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' 7-T anitized - Approvedilktrillth ,r . WAR DE., OFFIGR or THE Aisr7C:47.Art SZalaritZ( or TRATEC10 3ERITIc; Iligts'aingtonftDC DTELLIGKNCE BRIEF) 12) ?P.CtETIZA.TIO11 OF COM.Z.TNIST Pcs.RT1%31 ssossaksdax leasssra. .tts..,....ssramsars -nes S. 617.1113: th orti.)41 4 Otob,t 1 LTAtIVEli )3ItIPS Th? collection of secret- informetiOn on the i.r.ternal. orgt61.10,1- tion and covert or /3 OT/Ii-covort, activities of the mn,jor Coraniunist PPt.?t les throughout the wcrld has been estaOlishod as a priority I olsjective or this agency, This brief outl 'Ines thenit co nal del-ati or 3 of cps rat o 1 , , approach u.nd specific targets 'involved in obtaining such information, ? , wed provides certain briefing ratoriais, 2, For practical ptkrposes eSsential required on individual Corrgunist Fartioc nay be so ?categories: s of irtorsatlon irto tvo anformt:I.o.n. conedrning-- CO an4vorrutc.nlpolitical group or party onpUrra z-t or,sui.versive - b,, Trlfortion concerning 1...4ecifi, orert nto rnat ono./ or ran i zati on directed by, ?ToiiiarTriti"--s-67ie nion section ots a. Cc.r-i"Frcira' L. The Intel ,en ppr4b. to the Coi titry a ali,atLon3i poI it ical group involvee t ho a o ciazi als. t i on of 0. RIAZia-&rai- VairrIaormulaon on tho orgarliution,? pantie *nand& ativ , , . , tios,? outsief4 rolat;.c.nEhips 6 front and affilieat ?..1.zatiOTIE A et.Q.. A or individual Corrumuist Parties.' ' This informer ?fs in large available Iron public sources or tiforms.ti otl.. ' d iatifsctory glnor estimates of the activityQ plansand pot=4Fpower of, the ?Party cal often be node without recourse to additions = urces? ? riciwever,, to obt information on internal ?arty controls and `45-,-, ,s OUT COO ' Of f Wads covert, infiltration of other groups and ergtin.. ikations,? para-Military ,r,a*c ties or plane., ,eto.,i secret sources 'are_essential&-- 4 (.1)erational:ipproachl 11130h of hie infOrMati. on a a adily pro- . . _ , , curable from Irlorriente iii7E76i, tube r s of ,t '6,,4:and4the grafi, recoAdo rind of ,.reports on the 'CP,received ic t qe Peatt'Jhasional:sted of r2poits from the large ranber of enti-ComuniSt groups and individual .s currently tA3tili in ulmo st every country ran girt front 111,05 !bergs of, SOCia.1 ist and iirjr:-...w,iri pAtrties, goverment of.,:h.aalso and bUS -S 0 and cierica.t fig,ures to ,s4ti- , ? ? S 01/1.0 13 8131i ry ev and profossioyal int'orrian? These .*ources.provide, eierai solts,ssoo. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 :1 ? 25X1C8a ? Sanitized - Approves6r1A-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 data on the structure ani orgAr ing.Corrlunistz (occasionally -t1 and of GP members in specific a Party and its rolationship end orgsnisations, the party-ii. meetings front organizations t Occasionally those non-CP scurc on some of these topics or on t Soviet- diplomatic or intelli4eL sion of their information are e. have manarpd to pnetrata the C - of Party, the mtmes of lead- '35.r spocifie posf_tion in the hierarchy) .-case the pol=.tica1..1,tivjties or the other parties and non-p-;litical g-oups ie as it emerges ir CP publications and .,rouch Ahich the Pz.rty works, oto. )s are in a p-ieiticn to supply deti5.1 Cis relations 7ith members of the !8 services but tle ertant and praci- larply Lhated unless they themselves at 0110 level or mother:. Lag-level penetration if local cane and Lsoti)nrs of a. C? o.f:fers an effective method of procurin precise details on the CP as a. nitional pcIitical-subt,ersive orgauizata)n, to p-ovid the adeAuate data f;.1r anslyses of its plans and poter;ial,, Pece-:rition at a low level osn be !ca;:ried out on a systematic .8 with reasonable ease?, but the tlt.ons of the intellik4enee thus );-ccured must be ccnstRntly kept in mnd, This intellicence will be of ac-:Ion value to 1"; S- agencies only ?or a limited per:we in specific aroe.t (Germany A,.strie, Italy, China, Norele and Japan). Purely local, lov,41.7e1 CP covers 4ehi ?the: ars, such as France, Italy, the Near idSoutlleiyat e i kas. a snail intellii;-eace value?, Low-level,penetration Operationa are now import:.ant and ?a ;b . in Gernany and. Austria (Russi. and American zone 4). France, CI8C7a0 alovakia, Hura7ary, Italy, and E.fltzerlani.c. 5, Information targets o gcnorel aim of law-leel penetrations in any area-li-tigIon )2 a pnelse picture of OP orgelizition and activities by obtaining sucn. infcrrlation on the following topics ma, is net available from public sorces of information or from the u3ual State Department sources in tnesrea Organization 3., Structure Furs.-elpVILARR(1,157.41C,..a.11 Namese functions: and background of sectional, regional and national party futiotioaairits., location of sectional, regiona2 cad rat:7,6nel Party .offices,. P710G150 data on density of cells in industrial gad . rural area z,, ????imeindwiamakiii., Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 25X1C8a 25X1A6a Sanitized - Approved FdriaRINOMMI!.WRDP78-00915R000100010002-7 2,, Party control larlanart,s- Directives from high-level offices to lower echelons.. Disciplinary controls (purges, and the reasons there- for; clandestine surveillance of perty nembers). Adninistrative controls.. 3. runds Origin, administration and areoUnt of available funds. Party budget. 4. Membership Strength of active neubers in industrial end rural areas. Strength of non-active menbersc Sympathizers amongs Labor circles Intellecttals and educators - Hi:litany and government personnel. Defections and .fluctuation or renbership; reasone. Morale and degree of fanatisien of membership. b. Political Activities I Police- aidStratr .Open and secret deci3ione of Politbere, Centra:L CON mittee an Party Conference, Implementation by lower party echelons. Succeed or failure of poicies, end ensuring revisic 2. Preseurea Pre-revolutionary activities. Names and activities of chief organiners of strikea end other demonstrations. Agents provocateurs, etc. Available arms and &munition. Uilitary training centers. e-. Relationships 1. Party-Governmnt Activities of Communist government members. Front men in government. ? Pressures and influence on non-Communist key larsonn-' in governrent circles. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 s".111141.1.6., -4- g. Party-Labor Infiltratior and domination of Labor Um71on2 and . other Labor organisations. Attitude tazard and method of Oombattinp Labor opposition, 3? Infiltration of armed forces. Communist cells and sympithizirg mmbers. Party-Minority Groups Infiltrationa or control of dicestisfied racial or colonial minority groups. 5. Party-Church Methods of neutralisation of Church influence. Use of liberal Church elsmentsc. 6. Party-Opposition Parties Methods of discrediting. or splitting Opposition parties. Infiltration of Opposition groups. d. Affiliated Ouanixations tiOn AMP- ? 1. Structural data on recognizably Communist organitations-4. Sport Groups., Educational Instf.tutions. etc. 2. Leadership, 3. Activities., Front Organisations 1. -Structure of orgmaizations not recognizable as CommuniStp which are Communist-controlle& Youth Groups. ROmenvs Group s.' Charitable Organizationd, Cultural Orguniza- tions,-etc. 2. Mechanics of Communist control. 3. Radius of influence. NmaiggfflefflPselliniftrip Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 Sanitized - ApprovedWriafs .41A.ammo.C.;RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 f. Wanda st ins Orean I sat ions Revolutionary military cadres,: -2. Training. 3,, Strength, 4? Probable efficiency. Propaganda .1. Open propage.nth Information on pros? publicat?ions? radio? Nunes of chief pubi ishers, propagandists, a gitc.trs,? Controls.' .2. Cliceldestine ?proptigands. .Subvorsive whispering campaign2-1 Clandestine, press, pubi icat lona ? radio.? . to 3 Internal opacpada Indoctrination schools anO. pe Sonnel-.; literature. propaganc!la. 6. Briefing %tot The cor,duct of low-level. penetration c1.on in an area viliT be st.parv.ised and assisted by ?the appropiat; -Branch in Washington, which Td 11 provide the orcw..isational anfl data required by the 'field, Historical stucaies of indivi.dual CP 6s tc,:se. - already available on Prance, Germany, Italy-, and the Near EaSt, L in most caeca provide adequate background and orientt.?.tion. ;In the course of tine resumes of current in.format:,.on available on other CP cs will be cont.,. piled in rashinc,tbn and forwarded .to field statiors.? Appended to this brief are: two general aids -x lcwlovol ponatmtion operations: " ? (i)' "Notes on Low-level Penetration of the Comunist .Pertyl' based upon the experience of a staff member in conducting such opi ratio:1_1 in the Ltnited States,?. (ii) A copy of the English translation of the official History of the Communist Party, of the Soviet Union (Boishtevik) which forli-t.-Te"- basic it,i? -Ti-_,=e-.1=Fo-iitical actives throughout the The volvne T's principal importance, for CP members ? and candidate s. liesin the sections cn Oorinunist Doctrine 'as oxpounded by Lenin and Stalin which are inserted at approprzate points in t.rimiia azialysiz. Stotiens pri:tary, ar.?>% Chap; Chao. III, Sou ; Cock. 2; Chap TTI, Sec,- 3. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 ? Sanitized - Approved EQr Release : C.IA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 JLLI 25X6D .e6e, HIGH-LE?El. MUETRATION: 7. The low-level penetration of the CP and the aernenuintion of precise details on the national CP2a ore of secondary imeortonee in a secret intellieence approaeh to the CP, but they aee necessary preliminaries to the effective execution of hieh-level penetration operations designed to uncover the operational rsothods, plans and - potential effectiveness of the majur CP2s of tho xorld as key instrte ments of USSR foreign policy. It can be safely stated thE6: tri-e-line- arirrers=1-6==tTomintern headquarters in 1943 has had no practical effect upon the organized exploitation cf tho national CP,e of the world by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union-Bolshevik (CPSU(B)) aa an important iratrument in achiev- ing its politicala propaganda, military, and intelliesnee faiMB abroad. The careful deliaeation of the mechenism methods and program of this exploitation im a major strategic intelligence objective The primary strategic target in the CP ie the Central Comnitteo Fed it conmeotione with diplomatica intelligence and propaganda personnel of the Rueeian Communist Party and of the Seviet eovernment. The koy group in the ntie hierarchy is theAlpperat, or tuner circle of Centtal Cemreltteo members who reportedly cerry on?the priecioal coetacea with teo C.ometern and RIS representatives in most eouneries 8. Operational Approach l The hieh-lovel peneiretion of tho Cole- munist PaTtreWslatri?V-e-ird-i-fficult cpe rational ereeleste, ca statement on poscible operational neeroaehes, eitnor on t e baels of direct subversion of Central Coerittee manbert or the infiltration of agents into Diatrict and Federal Committee levele, can be made at present in the light of the current lack of basic facts on CP poreonnel, oreanigation, and functions' at this level for most countries The initiation of such operations con hardly be anticipated for the near future% but a systematic collection of the data' outlined under the pre- ceding paragraph represents an indispencable first step in producing the items of operational intellieence requirod to plan sechoparationse 9. Information Targets of such high-level penetration operations viumew are 2 se identity, biography, parzonal characteristica. tied non- public activities of members of the Central Committee, b, Funetioning of the Apperat? ? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 25X6D Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 -7- 1. Identity of membors, 2, Contacts of memers of Apparat (and of Cot r%1 Com- mittee) with Comintern foreign rp otativ har43, RIS (esp. MGB) representative intrea, Soviet diplomatic or othe- governmnts,: officials in area. CP intellii;ence agents at lower 'levels (not through normal Party channols), c. Courier relationships between t7le lozaI Apnsrat and the Central Committee und Party seotions in MOSCORA either directly or through local Comintern or RIB roprosentatives, 1. Identity and rolttes of couriers. 2, _Funds trauenitted and purposAs. 3. Diructives transmitted. 4. Identity and mission of sp3c:ial r-)pros,-atc.tive,c. ,in- patched from Moscow. d, Regional meetings of national CP leadors: gr,-F-mda arpl decisiOns, Structure and activity of Moscow "Con-intern' IleaasluaTtt3; 1. Poraonnel 2. Crghnixation 3, Nature and extent of name fi 4, Training institutions 5, Precise position in Party bureaucracy f, ,Developments in Comintern strategic yolicy5 1, Texts of directives issued 2, Pajor policy discussions and deciiions 3, Coordination of national CP propaganda with Agitprop Section of the Russian Communist Party, Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 Sanitized - Approved ratntilit9UA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7 Comintern infiltration infiltration and exploitation of all international organizations, including Russian Orthodox Church. 100 Briefing note: In order to facilitate tha preliminary collec- tion of opsrationa-Mermation on tha CP at tha strategic level, a series of briefing memoranda will be issued on thi, fellowinE aspects of the Comintern: History of Comintern Activities b, Preliminary'Roport on the Current S",ructyro and Oprations ? of the-Comintern - ? 43, The CP ApIparat fuld Ille?gal CP Activities d. The Function of tho CP in RIS Activities APPROVED: -7,77?V4-.-vV- W, Cliinir7-7-7----7 ColonaL Infantry Director Attachment It "Notes on Low- avel Penetration c0 the Communist Party" Attachment XI Hitorvf tl 25X1C8a 25),(1C8a 'n,APREPPMIIIMMISimm: 1.???????????????? .1?MVINIMI?????4?01Z-4/C,Li Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP78-00915R000100010002-7