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Teat of Theses on Revolution Anniversary
Moscow, Soviet Home Service, Sept. 15, 1957, 0630 GA'T -L
("::et, Preamble:
For years ago the world was shaken by the news that the workers and
peasants, led by the Bolshevik Party with Vladimir Tlyi ch Lenin at its
head, had overthrown the domination of capitalists and landlords in Russia
and had taken over political power. The report of the guns of the revolu-
tionary cruiser Aurora heralded on Nov. 7, Oct. 25, 191'7 (Ed. Note--Nov.
According to present calendar, Oct. 25 according to old calendar) the onsot
of a new era in the history of mankind--the era of the collapse of imperia.l-i
and the consolidation of a new socialist society. The true history of
human society, which had been foreseen b; the genius of Marx, Engels, and
Leni:.l, began.
The .neat October Socialist Revolution arose a.n, proved victorious as a
pov:we. ful and wrathful protest of the working people ag_-n ".:ist the is narialic,t
war ;.ich had led Russia to the briny; of catastrophe, _ca..n_st the `rjminati.on
of t ,e expl:,itin,?' classes--the capitalists and landlor.J, against ,he
nati! ,al cpnr. ss on. Tire revolutionary working class, soldiers, seamen,
and peasants of Russia rose up against the oppression and coerciar..
on tii. par-c of the capitalists and landlords. The people started a decisive
bait for the es abii.sl:rrent of a new, just social system--the soviet
sxi f.:.ist ystem.
The first decrees of the October resounded over the entire world--IUhe peace
decree, the passionate appeal to struggle against the imperialist war,
the appeal to the brotherhood of the working people. the land decree: the
decision of the all-1.ussian congress of the soviets regarding the formation
of t.e workers' and peasants' government.
Revc..;_:-Ibions did h,ppen in the past, too--all the turning epochs of history
are _l._u.minated by their "blaze. But the revolution,; of the past limi ced
them_-elves to changing power between the exploiting classes; it. was merely
the form of exploitation that changed, whereas the exploitation itself
rema;ned. The dominant exploiting classes fiercely quelled the attempts
of the wor.'ing p:cple to free themselves from the yoke of exploitation
b; flooding the streets of the towns and villages with the blood of workers
and 1_,easan-te. Fi._. ing squads executed the Paris commune supporters, who
were the first in history, to hoist the banner of the dictatorship of
prolF:tar.ia-t, which lasted for 72 days. The f.rs-t Russian revolution of
1S05 was drowned in the blood of the workers and peasants.
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`Elie October RevFolu?tie i --the- -great-st. as to scope s the profoundest es to
tasks and aims, has brought about the aer_tu-ries-old dreams of the working
people, and announced the end of the--exploitation of man by man, the end
of any social and national oppression. It did not only proclaim but also
brought about the great ideas of socialism, peace, equality, and friendship
of peoples.
The Communist Party, faithful to the great Marxist-Leninist doctrine,
implacable with regard to any varieties of revisionism, opportunism,
dogmatism, and sectarianism in the workers' movement, has prepared the
working class and peasantry of Russia for the resolute struggle for the
new socialist life; it has worked out the strategy and tactics of the
revolutionary struggle, has fearlessly led this struggle, and has secured
the victory of the socialist revolution and the construction of socialist
society in our country.
All other parties--the socialist revolutionaries, Mensheviks, bourgeois
nationalists--which had been covering up their treachery and subservience
to'imperialism with phrases about democracy, have utterly failed.
Ali the forces of the decrepit old world came out against the nccly born
young soviet republic--both the internal and the external enemies, the
landlords, capitalists, tsarist generals, and the imperialist governments
of foreign powers. As to its scope, this was an unprecedented crusade
of the imperialists against the socialist revolution. Everything had been
set afoot--armed interventions of 14 states, attempts to stifle with
starvation and blockade, threats and forecasts of inevitable destruction.,
lies and. black slander from hundreds of mouths! The allies and enemies
in World War I, the German, American, British, French, Japanese, and
other imperialists, all united in the common endeavor to stifle the young
state of workers and peasants still in its cradle so that it would not
become strong and stand firmly on its own feet.
In its heroic struggle against the forces of international imperialism,
the young soviet republic enjoyed warm sympathy and political and moral
support from the working class, the toiling peasantry, and the progressive
intelligentsia of the world, All the efforts of world reaction to halt,
the regular progress of history failed. The 4.Oth anniversary of the
October Socialist Revolution is undeniable testimony to the invincibility
of the peoples who have discarded the yoke of the exploiters and is a
great triumph of the ideas of Marxism-Len;nism.
Having brought about the socialist revolution and defended the achievements
of the :revolution in an unprecedentedly heavy struggle, the heroic working
class of Russia became the initiator of a new life and the Soviet Union
became the world's first socialist country which had laid the path to
socialism for other peoples.
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Already on the eve of the October Revolution in 1917 Lenin protheslze-,d
that the socialist revolution and the overthrow Of the capitalists' and
landlords' rule would open up a path toward an_ unprecedentedly rapid
development of productive forces. And_-~his is exactly the way it happened.
Cc n- 'ary to the endeavors of the imperialist powers to ruin our country by
mil. Nary intervention and. to make it regress considerably, by 1941
as a result of the rapid industrialization and the implementation of
agricultural collectivization, the Soviet Union had become a mighty
socialist power, having proved the indisputable superiority of the
socialist system. The indestructible friendship of the peoples of the
USS~~, armed with mighty technique and their fervent Soviet patriotism,
made it possible for the socialist state to play a decisive role iathe
shattering of fuscisrn..
As a result of the defeat of German fascism and Japanese militarism in
World War II, alongside the USSR other socialist states.emerged in Europe
and Asia; they became stronger, and are now growing and developing. The
great Chinese people are marching a.lcng- the path of building socijl:i.sm
under the leadership of their class-battle hardened Communist Party.
The s;:cialist path is 'being confidently trcd by countries which hove
forever discarded. the yoke of capitalism, Albania,, Bulgaria, Hungary,
the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the German Democratic Republic, the
Korean Peoples Democratic Republic, the Mongolian Peoples Republic,
Pola nd., Rumania, Czecho>=lovakia, and Yugoslavia. Now socialism has become
an invincible world system and is successfully competing with the old and
obsolete system of capitalism.
Hundreds of millions of people in Asia and Africa under the influence of
the ideas of the October Revolution, have shaken off the chains of
colonialism. The flame of the national liberation struggle of the peoples
of the colonial and semicolon al countries is shooting higher. The Great
October Socialist Revolution destroyed to the very foundations the
react. ovary legend alleging that the popular masses are incapable of managing
the state.
The -O years of the existence of the Soviet state have proved that the
working masses are capable not only of destroying the old and rotten
social system but also of building a new socialist system of state and
society; eliminating technical and economic backwardness in a historically
shore space of tine and creating a highly developed econot,oy; establishing
and developing the highest form of democracy--socialist democracy;
establishing unprecedented relations of friendship and fraternity between
different nations; and arousing millions of people to conscious historical
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Precisely because of this fact, by its nature and aims the October
Revolution is genuinely popular and the gi'ea -est of all. revolutions even
witnessed n _the history of mankind.
rri, have the right to be proud of, ant we are proud of the fact,, wrote
Lenin, "that we have had the good fortune to start construction. of the
Soviet state, thereby starting a new epoch in world history, the epoch
of the rule of a new class, which is subjugated ti.n every capitalist
country and is marching-?eev.e~rhere toward a new life, toward the victory
over the bourgeoisie, toward the dictatorship of the proletariat, and
toward saving mankind from the yoke of capitalism and from im eri,7fist w&)~e.
The. 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution gill be a
bright festival of all the peoples of the USSR, of all the socialist
countries, the entire world working class, and the working people of the
The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution FIr*a the coneolidation
of the dictatorship: of the proletariat in the USSR.
The Great October Socialist Revolution was an unavoidable result of the
development of the world system of capitalism and the extreme cu.:Lmina-
tion of all its contradictions. The unprecedented development of techno?_ogp
and the growth of :Carve-scale production led to an enormous increase in
the product .-u.ity of human labor and the accujulation of material values,
which should have ra-ise,.ci considerably the living standards of the whole
of the population.
However, under the rule of capitalist owner ,hip pver the means of p.i cduct ; o
and the strong domination of the capitalist moans of syndicates and bank:,
technical progress brought only an increase in the profits of capitalist:,,
an increase in the inequality of ownerships and the growth of poverty a.-Id
insecurity of a still larger strata of the population. Along with improve-
ment in :production, the exploitation and enslavement of the. men of labor
became more acute, unemployment increased.; the cost of living rose, the
masses were ruined, and the oppression of the monopolies on the working
class, and all working .:eople, was intensified. Capitalism pericdica:_ly
crushes the masses with misfortune, suffering, the horrors of crises and
wars which originate from the culmination of its contradictions. All this
resulted in the growth of discontent and indignation of the masses againn .t
the oppressive capitalist regime; while the enormous growth of large-
scale production created material conditions for the replacement of
capitalism by a new and higher social order- socialism.
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Because of the inequality of t' e ec tita?:~ and political development of
capitalist countries during the epoch of imperi,allsm, the maturing of
conditions for proletarian revolution occurs unevenly in various countries..
From this law Lenin, In 1915, drew a conclusion of historic significance
on the pcasibility of the victory of the socialist revolution, first of
all i.. only a few countries, or ;ven in one ina.ividual co_- ..Wiry, and the
impossibility of its simultaneous victory in all. countries.
At the beginning of the 20th century the central. point of all contradictions
of imperialism, and its most vulnerable link, proved to be Russia. T711
combinatic.,, of all types of oppression--capitalist, landowner, national,
and police; -with the despo.. ^m of an absolute monarchy--made the
position of the.people's ma'=ses insufferable and made class contradictions
in Russia especially-acute. At -",-,1a begin.-.ng of the 20th century Russia
had become the center of the international revolutionary movement.
The revolution of 1905-1907 had already p.:t an end to the relatively
peaceful development of capit- _ism in Europe and in Asia, and signified the
beginning of a period of great revolutionary storms. It represented a pro-
logue to the victorious battles of the wor'd..ng class and n1-1 working
people in 1917.
The world imperialist war of l0_14-191e in the course of which the
Imperialists slaughtered abort 10 million 1 id crippled over 20 million
mere, rained and deprived mil i. ,ns of ' far7il i. es of hcries, and speeded
up the growth of the. revolut- .1ary explosic ,i.
"Tb.e war created a crisis of N j.ch great dimensions, " wrote S,enin, "it
strained to such a great exten'-: the material and moral strength of the
peoples, and it dealt such :.lows on the whole contempora1Y social
Organization, that mankind found itself lacing a choice: either to
perish or to entrust its fate to the most revolutionary class for a very
speedy and radical transition to a higher method of production."
The heroic working class which had a powerful al].,y--the multimillion
toiling peasantry---marched at the head of the revolution which was
developing in Russia.
In February 1917 the tsarist absolute monarchy was swept away by the
bourgeois democratic revo'ution.. A dual authority was formed in the
county, comprising the pow-r of the proletariat and peasantry in the
form of soviets of workers, solders, and peasants' deputies, and the
power of the bourgeoisie and the landowners represented by the
provisional government.
Supported by the small bourgeo_s parties, the Mensheviks, and the
socialist revolutionaries, the provisional bourgeois government
continued the imperialist war and carried out an antipeople`s policy.
It did not want and could not give either peace, bread, or land to the
pecple who had been suffer__ng for a long time. Such a gov^ rament-could;
not sati~yf'y~ bhe- 1u1 gent. needs, of... tb v-orkers. and._peasantse
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_ 6 -
The Communist Party, the party of Bolsheviks., the Marxist part;; of a new
type, was the leader, the inspirer, and organizer of the revolutionary
masses of workers and peasants. Ai,m_d with the Maxx>ist-Leninist theory,
havir, ; abaorudd the best exper' _ .. e of the tntnrnational workers' movement,
and t,nml:_"zed in battles against the enemies of the workers clans, the party
of Bolsheviks which thanks to its unit- ~,- s strong and which was closely
connected with the toiling was the l::ad~_r which proved to b,c capable
of bolfly leading the peoples of Russia to socialism.
The prog-ram of the struggle of he party for the transition from the
bourgeois democratic revolutio- -to the socialist revolution was
represented by Lenin's well-kr_...wn April tees Trying to nvoid unnecessary
difficulties and sacrifices, anc. supported by the will and aid of the
masses, the party stood for a :-.ceful development of the revolution.
This way provided for the trans:: `ion of _-T -j_ power to the soviet,-, the
party's gain of the majority of the soviet:>, and the change of their policy
in the interests of the wcrking class.
However) due to the refusal of the 1'-2cnshiviks and the socialist
revolutionaries to break away frog; the bourgeoisie and to c _)ncentrcte
all power in the hands of the soviets, and as a result of the fierce
struggle of the capitalists ail lando-aaers for their privileges,. the
peaceful development of the revolutd.cn was interrupted. The firing on a
peaceful demonstration of workers and peasants in July 1917 in Petrograd
on orders of the provisional govc?oment signified the end of dual authority
and the establishment of a L Tgle authority by the counterrevolutionary
In accordance with Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's advice, the party's Sixth
Congress embarked on a course of preparations for an armed rising. The
congress resolutely rebuffed the anti-Lenin defeatist line of Preobrazhensky,
who spoke against the party's sting course to proletarian revolution,
and who considered that the victory of socialism in Russia was impossible
before the victory of proletarian revolution in the West. Gaided by the
decisions of the congress, the party-carrier out titanic work, organizing
and combining all revolutionary popular forces which were struggling for.
peace, for the land, for national equality or rightt,and for socialism;
it channeled them into a single destination, the victory of socialist
Workers, soldiers, and peasant- acquired a ;-owing convic,iun from personal
experience that the Bolsheviks' policy was correct. This policy indicated
the only practicable way out of v,ar and the way to peace; it demanded that
power be handed over to. the wog,:.Lng people, that equality of rights of all
nationalities be established, that the estates of landowners be confiscated,
and that factories, works,xailways, and banks be made the property of the
entire people.
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This was q consistent revolutionary program which eypressed the fur_daoertal
interests of workers and peasants, of the ti.?orkinE people of c:11 nationalities.
In reply to the just demands of the working people, the government of
uapitc.'.ists and landlords, intensified repression of the people. Spokesmen
-Df the '--cur&aoisie impudently threatened to stifle the revolution with the
bony hand of famine. Capitalists began shutting down factories and works,
dismissing -workers, foiling the supply of food and fuel to towns. Owners
of factories and works were preparing a lockout throughout Russia) a mass
dissrnisal of workers. In the Moscow and Petrograd industrial regions alone
over 75,000 workers found themselves unemployed.
The efforts of the peasants to seize the fields of the landowners were
cruelly put down by punitive detachments. The violent outbreak of
bourgeois-l._,ndlord reaction after the events of July and Kornilov's mutiny;
which was an open attempt to sot up military Qietatorship in the country
and to drown revolution in blood, disclosed the antipopular. essence of the
'bourgeois temporary government and of the conciliatory policy of the
socialist revolutionaries and Mensheviks.
Ib the interests of maintaining their own power, the capitalists and
landlords were ready to sell the motherland to foreign imperialists, and
they tried to crush the revolution with the help of foreign troops. The
counter-revolutionaries and the traitors to the motherland were ready to make
a deal with German imperialism, were preparing to surrender Petrograd to
the troops of the Gerrrn Kaiser in order to crush- the working class and
stifle the revolution.
The working masses resolutely turned toward the Bolsheviks as the only ones
to express the interests of the people. Having gained a majcrity in the
Petrograd and Moscow sovi6ts; the party began leading the main mass of the
proletariat. Most of the army, too, came over to the side of the
proletarian revolution. The Bolsheviks enjoyed decisive superiority of
strength.in the military units stationed near the capital. The peasants'
spontaneous war against the landlords was breaking out in rural areas.
Oven coping the fierce resistance of the counterrevolution: as well as of
the capitulators and pusillanimous people such as Zinovyev and Kamcnev, the
Communist Party organized the revolutionary forces of workers, soldiers, and
peasants for a victorious armed rising. Thanks to the resolute support
which popular masses gave to the revolutionary program of the Eolsheviks and
the total isolation of the counterrevolutionary government, this armed rising
in Petrograd was the most bloodless in the history of revolutions.
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On Oct? 25--Nov. 7--1917, ,he trox' .er$ aLd soldiers of ?etrogracl
over~threu the bourgeois tP'-~porary government.. The second all-
Russia congress of the sovo,ts,, ;eprese,nting the vanguard of the
proletarians and the most revolut'.onary portion of the peasantry,
proclaimed the passing of all state poorer into the hands of the
soviets,, and formed the workers' and jeasantst government, with
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin at its head.
The Congress adopted the historic dec'ees about peace and about
the Lando The peace decree opened a Tevolutionary tray out of
war and laid the unshakeable fog dations of the soviet state's
peaceful foreign policy. The c aturies-old aspirations of millions
of peasants for the abolition o'landlgrdism found their expression
in the land decree. Th^ decisicans of i e congress on the creation
of a workers' and peasants ` government laid the foundations of the
new soviet state.
The October Socialist Revolution ~rhich began,. in Petrograd was,
in the main, victorious throughou the country within a few weeks.
The triumphant march of soviet power tas an irrefutable testimony
to the truly popular charac ..er of the ?e.volution. Hand in hand
tirith Russian workers and peasants' working people of all the
peoples and nationalities in Russia pl ;ed an. active part in it.
As a result of the victory cf the October Socialist Revolution,
the dictatorship of the working class was set up in our country.
The dictatorship of the proletariat, th.^ new revolutionary authority,
was established in Russia on the basis of an alliance between the
workking class and the toiing masses of the peasantry, the proletariat
playing the leading role,. '..ae socialist revolution smashed the old
antipopular state apparatus of the bourgeoisie and lan~'lords and
created a new apparatus of authority, expressing the vital interests
of the working people.
The soviets of workers' and peasantst deputies, born of the
revolutionary creation of the popular masses, became the state form
of the dictatorship of the proletEariat in our country. Unlike
bourgeois democracy, which has always been a democracy for the
minority of exploiters, and which in. effect remains such in all
capitalist countries, the soviet le embodies the broadest and
highhrt form of democracy,, democracy for the working people, for
the overwhelming majority c ' the people.
Under the ruJ_d of capitalir corporations, trusts, and syndicates,
coal, oil, steel, automobile, chemical, railway, and similar companies
of the capitalists, there Is not end cannot be a real democracy for
the working people. The socialisi revolution, having liquidated the
rule of capital and turned the means of production into public property,
created economic prerequisites for proletarian democracy. The
revolution brought to the masses the main freedom, the freedom from
explo3.ntion w h f s the b s t
freedo .pr6VeCi or a ease : -I -~`~~~ ~~ ~'0~ -1
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The tad.=cal supE~_Nior it?; of d~m.ocracv which was generated by the socialist
revo7_ut;~~on 1 ics i n the fact that the state pot,er dogs not belong to the
::~ploiters but to the worker. s. T?7e have c'^eated., wrote Lenin, a soviet
=~-pr, of st~.to, lJe 'Nave started t ~iereb.- a~ new z?~~orld--histaric?al epoch, an
~_,.oc'1 es' t?.e political rule of the proletariat which has come to rep.7.are
~?rlo ep~_~.~.:~ oi' th; rule of the bourgeoisie.
Under soviet democracy the -workers and pe4,sarts i~.a~.re become the ~L ;stets of
the entire land atld its minerals, all factor-.~es and piant~~, coal r,nd or
mine5~ r~lltidE ys, e1-~CtriC power StatiOnS, arld all Ot:~i@r a;0atas cif ;JYUCUCt1.On.
No counts;;- of bourgeois democracy e n do anything sir~ilar, because there
~ the means c,f production ,ser~~r~~ tine capitalists as a means of exp).,oiting the
popu7_n, ma;;ses.
'1're proi_e-carian de;~ocrac~T is E~;pressed in tl~!e active tti=ork of state nd
pub:l.ic orari.zations oz the Tacrking pecple. Tt rejects a c?ernocrac,y which.
gives the reactionaries the freedom to smash the a.e,;,acr tis or~;ani.zations
of the working people ~.xnd tc slander the socia ~.ist s,?st~r? at~d repel, ~,r xulc:,.
Prol~:taria,n democracy, wrote Lenin, suppresses the bo~trt;e~ic expJ.r,~ters
and therefcrc does not indulge in hypocrisy, (providi.n~? } x?c_~l demo~?:t:aP~y
to the ztiorkin~ people.
The socialist democracy has foard its most viv~.d ox5;ressior: in tite soJ_ution
of the national ptobl_em. The Great Octobar Revolution! smashed. the chains
of national s!.abjugation in Russia, dest.r.oyed f'or~.~,rer national inequality,
::stabiished real fraternity ~,.f all the nations, and raised the farnt.:.rly
subjugated people -to the position of truly free peoples pczssessing reaZ.ly
equal rights, The status oi' states was given to those peopleu who Clad not
possessed it previously and was restated. to those who had lost it..
i'he October Socialist Revolution saved our country from the danger of
~ei.ng c.pl.it up arld e.ng class of the
p ~lstical power was the -aringsn~; a'~out of so~i.alist reform i:n a;riculture .
d'~.ls reform yroceecled along the line of the merger of ii;d.:~.vidua' peasants
~~3;cros+,eads ii7to cooperatives and tlxe organization of large Soviet zarins.
rl"'iyr-'. .
point 3t 1SSUP_ Wa-. S a radical Chailgt in the Cei~tL?rleS O~_d eCOi"!Oin~'_C
s'.r~cture, daily life, and conscsousne~s of thy; r~?illion-st-ron~; mass~:s of
`~-~`~o ':omrnunist Pa-rtT- overcame al?_ the difficulties involved in turni~~g the
?~sasants 'armst~cads into cooperatives. The party had convinced the. peasants
~~~~ses that the only path leading toward a prosperous and cultural life is
~;h~~, of collective farming on the iasis of the mechaiiszation of
`~~~~ fierce resistance to the collectivization drive on the part of the
k'~~al,s, tl?e~.r attempts to org~,iisze anti-Spvie~t uprisiiags, to initiate a
'~l'~~dy terror against ~allectsve faun activists, part~r and soviet executives,
t:p ~?rontec~ the Soviet state with the necessity of carrying out the
-~-=~?illation oi. 'chc: l~ulal~s as a class, of depriving; the l.ulalLs of the
-~~``~.uc+,iort implements and. means, and giving their lands and inventor) to
'~~~, Ca:cl~~ctive farms. The collective Farming sSTstein has thL:s proved
~r=-"to:cious throughout the eoL;ntry.
=vwet -yceasai~.try; the majority of the popL~latioi~, has irrevocably embarl~ed
'~~~"-^ the road of socialism. The vsctor~T ox? tl-ie collective farming system me~~r,~
t;-,=', iii agrsculture---the large at sec'cor of the couixtry's econom~T where
-?~'=-;'Mte ownership of t'_ie meaizs of i reduction had prevailed in the pa~.t-?-~puti~li~.
'r=oialst o~~mership had ~ecomc coizsolid_at-ed, that new socialist production
r ~~a?tionships lead come sr!to e~c:i_stence. Thc- collective farmin;; system has
~~='.veu b;~r sts ei~ti~?e su~~segi?.cnt development its superiors?.;T over small-scale,
=~ttc~red, individual faun..-in;;.
5=;^.^altaneously with the all-round socialist offei,sive o~ the entire front,
'>.lt~~ral. revolution had ~E'f?'iz successfully brou;~ht aoout in the country.
r~-'~r4 country was covered with a wide networl~ of sc',zools, cultural. ed~lcatienal
~= =~ rabli_shrnents, hi ;her educational est?~biishments. General oompulsory
prifnr,n~r education in tl~ie 7._anguages of the nationalities of the USSR was
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T~i~ general cultural standard of the warping poople went up. Thus Lenin's
foresight was confirmed ,;~~. the hi storic e~rperience in the USS Onl;,r after
the proletariat has conquered the political po;,~er can it bring about the
prerequisite fora rapid cultural upsurge of tYie entire peo~..le.
The building of socialism is for our people tine principal result of the
Great October Socialist Revolution.
The victor~r of socialism has changed the aspect of the country, has changed
its economy, culture and daily life; has led to the establishment of ilew
relationsl.~ips between classes aiid nations.
The abolition of the private o~~mership of the means of production and exchange,
the introdtction and coiZSOlidation of the public socialist oT~n~e-rsiiip meant
tl~e coinllete elimii-iatioi~ of the exploitation of man bar man, as ~~rell as the
removal of its causes, Fox the first time in many millen~la, the producers
of the material values; the worl~iizg ;people,. were given the possiblit-;r of
worltin~ i,ot ii the interest of the yparasitic exploiters; but for the,^~selves,
for their ow_z socialist society. After many centuries of economic, social
and izatioi~al enslavement oz the maLority of the people by a minority oi?
exploiters, labor has '~ecome rule-. of li#'e and the laboring people- the
workers, peasants and people's (narodiisya~ intelligentsia.
--The ,Soviet wonting cl.acs leas gro~~T~i considerably; .its cultural standard has
risen, as well as its production--technical gL~alifcatio:n. Frorn a class
deprived of the meai~as of ;reduction and foxced to sell its labor to
exploiters, the worltin~; class of the USSP h,~s turned into quite a nei~r .class
which owns, together with tlze_ entire ~>eoiole, the tnea~~s of production and
toils at socialist enterprises. _ _
The Soviet toilinG peasantr;;r ceased to be a class of small private owners;
it has turned into collective farm peasantr~r who:,e prosperity is 'used
on co].l.ect~_ve labor and collective propexty.
A new Soviet intelligentsia has developed and grown, which came from among
the worlters and peasants, and which is closely corrected with the people,
possessi~ig a l~rofotli~d understanding of tide basic interests of the poople
ar~d faithfully serving them.
As a result of changes in the class structure of society the alliance o:f
the worltia~~ class aild the peas:~ntr~T ~~ecarie stronger. Amoral a~ad political
unity of the people unprecedented in histoi^~r vacs created, .nd for tre
first time in history a ratio society v~hich is not split intc hostile
classes, but `which is vJelded by the unity of radical interests and
comri~n aims has emerged. The moral and political unity of the people
k;ecar.e a very great votive power in the development of -the socialist
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Durir:g the pro~r~oss of socialist build~.rrg there was solved tl:e historic
tas.~ of liquidating ;he eco~ro~iic acrd cu.lture~l bacit~aardness inherited from
Tsaris?:n wlrich existed among tl~ie peoples of the USStt. The pc;oples who
previously wore deprived of all rights, and who were dcorned to extinction
l~~` os~~?italism, straightened th ~ir shoulders and Sti~~ol~e up to a new life.
13o'ar"; o:i.s nations were trarrsfori~zed to socialist nations among; which firm
frienc?.ship and frateri~ral cooperatio~1 were established,
In all union republics t.iere emerged modern industry, national cadres of the
worlLin~; class and the intelligen?sia, and a new culture; nati.cnal in form
and socialist in essence, The solration of the national question in tiie
USS:ft refuted for all til;'le the centur~r-old lie of the rolo.zizer. s a~~out the
~lzferior peoples, and it conclusively pro-red tl-iat an ind~~>>ende::t historic
creative worn is not a possessioiY rn:ly of chosen nations! but is available
to all peoAales irrespect~ ve of the color of -their skin or national arYd racia]_
It is necosvary only to give wide opport~_arzit~;T for tlYe tnanifestatiou ~:of the
creative a~ilities of t1.e l~eo~~les, as was done in the USA tt by the Gc';obor
~'ocialist 1Zevoluti on. The Great Octob~:r Socialist Devolution is the 'i-rst
one in history wlzi~h gave ~;,he wor:;ing people not oirl;r political anc~ economic
rights but material welfare as well. _
It rat..o;~1y gave the worl~ers and peasants freedom, but it also created
conditions for c~stant raising of the living standards, not of only one
class or ~~art of the population, 'aut of all STOrl;ing people in to~rixs and
villa.fos. The victory of socialism led to aYr uninterrupted raisirz~; of
the material welfare of the people's masses, Unemplo3~nent and the fear of
tomorrow vanished amore; the worl.ing peop7.e.
Tlie socialist state not only proclaimed. but has actually implemented the
right of citizens to work, education, rest and old ale securit;r. The
socialist order leas not only emanicipated women and. given tii~:m full. equalit~r
in political and social life, giving; them wide opportunities for active
participatioiz in social worn and the education of 'the young, but it also rai.:e~'_
the di~nit;~ of ..motizerhood.
It brov~;ht about 'radical chaizges ire the position oa j oath, openiisg to the
youth of aJ_.i nationalities a wide laath for acquiring l~nowleage and
preduction qualifications, a bath leading to constructive worl~, daring
aizd heroic deeds.
Tlie bourgeois ideologists cherished a hope that the building of socialism
would fail because of the eternal nature of man who, in essence, is a;~_1e~e1,r,no>>?+n~-,lP strenV:t_i of the spirit of tie new man, born to socialism and
educated by the u ou,.~~u~~i.. t Par.t~ _
Tire izeroic deeds of tr:.e Sc,.viet people .~ the Great Fatherland i~Jar,
The second world war .eras tu7leas'~ed bar GerTaan fasci.:rn, But a ?vas merely the
most ferocious and rapacious segment of world. imperiali.sn~, asocial s~7stem
~~vi:ic=~. as a ~:v-pole bears responsibilit~r for the fact teat tens of millions of
people perished .'n t!~_e vrar, :~"or t.7e incalculai~le sufferings of l:unc:reds of
millions of `^rorkin~ peoi~le, for tlZeir tears ape. blood, for t=ie destruc-ti on
of ono}?maus material anc~. cultural riches created ;psi' tL.e labor of many
generations, `
It was tl~e imperialists ixZ t?:e United. States, Britain, and France wino, contrar,
to t=~e national interests of t:.eir peoples, spent many billionti of dollars
?Zelpin" the German monopolists nurture Hitlerisr:~ and arm the fascist `~ordes.
It was ti1e~' [~:ri1o encouraged t=-re iiitleri to age ressors in their cla_i_rns to 11us-tria
and Czec!~oslovahia, forcin; teem nearer and nearer to the Soviet frontiers,
and re jected all the proposals of t:_e Soviet Union about united resistance
to the fascist aggressors.
Even tiviien it became clear that tine Hitlerite hordes constituted a deadly
threat to t_ie freedom anus independence of all peo,~1_es--s:~nce even before iZF:r
attack on the S,;viet Union E-li tlerite Germaii~r i_ad enslaved 11 European coun-t;ries,
including France, w_zose armjr_zad at one time peen re;~,arded as the strongest
in Eu::~ope--~~riien ti7e ti~reat of complete defeat hung over Britain, even then
the irnL~eria7_ists did not abandon tle dope of improving tlZeir situation at the
expense of tine Soviet Union then sub jected to attack.
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Imperialists in the United States, Britsi.n, arx~ France rec?~oned that t~~eir
German competitors would be weakened ~.rz this destructive [Nar, t?1at t~~e
Soviet Union would be r',.estroyed or bled ~ral~ite, and that t;:,ey ~^.~o~~lc~ d.ir,:tate
tl~e conditions of peace boti~, to the victor and tl~e v~;nrjuisl~ed, In effect
tcriority over capitalism is
cmbadied in the; tempestuous devclopmrnt o{' the national ccor~cmy and in the
steady improvement of prosperity and cultural and luring standards of the:
Soviet people. In our ecuntry, national inccmc :%s gro`ving considerably
fast~;r ti~azi in capitalist cou_.-`ries . Herd it is distributed in the ti^rorkers'
interests, Thrcc-quarters o~ the natione-rs' movement aild the sacred principles of proletarian internationalism.
Herein lies the source of our party': strength and success, the love and
respect for it cn the part of USSt~? worl~ers, peasants and intellige~ztsia,
c~z the part of eve-rJ-thin~; that is honest aizd progressive in the world.
l~o~,~od_y will ever succeed in shal;.in~ this respect and love.
J_t is not accidental that in the most difficult period of the revolution
and the civil a~:ad fatherland wars the highest influx of wog:>ers and l~easar.ts
to their Comnni;:~ist Party occurred. This was the case of the eve of the
Great Oc+,ober wii-~;.; the decisive ~zattle against capitGlism was begun.
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It also happened in one of the most difficult; moments of tY:e civil t~~-~r 1r~
October lglg when about X0,000 workers and. pF:~asar~ts entered the (ranks
of the party ir_ one week`? )
Lei_in's death ti~ras a heavy loss for the party and the people, a,nd in
anN;rer to this, 2!; 6,000 leading worl~ers joined t~:~eir party in order to
help to carry out Lenin's behests. 1t the time of the great battle near
Stalingrad from September lg!~-2 to Feb. 1, lg!+~, 82,000 vrorkers and peas-
ants joined the party. This expresses the peop:ie's confide ice in their
party as an experienced organizer and leader and tl~e indissoluble links
between the party and the people in the most dif:ti.cult ii?:omen'cs cf struggle
for the cause of soci al~..srn.
The historic experience of the building of socialism ir_ the USSR teaches
that, th~~ building and development of a socialist society are coi~iplex
processes connected with the overcoming of numerous difficula~:i.es,
differences, opposition on the part of the deposed classes, the overco-.ning
of old habits, .uustoms, petty bourgLois and 'courgeois, as weL as anti-
socialist tYridencies. Chll;y by having, a vanguard of the proletariat hardened
ire battles, the Communist Iar~y, which} 1~.ZOws hoer to lock boldly ah ad, to
understand ar_d apply correctly and scientifically the lay-rs oi' the ~~uild-
ing and.cLevelopment of a new societuT, were the soviet people able to over-
come successfully the greatest difficulties on their pitta and to achieve
a victor3t.
The bu~.lciirg of sociaLsm and cotnn;unism is the c:?reatior. of the peo;;:le's
masses themselves. The creative efforts, of mill:.ons cf workers, peasants
and intel_lj ;netsia are being merged by the Corrmu::ris-t Party into a single
stream and directed at the ccmrnon, great aim.
Through i.ts primary organi~~ations, i;hraugh t-ransmissior_ welts from tine
party to masses, tl~e soviets T?TiilCh represent all the workin,~ g~eople from
town and -village, trade unions which unite almost all worl.ers and employec:e,,
cooperatives which unite peasants and craft workers, the Komsomol which
uni.tos about 20 mil7_i on youths and girls of our country, through various
soc~:cties and organizations of workers the party iiZfluences all the aspect-s
of-life of th.e Soviet people and leads all the branches of econbm~'
and cultural constrlrctl.on.
both at present and in conditions of completing -the construction of
soc~_alism and the gradual transition from socialism to communism, tree
Communist Party unites, organizes, educates and inspires the Soviet _peop7_e
and leads them forj?re,rd to neti~r victories.
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- 39 -
The Communist Party is tk~e 1. ,..rt of tiz~ ~T. zle of t~i~..,~r~, aci:,.vity
of the people, the great err-'~,..t~ct'~of '~pe_ ~o~'ai2.i.~t soci..,`y.
There ore he who trio-s inter?'.onally qr ~znintentionally to weaken -the
1e,adir~~ rule of file Comrr.~unis~~ Party in o~:,e sphere or another helps the
er~:~,^i=~~s of commu;~-~.sm.
Gn'~ c.=f the mAS?t important conciitior~s for the successful activity of the
Co~~znunis~t Party as far as the nuidancc of trie people's mas:~es ..is concernea
is its ideoio,_cal and or4ar~izaJ%iorla.l unity,
IJurin?T the many years of its ~.on. h-~stor~r, the.: CPSU has been wagy~.~ a
battlo for Linitir,. and againti :, the '~'actior~c,l activity of anti-1'~ar_ xist
groups a,iid anarc?^~.st elements which were strivir.~ to t~nr~ermine the party's
discipline . j
Z"ne Corn?nunist Party was a'.,.e , o heal the world-I}istoric cause of
the stl~a:,~le,or socia,lis`rn in oiar coant~;y and ;to .insure its. victory thaniis
to its i?Lztoleranc~'.of all sorts df ~?evi~:ior~ist: and dogmatic-sect~~rian views
alien t o ~i ;arrism-Lerinisr^,.
The, party unmasked and destrc d such. hostile curren'~s as i.lensheT:-ism, the
Social evolutionary rnoveme n~~, Trotsl~yisr:,., the riht-wiry tendencies,
bourgeois natioralis~ril and cth~rs, other;~~rise neither the conquest of
politica7_ po~~r~r by the working clads nor ~i_ ie building; of_ a socialist
society .,wound- have been pOsti .-~:_o .
"2n P,ussia," Lenin wrote, "tl le were of::~n difficult situations when
the Soviet'':r.p~~ime would hs,vc teen surelT o~rerthrown nad.the .T,~~nsheviks,
refoi:;~iists ~andsrall"~bourgec ?,~: domocrats i~:>mained inside r ur `parts"
~ Vo7_u;;ie 31, pa~e? 358) .
In 120, `J. I. Lenin wx+ote t:. ~ .~ it was impossible to wage a struP~gle aga=.rs-L
the forces and traditions of :~~e old society;J,successfuli~r without an "iron"
party hardened i.n strugble, mast strictly diS~ciplined and cent-ral~.zed.
G1hen u,ntiparty elements within the party inwisted on tine frcedorn of
factions anal. groups '`and, denied eciual per: ty discipline fo.r leaders and
ranl~=anc~.=file`; the'10+h~.Congres Z,assed a resolution on ~-1a?.unity of the
party tikhch ~~ave' tl~e Cenj:.ral' Committee the pourer; in ,cases of ~vi.olation
of disczpline~~or:;rebirth ,ar ~~...,oleration of fact:ionism, to~Eapply all. metri~ds
? x::
of part~r .reprirland;..includinl; e11~~ilsion; and:Mas afar as members.;, of ".the
Gentral..Corv:~ittee were concerned, their demotion to candidates'-and. even,
as :a.n ~x~tx-~~;ue .nzca.,^.?izr.~-~ .a~q~u7.s~_~u~ f'rpm tL-e party,
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The Communist-Party and tr_e entire Sovz~t people have unanimously con-
demned thy: s~-~ctarian, factional activity of the antiparty group of
Malenkov, Kaganovich, Moly tov, and Shepil.ov, yJho joined them. This anti-
party gro~~p; ~;rhich broke away i:rom the par ~,~ and people, vras against the
lino taken b;;r the 20th CpSU Congress, aimrd at a,,,xel_axaticn of international.
tcn~:ion, all the nc~~r steps taken to improve th.e workers' living standards,
the r~cla:rtiation of virgin. 1^i~u~, the app~.a1 to catch up with the
United States in the per capita. product~op or animal produce, the
reorganization of managem~:nt ~.~~ industry, .:nd at:her important measures.
The unanimous denouncement of :he ~ntiparty group has ono, more confirmed
the fact that, with the liqui-lotion of the =ostile and antagar_istic
classes in our country, such m~,ral .paltical unity of the socialist
sq~icty has been created that .. o ar~~tipart;;~ group :"rhatsoever, under what-
ever harmer it might act, coup. eou~it on the support of t'~a party of
the people.
The CY'SU did not hesitate to begin a struglo against the personality cult
of J,V. Stalin, which lies done mach farm to the ::c-Livitics of the party and
to the cause of communist constructign,_~nd to condemn the errors
permitted by him during the 1^st pcx~od cf his activities, in ordor to
eliminate a possibility- of -,~:j~eating similar errors, The party has sharply
criticized the violation of Lenin's porms of party life, the drafting a~.~ray
(otkhod) from Lenin's principles of collective leadership and intraparty
democracy, and the violation of Uoa~:alist lega?i.ty. The liquidation of
thcso violations has strergt'r~aned out party and raised still higher its
prestige among the toiling .passes.
The constant, daily contact with the broad pcopl.e's masses and the
solicitude for the needs and welfare of the people arc the most supreme la~~s
in party activities . Tine Com: ~anist Party, ti~is truly popular party, has
no other interests than the il.terests of the people. Therefore, ~tne Soviet
people have and altivays have had confidence in it. They support its policy
as their ovrn, because this policy is a scientific expression of its
fundr,,men-tal and daily inter~.~,+s . There is inviolable unity between the
Corranurist Party and the Soviet people and in it lies the source cf strength
of the party and the people.
Tl~.c unit;j of tiZe party and t:~c people is a reliable guarantee of the might
of socialis-t soceity and a ;1_cdge for the successful crJ ~~truction of
ecr~rnunism. 11s long as the bor,~.l bc:t~~cen the party and the people is .. _ -.
unbreakable, the forces of s~~.ialism have nothing to fear from any storms
and tempests, or arty maliciou.~ ~nc?~. s`landcrous propaganda of tide enemies of
communism. Therefore it is neccssasy to chcrislz tine par~i,,; 's and the
people's unity as a sacred thing. Not only to teach the masses but also
to learn from the massES and from tlicir living experience in creating a new
lift:---Chis is the mast impnri;ant. bc~cst-of_I..~~n;r,;s,m.,. 1Vh~vt.r_~,r~~et.~-it
Buff ors a. d~f~ut.
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T.he abiliiy of the iJTarxist par~,y to appi~r (creatively?) the theory
af..the revolution to the solut_on of n~a~r tasks promoted by the devclopmc:nt
of life itself and by practice _.s a sign of its vitality, strength, and --
maturi`ty. The CPSU, contrary to the revisionists and dogmaticians of
the sc;cond Internationale and coitrax?y 'to the revisionists and
dogr.~aticians of our time, prcduces models of creative application of
A,Zarxiarl and Leninism to the solu~~ion of the tasks of our c,A~och, the tasks
of a ,struggle for communism, for peace and against a h?ar, fora true and
not a false democracy, and fn_ the t?relfar~._anc~ ~~.appiness of the people.
The history of the ~~orkers movcmcn~ teac:nes that part.os and p::rsons -rho
betray Nlar.rism are doomed to baxi:ruptcy.' On tine contrary, parties rcmaini=ig
loyal to l~larxism-Len _nism < _-d kne~.~riz~g hoTr to apply it to the mast complex
contcmporar~= problems .n shto of a~iy difficiltics and temporary setbacks
tiril~., in the end, iJln over their opponcnte .
The revisionist elements allege ti:at no T,i-~rx~~sm exists to cor~form ti~rith the
contemporary epoch and someone must crcat- it anc~`r. Suci7 statt.:mcnts often
arc masi.cd b~= "solicitude" for the ~'urtilcr develol?mcnt of Tviarxism; but in fact
they arc: dictated by aims C1u:itc dif~'c:rent ur~d remote from T.Zarxism. History
proves -that Marxism of t'-~c contemporary ~~,och leas t~ron and is i`rinning great,
unprecedented historic victories and all trac figizters for sceialism i.n
all countries are justly proud of them.
Contc,mporary P,iarxism is I~L7arxis :that ~~: s c,~ c _,t-ivcly developed by Lenin,
tested and cnrichc:d by the ex._~r.,ricncc of the Great October Socialist
Revolution and by the constrt-,?tion of socialism and eommt~~'.sm in the USSR,
by the experienec of the grca`~ Chinese re:vo~~_ttion, and by the construction
of socialism in all countries t..hcrc tlzc zrorking class is in pourer. This
is a Marxism that is daily dev~lopcd by tl`ie CPSU and all fraternal
ecmmun:ist, and ~rorker parties vr'_ich are struggling against :'mpcrialism and
against thc? yoke of capitalism.
The d~:cisions and the materials of the 20th CPSU Congress arc amor_a the
outstanding examples of the creative d~velopmcr:t of l~4arxi:~m and Leninism..
They have produced a program for a further struggle #or peace and the
construction of communism in the, USSR. Tl-c d~.cisions of the. 20th
Congress arc of parc