trade.lpion delegation visits China 1 month WiUiaii Prt1, as guests of the All-China Federa- representative Dock- tion of Trade Unions. Workers Federation of Australia; and others 6/1106- 2 NOTTIVO, L?,e,nriclt *Ithors visit China at the invita- . u a Fteadll; and 1%imEana Cusack .11,0111.0.1?????0?1?1411100,11..T.K. tion of the China Peace Committee. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 'Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :It91W-ia'78-00915R0007000600024roaLia .110 TS ji....HUS,MALIA,' '"AVeiVe: Name or Type? DeLast: No. Members , of De?.,agation liemarke ' ; 4/24/56- 5/24156 Chien To-wei; and others , Chao Kuo-chi.ase, Chairran National COMilittee Heavy Industries Workers.; ?Trade Union , Chang r.Cien-min? Chairman Preparatory Committee BuiliiIng Workers Trade Union; Liang Cheng-pingl Chairman Shansi Coal Mlners Trade Unien Student delegates visit Adelaide Melbourne, and? Sytizley. - .ra'sk_241,12,94 delegation, the first from Communist China to Australia, has been imited by the sheet metal workers union of Australia, the Workers Industrial'Unibh, and the Miners Federation, to attend May Day celebrations in Peiping. ???????=romIa.MONnal.....?????.41??????????????????WMION.a....?000.Alp.i..0.1.0.???????????01M.0110...1.M.VMMOION.M...M...????????14.114. UNCLASSIFIZD Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 'UNCLASSIFIED Austria Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R0007000600014m To BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND AUSTRIA a. FROM AUSTRIA Arrive, papart.;_14, ? ? Leeler Name or Type of Deleggtion and. Remark Members " 4/24/567 n, a n a Women' s International Democratic 5/3/56 Fed.eration. See Interilatl.ona,l. ,6/19/567 1 Prof. Alfred Uhl, Music professor participates in the Mozart festival in Peiping at the invitation of the Chinese Mozart n. a Vienna Academy ' Muetc and Art Committee. b. TO AUSTRIA 1/17/55- 2 Kuo Mo-jo; and. Peace delegates attend session of 1/26/55 121.0 Kuan-i Standing Committee of the World 4/4/56- n a DapiLlup,a Peace Council, enlarged, session of the Bureau of the World Peace Council in Vienna, Trade union delegation attends Inter- 4/16/55 Vice-Chairman national Conference of Public and National Committee Allied Employees in Vienna. Postal and Tele- communications Workers Trade Union of China ,111.11,11.1.1"11r.....01,11.1111,,0 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 1391g um Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : C1A-RDP78-00915R0007000600o4dom 712 VISE.201,914fTNIST CHINA AND BMA= a. FROM Bacaum T.1?????????????.???=4???? Name or Type of Dtkeettl.99,.. Arrive; ppadtt: _De Remark 4/26/55.-: ? n..a ;. Youth delegates visit China ?and.0 n " attend. May Day celebrations. 3474 Leo Dejardin? Medical delegate is invited. to 'Visit n a :,Setretary-General China by the Chinese Medical Associa- International tion. Society of 6urgery 9/17/55- 1 , . . n a , 9/261 .14'4 7 , 10/6 /551 , 10/27. 4/23 /56". 1 5 /3156 412106? ?a a 5/3/56 4/29/56- 6/7156 Mane. Isabelle Blume, *interne:10ml Stalin Peace Prize Winner and member Bureau WPC and secretariat of :the. Council President Belgian Womenvs Aasembly for Peace and Well-Being Sbuerm? Member of farliament M. Somerhausen n a 2 Relecam, Vice- President Belgium intexuational Trade Promotion Committee; and Mippe1man, business- man "Peace leader" visits China at_the radiation of the China Peace Committee. liamenTs delegation attends Chinese Natinnal Day celebration as guests of the AU-China Democratic Women's Federation. visite China. ne of 17 lapts from five European countries tours major cities of China at the invitation of the Political Science and Law Association of China. Wmen s?tIc Federe.tion. See Inte l. rr.ationa Trade delegates viwit China. UNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLA.$.5,1MD Belgium Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004r4m 13 a. FROM BELGIUM, Continued Arrive: AWkr. lammIL___po. Members 5/06- 13 Gnues Smets n a 5/1/567. n a Jacques Crippeg rewesentative Board of Dtr:)ctors 2SAL International Trasnportation Co. of Belgiwn Diane or Type of Deleepion and Remarks Cultural delegation, composed -of well-known people in Belgian cul- tural circles, visits China. The delegates are received by Chou on June 1. Busipkessman visits China UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UKIASWIRD Belgium Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R00070006000424 14 Tosptcgrau Arrive: 120;tEL:?.2._). '-a Iseader7? fr ame or Type 4bo enaka n a Chins!se Classi01 Theater Gro12 I/13/56. visits Belgium during 9-camatry 8-month performance tour in Europe. 11/21/55- n a n a Youth; delegation visits Belgian 12/39/55 cities on one-month tow at invita- tion of the Belgian Committee to, Promote East-West Exclaanges. 5/21/116- n a Claia..12.g_Phi,h- %re, Jurists attend meeting of Inter- 5/2566 Vice Presid.ent PolitIcal, Science and. Law Association of China nationalAesociation of Democratic lawyers laSelgiwm. 6/9/56- Chi Chao-ting, Vice Trade delegate attends the opening 6/12/56 Chairman China Committee Promotion. ceremony of a Chinese handicrafts exhibition in Brussels, Received International Trade . on June 11 by Foreign Minister Paul Henri Speak and the Speaker of the Chamber, C. HuYemene. 6/9/56- ??? Ms am Chinese Arts and. Crafts Exhibition 6/27/56 ? held at the %are Centrale/ in Brussels, displays art works, jade vases, sculptured ivory, rugs, ' jewelry, embroidered silks, etc. The exhibition is sponsored by the President of the Chamber, Members of Parliament, ani other high officials, ' its main purpose being the expansion of trade between Belgium and Communist China. onweasramoso, : +am UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIa Belgium Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R00070006W4ents 15 c. ACREEMENTS:SIGNED BETWEV COMMUNIST CHINA AND. BELGIUM Date ofjalicagai Place Feb. 10 1956 Peiping Sino43e1&W Chemical Fertilizer 02ntrqct: one-year contract cover- ing period_july 4956 through June 1957, under which Belgium will sell 425,000 tons of chemical fertilizer, to China, signed between China . National Import and Export Ompora- tion by Ni Wei-ting, Deputy Manager, and the Belgian Cobelaz Company by L. Tiller, Manager. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ApprOved For Release 2000/ONAPEaDP78-00915R000700060 i6 Leader 322M112-17-0. Members U: a 2/55 7/30/5, 1 n a n a 8/30/55 n a n a n a 114111.1?1.111.11,11...1.11.11?21.01?1111110.11?10?WV., COMMUNIST CliaN.LM,....4...?_OLV.R a. Flougoa ... Name or Type of22aettics and Remarks Cultural, delegation visits Peiping, Shenyang; Shanghai, Canton, and other major cities of China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Woman'adelagation visits China after attending Worli Congress of Mothers, at the invitation of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation. Youth delegates. See International. b. TO_BOLItIA None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 . UNCLASSIrIED Brazil ? From To Arrive:: I/mat 7/22/155- 8M 17 13:azaw go:wraps' CAW:Apt) BRAZIL a.Flatalq_MUI.4 n a a 8/30/55- n a na na ,4/21/56- n a . 21 a 4/24/56-..: 12 a 5/3/56 ?5/3/5,67. 5/22/56. 6/56- 6/23/56 - na Johas Baiense -Name or of De e ti.. Jsronymo DixbUit, :Roma? Mala; . Lycurgo Lite Filbo; Estacio Congcalves 8outo'Maior4 - ,Rachid paldanha Derzi; :and Getulio Barbosa de Moura 6/56- na na ' a Peace delegates visit China at the invitatidil:Of.-tba.China Peace *Com* mittee after attending the World Assembly for Peace in Belsinki. Youth delegates. See International. Trade union delegation attends May Day celebrations at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Women' e International Democratic Federation. See International.: Peace "champions" visit China at the 'invitation of the?China peace Committee. Members of Parliament visit China. iaaiallawrisit China after attend- ing international conference of journalists in Helsinki. b. TQ Bwr4 None Approved For Release 2000/05105MUMDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release noomossi,c4-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Bulgaria From De art. 18 9. .BEIB 411saLvoxaszoAnD BUIZARIA; a. FROM BULGARIA -Name .or of Dele .1???=1011011.1111101110.. ation : 1/10/5- n a al,g. Garti Director 4/12/55- 31 n a. . 5/7/55 6/5155- 7'10AP/55' 6/29/55-. _ n a 8/23/55- 1 10/10/55 9/2,1/55- 2 11/21/55 Valeri Petrov Stoyari Veney W. Zakharier K. A. Ivanov, Academician; and D. V. Filey, Corres- pending 'Academician Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Remarks CUltural delegation sent by the Department of People's,Democtatic Countries of the Bulgarian Liaison Committee for Friendship and Cul- tural Relations with Foreign Countries negotiates 1955,executi,4e plan of the Sino-Bulgarian, Cultural Cooperation Agreement; members of the delegation also visit -:shenyang? Shanlehei, and other cities, and exchange views with Chinese geographers and agriculturists. VoJatplall teams., men and women, visit China. '-- Poet arrives in China in accordance with the 1955 executive plan of the Sino-Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. .Painter arrives in Peiping for a visit in accordance with the 1955 .execUtive plan of the Sino-Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement and meett with Chinese artists and painters during his stay. Entrt_a_pagalt art tours China in accvrdance with the 1955 executive plan of the Sine-Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Scientists arrive in China in accordance with the 1955 executive plan of the Sino,Bui garian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Approved For Release 2000/681MMAERDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/C@AW4*?DP78-00915R000700060004-4 zulgaria From a. poi4 .Continued 01.1111N?=11110..10.11...? P01.6.11.? ,Arrive. De art: No. .-. ,Membe s -"- '2 6' 1/55- 9 V. Popov, People's 11/55 .Artipt Pf140,116aria, Aize,"417.1707014?13, -avilice49,00,11t ..-Cosposeirs and i??a Association Leader ?? ? ?? ? 105/55 - n a' '" ? , Nexae or Type G. P.'Diinitstiv eiident ularian Artists* Astiociation: S.Nikolov stage iregtbr;-and, prof. 49.;.1.7,qaTk;Department :2-35ra2Ia and Criticism, Bulgariap Writers Union ?,, , G. G. Bukov Art delegation, including ,ballet:: dancers, violinists, vocalists and . - ? folk ziusic players, arrives in China in accordance with the 1955 executive plan of the Sino-Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Drametiete visit China in accordance iiITS7475:955?executive plan of the Sino-Bulgarian.,Cultural Cooperation Aereement. '10/15/55-1i L. V. _15;aza,kov,? Vice- n' a ' daiimfw-AttAe, Plan- sfli Dr.G, P. Galaloov, *'IwiCe-giiiiiiter People's Health and Social Wel-; Pianist performs in Peiping, Tien.stin, and Shanghai, giving recitals and. participating in concerts given by the vipl.ting Bulgarian Artists pct):66,atiort. - , delegation attends First Meeting of Joint Committee. for Sino-Bulgarian Scientific and Technical Cooperation. V% S. Balevski, Director Bureau Porcelain and Glass Ministry of Light Industry and Food Industry; and R. D. Radev, Chief Section of Scientific & Technical Cooperation of Approved For Rattuiser20041106/05gatialAdADP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNC1ASSIFIED Bulgaria From 2. a. TE4B10406J-Continued ArriVO.V. : t? Paw!. Type . . ? H tion Bemsrks 11//5/5 114VT 55 11/17/5- 32/267 12/1155- 32/6/5 4/06- 0156 4/006- 5/3/56 5/56- n a PrOf?Cherkin Georgi Zlaterr? Bulgarian r State 'Conservatory of Music 20 TjaaLicaLtat tamen.ov Dr. E. N. Popqr, mycologLat 1 Prof. K. Bratanov, Council Member witaw 1 na- na 5/15/56 hjb9 in Peiping and 1 disp ys OO items includ., ? ing Iiiitional costumes, embroidery, end ceraMice. Exhibition sponsored by the BUreau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, liamata, visits China to give a course ex lectures in accordance with the Sim-Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. T. 0.2_,Abazolt, member editorial ,boar4.Norclas- Mladezh.az4 $eetr.: Buiarian., Jounalists Association na ttonal-Marksmanship Contest. ernAtional. 6,04.12U2Lasearch Conference. :See Waezatiojial. rJ?.7ederatiozi of Scientific 1:12ELirce 4. See lakeItaIlaal... WomeWs International Demo atic W.2.14g,..e41------. See 1,rrei-----"...naa Eratjam arrive in Peiping to visit construction projects anr3. acenie spots. in Chiza., in accordance :With the Sino-Bulgarian Cultural . Cooperation Agreement. ed C os delegation visits major citieso China( UNC/ASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Bulgaria To 21 b. TO BUIGARIA ..-,-..---....... Arrive: . game or. Type:,,. Depart: No. Members of ....21)22.a11212.221,---112gadg . 6/30/55- n A Sun Shao-tsun A.sacsal_:tural,delegation studies n a President Peng agriculture in Bulgaria in accord- Agricultural ands with 19551)10i of Sino- University Bulgarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. 7/8A5- 8/14/55 7/24/55- n a na na 8/23/55-' n a n a Vice-Minister Posts and Tele- communications 9/12/55- 9 ghwaT2hen na 10/1055- 2 Li Ping-chuan; and 10/18/55 Chen Liang 10/17/55- n a n a na 10/20/55- 2 Wang Chien; and n a Liu Chien Apronomists study agricultural developments in Bulgaria and visit Bulgarian agricultural produ00111,' cooperativesand,agricultural' research institutes, and hold dis- cussions with Bulgarian agronomists. Deleg4tion arrives 'tocompete in the International Parachute Jumplag. Contest. The teMbers are the first Chinese entries in this international competition. Posts and telecommunications dole* gation takes part in national FairFair in Plovdiv. Industry 6.e1egation4sent by the Working Committee of the Light Industry Workers Trade Union of China, attends second international meeting of food-procesaing and other workers in Sofia. Journalists attend Executive Committee meeting of the International Organization of JOurnalists in Sofia. Folk Music arxdAsradlalmn arrives for performance tour in Bulgaria. 11/0....calsr_al.. delegates attend international conference on problems relating to division of agricultural crop regions and consolidation of the organization and economy of coolarativesar4A, Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ::"CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 umuissIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 uNcuissirm) ? Bulgar# To 22 b. T.O. IMaga; ?:Continued ? Arrive: Leader ? ? Depart: No.- ? :Menabers:-. -? 10/25/55- n a C_ho_u buanr Chinese n a A*assador in- 'BUlgaria 12/20/55- n a 32/30/55: n a ..? wtt, 'ireCtor ? ?14110euni,i-and...?'-- Lu Ming, department ? head 'Bureau for 'Cultural 114.1ationi3 .?, ? .? Name or e ? of Deleation.?_..n Trade 'delegation' participates in negotiations for a Sino-Bulgerian agreement on 'the exchange of goods and. payments tor 1956. .4rtibition opens in, the Plovdiv, , art gallery. Cultural delegates negotiate for a 7193-6-We-cutive plan in connection with the Sino-Bulgarian cultural cooperation agreements. Approved For Release 2000/035/05: EADP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLAS8IFIBD Bulgaria Agreements 23. c. AGREEMENTUBLELIZWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND BULGARIA Date Place.91Algaijm Jan. 27, 1955 Peiping March 23) 1955 ' Sofia Sino-Bulgarian Trade Accord: China to supply Bulgaria with tung oil, hog bristles, tea, asbestos, etc. Bulgarf to furnish China with agricultural machinery, non-ferrous metals, chemi- cals, fertilizers, and general goods- 1956 Executive Plan for the Sino- Cooperation TTebine'grit- Hino-Bulgarian 8cientieic Accord: the 1-174575Uptries to exchangrgxperiences accumulated by the different branches of national economy and each to send specialists to agsist the other in scientific and technical matters. Sino-bulpTrian P1antl2Umeis_Ajz_ee- ment: the two countries to cooperate in the prevention of the spreading of Insect pests and plant diseases, in exchanging experiences and knowledge in the protection of farm crops, and also in exchanging experts when necessary. Sino-Beigaaan Protocol on Mutual Assistance: China to provide Bulgaria with crop seeds and information on their cultivation, seeds of medicinal herbs and related data, and informa- tion QA the processing of rani, silk, dnd tobacco, and the manufacture of pbrcelain and penicillin. Bulgarian exterts to go to China to study prob- lams relating to cotton, rice, and medicinal herbsq. Bulgaria to provide China with crop seeds and medicinal herbs and information on stimulants for the grotth of crop seeds, the etativation and processing of cotton, the cultivation of sugar beet and hemp, the prevention and control of conta- gious diseases and quarantine measures for crop areas, sea ports, and inter- national airports. Chinese experts to go to Bulgaria to study problems in- volved in the processing of tobacco, -------Appelease2000/05/05: -- Calia74530Mitatt00Q6000,4-4- Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED Burma From Arrive:" Reatt...L.:,2123.;_;_420..s_ts 24 , - 2726,5-4- -34 / , 3,29/5. - ???? .1io Min Gauna, Burmese Minister Public Works and Rehabilitation.. Thakin Iwin; Chair- Man 411,-.1.11/rna. Trade Union Congress 6/30.55 5/241/55- . . 9/181/55" a -a 9/24/55- ?70 10/12/55 It. Gen./ Ne.,Win? .C6NPin40P41.1.,1t0.41-ef ...4t4a)04,1**; of Burma Minister-, of Culture' ? .9/30/75 Vice " :President.:Unieir of ? ?Burma Btddha baba= ? ? kin&-Chief, -JusticetfUniOtC.Of Burma ' .? ? ? :191,1445.5"! 25;;.:..,.::::;!.:Sitlitv-ZeiWatt1eti. ? . 3.01261,55... ? TieiivsebtamAn.'Irciot- i.:?..r.,!..: ? . ? of- Name or Type of Deleeation and Remarks Trade (purchasing) mission negotiates with various Chinese trading organi- zations in :Peiping copperning.export of Chineee commodities to Burma. Trade unionist visits China at the invitation"ofthe Federa- tion of Trade Uhions. Overseas Chinese group attends National Day celebrations and visits major cities of China at theinvita? tion of the:Overseas:Ohl:nada Affairs Commission. MiAlk_az mission visits China. Cultural delegation visits different cities inChina.:and performabefpre various group'a.- Members-brthe'dele- gation are honored at a reception by Chou En-lai. Buddhist delegation comes to China to welcome the relic of the Buddha's tooth. More thaa 1,000 government officials, mothers of Buddhist circles in Peiping, and representatives of people's organizations, weloome the delegates. Burmese NationakFootball Team plays a number of matches with various Chinese teams at the invitation of the All-China Athletic Federation.. : Traf4TIo.n.,Tart aoci,005/ors-f -CIA--1RDP78 -0091 5R0007000600044 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Burma From 26 a. FROM3UR104 Continue& Arrive: leat2: , Name Or YPa 22:_plantlo 11/1Iq55', . 12/1/55- 12/6/5 1/5/56- n a " 40 %le Lktu.Atsr, Deputy. ,Secretary Burmese Ministry of Trans.!! Tart and Cpimunice7'. tions ?? Kyin Maung Win, . professor Rangoon Untiersity and pathOlogist 4111, ? -' ? 4/21/56- n a Makin Lay Maung n a 4/26/56- n a U Than Tun n a 4/27/56- n a U Nyar Na 6/13/56 RolalaBLIplacomArnicatiOns gation:visite.ChinC 6mti-Biotics Peualtay4Eence. See International? OVAIMNIAMMINON.???????111/ .41W114101/.10 B rmase,trie shi Asso9iation moeti:c'ebte:Bth anniversary Qfthe. founding of the Union of Burma. Meeting presided over by Chienyei-chang, Vice-President of, theASsociation*Wattended by oVer.'. 300:,.peoP14?. . Pa2I2mals Exhibition opens in Chungshan Park in Peiping marking the 8th.auniveraervof, the independence. of Burma.. -00-display are photos of,':'% !tba-visittg-Premier Chou En/a1 to Burma and of Prize Minister U Nu to China$ and..Buratese books, wood carv- ingavlacquerware,:and Burmese national costUtes. EX'Atbition'is sponsored by the.Sito-Burmese Friend- ship.AssociatiOni Peane delegate visits China at the invitation-of:the China Peace Committee. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Trade 'Union Coress,deleation visits China ani. attends May Day celebratirns at the invitation of the All-China . Federation of Trade Unions. Film delegation comes to China to attend May Day celebrations, visits Chinats film studios, and tours the country at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture? ????????,1?1111????????1,0.111114.1100. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? UNCLASSIFICD Burma To 26 Arrive g 1/20/55- 3/26/55 Leader Members ?L., 'Nate lit? Type" Vice- Minister,, pultUre 1/27/55- 5 L:41 Tzu-ch, 2/23/55 ?,. ,?ITnember . Secretariat. All-China Federa ? tiOn .of Trade Unions 30Y1P 3/g9/55 Vice Minister of. Culture ?Ilajulaochiatso Act- ing Chairman Chinese 'BUddhist AasOciation; Pu7Chu., Secretary-General of . Delegation, and Vice- Chairman Chinese Buddhist Association; 11/12m_ n a Gelatsang, Living ? Buddha; and. Wei Fang, Yl Fang, and., Chi Kuang, Priests n a of Deletion Remarks. monewilogIr??????:11ore:aroperomr. jag delegation visits Burma at the .invitation of the Government of the Union of Burma.,. Members of the delegation are received. by U Be, Preildent of Burma, and are given a banquet by U Nu, :Prime Minister. The delegation gives. 31.performances to an estimated. 1.100$ 000 in principal, ' cities of Burma. Trade union delegation visits Burma on goodwill visit at the Invitation of the Burma Trade Union Congress. Members of the delegation are re- ceived. by Ti Ba, President of Burma. tiszloact_tral deletion visits Burma at invitation of Burmese Government to study agriculture, water con- servancy, and forestry management. Buddhist delegation visits Burma at the invitation of Premier U Nu. Members of the delegation present gifts to the Prime Minister, and. Buddha relics, scriptures, and. other insignia to the Burmese Buddhist community, and are honored. at a reception given by U Nu. Civil Aviation delegation negotiates and signs protocol on air services between China and Burma. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000c(25/05 ? CIA_ -RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 CLASSVIED Burma To Arrive: pepart: N 12/16/55- 2/4/56 12/29/55- n a- n a 2/56 NO 411. Leader Members 27 b. TO BtJRJLI Continued 2pong Ching-ling, v ice. -Chairman NRQ, Standing Commitee. People's Republic of. 'China ; U. Basel:04p Minister ? for 'Trade Pevel9p- , ment of the Govern- ment of the Union .of Burma NIB OE 3/13/56- 7 n a n a 3/21/56- 1 Marshal RO lung, 3/21/56 Vice Premier and Special Envoy of the CPR 4/28/56,- n a U3.anf'u n a 5/16/56- n a EBETalalig; and n a Rev. Tapei 6/18/56- n a n a 6/27/56 Name or. Type i. of ailtirp..11O....E_Luicl_Ja.,.mart_s_ Er_astals visit is made by Soong Ching-ling to Burma, India, and Pakistan at the invitation of the Governments of these countries. Trade delegation negotiates and signs protocol relating to the exchange of Burmese rice and Chinese export com- modities. Ep12.2....stzaavaR conference border regional inhabitaiats in Lyeje attended by 2,000 people of various nationalities on the Ohinaw.Burmese.. _ border'. Textile technicians visit China at the invitation of the Burmese Govern- ment to help expand a textile mill in the Burmese capital. Government representative stops in Rangoon for one hour visit on his way to Pakistan. Government delegation arrives in Burma for short visit on way to Nepal. Buddhist delegation attenda the 21500th anniversary of the Nirvana of Gautama Buddha, and the closing ceremony of the Sixth Meeting tn connection with Buddhist Scriptures. Members of the delegation were re- ceived by Prime Minister U Nu on June 1. visits Burma and competes. with Burmese teams in Rangoon. Approved For Release 2000/61K4g39 RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Burma Agreements 28 CO AGREEKENTS SIGNED BETW.EN COMUNIST. CHINA' AND Bukva Date of SiL1ng Place of 511n March , March 7, 1955 Raiping Dec. 294,1925, :Rangoon (Agreement-4 signed. in Peiping April 22, 1555) Si.nst:13m]_. e Trade Contracts (3): China to sell to Biarma 36 typesof commodities rolled steel, steel, plates, ,Iron piping, cotton ? ?yarn newsprint,. glass, carpets, sanitary equipment:?. glazed tiles, iron bedsteads, and raw silk, to the total value of approximately 1,000,000 pounds sterling. P.A4LsalautdLt11e,Protoco1: for ?the exchange of Burmese rice and Chinese export commodities. . ? Approved For Release 20011taitianctiA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000M06/0ftRDP78-00915R000700MIA4 From 29 U. ImpEN coggvisTALIINA Amp pAmBoDTA a. FLQS_VvIBODIA Arrive: Leader Name or Type 149MbIrs of Delegation and 9/5/55-. n a n 4 n a 2/14/56-. n a 2/21/56 gazo Norodom: Sihanouk, Premier Kingdom of Cambodia; Leng.Negeths'member King's High Council; Khim Tit, member King's High Council; $4m Nhean, Vice President Senate; 22= delegates. See International. -aeir.erameat delegation visits China on goodwill tour at the invitation of the Government of the People's Republic of China. Members of the -delegation are welcomed by Premier Chou En7lai; Vice Premiers Chen Yun, and Chen I; Vice Chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Li Chi-shen, 'Shen'Chun-ju, Kuo Mo-jo, Peng Chen (Mayor of Peiping), and Chen Shu-tung; Marshal Yeh Chien-ying, Vice Chairman NEC; Vice-Chairmen of the National Committee of the-CPPCC Chang Po-chun and Burhan; and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Chang Wen-tien. Eng Meas, Member Parliament National Assembly; Dr, Neal Smoeuk, member Kingdom Council; Col. Ngo Hou? Chief Staff Royal Air Force; Roeum Sophon, Under. Seety State for Peasant Welfare; Vong Saren, private seety; and others UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA7RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSrFIEp. 30 a. FRO?AllasaLIA -Continued IIMM0001. .1051.M.0.11.?????????011.????=r ...r?Cerop. Arrive: 4/8/56_ 5/16/56 5/31/56- 6/27/56 Cambodia From To Nate or 'Type , of Deleaation Remarks Economic mission arrives In. China to Study the question of the development of mutual:economic interests Mission visits factories,, in Peiping .aid folindries, factories, bridges, weaving mills, central eleOtricplants,:and. the commercial port in. Shanghai.andllentsin. Trade end payments agreements signed. B.V.2I-?42-Lth, Minister Public Verks Posts, & Telecommuni- cations; Rey Lomuta, Director Ilational Office Posts & Telecommunications, and ,former minister; Mao Chayl.Metber'cf. Pariiatent_and former Minf7steriand, , LyjSit Hengi eperer. tary: to. the mission jhlek-1Doeun? Secre- tary of State for Planning; 2/18/56 IMMO. Dong 01, and Kouch Heng Tech, section chiefs Ministry of National Planning ....????11141.1.01. 11M01.1110.1111?10...11?0110?111MMINS ??????? Economic delegation, isits China to negotiate for Chinese economic assistance under the-Chinese- Cambodian trade agreement. b. TO CAMBODIA Gift of 80,000 yuan to Phnom Penh for relief of fire victims of the city is donated by the Red Cross Society of China. .1.1..1?0??????.W.M...../?.?????????????????????ryom ma.* ?????????????.??????? Approved For Release 20099 jmirT16-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/Mis:AIHRDP78-00915R00070%lappoili-4 Agreements SI 0. AMMN.L.'S S N.-ILL]) BETWEEN COMMUNISLCHINA AND CAMBODIA DateSar_glEDIDE 21.19.9.-91-g1EniDE April 24, 1956 PeipingSino-Camlgoi_targa_dean_clalmmtg Agreement: provides for 5 million (Ratified June 1, 1956 in pouaTTUS 014,000,000) sterling Peiping) worth of goods to be exported by each side according to the principle, of balanced imports and exports, and provides for the establishment of relations between the official banks of the two countries for accounts clearance. June pl, 1956 ..Peiping 11-49.7ggagd10-4a29201-2D-Eg9n2Pla kia and 104241: provides that China grant Cambodia for 1956 to 1957 equipment, construction material, and merchandise having a total value of: 800 million riels, equivalent to ' 8 million pounds sterling. Cambodia to use this materiel to carry out various construction-projects.' According to the needs of Cambodia, China will also send technicians and: specialists who will give assistance in prospecting, designing, and construction problems as well as in the training of Cambodian technicians. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Canada - From 32 To , -12. BETWEEN- COMUNIST QAkill) CANADA ? a. FROM CANADA Arrive: L,224,ar Name or Type Xtut.jjQ.Aglaharz. se_galaution_ sa Remarks 7/55- 6 Etta-EREO2M Women delegstes visit Chinn as n a guests of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation, 1/1056: 1 Morris Cohen Private Canadian citiko, visits 3/16/56 Peiping, Canton, Harbin, Shenyang, Changchun, Anshan, Fushun, Dairen, Shanghai, Hengchow, Soochow, Nanking, Chungking, Sian, and Tientsin; Dr. Sun Yat-en's tomb in Nanking; and other memorial places. Received by Premier Chou En-lai, and Soong Chin&ling. a? n a Women's Internationa Democrat 4111 Fedpration. See Internstioral. . ? ? 4/24/56"; 5/3/56 7 b.TQCp, None ANN Approved For Release 2000V15gias:Trif-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000ige9sb911,0DP78-00915R000700069ME4 From 33 To 13. 141WBEB coliMuNI4JMPLAILOYLO a. FROM qpyLoN Arrive: 1,2154sT ??????????Irmomal???????.001M0.11.1111.???144.1.1?110?1?40.101111, Name or Type d Remarks 9/4/55- 9 Shirley Corea, Government Trade delegation 10/15/55 Minister Commerce, Trade, and Fisheries negotiates and signs trade agreement with Ceylon. Members of the delega- tion are received by Premier Chou En-lai. 9/55- n a n a Youth delegates. See International. n a 4/56- 4 V. A. Samerawickrama, Trade union representatives attend n a Ceylon Trade Union May Day rallies in Peiping. Federation; Watson Fernando, Ceylon Trade Union Federation; P. B. Wijayasundera, Ceylon Federation of Labor; and K. Suppiah, TreaSurpr Democratic Workers Congress 4/24/56- n a A.1.114Ihatawsal n a NaI1021 Teacher's Union of Clylon delegation arrives in China to attend May Day celebrations at the invitation of the National Committee of the Educational Workers' Trade Union of China. ??????????,.???????????,..m....a...?.?.????????????????,..graolow.............? b. Ma= None 0.????.?????????????????? ?????1111????????????14,111.....1.4.111....101...... Approved For Release 2000/689e#PEMRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ApPrOVed For Release 2000/05/05 : C!A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED -54. 14. ZZLEF._,POWUNIST.CHINk AND CHILE a. aggsHIL4" Chile From To Arrive: kW= Name or Type of j2e342gatisza__ 7/30/55 n a n a , delegation Visits China, after attending World Congress of Mothers, at the invitation of the All-China Democratic. Women's Federation. altilmilaWilorgw,m10.04.0404?011,1????,????????????.....0 ReMarks - out delegates.,.See 11/55- 2 Angel Cruchaga Santa Poet and his wife attend commemoration 1/2/56 Maria, and wife in Chinp,of the?10Oth anniversary of the:publicatiOn.,of Walt Whitman's !'Leaves of Grapeand the 350th anniversary of the publication of,Cervantesti "Don Quixote." Visit_Peipin6.Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, AnshanlIushun? Shanghai, Rangchow, eifid Canton., and have wide .0entacts, with Chinese authors. ? Es.,1Lert ancLadorial exhibitlog opens at Chungshen Park in Peiping under the auspices .of the. People's Association for' CUltUral Relations' with Foreign Countries. 4/2//56-: na 5/3/4 56 Womols_Idermatippal Democratic agemIlea. See kiterzational. 6/56 n a p a, J..29.rmlists visit China after attending the. inUrnaticinai Conference' of journalists in Helsinki. 3/8/56 =MOW .000 b. 29.4111L.4 None 1?????????Yr...04????*????? ???????;10.????? V/???????0*1.00..??????1.0....111?Fe???????????????????? Approved For Release 200049Epp5sEMDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000#410$&jtoRDP78-00915R00070006Dlio4434 From 35 To 15, .4ILS_USIL_LS.7,441UN HINA AND COLOMBIA a FROM COLOMBIA ?....?,......?,....,..... Arrive: 1.64d2r. Name or Type . .D.2.12V.31....-422? . 1A/55-7 1 .Prof. Jaime Escouar Itaessor visits China at n a:* ? Londono invitation of the China Peace Committee. 7/22/55- n a n a n a 7/30/55- 2 n a n a 8/30/55- n a n a n a Ilug delegates visit China at invitation of the China Peace Committee after attending World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. N.93021 delegation visits China at invitation of the All-China Democratic lick-ma's Federation, after attending World Congress of Mothers. Dab delegates. See klandignal. b. TO COLOMBIA None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000X15YEKMIA-RDP78-00915R000r001160004-4 From 36 To 16. NeaNigLONOUNIST CHINA AND.COSTA RICA a.. FROKWSTA R;cCA: Arrive: 1.9.119.E Name or Type . .pa't; No. Members althEeion 4/24/56- na na 0/56 li2r2429.-IPAILDAI1901.11102.9.:Agg adimagga. See,Wmational. b. TO COSTA RICA None ...????????0????????????????????11. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP75.00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000gfeN8RiftRDP78-00915R0007000600Q444,, From 37 To N., 17. ZTWEQN SMIEMSNINA ABLOMA, a: FROM CUBA. ? '''''' Arrive: 19.0.42E Name or Type XP-ailL--.11.2,---tel)..191:1--.?-----:,.--21:-.1-pelm--tioa..----119.LILTLand 7/23/55- n a n .a ? ? Teace delegates 'visit China at the - 8/27/55 invitation of the ,China .Peace Committee after attending World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. 8/30/55-. n a n a Lath delegates. See zylkaa1201. n a 4/24/56.- 'n a n .a 34- 2.n.21-12029.741112 Federation. See usarmAgm41. 5/3/56 ' Lulu None .401??????06.41.041N.4.041M..11.4?11.10?11?040.10 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05, ::QIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 18. V AN UNCLASSIFIED N C0}L NIS CHINA LOD Czechoslovakia From ZECHOSLOVAKIA a. ELOSMON4024g4 Arrive i. De t- . M b 3/3/55 44/55- 18 n a 4/4/55- n a _ n a 4/2/55- 170 5/13/55 4/12/55- n a n a -- - n a Nat*, or Type of Del ation are RemarM__ ggs of 100 suits of baby clothes end other articles is presented to Tao Yin, Chinese Ambassador to Czechoslovakia for the Chang1?c#94g 'Village near Peiping. Articles were made by Czech workers "as an expression of their love for,the., babies of the Chinese -people.'" Puopelstad troup gives performances in Peiping and other cities, mission comes to LAiikia 1;(.7 'negalae-C6Odi-giallinge and TaYilient6--- Agreement for 1955. 'Ottb"Rbeour, First Vice-Minister-Foreign Trade n a Ludmi Deputy. Prime Minister;. and Josef Reitmajer, Minister Foundry Industry and Ore Mines 4/19/55- 180 Pavel Duboy&y, 6/21/55 Vice Minister Culture Slovak Administrative Committee valavball tegm visits ?tine at the invitation of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission. csakagiun delegation arrives in .Peiping-at4nvitation of the_leaple!s_ Republic of China to attend Czech exhibition showing achievements of 10-year socialist construction in Soviet Exhibition Center. The exhibition is largest held abroad by Czech Republic to date. Czechoslovak State ,2212E_01...aa2.9. Ensemble visits China under provisions of the Sim-Czech Cultural Cooperation Agreement 5/55 a full-length color documentary on Sino-Czech friendship has just been made by the Czech States Film and depicts 1954 tour of the Chinese People's Liberation Song and Dance Ensemble in Czechoslovakia and the enthusiastic welcome they received. Approved For Release 2difiggE1ITMIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20g9i4M?FIEJA-RDP78-00915INQM01611(S4-4 From 39 a. FROM Lzmugs_Loyig.41 Continued' Arrive: Lead Skpart: No. Membersof 5/55- 5/21/55 5/27/55- n a 5/29/557 n a n a LULL?NW, - Czech Red Cross Society Director, Central Epidemic and Micro- biology Research Institute of Czechoslovakia 1r41 !ohuil Ry, Parasitologist Czech Academy of Sciences 6/6/55- 7 n a n a 6/29/55 - 9/29/55 7/1/55- 7/20/55 9/1/55 - 9/31/55 9/30/55- 10/10/55 3 Jarmila Kalouskova; Ema Bayerlova; and Oldrich Svarny .111.1111110 .0.01111, MIN MO ??????? n a anaktaup Minister Food Industry Name or Type Red Cross delegation visits China. ?212atigi delegation composed of epidemic-prevention experts, arrives in China in accordance with the Sino-Czech Scientific and Technical Agreement. galagli arrives in Peiping to conduct scientific research in China Under the 1955 plan of the Sino-Czech Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Indadr441_13mag and their assistants install generator which the Czech Government presented to the Chang- kuochang Village Agricultural Producer Cooperative near Peiping. Czech11a:wig-la visit China. plastic ,art exhibition in Nanking displays over 400 masterpieces by Czech artists. Art exhibition opens in Shanghai displaying more than 400 specimens of oil paintings, sculptures, etchings, cartoons, and posters. Government delegation attends National Day celebrations and then proceeds to Shanghai to attend the opening ceremony of the Czech exhibition on the achievements or Czech socialist construction in the past 10 years. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/0511051FM-RDP78-00915R 40 ' ? - ? a. LR,caSa_CHO..,SI4VAKIA Continued ,.? . ro 97i02064(1114-4 From Leader Nate-or-Type- Departs No - Mem ere': --..4,_..p.f_ggegetion and ramoll___ ? .r 10/5/55. -- ConSIENLILIttal=?221 showing 10 years of achievements of socialist a :As,, : '? ^".? :'.1.. construe-pion in Czechoslovakia opens .. ?.., , . in I.1.14,4n0SoViet Friendship . huildineinHShanghai.' 11.4.1d,vi4te China and gives recitals at the inVitatiOn"Of the Chinese PeoplelvAssociation for Cultural Re1atin0-,With.:2OreignCountries,' . . , , I ? ? . . 1 Marie Knopkove 11/10 55 - n - .21.124.0242glna;Vice! Chairman of the Czech State Planning Office ? . . - ' 11/17/- $ 11/26/55 ? 12/10/55- 1/2/56 ?11??????? EVzen Stejskal, Chief -.tepartident Culttral Relationi. ?With:Foreign. ' Countries nd.... asa4Chief 'Department for Oriental .Affairei'Czech Ministry 'of-Culttlre.? , Soientlfle_LBLIeehagel delegation attends third meeting of the Joint Committee for Sino-Czech Scientific and Technical Cooperation. IbItED2I1.9.B21-141-21,WalghlD contest. See International. Art,e-14b1tLon opens in the Soviet Exhibitl# Center in Peiping after being presented in Nanking and Shanghai. The exhibition is sponsored by the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Culturel delegates come to China to ? discuss 1956 executive plan of Sino- Czech Cultural Cooperation Agreement. - UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/%1LOkiSykRDP78-00915R0110z7MAROM From 43, a. FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Continued " Arrive: Leader Depart: No. _Natters 2/23/56- 3/17/56 3/16 56- 4/3 56 3 laI99.111.1tatga Czech Ambassador to China; .1.-Kurk4 Vice Foreign Minister; and F. Mara, Vice . Minister: Foreign Trade Prof, Joseps L. Hromadka, dean CoMenius'Theological Seminary in Prague; . and Bishop' Peter Janes, Reformed Church of Hungary 3/20/56- 1 Qtakar Novacek, Czech n a State Film Enterprise . 3/23/56- .Ivan Malek, ?Zech _ n a microbiologist, honorary seCretary World' Federation of Scientific Workers, and regional officer in Prague 3/23/56- 1 D. Teodor.NeMec, n a .,WFSW regional - secretary in Prague 3/24/56 4?11.11?? Name or Typs of Deliggion arid Rrnark__- Gdvernmezt delegation arrives in Canton to open exhibition on the achievements of 10 years of Socialist construction in Czechoslovakia. Ourp_11_12aders give, lectures in :China at the. invitation of the Yenching Union Theological Seminary and the Nanking Union Theologidai Seminary, ' .11,11.0F119,L,d9rj_kabatcleLLassists -in building film laboratories. agE2144212g141 delivers lectures in China on the organization and plans fOr scientific work in Czechoslovakia. Nald-E22.1.1=112D-g-fgalltific Workers. See Interwtiopal. Formal amalatalau of.thermopower equipment given by the Czech Republic to China. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDF'78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Czechoslovakia From 4a a. mosgooptaxii, Continued elmomotemmawewmwwww?????.??????ma Arrive: Le4er.. Name or Type Membet&L- .Remgrks 4/15/56- 5 EA-1192k, ! 6/12/56 . Minister Aialture 4/24/56- n a n a 5/3/56 5/56- n a LtA-J.991,t-14211111Y., n a Minister of Health 5/56- n a n a Malak? editor, Inter- national Dept Czech paper RUDE PRAVO; and Stulreiter, editor SLOVAK PRAVDA . 5/?/56- 6 ariatok 5/15/56 5/9/56 - 5/30/56 Joseph SoukUn 5/19/56- 7 EARAEarla n a 5/22/56- 5 2112-Egical n a ,A4r4enpilga delegation visits China under 'the 1956 executive plan of the Sino-Ozech Cultural Cooporation Agreement, to inspect agricultural establishments in various parts of China. 11.9321121-lits=d1-9.11-4-122,119.9 Federal-2B. See IakulatizaAo: Medical ,delegation inspects China's Pledical:an&public health works. liggajm arrive in Peiping in accordance, with cultural cooperation agreements to visit construction projects and scenic spots, Film workera delegation participates in film week aotivities.held in. 10 Chinese cities, including Peiping, Tientsin, Shanghai, Canton, Shenyang, and Urumchi?!karkipg.the 11th anni- versary bfi the "liberation" of Czechoslovakia, The delegates also attend May Day celebrations and tour major cities in China. Clg-sware emelt. visits China to -organize a. glassware exhibition in accordance with the Sino-Czechoslovakia cultural cooperation agreement._ Farm specialists arrive in China to help install at a State farm the com- plete set of equipment presented to China by the Czech Government. The farm will be named the Sino- CzeChoslovak Friendship Farm. Artists visit China, in accordance with the Sino-Czech agreement on cultural ----ATTRIGtstrrorReingF20017/0570.67e*KeOftiCrgT5ROUVUOURTGO2P2r UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 200q51?../12kiat-RDP78-00915R0epe79a6.0991/44 To 43 be ISISZEGEOLDITIMA ...1.111.4?????????????? 01.1??????? ??????11......????????? Arrive: L12d2r Name or Type 1202.11.1.- No. 119.1n1.:._)sa- 2/3/55- 2/6/55 2/9/55 a Wang Ida 1= delegation attends the 2nd Congress of the Youth Union of -Czechoslovakia at the invitation of the Central Committee of Youth Union Of Czechoslovakia. Handieraa4taiig2n-opens in Prague, Czech Ministry of Culture.. On display are over 1,500 samples of' Chinese arts and crafts including paintings, jade, and ivory products. I410114, Nice-Premier; gaganani delegation attends 10th anniversary celebration of the Shao Li-tzn? member 'liberation of Czechoslovakia. Standing Committee NPC; 4/30/55- n a .111?101010 Wang Lin, Vice-Minister Fuel Industries; and Tsao Ying, Chinese Ambassador to Czechoslovakia 5/55- n a n a ThelltMILZVE visits 1/13/56 .914211221 Czechoslovakia during 9-country 8-month performance tour. 5/7/55- n a n a Chinese Nationalily Orchestra of the n a Central Ensemble of Song_Rd. bance presents ancient lute tunes and folk music from many parts of China at the Prague Spring Music Festival. 5/17/55- n a alma.:911-2 I.Ealt__211 delegation attends Third n a Congress of Czechoslovak Trade Unions. 6/18/55 - 165 Tsai Shp7fan; and Sports delegation attends 1955 7/6/55 Lit=i7lhi-1.1?".:141-nS Chairmen Physical Czechoslovak National Spartakiade at the invitation of the Czechoslovak Culture and Sports Commission Government. Included in the delegation is Chinese gymnasts team of 159 members Approved For Release 200V1 NNA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Czechoalovakia To 44 b. 12.1=1,201, Continued Arrive: 1443.4.2r. Name or Type Dart: Nos of Delegation _INg Remarks 7/55- :17 . n a - 9 mos katier,sad_abee=mAing technician,' come to Prague to acquire practical' training in the Czechoslovak Svit Shoe Factory. 8/7/55-' n.a gbAngsalkmagme, grpun gives series of performances n a Vice-Minister Culture in Czechoslovakia. 9/17/55- 9/25/55 Studentgroup arrives in Czecho- slovakia as part of the 150 "Students - China is sending to various countriee for university and postgraduate education. 5 .91gag3Izila1ans, ?lampuhu42u opens in Prague and Vice-Minister:Posta-. -is attended by a-Chi:168e delegatidn'. , .and Telecommunications at the invitation of the Czech Ministry_of'Postt andlelecommunications. 9/29/55- 19 Yeh Chkehuans, Goveimmien,Ldsam.Liign arrives to visit 11/14/55 Minister Foreign machinery eXhibition'in Brno at Trade invitation of the Czechoslovak Government. , 1/20/56- n a alas; and Marshal Governmed delegation arrives to n a Nieh Jung-chen attend the Political consultative Committee meeting of the Warsaw Treaty, -Powers opening January 27 Women delegates attend International Women's Day celebrations at the 7 invitation of the CzechosloVak WoMen!S Federation. 3/3/56- 3/31/56 n a 3/16/56- n A_ 44". 3/30/56 3/30/5& n a Students sports delegation plays friendly games of ice hockey in five cities in Czechoslovakia. _ Chinese paper scissor-cuts exhibition, opens in Prague sponsored by the Czechoslovak:Ministry of Culture,- ? Approved For Release 200g0101FWak-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000MANgSfitRDP78-00915RONWASNA-4 To 45 b. TO czEginguaga, Continued ------------------------ Arrive: Lea dIE Name or Type Dep_arLI Nester.g___2LJ2ej&gation jiatrka _ 4/19/56- 2- -7Sn-Huel;-and-- n a Sun,ChOng7Ching 4/21/56- n a 2g,?hattleg; ? L14 Shuen7san; and 'Chu Jur:-Men 4/29/56- 18., n a 6/21/56 5/30/56- n a Eaum:9110 6/20/56 n a- ri a Ung_Ehl; vide '....i 6/21/56 President Chinese National Welfare Aesodiation.for the Blind 6/27/56- n a aballang, Vice 7/17/56 -President AllChina - Democratic Women's Federation ?Nalem attend Second Writer's Congress of Czechoslovakia. Cooperatives delegation arrives at invitation of the Central Council of Cooperatives. Mg?iglang participate in 1956 Prague Spring Music Festival and tour Czechoslovakia giving 21 performances in. 16 cities. ? .Econga4g;41gelaa visits factories and industrial enterprises in Czechoslovakia. Delegation of the blind visits Czechoslovakia, Women's delegation attends National ,Women's Congress in Prague. Ire.10?10?0?14?11/011.011.1011 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Czechoslovakia Agreements 46 c.GRNTS 43.?AuLCOMMU_.20_911,INA AND CM.110.SLOITAKIA Date of $imla% pi...49...i e_of...aztag, April 6, 1955 Peiping Jan. 3, 1956 Peiping 2=9,19.1k9S1221*-11290.4.-P.1211?man /Irv:nit AgEomsnt: China to supply Czechoslovakia with mineral products, animal products, foodstuffs, and tea. Czechoslovakia to, provide China with complete sets of equipment, steel products, machinery, cars, and raw materials for chemical industry. Pa ympnt ilgreements China to supply Czechoslovakia with mineral products, animal products, foodstuffs, tea, silks, and other local products. Czechoslovakia tc provide China with power generation equipment, machinery, steel products, apparatus, industrial chemicals, and petroleum products. . , 1956 Executive plan of auskia1oralaiigatt4,921 hamitapt. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000(0?a?matrRDP78-00915R000700061)9MA From 47 19. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND DENMARK a. FROM DENMARK Arrive: Lea Or . pzpar.S.L; No.;...:42112. 2/14/55 2 ,Berluf Bidstri40' n a and wife 4/,28,/55- 5/9/55 Sven Muer, Rristensen, and. wife ' 9/8/55- lo/12/55 '10 Rana Hansen; Primo Minister. . .; Nfte 11/25/55- 18 12/19/55 4/1/56 2. - 4/4/56 Axel Grubn Dr. G. Norregard, Council Member, WFSW 4/28/56- -2 Nicholas.Kaldor?.,, n a and wife 4/28/56- n a 6/22/56- 7/20/56 Thomas Christens on and. others 10 Lizzie MOOSpeard; ? Vice President Danish Youth Council, atid member Danish Women's Association NEMB or.Type of tele'ation and Remarks Cartoonist visits China as guest of the Union ofThinese Artists, DanishProfessor of Literature aril:Vas in China at the invitation of the. ? China Peace Committee and the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries to attend commemoration activities in honor of the great . men of culture: Of the world. Cultural. elegation visits China at invitation of the-Chinese People's Association. for Cultural Relations with_Foreign.Cotntries. Trade delegation viaits China. World Federation of Scientific Workers. See .International. Dramatist and wife 'visit China at the.. Invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Peace delegates are invited to visit China by the China Peace Committee. Youth delegation visits China at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Democratic Youth. UNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA7RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ?????????????1111.10111M...../110 UNCLASSrno 40 . TO DENMARK ' Denmark To Arrive: Leader Depart: No Members 9/7/55- n a 'n a' n a na-iia co.; Tumaml 12/10.55 3/13/58- 6/6/56- 6/16/56 6/9/56- 7/9/56' 6/9/56- n a lea Chen-1114,i vide chairman council All-China Federation af*. Supply and, Market- ing Cooperatives; Huang Teton-ming; Wu Jen-kuei; Kao Ling; Yen Tze?lung.; Teng Chen?-!hsi; and. Miss Chiao Chien Chao Ting-yuan same or Type of Deletiatizi.ILL.'.111d.' ? Youth delegation Visits.Denbark at the: invitation .of. t,1?.e Danish Joint Youth Council. Chinese Classical psaftjand Dance Enseinble performs In :Denmark. ..??????????????~MONF. Red. ross Society of China srapzulatE 101.000 yuan to Denmark for the relief ,of its cold wave victims. Cooperatives delegation studies wheat cultivation, cattle breeding, horticulture, ,and methods of agri- cultural training -in Denimark. 'Members of the delegation were re- ceived. by Prime Minister Bans Christian Ranson on June 8. Chinese 1241,s, held in Copenhagen under the, Joint sponsor- ship of the Chinese"PeoPle's Associa- ticn for Cultural :Reaations with Foreign Countries and the Danish Royal Library. UrAcu471,r21 delegation studies , vil*.eat geowing? livestock breeding, plant pvOtecticgi, anet agricultural DeaMpr14. , UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 New' oa Approved For Release 2000/0TWOMPRDP78-00915R000700060 BETT/ME1 FROM EGYPT 49 Arrive: De t: Leader Members am Vane orjType of Dole tion Remarks :.2/11/55- 11 a .5/15155- 6/1/5, 8/6/55- 8/29/55 9/2/55- n a n a 2' Mel Amin; and Mahmoud Attllah Sheikh Ahmed. Hassan El Bakhouri? Egyptian Minister for WAEFS (Religious Founda- tiont); and. Mustafa Kauai., Professor Cairo University n a - ps.41121:Lann_edbu. Nosseir, Minister -Commerce. . Industry 109155- 1/23/55 n a alellizemMohL2L.a.od El.Sawil Editor of the Egyptian News Agency; Ali Handi El Gamma', Editor in Chief of Akhbar 'Ismael Mohamed. El- Sbafie, Correspondent' of A..1Ua.1.342: 211150 El-Salri Abdu El 1444 Mohamed, Corres- pondent ..AkMousor; and 'Lawyers visit China At the invita- tion of the Political Science and Law Association of China after at- tending Asian Lawyers, Conference in Calcutta. ster and pKofessOr visit China, at- the invitation of the Chinese Delegation to the Asian-African Conference, to diecuas.cultural co- operation between the two countries. ? Trade delegation visits China to discuss ways for. the expansion of '-trade between China and Egypt. Youth delegates, See International. Journalists delegation visits China at. the invitation of the All-China '.Journalists' Association. Ismael Hosein El- Habrouk, Correspondent of Possa El Yussef Approved For Release 2000/05ffikAaktiROP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20000Marigek-RDP78-00915R0007000?W-4 From 50 ROM? EGYPT, 'Continued; Arrive: Leader . Name or Type 322part: No. Members- - of Delp tion . , .2. Ahmed?Ei"Mantaw, deputy head Trade Office; and Wife ? tirahlin,.,Aihin al.;617.0.WarbY,: ? n a 4/8/57; , 4/15/56- 7/24/56 Medhat' Al-Farr head Egyptian GOVernment Trade Office in China 2. Dre Ahmed Fahrio History Professor (of Ancien Egypt .and.t#016$4.. ' ? 4/21/5 n HUSayzi?Kainai al-Din Zaki n a 1; 4 5/3/56 - 6/26/56- 7/11/56 n Dr Hassan Aghtent, Prof. Agriculture Cairo University Trade delegates visit aCenic spots: in China. Cultural mission meMbers give lectures in China on Arabic language and on Islam and discuss possibility of 'Chinese language courses at Cairo - ? Trade delegates arricre in Peiping to discuss.SinoEgyptian trade, profeasor-CoMed to China to give lectures'anIthe'Arabin language and ax4ient Egyptian history in accord- at 6)with the.ebltural eooperatio agreettent,betwedi China and Egypt..-. He'wee reeeived by Chou En-bai on May 31. Peace delegates Visit China at: the. invitation of the China Peace Co44ittee. ,.? . -WopnIskaamatl.oreDemisratic:". See?International ?NI,Orr ????=111.?11,WIN.M" Ettatral delegation visits major cities of Chive at the invitation of the Ail-China Students' Federation in accordance with the Sino-Egyptian cultural cooperation agreement. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200Waktget-RDP78-00915R000700064-4 To 51 V. ? TO FdPT 9/,5/5"' 9/21/55 2/18/56- 75 Burhan Shahldi ' 4/16/56 na na 3/16/56- 4/17/56 Yelt?Chi-clmag., Minister Foreign Trade; Liu Lin-jui, Sooty of Mission and Asst Professor Peiping University; Chang Hua-tseng, Interpoeter of Mission and Asst Manager China Natl Import & Export Core; Liu Hsi-wen, Deputy Director Fourth Department Ministry of Foreign Trade; Li Meng-hou, Manager China National Machinery Import Corporation; Ho Kung-hai, Asst Director Department West European and African Affairs Ministry Foreign Affairs Name or Type..-1; of. De342ition and. Remarks Chinese products exhibition opens in Cairo displaying newsprint, cardboard, leather products, carpets, tea, soya-beans, and other commodities. Chineee'Molem pilgrims visit Egypt. Cultural delegation visits Egypt on performance tour and negotiates and signs cultural agreement between Egypt and Communist China. Trade mission visits Egypt. Approved For Release 20000110.05913M-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2ooMMINFOR-Rop.78-oo9i5R0007000V4-4 52 b.EMA,T Continued Arrive: De .art' 4/25/56 Leader ere.- Rabe or Trijo of'Dele tion, marmommoa.nomma.004.???????????0 -Ind Remarks IMP ? 5/3.4/56- 5/20/56 6/56- n. a:. n a amlagalkhAdA, Chinese samara exhibition opens. in Cairo under the sponsorship of the ChineseMinistry of Foreign Trade. It is the first Chinese exhibition to be held in Egypt. Cultural delegation revisits Caircos. after visiting other Arab state14., Delegation representing Chinese-' news en arrives in Cairo to::: arrange with Egyptian news agencies for the exchange of news between the two countries. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 APProVed For Release 205?/DUlet5i1ARDP78-00915R0007000161X1Fe4-4 Agreements 3. ITS .8_ 010 53 Date (4-214601S EIMALAUPJAM- Aug.-22 1555-- Peiptag-- April 15, 1956 Cairo ZALIZAUX1W...V.24ft.4SETE2g1;- P44,44 - to export to Egrpt,4goods such as rollad?stea4,20a0a0OrY0444tWX., materials, industrial'chemicals, mineral products, cereals, oils and fats, animal by-products, foodstuffs, tea, native products, and silk piece-goods. China to purchase from Erpt..5O0D bales, ..(150,12%). .:4Pns Pf cotton. A eement:'to promote cultural rela- tions or,16ettenaerstanding. " between the two countries by moans of exchange which will acquaint each of the contracting parties with the affairs of the other. ?1B2Liguilan Executive Plan.toi implement the Cultural Cooperation Agreement: contains details of cultural exchange and cooperation to be carried out by the two countries in the period 1956-1957. UNCLA8SMID ? ? Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2008NOPY01-RDP78-00915R000700 - - 64 a. FROM ETTEEOPIA , e 014 To Arrive: De t? 14facleT --HAAWrb r Name or Type of Dele:,..ti *0 emarks ,Rsone b. TO 411LOPIA -Burhanthahidi- Cultural delegation arrives in Addis Ababa on a performance tour at the invitation of the Government of the Empire of Ethiopia. The leaders of the delegation are re- ceived by Aklilou, Rapte4oldi, FOreigu Minister of Ethiopia; and . on May 4 by htporor Raile.6elaSaie. Audiences numbering over 12,000 attend the 10 performances given by the delegation, and the entire pro- ceeds from the performance are contributed to the Ethiopian Govern- ment for cultural and educational work. UNCIASSIFUT Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 201000061/35KCIA4RDP78-00915R00070006$631464 From 55 22. BETWEEN, COMIUN.T.!ST :Mg& Atli's:FINLAND a. FROM FZNI.A1V ? Arrive: Legit!. De t: era, Nate or Type . .of .Diale d :'Romar ? ? ? ,.; ? ? ' trade delegation visits China.' 10/1;/557:< 33: .,..rArvo ezwik Y1pr Cultural ? delegation visits China at 3:9./26M , the invitation of' the Chinese : People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. . , ? n a ? Profy,Aukust4 Tukha Artist arrives in China to arrange , for Finnish graphic art exhibition. Graphic arts .exhbition in Peiping and. S rwhei,displays etchings, litho- graphs,.. woodcuts, and other pieces of graphic art by 142 Finnish artists. This, the, .first Finnish art exhibi- .: tion to:he held,, in China, is jointly 11/33.155- 12/2055/ 12/8/55 14124/56- 5/3/56 1 am NV n a Martti Simila 111?? de n a sponsored. by the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations ? Natil.Foreign Countries and the Union Of !Chinese artists: :?Notald orchestra director takes part in ,a.concert in Shanghai featuring the works Of Finnish composer Sibelius at the invitation of the Union of Chinese Musicians. Concert featuring the works of Jean Sibelius is held. in Shanghai on the 90th birthday of the Finnish composer under the sponsorship of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and. the Union of Chinese Musicians. W International Democratic Federation. See International. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 . ' Approved For Release 201MMINFSDIA-RDP78-00915R0007000?10(134 From 56 a, Continued. Arrive: De. -rt: Members Name.. or ype of ele,,tion 4/128b6- 5/28/56- n a : 2 t Y E Vesama, Third CheirMan'RePretenta- tive Councii'alduth Organizations oFin 1nd. and. (6flezal f , sfiwimit47 toe4cratic LOagito. :of Yaith''' - 17Ohe. SUkbe141.0a,:44eker 'FinniO4 DiOt". , _ ;;rme Heled'iervikko; IMPi Lydie :OttO,ArziOli*rna; 'Aetae'RefaelPaesio; 'TehVo HeikkiRonkko; Tor:NileMeipender; Nea'Heitenen'' -Naatori-m4tias PUrminen; JObanne0.:Wirta0#3 . Aluri Leine;' -04 August OlaYi SelVero and 11118.111.4 Remarks- Youth delegation composed of representatives of various youth organizations tours China and .% attends May Day celebrations at the invitation of the All-China Federa- tion of Democratic Youth. During, tour, the delegates visit factories, agricultural cooperatives, and Peiping University. Igukap service between Peiping end. Helsinki opens. Finnish Diet mission visits China:1-, at the invitation of Liu Shao-ehi. Members of the delegation were re- ceived by Mao Tse-tung, Liu Shao- chi, and Chou En-lai an June 27. tmcuissnan Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000L05/115EFPX-RDP78-00915R00070006103114k4 , To 67 De art.,: ,ars 6/20/557- n a 00/'55,. n a.,. EsaAsizst9.) Vice President World .jeace Council a? No Tun; Chen Shu-tung? :Liao Cheng-ch4 :deputy leaders; and ot4ers. 8/3/55- n a Ma Shih-an? Vice n a President Peiping Tigaw Agriculture University No" 8/19/55- n a 17 PeWS-2144U Cheng Chien, and Liao Cheng-chih, deputy leaders; .chu EsuOlan; Wu Wan-tao; Wu Yi-fang; Li Yi-meng; Id Chun-ching; 'Li Chlichan; Chou Keng-sheng; Eu Yu-chih; Nan Han-chen; Chen Han-sheng; Lei Chieh-chung; Chiang Nan-hsiang; Chien Tuan-sheng; and Lo Lung-chi 011101?01.1.1111111111MM?11, ilamb or-Typitc-. of Delegation..-.1124 Remarks "Chinese Culture Week," featuring an exhibition of Chinese hanaicrafts:Indy, showing Chinese films, opens in Helsinki under the auspices of the Finno-Chinpae :Society. _ . - V k ? . Peace. delegate attends World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. ? . - Delegates attendlatkUmujamelt in Helsinki. Members of the delega- tion include wel3.7known peace "champions," educators, artists, dramatists, religious representatives, and leasierapeoplets organizations. A iculele_nALIE attend sixth session of. the Committee of the - International Organization of Scien- tific Agricultural Work and the Ninth International-Conferpnceof Agricultural Economists. mummakInE group proceeds to Helsinki to attenk44th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200401Atas-IRD-P78-00915R00070006AM4 To 58 . TO ?pump, COniinued llama or Type eke' n a ? 12/16/55' 5/56- n a n a Lim Hat ?Yun; and Li Ke-fu deputy ? head 5/10/56- 7 Tenallazajaa., vice n a chairman Council All-China: Federation of Supply and ? Market- ing Cooperatives; Huang Te'an-ming; Wu jen-kuel; .Kao Ling; Yen ?Tze-Iting; Tong Chen-hal; ? Miss Ohiao Chien 6/10/56- n a Chin Chunglua; n a Wang Yun-sheng; and Wen Chi-tee, deputy heads;. Li Pin&-chuan,' ? secretary''gettertil 6/20/56 Chinese Caligsa. So Dance Ense03.9 performs in Finland.. Trade delegation visits Finland to conduct negotiations for, trade between Chinailind. Fietuaria in 1956. .. ? delegation represent- ing the All-China Federation of, Supply and. Marketing Cooperatives visits the. invitation of the Association Or FinMish Retail Cooperatives'and.:Pellerioseura (an agricultural organization). Journalists attend the International Journalists Conference in Helsinki. between Peiping and. Helsinki opens, UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ' Approved For Release 20CalgAtiap?WRD,178-00915R000700ftitark4 Agreemsnto 59 c. AJQ) CO FII Date ofjilsolla Place of Sionirlft August 81 3955 Peiping Sino-Pinnish Trade Pact: covers RgaMi7171575571711Pril 30, 1956,,2 with view to prOmOting tradere14- tifo'bOhhtries on an .WalcankM0,14.1Y beneficial - 1)14.016 ?AaalLaRLOS4WWW34141-es 4114. liazkaaci.ajlezt2atatt Notes exchanged according reciprocal most-favored.- nation treatment in regard to customs duties and navigation. March 31, 1956 : UMIASSIFILI) Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: ,CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000XIMOSSIMRDP78-00915R00070006004164 from 60 23. BE Cs i i TN C AND FRANCE a. F1921...WIE ? Arrive: .Depart t 3/04155'. n Leader Meaera ? ORteagA2Pgheng'i ...Ileputy,Manager'.China National Import and Export Corporation 3/550" 3/56 3/26/55-,--aton MonmosseaU; French General Confederation of Labor Paul Tillard, n a 5/25/55- 3 Prof. J. Ducuing, n a heart specialist; Mts. Ducuing; and Prof. DulIhm, gynecologist 5/N55- 9 5/30/55 9/05- n a 9/6/55- 10/24/55 9/20//55- 16 11/4 55 MMe. Francois? Leclercaa Vice- President Union French Women toe or Type of Delegglon nd Remarks Technical group, composed of experts on electric engineering, telecommuni- cations and machine equipment, visits France at invitation of the Forgeoet Acieries du Creusot of Le Groupe de Schneider et Cie and the Compagnies Francaises Associees de Telegraphie Sans Fil. Journalist visits China. Trade union delegates attend May Day celebrations at invitation of All- China Federation. of Trade Unions, gdwa: delegates visit China at the invitation of the Chinese Medical Association. Wen .s delegation visits China at the invitation of the All-China of Democratic Women's Federation. , Dr. Wertheimer, Professor Clinical Survey University of Lyons Jean Paul Sartre; and. Simone de Beauvoir Levi, Professor of Medicine University of Paris. Medical delegation visits China by invitation of the Chinese Medical Association. Writers visit Mina at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. France-China Frie_tngh12.222.141t delegation visits China at the invita- tion of the Chinese People's Associa- tion for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Approved For Release 2000/011910a$31191DP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/VgackgfalteDP78-00915R00070006K9 From 61 Arrive: Depart :No Ikalers a, :112LiihM01, Continued. 9/21/55- n a 9/3,0/5,5- 10/28/55 4 ..:Edmorid'Miehelet; Leo tamonl:liane Enjalberty:and Beinard'ObbehaY; Senators, IC Mme.'Mar-0611e Maroiet . _ 10/21/55- 11/5/55 4 RaRalliallts Chair- in F017,01-gn 4fEl4rP 'pOmmit'00:612db, 170:4011a1.46eghly; ? ?y . ! Maurice Faure; Vi0e- ,Chal?A; ,4114 jeanVaYMOridu.610.r 'andterie members of the Coundttee Name or Type of SeleatIony, and - .R.eterks French SepatemeMbers visit China upon the invitation of the Chinese' People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. Women's delegation attends the National Day celebrations as guests of the All-China Democratic Women's Fegeration. aawakit tours Communist China*, Pes_a_iamparar delegation visits China at the invitation of the Chinese People'S /natitate Tor Foreign:, Affairs. 1/25/56- 28 - -11enri-Rocherreau; Economic. mission visits China. n a President Commission of Economic Affairs Council of the Republic 4/1/56- n a n a World Federation of Scientific 4/4/56 Workers, See International. 4/18/56- 3 Saurrante; Jurist delegation tours major cities 5/3/56 Lasseque; and of China as guests of the Political Mme* Yvonne Pons de Poll Sclmweand Law Association of China. They are among 17 jurists from five European countries now visiting China. 4/24/56- n a n a Woman's International Democratic 5/3/56 Federation. See International, UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approiedi For Release 20OftiOftffirliAbk-RDP78-00915R00070001606184-4 From 62 ' Arrive: De t 5A/56" n a a. FROM' 1100E4 ;O:ontinued Georges Foria Rematirs Pia t. visits China at the invitatton :of: the Chinese People's Association for, Cultural Relations with For Cduntr.ies. 1 Sernand Lumbroso Socialist visits China at the invit- '4.tion, 14 the ,Chinese People's Asso- ciation for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Cultural delegates visit China as guests. of the. Chinese People's Aeoociation for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. The gates were received by Chou onjlay 6/1/56- _41 atausauumall. Mat'S and teams 6/30/56 of the French Federation Sportive et 'Gymnastique du Travail visit China., 543.5456- 5/30/56 - 6/7/56- ma Maurice CuviLlon, .121...rna....4EA visits China at the manager French invitation of the China Peace Com- paper IJiberetion mittee. UNCIASSIFIED ' Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/aragsg~DP78-00915R000700060a4e4 to 63 b. TO MANCE Arrive: . Leader Name or Type Members ,of De3etiou and. Remarks 5/55- n a 5/55- 1/13/56 5/12/55- na . 6/9/55- na ? na yitgjariu na na MIEZ-212:120142a,' Member Standing ,Committee Chinese : People's Association .for? Cultural-Rela- tions with Foreign Countries Tung Shou-yi? member International Olympic ComMittee end-Vice- Chairman Chinese Olympic Committee; Jung Kao-tang, Vice- Chairman and Secre- lAry.41-inieral; and Chang Lien-hues...member Chinese OlyMpic. ComMittee- Delegation of the China Committee for the Promotion of International Trade arrives in Lyon to take part In the 37th Lyons International Fair. The delegation has on display 2,100 items including heavy industrial products, silks, textiles, handi- crafts, tea, spices, paintings, and books. After the close of the Chinese Pavilion at the Fair, the group visited the Donzere-Mondragan Dam and two French automobile plants at the invitation of French industrial and commercial circles. Classical Theater Group visits France during 9-country -month performance tour. Art delegation attends the Festival International Du Theatre in Paris. The delegation is composed of artists from :two leading Chinese art companies. International ouRas_aproptee dele- gation takes part. in the 50th session of the International Olympic CoMmittee in Paris and participates in the joint meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Olympic Committee and, representatives of Olympic.-. 'committees of various countries, UNCLASSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05W05A4SCMADP78-00915R00070006CM44 To $4 b. Tuggo, Continued KI-Fi777'1".M4 Depart: No,.Members 11/29/55 - 3/16/56, 1 3/28/56'. ? OD Prof. Pal Shi-ching . . 4/1?/* n a Cheng Chi-ming Ch_k_glka,' Chair- man National Coi- mittee Coal Miners Trade Union of China 4/4/56, 5/10/56, ..:Deputy Director . Chinese Cinema ,Bureau 1I/28/6 n a 911.0hao-ting 5/21/56 Approved For Release 2000/05/05: Nam orType . __Rta,...faeleton --and Remarks . Gift of works by noted Chinese painter Chi Pai-ithill and reproduc- tions of the works of other Chinese artists is donated to France by the Chinese People's National Committee for the Defense of Children. Delegate to Werld Medica). Congress in Paris attenjraiernational committee meetiug as representative of the Chinese Medical Association. Chinese Red Cross makes donation of 20,000. yuan (2,777,777 francs) to French victims,of the recent cold spell in.EUrope. All-China Students, Federation delegate attendi-43Wbongress of the National Stymients' France. Trade union delegate attends 52nd Congress of the National Federation of French Miners in Paris. Film delegation attends International Film Festival at Cannes and the International Conference of Film Workers in Paris. Trade delegation to the Paris Inter- national Fair is sent :by the China Committee for the Promotion or International Trade to acquaint the French people with China's economic achievements. The Chinese pavilion, occupying an area of 1,080 square meters, exhibits 1,432 items, includ- ing mineral products, machinery, silks, tea, and other commodities, together with Chinese handicrafts. During Am% their stay, members of the delegation discuss trade problems with hundreds C men and and conclude some transactions. Approved For Release 2061ifefitNfrtglA-RDP78-00915R0007009M04-4 To 65 .b;* TO'FRANCE Continued' ' Arrive: Leader. Name or Type Dart: .i Members of De.1eat1on anti RamerIce 5/30/56- 10 Chi Ming 6/9/56 6/11/56- n a Bou Te-pang; chemist; Chi Chao,ting, economist, and Mao Yi-sheng? civil engineer, deputy leaders; -Li Chi-yen, and Ho Chia-buttil writers; Chang Ting and Wang Hsueh-taa, artists; and Lang Yu-hsiu, singer Electrical engineers attend. 16th International Conference on Large Electric Systems in Paris. Cultural delegation visits Paris. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/CMFAMDP78-00915R0007000N9M From 66 24. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND GERMANY a. FROM GERMANY (EAST GERMANY)1 Arrive: Depart: No Leader Members Professor E. Erkes, Head College Oriental 'Studies Karl Marx University, Leipzig; and wife 9/54- 9/16/55 12/2/54- 1 Alfred Kantorowicz 2/2/55 n a - 3. Dr. Walter Vent 1/8/55 n a - 1 Prof. Heinrich Grell 1/8/55 n a - 1/5/55 2/1/55- n a Gerhard Veysa, n a Vice-Minister Foreign and Home Trade Name or Type AJWAeam and Remarks Scholar and his wife visit China in accordance with the Sino-German Cultural Cooperation Agreement; they visit more than-20Cities including Peiping, Chengchow,. and Anshan. While touring.**TeCWide contacts with Chinese scientistsand professors. German.historiall:Df.literature gives 4 number of lectures- on German litera- ture in various Chinese cities. He was invited under the terms of the Sino- German Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Botanist visits China under terms of Sino-German Cultural Cooperation Agreement to hold discussions with Shineee scientists. Mathematician visits China under the 'tette-Of-the Sino-Gertan-CUltUkaI-' Cooperation Agreement to hold discus- sions with Chinese scientists. German toy exhibit in Peiping is visited by more than 200,000 people. Trade delegation arrives in Peiping to conduct negotiations on Sino- German trade for 1955. 1. Except for certain delegations, such as youth and women which were composed of representatives of West and East Germany, all German visitors came from East Germany. ARIA UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Germany From 67 a WI OWL, .0ontinued 146/55- %A/55' Professorlohannas Schubert n a 4/16/55- 7/9/55 4124155- 6wools - Professor iohmer, , .,,PrR4en 'Arta Institute Dr: Maj .Gunter Bitzemannj. and Werner Scholz Professor?Gersa 4/27/55 - 6/28/55 Bredel; and _ . . 14illi ,Meinck . ? HiSterian, expert :in modern Chine* Tistori7visits Shanghai, Nanking; and Canton Under terms of -the Sino-German Agreement for Cultural Cooperation. 111....olaald arrives in Peiping for a visit in accordance with the 19,5 plan to implement the Sino-lImpan_ Agreement on Cultural COoperetiO44. _ - Phileloqist? specialist in the Tibetan language, comes to Ch1 to cOnduct research :in the Tibeten':., 'langnage, under :the terms of the -Sino-Gertan:.CultUral Cooperation Agreement. Professor vlsits-China under the 1955-plan-to lalplement the Sino- German. CUlturaltooperation Agreement. TWo.educatore.:and two MnsiciatecOns to::Chinain'accordarme with the 1955'iMplement the Sino-German Agreetent:onCultural Cooperation. Zoologist comes to China for a-leature tour under the 195, plan to implement the Sino-German Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Authors come to China for a two-month visit under the 195, executive plan or the Sino-German Cultural Coopera- tion A0.7.00*Ont.'. :tesideS toUringthe country, they- attend a commetoratiOn useting for 'Great Men of Culture" in Peiping UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Germany From 68 a. -FROM GEIIMMY Continued Arrive: Leader De t: No. Membe s -Name Or Type of Dele tion and Remarks 6E-texhibl-----11SkaisP41.78.:!PPIP -artitit-KaetheEollwitz in Peiping 's Chungshan.Park,The exhibition Sponsored by the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries to honor the 10th anniversary of the "liberation" of Germany. ,t Toy show in Tientsin, Barbin0::Nank1ng, and other cities. Over 60:000 persons Visit show in Tientsin alone. 5/865- 8/4/55 4111 54154,5- 6/1505 6/1/55- 7/15/55 .81214P5 *-22. -10/4/55 l'rofessor_Fredrich )pberdOrf;-profeador .leipzig.University; :and Professor Rudolf SchickuDeen and, Professor Rostock University Apronomists.arrive in China fOtiA' four-week:visit,under the 195541ah - for implementing the Sino -German Asreement on Cultural Cooperation. Both professors are state prize winners and academicians of the German Academy ofAgriculture. Manfred EWald.,. Chair-'Physical visits man State Committee China. Thysical Culture and.' Sports of the GrR n a. 9118/55- 10/17/55? ?Kathe Kern member Central CoMmittee Women's Democratic Union of Germany. Stupentaarrivein Peiping to begin studies in universities, colleges, or technical schoo4 after going:tbraugh one-year Chinese language course. They are among a, total of 348 foreign Students from 13 countries who are being sent to China this year. Women's delegation comes to China as guests of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation to attend National Day celebrations. The delegation, sent by the Women's Democratic Union of Germany, is composed. of eight representatives from the "Garman Democratic Republic" and six from the German. Federal, Republic. Approved For Release 2000/0MTEINRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05TRIP78-00915R00070006060gr 69 FROM GRAY i Continued Tatita De .art No. Me bers Name or Type of Dole tion and LRemarks 9/?2/55- ti . Dr. Kurt.Schroderl, ? -Professor Hamburg , University. . , 9/29/55- .n a 9/30/55- 17 11/13/55 Dr, J. Nichtveiss, Lecturer on General HiStory, at Huthholdt .Ur.1.379rgitY Max Stoll .Geboren, Secietary?a the Central.OpMmittee of the Free German ,Jouth_League Ex4bitionAripnizer arrives in Peiping: to help in the preparations of the coming plastic art exhibition of the "German .Democratic Republic." ,;11ta..m..tnaticlanimian. of the _German Academy of Sciences, gives lectures, in China in accordance with the 1955 executive plan of the Sino- -German,aereement for cultural coopera- tion.., ? Historian =Os to lecture in China in accordance with the SinOGerman Agreement for Cultural COoPeration. Youth delegates, composed of 10 youth delegates from the "German Democratic Repullic" and seven from the German Federal Republic. See International. 9h0/55- 1:,/12/55 10/4/55- n a 104/55 10/17/55-' 11/6/55 Leon Lawrence - Matthias.. ? K. Bach WI= Writer, visits China on the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Brass band arrives in China on a ,.pel7formance tour. Two art and life exhibitions cammema,, rating:the,6th anniversary of the founding_of the "GDR" openayin Chung- shpn.Park..Both are sponsored by the Bureauflor. Cultural R..)lations. One is an exhibition of German graphic art and sculpture. It includes more than 100 woodcuts, lithographs, etchings, pieces of sculpture, drawings, and cartoons by 47 Gorman artists. The other has on display 130 photos show- ing progress of the "GDR",inZpolitical, economic, and cultural fields during past six years. Scheduled to be shown in Northeast China cities at later Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-R6078-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED. Approved For Release 2000/051064IMIDP78-00915R00070006060434nY From 70 a. PROM GERMANY :Continued ? irr-r1;;;;*---"?Uader DaPartl No.' ' Ne."17--bers ? 10/14/5 11/16/55 A 2 7 Paul Distel Berth, author* and..: his ' H -.eon Frank Distal Rarth, joUrnalist 10/31/55- 1/29h6 12/0155. n'a 12/13/55-. 1/13/56 .n a Prof .Heinrich Drake; .3rnst,Jadczewskil "4nd Walter Muente Otto Grotewohl Premier. 12/15/55 10 n a 1/15/56. 1/7156- 2/3/56 Ta44.9.0rhard. Secretary of State for Higher Education 3/56- n a n flu 4/1/56- 4/4h6 4/8b6- 5/3156 -.Budzislawskt, ? : Council Member WFSW Mme.Hilde Hewxann? Member, Secretariat International Asso- ciation Democratic Lawyers 4/24/56- n a n a 5/3/56 Wine. or Ty? of DeleRation- Author IA Jotirnalist Visit China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Artists vidit China under the 1955 iAan to implement' the Sino-German Cultural Cooperation Agreement. gam!....amI delegation comes to China for a friendly visit at the formal invitation of the Chinese Government. Ahletes---`:track.end field team -- comate:.with Chinese athletes in Canton and.ghenghei. $wimmers4-rOn'the.::-PGDR" are InVitOd... to'China:todeMpete'with Chinese 04amart.: Cultural delegation' in Peiping to negotiate and sign an executive-plid for 1956 for the.8ino- German Cultaral.Cooperatiaa4reement. Chinese Modern Drama Festival. See Internatiohal. World. Federation of Scientific Workers, See International.. Jurist delegation tours major cities of China as guests of the Political Science and Law Association Of China. . They are among 17 jurists from five ' European countries visiting China. During their tour the members of the delegation held several discussions ' with Chinese jurists. Women t s International Democratic Maati..c4sk. See International. UMIASSIFUD Approved For Release 2000/05/05': CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/ORDP78-00915R0007000601303434ny Prom ao Continued Arrive - Leader De t: No. Members 5/56- n a Walter Plitt, n a Chief Editor Berlin journal Cooperative Peasants; apd Gunther Seelieger, head. economic depart- ment Leipzliier Volks &21...tgo organ of SocialistUnion Party in Leipzig 5/56-3 Ursula Rens?, head, n a silkwork breeding division Institute of Small Animal,. Breeding; and. Jena and Rerjaert Kessler, Central- UDR" Spinning tail in Plauen Name or Type of Dale tion and. Act_rks Press men from "German Democratic Republic" visit construction projects and. scenic spots in Peiping in accord- ance with cultural cooperation agree- ments. 5/7/56- 5 months Dr. Hans Stubbe, President German Agricultural Institute, and Director Botanical Culture Research Institute; Dr. Rudolf Mansfield, head section botanical classification; and. others Silkworm breeding experts study breeding of silkworms in China for amoral weeks. . . 'GDR" -attabil ex.b.ibition opens in Rsinhua printing house in Peiping. The 300 exhibits include work done by offset printing, photogravure, three-color process, and. collotype. Sd_alltigts investigate cultivated and. wild, plant life in north and northeast China under the terms of the Sino-German Cultural Cooperation Agreement. uNCIAOSIMD Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 , Approved For Release 2000/01(fasaiti5DP78-00915R000700060M? From 72' a. FROM GERMY, Continued 'Arrive: L224151. Name or Type .?).41P41.0.41:14.119.Phers of DeleatiaL. and Remarks Specialists on walTjams and atr 'skvpreesors Visit China at the Invitation of the Standing Committee for Sino-German technical and tech- nological cooperation. 5/0/56.,*1,y .n. -a 5/22/56- n a U a . a Ernst Schumacher; and Banns Cibulka 6/56- n a n a Prof. Deirichs; Prof. Baertig; Prof. Rammler; and others ? Writers arrive In Peiping at the invitation of the preparatory com- mittee for the commemoration in China of world cultural giants and take part in the commemoration meeting for Falidasa, Beano, and Dostoevski. The writers were received by Chou En-lai on June 6. Scientists, representing the Freiberg Mining Academy visit China to further scientific and economic relations in the coal mining and processing sectors. ' UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/041MabgeApP78-00915R000700060MAny To 73 b. TO GEFNIANy.'' EA# GERMANY)1 Name or Type DeRart: No.tiorBt_2_, _and. 3,siszkii? 2/27/55-: n: a. 3/9/.55 ? n a Vice-Premier; 1.112...wa 5/055- n a ? 'Sha Chien-110 14.inister, Local Industry; Chi-fa, Vice- Minister Heavy .Industry; and. ? ? Tseng Yung!-chuan, Ambassador to .".GDR" Huang Yao-mien; ? ?and Ho Chingchih 6/9/55- Ii. Li Tsai-wen, member ? a ? secretariat Aa- ,China Federation, of Trade Unions .6A5/55- n a IIIS122111ELLYice- n a Minister Railways 6/3j/55L. 60 Hsu, .Vice-- 7/31/55 President All-China Democratic Women's Federation ? . Trade delegation visits 1555 Spring Leipzig International Fair, Government delegation attends the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the "liberation" of GermanY ad: guests of the Government of the ? "German Democratic Republic," Writers take part in the 'commemora- tion in Weimar of the 150th anni- versary of theAeath of the poet Schiller. Trade union delegation attends fourth Congress of the Conferation of Free German Trade Unions. Railway workers' delegation attends meeting of the signatories of the international passenger and freight ?traffic agreement, , Shanflpai pbaguttusera Theater group givesperformances throughout the "German Democratic Republic" under the Sine-German Agreement for Cultural Cooperation. I. Except for one case, see 1/56 Chin Chao-hsien (below), all Chinese d.elegations listed herein visited Eas,",...germany. Approved For Release 2000/05/9ArAIRA@P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/ONIALAMt?ApP78-00915R00070006009Many To 14 W2,g140ANY', Continued - ThY Leader Name or Type.:,, 34xartl- _of_Delseltkas 7/30/551. ,Ari a n a 8/55, n. a n a 9/7/55 9/23h,'' 11 a 3 Chou Pet-yuan; Rua Lo-keng; and Tu Chang-wang - ao/15/55- n a 1/26/56. ? Yeh Chi-chuang4 Minister Fore4n Trade Chang Yen-chlu; and Chang Kens, vice- presidents Central , Theatrical Institute 11/21/55- n a n a Wen Chi-tse, Deputy Director Chinese . Broadcasting Admin- ? istrative Bureau ?. ? , ? .Delegation of -three Observers: U. the International Ship Model Contebt'is invited to Schwerin by the German Sporteend.Technique'Society. ? . ? latelrem plays matches against selected.teaMdfromBalle, Leipzig, .Berlinvand"the German state team. World Federation of Sc entitle Wor's d'elegation attends its fourth lueeting'inBerlin, to discuss appli- cation ' of 'atomic energy forpeace- tul.purposes;.the social responsibil*ty ity of-sCientiets; and the Federa- tion's struggle to improve the social conditions of scientific workers. .Trade delegation arrives to negotiate SinO-GerMan trade agreement for 1956. Theatzlcal delegates attend: tt.te OPen#* of National Opera Theater of the. "GDR" as representa- tives of the Chinese Ministry of Itadelelegation visits East 'Germany. Broadcasting. delegation attends litth plenary session of the International BrOadcaiting'Organizetion. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIF1LD 47 81 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 7CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 b. TO GERMANY1 Continued Arrive: Depart: Leader No. Members 12/10/55- 8 male2h, Vice- 2/214156 Chairman CPR; ? Marshal Nieh Jung- chop, Vice Chair- man . National :Defense CQUACD4 Liu Lan-tao, member Standing Committee NPC; TsengYung7chuano Chinese_AmbasiAdor to "MR"; Shih Moe, Secretary- General; and' Wang. Yu-tien, Yu Sang, , .and LiaO Eai-lung? secretaries 1/56- n.a Pa ?,Chin, vice-chair- .man Union of Chinese Writer a; and , Chou Li-po 1/14/56- .11, a 2h4n4.,Hua-tunai Chief n a 2/15/56- n a Nan Hanchen, Chair- n a man China Committee for Promotion of International Trade 3121/56- 2 Nang Sheng, nether 4/5/56 Political Bureau Central Committee Communist Party of China; and -- Name or Type of Dele2a.tiand Remarks Government delegation takes part in the celebrations of the eightieth birthday of Wilhelm Pieck, President of the "German Democratic Republic" at the invitation of the German Government and the Central Committee Of the Socialist Unity Party. Writer's tike part in the fourth Congress !,-.)f German Writers at the invitation of the German Union of Authors. Trade delegation visite all "GDR" plants exporting to China under the 1956 trade agreement between the two countries. Trade Fair delegation visits 1956 Spring Leipzig International Industrial Fair. Government delegation attends the third conference of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany at the invita- tion of its Central Committee. Approved For RgtsfigeY20012#951/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Chinese Ambassador to "GDR" Approved For Release 2000/05/05 LCIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Germany To 76 b, TOGERMANY? COntinUed Arrive: 29.22n- N?? Leader Members 3/26/56- 11 Liu Hsi-xuan, n a secretary Central .Committee New Democratic Youth League of China 3/30/56- n a n a n a 4/56- 3 ChIn Chao-hsien, n a representative China National Import and Export Corporation 4/28/56- n a n a n a 5/56- 2 ChanCrso-me14-and n a Tsou Yuan-hsi 5/30/56- 11 a Chang Kuo-chu 2 months - Name ,or Type of Delegation and Remarks ? ., Youth delegation. attends 10th anni- versary:celebration of the Free German YOUth League. Students ice *key team visits :Gertany:at?the invitation of the State .Committee for Physical Culture and 'Sports of the "German Democratic Republic." The Chinese team. will'eCivete with German teams in Restock and Berlin. I? ndustrial delegation visits Hanover Industrial Fair at the invitation of the Board of Directors, of the Fair. The leader Of the delegation goes to West Germany fora visit at the invitation Of many big industrial cOncerns in West Germany. Trade union aelegation attends May -,Day Celebrations in the "GerMan Democratic Republic." Delegates attend ,Eighth Conference of Miners and Metallurgists in Freiberg:. Shanghai Acrobaqs_Trza gives per- Trance tour in .Germany in accord- nee. with the 1956 executive plan of :the SinoGerman agreement On cultural cOoperation. Approved For Release 2000/1WERPRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/a9rtar78-00915R0007000600644,2any T 77 o 10....???????????*???????????01.1?11.11.M... b. TO GBIRMANT, Continued Arrive: Leader 32.22.9_,rt Members 6/4156- n a n a Zang Chih:,aane, Vice Vice :President Politic81 Science and Law AsisolatiOn of China ' '''? ? 6/22/56- n a alay Nal, Vice n a . President Chinese National Welfare Association'fOr the . Blind - ? ? ? ? 6/22/56- n a n a Noe n a Nkomo` Name or Type .,of?DeIegatiOn Jurists delegation visits Germany as guests of the Ministry of Justice of the "German Demo=atic Republic," after attending the International Association of Democratic Lawyers Meeting in Brussels. 'RemarkS.. Delegation of the b2And. visits schools printing houses, and libraries for the blind in Berlin, Lei!-Aig, and Karl Marx Staadt at the invitation of :the Labor and Professional -Training Ministry of the "German Democratic Republic." Delegation attends Wcrld yollen's - Chriqlp_pasgyance 744 oh Conflress. UNCLA5SIFII1D Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 78 Germany Agreements c. AGREEMENTS SIGNED BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AIWIETAMM, Date of team E.3.2,22.Asidolai Feb. ?, 1955 Peiping Aug. 170), 1955 Berlin -Sino-German TradeA5mpatat: China to 'supply East Germany with mineral products, animal by-products, food- stuffs, silk piece goods, and native products. East Germany to supply China with power-generating and metal-rolling equipment, various kinds of vehicles, machinery, optical precision instruments, industrial chemicals, and fertilizers. Sino-German Protocol for Technical Cooperation: provides for the ex- change of technical data and of experts. Nov.26 1955 Berlin. Sino-German Trade China to Supply East Germany with minerals, animal products, foodstuffs, tea, silk, and light industry products. East Germany to provide China with . complete sets of equipment, power- generating equipment, precision Instruments, transportation equip- and. chemical fertilizers. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 027.11JAESIALL Gold Coast From 79 T. To COIITINDTQQLDCOAST a. FROM THE 601,i) COAST ra...I....aa?.anr????.Iflp?w^?ynsmonr?ovo???".....I..O.O.I.,W..o..?*w,av?w?Yriav,..?II???.???4?*1eo.-yw.m?OW.??Ipkt.,o????,,fioirogr.Kn.rr?of... Arrive: i'22192. Name or Type .11PLZI1-No-&/.1.10.1- 941-Del9ZatiJpn Elnd Retharkfi 4/24/56- n a A a 5/3/56 ????01104?????????????=1.10.0041, ? imer ???nopaille, Wpagn/LIDIanationa; Democratic Federatipa. See International. .TO:THUOLD COAST None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20001615/115111MA-RDP78-00915R000700089N44 From BO To 26..-_ECTWEEN COMMUNIMMULAND GREEGE_ a.,, :FROM GREECE -- Arrive Le.actu 40.01011110..????????eno.....,.???????????.00. 15/8)155 None Name or Type ar,d Remarks 111.0111011.0,11.11114110 b. TO GREECE Sjogits14- by Red CrbsS Society-of - -- China of 20,000 Swiss francs for the relief:of:earthquake victims in Greece Is sent to the Central Committee of the Greek Red Cross Society through the League of Red Cross Societies. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UXLASS1ITED Gmtemala From To 81 27. BETWEEN COMMUNISTCHINA AMILWATEMLA a.Fluz GUATEMALA Arrive: Lt222E liktert: :140. H. n a. n a oremornoragoosornmor.ommmx...................reroswom. WOMNI....04...dagraloalIMM.......??????????m???*??, Name or Type, of DellgaIon?..; and ReM=hg____ -Imtb-deiegatee to China. See kaa=1912.91, ....e...1111.1110,..10.1.14WeisMOM.01.1*.???411?????10.00.4 WN?Ow,W.M..?,...i???????10.010/408.0.??????014 TO GUATEMALA ?IINOMI?10 111100.VAIIIIM.010.14.?????414./MN?111.,./.4.;.-.....11????????11.01101,1101,....IM None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000761/6FER-RDP78-00915R0007 82 28., BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND HONG KONG a. FROM HONG KONG 136dV64-4 From Arrive: Leader aLELL No. Members. Name or Type of Delegation ? and Remarks' n a 459 a Two groups of Hong Kong. school , I222hmLaaLmilpseionals totalling 459 visitors recently visited Canton. They were organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Reform Association. 3/21/56- 49 Li Hui-xing; Wotens' delegation, mostly wiyes of 5/13/56 Liu Yueh-hsiung; ?__prominent .Chinese industrialists and and others businessmen in Tiong:Kong,-VibitS industrial and commercial enter- -trises in 11 provinces in China. 4/56- 120 n a -Industrialists and businessmen visit n a Canton. Attend the Czechoslovak exhibition, the Mangtung agricultural exhibition, and see some Socialist construction projects. Group was organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and includes directors and vice directors of various commercial association and managers 'of enterprises' in 4/20/56- n a Tan Pao-lien; Orchestra of the Hong Kong Sino- 4/23/56 A. M. Braga; British Club arrives in Canton on a and others performance tour at the invitation of the South China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Accompany- ing the orchestra group are 17 proiinent Hong Kong residents. This is the first artistic group from Hong Hong invited to Communist China to perform. 6/10/56- 59 Wu Chih-kai Lace industry representatives 10 days organized by 39 major drawn lace firms in Hong Kong study the industpy in $watow and negotiate expansion of trade relations. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: LILAUUrIE A-EDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNOD Hong Kong From 83 a. Dappoilog, Continued Arrive: ;eadep ,Name or. Type of DelepatIon and Remarks, Bishop and his wife visit churehes and theological seminaries in Peiping, Shanghai, Hangchow, Nanking, and other cities, and meet with church leaders at the invitation of Bishop Robin T. S. Chen, Chairman of the House of Bishops of Chung-hue Sheng-kung Hui. They are entertained at a dinner by Premier Chou -E1-1,aai on June 18. 6/17/56- 2 Right Reverend n a R. 0. Hell, Bishop of Hong Kong; and Yk.s. 13all .????????????????????? Approved For Release 2000/05J6Fak-ifl5P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-IRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIM Hong Kong To 84 'b. TO RIZ KONQ Arrive; L2942X 6/18/56- 70 Opvipo Saan, 7/20/56 Chairman South ' China Federation Literary ind Art Circles Name or Type - of LaApEttll?jaiM; - ChineselaLulmigable visits China on a performance tour at the invitation of their compatriots in Hong Kong. UNCLASUFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : GIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Hungary Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060001iPP 45 29. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND HUNGARY a. Arrive: Leader Depart: No. Members 4/4/55 n a 4/8/55- n- a '4/8/55- n a 4/15/55- n 5/55- n a we. ??? .Name or Type ..tiOn and _ ? Tar dota -Tibor; and Shold?Robert 1 Touts Tibor. 5/18/55- -- 6/18/55 Prof. Lajos Ligeti, Vice-President Hungarian Academy of Sciencet Zoltan Jeneyiand Itornel Zempleni, musicians; and Ma Stutsung, President Central Conservatory of Music - _ Remarks 1.21.22IEWAEL:e.gtIALlag commemorating the 10th anniversary of Hungary's liberaticn opens in Peiping under the sponsorship of the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. The exhibit includes 200 photographs, depicting the pre-"liberation" struggle and post- "liberation" construction of the Hungarian. people, and 55 cartoons. 1 ? Journalists arrive in China in accord- ance with 1955 plan for implementation of the Sino-Hungarian Cultural Coopera- tion Agreement. Cartoonist arrives on visit to China in accordance with 1955 plan for implementation of the Sino-Hungarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement, visits China in accordance with 1955 plan for , Implementation of the Sino-Hungarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Musicians tour China in accordance with 1955 executive plan of the Sino- Hungarian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Textile instruments exhibition opens in Peiping displaying 220 instruments and other apparatus to test raw materials and finished products. During the exhibition lectures on technical problems in the textile industry were given by the Hungarian erta in charge of the exhibition. Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIAlibP78-00915R000700060004-4 uNCLAssIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 LIMASSIFTED 86 a. Egmgpsall ?Continued Hungary From :AN ,Arrive Su LeLdiat go. 'Member of Delegation art: Name or Type 10/26/55,=.,2 n a Aillmose . 12/21/55 11/0/55- 12/1/55 11/18/55- .5 Ix a, ? ?n a 12/15/55- n a ???1?1110 Liediat-lialtrIlmeR.IPZIE give' lectures at the Hungarian textile' testing instruments exhibition on technical problems in the textile industry in Peiping. They also go by request to textile mills in Peiping and Tientsin to help in laboratory work. Elneml_nnaueztjas experts give lectures on geological prospecting, in Hungary t' mineral prospecting. equipment eXhibition in Peiping. After the exhibition ends, they visit prospecting sites in China. LIPMEALltiaMitnA,10.10.2a- AbillUkaa opens in Peiping. kgriptIltarg technicians are sent by the Hungarian, Government to help set up ..machine _station in China to be equipped, entirely With tractors Hungary and other,f7m machinery presented by 11191.2,60Rht2Art e41111111OU opens in'thsWerking,People's Palace of-%.: .Cature, in Peiping under the auspices of the%Bourega:,fpr Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. 260 pictures are, displayed showing various aspects Or.sociclist conotruotion in the 'Hungarian People's Republic." and the life and work of the people. The eihtbition will remain open till. January 4 and then will move' on to, Shanghai and Canton. Approved For ReleaSe'2000/01WMMDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 PAGE(S) MISSING Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Iceland From 91 To 30. lcmusaggimsiggLAND DELAND a. tiptir ICELAND Arrive: 194,dE2 Vame.or Type -414,10/01, .1.01.4?00 1:19..it4/-.-A:A....t?.N20.1211-.---.9,11111.9.Eaign, and Remarks' ' Youth delegates. See International. Ituit'delegates,visit Peiping, Shanghai, Hangchow, and Canton as guests of the 9/26/55-, 5 . kgyjard2duirmiis: ; 10/22/55 4/21/56- 2 Eiriksdottir 5A4/56 Thorvaldeson; and fRannveig TomOeSdattir China Peace Committee. 7/5/55- 7/24/55 .1,1101111g 8/25/557 .n a Lu Co n a. n a- , n a .24.1941.712i4a 12/j/56. b? ZLIOLUD Chinese exhibition hall opens in the 19.5.140,244atyjslail_sFair under the sponsorship of the China Committee for International Trade. x2all delegation arrives in Reykjavik at the invitation of the Iceland- China Committee. 9114aat_214W6a1 sze..ald_24aul lomat' giVes.five performances in Reykjavik. Approved For Release 20001MOSRIORDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED India Approved For Release 2000/05/r4: CIA-RDP78-00915R00070006& 31. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND INDIA a. FROM INDIA ? ft I A -4 Arrive: Leader De art: No. Members Nam or Type of:Dele at ion and Remarks 4/24/55- 6/15/55 4/27/55- 8/12/55 5/11/55- 1 5/Igg/55 ItlimaKenti Bose, . General Secretary All-India United. Trade Union Congress; and Ram Basak, his secretary' Prof. RaghuVira, Parliament Menber and Director Inter- national Academy. In484 Nature V.K.Krisbna Memon, Chief Indian Delegate to the UN and member Council of States Indian Parliament 6/1/55- 7/7/55 6/1/55- 7/10/55 6/8/55 7/18/55 Ahulla 2 Dr. B. N. Dey, President India Society of Engineers; and. Mrs. Dey n a Anil Kar Chanda Deputy Foreign Minister of India Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? Labor leader attandia May Day Cele- brations in.peiping and. visits various plates in Chind,'Ineluding Mukden, Chungking, and localities inLEWangtunt'and-Tsinghat provinces, Linauistvisits China at the invi- tation Of the 'Chinese Academy of Sciences. UV delegate visits China. Medical delegation comes to China to tour the country and, give.lectures upon the invitatiaa of the Ministry of Pdblic Health. er visits China on the invita- tion of the China Federation of: ' Scientific Societies. Cultural delegation, including some of India's most famous singers, dancers, and musicians, performs in many parts of China during a good will visit organized by the Indian Government. The delegation is the largest ever sent abroad by India. Members of the delegation attend a banquet given by the Vied Minister of Culture in their hone and give a speCial performance in Huai Jen Tang (former Imperial Palace) attended by Mao the diplomatic corps, and other : CiAaROP28,00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED 93 a. FROM INDIA, Continued India From Arrive: I..eader. Depart: No. yiembers 6/26155.- a 7h/55- n a M37,6 6/21/55- 9/6/55 3 S. A. Dange, General Secretary All-India Trade Union Congress and-; Vice-President World Federation of Trade Unions; his daughter; and the Assistant Secretary AU-India Trade Union Congress D. 3:..Barmany?Dean Academy of Arts,? Vishvabharati -University of.Tndi _ R. K. Velayudhani- member 'louse of People of Indian Parliament 8A8/55- 2 Dr.E4P.Chakkavarti; 12/26/55 and his wife 9/5/55- na na ma Aame,or.Type . of Delegation and. Remarks Art exhibition opens in Peiping under the sponsorship of the China- India Friendship Association and the Union of Chinese Artists. Most of the 370 items On exhibit are, 4Mo:to-Chinese Government leaders and. people's organizations given to them bY ?rite Minister Nehru, or brought back by Chinese delegations from their visits to India. Trade union delegates arrive in Peliaing for a visit at the invitation the Al-China Federation of Trade ,Unions. SchWar.visite.China at the invite- tion of the Chinese Ministry of Culture. Member of Parliament visits China as guest of the Chinese People ,s Institute of Foreign, Affairs.. culymaatja and his wife visit Peiping, Shanghai, Eangchowl Canton, and other cities in China at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture. delegates. See International. UNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED India From 94 a. FROM /MIA, Continued Arrive: IMP: No. 9/18/55- n a n a 9/2,5/5,5- _1013155. Leader Membersof Name or Type . Deleation j and Remarks n,a Overseas Chinese group attends , National Day celebrations and visits major cities of Chita at the invita- tion of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission. 2 C P.RamEtswamy_Aiver, Vice-Chancellor of ?Banares Hindu Uni- -versity; and 9/R9/5.5- 15 10/26/55 9/30/55- 10/18/55 ?Dr.,'Gopal Tripathi, Prin4P41 of the :College:of Technology at Banares --techni- cal'adilter.todelega- tion; and others NO R. Das Gunla., Vice-Chairman All- India Association Democratic,Lawyers ?, 1 Rajltumariit Kaur, Minister of Health cf AA4a Teachers and students delegation, representing 10 universities in New Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, and other cities, visits China at the invitation of the Peiping University. .Jtrists delegation visits China and attends. National Day celebrations in Peiping at the invitation of the Political Science and Law Associa-h. tion of China'. Health Minister visits China at the invitation of Li Teh-chuan,,Minister gr.PUblic Health of China. UNCIASSIFILD Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For. Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78,-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED India From 95 _ a. FRQM INDIA Continued Arrive: Depart; 10/9/55- 13. P. R. &wet, in a Meinber Parliament , -and,noted. fi]L and. stage actor; B.;, N. Sircarl, , Pr-oducer, managing director New Theaters Limited and Chairman first Indian Film Nanie- or Type of tele ation ?Film; delegation comes to China to' ' participate in Indian film festival. Bodnar; B, Roy, film., ?dirfietor.; ? B. ;Saha, actor; K. Kaushal actress5, ?X. Chandar? script writer and General, , Secretary All-India ?? ;Progressive Writers, Association; C. Anand, producer and director; - and. others 10/23/55- 15' n a 11/10/55 32/28/55- n a Vollezta.3,1 team visits China at the Invitation of the All-China Athletic Federation. Frescoes exht?bit.ion to mark the anaversary of the Ajanta cave paintings of India opens in Shanghai. Murals portray the life the Buddha. of the Indian people., :and of the court. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASkOIED India From 96 a. FROM INDIA, Continued Arrive: leader De beta of Delesation and. Remarks _ 1/3/56. 1/11/56- 14 n a n a Gifte are :presented', .to the Indian children by the Charge of the Chinese Embassy in India 'on Nehru's 65th birthday on behalf of Chou En-lai. . r? ? ? Students Suffering:from tuberculosis, arriVe. in Chita: to undergo medical tradtMont at the:Aaian Students Sanatorium. in Pelting. 2/17/56- 1 Arun KAmm. San Educator, representing the All.India 3/1/56 Federation'of Educational Associa- tions, arrives in Peiping on a visit at the invitation.of the Educational Workers:* 'lade lJnibn bf China. 3 /14 /56 - 1 Dr. Rajah Manikam, Church- leader' attends the enlarged 3/30/56 Bishop Lutheran ..%u. session Of the. Rational Committee Church of India of the Protestant " Churches of China for Selp-Administration at the invitation Of-Chrietian leaders Y. T. WU and.'Marona "Chang. 4/1/56- 1 Professor Dhawan World Federat on of Scientific 4/4/56 Workers, Beelnternational. 4/26/56- 15 Sardar K.1,Uannihar Government delegation visits China. n a 4/26/56- -1 Brahmananda Lal n a Labor delegate, representing :the Rind Mazdoor Sabha, the Prja Socialist Party's labor front, attends May Day celebrations in Peiping. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED India From 97 a. FROM INDIA, Continued Arrive: 39. Depart: 4/20/56- 18 1 month Leader Name or Ty-pe of Delegation Remarks 5/56- n a 5/30/56- -- 6/10/56 Professor of Indology, :P9Ona University. - Dr. ,B..0.Auhit: profedscr Calcutta University and member . National Council India- China Friendship Associ- ation, deputy leader; Mrs. Bani Banerjee; Mrs. Satyapriya Gupta; Dr. Satish Chandra; Dr. Amiya Kumar Basu; Radha Raman; P. R. Chakravarty; Sir Sita Ram; M. F. Vyas; D. Seshadi Sashtri; Jitandra Kumar; Shyam Bihari Tandon; Mrs. N. R. Jayamal; B. S. Pundit; Charam Gupta; K. N. Seth; and Dr. Kamnath Mitra Shyarn Bihari Tendon, president Kanpur Labor Editors Union 411. Cultural and scientific unofficial delegation, sponsored by the India- China Friendship Association, and. consisting of scientists, writers,- edueators,'lawyert, doctors, and social welfare workers, attends May Peiping and tours -China..., 10110,ns their stay the delegates call on the municipal people's council of Peiping, attend forums on, municipal construction and .Chin gric4tura1 problems, visit agrld1tnra1 *.cooperatives and State farms, talk with Chinese experts on science, education, public health,. an other and:visit_ , scientific reeearch institutes, higher educational establishments, Schools, hospitals, and law courts. Labor editors union delegate visits China. Indian 2.1.12I2a22111.112.1.11212. of pictures taken by Indian photographer P. N. Sharma is shown in Peiping under sponsorship of the China-India Friendship Association. Approved For Release 20001 RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200016MiS&RDP,78-00915R00070006(fflt4 liota 98 a. FR_SILI IN, Continued.. Arrive: ? - Elder Name or. Type t ? Members of Dole tion 'and Remarks 6/56- n a 6/M6- 7119/56 7 R_Irja.. Pa:hadur ,? . Jia,gd,icaiwt*: F,Anocialtotpts., Slixiner forYRallways, COI; ? Kallash Behari Mathu.r Member Man8Porta_tion?) Railway Board, CAI; and R. D. Airatity, joint Director (Planning) ?Railway Board, GOI tioUrnallitS visit China after attend- ing the international conference of journalists: 'in gelsiOti. Railway, delegation -stild.ies the opera- tion of Chinese railways and. holds discussion with high officials of the MinistrY or BeilwaYs. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/61E?Agbig 99 b. TO INDIA ? 116 Arrive: ILextrt: No, 12/54- n a 1/2T/55 1/4/55- 1/1o/55 "Love,. . Leader Members. n a VoNIO, P78-00915R00070006000Ma Name oziry"P;"-- ofa-alamtion and Remarks ---Forestnt delegation attends FOUrtk World Forestry Congrees-inindia-and then tours forestry areas of India. n a Chien Tuan-shenpu Scientist delegation attends 42nd Beueh Yu; session of Indian Science Congress in and -others. Baroda, Bombay, and remains in India to attend National Day.. celebrations of the Indian Republic as gadate of the Indian Government. ' n a Oultural delegation, composed of . dancers, opera players, and musicians, gives performances in Delhi, Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta under the sponsorship of the All-India Congress for Peace and Asian Solidarity. Jurists attend Conference of Asian Lawyers in Calcutta in response to an invitation from the All-India Association of Democratic Lawyers. Arts and crafts exhibition opens in Delhi. It has been.organi;edunder the joint auspices of the'Obinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the All-India Fine Arts and Crafts Society. Photographic exhibition of'dhati's visit to India in June, 1954 and Nehru's visit to China in October 1954 opens taDelhi. The exhibition is sponsored by the India-Ohina Friendship Association. 2A7h7- Cinema _workers are sent by the .3/4/77 Cinema Bureau of the Ministry of Culture to attend the Indian film seminar as observers and. exchange views on the improvement of Indian' , film production. The observers also visit Indian film centers at Bombay, Madras', and Calcutta. Approved For Release 2000105/0?goid*BEI78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0610ESSIMRDP78-0091 5R0007000604a4 100 b. TO INDIA Continued *Ea or Type Arrive: art: No Leader Members 3/2/55rn ebb 3/6/55 MN AM 47/i fb 3/1605." WO ??? n a 3A5h5 ? ? ? 01 4/21/55 n-a Chen. Han-shaila 6/6/55 ___FlUelegetion and Remarks Direct radio-telephone service opens between India and. China, linking Peiping and. Shanghai with New Delhi and Henley; Arts and wale...exhibition opens in New Delhi, Madras, Calcutta, and Bombay. The exhibition is sponsored jointly by the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign. Countries and the Academy of Fine Arts of the Indian Government and is organized by the Calcutta Academy of Fine Arts. China participates in the Inter- national Dells EAbibition inaugurated in New Delhi with a display of 150 Chinese dolls. The exhibition is sponsored by the Shankars Weekly (Indian cartoon magazine). Trade eamuof the People's Republic of China is set up in Kalimpong in accordance with the Sino-Indian agreement signed in 2954 on trade and intercourse between China and India. Delegation of the China-Indiejriend- ebinAesociation attends the second National Conference of the India-China Friendship AssoclatiOn in Calcutta. Arts and crafts exhibition organized by the P4PSUr branch of the India-China Friendship Association, opens in Patiala. Among the exhibits are photographs of Nehru's visit to China, pictures of China's construction work, specimens of Chinese brocades, and porcelains. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 *NEW Approved ForRelease2000/MseSRDP78-00915R00070006p121-4 To.' 101' Continued - A7411-477"'"Th-7677"--""7"-- Name or Tine Members 9s222.2sam012Ana. Remarks 6/9/55 7/6/55 MM MM 7/16/55 -- 7/29/55 ? ' n a . 9/8/5,5- 9/21/55 10/55 ,Arts aOlbition of Chinese brocades, embroideries, and paintings opens , at Naini Tel, United Provinces. It is organized by the Uttar Pradesh India-China Friendship Association. Trade .mrsy, of the Chinese-People's: Republic opens in Calcutta. Arts and crafts exhibition opens in Calcutta under the sponsorship of the West Bengal Branch of the India- China Friendship Association. On display are articles which were gifts to various Indian cultural delegations from the China-India Friendship Association. Students sent by the.: Chinese Govern. ? ment to study in India arrive in New Delhi. na na Chinese Mks,lesula0.21avisit India, 01.1. 23 pbct2Fraa_exhibitions-on life, , and. culture in "New China" are being held in Calcutta and several Districts of West Bengal, under the auspices of the organizations of youth, women, and workers of West Bengal, in coopera- tion with the India-China Friendship Association, The exhibits include photographs of Nebr.. svvisit to China, Prezler Chou's visit to India, Chinas first five year plan, Chinese women in socialist constructiaa? China's agOiculture and industry, the Huai. River project, as Well as reproduc- tidns of ancient and contemporary Chinese paintings. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 cnipsmmo Approved For Release 200dibb7u137-urA-RDP78-00915R0007000613404-4 . To 102 1.0011?00. b. TO INDIA.'Continued Arrive: Leader ...No. Members lo/1/55 Name or Type . of Deate11211_;_and Remarks' 'Arts andcrafts exhibition is inaugurated by litta. R. Nehru at the All-India Fine Arts and Crafts Society Hall as part of the Chinese Film and Cultural Festival organized bY the India-China Friendship Association, lo/1/55- io/8/55 M OP Chinese film and cultural festival begins in almosi every important city in India in hon or of diXth anniversay of the Chinese People's RepUblic. The festival is organized by the China-India Friendship AssOciation. 10/29/55- AV IR Industries exhibit: to International 1/1/56 ' Industries Fair is sent by China to 1145)55- President. New Delhi, Medical delegation arrives in New 11/22/55 South China Medical Delhi at the invitation of the Health College Ministry of the Indian Government. 1. Members participate as observers in.. the conference on undergraduate- medical education. 12/33/55 IN Ma ??? MIN Musicalinstrum?ntIB a0 books are presented to the Indian Academy of Music and Drama by Lin Lin; Cultural Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy to India, on behalf of the Central Theatrical Institute of China and the Central Song and Dance Ensemble. The gifts consist of 35 instrments? nine music scores, and nine volumes on 12/16/55- 2/3.14156' cbirag -Ana, Vice-Ctiairman IPC Standing Courrittee Chinese drama and opera. Friendshikilsit is made by Soong aiIing to India, Burmal and Pakistan, at the invitation of the Peoples Republic of China Gofernments of these countries. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED India 103 To b. TO 'INDIA, Continued Arrive: Depart: No.. Leader Members Name or Type of Dela atien Remarks 12/18/55- i/8/56 1/56 1/2/56- . n a , 113/56-:. :?n a: 1/17/56 -Prof. LiU Chung-1o, Institute_Eritomology ChipeSe Academy of Sciences , Chang Ting-ellen; and Ho MU, China Anti- Tuberculosis Associa- tion Hsieh. ParT6-tinZ Secretary-General All-China Students Federation 1/19/567._. 11. 14.11.11an4,4istgrian, 2/29/56 3/19/56- n a 3/25/56- 3/26/56 1 Chao Pu-chu, Vice Chairman Chinese Buddhist Association n a MarBbal Ho ???111.01m41????? Scientist attends the 43rd sessiori of the Indian Science Congress in Agra as a delegate from the Chinese People's Republic. Art exhibition displaying 171 items, namely paintings, woodcuts, sculptures, and drawings, opens in India.,.Thp..ex4.0ition is organized Akadami (A&ademy of:TineArts)..- Tuberculosis workers attend All-India TubercuiOsis Workers' Conference in Calcutta and the regional conference of the International Union Against' Tuberculosis at Tribandrum, in Travancor-COchin State. gtudenIt dplegation attends Inter- national geOgraphy seminar at Aligarh MOsleM University. The seminar is being attended by a large numberef Indian teachers and research workers and 54 representa- tives from17 foreign countries. Cultural_ delegation of the China India Friendship Association comes to India on a friendship visit. - Buddhist delegation attends first meeting of the Buddha Gaya Temple Advisory Board at Gaya, Bihar State. Government delegation arrives in New Delhi for sLehort visit at the Invitation of the Indian Government. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200145/05 ?.Q1A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 uLabSlrizu India To 104 b. TO INDIA, Continued Arrive: Deva,rt: 4/56 PA/Po" n a 5/7/56" n a Leader ? No. .Members 3; .0112 -rite- - Chairman All-China Federation Trade Unions MD ell 5125/56- 1 Patti; Ming, vide n a chairman national. committee EduCa- tional.Workers Trade Union 5A5h8- n agam:Lama 6/17/56 Name or Type of .DeleGaIl2n4nd Remarks _ A Gift of part of the skull of the Chinese Buddhist scholar and pilgrim Hsuan Chiming and.. the complete collec- tion of his translated works is presented to Naianda University in India by the Chinese Buddhist AssOcid;- tion to mark the anniversary of the scholar's birth. '71s4de aelegate attenas /no alga= annual conference of the Indian National Trade Union Congress at Surat at the invitation of the CongressHe is received,by Indian- Prime,Minister,flebru on May 13. Chinese taa_p_Lprafts exhibition opens in Bikaner. Trade union delegate attends third . conepess of. 414.-Tplia primary school teachers association in Kanpur.: . FootbalLteam, competes with Indian teams in Calcutta. Approved For Release 20066ROVPM-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/.05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 uNuLACIFIED Indonesia From 105 , , ? A, 32. BET IZEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND INDONESIA 110010100100.1101. Arrives . Name Qr-T514s, Dopart: and Remarks ? 1/9/55- .n g ni a :..hatiallIgml-delegation from the 2 months.HIndonesian Ministry. cf Agriculture China'for,tWo months studying :'.-Hagriculture, forestry, fisher4 and 1/10/55- 2 n a ?yErTU delegates visit China at the n a invitation of the Coal Miners' Trade nion of China,-on'their return frcim . the Warsaw Conference -of the Miners. Trade Unions International of the World Faderaton.of,Trade Unions,. 5/55- .:11 a n, a ::gatEgm214_142ap.u! union delegates:. n a 'visit various construction sites and ,scenic spots in Peiping at the -invitation of the All-China Federation ? of Trade Unions. 5/26/55- 1 Ali Sastroamicagli0 lawagliiilliaitsChina at the - n a Indonesian Prime invitation vf the Government of the Minister People's Republic of China. 8/16/55- -_ -- Aajp...ftJ,?...9.sib 'b....Liam_ sponsored n a , b,y4h04..hina-Indonesia Friendship AssociatiOnopsns in Peiping. 9/9/55 n a n a.17.41.41 delegates. ' 8!Ele ;z:Lerat.14-on,t1 . 9/18/55- na. . na .' j:j, ?,._,-.2Z4122AILA40.EA._ group attends - n a ? ?,,.- .National DayLcelebrations and visitS'. '.major'citios,bfr.011ina at the invitstior , : ? ,:., ...-of the 0r6eas Chinese Affairs :Commission. ., ? UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2001Aglifills?Ea-RDP78-00915R00070d 106 a., Continued - Arrive: Leader Name or Type Remarks 9/31/55- 10/29/55 1211/55- 12/6/55 12/3/55 9 NogatuAttaIim, . Vice-Chairman . Djakarta Indonesia- China Friendship Association and ? Vice-Chief Cultural Bureau Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Education ? ? .Dr.Darman, Head Pharmacy Department See lailmAIL2211. Medical College' University of Indonesia , Delegation of the ;namealittalDA ZEibalbiljaideelaGattends National Day celebrations in .Peiping at the invitation of the China- Indonesia Friendship Association. Other members of the delegation include leading figures of the Indonesia-China Friendship Associations of Djakarta, Medan, Makassar, and Semarang. hmlizAggcs Reseucl,112ameage. 2/6/56- 6 YB224...A.d01Z424 3/7/56... Bubikto, Indonesian Navy Chief of Staff; 3/1/56- 5/21/5& First Indonesian tga ever shown in China is screened at a gathering sponsored by the ChinaTIndonesia Friendship Association. Ely; delegation visits China. Mrs,.$ubijakto; Lt: :061. A Salim; .Mqor. Saleh Bratemidjaja; Major Rugebrecht; and ..Capt. R. Srijono Prodjostkanto D. N. Aidit, Seers,. PAry General . Communist Party of. Indonesia-. CommunaLteraletuier visits factories, agricultural producers cooperatives, primary and middle schools and universities, nurseries, houses for Young Peionnera, museums and exhibitions, and scenic and historic spots in China, and holds discussions with trade union officials. He is guest of honor at a dinner party given by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; anong the dinner guests present are Liu Shao-chil ChouEn-lai, Chen bin,. Tang Hoiao-ping, and Wang Chia-hsiang. Approved For Release 2oo A pp5/05 ? cIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 LbbIPIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Indonesia From Arrive: UNCLASSIFIED 107 a. FROM INDONESIAI.Continuid pjaar.1.2._ N. Members 4/20/56- 13 liamog....ftlx n a 4/206- n a .ra a , - 5/3/56 4/26/56- Asraruddin, Secretary 5/7/56 :General Indonesian Labor Party; . his wife 4/28/56-. .n 5/1/56 gamiepo, of the Indonesian Ministry of Labor 4/30/56- 2 n a P Name orlyp0,_._ of'Daie etion and Remarkp Trada:unien delegates visit China and attendAhe May Day celebrations at the invitation of the-All-China Federation of Tradelinions. ___ tadttaggil. see Iatasadleml. Laber.lea.,,tx leader and his wife arrive In Peiping at-the invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. During their stay, . they attend May Day Celebrations in .Peiping and Meetliading-members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, thellinistry of Communications, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunicatiens, and the Ministry of Labor. They also visit Shanghai.r., 42E, delegation attends China's JMay Day celebrations and tours the -country at the invitation of the .-.-.Chinese Ministry of Labor. The members of the delegation visit factories and the Workers'.Palaee of Culture in :::Tientsin; and in ChangChun they visit .the No. 1 Motor Car Plant, a film studio, a geological institute, the home of a worker 'a family, and the welfare facilities for workers in the plant. Before their arrival in Changchun, the delegates visited Shenyang, Anshan, and Fushun. In Shenyang, in addition to visiting factories, villages, and schools, the delegates held discussions with officials of the Labor Department. Trade unionists are invited by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to attend May Day celebrations. Approved For Release 2000/05tefinftlA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20000)15a5sSARDP78-00915R00070N?QM4 From : 108 a. ERW_WOMIA, Continued Arrive4- - Leader 4/30/56- n a 4/30/56 - 5/19/56 Name or Type ' Phs4m delegate visits China: at the 'invitations& the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. M. Gogo Ratiudin ? Sandjadirdja. member. 'Central Committee Indonesian Nbslim League 414.1i144.1rica- ' ChairMan:Indonesian Journalists Associa- tion and editerin:I.:: Chief ,bukozi os Naibahe; editor 'chief Indonesian : Papal Barl,Pn SatYa.Grahai:and Xarit 14 PAradimln_AbhadI and Ali_Akbar 5/4/56- 6/1/56 ..a.12,01.4.111 delegation visits China ."at the invitation of the All-China .Journalists Association. During the ':visits A#6 is reOeiVed by Chou 9t,MaY',5_and later by Mao Tse-tung. After the departure of Azis, the other '3 delegates remained to tour Northeast China and to make contacts with Chinese journalists. Nalgaleaders, representing the Nasjumi, Nahdatul_Viama, PSIIt. and ATRTIv.viSit. China*Wthe invitation Of the Chinese' hem League. They were received by' Premier Chau En-lai on Nay 30. ?Latall_gam tours major cities of .China at invitation of the Chinese ? government. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 WOLASSIFILD Indonesia From 109 a. FROM LNDonx.A, Continued 0.46......01?101Wrnr*.?????? Arrives Name or Type of deleMttion Remarks 648/56- 801Akt , Medical delegation, consisting of n a awatad, chief noted Indonesian physicians visits Internal Affairs various medical installations in Ministry of Health; 'China at the invitation of the Chinese Medical Association. Dr. Asikin,.Trofeispr Medidine,'Univereity of IndOnes14 - Agus ; Director: Chest Diaease Clinic, University of Indonesia; Dr. Paryono, Director Municipal General Ho8pital.Semaran6 Dr. Suradi? ' Pediatrician . . :..Univereity of Indonesia 'Medical School; Dr. Suharto 'private _physician; .- and two: others. 0.e.1.11101.111101.41110.0111011. Approved For Release 2000RM9LaD-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Indonesia To 110 -------. Arrive: to 1/2/55- n a 1/17/55 1/17/55 3 months 2/22/55 4/55 4/18/55- 4/24/55 n a 4101.01.1 /ONO ?????? b. 1??????IIIIII.1114?????01. er . . er 0 NDOVESIII Fang Ming AMIN. 5 Pbsaan:124, Premier; Chen Yl, Vice-Premier; Yeh Chi-chUang; Minister Foreign . Trade; Chang Han-gu, Vice Foreign Minister; and Huang Chen, Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Name or Type. of Dele tio 1.0.01.?????????.......Fe.11101????????????????..... _12einarkg_' givaignal_Nattlsergt trade union delegation attends the Congress of the ?Indonesian:Teachers Union at its invitation.I - glatgIndogflaIriax1=2,Mummitkism 'establishedlthe purpose to promote tuinalunderstanding and friendship between theIhdonealan and Chinese peoples through stronger cultural ties. .Aitd andeteflpigibgian is shown in,Djakartai.,-Strabaya, and Medan under the sponsorship of the Chinese 'PeOpiele Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Chinese Silm iS.shown in Djakarta to 60,000 people.- ; A branch:of."tha Indonesian People's China League of Friendship" is established in Medan, northern Sumatra. Delegation arrives to participate in the Asian-African Qmference in Bandung Upon the invitation of the five sponsoring countries: Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan. In addition to these countries, 24 others are participating in. conference. Approved For Release 2001#66AWFM-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED. 111 b. TO INDONESIA, Continued. Indonesia To Arrive: anart: 6/10/55- 8/1S/55 7/55. 7/55 Leader N . Memtbers- immormeo 77 Cheng Chen-to, Vice- Minister of Culture; Chou Erh-fu? writer, deputy head of . delegation; . . and others 111.???? 8/18/55- 5 Chien Tazyni 9/22/55 11/18/55- n a n a 9/29/55 11/27/55 3/14/56 3/14/56 - 'NOM MO 11?1101?111. OW 000 Name or Type tion hand ....2211arlig---- ,gglInEgl delegation arrives on a goodwill mission at the invitation of the Indonesian Government. Among the Members of the delegation are well-known dancers, Peiping opera actors, and musicians. Indonesia,Obinnigloyiship_Associa:bion is formed in Solo. Indonesia-China Friendship.Association is formed in Macassar. Student representatives attend Indonesia's Independence Day celebrations at inVitation of the Indonesian College Students' Association. China participates in the Big= International Economic FaiE which coincideaWith, the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Indonesian Republic. In addition to China, there are 10 other participating -Countries. Indonesia-China Frio dshin Association is set up in'Bandung. Ing2D1212=0112LJX14D41121EA09.912Iion is formed in Palembang. Ina2132212=014A-Eki2DIEUD-AgReciation is formed at Singardaja, capital of Nus Tenggara Province. Approved For Release 2000/05i05910A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Indonesia To 112 b. TO INDONEEL, Continued Arrive:- ILQ1Latti 4/56- n a 0.4YM690.U1.? Jaf?????!?Ma?Yo.?? 3.Tz7,1:nblng, vice- Secretary Gensral.'- China Oxi,mttas for tiv.v PioN4-0.2 of 1..7;ternatl,)nO. Trade, and Vied Mier of China Import and Export Corporation Name or Type. De19E10.2M---...Wa AgMarks--- , ?- IreejelegaIe comes to Djskarta to represent'China at the International Chaniber of Commerce Cbmmission on Asian and Far Eastern ffaiPs. [Later decides not to ettelid conference because of the pres nee of ?Chiang Kai-shek elements." 4/13/56 1110 WM W./ ??? Isiblula&blua FAIWEILUEsociatign- is pet up on &bon. 4/18/56... OM AM M. MO Chinese liroducts eng_ph2tamull n a exhihillaa opens in, SurabaYa under the Sponsorship of the Indonesia- China Friendship Association. 5/20/56- n a n a Student delegation attends Asian- 5/24/56 African Students Conference in Bandung. 5/22/567 15 9agalkitat Studgag delegation attends Asian African Students Conference. n a Secretary General All-China Students' Federation 6/2/56- Li Chia-jen: Agricult2a1 mission studies cultivation months 'Peng Kwang-chin; of tropical crops in Indonesia. Win Chien; and Chou Chani?wen 6/24/567 Chang Tien-min, kulldlag_ztisers union delegate n sc-??-? ? Chairman Balding ? visits Indonesia. Workers Union of China ow.amwmm*.00mrrmmi00000momow*smoawwwWgommommmmmw*mwqmm.....m.,mmrwmowmwwms...mmmmaw4.Wamd.mW Approved For Release 2006WO5'FellA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 LCIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Indonesia Agreements 113 c. AGREEMENTS SIGNED BETWEEN ..99,1_4111MAIL CHINA AND IrDONESIA Date 91.81gning 214122_11_f ataiips 149/55 Peiping Ratificat,i,on. of Sino-Indonegan ? ?1.112cULT____groto Pameen Sino-Ikd ?neap Tz____21.-L.Dtja NalLan=y 4/22/55 Bandung 4110........0.11..,10,P11......PMM?11101.141011,001...1,.. UNCLASSVIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200KIKSivg-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Iran From 114 To .23. BETWEEN COMMUNIST -CHINA AND IRAN - a. FROM rRAN Arrivsl ? Leader De art: No. Members 4A4/56- n a. n a 5/3/56 6/56- n a n a n a . Name or Type of Deltpiammd Remarks Wom6n13 Internationill Democratic Federation. See international. Journalists vlsit China after at- :Os:Jag:ling internationaLconference of joUrnalists in Helsinki, b. TO IRAN None Approved For Release 2006MAY?I.FM-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20001/435$06-TYCIIA-RDP78-00915R000700068094-4 Prom 115 To B 4x COMMUNIST carNA. AND a, PROM TIJAQ, Arrive: Leada 32,,spak___29.1_21embers 4/30/55-' n a V. a 8 /9 /55 8/30/55- ? n a ? n. a n a 4/24/56- n a n a n a , Nana or Type . of p21,BE2,112a._;ja.Romarhs - Peace de/egatea visit China at the invitation of .the China Peace Com- mittee wafter attending the Asian Countries Conference in New Delhi. Youth delegates. See Internationa ' 1112,m.44.9.:_s_Intex2.2ablonal Demonratic Federation.. See International. ? b None liNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 C1A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Israel From 116 To 35., BETWEM-COMMUNIST dEINA AND ISRAEL a._ FROM'IgaiL Arrive: ?Leader Name or Type Depart: o, Members of,R212gptima 22,211. Beier s 1/31/557 DaVid EacOhan, Trade delegation visits China. n a TOrgeli 14114pter; te Burma 4/24156- n a n a ' -on 's International Democratic 5/3/56-'1; ?Federation. See Miational. b, TO ISRAEL None Approved For Release 2000VO6VF1-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0/05::_iNk-RDp78-00915R0007000600A44 From 36, BETWEEN cwilgyisT OB1NA.A1JD ITALY a, FROM ITALY ?????????ne.woolt.......11.111./.1,111..??,./mort Arrive: Leader Denart: No, Members 7/2165- 1 '..Dino Gentili, 8/20/55 'Manager Italian' ' Conte Company and Italian representa- tive of China National Import and Export Corporation 8A1//55- 9 10/2 55 Maria Maddalene . Rossi, Italian Senator and Presi- dent League, Of Italian Women 9/24/55- Piero Calamandrei 9P9b5- n a Pietro Nenni,,Vice- President Warld Peace Council, Chairman' Italian Peace COmv; mittpe; his wife end daughter; Raniero Panzieri; and Vincenzo Ansanelli. , -.-Name.or Type ? ?- of D.22,..afftalion and Remarks y . . Trade delegate arrives in Peiping to 'negotiate and.cOnclude trade contracts and business transactions with various Chinese trading corporations. VsEen 'delegates Visit China as guests 'of" the All-China Democratic Women's Federation. Other members of the delegationdnelude senators, profes- sors, and leading.iembeers of womeWs unions and trade unions in Italy. During their stay in China, the delegates tour Peiping, Shanghaivank other cities in Northeast China. , Cultural delegation visits China at the invitation Of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreip. Countries. l'eace delegates visit China. at Vtke,!,,,,: invitation of'KUo Mo-jo, Chairman of the China?Peace.Committee? Premier Chou En-lai had written Nonni to express his welcome. kA1/56- 8 Fernando Montagnani; Delegation representing. the Italian n a Vincenzo Galletti; General Confederation of Labor visits _Wanda,Parraccianiv- - Gommunia-ohina - Gianfranco Rossinovich; Torquato Fusi; Rino Bonazzi; . Guiseppe Del Fante; Carlo Lizzani UNCLASSIFIED_ Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0Wilit4L9DP78-00915R000700060094t From 118 COntinuod Arrive: No. Merabers ? 4 ,Peretti Grivafor-. one month mer President Court of :Appeal and first ROnprary President 'Court of Caseation; 4/24/56- 5/3/56 4/30/56- 6/4/56 n a- ' Name or Type 1?"..... _ of Dele ation . And Remarks . _ Jurists delegateSAre among 17 !jurists, from five European countries ,touringihe major cities of China at the invitation of the Political Science and Law Association of China. Ugo Natoli, University . of Pisa; Risso Domenico, Uni- versity of Perugia; and - Guglielmp Nocera, lawyer - na na 10 Dino Gentili, Italian.representa- tive,of China National Import and Export Corporation Aliri Sessu;' Falbri; Tureato; Rafael; Zancanaro; and ons other n a 8 Dr. ',sort? Azzoa 0/56 Women's International PemoPratic Foundation. See International. Industrialists 'and. businessmen tour Major cities in China, includ- ing Shenyang, ChangclUn),Tientsin? Shanghai, Rangchowl and Canton. Artists, including painters and :sculptors tour China at the invita- tion .of the Chinese People's Associa- tion for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Union of Chinese Artists. Trade delegation representing Italian industries visits China. Approved For Release 2000/05706M)P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000ANSW,26-RDP78-00915R000700062&a-4 To 115 Arrive: Leder Name or Type Dpart No. Members of _____ and. Remarks 1Z56- 1012/55 n a 1/4/56- 1/8/56 na .na 1/25/56 ' n a 2/56- n a n a Chang Chih-hsiang, -Vice Ministgrof Culture. 'Tung Hsin, Member Secretariat All- oh.44Jeclergttl.on of:Trade_Unions Tung Shou-i, member International Olympic Committee; and Chang Lien-hua? mem- ber Chinese Olympic Committee 4 Li Te-chuan 2/16/56- n a n a 3/56 Liu Ning:la Vice President All-China Federation Trade Unions ? Cultural delegation visits Italy during 9-country 8-month performance . tour 41.4UrOPe. Delegate attends e Cet'itals of-thel&rld on behalf of Peng 0 en..Mayor of Peiping. Trade unionists arrive in Bologna to attend the national congress of, the Itallan_CheMical.Workerst Con. federation at its invitation. Olympic Committee delegates take part in:the 51st 'International Olympic Committee Meeting at Cortina Dampegzo, to discuss'matters con- cerning the Olympic Games. The delegates will.also observe the 7th Winter blYmPioGemeg. Women's cultural delegation is sent by the All.-China Democratic Woments Federation -to visit Italy at the invitation. of the Union of Italian Women. Trade Union delegation attends the fourth corwpsse the General Italian Confederation of Labor in Rome. The delegation will also attend the 29th Executive Bureau meeting.ofthel4arld.Federation of Trade Unions. A Donation of 20,000 yuan (2,777,777 francs) is made for the relief of Italian victims of the recept,coli spell_in.Europe by the Chinese Red Cross Society, Approved For Release 2000Negs:'Nf-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Italy To 120 b. TO ITALY, Continued Arrive: Depart: Leader No. Members Name. or Type. of Deletion and Remarks 4/8/56-, - 1 _Yang Ting.6.pao, Vice n a Chairman Standing ' Committee Associa- tion Chinese Architects 4/14/56- -.11 Hou Te-pang, 4/28/56? chemist; and. Chi Chao-ting? economist, and 'deputy head .of ADlegation; -,Meo II,shong,'. bridge .engineering specialist; Chi-yeh, trans- lator and writer; Ho Chia-hue, Writer; Ming Heueh-tao and Chang Ting, artists; Architect attends the Executive .Committee Meeting of International Union of Architects, on behalf of Chou Jung-ham, Chairman of the Standing Committee, of the Associa- tion of ChineaeArchitects. Cultural delegation visits Italy,:? at the invitation of the Italian InStittite for Promoting Cultural' ' andleenemioReletions with China. Lang Yu-hsiu. singer; and others Approved For Release 200101g5WM-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release2000/01cole9dADP78-00915R0007000600 121 7. FROM JAPAN ' Arrive: De art: 10/54- 2/5/55 eader No. Members IfazUO SuzUki, Managing -Director Sino-Japanese Trade Promotion As socia - tion 1/9/55-; -n a 1/21/55 1/11/55- n a. 2/9/55- n a . 3/39/55- ma 4/28/55- 7/16/55 13 n a. 18 n a 1 AkikoSeki 28 Kinichi Yoshioka 5/55- (3 dele- n a n a gations) Name or Type of Dele ation and. Remarks T....E.M.i.2212:01t.:7iii it S. China ,7at the - invitation of the China Committee for the Promotion of International Trade. Miners Trade Union delegation -visits China's coal mines, factories, schools, hospitals, and other instal- lations, at the invitation of the 'Coal Miners Trade Union of China. fishery delegation visits China to discuss fishing problems between Chitaand:Japan at the invitation of the Preparatory Conamitteelor'the China Fishery Association. youth delegates visit China at the %Invitationce the' All-China Federation of Democratic Youth. Lawyers visit Chins at the invitation of the Political Science and Law AsdaciatiaWof China after :attending Asia-Lawyers Conference in Calcutta. MuSiCian visits China at the invita- tion of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation. Pace delegates visit China after attending the Asian Countries Conference in India. Trade Union delegations visit various construction sites and scenic spots in Peiping at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, uppwsIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0611HA.seg*DP78-00915R0007000600r1 122 (Ira 10/ FROM :41:ati?.N., Continued, Arrive: ;pader 5/5/5,5- 13 6/21/55 5/13/554- n Kornai kais. KadOmit' 5/pq,55- 6/30/55 n a X.22Aul Kitag _si Kaye Sei0if 1/4/554 n a , 33 I3?ILL2Pliaali, Chairman Japanese Nationel.peace, Committee; , 111713.. Primal Mehl? Iwamuria, hisaeoretary .and.others 'Name or Type of Deletion and Ilema211. A4icuItural delegation visits China at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and the China Peace _ 'Conimittee. Delegation Of the Datelope Federation of Iron and Steel Workers/ Unions sita China :at the invitation o. the All!-China rederation of Trade Unions. Delegation of the General Council of Trade Unions of Japan visits Ching at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Delegation of the !Man Science Conference visits China after visit- ing the Soviet Union. Japanese cooperatives delegation , visits China at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives. peace delegates visit China at%the',: invitation of the China Peace Com-. tittee after attending the World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. , Peace delegates visit China as guests .of the China Peace Committee after attending the World Peace Assetbly in Helsinki. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 CLSI 125 ? a., FROM JAPAN4.,Cont1nued Japan From De art: No Member 7 27/55 - 15 Sang^ y^ o ? ? ? 'KeizaiShuMbun ,7127/,5-. 12/25/5,. 8/05- AIR 1I?1 ? ? of Dation aid. Remarks ,Press. and broadcasting ?delegation consiati;FOrrepresentativeki tan ?, nine newepapers, a news agency, and. tiiree broadcasting organizations ? " ? ,9 Natsu Kawasaki ? . .? ' ? : . ? , ? , , ? ' ? Now.' ..-10/15/55 ' ? , . ? 8/28/55'-'' , 8/31/55 L' ) ri 'iimur a apanase eMocratic Party);" and' Nora,izo ft V./ing-..SOCialiSt- ? . ? ??9/5155'w xi a n ' ? "-??? ? 9/17/5- 22 Minoru Shiramizu 11/1/55- ? . ? : RSN Approved fFor Release 2000/0EA :O - DP78-00915R000700060004-4 Qhina. Japanese Woodcut Exhibition by 50 noted. artists is shown in Peiping, Shanghai, Canton: Wuhan, Shenyang, Chungking, and. Sian. Women. t s delegation visite' Diiitta after attencilOg*tIle Woi id. Congress of Mothezs at''Ute invitation of the An- Ch1211.4..DeraPAratic Women's Federation. Delegation representing the Jpanese National Council for the Restoration of Diplomaac Relations with China id.n visits China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs* 'J'apanesO Diet delegation visite: China -?tica" ..4T9*Yfi?enroute to the Soviet Utlion Youth delegates, See International, Industrialists and. businessmen visit China es guests of the China dominittee for the Promotion of International Trade. ApproVedForRelease2000/05/05:CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED Japan From 124 110 JAPAN Continued . . Defeffala...z, Arrive: Name ?a Roma1k8 , . ? . . 9/2,5/5,5- LIT -"ToShihita Kitits4ima; Mayors and maulers at city councils 10/17/55 api members of the Democratic Party, Itabashis'and ,the Liberal Party, the Left end Right YOdhimOto,,, ,Wings of the Socialist Parties, the: dePUtY leaders. , Japanese Communist Party, and others, from Tokyo, yokahm4a1 Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe tour Peiping, Tientsinp?ShenyengvNankingiShanghai; and Canton at the invitation of 13'eng Ch, Mayor of Peiping, Japanese 1421 Mission, composed of meMbors ofthe.two hollaes of the - Diet frolz.verioils Parties as well as of non-party Diet members, visit China and attend National Day cele- brations at the invitation of Liu $hao-chi? Chairman, and P'eng Ch'en, Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of thaIatiOnal Peoplets-: Congpoisfof Chine; Physician visits China at the invitation of,t4eOhinese Medical Association. ? ' 9/30/55? 1026155 ? Shushi Iwasaki, Director New Physicans Asso- ciation or Japan Kuni4o,Mata4o; and -:Enno6U0 Ictiikawa -10A2h5- ;A. Masazo na ? Kazuzaemon Matsuhashi; Katsunori Kolaibun; and. Minoru Tanabe Approved For Release 2000/05/05: Japanesel'paa__,I.V.922. performs in . Peiping said 6-Wei parts of China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations . "with Foreign Countries. It is the , first art troup from Japan to visit China. Trak, delegation, organized by the Japan-USSR Trade Promotion Council of Japan visits China. Since their ar- rival the delegates have called on the Chinese Committee for the Promo- tion of International Trade, visited 'tle Peiping No.1 Cotton Mill, the Central Institute for Nationalities, and carried on trade negotiations with Cape agoorations for foreign trade. CIA-? tid-uuulbR000700060004-4 UNCIASSLFIP Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED, ? Q011'4,1=14 , Japan From Arrive: 12242E De art: No. Members Name or Type of Delegation and ReMarks- 10/25/55 - 11/24/55 10/29/55- 11/26/55 10/31/55- n a 35 ' MaILI202112Ado Chairman Japan .Teachere Union, 15'Kateurna Abe.; and Yoehlo Domori Kei Hoashi; Haruji Tahara; .and Sold? Onishi 11/9/55- 27 Tatou Katayama, 22/6/55 -former primp minister of Japan ? and Chairman - :'National League for the Protection of the_Constitution; .and 12/1/55- 12/6/55 , 12//1//55- n,a 1 26 56 12/5/55- 1/5/56 _ T2I2E-21.111ky'cbalx- man general Council. of Trade Unions 'of - Japan, aeputy leader - Dr, Yusuke aro-chemist 1Iiy2g.h.i:Teutsui Kiyohiko Ushihara .an Teachers Union delegation Studies education in China at the in- ^itation of .the Educational Workers' Trade Union of China. ? Medical mission visits China at the Invitation of the China Medical ? Association, piet members visit China, Delegation of the iapane.p.e National Lem:1p for the Protection of the Constitution visits. China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs., - Anti-Biotics Research Conference in Peiping. See International. ? Delegation from All-Japan Federation of lectric Industries Workers' Union visits China on the invitation of the National Committee of the First ? Engineering Workers" Union of China. . Japanese film director visits China at the invitation of the China Peace Committee after attending Helsinki World Aese;Oly for. Peace. Approved For Release 2000/0615?PRInP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 126 a. FROM JAPAN, Continued Japan From Arrive: De art: No. Leader. Members 2/56 ii? 2/1056 19 Hii'oshi tura; ? 1 month President Yamaju Sando Company ? 3/1/70- 3/6/56 n a Le_j_s2j_-s4auJCasai, Vice President Japanese Red Cross 4/1/56- 4/4/56 4/6/56- 4 days 4/9N- 20 5/16/56 ? rc4.Tiige, ? Council Member: Takabhi Matsue Deputy General - Secretary All-Japan Metal Industry Workers Union; Name or Type Of De3e tion and ?,,Remarks A Presentation'of4Iitsimi1e'snd Microfilm of a rare 16th century literary wOrkis,PreSented to Peiping: :University by Japanese teachers. ' Textile trade mission visits China on an inspection tour. The missimis. composed of representatives Of medium and small textile manufacturers and is sponsored by the International Trade promotion, Association of Japan. , Rea Cross Misdion-Viaits (mina at- tne Invitation of the Communist Chinese Red Cross Society to inspect medical and other services operated by local,. Red Cross organizations. World Federatiqn of Scientific Workers. See international. An exhibition of more than 5,000 Volumes of Japanese publications opens at the National Library of Peiping. These publications include medical, philosophy, politics, and educational books; Japanese trans- lations of the selected works of Mao Tse-tung and Liu Shao-chi; books On painting, sculpture, architecture and other fields; as 'well as booki:? for children. The exhibits were presented by the Asian Cultural Ex Change Publishing AssOciation, the Japanese Scientific Bookstore, and the Japanese Medical Press Association. Delegation of the Japanese Metal Hard- ware and Machinamaaie_Iragoalvisits 'Canton, Chengchow, and. Peiping at the, imitation of the National Committee Of the First Engineering Workers" Union of China, Mitsuiji Mizoguchi? deputy head Approved For Release 2000/050WAgfiapP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED ' Japan From 127 a. FRQVI JAPAN, Continued Arrive: Leader Name or Type Depart: No. Jpznbers of Dale ation and Remarks 4/17/56- , '8 5/24/56 Harushi M9ri' 4/28/56- 10, Eti9zuke 'Ysmaeaki,' n a managing executive' Taiyo Fishery Co.. and. Tic.e.'Pres,ident Japan TraWling ? Association, .Delegation of 'the :National Council othoui1djIndu$try Union of Japan visits China and attends May Day celebrations, . . ?t_:111112z2 deiegatiOn.'arriVes in Peiping ? to open negotiations for extension of the term of the Sine-japanese agree- ment on fishing in :the Yellow Sea and. in the Eei4i China Sea.' : Fujita., vice presi- dent TFC; ? M010.6121, Matuda, prebident OarutOku Fishery ,dOrilophy and. vice7ichairMan. JT.A; , . , 'Bidet) Marugarao, 'vice chairman AU-Japan Fishery, Veiteration;.' Kuma.gro Takahashi, chief 'ft Shing' vessel division All-Japan Seamen's Union; ? Genjiro Nakano, executive member same union; Kiyoshi Iizawa, executive Fukuoka Trawl Fishing Asso- ciation; Suekichi Itamura, managing director Nippon Marine Products Company; and. two others Approved For Release 2000/0Wits%apP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? UNCIAS3IFT4D 1g8 a. FROM JAPAN, Continued Japan From Arrive: Leader Name or Type De 4/2?/*, n a .11 a IshikaWa NYoichl 5/,366- 6/9/56 ? Eyusuke_Miyazaki; Mrs.:Miyazakiv and others 5 Saburo.Nangol. 5/22/56.:!. ? ? Managing ',director Japan?-China Export . and. Import Associa- tion; Hiroshi Nita, deputy Managing Director; and two others 5/14/56- 2 Ginji Yamane; n a and ble.wife 5/16/56- n a 2 In Marukil. and Toshiko Akamatsu . Peace delegatiorLvisitELChintCatthe invitation of the China Peace Co mittee. Peace "champions" visit China at the invitation of the China Peace Com- mittee. Trade'delegatien visits China at Its ewn initiative but with assurances of Welcome frOm Nat Han-cben, chairman Of the Chinese Communist International Trade PrometiOnOommittee, far the purpose -of familiarizing Communist Chinesectrade circles with the character and. functions of the Japan- China Export and Import Association, TPring their. Stay in China, the mem- bers of tho, delegation are received by'CheuEn-lail Nuo Mo-jo, Yeh Chiiichuangi?emid: Lei Jen-min. ? Music critic visits China at the A.nvitationet'the Chinese People's Asiociation'for'Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Union .'of Chinese Musicians. Painters Visit China at the invita- tion of the CoMmunist Chinese Peace Protection Committee. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNC LASSIE' la) APIA Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIF-D Japan From 129 FROM JAPAN Continued De.- No. MAnbers Mums-or-Type of Delegation and. Remarks 5/22/56- 1 month 5 EIEWITIElaRy managing diecutiVe Kalichi Trading Company 6/56- na na na 6/56- 19, Juemohllaganov n a. Kozolbe YOshishaL Okada; Mateutsugi Mariui; Junkichi Nakahara; ZU22-191M21222.C.visi: 'InOitation:Cifthe China Peace COM.- )- znitte? RiCe'iaitcllan_gp.ecia3 confer on purchase by:japan of Communist Chinese ric41.4 and 12 press correspondents 6/4/56:-' 39 Sei Suzuki, Secretary 7/21/56 National Railway Workers Union of Japan 6/16/56- 13 Tatsuzo Ishikawa; and n a Shofu Muramatsu, advisor 6/16/56- n a n a na 6/23/56- MD MO d? 6/29/56 iztinglitayleit China after attend- ing'intertatiOnal conference of journalistSfin Helsinki. .Red. Cross. friendship and peade the Japanese Red CroSeSocipty, the Japan-China Friend- ship Association; and the Japanese Peace liaison Committee visit the Red Cross Society of China. They were re- ceived by Premier Chou En-lai on June 27. R.aibra. 1...?1?1927 delegation visits China. Cultural delegation, including writers, educators, and artists, visits China ' at the invitation of the Asian Solidarity Committee of China and the China Peace Committee. poodwila Mission to Communist countries, sent by the Asian Committee in Tokyo, arrives in Peiping for a visit. Japanese film festival is held in Peiping, Tientsin; and eight other cities in China, under the joint sponsorship of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Preparatory Committee of the Associa- tion of Chinese Cia6MA Workers. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 1JNCIASIFIED- 130 a. Imam, Continued Arrive: Leader No. lvjenibers 6/23/56- 4 Keisuke inoshital 6/29/56 film director; 6/25/56 n a Japan From Name or Type of Delegation and Remarks Raruko Sugimura? actress; Nobuko Otowa, actress; and Tamochi ginato, film director President Reibonsha Publishing Company of Tpkyo F_UlLapilta delegates attend Japanese film week in China. (See above.) PUbliShers delegation, in the farm Of a gopdwill mission, visits China at the invitation of the International bookstore of the Communist Chinese AmbA State Book Zxport and Import PUblic-, COrporetion:of Peiping. Approved For Release 2000/fftaissehtaiRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 133. b. TO JAPAN Japan To Arrive: Leader Depart: No. Members Nemo or_Type?,, of Deletion and Remarks 2/55 3/29/55- n a 5/6/55 5/30/55-, 2 weeks 7/17/55 Lei Jen-min, Vice; Chairman .Chineee International Trade.; Promoting Colissittee Pal Hsi-chin, - pathologist .and member Council Chinese Medical Association Chinese opera "The White Haired Girl" Is presented in ballet form in Tokyo by the Tatsuko Matsuyama Ballet Theater. . Trade delegation representing the China Committee for the Promotion of Inter- national Trade visits Japan at the joint invitation of the Japan Inter- national Trade Promotion Association and the Japanese Diet Members Union. Delegate attends the Atomic Disease Conference in Tokyo which Is study- ingthe effecta of radioactivity of hydrogen and atomic bombs on mankind. The conference is41ponsored by the Japanese Doctors' Committee Against AtOmicand-Bydrogen Weapons. Memorial Concert to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Nieh Erh? 'famous , Chinese musician, is held in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Arrangementsfor the concert are being made by the Japan-China Friendship Association. : ? UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 U4CLA45IFIED To 132 b. TO JAPAN,, Continued Arrive: Denart;No. Mewbe?s l&dea: Name or Type . of De tion Remarks 8/6/55?. LiallAnalL member 8/1V55 Standing Committee Chinese people's Compaittee. for World Peace; Vice-President All-China Federation of Trade Unions; and. member. Standing Com- mittee National People a Congress; Cheng Fanfront, President Northeast Normal College and. deputyto National People's Congress; Chao pu7chu,Vice . Chairsan_Chinese Buddhist Association, executive member People'a Relief Ad- ministration-of :Chine, and deputy to National People's Congress; Delegation attends World Conference for Prohibiting Atomic andAtizzAi Bombs in Biroshima and Tokyo. The delegation was jointly appointed by the Chinese People's Committee for World Peace, the People's Relief Ad- ministration of.phinal the All-China Federation of:Trade Unions, and the ' Democratic Women's Federa- theitvitation of the Japanese Preparatory Committee for the Conference, the National Relief Assoeiation of Japan, the General Council of. Trade Unions Of Japahand- -- the Federation Of Japanese Women'sOraiiatiOna. ? Hsieh Ping-hsin, writer, member National Commit- tee China Federation Literary and Art Circles, council member Union of Chinese Writers, and deputy to national People's Congress; Chen Ti-chlang, jurist, maw Council Political Science and Law Associa- tion of China; Chang Sen-yU0 secretary of delegation; and. Sun Sheng-chuan and An Shu-chu, interpreters Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIMD Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFUD Japan To ' 133 b.Tugm 'Continued Arrive: 'leader Name or Type Rezzl,:_.Eco._142mbers of Delegetion an emarks 108/55- 4o/TiALlocisla 12/30/55 12/1/55- 12/2255 3/23/56 i/2/56- Li./27/56 U. liatkie,President Academy of Sciences of China Jung Kao-tang, Vice- Chairman All-China Athletic Federation; Chiang Yung-ning; Sun Mei-ying; Wang Chuan-yao; Yang Jui-hua; Chang Yi-chien; and others Trade eXhibition delegation'is.sent bYTihe.Chinese Committee for the Prolabtion of International Trade to ? exhibit 3,000 commodities at the ? trade'eXhibition in Tokyo and Osaka. The exhibition Was arranged under the third Sino-Japanese Trade Agreement. Science. delegation visits Japan. iemp-China Cultural Exchan e Asso- ciationis organized in Marunouchi. The Association is the Japanese counterpart of the Chinese People's Foreign Cultural Association and is headed by former Premier Tetsu Katayama. It has 10 divisions, such as art and drama, and will carry out various activities for cultural ex- change between the two nations, such as holding exhibitions and dispatch- ing cultural missions. Chinese delegation to the 1956 World Cham ion Table Tennis Pa] & in Tokyo is 441074 21 nations represented. Ton of the 12 =doers are students from Canton, Shanghai, and Peiping. Two are workers. - A decision to construct 4 China-Japan 210212_22atai feattring a library of scientific literature collected by KU0 MO-Jo, .to. be built at Mitakel in Tokyo-, Was made by the Sino-4apanese Cultural Institute, the promoters of the project. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 WICLASSIFIEZ Japan To 1154 , Continued Arrlyot kafts. . Nama,or Type, uptaaL__;jistsiski144 ? - . of Delo ation and Remarka . . ;.65. Lanfang; Pala:m..222m delegation is on - 7/17/*'(approx) *gang Tu7chien, performance tour in major cities of - first 444ty head' Japan. of-delagat.ion and chief director Approved For Release 20MidiN511.16A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Japan 135 Agreements c. AGREEMENTS SIGNED BE COMMUNIST CBINA AND JAPAN Date of Signinp Place of Sippink' April 15, 1955 Peiping (one-year extension signed April 1956 in Peiping.) (Protocol extending agreement for one year from June 13, 1956, signed may 8, 1956 in Peiping) ? Sino-JapaneseyisherU22111mt: agreement on fishing in Yellow Sea and in East China Sea, May 4, 1955 Tokyo Third Sino-Japanese TrailLagmpluA: to "develop trade relations between (one-year extension agreed to the two countries and promote friend- May 1956) ship between the two peoples." - January 9 1956 Peiping Sino-Japanese Labor Agreement: pro- vides that the All-Japan Federation of Electrical Industries Workers' Union and the First Engineering Workers, Union of China will work for restoration of diplomatic relations and normal trade between the two countries and will exchange representa- tives and the necessary data to strengthen mOual understanding and knowledge between the two countries. May 60 1956 Peiping Sino-Japanese Labor AeFeement: pro- vides that the First Engineering Workers Union of China and the seven national workers unions of the All- Japan Metal Industry Workers Union will exchange experiences on union activities, send delegates to each other's country, exchange technical experiences; and work to strengthen the friendship and solidarity between the peoples and workers of China and Japan. Approved For Release 2000/06/0154MRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 138 Japan Agreements c. AGREEMENTS, SIGNED BEM= COMMUNIST CEINA AND JAPAN Continued Ratufaixa.z.n Place of SiKning. May 21, 1956 Shanghai s;eanes9litriendOlo,Apireement; . protrid'oe that the re'ipinit'D4fly. W...21:1241 the Japanese Labor Papers Club, . and. the* Council of .japariede Organ Papers ;411_1, l) cape.rge papers and. magazines periodically, 2) exchange other newdliaperS'al- magazinepr.inews_despetcheevphotopl books and.teChniCalinfOrMati4174, and 3) exert maxilAuuL efforts for closer contaCts between 'the staffs-Of trade union papers in China and Japan. Sino-Ja nose A eement Str n thelr i;IrtFriendsh,p Between RailWay:Workers of China Provides that both countries will: 1) strive for realization of ,normal dip1omatic,re7, lations between the two"cOuntriaa; - 2) oppose the testing and use of atomic and hydrogen bombs; 3) strive to strengthen the solidarity nrd friendship among railway workers of Asia; 41.continue to exchange visits of delegations; and 5) otherwise promote athletic and cultural exchange. 01.1111.0BIO.N. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 137 38. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND JORDAN FROM JORDAN Jordan From To Arrive: Leader . Name or Type De art: No. Members of Dole tion and Remarks 4/iV0)- 4/24156- n a na 5/3/56 feace.delegatea visit-China at' the invitation of the China Peace Com- mittee after attending Asian Countries. Conferende in New Delhi. Youth delegp.tes. See .19.222 delegate visits China at .the invitation, of the China Peace Committee; Woments International Democratic Federation,, Sea International. b, TO JORDAN None, Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 TAitc,LA8SIFM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNciASSIntm &woe (North) From 138 39. cONIMUNIST CHINA, AZ. KOREA a. FOM KOREA. Arrive: Leader Depart: No. Members 11/54- na na na 4/5- 4/28/55 n a- Pak Cheng Ai 5/1365- 6/20/55 15 14 Na f Un, Vice Minister Of '.Edlication` 7/22/55- n a 9/55, . na 9/55 4110 Pak Pal Yang, Vice President Korean Writers' College; Y1111 Si Chel, Assit- ? ant Editor-in-Chief Publishing House League of Korean Writers ?1111 4111. Name or Type . of Delegation end Remarks. glaaLmtyzata, are admitted to the Asian Students Sanatorium in Peiping - for tuberculosis treatment. Delegation to the Asian Countries Conference in India visits China 'after attending the conference. Educt(arrie1 Peiping to Make a study of education in China in accordance with the 1955 executive plan for cultural exchange between. China and. the "Korean Democratic. People's Republic." Scholars visit China under the executive plan of cultural exchange between China and 4-prqo for_1955. -Studenta'airive in Peiping to take up studies in universities, colleges, or technical school, after going through one-year Chinese language courses. They are among a total of 346 foreign students from 13 countries who are being sent to China this year. Korean translatien of selected poems on Chinese people's movement to resist US aggression and aid Korea is published by the Korean National Publishing House. More than 70 poems by noted Chinese poets, including Kho Mo-jo, and commanders and fighters of the Chinese People's Volunteers are Included In this translated anthology, Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIAADP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/115/COMMIRDP78-00915R000700060004a4 (North) ,/39 From a.ER,21,...EzzuE9F-A13., Continued Arrive: De art: No. Leader Name or Type of Delegation and Remarks Members 9/2/55 4 Kim Ni Soo, Vice Youth delegates. See International. Chairman Central Committee Korean Democratic Youth League 9/5/55- n a n a Youth delegates visit China and attend 10/9/55 National Day celebrations at the in- vitation of the Central Committee of the New Democratic Youth League of China and the All-China Federation of Democratic Youth. n a 6ont3 Bong WoOY" 6...aleatura1 delegation visits 10/20/55 Peiping, Nanking, and Shanghai, and attends National Day celebrations. 10/11.155- 10/4/5,5- 101 Choi Mum Li Youth art group visits China and gives 11/27/55 performances upon the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and the Central Committee of the New Democratic Youth League of China. 11/9/55- 15 gal_Ar_saIga International MaLtsta_aasialp_C_Iaaon See International. n a 11/11/55- n a Jin Pan Sul Trade delegation visits China. 1/23/56 Minister of Trade i2/1/55- 32/6/55 1 Ryu Yong Kyu, head Biological Anti-Biotics Research Conference. See International. Department Korean Central Pharma- ceutical Research Institute 4/1/56- 1 Yl Chae-kon World Federation of Scientific Workers, See International. 4/4/56 4/24/56- n a n a Women T's Inte national Democratic Federation. See International. 5/3/56 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCtASSTFTED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 140 a. FROM ORL...L.:.(11s2La-th COMM Korea (North) From Arrive:. ps,zaL leader No. Members 4/29/56- 1 Kim Chong-hwan, n a reporter f-14 n - 5/4/56 6/56- 7/5/56 n a magazine Konnaja ("Working People) Xi Tan; and Chu .In-kyu . Kim Jai-pill Viet). Minister Fishing Industry of Korea Name or Type . of,29.1eation L Remarks Rezortekvidits Chiaa under the 1956 plan for cultural cooperation between Korea and China. Actors visit China in accordance with 1956 plan for cultural cooperation between Korea and China. Government delegation concludes 10- year agreement on fisheries research, cooperation in-the Western Pacific.. Approved For Release 20MNIgbiliglA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Korea (North) 141 To b. TO KOREA (North) 010040.1.0*??????????????????, Arrive: Leader Deart:No. Members 8/11/55- 5 Chu Te Vice-Chair- 8/214./55 Man PRC; Li Chi-shen, Vice- Chairman Standing Committee National People's Congress; Teng Tai-yuan, Minister of Railways; Chi Peng-fei, Vice Minister Foreign Affairs; and. Pan Tsu-II, Chinese Ambassador to KDPR 8/13/55- 200 Commander General n a Yang Yung ? 11/11/55- 12/11/55 4/2416155- 1/15/56.. 1/1/56- 2/11056 6 Wei Chueh, Vice- Minister of Education Olt 41.1. O. vat Name or Type of Dsa2gition and Remarks Government' delegation attends cele- brat ions of the 10th anniversary of the "liberation" of Korea by the Soviet Army, at the invitation of the Government of the "Korean Democratic People's Republic." "Chinese People's Volunteer Delegation" takes part in the celebrations of the 100t#'anniversarY Of Korea's "libera- tion" in.Pyongyang., The delegation ? Includes fighterS and artists of the "Chinese People's Volunteers." The song and dance ensemble that accompanies the delegation gives a total of 65 performances. Cultural delegation arrIVes in Pyongyang for the purpose of meeting Korean educators, editors of news- papers, and people working in the field of culture. The visit has been arranged in accordance with the 1955 executive plan for cultural cooperation between China and the "KDPR." Chinese.fitpdieratIs exhil012a opens in Pyongyang. The exhiation is being held under the 1955 executive plan of cultural exchange between the two countries. unines4 or 110 wagons, over 760,000 meters of cotton fabrics, various building materials and daily necessities, including grain, raw rubber, coal, rails, and sheet'eteel is given to Korea, Approved For Release 2000/05/OrmattalaP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED 142 b. TO KOIFAIN.myal, Continued Korea (North) To Arrive: Leader Name or Type De art: No. Members Alliwapjassso Remarks - , ?2/56- 13 n a 4/26/56 groups 40t11,- n a ...I id 4/6/56 .0 a* WO AM 5/2h6- n a 111121.29.19g:Amy 5/13b6 member ,Central ComMitteetCP; -WantOsung' alternate member . Central7Cotmittee: CCP; and others' 5/18/56- 36 '113.121ag:Fe1-koul n a General Secretary Physical 'Culture and Sports Commis- sion of China: .Thirteen ,Chinese cultural and. art gr9lips, present eonga,and dances, Peiping operas:, dramas, folk art, and acrobatic shows for the Chinese Communist and the North Korean forces. and for the Korean people. Traa6 union aelegemes arrive in Peiping to attend the May Day cele- brations at the. invitation of the Federation of Trade Unions. Five thousand trees, named the "Korea- China Friendshi 'Fou_at," are planted on Moranbong.Rill in Pyongyang. . . Communist Partt delegation attends Third Congress of the Korean Workers Party In Pyongyang: Men's and women's basketball teams, composed of champions of the China Electric Power Workers Trade Union Sports Association and others, compete with Korean teams, and visit major factories, industrial enter- prises, educational, and cultural Institutions in Korea, UNcLASSIFIZI) Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFILT 143' b. TO KOREA (North), Continued Korea (North) To Arrive: Depart: No. Leader Name or Type' . of Delegation and Remarks Members 5/22/56- .5. Chin Cho-yeh, viceH group director Agricultural Department Liaoning Provinoe; 7/11/56 visits agricultural science institu- tions, experimental farms, and agri- cultural cooperatives in Korea. Ping Shut-tem, chief Genetics Center Hsuingyueh Agricul.* tura]. Experimental. Farm Liaoning; Yu Li-chi, agronomist Htvattuig Agricultural Science Institute; Nang Teh-slob,-, technician NaChung. Agricultural Science Institute; and lisuan Kuo-chen, chair- man Tungfangbung Col- lective Farm Liaoning 6/5/56- n a Wangjil publication Cultural delegation visits Korea. 7/1/56 adndnistration bureau Ministry of Culture 6/12/56- 1 Chen Jou-chien Painter visits Korea. n a Approved For Release 2000/05/MMECIAW-15P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 144 Korea (North) Agreements C. AGRITMUNTS SIGN ITD BETWEal,COPEUNISTCHINA AND.NOTTI KOREA Date of Sipping Place of Si#fting, April 21, 1955 Peipig July 1955 Doc. 21, 195, Pepin Dec. 21, 1955 Peiping Jan.13, 1956 Peiping May 300 1956 Pyongyang Sino-Korean Film Purchase Contract: for the .Purchase of YriMs and their Exchange of Notes :'On Sino-Korean Cul-btu:4214A SinooKoreat Rate of Exchange Agreement Sino:-Koreaft Protbdol on Non-Commercial Remittandes Sin Korean Trade Protocol: provides tot Material aid to Korea by China and for,the'exchange of goods in 1956. 11.1e4S4a9.942gSaltural Coo oration ' Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: ,CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSID'IM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Kuwait From 145 To 49, BETWEEN COMMUNIM.satTLIN KUWAIT a. FROM KUWAIT Arrive: Lea Name or Type of Dele ation 8/30/55,- n a n a 10/6/55 and amts Youth delegate. See -;a2za,al1onal. b. 24414_2141 I None WOMIN11.,0114.110.01.111111..010400....0.0W OW OW Wflem.41.1.,...m01,10Mem ,???????11c UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Laos From 146 To 41. .-INUIS9ULTIST.24M-41111I0-4 a. FROM LQ Arrive: art: No...,_1122.1.=2... 1.24.12.V. Name or Type of Dellution_ and Remfirlsg___ 2211141 delegates, See Internigg_i 9/5/55- n a. 1 n a fl .a b. TO LAOS None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 147 Lebanon From 42. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND LEBANON a. FROM LEBANON Arrive: De art: Leader Name or Type of Deis ation and ..Remarks Members 4/30/55- 8/9/55 n a n a, Peace delegates visit China at Invitation of the China Peace Committee after attending the. Asian Countries Conference in New Delhi. 9/2/55- n a n a Youth delegates. See International. n a 11/2/55- 11/7/55 n a Chiang Ming, Vice- Trade mission arrives in Beirut to Minister Foreign Trade ftexchange views with representatives of the Lebanese Government and Industrial and commercial circles on the development of trade relations and friendly ties between China and Lebanon." The delegation .was Invited by the Government of the Republic of Lebanon. 3/16/56 ?40 Chinese Red Cross Society sends relief fund of 30,000 yuan to the earthquake victims in Lebanon. 4/24/56- n a 'is Women.'" International Democratic 5/3/56 Federation. See International 6/56- 1 Niphon Saba, Arab- Archbishop visits China at the 7/3/56 bishop Greek Ortho- dox Church of invitation of the China Peace Committee. Lebanon Approved ForRelease2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Lebanon To 148 Arrive: Leader EsEELE, No. Members 6/14/56- 75 Burhan Shahidi 7/6/56 Name or Type of DeleElion and Remarks Cultural delegation visits Lebanon _ . _ on a performance tour. ? Approved For Release 2000RMAPPUM-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/0gibgAilM78-00915R0007000600Mon Agreements 149 C. LIFIZZMAISZTED BETWLEN CON TUIST CHINA AND.. LEBANON p.r1?t,L2L..g1aja,E Place of Si 12/31/55 Lebanon Sino,7Lebanese Trallg Azreqmots stipulates that commercial agencies -will be estsblished in both countries. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 150 43. lgx_gwgN commuNisT?gigyoNp_mmg a, pagELIOLO, Macao From To , Arrive I. v : : kW az ? - - Name or Type ':- ? . 49:-L---N.921.491?,-9,14,2.4ardl,g9.11_,pnd lujulsp_ 3/206- 49 141u /*11:1144.4.44 Womm.s. delegation, composad)of , 1 wives of prominent Chinese industrialists and businessmen, tours China. 5/13/56 ???????..1111?011116.61111111.???????????now 2/56. 1904 gotyme.gbga 3/6/56 Eggs_ALUbm1112 visits Macao and performs "artistic and accurate representations of provincial folk music and minority traditional dances." .,?.....,?????,.??????????....**????? Approved For Release 20004)*MsgMBRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Madagascar From 151 To 44. ZILENLC01,2pliST .0.1gINA AND MADAGAS,CAR a. FRI& MADAGASCAR Arrive: LWar. Name or Type lemat: No Memksrs of D2120tion p.1.1.???????? Remerks 9/55- na na Youth delegates. See Intermational. n a 4/24/56- n a n 4 Ewen 7.9_,Tjyternational Democratip 5/3/56 adir4114. See jagmational. ?IIIMIIIMOOMMW1,41MINMer b. 2.9,,,M.ApASCAll ??????1400alpsommilor? 400,41.11.10, None ....1.110010*,011111M.0.1,ANOWOOMWOMMOMM.4.41...*.1...0.1100,0 Approved For Release 2000/05/615c:LeVait1P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 162 45. laagE4SMUENST CHINA Amulaw a. Malaya From To Arrive: Leader ; Name or Type D a_aid Remarice_ None 2/15/56 MI10.1* OMMI? Chinese native products exhibition Of more than 4-000 items opens in? Singapore. .06.1.???????????111PR 11..0111.111101111?1 Approved For Release 20001Ritlf054b1K-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/00ga-13 153 ?Al 78-00915R000700060004Axioo From To 46. BETWEEN COMINULCHTNkANDg7ICO a. FROMILV.ICO Arrive: k2,42X Name or Type - Retarka - Pedee. delegates Visit Chita. at '- invitation of the China. Peace Committee after attending' World Assembly for Peace in Helsinki. 7//55- n a h a 8.A7/55' 8/30/55: n.e ? 11/20/55- n a : Alfredo' Gomez ae la Vega 4/24/56? n, a h .a 5/3/56 6/6-.. fl a ? 01014111. YOuth delegates. ?See Ipternat1on4. Dramatist visits China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. illiaLvatigt1Z21.1119.1429.114112 Federation. See Laumaluna. gsanglists visit. China, after attending international conference of journalists in Helsinki. . To mEmp Chinese Red Cross ociety send approximately a50000 to Ltil flooiCviotims in Mexico. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 0111?1/8/ Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Mongolia From 154 47. 1.17WEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND MONGOLIA a. E10 3.00111A Arrive:? jza-----77-77-77-TaiV'4;i7TYPP ofJglilEat104 Remlas kaki*. 11/54- n a' ..11 a' n a 4/27/55-, '4 a 6/10/55 ?Nublal, President Mongolian National Normal College 7/4/55- 148 aurAtoma 8/19/55 Damdinkhuu 7/11/5 N111.1?0 9/17/55.? n a Jamusurot, Secre- n a ,tary Central 'Committee "Revolutionary League of Youth of Mongolia - - 9/17/55- 62 Co) Tamliftn Tsend, n a Vice Director Political Dept Mongolian People's Army 11/17/55- 26 ;tag= SianiamW 11/26/55 aided patients are admitted to' the: Asian Students Sanatorium in Peiping for -tu.berculosis treatment. Scientific and cultuulyorkers delegation visits China in accordance with the 1955 plan to implement the Sinci-MongOlian Cultural Cooperation: Agreement. ? anno' the 1.42:1e2=-11.9.121..e-LL. _Arm visits China on a .performance tour. Matst_abIDAloa on agrieulture_and livestock breeding in Mongolia opens in Peiping to mark the 34th anniversary of the founding of Mongolia. The exhibition is sponsored by the Bureau for Cu1tUra1Aelations with Foreign Countries. Youth delegation attends National Conference of Active Young Builders of Socialism at the invitation of the New Democratic Youth League of China. Mbuolian i)eOpIett iii Son and Ddhce .;,Ensemble visits China on a performance tour. Inter4d1,2BALMWSZNLIWARS,2atad- see ZatunatteDal. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 'UNCLASSIFIED 155 Mongolia From a. FROM MONGOLIA Continued Arrive: Lada 291-1.11.1_,..--114?-.24Aters Vi?????mmon. Name or Type 91.E.91Pgetion _and 12/1/55- 12/6/55. 3. Yarimpil, micro- biologist. Anti-4otics ch Confere4pe. See Interne:U.9ml. .12/27/55.- n-a n a ?oLl.g..2pd dance ensemble premieres in 20 days n. . Peiping with a 19-item program. Government delegation attends inaugural 1/12/56 ceremony in Peiping of the completion of the construction of the Chining- Ulan Bator Railway and the opening of through railwqy traffic between China, Mongolia, and the Soviet Union. The Mongolian and Soviet delegations are given a banquet by Chou En-lat. 4/1/56- n a n a WorlA, Federation of Scientifia.lorkers. 4/4/56 See kittnalsinal. 4/24/56- 4 a n a ? Womenlp Iotuational gemocratic 5/V56 n a 2 L. Damginzhab, member Central Federal...2a. See jaterndignal, Workers Party delegates visit China after attending Third Congress Korean Committee Mongolian Workerst Party. Peoples Revolutionary Party; and B. Lamzhab, alternate member Approved For Release 2000/05110:5,11CLAIRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/05/05 ;CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Mongolia Tot 160. , Arrive'. Der) 124.8.eitz kiera " 4/0/557. -49. 79.10-12Z-142.1:21.12.1,? A a '-Secret#7.$6.6-,E*ariat Al-China Federation 7A/55- n a 8/4/55 .1?1. 1111.1111??? 12/29/55- n a n a Teng Tai-yuan, Minister of Railways e*mrsmeererogem?-?????? Name or--Type. - ? Remarkt Iudq_ualon_delegation attendaSixth Trade Unions Congress of the People., Republic of Nongolia at the inviation or the Mongoliit;Central Council. of - Trade Unions. Daegatic41 Of A21244.1.124.-9.411014.2124411, nd artlits visits Mongolia under. the 1955 executive plan for cultural cooperation between China and Mongolia. Chinese arts and cr4414_420.44.14s opens in Ulan 111.ater in aCCordance:-. with the 1955 ino-Mongolian plan for cultural exchange. Chinese goiLptuda.and acrobatic tr.aup tours Mongolia under the 1955 plan for Sino-MOngclian cultural cooperation.' ':g9Iplamtnt, delegation attends inaugural ceremony in'Ulan 'ator of the completion of the construction of the Chining- .Ulen:Bator4laiiway and the opening of through railway traffic between China, Mongolia, and the Soviet Union. 2/25/56- n a 14422E.-I2Uriagt . . . n a -ViceMihister Poits delegation negotiates and signs and Telecommunications Sino-Mongolian agreement on exchange of. postal parcels, 3/21/56- 21 la Hsu-ahem; n a Assistant Minister of Foreign Trade 4/56- n a kubsansbu n a L2.912312 delegation arrives in Ulan 740t.,11142a delegation attends May ray celebrations in Peiping at invitation of the al-China Federation of Trade Unions. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Mongolia To 157 ? TO YONGOLTA, Continued ? ktuall._ No. Nembers a- 1 Chu To, Vice- - 4/1/56 Chairman People's Republic of China 4/15/56- 14 'Pao V.4' n a 5/25/56- n a Melem 6/30/56 Name or Type of Deleotion end Remarl5L Govermaa delegate. visits Mongolia enroute to Peiping after attending 20th CHU. Congress in Moscow. Wa4liftlnategm gives weightlifting performances in Mongolia and competes with Mongolian teams at invitation of the Physical Culture Commission of the Mongolian People's Republic. krtldsvaiLxaters. visit the MPF1;, in accordance with the 1956 Sino- Mongolian cultural cooperation plan. UNC-4:10IFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : GIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Mongolia Agreements 158 ce AGREFIENTS SIGNED BKI:112Eit COn1UNIST CHINA AND VCNGCLIA At& at-L, aanivg L3.Ac_ts.Lfjzalag Notes exchanged 3/14/55 ? Sino- olt?molian Cultural Plan: Notes . exchanged on 1955., for , cultural cooperatiOn ,between the two '?: countries, . Sinozilpoga.4.43;_n Btsle,d es stizeSsoztr4,44.4 r9einent kU2:199s2lian Postal Pycel Agymad: provides for the wimment of parcel post. Sinyzawslian S:12;,l,tural_Coutrato 11F...tem:rt. ? Approved For Release 2008/6616611.Fe4A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/054001ACAPROP78-00915R0007000600MAcco From 159 To 48. BETWEEN commopm CHINA AND MOROCCO a. FROM MOROCCO Arrive: Legder Depart: No. Members 8/30/55, n a n a 10/6/55 6/30/56- n a_ , Chien Ta-wei, deputy 7/16/56 head Chinese students delegation to. Asian- African Students Oonferencev and others Name or Type of Dole ation and Remarks Youth delegates, - See InternatigRal. Students visit Anshan, Shenyang, and Shanghai, at the invitatiOn of the All-China Students Federation, after attendAng the Asian-African Studente Conference. b. O. MOROCCO None UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIVIED Nepal From 160 To 49. BETWMEN COINUNIST CHM& AND ITEPAL a. FROM NJEPAL Arrive:. . Leader . Nam or TYpe De art' No. Members of Delegation and Remarks _ Women's International Democratic Federation. See International. Student delegates visit China at the invitation of the All-China Students Federation after attending the Asian- African Students Conference. 4/24/56-a n a 5/3/56 6/36/56; n a b. TO NEPAL 7A6/55- n a YuQsiea, Government delegation arrives in n a Chinese Ambassador Katmandu to open negotiations with to India the Royal Government of Nepal on the question of establishing diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of . Nepal. 4/30/56- 1 Manful Vice-Premier Government delegation attends the 5/9/56 coronation of the King of Nepal in Katmandu. The delegation attends a garden party given by the King and Queen of Nepal and araception by Nepalese Foreign Minister C.P.Sharma. Approved For Release 200CRYWATIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED:" 161 5 . BETWEaTCOMMUNISTCB1NA AND IBE NETHERLANDS a. 7Ro.T.L.gium,RLANDp Netherlaota From To Arrive: De .at: n a 1/3/55 9/5/55- 10/4/55 . Menthe s na ?na Paul De Groot, generalilSecretarv Communist Party of the Netherlands, and wife ama or ype. of Delegation? Trade mia$ion_visits China to disCOS traba-with:qhineso authorities. Corrunist p2rIz_leader visits China. Nur, 5b,- 1/13/56 n a 6/1/54 n a 6/4/55. n a Sun as-Irma:let Assistant Manager a:Communications 7/11/55- na na n a 9/55- 2 Chtien Po-tsan; and 11 El, Chou Yi-liang - 5/13/56-.,Chao Icuangs-tseng; 5/19/56 and -N,:;) I-chen,' Chiam/SlaisOcal .Theatar amp. visits the Netherlands during a 9-country, 8-month perfgrmance tour in Europp, Communications -delegation attends the International Congress of Experts on Coastlighting held in Scheveningen on the invitation of the authorities of the Netherlands, the sponsoringnatiOn. Societz_41,alnese Arnhitects delega- tion attends the forxth conference of the International Society of Architects. Delegates attend Co12f2rence of Younii glaalalt_il in Leyden. g2aptIst8atten4-SixthInternational SYmPosium on Speatrology in Holland. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSVIM New Zealand From 162 To 51. BETWEEN-COMMUIUSTLCHINAAND DEW ZEALAM ,Ippm NEW.ZEALAND:-. Arrive: Desert: 5/55- n a 4A/56- n a 4/21/56- n a Leader Members' . ? t 9 Tom Magee; ,,,Frank:Tonngley; and others 1 Rewi Alloy, Assis- tant Secretary Peace Liaison Committee Asian and,PaPifio,_Regions Charles Hilgendorf; Mrs. Evelyzi:Page; ? ....? Dr. Roger Duff; :aaddeel? ? Dr. Angie ROSS; end., -Mrs. -Margaret Garland 4/26/56- 10 . AntaB4. WA2WAttnii n a .'..Tag4s1114'llertram 6/14/56- n ,a . Harold William. Youren Name or Type of Deletion and Remarks Trade unionists, representing five union6;70,tend May Day Celebrations:, , ? WriUi"'sttidies literary works in ahina. Cultural delegation visits Communist China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations' with. Foreign Countries. CulturaLlelegation toure. China and hOlds meetings with Chinese colleagues at :the lnyltiation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Peace delegate 71048 Chiba at the invitation of the China Peace Commolttee. :b. ..,TO? NEW ZEAIAND Chang Tien-min, 04- Chairman Building Workers Union of China BuildipaaakezLpzion delegate tours Auckland, Wellington, and other cities I n New Zealand. UNCIASSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 163, 52, HETWE47 COZMUI3I5T CHINA AND NIGERIA:: a. FROM NIGERIA Nigeria From To Arrive: TaakE Depart: No. Members 4/011,6- n a n a 5/3/56 Name or Type of Delefation And ?Remarke._ WomenlaInternational Demooratic Federation. See International.* b. TO NIGERIA None Approved For Release 2000/05MPAAMMP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCZASSIFIED 164 BETWEEN-COMMUDIIST CHINA AND NORWAY FROM NORWAY Norway From To Arrive: De art: 9/;7/5,5- 10/22/55 4/24/56- n a n a 5/3/56 T.eader ? Members Name or Type, 10 Robert :Kloster - of Dela ation and Remerkt Cultural delegation visits China at the invitation of the Chinese people's -AabOdiationtorCultUral Relations with Foreign Countries, Women's International _Democratic Federation. See international. 10/20/55- n a n a ma b. TO NORWAY Chinese Classical alos end pance Ensemble gives its first performance in :Oslo at the People's Theater (rOlketeatret). The ensemble is visiting Norway with the cooperation of the Department of Cultural Pala,. tions with Foreign. Countries of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. 5/56- 7 Tam Chen-hal, vice n a chairman Council All-China Federation Supply and Marketing Cooperatives 1 week - 6/2/56 1 Wu Hsueh, member Union of Chinese Stage Artists, and managing director Chinese Youth Art Theater 29Amatives delegation visits Norway. Actor participates in commemoration week in Norway marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Henrik lb can. Approved For Release 200Migter*-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Pakistan 165 From 54. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND PAKISTAN FROM pAKISTAN Arrive: De art: No. Leader Name or Type of Dole ation and Remarks Members 4/56- 1 C. M. Latif Businessman. attends May Day celebra- 5/17/56 tions in Peiping and discusses trade with various Chinese companies. Be also visits $banghai. 4/1/56-3. Abmad, observer World Federation of Scientific 4/4/36 Workers. See International. 4/24/56- ;a a n a Women's International Democratic 5/3/56 FederatiOn,; See International. 4/30/56- 6 Abu Saeed Envq.? Labor delegation attends May Day 'Member Executive celebrations in Peiping and tours 5/20/56 Board West Pakistan China at the invitation of the All- Federation of Labor, Lahore; China Federation of Trade Unions, Zahur Abmad Chaudbury, Vice-President East Pakistan Federation of Labor; Gour Berman, Secretary Dacca Water Supply Employees' Union; Abdul Ehdir, Publicity Seoretary All-Pakistan Con- federation of Labor Moborak Sagbar? Pakistan Mazdoor Federation, Karachi; and B. A. K. Bakhtiar, President West Pakistan Federation of Labor, Lahore Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 166 PROM. PAKISTAN, Continued Pakistan From Arrive: Depart: 5/11/56 5/16/560 5/16/56- 5/31/56 6/6- na 6/2/56- 6h0/56 Leader Name.or-T .e.? No, MeMbe s _ of Delegation -, and Remark .00 . . Cift of elephant arrives for Chou En-lai frdmTakistan Prime Minister Mohammed All. ...P.22LI.g2Vd 11480z; jilustafaizul:Rahman; Surajul And others - na na Pakistani films are shown in Peiping for the first time by arrangement. of .the SUraaU for CUlturalRelationis with Foreign Countries, Is1Rmic delegatiOn visits MosqUes and Islagic schools in Peiping, Sian, Lanchow,,and.Urnmchi, and delivers leCtUresattheyInstitute of idlaMIC TheOlogi'at the -invitation of the ..:ChitaIelhml.0 Association. ! Journalists visit Norway after attend- ing the international conference of :-,1011rbelipts in gelsinki. JoUrnaliets tourOhina as guests of the All-China journalists Association. 15 Faiz,AhMad Faiz? Chief. Editor Pakistan Times; Mohsin Ali, Chief Editor Morning News; Ebalilur Rahman, Chief Editor Daily Mohamed liter Faruquil Chief raitor AnJam; M. Akhtar All Xhan, Chief Editor Zamindar; Z. B4 Chaudbury, Chief Editor gaadad) (continued next page) Approved For Release 20000SAIFZWRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R0007000600104-4 UNCI:asPITIED rakistan From 167 a. FROM PAKISTAN Continued Arrive: Leader . Name or Type ppart: No. Members of...4.21tion and Remarks 6/12/56 (continued from previous page) A. Q. Qasimil Chief Editor Imrozo; Zafar Niazi, Chief Editor Imo) corre- spondent Associated Press Pakistan Agency; Q. Aziz, editor United. Press Pakistan Agency; Omar. Kureish, corre- spondent Times. of 461a9ID. I. Ahmed, editor Tasneem.; S. R., All, Assistant Chief Editor Pakistan Observer; S. S. Hussain, Assistant Chief Editor Mad; and Fazli Mahmood, Civil and milillUJI.Uat.a. 40. Oil 3 weeks - n a Abu Said. Anwar 7A/56 A China-Pakistan Frielylalp Associa- ,tipn is formed in Peiping, sponsored by 32 Chinese national people's organi- ?zations. Cultural delegation tours China. Approved For Release 2000/05/a1C.larAT011'78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIM eersoftwootrommor 168 b. T011gagghN Pakistan To Arrive: leader Depart: No. Members 1/18/55- 2 2/4/55 3415155- 4/3/55 8/,1765- 1/25/56 OD Mil Nana or Type of TaleFvtion and Renarke Chien Tljan-shens; and Scient1V. attend 7th session of the Heueh u Pakistan Association for the Advance- ment of Science in Karachi. 9/9/55- na na 9/W55 9/16/55- 10/16/55 11/21/55- 12/15 /55 10 Li. Teh:c4.E.D0 Vice President All-China Democratic Women's Federation; ale ??? Nne. Chang Ch' len; Mho,. :Chang Tsung-an; Ch'ien Heine; Mae. Han. Yu-t 'ung; Moe. Huang Kan-ying; Mine. Kung Plu-sheng; Mhe. Li Bei-ta; Nhe, Li Ping; Nine. Liu Ch'ing-yang Chinese art exhibien opens in Lahore under the sponsorship of the Pakistan Art Council, Chinese,arts and crafts exhibition opens in Karachi under the auspices of the Arts Council of Pakistan. :.Chinese Mosles.p11BnIna visit Karachi whore thy meet many Pakistani religious leaders including leaders ApVtlia-Jamiat al4f1ame Is3ami and the Et Pakistan "Islaoic Organization." The Moslempilgrins donate 10,000 ruPees to the Pakistan flood victims re4effund.committee on behalf of the China Islamic Association. 0.4inese industries exhibition displays ,heavy machinery and other industrial products of New China at the third Pakistan International Industries Fair. -.Wop!en's delegation, visits Pakistan on a g-oodwill mission at the invitation of the All-Pakistan Women's Association. UNCIASSIFIa Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/NTLEIM9P78-00915R0007000609atiten To 169 b. '.TO PAKISTAN Continued: Arrive: Leader De art: No. Members 12/2/55- 12/18/55 12/16/55- 2/4/56 rio ? Soong Ching-ling, Vice Chairman NPC Standing Connittee People's Republic Of China 1/16/56- 1 Prof. Liu Chung-lo 6 days 3/19/56- 3/2.4/56 Marsha).?To Teuaa, Vice Premier 3/26/56- 3 n a n a 4110moremmi,ronew.011.? Name or Type s..11122agatkza_ Remarks Arts and crafts exhibition opens in Lahore under the auspices of the Arts Council of Pakistan. Soong Ching-ling pays friends= visit to Pakistan, Burma, India, at the invitation of the governments of these countries. Delegate to Science Conference of Pakistan attends eighth session at Dacca. The conference is held under the auspices of the Pakistan. Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. govqngpnadelegation attends inauguraUon ceremony of the Pakistan Islamic Republic. Delegation of the Chinese Medical Association attends fourth session of the A1l-PakistaU2lica1 Conference at Peshawar. UNCLASSIFIZ Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/115/05 ? LJA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UaLlikS.L.F1a) . . Pakistan Agreemants 170 c, AGROEMENTS SIGNED BW COMMUNIST CHINA AND PAKISTAN 1419.2tJiloax PJ_2s2.2Lapla3., :April 1956, Karachi., Sino-Paylstani C2a1 Contract: provides that China supp4 125i000 long tOns of coal to Pakistan. , May 10: 1956 Karachi, alatEaklptalli Coal Co,ntract: provides that ChEa wit'expo.oL 360,000 long tons of coal to Pakistan. UNCIASSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05MADVAIRDP78-00915R000700060e6gladuay From 171 To 55. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND PARAGUAY a. FROM' PARA.GUAY Arrive: Leader Name or Type De art: No.? Members of Del tion and Remarks. 8/30//5 n n a 10/6 55 Youth delegates. Z00-InternatiOnaL b. TO PARAGUAY None UNCLASSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Peru From 172 To 56. BETWETZT coninun CHINA Al\ID PERU a. FROM PM' Arrive: Leader NaMe .or Type . , De art: No Members ' ? _9E2212Eation and Pemarka , . 6/56- n a n a Ispsz.1.1.1813. visit China after attend- n a in international conference a journalists in Helsinki. b. TO PERU None UNCLASSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED 173 57. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA ANDMAIL.11),MS._ a. FROM THE PHILIPPINES Philippines From To Arrive: De t: Leader No. 11/77/55 1 Leonard Ignacio, President National Students Union of the Philippines Name or Type of Delo .ation and Remrks Student a utgon delegate inspects Communist China's educational situa- tion. b. TO TPJ None UNPIASSIFIEp Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Poland From 174 58. Im,gEsuaaign_lcum AT POLAND a. FROM POLAND" Arrive: Depart: 5/54 - ?/55 1/15/55 Leader No. Members 18 KrziWof .Dcmi iswicz, pilot nstructar' 2/13//55- n a , 3P3 - 4/24/55-- 6/10/55 Name or Type ? of Dele-ition 'and ReMerks ? ? B. Goronski, Vice- Minister Foreign. Trade Witold Wierzbicki Vice-President Polish Academy of Sciences; K. Kuratowski, W. Nowacki, and W. Rodzinski, academicians 4/29/55- 1 Ignacy Krasickil n a Chief Editor Gezeta Polska 5/eM-J. Prof K. Budzek? n a University of Warsaw 5/4/55- 12 6/11/55 Vice-Chairman Polish State Commission for Economic Planning POIiehitVil a.Viatpn Mission, Coil- sisting offiglider instructors, nips:craftsmen and techniCians, one. enginWone professor, and one ninspectW.from the civil aircraft registration board organizes gliding school .n Ch'ang-ts-kou according to the system established in Poland, Ealatkast 70 Polish scissor cuts and. 133 photographs, illustrating achievements of "German. Democratic Republic," opens in Sbanghal. Trade delegation arrives in Peiping ' to CondUct negotiations-on tiaae for 1955 between China and Poland. Scientists negotiate and sign Since. Polish scientific cooperation protocol. Journalist visits China under the 1955 executive plancf the Sino-Polish Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Scholar tours .China and attends the commemoration meeting for the world cultural figures in Peiping. Delegation attends second session of the Joint Committee for Sino-Polish Technical and Techao1019111.1222222a- in Peiping. UNCIASSIFIM . . Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release2000/05161SYegktP78-00915R0007000600b'tftd 175 a, FROM POLAND, Continued Arrive: Leader De art: No. Members Name or Type of Dole ation and Remarks ... Pia.nat. tours China and. gives ;lectures at the Nertheast.Conservatory of Music under the. 1955 implementation 'plan for 'the Sine-Polish Cultural Cooperation Agreement. 5/30/55- 1 R, Bakst,. professor 3 months Warsaw Music - College 6/29/55- 2 months 'Dr. Blaz j Lege all al 9/22/5.5- 12/16/55- 9/27/55- 11/1/55 n a IA. Col. Zi_Utr Worwa Representative and. Chief' Cultural Affairs General Political Department Polish Army; ? Col Te odor Ratkowski head of ensemble; and P07.1-AA2ISP.. Puda/ Vice-head of ensemble in charge of political affairs Leaneld Infeldi Vice- President World Peace Committee and council member World Federa- tion of Scientific Workers Chemist lectures in Tangshan Fushun? Anshan, and Dairen on the classifica- tion and the chemical processes? of... coal. Gift, Poland presents two gliders to China. Polish music (A:ening by Shanghai symphony_ orchestra features Chopin, The evening was arranged by tlao Shanghai Philharmonic Society under the 1955 plan of the Sino-Polish Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Polish Arm,Song.and Dnce EnseMbIe visits Chin ?i performance tour.,.\ tours China and gives lectures in accordance with the 1955 Inplomentation plan for the Sim, Polish Cultural Cooperation Agreement at the invitation of KW Mo-jo, President of the Academy of Sciences in China. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05.: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 =CLASSIFIED 176 , a. ER4M_LO -_,IAND Continual._ . Poland From Arrivei E2part:, Leader .1110????1?11.111?110.1. Name or Type of ,Delegation . and Remarks Members ." I ? 9/28/55- . tHE41 jRawterzbialri, Architectural exhibition and lectures 11/2/55 - Chairman Polish. : in Peiping on, Polish architecture. ,Architects',Associa- tion The delegation has come to China as guests of the Society of Chinese 10/2/5,5- -. 10/27/55 Pm ea op ego , ? . ? Architects, . Polish mahla2sItz,a1 exhibition opens at Soviet Exhibition Center in Peiping sponsored by the Polish Architects' , Association at the invitation of the Society of Chinese Architects. The exhibition is later displayed in ' Shanghai and Canton, (See item above.) 10/16/5-. 1 Stanislav Moikovski ? ; ? . Journalist visits China in accordance with 1955 plan for implementation of Sino-Polish Cultural Cooperation 11/IT5"7- Ofl Agreement, Intalamotti'MarlonanshiD.0ontest4, 11/26'55- - See International, , . 11/18h5- 7- 110 MN Polish 222I2E2,..2abook illustrations 12/105 exhibition.opens at Working People's Palace of Culture;. in Peiping. The exhibits represent the work of some Co 12/1/55- 12/6/55 . ? 1 Dr. W. lOrylowicz, antibiotis, .:Intarna ?- eprigiwotary Pdliph:artists and is sponsored by the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries in accordance with the 1955 executive plan of the:Sino4olish cultural co- operatien.agreement. Anti-Biotics Research Conference. See Approved For Release 20001M0232CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIK4D Poland From 177 a. ustusgaL Continua Arrive: - Leader Dart 122,tembers 101057 3 ?AdaUARA914): 1/31/56 Minister Higher Edueation4- e J. Wilciek, Vice Minister Culture and Art; Mihalewske Deputy Secretary -C..exieral? Polish Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries 2/15/56- n a n a 3/.O/6 4/116- 4 n a 4/4/56 -Rama or Type eflton. .f4nd .Remarks. Cultural del,egation negotiates and signs 1956-iplan.fo1 the execution Of the.Sino-Polish,Cultural Cooperation Agreement.% Garbarnia soccer team of Krakow, Poland: visits China for a playing tour. Film workers delegation Visits Peiping, Shanghai, Nanking, and other large cities in China to exchange experiences with their Chinese col- leagues at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture. 4/24/56- n a n a International Democratic 5/3/56 VOmen's Federation. Se International. 4/25/56- n a Boleslaw Gebert Trade union delegation visits Peiping n a at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions to attend May Day celebrations. 5/56- 2 Hilary Yelchowski, Wor1c2r2.2prtz delegates visit China n a alternate =mbar after attending Korean Workers Party Political Bureau Polish United Workers Party; and Congress, Liu Shao-chi: Chou En-lai, Chu Te, Kang Sheng, Pteng Ch'en, Tung 11.-wu: Peng Te-hual, and Tong Roman Fibeloki, ? minister machine building industry Hsiao-ping have a reception and banquet for these and, other delegates. Approved For Release 2000/05ffilinatAFIRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Poland From 178 a. FROM POLAND, Continued Arrive: 3. 5/29/56 Leader &alert Bog:T7kelitMunia. Lail, organ Polish United Workers' Perty and chairmen Polish Journalists Union Name or Type of Nao tion Remarks -Pressmanrvisits Construction projects and scenic spots in China in accordance with the SinO.Tolish cultural coopera- tion agreements, Approved For Release 200(iftiCug6-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ImingsSIFIED? " Poland To '179 Tb POLAND Arrive: Derart: N ,Leader.. '-grembe a nO. Hung Sham-. 2/22/- 3/21/5 MeoSeu-tpung? 1P:resident Central COnservatory of Music 5/11/55- PenOLTO-huati:Vice: n a Premier and Minister of Defense; ' Wan 71, - Wang Ping-nano &Jae) Hsiang-Jung, Chen Chu, and Li Yin-u, advisors 6/18/55- M. ow ,00 n a 7/3/55- xi a Cjieng, KuArag-t_to. n a 7P1/55- n a Ho Lung Vice - 8/8/'55 Premier Name or Type,. .of Dole atiam ' d Remarks First Chinese gaLaaknil in Poland - is held in Warsaw and later in 16 other cities, gyalipal delegation arrives in Warsaw to sign4955 e*ecutive plan for the Sinopolish:Cultural Cooperation AgreeMent. amms represents China as one of the judges at the Fifth International Chopin Piano Contest in Warsaw. Observer delegation attends second session of the,,?2,,NaNzialap,j,mja,t2., Ealrd1R5 Peace ang..194ZULJASARaW. In Warsaw. Chinese 11221ata_gashaition by 36 contemporary Chinese artists opens in Warsaw under the sponsorship of the. Polish Committee for Cultural Coopera- tion with Foreign Countries. Delegation, consisting of decorators, engineers, skilled-workers, and.. trade. personnel, attends the 211th _Poznan International Fair and arranges for the Chinese exhibition of 2,800 items of machinery, farm products, and handicrafts. Government delegation attends Polish National Liberation Day celebrations at the Stalin Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIED 180 b. TO POLAND, Continued. Arrive: Depart: 'Leader No. Members.. IN?14?1100?0 7/29/55- 7/30/55-, T/29/55- 41.a 7/30/55-, 690 8/i4/5, 8/7/55 - 9/5 n a - 8/30/55 10/10/55 n a 11/21/55- 'n a 1/21/56- n a a a 0u Tang-hang,"' and. Wu lisuela-chien, deputy leaders . 6 Chiu Fens, n a n a n a Yela Chi-ch, Minister Foreign , Trade. -Pieta Chih-'.in 'Name 'or -Typ-e' __ol_ktkelpt1or.:41nd Remarks. Chinese Folk Music Maser:able takes part in Fifth World. Festival of Youth and. Students for Peace and Friendship. Poland To Approved For Release 2000Yagtice. Youth ana delegation attends, fifth World. Youth Festival in Warsaw. The delegation includes representatives of youth organizations, workers. and, peasants, various nationalities,. religious- groups, :writers, artists, a song- and. ,dance. ensemble, and. an, ? . athletic ,team. Observer delegation attends Inter- 13,1a940..jilsaerszale Race at ihe ? invitatien.:Of, the Friends of Soldiers 'League of Poland and the Polish Automobile and. Motorcycle Club. Your Artists I. delegation visits Poland. on a performance tour. Trade delegation arrives in Warsaw for negotiations with the Polish government on mutual deltveries:of,' goods in 1956. Poet visits Poland in accordance with the 1955 plan for the impleraentatinn of the Sino-Polish cultural coopera- tion agyeeraents. Chinese 0422:m.,A ,exhibition opens in the Stalin Pe,larie of Culture and Science in Warsaw. The exhibition, displaying more than 100 items, is sponsored by the Polish Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, I, VP -RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIETCH Poland To 181 TO POUND,. Continued., Arrive: Depart: 30/5,6- 3/13/56 Leader No - Members 23 n a 3/14/567. n a 4/p/56- 4 8/56 Chu T; end Wang Ping-nen Tsui I -tien, Vice-Minister Health; Chi,Lu-yul Assistant Minister; Chen Wen-kwei, bacteriologist; and others 4/7/567 3 tHoiao7tunso n a Vice Chairman Supervisory Com- mittee Federation of Cooperatives 4/26/56- n a. Nan Han-chen 5/29/56 Name or Type of..2.9.12941.9n Remarks Students sport delegation attends World University Students' Winter Games in Warsaw. The delegation consists of on ice hockey team and observers to the figure skating and skiing competitions. Funeral delegation of government members attends burial of Bolos:law Bierut, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers Party in Warsaw. Delegation of the Ministry of Health attends a public health conference. Cooperatives delegation attends Second Congress of the Polish , "Peasants Mutual Aid" Agricultural Producers Cooperatives. Econondc mission makes an extensive study of Poland's industry. UNCLASNFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : GIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? uNciAssimo Poland Agreements 182 c. AppaMENTS SIG= BETWEZI.LCOMONIST CHINA ABILPOLAND Pate of.-?1g711.nEPlace ofg Nhrch 21, 1955 Peiping arlja:Pc....211.112.Lraetzteement: China to supply Polandyduring 1955, with mineral products, animally-products, Mod- stuffs,. and tea; Poland to supply China with equipment, metals .and rolled steel, machineryy, vehicles, and industrial chemicals. Sino-Polish ScientakLammAkal. Protocol: CoVerstalks between the Chinese and.PoliSh academies of sciences OwfUrther development of scientific cooperation; and sets forth principles on the exc1t4nge of scientific knzPledgey matual assistance in training'sdientific personnel, and'. the exChange of visits of scientists of both countries.' June 8, 1955 Peiping Dec. 21, 1955 Warsaw Jan. 28, 1956_ Peiping-: Sine-Polish?Trade Accord: China to supply Pol&nd wtth ore; non- ferrous metals, asbestos, food products, tea, cored tobacco, fruits, silks, and other goods; Poland to furnish China wIth corolete sets of equipment, machinery, transport machinery, tractors, and other agri- cultural machinery, steel products, textiles, tUgary and other goods. Sind,Polieh CUltuxelp3an: 1956 plan to carry oit the Sine-Polish Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Under the plan. direet ? exchange zolations will be set up between the scientific,. , educational, cultural, and art organiza- tions in the two countries; and. scientists, writers, and artists will visit each otheris coutlitry and exchange experiences. Also,provides,f6t the- exchange of scientific, cultural, and art exhibitions. Approved For Release 200WW6FtiA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCIASSIFIM 183 Poland. Agreements c. AGREEMENTS SIGNE2,BETWEEN COMMUNIST:CHINA1VD.POLANpl, Continued Date of 3i P.1222...ss_ampla. April 23, .1956 June 21, 1956 Warsaw: T4i!chn1ca1 and Tec1ral2gica1 Cooperation Protocol: provides for fur- ther-expansion and.strengthening-Of technical and technological coopera- tion between China and. Poland.' - Poznan laternational Sino-Polish Trade Pact: provides that Fair) Poland sell to China 373 diesel generators for drilling rigs, 500 Caterpillar tractors, 80 wheel-type tractors, and 170-sets.of drilling rigs. In addition, Poland is required to supply 65 lathes of various types and .69 bulIdOzers, which can also be used as Caterpillar cranes. ?Nr Approved For Release 2000/06,01PCFAADP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED .184 LpiaLl .29.WITZ_LHINA AND PORTUGAL a. FROM PORTUGAI Portugal From To log= kozaL",..194,_142,p,,Lers 8/30/55- na na 10/6/55 Name or Type of pelzaktion ts2 ark e , zou delegates. See acLejzarW.carla. b. 12.1Z(212114 None + ? ? No ? ow ? ? nr? ? ea p ? ? ? N. r. ? ? ? r I ? M 1 I K A Wm ? Approved For Release 2000/015/0funiA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/Opeis Arrive: 1/20/55- 1/24/55 2/17/55 60. 185 CHI DP78-00915R000700060004-4 .mania From , a. gia..Maa 3/4/55- 3/25/55 7/10/55- 2 Solomon 1:11a; and 9/17/55 n a n a Wow 8/1/55- 9/16/55 g/29/55- 10/14/55 9/16/55- 12/19/55 9/30/55 n a 4elshoyu IIariya n a Floresou'Arta; Wiski Ana; and:. Fp ZUmitru_ Stefan Nicola, DireCtor Virus Research Institute of Rumanian Academy of 6Ciences - Fetre Dumitru; and GeO Bogza /tAag delegation negotiates and sips 1955 goods exchange and payment agreement. .gia of tractors and farming implements from the Rumanian Government was ' officiallyyeceived by the Peiping , regime at a:CreT1104y,at the Tunghaien 'Agricultural Machine and Tractor station. This gift was presented on the occasion of the Chinese National Day anniversary. Rumanian :23,L,Jc Isah,=4.oz opens - in Shanghai:.'-?- 4rtistp-etudy Chinese folk art in accordance with 1955 plan of the Sino-Rumanian cultural cooperation agreement. gauguaga delegation visits Chinese cooperatives in Peiping and other cities. Vocalists and musicians visit China in accordance with 1955 plan of the Sino-Rumanian cultural cooperation agreement. Academician visits China under the 1955 executive plan of the Sino- Rumanian cultural cooperation agreement, giving a series of lectures on virus. Itritere visit China in accordance with 1955 plan.of the Sino-Rumanian Cultural -Cooperation Agreement. UNO14SSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 292M/s04g1A-RDP78,70091513000709C,Tp0,04-4 From 186 a. RumOTIA, cottifitlea- COMM1.411111.411160.01110.00 Arrive: .194.12E 10/17/55- n a 11/17/55- n 11/26/55 12/1/55.- 12/6/55 12/6/55- 1 12/10/55 a 12/20/55, n a 12/30/55 - 1 month Lia ? cristian :Stefan Nicols44 virus specialist. Lidia Cristian Name or Type pfDepks . . accordance with 1955 plan for imple7 nientatiOn-.0 the Sino-Rumanian Cultural: Cooperatian-AEreement. ,?, -LastrattisgWaszliguarmt4p gailesi? 506iaWwilklaa. , , Aalt-412144_49Aurstacakrtma. se0:4144004smil. lunist gives recitals in Peiping at , a,perf,Crmance sponsored by the Union of Chineee'Musicians. 16?Pruka AreAatidrUr'end"- 3/56- n a n a 4/1/56- 4/4/56 ?gumanian.national men's 1211.19.1kall' is1te China. Elnlankr ,- - deputy head n a Oliviviu Rusul observer ? Rumanian:folk art exahillat'opene in Ipeiping on the eighth anniversary of thejOunding of the "Rumanian People's RdpalW7The 1,200 items include national costumes, pottery, woodwork, -bone and metal articles, musical .instruments, embroidery, and, textiles, and is the largest of its kind held abroad by the "RumanianPpoplels Republie to date, The exhibition is sponsored by the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries ' under the 3.955 executive plan of the Sino-Rumanian Ctltura?ooperation Agreement. Chinese Moftritytanajegillal.. See 21112Lagisma, RuilLEeaeration of 4.;;cienIals.' Workers. See illaraptional. Approved For Release 2000girxt,OfnialA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/051105COVADP78-00915R00070006M410, From 187 a. gram RUMANIA, Continued Arrive: koll= 4/20/56- 8 'klarcel Vlaiouriz:912.L.tw_anis' n a 4/24/56- n a n a 5/V56 4/29/56- n a 1 Firgil BaciucescU, ,member editorial board Zul Aalania 5/56- n_a Janos Fazekas? n a Secretary; and -Constantin Lazarescu, staff member Central Committee Rtmanian Workers Party; 5/56 TrIRM and others' .0111?1 5/30/56- 126 Ini Nicolae : n a 6/12/56- 2 garchel Lokar; and. n a Oktav Doichean 6/23/56- ??? 7/23/56 lime or Type .01* ...1.110.** ? IIIIIIIIMOA.,11?0011. and_;_kmarks avers visit China after participating in the 1956 world table tennis championships in Tokyo. W.922.414.Intern04191.14 31911122131&12- 1Wepation. See ;all:national.- latuald visits China in accordance with China's cultural cooperation agreements with Rumania. Workera_mly delegation visits China 'after-attending Third Congress Korean Workers' Party Congress. 'Rumanian ItagglaIlona.of ancient Chinese agamkby 4USebiu Camilar published by the Rumanian State Publishing Rouse for literature and art. Folk dance and song ensemble visits China in. accordance with the Chinese- Rumanian cultural cooperation agreement. Aubituts.and winners of the Rumanian. labor medal; second class, visit Chin& in accordance with the 1956 executive plan for the Sino-Rumanian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Eac art exh bition is shown in Canton Approved For Release 2000/1kideSdaDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Hula/oat To 188 . TO RUMANIA. Arrive: LW= 3/29/55 449/55- 5/1/55 6/10/55- n a 8/5/55- 9/20/55 8/15/55r. n a n a Ow.* n?a n a n a n a 29Llig2n n a ?Sna.?1194:Ual, President Peiping Agricultural University 9/14/55r 19 n a n a ? 9/23/55- n a .912916,300-11anEy Vice-Minister PettoleUm Inaustry 10/24/557-..n a ,2_gaknien, Chinese n a kmbassador to the Rumanian People's Reptblic 12/22/55- n a =al 2/24/56 4 . . Name or Type end Rinarcp Chinese gia..a.acj.,,ktjaaaa_ajzb=1,2n opens in laucharest under the sponsor- ship of the Rumanian Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. g22.0ell, team visits China at the inyitation of the Committee for Physical Oilfizre and Sports of Rumaan. - , EglLgulc ensemble. gives performances :.of-Ohinesetraditional music in :nucharest,and other cities. Delegation. of Lcienliste.z..educators, anlArtietp visit Rumania. Agricultural delegation studies agriculture in Rumania in accordance with the 1955 plan for Sino-Rumanian' cultural cooperation. Molo.rgyslIsts compete in international cross-country race in Rumania. &lent= delegation attends third session of the Joint 3ino-Rumanian Scientific and Technical Cooperation Commission in Bucharest. Trade delegation 'arrives in Bucharest to hold. talks with the Government of the Rumanian People's Republic on the signing of a 1956 Sino-Rumanian Trade Agreement. 99,yernmpt delegation of the CCP Central Committee attends second congress of the Rumanian Workers' Party at invitation of its Central Committee. - Approved For Release 200M99iak-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/052. CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED -umania To 189 b. amana, Continued Arrive; L2Aa.a memb r8 12/30/55 -2 Wu Ohang-chao, n. a 'Director Palace. Museum; and Lu Ming, department head Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries 4/56- n a Lukg. Shisinevschi n a 4/15/56- 48 n a n a 6/18/56- n a 41 Cheng Po-ohi; and Tseng Ke 6/24/5E- n a n a 7/7/56 ? Name or Type of De e 611914?, pnd Remarks 9111IBE21 delegates negotiate and sign 1956 executive plans in connection with the Sino-Rumanian cultural cooperation agreements. ;rade utaon delegation attends May Day celebrations in Peiping at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Acro14419_Ireyp gives performances in nine cities in Western Rumania in accordance with the 1956 plan for implementation of the Sino-Rumanian Cultural Cooperation Agreement. Ekilea attend the first i'tuthanian writers congress in L.acharest at invitation of the Rumanian Union of Writers. Men's and women's tukttbal..:L:umg compete with Rumanian teams in Bucharest at the invitation of the Rumanian Committee for Physical. Culture and Sports. Approved For Release 20001.01SLOSsiMRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved Far Release 2000/05/0?.LCIA-RDP78-00915ROOOKI IA2004-4 1.1Ne#LASSIr Apeements ;90 -D4*-44444ag 1112g-d-11442g 1/20/55 Peiping - 4-501,147,..4:02,j,sreement: China tO Supply Bilbania with mineral productsvanimal by-products, raw Materialsond:Apily:necessitiesi **Mania to. npply China with power- glimerating equipment, petroleum, indUstriga*chemicals, machinrY, gOOdsrequired:for production, and constrUctiOPJ04:4aily necessities. 3/10/55 Bucharest 5Q Plan'igii.11.4:14121.111D-gulturA; 9.2242id122 ? 7/30/55 ,OUsharsat 1/3/56- Bucharest 243/54 Bucharest ' c9mmUnlpg,tions Agreemt Sino.Rumanian Trade andPayments tamhats, China to supply lUmania with iron ore, aabeatos, wool, skint and hides, foodstuffs, tea, jute, .en4 cotton yarn; Rumania to supply China with electric generating equipment, deep-well drilling equipment, tractors, oil tank cars, petroleum, and petroleum products. tive P an for the Sino- Approved For Release 200005/MKTUI-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000gSSIIRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Saudi Arabia From To AS1 61. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND SAUDI ARABIA a. FROM SAUDI ARABIA Arrive: De art: So. Members Leader NaMe &-Typo of Dele ation :and Remarks NOne b. TO SAUDI ARABIA 1/6/56- n a Trade mission arrives in Jidda at the 1/14/56 Vice-Minister Foreign invitation of the Government of the _ Trade Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The mission is excbanging views with representatives of the Government and commercial and industrial circles of Saudi Arabia on the development of trade relations --batwean-theYtwo?countries.- Approved For Release 200056TOSPUR-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIiIM Senegal From 192 To .62N....,C,SHOOLOINA,AND SENEGAL a. FROM -SENEGAL. ' ammat01/00POIMIMM..10111.01i1010.111?11.11....464.1??????????00aSOMN,MMOWS.. .alisref.....?????????10....Wwri???0??,....../kWIsm.00.1.???????=0...??????????=7, Arrive: Leader ? Nene or Type ? De art: ? ? ers gon...;. -arta Remaxike Youth delegates. See International. 9/2/55- n a n a n 4./26/56- n a n a 5/3/56 Women' s Tiaternational peraocratic ? 24.:teati;n.- See -Iiitermatienal. ? UNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/05AiscMpP78-00915R000700060004.74 uain From To 63. 193 ETWF4N COMMUNIST CHTNA.AUDSPAIN Arrive: Depart: Leader No. Members n a. 8/30/55;' n a 11/12/55- n a 4/24/56- 5/3/56 n a - 5/25/56 Dr. JosaGiral,, Chairmat'SpaniSh" Peace Committee and member:Burean World -Peace Council Name or .ofMelepation-.- and ' Remark . . ? YOUth delegates See International. Peace leader attends a meeting in Peiping commeMOrating the 100th anni- versary of the first edition of Walt Whitmanle "Leaves, of Grasp." and the 350th anniversary Of the pUbliCa- tion-Of Cerventeat "Don Quixote." Women's. International Democratic Federation."See International. Peace delegates visit China at the invitation of the China Peace Committee. TO SPAIN None UNci.A$SIM) Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700080004-4 'UNCLASSIFIED Sudan From 194 _------ .Arrive:' ' De.: t* 6. BETW, COlvivIUNT.ST CHI* AND THE SUDAN . FROM .THE SUDAN Name or Tine 7/13/55- 7/30/55 All Moh.aprd Ibrahim ? 9/2/55-, na na ? a 4/21/56'- n a '5/3:/56-. 13 a Sayi.d. Jacob ?Zaraid bEticiker . 10 All Amer , 1 , f e. tion. and --Remarks Jurist visits China at" the invitation of the Political Science and taw Association. of China. Touthdeleates. See International. Peace delegate visits China at the invitation of the China Peace Committee. , Cultural delegation, consisting of government officials, journalists, doctors, and businessmen visit China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. 5/3/56- a a Abdul.?.?,,,,L?ati.thaL.A. Tra .. on de unt . delegates. visit d China an exchange technical experiences with Chinese workers at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. ? ".*" 5/17/56 5/11/56- 10 Daoud Abdel Latif Sudanese Cultural Delegation of Good- ? a .China at the. invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. 1.INCLABSIFIM Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Sudan To 195 b. TO TEE SUDAN -0.0. Arrive: WAer Name or Type ...,,.,_. Depart: No. Memberq_ , of Delegation and Remarks _ . __ _ , 4/4/56- n a Yeh,Chi-chuamo. Trade mission visits the Sudan at .....-- n al . AdnisterForeigm the invitation of the Government of ... the Sudan Republic to discuss trade promotion and economic relations between the two countries. Trade 4/16/56- 75 Burhan Shahidi Cultural and artistic,mission.perforMs- 4A9/56 et-the-Sudan'CultUral Center Theater. Approved For Release 2000/R9WaRIRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 ? Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Sudan Agreements 196 c. AGREEMENTS SIGNED WIWELM COMMUNIST CHINA ALM TRE SUDAN Date of S1smilw---1,241alLsplVjx. Alain 141: 1956 "10:iiirtmv ?S1.n9.;Sudanese Trade Talles,trimmunicue: -ekpresses-willingness-by,both countries to promote trade and economic re10400etiieen...tho two. ..countries. Approved For Release 200049?0?6,SARS-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Sweden From 197 65. BETWEEN CONMUNIST CHINA AN SWEDEN _a. FROM SWEDEN Arrive; Depart: No.".. Leader ? R. Schulman, Swedish Ambassador? to Soviet Union . Copts, 44r andt, Manager Billingfors ' Corporation 5/55- n a 5/12/55- 6/22/55 1 8/28/55- 1.4a1Mar leo Mehr; 9/22/55 and M-s Mehr.' 8/31/55- 5 Mine. Wiberg 9/23/55 3/14/56- 4/11/56 1 Rev. G. Nystrpm, Pastor Covenant Mission of Sweden 4/2/56- n a n a 5/3/56 6/6/56- 1 Lt. Col. A. H. n a Areskoug Name or TYPO. of Deleggtiop and Remarks. Ambassp.dor visits China and is received by Chou En-lai. de ? - mission"tl'sits China, gity_goilulllga of Stockholm visits China etyinvitetionof the Chinese People's .Institute of Foreign Affairs. gaIREA1 delegation Visits China at invitation of the.Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Church leader attends the enlarged session of tWNational Committee of the Protestant 'Churches of China forTSelf-4dMinistration at invitation of Christian Leaders Y. T. Wu and Marcus Cheng. goalikau. See ,International. 4411.11.14MILS.2.111&1=2:17isits China. Approved For Release 2000/05/94?L:AWRF'78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Sweden To 19S . TO SWEDEN Arrive: e art: Leader Me ber Name or Type of at on id... Remarks c)asic.a1 Onppmble performs in Stockholm and Goteborg at invitation of the Swedish Dance AsSociation. , bas2 delegation attends special session of the Uorld Peace:Counal in'SVockholm to discuss disarmament; prohibition?'ornuclear weapons, and other question concerning peace and relaxation- of 'international tension. 10/05- n 4 n a ' 3/29/56- 16 Chen Shu=llaag; 4/19/56 5/10/56- n a . ;du Nig, deputy leader; -Li CheRan-sheng; ala0 Li-tzu;: Lo Lung-chi; .Hou Te-pang;. ? Chien Tuan-shengt: .,Cheng Chien; Fu Tao-i; Balch :1111#:: 444414 Phoebe Jiv0..Shil.- . Tang: Ming,chaovand 6 Tena Chpn,thsi, vice .Faderation of supply 'and Marketing HuonL Ts'en,-,ming; Uu Jen,-kusi; Kao Ling;, _ Yen Tae-lung; Teng Chen-hsi; Nis. Chiao Chien 411.??????????111.111. ? ..11W,11???./.111M1.411. 9.9.222041= delegation visits Sweden:. Approved For Release 200Makk-9*-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 WICLIIifi 0 ? Switzerland From 199 66. jaitZLENQJ a. brrive: Lepd,er A094.1: Fo. . 4/29/55- 5 Dr. H. Kramer .n a. 4/12/56- 2 Ulliam H. Aichel; 4/26/56 . Eugene de Week 04/56- n 4 n a 5/3/56 AND .L?itLAND rlame or Type --2f-22.919-0:....a9n. and ReD2N.10- natmed delegation visits China at invitation of the Chinese People's rissociation for Cultural Helations with Foreign Countries. 11124/1241210-11-ed 4.944224naUta delegation arrives in China at the invitation of the Ted Cross Society or China. gcMbers exchange views with leaders of the Red Cross Society of China concerning Red Cross work; inspect basic centers set up by the Peiping chapter of the Red Cross society of China in factories, schools, and residential districts, and medical and public health Services; and visit scenic spots and places of historic interest. Ll.cinaalittaLiaam.4,..)221._noolfa2 kii...lex,E,t1.94., See laaLva_.ollal. Approved For Release 2000/00519Aacit,IpP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Switzerland To 200 b. 7.9...21,112ZUM Arrivel. Luau- - -% ? Name or Type Loltpla.r.k.1...........?.24....,..D213106 . __ 24155? n a flit 2/4/55 . 2/9/55- n a 5,/55- 03/56 7/7/55:-; - 7/10/55 Hau Kuong-ping, Vice-President All- china'Demooratic Women's Federation n a .n. a.. 32,...:TA, Tith-chuano.Vice- .President All-China Democratic Women's Federation and of the Chinese People's National Committee in Defense of Children 4/55- 1 Professor Tu Chang- n a wang, honorary secre- tary and member standing committee World Federation of Scientific Workers 8/31/55- n a n a n a 5/17/56- n a n a 2 weeks Delegation of 411zzia_akaaaa. Fe4raZion attends a conference in 4on, Switzerland on problems of peace. The conference is jointly sponsored by the International Union of Students and the i,orld Students - Christian Federation. Delegates attend council meeting of 1,12m2iLlaszdadko_rat8lDemo9ratkp Egder4ion in Geneva, Switzerland. Other countries attending are India, Japan, Indonesia, Britn, France, Italy, East Germany, and West German/. Chinese 91? visits Switzerland during 8-month 9-country performance tour in Europs. Delegates and staff members .attend the World Congress of Mothers in. Lautanne, Switzerland. Delegate attends inkzatlimlg Conference for_Zumfa,..V.0.=.421: 4i2aa,ggersz in Geneva as observer for the World Federation of Scientific Workers. Chinesq,Arl_konD visits Switzerland on a performance tour. gatarel delegates tour Switzerland. Approved For Release 20001KifisTERDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIZD Switzerland To 201 TO SW/T Arrive: Imapx--- TAUVAL.----2.4.----NtLabers n a 5,62156 - n a ? .14111?0 Continued 92.12:2_. arlg, Chemist; 911-91A9diag, -economist and deputy head of delegation; Na9-Xi:Ahtag., engineer .and deputy head Of. delegation; Li Chiyeh;' Ho Chia-hua4 Chang Ting; .11ang Hsueh7tao; and Lang Yu-hsiu ' Name or Type of Delp_gaAlo=.1_11...emgli Chinese Lolk_grLszklbition opens at Neuchatel Nuseum Of Ethnology in.' Switzerland. gatwal delegation tours Switzerland. Approved For Release 2000/0gesgyygDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved ForRelease2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Syria From 202 67. ZILMLOMPENTADINLANAMBIA ?a BSIUMIA W Arrive.: - I2,14.2E Name or Type No ofOnd ;Dterlat1ca--- 4/30/55- n a n a 8/9/55 9/2/55- na na n a Peace delegates visit China at invitation of the China Peace Committee after attending the Asian Countries Conference in New Delhi. :Youth delegates. See jokaglipagl. 4/14/56- 2 Abd-al-Halim Qadur; ? aknalles-tour China at that 2 weeks and ? government's invitation.- Faysal ar-Rekbi 4/26/56- n a V.0111411.1011,1t, INastaL,uauggIA attend May Day n a aextile Syndicate); celebrations in Peiping at invitation and Of the ll-China Federation of Trade Unions. Sawwaf (Electrical Syndi707 4/30/56- 13 Lizaa?Kmalx-, Jurist delegation visits China at 5/25/56 chairman Syrian invitation of the Political ,Science Lawyers Assooiation and Law Association of China. During its stay, the members visit courts, jails, factories, and agricultural producer cooperatives in Peiping, Shenyang, Anshan and Fushun and give lectures on the history of Arab 5/13/56- 1 Abdal Majid Bustom n a 6/56- n a n a n a 6/30/56- 1 Abdal Daki n a Mohammed al-Issaac countries. Eemtax_a_Eallement visits China at invitation of the Chinese People's Institute for Foreign Affairs. He is received by Chou En-lai on May 30. ipurnalkla visit China after attending International conference of journalists in Helsinki. Student delegate visits Anshan, Shenyang, and Shanghai at invitation of the All-China Students Federation. Approved For Releas'ela0TROF CIA-RDP78-00915k000700060004-4 CLE FIED' Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Syria To 203 b. TO SYRIA Arrive: LW= Members 8/55- n a .911ALZ-MiDE, n a member China :Committee Promotion of International Trade and Vice- Minister Foreign Trade 12 V55-. 1/5/56 n a chlang Ying 5/21/56- 75 itirlp_alabill 6/13/56 ??????????????????01.1?01110.011.1011?11. Name or Type . Chinese delegation to gamp.aluald Egg represents one of 21 countries participating in fair. China exhibits over 2,000 items including machinery, steel products, building materials, mineral ores, textiles, foodstuffs, and Islamic relics. Zrad2 delegation arrives in Syria to negotiate and sign a trade agreement with the Syrian Government and to exchange views with Syrian industrialists and businessmen on the development of trade relations between China and Syria. -4Bul delegation visits Syria on 'a performance tour. During the delegation's stay in Damascus, the leader negotiates with the Ministry of PI4blic Instruction for a cultural cooperation agreement. Approved For Release 2000/05/0AdtWIN78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Syria Agreements 204 ce k..,Z=LT?, _?,IMp,,.ATWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND MIA Date of Siznka 1g2412_?.10j_g.n 11/.33155 ' Damascus' 6/1,/56 Damascus -glastamlan.Tradsand-Paym laparatat: 'It-to:romote and davelOp trade between the two _ PliglAti12D4-411311-9.2.900711.02 4L02004k? provides for the exchange of teachers. an students, plus university courses in the Arabic language in 'China and the Chinese language in Syria. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 205 68. BETWay 7,0MUNIST CHINA AND THAILAND a. FROM THAILAND ? Tholicnd From To Arrive; apart: ? 1/20/56- 2/13/56 IMpmbef211712a 1P______ Member of Parliament and leader Economists Party 4/24/56- . n a 5/3/56 4/27/567 :23 iap.I21.11144 n a ????????IrWpwrivoilm... Nene or. Type oUglexatipn ii.emaricP Citizens -delegation, composed of three businessmen, one farmer, three newspepermeni'anda.journalist? visits "Chines economic construction" at invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affair's. - Demo9ratic aludiga. See Internailmmal. HighlAmag delegation exemines cultivation of cotton end tea in Chins, (This delegation is comprised of 23 Vietnamese,members. See also under Yi4m,wa.) b. .111221....., LAL 9/55- n a 110,211=4112, Deputy n a Director Chinese Broadcasting AdmAnistrative Bureau 3/56 ?????? D delegetion, attends the 10th plenary meeting of the ,orld Federation of United Nations Association in Bangkok, at invitation of the Federation. Chinese film "Shin Hsian Lien" is shown in pangkok under the sponsorship of the TAlfare Department of Thailand's Naval Ministry. Approved For Release 2000/0.5insaMERDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2001WafttpC46-RDP78-00915R0007000Apapile4 From 206 To 411......... f!rrive: 69. E'LLIE_ELpjaZil.2L1 C N AND TUNIZ.,..A a. FROM TUNISIA Leadir ---7-7.77----ZWe or Type 8/28/55-. 9/20/55, 4/241/56... 5/3/56- 4/56- n a 13 knjapal, executive odwL mission visits China at member Tunisian . invitation of the China Peace Peace Committee and Committee. President Tunisia- China Society n a n a 'Djemal Dine Lellal, ? UGTT, Union of Agri- CUltUral Instructors; Eatadi Cherif) UST, Unitarian Union of Post, Telephone, and Telegraph Workers; Mohamed,Mellbuli,_UGTT, -Public Works Union; and Taieb ben Ahmed, UGTT, Union Sfax-G4f0a Rail- road Personnel 6/30/56-'. n a a n a .1.404-12.?-1DUrnalgia51-11PDP.U.4112 E.2.0 4,7411.9.B. See IggZDAI1211.a. Labor delegation tours China and attends Nay Day celebrations in Peiping at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. The delegation is comprised of members of the Tunisian General Labor Union (UGTT) and the Trade Union Federation of Tunisian Ijorkers (USTT). . Student delegates visit China at the invitation of the 41,11-China Students Federation after attending the Asian- African Students Conference. b. TO TUNISIA None Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05tatiaSARP78-00915R00070006001Mley . From To 207 70, COMMUN ST CHINA ANs TURK a. WIZ= Arrive: r. Name or Type None 3/56 .11110 ?????? zumzel. Chinese Red Cross makes a snation of ten thousand the Turkish Red Crescent for the relief of flood, snowstorm, and earthquake victims Approved For Release 2000/056PeekrBP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2o40,?M?FraA-RDP78-00915ROOOMA6004-4 South Africa 2e8 From To N TC IC Si OUT} AFRICA a. lEalglalhallga tairive; , No.Lu_ers pd Repierkk .12,gpart: Leader, Naine or Type 8/30/55:-; n a ? 10/6/55 4/21/56- n a . Iiora1d. Edwin Press .121a-delegates.; -.See idgr?valaufak-- bat delegate visits China at the invitation of the China ?eaCe Cc101ittee. ?Nes?????????40?01.0.1wW.Wrorm....???????1?????????......p.imays.a.ema...0.0 40,???????& b. ?T.Q.Z.MAIINA None Approved For Release 2000kigkel8R2RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 TATCL4StifPIED, United Kingdom Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700030SO4-4 209 72. EEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND THE UNITED KINGDO a.LagiLIEN.31.12-112-194 ..???????*evelmo... Name or Type krive idia4= D.W.E.ti.. No 2/5/55- 2/22/55 244.T.9..W...4:illtr...-13.12;tis, Vice-Chairman Board and Ceneral Manager Barrow? Hepburn and Gale Ltd. ' 3/30/55- 17 SI, AI Lane, Brush n a Croup Limited 4/6/55- 5/11/55 4/27/55- n a n a - 5/19/55 n a Harry Pollitt,:'. GerieralSeCretaryi Communist Party of Britain; and Robert Stewart, Chairman Appeals Committee, Communist Party Of Britain n a Mrs. Freda Grimble, Honorary Secretary of British National Assembly of Women Ixaal delegation, composed of industrialists end merchants representing 270,4:ritish manufacturing firms, signs in Peiping more than 130 coritractsWith various Chinese Oorinianist iov4rnment departments, for total sale of goods valued at four million pounds sterling. ztait delegation, composed of industrialists and businessmen, and sponsored by. the Sino-Lritish Trade Committee in Britain, discusses - business transactions with the China National Import and ,],xport Corporation. and other import and export concerns in China. The group represents.4ritish chemical, medical; eleCtrical supplies, steel ' and machinery manufacturers, and export-import firms, Communist leaders tour China. Student delegates attend May Day 77,7175EFEtions in Peiping at the invitation of the All-China Federa- tion of Democratic Youth. The delegates are students of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Women's delegation tours Shenyang, Anshan, Fushun, Nanking, Shanghai, and Hangchow, and attends May Day celebrations at invitation of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED United Kingdom From 210 a. FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM, Continued Arrive: Depart: No. treader Name or //rue zleuioers of' Remarks 8/2/55- 2 Denis Nowell Pritt*,,, Peace_uchampion". and wife visit 10/11/55 President British 'Chita at invitation of the China ? Peace Committee and Peace Committee and Political ? winner International Science andlLa4 Atsociation of China.. Stalin Peace Prize, Ptesident International Association of Democratic Lawyers; and Mts. Pritt 8/16/55- n a Maurice Orbach; British alter_ji.114, Delegation to 9/13/55 China visits China, as guests of the ,.Kathleen Lons-Dale; China Peace Committee. and others 10/5/55- Duncan 'good.' Society of FriendslaltatuLd Britain delegation visits China at guests of the China Peace Committee. 10/29/55 10/10/55. 2 Mrs.. Limerick, Vice.-British Red Cross delegates 10/26/55 .92.212Iy President British visit Chine at -invitation of the Red Cross Society; Red Cross Society of China. Miss Bark official 12/14/55- 12/30/55 n a Edmund Charles British professore visit China at Blunden invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. UNCLASUFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05,: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED United Kingdom From 211 a. FROM.THE UNITED KINGDOM, Continued Arrive: 148,02.:E. Name or Type ltRati_____294 Members of all_ezatiOn and Remarks 3/23/56-- 4/7/56 3/27/56- n; a.. 1? -Dr. W. A. Wooster, Crystellagraphy .6Pecia1ist ' RiChard Celine 4/1/56- 4/4/56 Dx'.'CF.POwell, Vice Freeident and Presiding member WF6W; a. Edwards, , , ilonOrtity,sepretary WFSWi ?Council) Member; Dr. E. pursop, 'Aeelsta'nt:Secretary; Missfiandley Fiena, Staff ,Member; Young, Council Member; and Dr. W. A. Wooster Scitaipt attends 16th seSsial of World 'Federation of Scientific Workers'(see'Lliernational). He also gives a series of seven lectures to Chinese scientists at the Applied Physics Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Artist visits China and holds exhibition of British woodcuts at invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Iftrld Federation ct Scientific Woriers. See International. UNCIASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED United Kingdom From 212 a. EBDUBLINITZDJELWA0 Continued -------- Arrive: Detiertt No. Leader, Members 4/8/56- 4 L. C. Be Gower; 4/26/56 Z. Jones, R. S. W. Polland, R. Milner 4/24/56- n a n a 5/3/56 4/28/56, 2 Nicholas Kaldor n a and Mrs Kaldor 4/29/56 n 5/29/56 6/10/56. 6/24/56 0.10011 ??????? Name or Type Mrs. Catherine Williamson; and Miss Gladys Driver 0.111.0?? Jurist delegates tour major cities of China as 'guests of the Political Science and Law Association of China. They are among 17 jurists from rive European countries visiting China. ylom.p.p2.s_k_tel,..A.n Jona). Democrat Feeration. See ; t .4gghoist vistts China at invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. 91:1 of four deer, from the Zoological Society of London to the ChinescrSociety of Zoologists iE0;on display in the Peiping zoo. ama peace delegates visit Tientsin, Nanking, Shanghai, Hangchows Canton, and other cities, at the invitation or, China Peace Committee. British grambu_grt eFbiitA.on is shown in Peiping, Shanghai, and Hangchow. The exhibits were collected by the Britain-China Friendship Aisociation, Approved For Release 2009R/A0s6R-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED United Kingdom To 213- b. TO THE UNITED .KINGDCM. Arrive: .Leader: Limartio..,. Members:. 1/22/55 n a ? ?????? 4/22/55- n a 6/8/55 -)' 9)55 Walla Name or Type... .of. Bele?ation '..Remarki abush,i..ka 9 chairman National .? Cominittee? Coal. Miners' Trade Union TAT*-2.4= ???????? 112156-.` n a n a 3/56 2/26/56- 2 Yuan Li-shen n-a Wan Chiao .ChineSe'ppintinEe'exhibiiion opens . in London' under the sponsorship of the Britain-China Friendship Association. 224 miners delegation visits Scot- land at invitatiOn of the Scottish Area of the National Union of Mina ' Workers. B,4?....dCroasSastatz,s4Shizadelegatiom?, pays friendly visit to Britain at invitation of British Red Cross Society. Two Chinese _alma -- the first shown in Britain to date open at the Edinburgh'International Film Festival. by arrangement of the Britain-China Friendship Association, performs for three weeks in London, during 8-month 9-country performance tour in Europe. Student. representatives visit Britain and Scotland at the invitation of tba Students Union of the London School of Economics. They tour northern England, and visit docks and wharves in London, farms in Claxton, a factory in Dagenham, the London University, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. They also call at the headquarters of the Conservative Party, the Labor Party, and the Liberal Party, attend the election of the head of the London School of Economics and contact British educatore and students. Approved For Release 2000/05/0fmatkpliftP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 214 b. TO-THE'tilITED KINGDOM, Continued United Kingdom To Arrive: Leader Deoart: No ?Members 4/11./56-. n a ? 4/29/56- 5/23/56. 3 . Professors Chu Cheng; Yen Ching-ching; and Yao Kadang ? Chang Yucar-hsia 00/56- ;ri' a." ::.Chang-Shu- n 'Ex. ? 6/14/7)- ? n a . - Huang Jui-lun, expert on plant piotectiOni;and C1en Shap-mingt-, ,IjOtanical:pathologist ? Name and Type of Delegation and Remarks Medical delegation attends seminar for overseas public health workers in London and the health congress' in Blackpool at the invitation Of the Royal Society of Health. _ Woman delegate attends annual . meeting of British Women's CooPerative Guilds,at.ite invitation. Delegates attend golden jubilee of the British National Society of atilitdagrgorlIg in_London and:' visit nurseries-and other child welfare institutions in Britain after the conference. Botanists participate 1n the sed international congress for plet protection in England at imitation of the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. Approved For Release 2000/05Y6PaRA3P78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 215 United States From To 73. gagu.swiLa.tsjimum THE UNITED STATES a. FROM THE UNITED STATES Arrive: lakda Name or Type gLblagation and Remadg___ 2 ' Aubrey. Pankey; Negro Anor visits China and gives and Mrs. Pankey recitals at invitation of the Chinese People's Association for ? Cultural Relations. 8/30/55- n.a - ?n a 10/6/55 4/24/56- n a n a 5/3/56 Youth delegates. See Internatpnal. 1.4.912212.2-IBI=II42n4 Dellocratig Federatioq. See International. - b. T9 !a TITTIT,STATES :None Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UVOLPSSTFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 216 74. ZULEELS?MUNgTZTa0.241104 a, FROM Typug Munk; or 'Typeof Deeti9n Remarks - Arrives.I.,!ader totzit 7/22/55- n a n a 8/30/55,__ n a 10/6/55-H- 10/17/55- 2 12/10/55 4/2/56- 5/13/56 6/56.- n a n a n a ? Sosa, Olivera Jesualdo; and -Mrs. Jeaualcig . 1 Manuel Farina, "commerdial representative Republic of .Uruguay" n a n a Uruguay From To . , Pef9g delegatea visit China at the invitation of the China Peace Committee after attending the World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. kath delegates. See LnImaltithial, Writ= visits China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Co&Itries: , ? Trade delegateconsults with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the People's Bank of China on developing trade between China and Uruguay. Journaligts visit China after attending international conference of journalists in Helsinki. b. ILORQUAX None Approved For Release 20001015:1051FINA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 217 Uruguay Agreements c. ActmlylkapNED BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND URUGUAY PaitsLAWILag Pa-Lajd?BALUDE May 1956 Peiping signed by arina, commercial representative of Uruguay and People's Bank. of Ph4lal providing for trade amounting to 4.5 Mi111.04. .pounds sterling In eachdirection for one year. Approved For Release 2000/05/01MWOMP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 218 75. BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND THE USSR a. galup USSR Arrives ? Departs No, Leader Members - 12/28/54-. na na 1/6/55 12/30/54- n a Airalarshal S. Ft Shapisnkov, 1/9/55 Director Administration Soviet Civil Air Service 1/4/55- n a Bi G. Kulinev, Dean 1+ years Shchukin College State Moscow Vakhtangov Theater 1/18/55- 6 n a 2/13/55 1/24/55- n a n a 75 days 2/19/55 - Kavrigina, Minister 3/18/55 of Health Soviet Union; and Sagatov, Minister of Health, Uzbek Soviet socialist Republic .110.111??????????????????? Name or Type of Dele?ation Rogrhg__ Delegation of Ail-Union Society for Cultaa-WAtiorls with EgalED 2201Eug ((9Kg) attends 2nd National Conference of Sino-Soviet Friendship Association (SSFA),_ Peiping. - Government qvuum delegation negotiates and signs technical cooperation agreanent on civil aviation. lonslugtgx Kulinev heads the theater acting course at the Central Theatrical Institute of China. 8haling.111m arrives in Peiping invitation of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China. te Foj.k Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Union visits China on a performance tour. Health Ministry delegation arrives in Peiping as guest of the Ministry of Public Health, Chinese People's Republic. Approved For Release 2000103/051KMA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 219 Ellaummm, Continued. , Arrive: Derart: 3/4/55- 5/3/55 3/15/55- 5/15/55 4/26/55- 6/23/55 ? Name or Type Writers arrive-in Peiping at-: invitation of the China Peace Committee and the Chinese People's Akssociation for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Mellibe4Prwrnmenx.p.......emeneormoNaew??????...: 2 A. E. Korneichuk? ? member of Presidium; ? and ??????110 V, L. Vasaevskaya, member, Soviet . Peace Committee #????? Vice-President USSR Academy of Sciences 5/20/55- 9 Generals Shvet6ov,- . . n a VasYsgiml.Semyonovs: - Turanteav, Voevoden, Penionzhko, and Kudryavtsev; and , Colonels Vashchenko and Belousov 8/31/55 .1111 IOW V. I; Ovsipkin, head Soviet section Sino-Soviet Commis- sion on Scientific and Technical Coopera- tion end .member, cOUnciI Minl:Stry of ConstruCtion. USSR. ?????? Aghlumalc_pf the Soviet Union opens at the 'Sino-Soviet Friendship House in Shanghai; 2?S,JUAWejlizs4Adzimp? representa- tives lecture on Sovist scientific achievements and other Scientific topics. Representatives also visit scientificyesearCh .centers in Peiping,,.:Cantoni Shanghai, Chungking, and'othercities.: They were invited to China by:Ole-Chinese Academy of Sciences. Soviet At.E12i12g_x_:p:?.D, visit Ghina, at invitation of the Ministrybf:Defensa.and are received by Chou'En71at'and Chu Te.: fglealatg attend the second meeting ano.Soviet-Cohmission on Scientific and Teohnirdal Cooperation. o-ZoViet end hi ldi in northern outskirts of CantOn . has been eopideted. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED 220 a. FROM THE USSR Continued USSR From Arrive: reovt: 9/55- n a 9/15/55 - 10/14/55 Le0er. na na 9/15/?, n a 9/18/55 - 11/2/55 , 2.4:-.4--4412.12.411.11Y1 Collegium Member Ministry of Coal Industry; I. V. Arkhipov, Representative 4ureau Economic Liaison with F?1",Un 0911ntries and . ' K. N. Koohanov, Chief Engineer. Designing InslitUte of Leningrad Ministry or Coal Mining Industrial....... Construction ev' sad Physical.. Culture and Sports Department All-China Central Council of Trade Unions of USSR 20 Vladimip Zaluz4ny, member Secretariat Central Committee All-Union (Lenin) Young Communist League Alexei Surkov,member Board and First Seers., tary Secretariat Union of Soviet Writers and deputy Supreme Soviet, USSR 9/27/55- n a 10/20/55 Name or Type " tion ang , Remarks 'Youth delegates. See International. ggirelnpgitg delegation takes part in thecer6Dnyuprking the transfer and operation of the Tungshan Shaft Mine of the Hokang Coal.Mine as guests of the Chinese Government. Trade uniopiablelig delegation ,ittends'FirSt'National Workerst Athletic 'Meet in Peiping. Youth l delegation participates in the National Conference of Active Young Builders of Socialism in Peiping at invitation of the Central Condmittee of the 'Veld Democratic Youth League of China. Cgtural delegation attends National Day Celebrations et the invitation of the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association, Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 221 a. EULIDL14?4,H.Continued Arrive* kass N?or' Type o De e t 9/28/55- 10/W55 9/28/5,- 10/26/55 9/29/55-p 10/14/55'- 24....4s=f1E2Y, President ExacUtive Committee Soviet ? Alliance of Red Croas and Red - 'ProsCoot. Societies; V. A. Panchenkol', ? President Central CoMmittee Ukranian Red Cross Society) and P. BaraneSky, Presi- dent ,Centralcom mitSelillpr40414n Red 'Cross Society' , 'Seliv9ratoVy.TASS Vies Direlotor. N. N. Aomanov, '.Cha,irm411.COMmIttea Physical Culture 40 Sports Council Of Ministers :of the USSR - - 9/30/55- n a S. F. ,Nikish4n 11/28/55 10/5,/55- 12/15/55 10P/55- 50 Z. Z. Tarumay 12/13/55 Soviet Red Orolp delegation visits China as guests of the National Red Cross Society of China. mg delegation attends National' Day celebrations and tours China at invitation of the Hsinhua News Agency. aniggl_gglUER committee chairman attendeNatibhal Day celebrations in Peiping and the first national workers' sports meet at the invitation of. the Physical Culture and Sports Commission and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Art1;ts group visits China. Acbait-oE121-11-201-121=-WASZUWa A me ts h Soy t tn opens at the Sino-Soviet Friendship House in Canton. It 11 performs in China. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved ForRelease2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 222 a. THE Arrives reDarti?ES..):-.110119.0. Lender l30/55- 10 n a 12/27/55 11/55- na na n a 11/55-H. n a n a 11/5/55- n a 11/17/55- .19 11/26/55 . 12/1/55- 1 N. A. Kraisilnikov, 12/6/55 microbiologist Continued 'NaMe or Type 'MOdical pciende delegation visits China ad gives lectures at the invitation'.of the Ministry of ?alio Health. EguLuldiudja help set up the Friendship State Farm in Heilung- kiang Province and help train the .first grouli of specialized Chinese personnel in this field. Later visit Peiping to report to the Ministry of Agriculture on their work. Thelleningra_Upnith" Football Ium visits China. Three Soviet :gag are shown. in 30 Chineige citied during the 195 avidaikkjEadlyal marking -the 38th anniversary of the great October Revolution. International Nolommalljgatai. See International, Approved For Release 200006fillaillitt-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05aiscifrapP78-00915R000700060004AR From 223 a. PROM THE USSR ,Continued Arrive: Depirt: 12/10/55- 1/5/56 ? Leader Members 12/29/55- n a 1/2/56 Prof. I.I.Novikov; ? A. M. Samarin, and G. N. Kruzhilin, Corresponding . Members Academy of Sciences of USSR; Name or Type of Delegation and Remarks Soviet scientists visit China to inform Chinese scientists about the international Atoms-for-Peace Conference held in Geneva summer of 1955. A. V. LedbedinekY, Corresponding Member Academy of Medical Science of USSR; Prof. A. M. Kuzin, Dr. M. S. Kozodaev, Prof. V.V.Sccherbina, D. P. Adyasevich, and V. N. Kosyakov, senior scientific workers Boris Pavlovich Beshchev, Soviet Minister of Railways 1/26/56- n a E. T. Sizui n a 1/27/56 OM. ? Government delegation attends _ ? inaugural ceremony in Peiping of the' completion of the construction Of the Chining Ulan Bator Railway and' the opening of through railway traffic.between'China, Mongolia, and. the Soviet Union. The Soviet and Mongolian delegations are honored at a banquet given by Chou'En-lai. Gymnastics team arrives in Peiping for a performance tour. Gift of tile Utumchi Hospital of the Soviet Red Cross Society made to the Chinese People's Republic along with all its equipment and supplies at a ceremony today. **roved From Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-ROPME0WflantifiranDERMENa4 n a See International. Approved For Release 20012FASPrdfik-RDP78-00915R00070006615614-4 From 224 a. guamguzu, Continued Arrives 1411ELE 3/137,6 4111?VM. Name or Type ____sar_Eigagg=1 and emarkp 3/18/56- 5 . vice- n a chairman Scientific and Tes'ilnioal Council Soviet Ministry of Railways 16 pr. Aixnaliov; Dr, Mengeli; Pr. Dobrotin; Dr. M. M, Grishin; Dr. A. B, Severny; Dr. D. U. Panay; Dr. V. 14 Ossievsky; Katernikov; Vol*okmich, Vekshinsky,. and T, S. Tsitsyn, Academicians; 3/29/5b-' n a Brekhovskich, Obkhoi', B, M. Vul, end V. I. Popkov,. Corresponding Members Academy of Sciences; and S. I. Kosikov, Candidate Academician A Ala of classroom equipment is presented to China by the Government of the USSRat a ceremony in Peiping. The gift comprises complete sets of equipment for. eight classrooms providing special courses for lathe turners, milling machine operators, fitters, and others; and two sections devoted,to,teaching materials and methods for Peipingis technical schools for workers. ft!...1wwr, delegation attends the Coxvtprence of Advanced RailWaY Worker g in Peiping. aaemiSta Arrive in Peiping to help work Out China's long-term plan for scientific research at the request of the State Council. The scientists are outstanding specialists In Soviet engineering, physics, mathematics, agriculture, and other fields. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 225 a. FROMjHE USSR Continued Arrive --Imam Name or Type:: b tion and Remarks: Gift. of a pair of rare black swats to the Chinese-p,ebple from the Moscow zoo on display in the Peiping zoo. Also inpluded in the gift are beavers, oatuchin monkeys, saica antelopes, and minks not found in China. 4/5!) 4/i/56- n a *MOS, 411?111111? S. Babayevsky 0/56- 4/4/56 4/4/56- n a 4/6/56- 4/8/56 A. I. Oparin, Vice President WFSW; Prof. M. E. Sbutskav 12...E,19/Lcallejagx Chairman Tula Coal Miners Trade Union n a A. 7. Mikovan, First Vice Chairman Council of Ministers of the USSR; S. R. Rashidov, President Presidium . Uzbek 'Supreme Soviet; and others 4/9/56- 20 n a n a Noveli9t attends meeting in Peiping. arranged by the Sino-Soviet Friendship Association and writers and artists in Peiping. Nali-E2420119A-g-?2191111S12 Wor4ers. See IniermIlmal. coA miners delegation attends the representative conference of China's outstanding coal miners. Government delegation visits China at the invitation:of the government of the ERC. Members of the delegation are guests of honor at a reception given by Chou En-lai. Taft upg.on delegation is sent by the Central Committees of the Transport and Heavy Machine Manufacturing Industry of the USSR to visit China. Approved For Release 20000SROSFer-ORDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 228 a. FROM Tipp USSR Continued 42.4""7i173"7".""""""'"" Leader Name or Type Departs No. Members of Dole ation' and Realarls_2?. 4/10/56.? ? ? 4 n a 4/i0/56- n a 4/15456- n a 4/17/56-. n a 4/17/5(1,n 8 ? - _ n a L....E.21.112Z, Vice Minister Textile Industry Russian Soviet federative Socialist Republic n a director City and Rural Building Department Central Committee Building Workers' Trade Union of China; N. I. Komarov; A. M. Koroteyev; N. A. Straganov; A. T, Kuzikova; and A. A. Shcheglav.. Mikhail Afanasyevich Aksenov ?9E21414, Director Posts and Tele- communications Bureau Soviet District in Moscow Textile workers delegation is sent by the Soviet Ministry of Textiles and the Consumers Goods Industry Trade Union Committee of the Soviet Union to attend the conference in Peiping of outstanding textile workers. Delegation of outstanding heel= industry workers arrives in Peiping to exchange experiences with Chinese workers at the invitation of the- Netional Committed of the Heavy Industry Workers Trade Union. Delegation of advanced blIiialng workers, arrives in Peiping at the invitation of the preparatory committee of the Building Workers'. Trade union.of.China to exchange experience.. Expert Izgata_Lixa attends the national conference of outstanding agricultural, and water conservancy workers in Peiping at invitation of the preparatory committee for the Agricultural and Water Conservancy Workers' Trade Union of China.. Delegation of outstanding kosIAl_gaf. Ig1esomma1191112n8 workers attends the representative conference of China's outstanding postal end telecommunication, workers in Peiping. Approved For Release 2000161th3UERDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0MisqlkEDP78-00915R000700060004TAR From 227 a. ELPIaLlELIZO-i Continued Arrive: Laadac Depart: No., Members 4/18/56- 5/25/56, ? -MOrkwhevic4, Vice _ President Academy Pedagogical Science RSFSR 4/19,/56- n a A. I Rpsplov, 5/9/56 member Central Committee Truck Transport and Road Workers Trade Union of USSR: and - 4/24/56-.. n 5/3/56 - 4/25/56- 7/21/56 - - 5/56 I. Burlakov, member Presidium :- Maritime and Inland River Transport : Workers Trade Union of USSR n a V'. A. Gatpkevich 411????? 5/56- 20 Dr. P. A. Chsrenkov, n a scientific director of exhibition Name or Type.. .of:D4eRatiOn. :and ' RettorkS- givaaRnal delegation visits schools and colleges in Peiping, Shanghai, Canton, Nanking, and Haugohow, and introduces Soviet,. advanced experience to Chinese colleagues. Tlummortyak2rs delegation attends the national conference of,advanced - communications workers of China in Peiping. 111 ft ter ation z _ 0 - moor t Federatio4. See Internatl.onal. Delegation of outstanding timber inOustry workers attends the national -conference of outstanding workers of the mechanized timber industry in Peiping at invitation of the Preparatory Committee for the Timber Industry Workers Trade Union of China. Soviet Zazisr....y. Exhibit opens in the Soviet Exhibition Hall in Peiping. Atomic energy specialists, including scientists, engineers, doctors, and artists, help design, lay out, and illustrate Soviet Atomic Energy Exhibit in Peiping. (See item above.) Approved For Release 2000/CPSA4MAERDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000an?619165RDP78-00915R000700060M-4 From 228 FROM Tp:U5SR? Continued ? Arrive 1, De-p9rt; No. 5/3/56 111?010 .Leder:.: Name or Type Remprks. 515/56-:, n n a ; n ei , n a n a n? 5/12/56 111.1.1?? 5/16/56- 25- n a n a 5/18/56 - 6/20/56 16 AA-AA-BAL2h1D, member $ecretariat Central Committee Lenin Young Communist League Poviet: Pq9nom4c tML9.111k2EA1 : gil9k1i8lMg.DIP...23h1121-11211.00n6 In Wuhan:b. Machine builders delegation visits China and attends the national conference of outstanding workers In Peiping..: Delegation of 29.212gigg,_12.12a141?, Alla,m2grahaa of the Academy of Sciences, of the USSR study the fauna and flora in China in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. . , Gifts frOmr,the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, including laboratory equipment, books, reference materials, and films, are received by Kuo Mo-jo, President of the Academy of Sciences of China Tourists from the USSR, including scientists, engineers, doctors, educators, and journalists, tour Peiping, Shanghai, Hangchow, Tientsin, Shenyang, and Harbin, in accordance with the contract signed between the Chinese International Travel Service and the International Travel Service of the Soviet Union. Youth delegation visits China at Invitation of the New Democratic Youth League of China. During its stay in China, members of the delegation visit schools and univ- ersities, agricultural producer cooperatives, and places of historical significance, and hold discussions with the leading personnel of the China New Democratic Youth League and the Ministry of Higher Education. On June 18, the delegation Was received by Mao. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 uNCLASSfFIED Approved For Release 2oogigAgEtS4-RDP78-00915R00070006W4-4 From 229 Arrivet 01?14???,. a. FROM THE USSR, Continued -- Name or Type Members- 5/24/56- 10 n a 5/24/56- n a 2 months- ,: 7/24/56 N. 5/29/56- n a n a as ,..4.11.22U113 I. Udodov; Y. Duganov; Bakir Farkhutdinov; D. Ivanov; . Y. Novikov; R. Khabutdin0; V. Stepanov; A. Falameyev; and Z. A. Vinogradov Vadim Sobko; Vera Ketiinskaya';aud Sabit Mukanov M. N Ananamy, Vice Director Water Conservancy Bureau of Ministry of Agriculture 2,i'lluyanov, vice president State Economic Commission of the USSR 6/56- n a n a n a 6/12/56- n a flu L-A4-111402ev, Vice Director Scientific Institute Marine Fisheries and Oceanography autalatag_chgadam tour China and compete with Chinese teams. yilters take part in the commemoration meeting' for world cultural giants in Peiping. On June 18, the writers were received by Premier Chou En-lai. WataLsaugamma experts inspect irrigation and water conservancy works in China and visit research institutes and schools in this field under the program of the Sino-Soviet Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation. Delegation attends fourth session of the 4n9-SovialSaamiallo_pm ?1212-Aggi2-1D1122bagal-g292211110 in Peiping. Agagulizal specialists tudy Chinese methods of raising corn and rice. 22yammoi delegation concludes 10-year agreement on fisheries research cooperation in the Western Pacific. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP.7870091.5R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR From 'arrive; 230 a. FROM THE USSR, Continued. Name Name or Type of DeleFation and .Remarks Youth delegation visits-China. ka.agz_ ,Depart: No, Members 6/19/56- n a. n a A.' A. Rapokhin, secretary central committee Komsomol 6/20/56- 2 Vice Admiral 6/26/56 V. A. Chekurov; and Rear Admiral Y. G. Pochupailo, Commander and Military Commissar Soviet Pacific Fleet Three Soviet agyal_y2ggas. arrive in China ,on a: friendly visit at invitation of the Chinepe government. , ??????????????rowee..?? Approved For Release 20004QOTticil6-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/0MisVP78-00915R00070006000t66 To . TO THE USSR ------_----- Arrive: Leader , Name or Type of Dele ation and Remarks n a,- . .270. Chen 141 Chief 3.-/8/55 Cultural Affairs Section General- 'Tolitical Depart- ment Chinese People's Liberation Army 1/12/557 n n a n n a- 1/31/55 01?????? n a- n a - Li C14.jen;-Vice " 2/21/55 Minister Foreign Trade 3fl/55,-. .n a n. a 4/?/55 4/3/55- 20 al,Ka7.0111 2 months 4/12/55- 19 Shih Liang 7/9/55 The Song andDance Ensemble of Ibl_91111219._Dlapla!a_Liktuam =z gives performances in 10 major cities in the USSR and appears on television programs in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev. einuiiii arid workers visit China to assist in the making'of two documentary films on the collectivi- zation of Soviet agriculture. The Central Studio of Documentary Films of the USSR is producing the films at the request of China. Chinese handicrafts exhibition is displayed in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, and Kiev. . . Trade,delegation negotiates and signs a protocol. on the exchange of between China and the Soviet Union. for 1955. lbalelets and,emineers negotiate and sign agreements in Moscow on Soviet technical Assistance in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. .Y9utivdelegation, at the invitation ? of the Central Committee of the Ail-Union (Lenin) Youth Communist League, studies the life of Soviet youth and the experiences of the Young Communist League in Moscow. arld delegation visits Moscow as, guests of the. Ministry of Justice and the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000INgstRIA-RDP78-00915R0007000 232 b. TO THE USSR, Continued ; 11 To 04-4 Arrive: LW= Name or Type Dem* NO. Members of Delegation . and Remarks -7 5/55- 100 n a 5/56 5/.14/55 7/9/55- 18 n a n a 7/26/55- 7 Wane Yeh-chiu4 Chief n a Bureau of Museums and Archeological Material Preservation Ministry of Culture 8/1/55- 60 Haalataistang, n a Vice President All, China Democratic Vomen's Federation; Yuan Hsueh-fen,' director of theater and deputy to First National People's Congress; and others Chinese trainees in electrical 4P-(1.229-491.911-englaUtiark, steel rolling, and various branches of industrial administration are sent to the Soviet Union by the Anshan Iron and Steel Company. Two Chinese classical 9o4ections, amounting to 2,920 volumes, are Dresented to the Moscow University by the Chinese Ambassador Liu Hsiao on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the University. 2.11na.Itam competes with Soviet swimmers. They were invited by - the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Musepkworers visit the Soviet Union at the invitation of that government. koghai Shaohing.Qnr Theater performs in the Soviet Union. 9/1/55-. - n a alangannazghlym_( ) Qina_42E2hatu_agielp visits the 12/1.6/55 Soviet Union on a performance tour. Approved For Release 200VNIMIMA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 " Approved For Release 2019M55/MiSIA-RDP78-00915R00070M0004-4 To M11001110m?VON110.11?????????..... 233 b. TO mum Continued ,m,o1.11010...10?11..01WM?111. Arrive: _Leader, ? De art: No Members ' 10/10/55- 28 Chen Tseng-ku, Vice 12/1/55 Minister Education' ????????.,110.1014111?1???.....?????????????????????1.111.011, Name or Type....... of Delo 10/13/55- 10 yen Li n a 10/19/55- 41 Jang En-mou 1/9/56 12/10/55- n a Wang,I, Deputy 1/2/56 Editor-in-Chief Z9.2.219.44 Daily . 12/12/55- n a a ISaig-ad?leb-r=9,11.921, Vice Chairman National Construction Commission n a- 12/16/55 1/29/56- n a .n ,a Chu Tu-nan Hbang_alia-ssu professor gladva delegation, comprised of -Outstanding teaeherS'and heed- maaters of primary, Middle, and teachers training schools from 10 provinces and cities including Peiping, Tientsin, and Shanghai, studies advanced Soviet experience in the field of education at the invitation of the Ministry of Education. Arobacats:delegation, sent by the Society of Chinese. Architects visits Moscow, Leningrad, and Other centers to study Soviet architecture, at the invitation of Soviet Architects Association. Husband= delegation studies animal husbandry questions in the Soviet Union. , Journaids delegation visits the Soviet Union at invitation of Prav0a.. Chinese delegates attend the third meeting of the Sino-Soviet Cammlagion on Scientific_and_11211n101 Coorerallan in Moscow. The meeting is being held in accordance with the Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation signed between the two countries. 92AE11.01-2212E-Wrance...-----,-E09.04/ performs in the Soviet Union. Htath delegation of the Ministry of Public Health attends a conference of the Ministry of Public Health - of the USSR for research into :radioactive isotopes. Approved For Release 20(10/0151057331A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR To 234 b. TO THE USSR, COntinued Arrive: LeorlA No. ktkr. Membem_ 4.0111???????1?1?1?M??????.????????? Name or Type of Dele egon and Remarks. 2/3/56- 5 gbaealaa=1, deputy Sports delegation tours the SaViet 2 months director Central Union studying Soviet sports. National Defense Sports Club 2/11/56- Chu Tel member Government delegation attends the 3/20/56 Political Bureau and Secretariat CCP 20th congress of the CPSU in Moscow. Central Committee; Teng Hsiao-ping? member CC Political Bureau; Tan Chen-lin, CO member Wang Chia-hsiang, CC member; and Liu Hsiao, alternate member 4/56- na na Sia2:2214tI_Ezler112_Association 6/16/56 delegation visits the USSR and attends May Day celebrations in Moscow at the invitation of the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (MKS). 4/14/56- n a FuLTso-i, Minister' Delegation of the Ministry of 5/25/56 ? Water Conservancy Water Consmangy visits Moscow, Leningrad, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and other places to become acquainted with Soviet water engineering projects and the work of scientific institutes. 4/19/56- 10 Hu Chi-wei, deputy Journalist s delegation visits the n a chief editor of Soviet Union at the invitation of People's Daily Pravda. Approved For Release 200600p4p4A-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/051 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060994-4 UNCLASSIFIED uobR To 235 b. TO THE USS, Continued Arrive: Leader , Name or Type- De pit rb: Not leaug_tion - and Remarks 4/27/56- 11 a h'a Trade wpm delegation attends n a. May Day celibiationa in Moscow. 8r.19I41.L0422g-4-P-21.?22giagal delegation attends May Pay celebrations in Moscow. Ten ancient Chinese books are sent to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as a 4,Z, from the library of the Academy of Sciences of China. Also presented to the Academy was a collection of works by Chinese scholars totalling some 3,000 volumes, covering philosophy, history, literature, astronomy, geography, and medicine. 4/28/56- n a Hu Yu-phi1 n a 5/30/56 6/1/56- 22 0han7chun n a 6/14/56- n a n a n a 6/22/56- 17 CheaWen-hua; n a Liu So-li; Lu Chunjen; Kao Chih-ping; and others 6/22/56- 7 7/4/56 Commander PLA Air Force Chinese mountain climbers, together . , with 18 SoViet mountaineers, attempt to climb a Pamir peak. Delegate attends meeting for cooperation between lifesaving teams in Moscow. Central MateumlingClub team competes in international motorcycle race in Leningrad. Chinese a2p1214-TAtadkza-km delegation attends Soviet Aviation Day celebrations in MOSCOW. Approved For Release 200041WasietABRDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIBD USSR To 236 b. TO THE pz$R, Continued Arrive: Leader Name or Typen Depart:No Members of ti and Remsrks 6/28/56- 7. kaaikhgla, dean Track and fieldtm compete with n a :athletics faoulty ,Soviet athletes in Moscow, Kiev, Peiping Physical and other cities. Culture Institute; Chihl'ao-chiu; Chiang Yu-min; Liu Yu,-ying; Tsai Yl,-shu; FU Sheng-hai; and Chang Hai-ling Approved For Release 200CVM?sza*RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR Agreements 237-.- c. hoggmalgm,Alagazu-ENIsT CHINA AND THE USSR., PDat.eof Uenins Place of:4442x_ 2/12/55 MOsooW: 4/?/55 Moscow' ?111&(.2illkyladegTotocolr. The Soviet Union will increase its supply t? China of equipment necessary for newly-built or recon- structed enterprises, including metallurgical, machine building, chemical, and other industries; machine tools; oil drilling equip- ment, tractors, and other goods. China in turn will Supply to the Soviet Union tungsten, tin molyb- denum, jute, weal, raw silk, hides, soya beans, rice, vegetable oils, tea, oranges and tangerines, cork, and other items. alazAsx121.4=1,2_42xxxisordat The Soviet Union agrees to undertake training of scientific workers and engineers in nuclear physics and radio chemistry, in the application of isotopes in Science and engineering, and in the operation of atomic piles. The specialists are to be trained at special installations, in research institu- tions, and higher educational establishments of the Soviet Union. ?142=a9.1121.2r412,.qpi: completes the withdrawal of Soviet armed forces from the Port Arthur Naval Base area and transfers the military installations in this area to Communist China. . 6/13/55 Peiping ?144=?01eLlrotocolt stipulates mutual obligations undertaken at the second sission- of the Sino- soviet Commisslon on Scientific and Technical Cooperation. -Peiping , .41.12(2:_-$4.qak.g.z.lrez_tion: covers the control of plant pests and diseases. 8/16/55 Approved For Release 20M?N?F:IRIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UMASSIFIED USSR Agreements 238 c. AGREMENTS SIGNEDTEEN. COUI$T CHINA PIW .THE USSR, Continued Date of ?101Iag 10/17/55 11/29/55 Place oulalag - ;plan Lator Peiping giT19.44.7.19.i-AZEPSII:lant and 4.212.011: -provide for the opening of through railway traffic between Communist China and the USSR across the MFR. Sino-52viet F1.1m Contract: provides for the purchase of the copyrights of films of one country by the other. 12/55 Moscow Sim-Soviet Protog21: stipulates mutual obligations Undertaken at the third session of the Sim- Soviet Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooperation. 12/27/55 Moscow liaarkad4Laade Prptocol: provides .for a further expansion of trade between the two countries. 12/27/55 Moscow SinoSoviet Modus_20=d1: governs the transshipment of goods across the USSR and Communist China to third countries. 1/4/56 Peiping ?1./22=?9.21.9I-Aa.tamant on Ta.911.1101 .9.2214L.T11.9.11-1a-Pkil Avifttion. 4/7/56 Peiping 5ino-Soviet Railway Agreement: calls for mutual cooperation in building the Lanchow-Aktogai Railway, which will join the Turkestan-Siberia Railway in 1960. 4/7/56 Peiping ________________ provides for the construction of 55 new industrial enterprises including metallurgical plants, machine building plants, chemical plants, installations for the electric and radio industries, hydrogen power stations, and scientific research institutions for aeronautical industry in Communist China. Approved For Release 200NepAlp-agA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR Agreemants 239 c. AgagaNTS.SIGNED BETWEEN conmuisualmigEs04 Continued att_a_giolas IlaaLaLgenlas 6/5,/56 mocow? ?tma:AziriaLSaltuaSeapandim Agreement 02/56 Peiping apszgazialcKmun=Detnamese LAUtriallaaarshilautardial Ant: 10-year agreement ? provides for cooperation in research efforts in fisheries, oceanography, and limnology in the Western Pacific -- including the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea, the East and South China Seas -- as well as frontier waters in border areas adjoining the contracting countries. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED USSR Agreements 240 c. 4ENTS SIGNED ,glampisr %UNA AND THE U8J3R, Continued ad2-2Lfloing Illmjajigarig 6/23/56 Peiping Sing-Soviet Protwallar919244ag 01-110121221-fa2Radicat pro- vides that the USSR supply China with technical data for the construction of coal pits, trans- former plants, and precast rein- forced concrete plants; blueprints for manufacturing various kinds of machinery and equipment; information for the production of dyestuffs, aluminum alloys, asbestos, cement, and technical products; and data on industry, agriculture, transport, and public health. China to supply the USSR with blueprints for the manufacture of coal mining equipment and equipment for the metallurgical industries; technical data for precast reinformed concrete and water conservancy projects; informa- tion on medical treatment by doctors of traditional Chinese medicines, prescriptions, and samples; information on the bearing of silk- worms on mulberry or oak leaves; and data forlesearch in the migration of fish and the treatment of certain fish diseases. In addition, the agreement provides for arrangements for Soviet experts to study China's bridge building, silk paper making, fishery industries, and other scientific and technical achievements. Soviet departments to arrange for Chinese experts to study the Soviet Union's experience and achievements in ferrous and non- ferrous metallurgy, power generation, building construction, machine building, and agriculture. me.00nr.11?????sono........v......110011.11% Approved For Release 2009MaiMt-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Venezuela From 241 To 76. ILVDOSMAWNIst0II4 ANP_YgagggLA a. Eatial-4414 '-'1,4eicia--"r?r--7.7 Name or Type Me ber s 8/30/55- na na 10/W55*.',I.MOIN*11.0111. out delegates. - See Lataaltio.s.a. b. 1.9,._YLIEWL6 None aVirplamosolimissOmmegimorm????????????... Approved For Release 20014NERW4S-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Vietnam (North) From 242 77. ZWFASOMMUNIST CHINA a. gacz, vIETNAti jaggia Arrive: 112119E Name or Type 119=t; Not Members ofasjeAation Remaka Stpdent_mtlanig are admitted to the Asian Students Sanatorium in Peiping for tuberculosis treatment. 11/54" n a n a 1/56 - 3/10/55" n a 4/20/55- 10/28/55 n a' .Nmyen Van Tran, Vice-Minister Public Works and Communications 58 IiizruT, central executive member Federation - Literary and Art Circles of Vietnam Trade delegation conducts negotiations in Peiping on Sino-Vietnamese trade for 1955. baluatbzo_osemble visits China on performance tour at the invitation - of the Ministry of Culture. Approved For Release 200NRAMEkR1\-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Vietnam (North) From 243 a. FROM VIETNAM (NoBT, Continued Arrive: De art: No. Members Leader Name or Type of.Dele ation and Remarks 6/22/55- 10 7/21/55 Ho Chi :Minh,-. ,president Democratic Republic of Vietnam;-. Lo Kuei-po; Chinese AMbastador to Vietnam; Truong Chinh, General,. Secret#y; Nguyen Duy Trin40.member dentrid committee, Vietnam Lao Dong.PartY; Phan Anh, Ministry Industry and Commerce; Nghiem Xuan Yem, Minister Agricature and Fishery Le Van Hien, Minister Finance; Nguyen Van Huyem4;..... Minister Education; Government delegation visits China at .the Invitation of the government of the dPR. ? ,Ung Van,Khiem, Vice- Minister,oreign Affairs; and -Phat.Ngoc Thach, :Minister Public Health 7/18/55- 30- n a 8/9/55 7/30/55-- n a n a Ntal# 9/5/55'. n a. Youth A Peace delegates visit China at 'inVitation of the China Peace COmmittee, atter attending the World Peace Assembly in Helsinki. -Women's delegation. visits China at invitation of the All-China 1:)p0ocratic.-Women's Federation, after attending the World Congress of Mothers. Youth delegates. See International. , n aApproved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLWIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Vietnam (North) From 244 a. amiumatilugall Continued Arrive: De art: No. lag= Members 9/17/55- n a 9/28/55- 12/5/55 11/17/55- 11/26/55 12/1/55- 12/6/55 12/4/55- 12/30/55 n a Hoana Van Deph, member Standing Committee Central Committee Vietnam Youth Association for National Salvation 1/23/55- n a 1/4/56 1/24/56- 1/28/56 Dana Thai Mai Em_Lmaa Dr. Nguyen Van Hark, bacteriologist Bui Ky, President and ? Name or-Type of Dele ation and Remarks =III delegates attend the National Conference of Active Young Builders Of ,Socialiem in. Peiping at invitation of the New Democratic Youth League. of China. - Tran Cung, Vice Secretary General Vietnam-China Friendship Association n a Ton Due Thang? Chair- man Standing Committee National Assembly Vietnam Democratic Republic BAmmillatig_ancLuriters delegation visits. China, International Marlignmi=a!golad. See Ipternationa. A121.1=a2g2?-?bagr. See INI2=112P-21, MeMberePfadjaga-ChinaFriqndshin AR12212112n visit China. galbsalig delegation visits Peiping for talks with Ho Cheng-hsian, Director of the Bureau for Religious Affairs of the State Council, and Li 0hung6,yu, co-director. They are on their way home after attending the meeting of Catholic and Christian leaders of European Countries in Poland. Government delegate visits China at the invitation of Liu Shao-chi, Chairman? of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He is received by Mao Tse-tung on the evening of his arrival; present on the occasion were Liu Shao-chi, Chou En-lai, Chen Yin, Tang Hsiao- ping, and Kuo Mo-jo. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05: CIA-RDP78-00915R000700460004-4 UNCLASSIFIED vietnam portn) From 245 a. MULKIAINALIEDRINIA Continued ? Arrive; LiaflatZ 2/5/56-. 2/9/56 2/27/56- n a 3/13/56- 3/20/56 2 Truong General Secretary -Vietnam Lao Done Party; and Le Duo Thot member Political Bureau of the Party 2 Chi Lang; and Buu Tien 2 Truong Chinh, General Secretary Vietnam Lao Dong Party; aad Le Due Tho -member Political Bureau of the Party . 3/20/56- n a Dane Ting 4/6/56 3/24/56- 4 4/20/56 Nguyen 4A Qi, Deputy Director Voice of Vietnam 4/19/56- 3 n a n a Approved For Release 2000/a9beE Name or Type alamitttp,s_arA_Bajaja.. PartzataAera arrive in China for a short stay enroute to Moscow to attend, the 20th Congress of the CPSU.. f. IhWEIgal delegates are sent by Vietnam Ministry of Culture to attend the Chinese Theatrical Festival in Peiping at the. ' invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, laly_legag visit Peiping after attending 20th Congress of the CPSU in Moscow. They are welcomed by Liu Shao-chi and Chen Yun. gull aviation delegates negotiate and sign Sino-Vietnam Civil Air Agreement. E=gamding_urgrkersdelegation visits China at the invitation 'of the Broadcasting Administrative Bureau of China. Delegation of the Ylemajlangal ?nfe t ? of bo attends the atiot Conference of Outstanding Chinese Workers and May Day celebrations. yill. DP78-00915R000/00060004-4 Approved For Release 20001415/4VICIA-RDP78-00915ROWRIMiK From 246 a. FROM vi:ETNAK,LIgggit Continued Arrive: ,-- 77---.10am Name ar-Type , De1egation Remarks _ 4/24/56- n a ? n a 5/3/56 4/27/56- 28 Haien I-tang n a 4/27/56- 26 ?6 Van Minh, Chair- 7/21/56 man Administrative Committee Thai-Neo Autonomous Region of :Vietnam 4/27/56- 23- Cao Van Mph n a 4/30/56, n a 6/2/56- 7/5/56 IZAD-AD-J2C.4,' -.professor philosophy Normal College of Social Sciences n a Is....DUZ.19.11g, vice Minister Agriculture .and Forestry 1101. 944 Women's International Democratic Federation. See International. Overseas Chinese sightseeing delegation visits China. Unio4141.91.22.911Ps delegation attends May Day celebrations in Peiping and tours China. Bighlandg delegation, composed of representatives of various tribes of the Vietnamese highlands, visits weaving mills and examines cotton and tea cultivation in China. Educatl,pnal-wIprkers delegation visits schools and universities in Peiping, Nanking, Shanghai, Hangchowvand other cities. Governmer0 delegation concludes 10-year agreement, on fisheries research cooperation in the Western Pacific. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 rimn-rAermivn UNCLASSIFIED Vietnam (North) Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-R0P78-00915R000700060004-4 247 b. ;0 VIETNAM. (NORM Arrive:. Peoartt- 8/28/55- n/25/55 Lead= 1-70 ViCe7 Minitter of Culture 9/27/55 - ????^?1 1 week- 10/2/55- SWIM MOONY n a 2/13/56- 411.6 el= 111.? n a 2/18/56- n a 41 eh H eh".kung, Vice Minister n a Foreign Trade CPR 2/25/56- 5 n a 4/11/56 Name or Type Of'Delegtiol_1-_, Art grout) on a goodWill tour attends the 10th anniversary of Vietnam's August Revolution and Independence Day at the invitation of the Govern- ment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The gtogri; the first of its kincl:to, &eke Sent by China to composed of a song and :dance :ensemble and 4 Peiping opera Chinese S'4..m week to mark Communist China's National Day opens in Hanoi under the. sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture-of-the-Vietnam.Democr4ge_ Republic and the Vietnam-China Friendattip Association. Eleven Chinese films shown during the film week in Hanoi. An ev ents o IbLaineLe_Regag opens in Hanoi under the joint sponsorship of the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association. ga.1lLq&-V-L1.1adWaP-Ls-t.,29.Eieig.a tx1144:14orl opens in Hanoi under the sponsorship of the Far Eastern Archeological School. lude delegation visits Hanoi. Apricultural delegation attends the Vietnam National Conference of , Model Farmers in Hanoi at the invitation of the Vietnam Democratic Republic. The mission will study the cultivation of subtropical products in Vinh and other places known for their oranges and pumelos. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915ROONB 68r4t-4) 248 l. ILEWEALIBMILI1, Continued Arrive: LIAd2E Name or Type Axartt? ...94,N-2dalui...... of eaticza_. and - Remarks 3/56 n a Lan Song W.' 5/22/56- 221141Ane-chis deputy NationaV- People's Congress, :.and Member Executive .COMMittee.41...!Ohina Democratic Women!s - Federation ApricultOrg de16giitiOn participates in a conference for exchanging' Hanoi, and attends-agriCultural exhibition. liggolg delegation attends the . Sfaeond Congress :of VietnameseWohen 'at.the invitation of the Union of Vietnamese Women. On May 25, the delegates were received by President Ho Chi Minh. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Ned Approved ForRelease2000g1thETURPRDP78-00915ROMMotint-4) 249 greements 0. AGR ITS S GNED BETWEEN C_OMMEZALCHINA AND vIETNAminign1 I1222-2fAigning ? : Hanoi P.1.427212.11M9.9.2.2=-9SMEgat provides for the distribution of Chinese films in Vietnam. 11/25/55 Peiping Si o-Vietx?se?_441 AguemeDt 81 colt 'ProtoCole' provide for exchange of currencies , in border areas, trade settlement, aid settlement, and non-trade remittances signed between the People's Bank of China and the Vietnam National Bank. . 12/30/55 Diagzadatagfit-TraalS2DIE41: provides for the purchase by the Di 1 EsI2-2fAigains 7/16/55 12/31/55 China Technical Impart Corporation on behalf of the Vietnam Export and Import Company of five aviation airliners and equipment. gla9:212tassamiagalagAaalakon. galkastt covers arrangements made by tha Vietnam Export and Import Co. with the China Technical Corporation to invite Chinese technicians to Vietnam for technical assistance. . ? ......' . UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05s: C,IA-RDp78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 20003%7dERDP78-00915ROOONW621-4 250 7 . iiETT6TEEN COMMUNIST, CHINA AND YUGOSIANIA a. FROM YUGOSLAVIA Arrive: Nam or Type Depart: of Deleeation and Remarks 8/28./5,57 54 ? Olgat SkOVran. Yugoslav "Kolo" Folk Song and n a Dance Ensemble visits China on a performance tour at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture. 10/2/55- n a' n a Delegation of the Federation of the 10/22/55 Deaf of Yugoslavia visits China on the invitation of the Preparatory . ? Committee of the China Welfare Association for the Deaf and Dumb. 11/29/55, Yugoslav 2229.12..apibition opens at - n a ' Chungshan Park in Peiping under the Leader No Members 12/27/55 "ft a 2/14/56 1/27/56- 22 2/7/56 5/19/56- 6/19/56 L.,1=.;. Director-- Tanjug Agency Branko Pesic Milijan Neoricic, Chairman Central Committee People's Youth of Yugoslavia, and member Central Committee League of Communists of Yugoslavia sponsorship of the Bureau for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The exhibition will be shown in Shanghai after it, closes in Peiping. -Journalists-delegation visits China ? at the invitation of the All-China Journalists Association. Football team participates in a series of games on the invitation of the Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China. Youth delegation visits China at the invitation of the Central Committee of the New Democratic Youth League of China. .....?????????Omosem.???., Approved For Release 20006?Ws4:144RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED , Yugoslavia Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700C1?0004-4 261 To. Y1109SLAVIA Arrive: Depart: 5/55- 1/13/56 Leader . - Members ? Name or Type. of DeIe ation Ad Remarks n, a n a 8/16/55r,r, a Lin Shih-hsiao n a 9/20/55- n a Liu" Ning-yl,'vide president of the All-China Federa- tion of Trade. VnionST Kung Yuan, Vice- Minister Foreign Foreign Trade 10/22/55 11/55- n a 2/28/5. 11/13/55- n a Yen Chi-tzu 11/22/55 11/15/55- n a Wan, Deputy 12/10/55 Editor-in-Chief People's Daily 12/1/55- 1 week MEI NW Classical TrilaAttLasm performs in Belgrade and other cities in . Yugoslavia during its 9-month' 8-country tour of Europe. Delegation of the China Welfare Association for, the Deaf and Dumb attends the second world congress , for the deaf in Zagreb at the invita:-. tion of the World Association of the Deaf and Dumb. Trade union delegation visits Yugoslavia at the invitation of the Yugoslav Trade Union Federation. Government trade delegation negotiates and signs trade agreement. Engineers and technicians attend the fourth Congress of the Federation of Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia in Sarajevo. During their stay, the delegates also visited industrial enterprises, scientific research institutes, and universities in Belgrade and other Yugoslav cities. Journalists delegation visits Yugoslavia. Yugoslav music week presented by the 'Central People's Broadcasting Station, opens in Peiping on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Approved For Release 2000/06f64WA;RbP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIE1= Yugoslavia Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CiA-RDP78-00915R000700c?0004-4 252 b. TO YUGOSLAVIA Continued Arrive: Depart: No. Leader Members.' -Name or Type of Delegation and .Remarkgv. 1/26/56- n, a 2/56 2/23/56 Wai_la.:_rsu-42,221, Vice- Minister. Posts an.d. TelecomMunications 3/9/56- 1 Fu-Tsung 4/14/56 3/27/56- n a 4/11/56 5/12/56- 4 n a Li Te-thuan, Vice President All-China Democratic Women's Federation n a Posts and telecommunications delegates negotiate and sign with the Yugoslav Government a post and telecommunications agreement. A donation.of 32,0,00 yuan has been made by the ChineseRed Cross Society for Yugoslav snow avalanche and flood victims. Pianist performs in several Yugoslav cities including Zagreb, Ljuljana, Rijeka, and,M4ribor. Women's delegation visits Yugoslavia ,at the invitation of the Yugoslav Women's Federation. Chinese mastlsal arts exhibition opens at Belgrade Museum of Practical Arts. Postal and telecommunications delega- tion attends Yugoslavia's third postage stamps exhibition at the invitation of the Posts and Tele- communications Administrative Bureau of Yugoslavia. Chinese Communist stamps displayed. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05': CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/MCFA*DP78-00915R0007/00060004-4 Agreements 253 c. AGREEMENTS SIGNED BETWEEN COMMUNIST CHINA AND YUGOSLAVIA Date of SizaLaa? Place of Signag 2/17/56 Belgrade 2/17/56 Belgrade -Sino-Yugoslav Postal and Telecommuni- .221.12ga?AELTement Sino-Yugoslav Trade Agreement: calls for trade in the amount of two and one-half million pounds sterling each way between the two countries during 1956. 4/27/56 Belgrade Sino-Yugoslav Film Contracts: two contracts signed one calling for film distribution rights and the other for the exchange of newsreel materials. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED International 254 79.. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED By CHINA 4441,44.4.?4414.44441?1*?4444?44.10W44444..* 1.1040????4 Opening Date: Countries Number of Name or Type C1os:Ln Date: -- Attendi1* and I)eieKatea of Conference May 1955 See last column. and Remarks May Day celebrations. More than 2,000 guests from 50 foreign countries including official delegates and un- official trade, industrial, cultural, and other representatives attend Chinese ' Communist National Day celebra- tions in Peiping. Many of the delegates are invited to spend some time in China -- for periods of a week or longer either before or after the - celebrations .- to visit dif- ferent establishments depend- ing on the delegates' interests. * The lists of attending countries may not be complete; however', they represent the countries given in accounts seen of the meetings and celebrations. ** For names of delegates, where available, see country listing. Approved For Release 2000/06M+VRADP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200WEAAJA16-RDP78-00915R0011/QQARQQ4r4 255 79. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CHINA, Continued ,fa......81././.....;00./n.???????????????????!...? Opening Date: Countries* Number Of Name or Type * C1osin:0 Date: Attendin% Delegapea*. . of Conference and Remarks 8/30/55- 10/6/55 Argentina Australia Bolivia Brazil Cambodia Ceylon Chile Columbia Cuba Egypt Germany Guatemala Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Japan Jordan North Korea Kuwait Laos Lebanon Madagascar Mexico Morocco Paraguay Portugal Senegal Spain Sudan Syria Union of South Africa United States Uruguay USSR Venezuela 11 a a a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 17 n a 5 n a n a n a n a n a ? 4 n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n e. n a n a n a II a a a a a Youth delegates. 45 foreign youth delegates visit China and attend National Day cele- brations at the invitation of the New Democratic Youth League of China and the All- China Federation of Democratic Youth, after attending the fifth World Youth Festival in Warsaw. Approved For kleeitrgine 2000/05Yot : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/W0263131AIDIRDP78-00915R0001414A6GA0441. 256 79. INTERNATIONAL COMMENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CHINA, Continued Opening Date: Countries Number of Name or Type ElloVELDate: Attel2d.lagLand_22.1tWaLLESonference and ?Remarlm October 1, 1955 50 11/17/55- 12/26/55 Bulgaria 20 Czechoslovakia 25 North Korea 15 Mongolia 26 Poland 23 Rumania n a USSR 19 Vietnam n a UNCLASSIFIED National DILmke.trAvaall..: More than 2,000 guests from 50 foreign countries includ- ing official delegates and unofficial trade, industrial, cultural, and other representatives attend Chinese Communist National Day cele- brations in Peiping. Many of the delegates are invited to spend some time in China -- for periods of a week or longer either before or after the celebrations -- to visit different establishments depend- ing on the delegates' particular interests.. International Marksmanship Contest. Delegations from eight Communist countries attend the contest and parti- cipate in friendly games. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200045M619165RDP78-00915ROOON206419pcta41 257 79. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORP4T BISHINA, Continued Opening Date: ' Countries* , Number of - Name or Type ** Closing Date: Attendina_ and Delto.tes. of Conference and Remarks 5/56- u s, 4/1/56- 4/4/56 Germany (East) n a Rumania n a USSR n a Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark France Germany (East) Hungary India Japan Korea (North) Mongolia Pakistan Poland Rumania United Kingdom USSR 1 1 1 1 n a 1 1 1 1 1 n a 1 1 1 7 2 UNCLASSIFIED Modern Drama Festival. Dramatists and artists attend the festival in Peiping and help with the presentation of the Chinese, modern dramas. World Federation of Scientific Workers Scientists attend the 16th session of the Executive Council of the Federation, and subsequently take part in the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Federation. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 ? CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED International 258 1.9? INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CHINA, Continued Opening Date: Countries* Number of ** Closlps_Date : Attendins_13.,_ntL.E.eksat2L. 12/1/55- 12/6/55 12/12/55- n a Bulgaria Burma Indonesia Japan North Korea Mongolia Poland Rumania USSR North Vietnam 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Delegates: Kemal Yacoub Sabri, General Secretary and leader of dele- gation; Nadia Hassanein Raafat; Maghoub Ali Elgabri; and Ehab Ahmed Elmenshawi, members Executive Council of the Assemly Name or Type of Conference and Remarks Antibiotics Research Conference opens in Peiping under the sponsorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. More than forty papers are read and dis- cussed at the conference by the many foreign specialists. The aims of the conference are "to exchange experience in antibiotics research, to review research work in this field in the past years and map out future direction of the work." Many Of these delegates are also invited to tour China for extended periods. Delegation of the International Apault1x_9f Moslem Youth visits China at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Democratic Youth. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 200069,Egsia-RDP78-00915R000r2t006.2ppoti 259 79. INTgRNATIONAL CONFERENCES AAD CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CRINA2.Continued Opening Date: Countries* Number of Name or Type ** asitraj2...atten.iclani_alia_eetes . of Conference 4/24/56- Albania. n a 5/3/56 Argentina n a Austria n a Belgium n a Brazil n a Bulgaria . n a Canada n a Chile n a Costa Rica n a Cuba n a Czechoslovakia n a Egypt n a Finland n a France n a Germany n a ,Gold Coast n a India n a Indonesia n a Iran n a Iraq n a Israel n a Italy n a Jordan n a Korea (North) n a Lebanon n a Madagascar n a and Remarks Delegates and observers from 44 countries attend the Council Meeting of the Women's International Democratic Federation in Peiping. After the meeting, the women delegates tour the major cities of China at the invitation of the All-China Democratic Women's Federation. Mexico n a Spain n a Mongolia n a Sweden n a Nepal n a Switzerland n a Nigeria n a Thailand n a Norway n a Tunisia ' n a Pakistan n a United Kingdom n a Poland n a United States m a Rumania n a USSR n a Senegal t a Vietnam (North) n a UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED International 260 79. INTERNATIONALCONFERENCES:AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CHINA, Continued Opening Date: Closina Date: May 3956 Countriesi Number cc.i'4. Attending and DelevatIL_L Africa Albania Argentina :.Australia .Bulgaria Ceylon Chile Czechoslovakia France Germaby (East) Hungary India Indonesia Iran Iraq Italy Japan Korea (North) Mexico Mongolia Morocco New Zealand Pakistan Poland Rumania Switzerland Syria Tunisia United Kingdom USSR Vietnam (North) n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a Name or Type of Conference and Remarks May Day 1956 is celebrated in Peiping by more than 1,000' guests from over 50 countries. Trade and labor union delegates are invited, to attend the celebrations; in addition, the delegates currently in China -- including trade union delegates, women delegates to the Council Meeting of the Women's Inter- national Democratic Foundation; peace leaders, artists, students, technical experts, etc., are also invited to the celebrations. Many of the guests tour China before returning to. their homes. UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 UNCLASSIFIED International Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4 261 79. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND CELEBRATIONS SPONSORED BY CHINA, Continued in*???????. Opening Date: Countries* Number of Name or Type ClosinADate: Attendilites of Conference and Remarks 5/3/56 20 countries represented. More than 60 Journalists from 20 countries attend a recep- tion in their honor by the All-China journalists Associa- tion in Peiping. 30 countries represented. 5/6/56 An exhibition of gifts from 30 countries to Shanghai children opens in the Children's Palace: in Shanghai, UNCLASSIFIED Srate--FD, Washington, D.C. Approved For Release 2000/05/05 : CIA-RDP78-00915R000700060004-4