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Approved For Release 2004/01/14: CIA-RDP77M00144R000500120002-5 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25 1A 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 17 December 1975 1. I I LIAISON I stopped in the office of Representative G. V. Montgomery (D., Miss.) and picked up a copy of his press release of 8 December relating to his efforts in behalf of U. S. MIA's. 2. I BRIEFING Jim Dolan, on the staff of Representative Margaret Heckler (R., Mass. ), called and said that the Congresswoman will be heading a delegation of women Members of Congress to the People's Republic of China later this month. She has asked the Agency for a map of the PeRepublic of China akjo a briefing on the current situation there. She has also requested a'ieng on Angola,, I told Dolan I would look into the matter and be back in touch with him. After checkin I discovered that I Iwas already coordinating with OCI, on Representative Heckler's request and he will take action on it. 3. I I LIAISON Met Bill Hogan, on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee, in the Rayburn Building and he asked if we could provide him with the Memoranda for Record from Agency briefings of the Special Subcommittee on Intelligence, House Armed Services Committee, on 23 September and 12 December of this year, which include intelligence updates on. Angola. I told Mr. Hogan I would relay this information and we would have the papers for him tomorrow morning. 4. I I ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Delivered to the office of the Defense Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee, a paper for Chuck Snodgrass on Section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act and a paper on the Reserve fund. Also delivered to the office of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Pat Holt, Staff Director, transcripts of the full Committee's 6 November hearing and the Con-imittee's Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance and Economic Policy 16 December hearing. 5. I I LIAISON Received another call from Sue Huck, in the office of Representativ,: Larry McDonald (D., Ga. ), regarding her inquiry on Soviet slave labor camps. I told her I was working on her re ques' CIA-RDP77 M 00144R00040 I 02-5- CRC, 11/7/2003 25X1 25X11 25X1 25X1 25X1 11 25X1A 125X6 25X1A I Approved For Release 20 .?W .. .44~1VVL .iu :i Y.p L-YA _ . Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 17 December 1975 6. I BRIEFING I accompanied Les Dirks, C/OD&E/DDS&T, to a briefi.n of Representative Dale Milford (D. , Texas) at 1430 hours. handled by office of Security. The briefing was on Agency I I and 25X1 Milford seemed quite appreciative of the background he was given. I gave him background on where Representative Robert N. Giaimo's (D., Conn.) $100 million Angola figure might have come from. 'fle said it was unfortunate that members of the House Select Committee were unprepared when such figures and other things like Sarn Adams' testimony were presented to the Committee. Such unpreparedness prevents adequate questioning to bring out the truth. I gave him a copy of ou*'sources and methods package. He. is interested in supporting some sort of legislation to tighten up the security of intelligence activities. We discussed his January 1976 trip and what he hoped to gain from it. See Memorandum for the Record. 7. HEARINGS I called Torn. ,Susman, Chief Counsel, Subcommittee on Administrative Practice & Procedure, Senate Committee on the Judiciary,and received frorrih.imhis objections to our deletions in the 1963 IG Report which he had obtained under an FOIA request for Senator Kennedy, (D. , Mass. ). His comments were: Some of the revisions were already public or disclosed by our testimony; and some he simply did not understand our rationale. He said he would check these out and would be back in touch. I have turned this matter over to of the IG Staff who will work with OGC,to close out this matter. 25X1 8. INTEL BRIEFINGS (CIIINA/ANGOLA) Spoke with Jim Dolan of Congresswoman Margret Heckler's (R. , Mass. ) office concerning her request for a briefing on Chime, He said this would be in preparation for a group of congresswomen 'who will be visiting January. Congresswoman Heckler wanted over-view of , to include political, economic and agricultural subjects. Congresswoman Heckler also wanted a current briefing of the situation in Angola. The briefing is scheduled for 2 o'clock P. M. in Heckler's office tomorrow. Twelve Congress- women will be going to China; it is not known which o:l them will be present for the briefing, (Margaret Heckler (R. , Ma 7s. ) Lindy Boggs (D. ,. La.. Yvonne Burke (D. , Calif.) Bella A'bzug (D. , N. Y. ) Pa':ricia Schroeder (D. , Colo Virginia Smith (R. , Neb.) Gladys Spellman (D. , Md. ) Patsy Mink (1). , Hawaii) Ca.rdiss Collins (D. , Ill.) Elizabeth Ilolt ,man (D. , N, Millicent I mnwick R. A prgv F12 ~ ep 0 ~1 1 1 CIA 2[3~P7~7M00144R000500120002-5 25X1 Approved For ReleasCm' 00144R000500120002-5 A-1)D'ENDUIVI 'YO JOUR N1 AL OFFICE OF I. EGISI.l1 t'IVr COUNSF;L, Monday - 17 Nove11-Ibctr 1.9'75 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 D l LIAISON Accompanied Agency security officer td the m room (2337 Rayburn House Office Bui.ldirng in w 11 .1. c of the House Arrned s Special Subcommittee on Intelligence were held this mornning. no transcript \ 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1A tC71 47t ,,ro i. 11 tr i'i 10 Il It ;i', 25X1A I,e~l,I>1. Li~-C` ( 1111SC'1 25X1A 2. 1LlE'GISLAT1ON with N illiam Shatttucl., Counsel, House judiciary Sul) comm-i.ttee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations; Tom Susman, Chief Counsel, and Jinn. Michie, .investigator, Serrate Judiciary Subcommittee on Aclnii.nistr T Practice and Procedure, and discussed the Agency's submission ofi (S(, e Memo for the Record) I I BRIEFING Met with Jinn Wilson, Technical CO.-asul.t.ant, House Committee on Science and Technology and confirmed a briefirig,, of Irlernbers of the on Soviet, French., Japanese and Ch' space p.r'og rams to be given by .TJir, Cart ]), DDSk':.'I', on Vedlrlc..sday, 1.0 Decemr1.ber at 1000 hours in the office of Representative Don Fuqua (1). , I'la. ), Room 2.2(16, R HOl3. Present, in addition to Fuqua; wi1.1 be Repro sr ntat.ive Thomas Downing (D. Va. ), J coes .Sy.nm ngto1-1 (P. Walter Flowers (D. , Ala. ), Jim Lloyd (.I), , Calif, ), J.,arry 11T1, Jr. (R. , Kan. ), I_,ou.i s Frey, J r. (R. , F1.A John Wyclle r (R. , N. Y. ). I also briefed Wilson and, later Gil Keyes, Staff Director-, Senate Acronautical a. rid Space Scic nc e Co.nmmi.i:t..c ; on th1 r?ecen.t. unrnanrred Soyuz 22 launch and the'; ap 7 Fi do c l1iI II/ii li the Soviet Space mJ a't_ion. sihort, tv c ,1 2?;' .irrlx.l_1,:r.r .ittr e ot1 i; r r#t x xt its- i to c'.i cn: ti cOXi-c-tzi t,'s: o1n io ;t tr1oTt Approved Foj L fit';ency" ):.~ f?;iLl.{. `Li l i.t. i' 7.ct', L II,c e ti it of trtIt`r ICS Staff 1vir. 'r 1.Itr:?rriIL 1. A/DDC) ~ P. II ase'2004/01/'`': CIA-1 OP77t1i110014,~R`dbbtb'Oil20..002-5- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A STATOTHR STATOTHR Approved For Release 2004 01/1r n J I IT I1148000500120002-5 E Journal. - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Monday - 17 November 1975 19. BRIEFING Jim Wilson, House Science and Technology Committee staff, called and asked if several, of the members of the Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications could get an informal, off-the-record briefing on Soviet, Ch.i -and French space and missile programs. He said the members who'would be present are: Representatives Don Fuqua (D. , Fla. ), Larry Winn., Jr:. (R. , Kansas), Thomas Downing (D., Va.), James Symington (D. , Mo.), Walter Flowers (D., Ala.), John Wydler (R., N.Y.), and Lou Frey, Jr. (R.., Fla.). He said if there was any change in this he would let. me know. They would like a briefing an the morning of 10 December. I told him I didn't: think there would be any problem and I would be back in touch. ADMINISTRATIVE Called Don Lynch, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, and asked if he could come to at a briefing by Messrs. OSa, and George Gary. He said he wasn't sure what the Committee schedule would be for Wednesday and asked that I call him tomorrow afternoon to see if he can come out here or if the b o to his office. I told him I would Call him tomorrow. was advised. 21. I ADMINISTRATIVE Called Clark McFadden, General Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, and alerted him to the proposed amendment by Senator James Abourezk (D. , S. Dak.) to the Defense Appropriations bill. I told him this was something he should focus on. He appreciated my calling it to his attention I discussed with McFadden the matter of oversight jurisdiction which, is being drafted by the Select Committees and he suggested that I bring this up with Chairman John Stennis (D., Miss.) at our Friday session. He said he has mentioned. this to Senator Stennis a number of t:fines, but felt I should try to impress upon the Chairman the importance of this. 22. I I ADMfNISTRATIVE 'T'alked with Frank Demarco, in the New Jersey office of Representative Willian-.t Hughes (D., N. J. ) and told him that: I I, OTR, would be happy to speak to the Bridgeton, New Jersey Rotary Club. Mr. Demarco and I agreed it would be best to put directly in touch with the president of the Club so they could Work ou the detail's- c lid say, however, that the Club would not be able to pay for tr _Lnsportation. I told him I would advise I of this. The president of the Club IS J. , 0830 ?. His telephone rtumber is Area Approved For Release 201 4 a~/I!4.',: C,l -k6hiMb0.144R0005A52p002-5