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Approved For Release 2003/08/18: CIA-RD PMB01676R000800050f2Cs8- J 13 APR 1961 Di STATE, NSC, USAF reviews completed 25X1 25X1 25X1 Originated by: ~9 Rl IPS SI Distribution- Orig. and 1--Addressee l--DCI- 1--DDCI 1 APR 2--DD/I Assistant Director SI 2--AD/SI 2--IPS/SI 25x1 OSI/IPS~/lh/375$/7 Apr 61 Revised: O/DD/I. mhs 7 April 1961 25X1 1--/SI ~_ 11 ,y t Deputy Director (lnfelligence) Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA=R? B01676R000800050068-7 +16i+'laa~r~~ 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 1 Deputy Director/Intelligent 2 Deputy Director of Central I 3 Director of Central Intelli a ce 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE AD/SI 145 Barton Hall0 7 A r 61 ea e FORMPRN0. n~7 Replaces Form 30-4 I A 55 237 / which may be used. S I L Q 25X1 25X1 C 0 X Approved For Release 2003/08/ g'I@B01676R000800050068-7 re% ,1 1961 the Ammiam cm to G 'i it.'h rovised or &t t at1tp WIS. e A of c:a u, dWPMU I.tar*aly u, a moVuM% ty 1 mt"Ie c infra i ctiarQ 'fie me wee Aboum Aster mad =Pjwt mite an of the eQntro swig for Zee. eb pwvp3mI$ shmM take it t .11 + as s ..irrar: e+ it of the U.S. tr tlaee tbo t y o u viU r e c a U that app eei de 4.75 era win be .13 .11e for Direwtor, Cex rirel I*t#133 e A ey. C 0 P X Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : P80B01676R000800050068-7 >. 2 ti rdmAe v4t t h* I I sax-Ort .. a the U.. d. tIsa C'iy Should Noel: f Or t8 U. S. U Tt COUtN1-1 - " t *z p. t the of viija cb of t"aw 'I ob s axe orOM4 it :i ut : t3tl 1md test** :tom be tak-** into - on 1A .d ctio t of iat r a t, ; ca t of exl&tLag t ttia JA * zvyiCy ) Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 e. imt p 1 U. S. i mpomtble for keeplft t ,.t.+ su i E -:`ice to - t bu* 25X1 # fit" I Of thR s e#tA, 944"Ue and t. Lty v t th1m prxjoae r1 ai tiuv cdatmA-m 1W I ~ reea tiviti - atoxy Ott in I tt i WMI i *t a t 816 moo. iniv J. n 6XWT t on Utmarnmftut 1-1 XIM", Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/0a/ naA-RDP80B01676R000800050068-7s x.n. tPR 1961 BRIEF FOR: Director for Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Letter to Mr. John J. McCloy Special Advisor to President on Disarmament 1. The attached letter to Mr. McCloy is in response to his letter of 24+ March. He had requested a complete delineation of how and to what degree United States Intelligence would support the U.S. Delegation to a Control Commission. I have convened within the DDI area a task force to prepare the necessary studies. A representative from the DDP area is also participating with the group. I believe the studies will be completed and ready for delivery by 15 May. Prior to their transmittal it may be desirable to present these to the United States Intelligence Board. 2. Above and beyond this immediate response to Mr. McCloy, there is the broader question of how U.S. Intelligence will gear itself to support disarmament discussions and any treaties which may be realized. A recent request for much broader support than asked for in the 24 March letter from Mr. McCloy makes the breadth of this matter clear. I believe it will be necessary for you to make recommendations to the President on the assignment of responsibility for intelligence support very soon; and, together with Mr. Bissell, I shall be drafting the necessary staff papers and recommendations. 25X1 Deputy Director/Intelligence Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050068-7 Approved For ReI se 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 .uct,meiLt consists of 3 pages. u._i',er ] of y conies, Series A. SECRET LICTlD DISTR11BUTIOIh MAR .1.96 1 As you know, the A;nerican Delegation to the lhuclear Test ban Conference has returned to Geneva i th revised proposals which make the conclusi:n of a treaty at least possible. This possibility, of course, depends largely upon a movement by the Soviet Union toward accepting a re-Liable contrc_ and inspection system. I believe that the prospects for a treaty, though far from assured, do call for a thoughtful and ti;-rei_y e>1 urination of re- quirements which. could arise should this event transpire. In particular, present U.S. proposals and the draft treaty require that a Preparatory Commission shall come into existence one day after the signature of the treaty. 'J'his Commission will function until the ratification of the trey ty and will t e responsi;:~le for developing detailed recommendations for the installation and operation of a nuclear test ban control organization. It is therefore clear that various studies should be got under way in the near future which define and support anticipated U.S. proposals for installation and operation of the control system in the USS., U.S., U.I. and other locations specified for Phase I of the in- stallation schedule. Such proposals should ta;.a into account all relevant information and substantive capabilities of the U.U. Intelligence Community concerning the USS' and other treaty areas. In this regard, you will recall that apprwdmately 100 seismic events annually of aagnitude 4.75 or greater will be eligible for The Honorable Allen Dulles, Director, central Intelligence Agency. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676ROO 800050068-7 `'hCI .ET inspection within the USSR in accordance with the simplified criteria which only require a determination of equivalent yield and approximate tine and location of the event. The choice of events to be inspected within an agreed quota, from among, those declared to be eligible, must be largely determined on the basis of national intelligence data, including technical information. Once the choice has been made, inspection teams _-1ust be rapidly and comprehensively briefed in order that they will be fully informed about significant conditions in regions to which they will be going. inally, the U.S. will be entirely dependent upon unilateral intelligence for indications of possible clan- destine tests not detected by the international control system, e.g., decoupled underground and high altitude events. Accordingly, I would like you. to be responsible for the following studies which will be needed by 15 hay: 1. Support measures the U.S. Intelligence Community should undertake for the U.S. Delegation at the Test Ran Control Com- mission which krill supplement the effectiveness with which observance of treaty obligations are enforced, including: a. Intelligence information which may clarify ambiguous data collected by the control organization indicating the occur- rence of nuclear tests, b. Intelligence information which may indicate the occurrence of nuclear tests not detected by the control organiza- tion, e.g., decoupled underground and high altitude tests, c. Factors to be taken into consideration in deciding to request on-site inspection of suspicious events, d. Information which should be available in the Inter- national Inspection Office or the U.S. Delegation at the Control Commission for briefing or otherwise facilitating; the effective operation of on-site inspection activities, 2. Capabilities within the near future c' the U.S. Intelli- gence Community, including its technical components, to implement the above measures, particularly, a. Organization of existing; information in a rapidly recoverable form, probably by means of electronic data processing systems, >!C`ET Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050068-7 Approved For Relewe 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0O 800050068-7 'Ai C?ET b. Organization of internal resources and procedures insuring that all newly acquired information relevant to foreign clandestine nuclear activities will flow rapidly to the basic fund of intelligence, c. An intelligence unit, with the necessary logistical support, within the U.S. Delegation at the Control Commission responsible for keeping the U.S. .eoresentative appraised of all significant intelligence development and to other-vise assist h1ITL, 25X1 In planning for implementation of the above studies, it should be borne in :rind that the draft treaty provides for a relatively brief preparatory period after treaty signature before installation of system elements is to co;mnence. Accordingly, organization of implementational .-activities should proceed as nearly in step with development of the above ;;tuaies as is feasible and prudent. The foregoing studies are, of course, in addition to the responsibility now borne by your organization for the technical administration of the on-site inspection research porticn of I assume that results of activities in this area, including preparatory studies .in anticipation r;f a treaty si ,na- ture, will be contributed through administrative channels which have been provided for this purpose. I would like to have 1.r. Lloyd 1. Belt of the U.S. Disarma- ment Administration function as our representative in all matters relating to the above studies and activities. tr. Belt is located in Room 40.30 NS, telephone DUdley 3-6476. Sincerely yours, John J. McCloy Adviser to the President on Di sa rroament 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 7 APR 1961 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050068-7 APR 1961 3. a"KY-o i t VLU be nes*ry' best a *tive fr U VP in t&u froup to ~ttbe t# tee ps 0 ?blew ihi * k eie unique to the P and kMW 1 ftixof: of the ms's P e+ problem reed- 0 spa r,g fired, oommicat4om i cassibilitf.. A& rdIn#Xy, . vine's office in order Ust SruV *ad The or tien on work of this type will b i lved be wig. 25X1 that this ret 404 $ W W3 WUMP of vartitA 1*? 1 P jr de'tai1 t t es a i th of orMtion ie it if select a of ymw of t 1/f WOVIL40, ex- ATZAMM SPJ8 1 8 1676R000800050068-7 Approve We