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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100056001-1
This publication contains clippings from the
domestic and foreign press for YOUR
of selected items would rarely be advisable.
No, 26
22 JANUARY 1973
Governmental Affairs
Approved For Release 2069
Approved ror Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-r
Governmental Affairs
8 JANUARY 1973
;Llewellyn? King?
'From-AEC to CIA: Intellectual Man of Action'
IN HIS 16 months as chairman of
the Atomic Energy Commission, James;
R. Schlesinger Jr., whom Mr: Nixon has',
;nominated to head the. CIA, achievedi
what has seemed to be a minor- mira-';
ele: He has taken an ailing depart-;
ment overwhelmed by demands and
given it a new sense of purpose andi
vigor. His record should be of some:
;interest to those who are wonderingi
show he will conduct the affairs of the
'oCentral Intelligence Agency.
! When Schlesinger took over in.Aug'
ust 1971, the AEC was gun-shy andi
exhausted, and the reorganizatiofl!
plan that would have parcelled offi
stotite of its functions to the proposed,
rbepartment of Natural Resources then;1
Ibeing considered by the Congress'i
Iseemed like the only kindly way out.
t? These were some of the woes thew;
fabing-the AEC:. , ,,, , ., , .
t,, The AEC's licensing procedures fo0
!nuclear power plants, based on extennr
t4 .
. ? , '
' . The writer is' Washington eattor , ?
I of Nuclednits Week ? ' / :',',;
isive public hearings and designed to'
inform the public what .it meant to.
,have such a plant in their community,
had become a . battleground between'
ienvironmental groups and electric
utilities. Utilities themselves werei
caught between projections of a'
doubling of electricity demand t everyi
10 years until the end of the 'cert.
,tury and rising costs of fossil fuels,,
IPlus stiffer air quality standards. 1, En-1,
vironmentalists were reflecting gen.'
Orally a disillusion with technology:
similar to that which ended the SST1
Project. A large body of opinion among'
.AEC's critics, as well as some in indus-1
ftry, was saying that the AEC was in
conflict of interest by being both L',
regulatory and promotional agency.
Then, shortly before Schlesinger's ar..
rival, the Court of Appeals for the Dis..
itrict of Columbia ruled that the AEC;
i;had been ignoring the provisions of1
; the National Environmental Policy Act,:
; in not considering environmental mat-'
;lers in its hearings, and in one stroke.:
the AEC's regulatory workload was
THERE WERE other problems, too.
i The AEC was under fire for then-cur-.
rent standards of radioactive effluent
?releases from' power plants. The liquid
metal fast breeder demonstration re-:
actor program, on which the govern.;
ment hinges its hopes for meeting the,
:country's mid-term electrical needs,
was dragging along in a series of inef.'
'fective discussions. The Joint Commit-
tee on Atomic Energy was practically
at war with the adminittration over
nation's future Capacity to enrich
'Cranium,, the..processed . fuel,,AEC 181
!Committed to supply for the domestic
findustrt and a large part of the free
!world's nuclear generating capacity,
fCongress had authorized and appro-1
printed funds for increasing the :ea-,
iPAtolty, of the, AEC't exiidlni.
. '
uranium enrichment :plants, but theralities are mbdified !)3i Unexpected
er onal' charni 'and a :very htimail
Office of Management and Budget had
steadfastly refused to spend the money.
j And behind these day-to-day prob.
'loins of atomic energy were the nit-
' tional security issues of the SALT
!talks and the planned detonation of a
nuclear warhead at Amchitka Island.
Presiding over the AEC was Glenn
Seaborg, a respected scientist and in-
ternationallst who was a lot happier,
'discussing the long-term benefits to
.mankind world-wide than he was with'
,the daily hassle of running the AEC,
la problem that he appeared to have'
;solved by leaving the daily troubles to,
Ihis division heads while contemplating
the big picture himself. Ws attitude to
lite public was patronizing and is
summed up by what the critics of the
AEC call "papa-knows-best." Some evi-
;dence of this is provided by his tel
*talon of a minor role to the A
public' information function.
THEN CAME Schlesinger, a la
; .
boyish 43-year-old with an mind
'present pipe in his mouth and a twin
kle in his eye. A man who ?put in 1
chow. days, Schlesinger' found time hi!
(introduce some humanizing' innova-s;
tons, as Well as tO restructure "the
'AEC. Wine appeared hi the executive'
:dining room, and alcohol was served',..
for the first time ever tit AEC recep.,1
tions. Substantiveititiovations ocenrred.'
41The two aspects of the AEC, the regg-,
latory and promotional branches of
;the agency, were overhauled. Teams4
lot consultants were set up for major
freorganization of..the. agency. New de-
partments and new dePartmentheads
were introduced. A new policy. of, run-
ning an "open" agency was introduced.'
1 In a major speech six weeks after
,taking office, Schlesinger said that the,
.cozy, incestuous relationship between-
!the industry and the .AEC was over.,
He called environmental critics of the,
;AEC into meetings and "jawboned"
wit,h them. ? y ? .
? bne of his division chiefs said, "He
teems to' be that 'amazing combination,i
an intellectual man of action." There'
'is evidence that it was a good analysis'
of the man. He was, a defense analyst
for the Rand Corp. and was for a little
over a year an assistant director ef
the-Office of Management and Budget,
where he prepared a study for Prod.
'dent Nixon on overhauling the
gence establishment that he is noW to.
head. He had no administrative Nob;
ground, but seems to have tapped 111:
great latent talent for .administration.1
He Is a devotee' of analysis and plan.
Mill; and has borrowld the Defense .
Department's "Critical path analysis*
Computer profiling system for ADO
'licensing: The system allows the *nth.
!State 'of the licensing program to be ;
'teen at a glance on a computer readout.
-he is a voracious reader of English
istory and is fond of quoting Burkel
nd Haslitt.
On paper Schiesing6 reads II%
Warmth: '. ''' ." ' ' ' ' ? ? '
, .. .; ,.: ? , .., .? . , ,. ,
.014E OF THE MOST encouraging
ithings that Schlesinger-has done la-to
ireduce some of the more sinister air
. !netts of; the AEC that resulted -from
its weapons producing role. When a
, reporter told Schlesinger that the
i agency's civilian regulatory building
On, Bethesda, Md., was still subject
to Pentagon-type security, he said:
"Christ, ? is that still going on?" and.
turning to an aide, he added: "That Is
going to stop how." It did. ? .'
?; When' Nuclionies Week, the trade
? publication for the' atomic energy in..
'? dustry, ptiblished an 'article about'
,AEC scientists who feared they would
i be the victims of reprisals for their
, 'views on the controversial subject of.
nuclear safety, he -wit incensed.'
;Schlesinger. berated the reporter who
. wrote ethe report. But when the re.:
'porter insisted on the' veracity of the;
'story, Schlesinger demanded more;
facts. Then he said: "I know who it Is
(naming the head of one of the AEC's
"divisions). It is not' going to happen,
any more."
, And to all appearances It hasn't. The
'agency now has a small band of in.i
house critics who speak out against:
..What it 'is?doing.? Although often doth
'this" off'? the record, they are well
;known inside the ageticy, but they do'
hot appear to have been silenced in
- ' any way: At the,titne uf the incident,!
., Schlesinger said, with considerable,
:emotion: "While -I ?am chairman here:
tthere'are hot going to be anrreprisals,
, We are ftot going to have that kind .of
.?..-? Iietie:"?111e is no stranger to pie.'
eiSithets. :,i:,. . . ? -... , ,,- , ,
' l'Oii`ieireral subsequent occasions be ;
, has inquired whether there has been
any new word of reprisals. i
In the.personnel area, he eneottniged,
; Many old AEC hands to seek earii
, retirem6its and ,brought In- highly
livalified , new individuals, ?Including It'
I new. of licedsing..;
. 'When' -lie took the ' AEC job,
;Schlesinger, was as .alien to publicity,
las' he was 'to administration, but he
I showed the same quick taste for both.'
He appeared to like the company of
' newsmen and would gravitate to the*
at receptions and on p'ublie occasions,
although his treatment of them mil
'often avundular. He never appeiret his AEC job to be enjoying himself
as much as when he was debating with,
one or more members Of the prees,
'and he seems to have as much a taste
for a party as he does for computers,
rfactifind statistics. He has a hunger
for facts and figures that he spews out
'in the course of his conversation s
naturally as breathing.
, At an AEC reception recently, ai
'several stragglers approacped the bar.
:for another, round, the bartender rei;'
? plied politely that the party was eve!.
t"The hell it ?is," said the chairman of
'the AEC, extending his glass for a ro,.. -7- ,
1416i crilfga a , pit believe tit
n hi bhange, a
0 - s .
ftheY feel pretty good about it. . , . ? if
rir r TTI rr r 1r r71 rir"71 , I, ; t7"1 i ',flirt-177"M T?rrtrfirtelnr?VrnewIr
lent at a glance,, and his cOmputerlitn".? 1
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
10 January 1973
t . ,with development and security of
CIA Ch-ange: 'cryptographic codes and equipment,
land lesser bureaucracies.
' Just why the President-decided to
'move Helms out and replace him
B,r ,
. d.,,,iv tch,r .,. twith 'Schlesinger -still is unknown.
' ? - ' '.3 ! ;Slit the real reason is acknowledged
II ? , t i;to be far more complicated -than the I
one announced: That Helms felt he ,
as, Superspy
inent-at :60.
? !should Icillowa ,policy- of ;retire-
WASHINGTON??Nrit ;long -after
James 'Ft. Schlesinger became Chair- i!
man ,of ;the Atomic 'Energy Comnds.
sion, somebody Taitieed that he .-kept
high-powered binoculars on the !
dowsill :in 'his office ;at the ,AECs
Germantown, ',Md., :headquarters.
'The word 1.-Tot around antlekly that
he was spotting the license-numbers
of 'employes "who 'were ktitteking mit I
early in the :afternnon ;mow' ;The
:lawn ;or get -ahead of ?Tpshhour j
When an "aide discovered The
chairman -was -wateliiirgliirds Tat-her
Than bureaucrats,"Sehlesingerptaffed
on his .pipe.and said, 'Wel, let44;'nSt
not tell anybody Anythieg ?;iii 'er-
e nt."
:So 'the NECritil servards?-wenten
thinking -the boss was ayatchintfor
people who weren't putting in A full
Today or 'Thursday, snme
months .after he ;became 2&13C
,Schlesinger is :expected to go
, before the :Senate Armed fSerxiees
Comtnittee to fie .approved as !tree-
- bar of the Central iintelligenee Agen.
i ? ? ?
intriguing Shuffle
, In The mest latTiguing *bane wit
the Administration ;lineup inr Pres-
ident Nixoe's "second term, the
-year- old evononikt xitl replace
7Richard Helms. a .v.if!1-nly respected
veteran ,of -.nearly ;:to TearS'
iit,neo work? las leader ,-of the enor-
mous int Pililonro .ontrannnity.
Schle?inzer wril;be responAble inr
, dviAng the 1're4dent ;el The weap-
! on S being built by adyersa-
j ties. of prilitical undercurrents in
the third werld..61 ,rollevting and an-
' alyzing the raw material ,on 'which .
crucial national security ,decisierti:
'are based.
lie will supervise -a budget c
'mated at as ninth as SA billion. but
unknown 46 all but 'a 'few because
'much of it is bidden in the apprepti.
atinns of ether 1..alvern,ment ,agen-
He will oversee a 'conglomerate of
dozen or so separate .fiefcloms.,?jeal-
'ous of their own prerogatives. snme-
,times overlapping 'in responsibility,
.' and not above quarreling over the
meaning of the secrets they glean..
200,000 Employes
? There are about 200.000 employes
In the CIA. the Pentagon's -defense ,
Intelligence agency, the supersecret,
national security agency. charged
; 'But in 'picking -Schlesinger. :the
[President. 'was consistent with his
!? practice ;of . seeking unusual man-
agerial :talents.
-Although-he ,is 'relativemencom-'
1:er to the federal ;bureaucracy, 'the
I ;
'...4.11C Chairman has alevelep-ed;A re-
putation ,as a ,shrewd hantileeof tax
drillars and A man Intel- r-----
want ccif
'Brought into the Ad-
ministration tout yea rs
;:ago ihyllobert :Mayo, then !
:hittiget. bureau 'direetor,
'St:Th.161'nm, 'wholati been !
director el' -Atrgtegie
j'jj0 fly 'Rand .iu Santa ?
;Nice-if:a. was put; tto work 1
nn The T-)Cfense TDepart-
iment hudget.
. 'Dm rfiiitl ln lthe 'Office
:lrof :Management aind: dg-
Aaid gehloAngrr was ,
!able tto Altiln the Pentagon
,AMiget ';Ily SA;
'The 'official 'said That
I:Sehlesinger -was largely
hresponSible ifor conYineing
Phe Navy dt 'was mailable
:!an;o:rre'y 1-1y maintaining
t: ?
?vintage --Avaniliips :and That
thelhastened the trend -to-
Irward fewer ;arid more up-
i-ito-date naval -vessels. ?
"i SehleSinger became AEC ?
'chairman in1r971. -upon we-
?-Stentition ni Clenn 'Sea-
?;lbeirg, the Nobel Prize-win-
:ming ?CherniA. Who had
`ibeen in the job since the
;Kennedy AdriainiStration.
'Since ? then, "Sehlesinger
-has married mit-two 'Alli-
s ;nlial ?reorganization
'programs :at the AEC; put
?it ;en ;m-ore -communicative
terms- With environmental I
'critics, And -gent rally'
breathed new 'life "into .an
agency 'with a. ;seemingly
cloudy future.
Alt -officials, by iand
'large, are not ihappy to see
'Schlesinger leave.
'While 'Schlesinger seems
Nixon--style manager,
; his personal Style ism far
I:cry from others Mr. Nixon
'has drawn Around his
His Idea of a gourmet ?
lunch appears to--be a cold
cheeseburger at his desk.
He buys his Clothes -oil the
'rack, apparently without
'accurate recollection of
'thesize. His shirttail is out
more often than in, and
'his omnipresent ? pipe is
'constantly hammered
loudly into an ashtray to
. keep it functional. His au-
Approved For Release 2001/08/07
tomobile is an economy
model Ford, circa l060.
He is an accomplished
'pianist', something of a
guitarist and also plays,
On weekends he often !
'heads for the Potomac'
fiver or Chesapeake Bay !
-on private bird-watching '
expeditions. During -bust- ;
ness trips, he has been
;known to get up at ?I a.m..
;to go bird watching; .at
'least once 'he appeared in '
the lobby of a posh hotel ,
,dressed like .a limiberjack
i as ,he -set out .to add to the
ilist of :mire than-300 birds
he has ;identified.
i Once Taught Theology
I In the cam rse-ef pursuing'
!?-ohe of his three Harvard
;degrees; he tatightt an up-
falergradnfit e e our s e in:
-theolcigy. In conversation, !
..he eagliy.quotes Latin?and ! .
Engtish literature, but In ;
.This spare time he delights .
in settling -down with a ;
-beer -to -watch a college!
football -game -on televi-
When he became AEC '
;chairman, a veteran of the
,agency 'likened his perfor- -
;mance to ;Gen. George S. ?
Patton assuming -corn.mand of a -defeated army.
At the same -time ,he was
-reorganizing :the AEC'S Te-
, .gulatory office and goner-
' al manager's office, he
swept aside some practices
;that existed sqely :because
They had always ;existed. '
lie permitted cocktails
' to he served at -official so-
cial -occasions at the AEC's
headquarters- And 'allowed !
th wine in the cafeteria. He!
stopped a practice in the!
' -c o mmission's downtown;
nffices of haying Visitors1
fill out a form, receive a .
`badge, and have AA escort ,
before entry.
Three -months after he'
look 'the top AEC post-
--came the controversial tin.:
? -derground ted of a sever-
'al-megaton - nuclear war-
-head on Amchitka In the '
, Aleutian Islands. Environ- ;
, mental activists pressed ,
fall the way to the Sti- .
.' preme 'Court in efforts to ;
' stop the 'explosion, 'which '
,they maintained %could en-
danger wildlife On a. mas-,
-sive scale. . ?
! Schlesinger, showing -a
l'flare for the spectacular,'
?Pew to Amchitka for the
Jest, taking along his wife
;and two of his eight Chit-
Oren. By the Mite the'
!earth stopped shaking, he .
' was on the communica-
tions network advising '
;news media covering The
I shot that it had gone ex..
!I-77411,4 y?, t,117,If,171:':4;
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050601-1
Leetly as planned.
?? During ? his years with
Rand, he became an ex-
pert on the subject of nu-
clear weapons prolifetst-
lion and also developed a
deep interest in the field
of intelligence.
Laler, after joining the
Nixoti Administratinn, he
was deeply involved in !
discussion and planning of
the l:nited States' position ,
In strategic arms limita-
tion negotiations with the -
Soviet Union, although it
was tint specifically a part
of his assignment at the
White house budget office
or the AEC.
A former associate at the ;
White House said, He ;
.may he the best appoint-
ment Nixon has made in
four years.
"He has made it corn.
?Addy on his ability. He
can be a nasty bastat?d.
There is very little soft
nay the
he doesn't.'
Schlesinger apparently ,
came into serious con-;
sideratinn for the top in-
telligence *job after head-)
Ing an intensive IS-month{
.study with K. Wayne,
'Smith, then a staff mem-
bee of the Natinnal Securi?
ty?Comicii, ? mi. organiza-.
tion of the U.S. intel-
ligence establishment,
The study, which still
remains highly secret, was
7 January 1973
'aimed primarily at search-
for ways in which the I
United States mild get
more effectiveness for the
'dollar in collecting and an-
intelligence infor-
'n'iat ion. It led last year to a.
:!Stibstant ial reorganization
:pf:intelligence functions. '
1.7. Strangely enough, its
major effect was to in-
erase in the overall intel-
ligence community the In.
filence and responsibiV
! lids of the director of the
;Pe:ntral intelligence Aviv..
.. ?
? Range of Options '
After analyzing the
eitablishment, the study
i?:p-resented President Nix-
op with a range of options.
,?The President accepted
? posals .which specified,
the CIA director
Aould exercise control
the , overall Intel-,
.1Nence budget and-sliciidd
Clic chairman of the 'major
m mittces supervising
? I:Intelligence activities.
- :Afterward, there was
.SI.iscussion within the Ad-
EinInisti.atton of bringing
St.hlesinger into the White
House as a super-intel-
Fligence adviser, on the le'-
i. with Henry A. Kissin-
.7gcr in foreign affairs and
'John D. Ehrlichman in
llomestic affairs. - ?
? There have been reports
in- recent weeks that
Helms' shift resulted over
a split with Kissinger
and/or other offiCials in !
the national security area
ovsr interpretation of So-
viet missile developments. ,
;It ?was indeed highly de-
hated in 1970 and 1971 as
ie what the Soviets were ,
Irlanning when they began i
luilding large new missile. i
Secretary 41of Defense !
!Melvin R. Laird raised the
stfre possibility that the
tiviets might be trying to !
i:ilets might be trying to'
lievelop a first strike cape. ;
bility?that is sufficient '
rymssiles and large war-
I:heads to knock out U.S. re-.
Aaliatorv forces in a sneak
:attack. Helms took a much
less alarmist view.
jntelligence sources
[within and without the
iAdministratinn,now main-
thin the switch of &hie-.
:singer for Hems resulica
:because Mr. Nixon idecid-
:ed Helms had ?rit' moved
:vigorously enough to im-
:plement the reorganiza-
tfon decisions taken on the.
liasis of Schlesinger's slu-
Beyond that, another of-
Hefei said,. ..there was a
matter of Helms, ?grliwing
up as he did with?the CIA,
beteg . more 'interested :in
C I A operational ? details ?
than with hattling all the!
.Intelligence agencies over, ?
budget matters and dohs,
ing into the tedious mats'
ters of intelligence analy-
And even beyond that,!
some say, there was
question of style. Helms:
was a holdover from the ?
Democratic years ? ur-?
bane, in many ways liber-
dl, and dedicated more to
ideas and institutions than
to the .Nixon Presidency,. !'
Schlesinger, according to
some sources, would have I
preferred to pursue what
he has started at the AEC:
fon another year or so be-
fore moving on to. another
But now that he is going,
a friend said, "My feeling.
is that there will be a lot
more cloak and a lot 'less
dagger. at .CIA. If anybody ? -
can maike that job eller-
tive and respectable, it's'
I in Schlesinger. H e'
bring dimension to that
job that it has never had:
Helms, meanwhile, will
move to 'Iran to become;
U.S. ambassador, still;
probably the most respect-
ed intelligence official the!
United. States has harl.
James Schlesinger
tucked. away in the trees,
at CIA headquarters off I
, the George Washington:
Parkway north of 'Wash- I
ington, will find better
I bird-watching. . ?
At Germantown all he
'ever 'saw, beside it em- I
'Novas sneaking out carly;(
,weil buzzards. ?
Too Many CM i
Men n America's Embassies
' My travels in the Far East
and Latin America in 1972
,have alerted me' to a little-
known but deeply-disturbing
;aspect of the State Depart-
ment's decline in the conduct
of foreign policy.
In country after country,
? foreign service personnel com-
plained to me that "the in-
telligence agencies are sneak-
big more and more of their
men into what on the surface
appear to be State Department
"We'll soon be just like the
Russians, who scatter KGB
agents into the highest and
lowest posts in their embas-
sies," one high ranking For-
eign Service officer said. "It
seems that every month the
.CIA is pressing to ease an-
,other of its men in as a pollti-
Ical officer, or economic of-
= The Russians long have had
di reputation for making their
embassies mostly cloak-and-
'dagger CountriesoPeriions'hettien.
I given their agents ana
operatives t h e respectable
cover of diplomatic assign-
ments, except for those un-
der such "deep cover" that
they are in pursuits totally
removed from any official
government agency. But the ?
United States has been pretty '
circumspect about the extent
to which it permitted intelli-
gence operators to penetrate
the entire foreign establish-
As first director of the
Peace Corps, R.. Sargent
Shriver got presidential back-
ing for a rigid prohibition
against using Corps volun-
teers as intelligence agents.
When I became director of
the U.S. Information Agency
one of the first messages I
sent to the field asserted that
any employe found working
for CIA who could not pro-
dude an authorisation signed
by me would be automatical-
ly fired?and none had such
an authorization. .
The idea was that it was not
tattgetlrf 419attecir
Peace Corps teachers, were
ISfata Harts, or that our cul-
tural and information pro-
grams bore the taint of
All the evidence I saw in-
dicated that the CIA respected
and honored that viewpoint.
I heard nothing to indicate
that the Peace Corps or USIA
policies now differ.
But the complaints and ex-
pressions of deep concern that
I have heard on two continents
Indicate that some disturbing
changes are occurring where
the State Department is con-
First, the department has
suffered as a result of budg-
etary strictures imposed by
this administration. In the
November Department of
State Newsletter, William 0.
Hall, director general of the
Foreign Service, noted that
budget problems "have sharp-
ly reduced political positions.
As a result, promotions of'
political officers have been
MAdR?1'4- 7e4V14.2R0001
cal positions we
I r? II'. I rrt iii, ,fl-fl
lose are quickly taken over by
CIA," complained one senior:
Foreign Service officer. "They
take over under default"
because they get the money to'
hire the people and we don't." ?
One danger is that the more,
we operate like the Russians
end the KGB, the more vul-
nerable the United States be-
comes to emotional charges
like the one made recently by;
Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the presiA,
dent of India, about alleged:
but unspecified undersirable'
CIA activities in her country.
Then there is the matter of
reporting back to Washington!
the information and analyses
on which the President de-
cides whether or not to bomb,'
give military aid,. lower al
trade barrier, support one
political group. He needs ani
Input from both the diplomats;
and the intelligence services,4
but the whole nation will bene-;
fit in the long run if we keep",
the functions separate so that
our leaders know who is nes
g_jahat,, and from
1, 1-7?11,1,-1',11,7f1 frt. f, ? ,prt.wrvir
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
6 JANUARY 1973
;,Tom Braden,
CIA Housecleaning: The 'Cold ?War J ,Over
HISTORY has a way of punctuating
;Itself witholit? benefit' of manifesto,
Neither White House nor Kremlin has
'proclaimed that the cold war is over.
Yet the departure of Richard Helms
as director of the Central Intelligence
Agency and the appointment of Jambi
,R. Schlesinger to succeed him is a kind
'of period, ending an era as clearly as
ithough Winston Churchill had come
?back to Fulton to revise his famous
freech about the Iron Curtain.
Helms it the last of the bright young:
'hen whom Allen Dulles assembled'
ifrorn wartime OSS and from Wall
;Street law offices to help him turn the
CIA into the citadel of the cold war. ,
), Dulles is dead. So is Frank Wisner,,
lila hard-driving and inventive assist-
r ant. So Is the one-time number-three`
Man, Tracy Barnes, tall, blend, hand.;
some and having about him the aura'
Of mystique as the man whom Dulles
had personally dhosen to parachute
Into Italy with surrender terms for
Rewiring. So is that charming young!
Irian of feline intelligence, Desmond
Fitzgerald, who once had the courage-
Ind foresight to tell Robert?IVLeNamara
that the army would fail hi yietrtafti. ,t
6 JANUARY 1973
His Staff.
By Lou Cannon
Washington Post Staff Writer
President Nixon moved
yesterday to shake up and
streamline the sprawling'
federal bureaucracy along}
functional lines by giving
three Cabinet members
broad authority as counsel-
ors for natural resources,
human resources and com-'
Mutiny development.
Mr. Nixon also named five
high?ranking members of his
Staff as assistants to the Presi-
i dent with responsibilities "to
Integrate and unify polielea
and operations throughout the
executive branch . and to
'Oversee all of the activities for*
which the President is respon-
"Americans are fed up with:
wasteful, musclebound govern-
ment in Washington and anx-
ious for change that works,"?
the President said in a state-1
meat accompanying his reorg,
ithlaatIon order.
ISO THE BRILLIANT and the best;
Ire gone:, It is said that now the Presi-:
dent wants someone to clean house
over at "the firm," as the cold warriors
from Wall St. once .referred to their,
place of business. It is a worthwhile
project. Like all bureaucracies, the'
ene that Dulles built tended to go on,
doing. whatever he had given it perm's.;
lion to do long after the need was a
Memory. '
The 1968 "scandal" about CIA's infil-
tration of student and cultural group's.
Lad its use Of labor unions, for exam.;
'Mei was only a "scandal" because
theactivities then being* conducted
learned so out of date. It was a thoughy
Americans had awakened in 1955 to,
the startling news 'that' some World
Itar II division lefton Say the Moselle;
River in inexplicable Ignorance of time
Suddenly attacked etstivard.
I; There were !so .Many CIA projecta
the height of the cold war that it *as;
-111Most impossible for a man to keep,.
Ahern in balance, The dollars were Mill
lmerous,too and so were the people;
who could be hired. ? ? t
1,' People in government tend to 'stay
on, and CIA had Its fair share of stay-
ers left over froni.,seme forgotten prol-,:
,Under? the reorganization,.
Secretary of Agriculture Earl
L. Butz will assume the add-
tional duties of counselor on
natural resources. Caspar W.
Weinberger, Secretary-desig-
nate of Health, Education and
Welfare, will become human
resources counselor and
James T. Lynn, Secretary-des-
ignate of Housing and Urban
Development, will become
Community development coun-
Creation of this functional
"super-Cabinet" closely fol-
lows the plan outlined by Mr.,
Nixon in the reorganization
proposal he made to Congresai
in 1970. It has never been
acted upon.
However, John D. Ehrlich-1
man, domestic affairs adviseri
to the President, said the plan
announced yesterday was "legal
than half a loaf" of what thei
President desired in the way.;
of federal reorganization. Hei
said that the administration:
would continue to seek cori.i
gressional enactment of the,
full reorganizational plan.
Ehrlichmann is one of thei
five high-ranking staff mem-
bers who will become a prest.,'
dentin' assistant under the re;
organization. President Nixed
called these five men "the nu4
cleus" of his second-term staffi,
The five are H. R. Haldeman,'
administration of the White,
House Office; Henry A. Kis-
singer; foreign affairs; Ehrl-
-Lehman, .domestic affairs;
George P. Shultz, economic at-,
'fairs and Roy L. Ash, execu.
itive management
1 ,
Unlike the appointment of,
' ect or deserted 'by. a bureau chief wit('
! didn't get what he wanted and lift his'
recruits to founder for other desks. '
There were all those college boya
,'whom the agency hired during Korea,
!trained as. paratroops and guerrillatii
and then shoved into tents because,
-Gen. MacArthur wouldn't let' them:,
;into his theater. The same morale,
problem existed for them as 'did later)
;for the Cuban exiles awaiting the Bay,.
??of Pigs. 5mne of them departed iar;
peace, but some are still around, like'
ithe'Bay of Pigs men who so ember=
.ritssed Richard Nixon during the last
, campaign. ' ?
So I am.not against a hetiseciesning,
'141.1e times have changed, and in some
ways they' now mom neatly approxir
'Mate the 'time when CIA Wats born"
, The need then was for intelligence
only...168e( Stalin's decision to attempti
Conquest at Western Europe by maniP.
.ulatinn,, the use of 'fronts and the pur.
' chasing of loyalty turned the"figeficsi
;into a hoiiile of dirty tricks.' It void nOe-
,essary. Absolutely necessary, in my
view, nut It lasted lent Met the dee&
sity was gene. . ,
. *1973. Los Anvils 'rims
. ?
the counselors, this "manage'
ment change appears chiefly
to be one of designation.,
Haldeman, Ehrlichman and!
Kissinger will continue to per-
form roles similar to the onea'
they occupied in the first
term, and Shultz and Ash pre-,
,viously had been designated'
jas assistants to the President. ,
Two other administrative'
appointees also were ,previ-
ously named assistants to thel
President for the second term.
,They are Peter M. Flanigan,
who has responsibility for irt-
ternational economic affairs)
and William E. Timmons, for
legislative liaison.
Ehrlichman said that the re-i
organization will enable the.
President to make a 50 per
cent cutback in personnel on--
ployed by the Executive Of-
fice of the President. The size
of the office more than dou-4
bled in Mr. Nixon's first term,
to a total staff -of 4,216 per-
As counselor on natural re-
sources, Butz will have respon-
sibility for issues involving
natural resource use, land andi
Minerals, the environment,,
outdoor recreation, water nav-
igation and park and wildlife
resources in addition to his
continuing duties as Secretary
of Agriculture.
Weinberger's responsibili-
ties will extend to health, edu.
cation, manpower, income se-,
entity, , social services,,
"Indians and native peoples,",
drug abuse and consumer pro-
Under Lynn's jurisdiction
will be problems of commit-I
lity planning, community '0,1
stitutions, housing, highways)
public transportation, regional'
development, disaster'relief
and national capitol affairs.
Blitz, Weinberger and Lynn
'each will chair a committee on
tke Dornestit Council made up!
of department and agencyj
heads. The President satd3
these committees will operate,
similarly to the new Council'
on Economic Affairs, an-.1
flounced last month andl
'chaired by Schultz, which
coordinate all dep,artmente1
and agencies dealing with eeot
nomic policy.
The new reorganization air:
pears to diminish the tradi.,
tional role of the presidential'
Cabinet and of the individual
Cabinet members except for
the three counselors. Many of
the functions which Butz, forl
example, will be coordinating
.have traditionally been under
.the exclusive jurisdiction o
,the Department of the trite.
riot. A number of Lynn's re.1
sponsibilities extend to pro.
grams administered by the.
Department of Transportation'
However, the President saidi
in hi statement that the fune
tions of the 11 executive de.
partments of the independent
agencies will remain utisl
changed. This is a sensitiVe I
point in the Congress, which"
Is concerned about maintaini
lag specific legislative jUrlal
diction over the various agdni).
President Nixon hob neVeifl
Cared very much for full Cabt.',
net sessions, which .Ehrlieh-1
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twin referrecho yesterday at
"show-and-tell sessions." In
stead, Mr. Nixon' has from the
outset of his first administra-
tion preferred small, compact
groups with specifically de-
fined responsibilities. ?
The announcements of' in-
tended cutbacks in the execu-
tive office made no mention'ofj
any reduction in the White
House staff, which the Presi-,,
dent said earlier should set arL
economy example 'for otherl
agencies. ? ?
thilichinan said an ad,
Iniuticement on White House
staff reductions would .. be
forthcoming ivithin-a week to
January 1973 ,
Elrat2linro Dannau
16 January 1973
-Adm. Souers Dies at 80;
kielped Set Up the CIA
Rear Adm. Sidney W.'
Souers, a close friend of the .
late President Harry S. Tru,
man who played a primary
role in setting up what became
the Central Intelligence Agen-
cy, died Sunday in St. Louis.
He was 80. .
Adm. Souers entered the!
hospital Saturday. He had
been in ill health for some
He was a former:' board
chairman of General Ameri-
can Life Insurance Co., in St.
ADM. SOUER,S was born in
Dayton, Ohio, in 1892. He at-
tended Purdue University and
was graduated from Miami
University at Oxford, Ohio, in
1914. 'Before World War II,
Adm. Souers was involved in
banking, life insurance and a
wide range of other business
; He was appointed a lieuten-
'The Intelligence Bureaucracies
CIA?The Myth and the Mad-
ness, by Patrick J. McGar-
vey. Saturday Review Press,
New York, N. Y., 1972. 240
pages. $6.95.
This may be the book that hun-
dreds of former CIA employees will
wish they had written. Patrick J.,
McGarvey, a veteran of fourteen
years with the Agency, respects the
craft of 'agent and analyst and re- '
gards CIA's mission as vital. But he
knows and tells what goes wrong '1
with intelligence operations, from .
1. the time information is gathered
and matched with known facts to
the presentation of a final report to,
the White House. In spite of its
title, this book is about intelligence
operations generally, not solely ?
! those of CIA.
CIA and nine other agencies?
the Defense Intelligence Agency,
the State Department, the National.
, Security Agency, the Atomic
nnergy Commission, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, and the
four military services?engage in
: intelligence activities costing the
: taxpayers about $5 billion a year. ,
? They constitute a "conglomerate in-
dustry with diverse functions and a
. worldwide responsibility," says Mc-
Garvey, and conduct their business
amid a profusion of "committees,
i study groups, and overlapping lines 1
of authority and responsibility" that
leaves most employees reeling on
the ropes. ? ? ?
Technological progrAtip
, ant commander in the Naval
Reserve in 1929. Called to ac-
tive duty in 1940, Adm. Souers
served as an intelligence offi-
' cer in several Naval District
commands and, while with the
10th Naval District in San
'Juan, Puerto Rico, also was
'intelligence officer of the Car-
ibbean Sea Frontier during
World War II. -
In July 1944 he became as-
sistant director of the Office of
Naval Intelligence here and, in
November 1945, was designat-
ed deputy chief of Naval Intel-
ligence with the rank of rear
In January 1945, Adm.
Souers was appointed director
of central intelligence in the
National Intelligence Authori-!
ty which later became the)
CIA. He left active duty in-
HOWEVER; at the request
of Truman, Adm. Souers be-
made matters Worse Computers,
spy satellites, and other sophisti-
cated tools stimulate indiscriminate
collecting of data that may end up
unused in files. Agencies expand
their activities outside lines of au,!
thority and expertise with resulting ?
duplication of effort. Hard-fought !
compromises between, agencies can!
damage the usefulness of final in-
telligence reports on which vital
policy decisions are' based. AlcGar-
vey finds military intelligence in-
capable of quick response in a crisis
and civilian agencies clogged by
bureaucratic layering. When things
, go wrong, it is difficult to pinpoint
responsibility or to , safeguard
!against future error.
i The book allegedly documents in-
stances of intelligence failures from
I an "insider's" point of view, which
this reviewer cannot analyze with-
out closer knowledge of McGarvey's
'work and the likelihood of his per-
sonal access to all the facts. How-
ever fair or unfair his assessment
,believes that stubborn disagree-
of specific operations may be, he
i ments, misunderstandings, agency
bias, or simply communications fail-
came executive secretary of
the newly created National Se-
curity Council in 1017, and re-
mained in that job until 1950.
Still functioning as a special
consultant to Truman, Goners
after leaving the NSC blasted
the Subversives Control Act
passed by Congress and
warned that the wave of
anti-communism "contains the
seeds of danger."
He said that unrestrained
and indiscriminate a n t 1-
Communist activity could be
as dangerous to American lib-
.erties as anything the Comm-
' nists could do. We have no
place in our country for vigi-
lante activities," Adm. Souers
said, and called' the Subver-
sives Control Act "confused
and unworkable.
business, he was chairman of
the board of an Atlanta, Ga.,
. linen serylce corporation, and
? , a partner in extensive farming!
and mercantile operations, as
well as being a director of
'General American Life.
' For many years Adm..
Souers maintained a suite at
the old Wardman Park Hotel.
here. He was a member of the,
Army Navy, Metropolitan, and
Chevy Chase Country Clubs.
He is survived by his wife,,,
the former Sylvia Nette11,1
whom he married in 1943,
ure have led to error, inefficiency,
'excess spending, and even needless ;
wartime casualties.
Congressional monitoring of CIA
:is only a polite fiction, McGarvey
states, and the CIA Director lacks
the equality of rank witl . other
agency heads?thnt would enable him
to administer ill intelligence efforts. ;
A congressional investigation atid
public debate are overdue, he be- ;
lievos, and suggests overhauling in- '
telligence activities along functional 1
lines, thus abolishing much duplica-
tion of effort. The secrecy-shrouded !
intelligence budget should be opened
to public scrutiny, he contends, add-
ing, "I submit that the Soviet
analysts . . . have our intelligence
budget figured out a lot closer than ?
the most ? informed American citi-
zen." Minor changes in the National
Security Act, he suggests, would
permit full and impartial inVestiga- !
tion of intelligence by a public body
every five years.
? ?Reviewed by Marjorie
mer, Deputy Director, Pub- I
fications Division, UD, and 1.
a former CIA cmploycO.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
Washington, D. C., January 7, 7973 '
Star-News Staff Writer
"II is up to the jury to ac-
cept or reject the evidence
that we propose to offer, but
there will be evidence we will
offer that will go .--, from
'which the jury may draW, we
think, an appropriate infer-
ence as to perhaps a variety of
? That remark, made Dec. 4
,by Asst. U.S. Atty. Earl J.
'Silbert, is about as far as the
Igovernment has gone publicly
rin describing what it feels was
!behind the break-in and bug-
ling of Democratic National
'Committee headquarters last
Further clues es to the goi,'
Jernment's theory of "The Wat
tergate Caper" have been
gleaned by inference, from in-
.frequent and evasive private
ie omments by prosecutors,
:from court papers, and, unex-
rctedly, from comments in
,court Friday by an attorney
Involved only peripherally in
:the case.
,! But there hasn't been much,
i, Strategy a Secret ,
0 The strategy, or strategies,'
?,of the defense have been an
!oven more closely kept secret.;
best that has been offered
,is some educated speculation,
land that covers only four of
Ithe seven defendants.
Some answers may come,
out at last, when the Water-
gate trial opens here tomor-
row before Chief Judge John,
J. Sirica of U.S. District Court,
But at this juncture, one'
thing probably can be said ,
with complete assurance: The
government's case will be
based on the contention that
the alleged plot included no.
one other than the men indict-
ed Sept. 15.
' In order to reach this con-
clusion, the government has
had to ignore some points: '
to Reports in the news media 4
linking the scheme to aides of
President Nixon and alleging a?
deliberate campaign of politi-
cal sabotage and espionage. '
? The reported statement of
its own key witness, Alfred C.
Baldwin III, that on at least
one day transcriptions of over-
heard conversations were de-
livered to the Committee for
the Re-election of the Presi-
atergate Trial to Open,
.S. Limits 'Plot' to Seven
The eight-count ind1ctmnt,4
charging conspiracy, illegal
Interception of Oral and wre
communications, secon
degree burglary burglary and posses-
sion of illegal intercepting de-
vices, names the following:
E. Howard Hunt Jr., 54, of
11120 River Road, Potornecr.
,en-CIA agent, planner of the:
f member.
If that official's name were
- known, the government could
possibly have charged the de-.
, fendants ? Baldwin has been.
granted immunity in return
for his testimony ? with dis-
0', closure as well. But it is not,1
and knowledgeable sources
te say the government does not
feel it has enough evidence to
th make a disclosure case.
In court Friday, Silbert told
I Sirica that "all" logs of the
7, tapped conversations prepared
by Baldwin were given to
y McCord. This could be made
lconsistent with both Baldwin's.
? statement and with the gov-
? ernment's case, and also with
? the statement made' Friday by
? Charles Morgan Jr. .
Morgan, representing a
h number of Democratic offi-
cials and employes in a peri-
pheral legal matter,' said he
11 had information that the gov-
ernment will try to show that
- the motive behind the bugging
- was run-of-the-mill blackmail,
not politics.
? If the government is eon-
; tending that the tapes stayed
among the seven defendants,
n then a blackmail Inetive would
be consistent. It seems evident
g that If blackmail were the mo-
tive, the phone tapped, that of ,
? R. Spencer Oliver, executive
I director of the Association of ?
- State Democratic Chairmen,
would be a likely target.
Bay of Pigs operation (six o
,the seven defendants reported
ly played a part in the opera
tion), former White House con
sultant, novelist. Charged wi
conspiracy, burglary and file
gal interception.
G. Gordon Liddy, 42, of 913
Ivanhoe Rd., Oxon Hill; ex
FBI agent, former Whi
-House consultant and former
,CRP counsel. Charged wi
the same three offenses as
James W. McC,ord, 53, of
Winder Court, Rockville; ex
;.FBI, ex-CIA, owner of securit
:firm, former chief of security
for the Republican National
'Committee and the CRP
Charged with all four offenses
Bernard L. Barker, 55, of
Miami; Cuban-born, real es-
tate agent, recipient ?throng
his real estate firm ? of
$114,000 which passed through
tbe CRP. Charged with a
four offenses.
Frank A. Sturgis, 37, of Mi
ami; ex-Marine, soldier of for
tune, fought with and against
? Cuban Premier. Fidel Castro
Charged with all four offenses
Eugenio R. Martinez, 49,0
Miami; Real estate agent i
Barker's firm, former CIA
agent involved in smugglin
refugees out of Cuba. Charged
with all four offenses.
Virgilio R. Gonzalez, 45, o
Miam i; Cuban-born, lock
smith. Charged with all four
offenses. With McCord, Bar
ker, Sturgis and Martinez, was
arrested inside Democratic
headquarters June 17, bring
lag the case into the public for
the first time.
Only Hunt, Lidd ,y an
McCord are charged with ac
tually having intercepted corn
munications. The other four
are charged with having at
tempted to intercept sue
Under the Omnibus Crime
Control and Safe Streets Act o
1968, interception of communi-
cations and disclosure of inter-
cepted information are sepah
rate offenses. In this case, no
'discloseur charge has be e
Baldwin, who said in a Los
Angeles Times interview in
October that as an employe of
the CRP he participated in the
bugging, said that he tran-
scribed what he overheard and
gave the logs to McCord.
?' According to Democratic
sources, Oliver's telephone did
? not pass through the commit-
" tee switchboard, and there-
fore?it was thought?was safe
dfrom snooping ears.
In his interview, Balwin
" tends, to confirm this. He talks
of overhearing some "explicit-
ly intimate" conversations by
- "several secretaries and oth-
h, erl using the phone," and
quotes one secretary as say-
? fog, "We can talk. I'm on
Spencer Oliver's phone."
Guard Cited ?
However, on June 7, Bald-
win said, McCord returned the
day's logs to him and on Mc-
Cord's orders, he delivered the
logs to "an elderly guard" at
the CRP. On the envelop, he
'said, v'as the name of a CRP
official. ?ame he can't re.
Morgan indicated that, if
blackmail were the motive,.
it was not the only motive, and
gave an example of bow, he
said, the tapes were used for
political reasons. The govern-
ment had no comment, but
said nothing to dispel the no?
lion that Morgan was right
about the government case.
Silbert did repeat the gist of
his Dec. 4 statement, that thefl
jury will be able to infer a
"variety" of ;motives, howev-
In the final analysis, from a
legal standpoint the govern-
ment doesn't really have to
worry about the motive. In its
proposed jury instruction,
? filed with Sirica last week, Ulf
prosecution says:
"The government is not re-
quired to prove that the de-
fendants acted with a particu-,
lac motive or motives, and the.
failure of the government to;
? prove motive is not a defen.sei
tea crime."
Those proposed instructions
'reveal another point about the
government's strategy. AL
seven men are charged with
entering Democratic head-.
quarters that June night. but
only five were arrested there. '
. Baldwin, in his Times inter-'
? view, says he saw Hunt and
Liddy emerging from the Wa-
tergate office building after
' the other five 'were arrested
Inside, but says nothing about.
their having been inside the
6th-flodr headquarters them- !
Theory Explained
, The proposed instructions
state: "The government does
not contend that either or both
the defendants Liddy and Hunt
actually entered the offices
and headquarters of the Dora-'
ocratic National Committee
.. Instead, it relies upon the '
theory of aiding and abetting ,
to establish the guilt of both
defendants of this count of the
indictment." ,
Nabody its publicly come
up with a strategy to fit the
entire defense. One feasible
? theory has been circulated,
however, about the strategy of
the four Miamians, who are
jointly represented by Henry
,B. Rothblatt of New York.
, The four, this theory hasit,
will claim that they thought
they were engaged in legal ac-
tivities, aimed at 'protecting
the national security and led
by high government officials.
Nothing has been suggested
about the strategies of the oth-
er three defendants, and attor-
neys for Liddy and Hunt have
so far refused to even reveal
whether they intend to present
an alibi defense saying their
? clients were elsewhere or in-
? volved in other activity on the,
The answers to all these
questions will not be quick In
? Sirica has indicated that he
'may shorten the trial some-
what by sitting for abbreviat-
ed sessions on Saturday.
, But the over-all length of the
trial is still a matter of conjec-
ture. Silbert has said he ex-
pmts the government's case to
take three weeks. Defense at-
torney William 0. Dittman has
snggested that If that is so, the
entire trial might take two
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7 January 1973
WtTEN the trial starts in
Washington tomorrow of two
, farmer White House aides,
fdur Central Intelligence
' Agency operatives and a
, Cuban-born' locksmith, al-i
leged to have been involved'
in 'a pre-dawn raid on Demo-
cratic Party headquarters last :
summer, one of the principal
witnesses will be a man who
claims to have been theirl
He is Alfred Baldwin, 36, a
farmer Marine captain, lecturer'
oh police acience and ex-FBI
agent, who is to be the prosecu-
tion's chief ? witless in the
' Watergate Caper'. trial?the
sequel to the scandal of last
year'S United States Presidential
Election. Mr Baldwin's evidence
will be vital,
Baldwin seems' to have sus-
pected attempts, official. or
otherwise, to silence him; He
decided to speak out without'
delay, to Mr Jack Nelson, Pulit-1
zer Prizewinner on the staff of
the Los Angeles Times.
The five-hour-long taped inter-
view that resulted led to a fresh'.
clash with the US courts in the
running battle between Admini-
stration and Press across the ;
country. The judge in the
Watergate case ordered thet
Times to surrender the record-
ing, Which includes 'off the
record' passages with l3aldwin's.
lawyers. -?
When the newspaper's Wash-)
irigton bureau chief, Mr John :
Lawrence, refused to comply,
was briefly jailed for contempt.
Only when Baldwin released the.
Times from its 'confidentiality
? pledge, and the tapes . were;
, handed over a fortnight ago did
1 ' the dispute ?end. .It .spared Mr '
Lawrence is, return to prison,
but .did nothing to resolve the
confrontation over Press free.
dom r ,in ,America, Baldwin's,
statement remains intact,
, Five of, the .seven defen-
dants were arrested at gunpoint
one night last Jane, in the office:
of ?the , Deinecratic, ? National
Committee in., Washington's
famous Watergate complex.
Their names were James Mc-
Cord, Bernard Barker, Frank
'Mures, Eugenio Martinea anci
, ?Virgilio Gonzales. 1
? McCord, 53, was the f500-a-'
, month security co-ordinator for,
the Committee, for the Re-
election of the President, un-
happily shortened to 'CREEP.'
He was promptly disavowed by
shaicsked.Republican bosses. and
It has been alleged that Mc-
Cord was working under orders
from two bigger shots in CREEP,
.--Gordon Liddy, 42, its overall
security chief, and Howard
Hunt, 54, ex-CIA man and some-
time novelist, -who is said to
have given the Watergate in,
Liddy and Hunt were arrested
in California. Now all seven
stand accused, and they are said
by Opposition spokesmen to be
only the forward echelon of at
least 50 undercover operatives
who were engaged in a 'massive
campaign of disruption' against
the Democrats.
Was this a deliberate scheme
hatched in the Nixon Adminis-
tration to defame and overturn'
McGovern? The affair has in-
volved several other White
House figures beyond the two
now facing trial, but how close
did the affair come, McGovern
demands, to the Presidentoliim- ,
.self? Directly or indirectly, all
the accused are said to have
been in the pay of CREEP.
Alfred C. Baldwin, a pudgy
and jovial bachelor was hired
*as a bodyguard to Mrs Martha
?Mitchell, whose penchant for
telephoning the Press at odd
hours with gossip and com-
b plaints was upsetting, among
others, her husband, who was
,the US Attorney-General. When
'Mr John Mitchell resigned that
post last March to take charge
of CREEP, . Baldwin's delicate
duties included squiring Martha
Mitchell on trips to. Michigan
and New York,' where they were
driven about in '3. Edga
Hoover's personal bulletproof
limousine. ?
Mrs Mitchell eventually 'went
'off on her' famous 'flight freni
polities, talking of all the dirty.
things going on,' and Baldwin
says that he '..ties" told that
CREEP had a new mission kir
had no reason,,
question question my orders,' he says.
'Baldwin , alleges that they came '
from security co-ordinator Mc-
Cord, who in turn, he says, took
his order? from Gordcin Liddy, I
the still' .more highly. placed
IN BOOM 723 ?
I . , ,,,I
' ' I
., . .; !,, , ? . I ,,,..,
Comae= ;?? , f t r;
? ? (I: R0011
heed of ti? scretial CREEP cent- ,
mittee raise to plug embarrase-
ing information leaks'?in 'the
Administration. *: '
The Plumbers; tis they *ere
known, met in a basement office I
Of the. executive office building
next 'door to the White House. ,
Baldwin ' dairies that they ;
tapped official ? 'telephones to
snare disloyal aides and collec-
ted damaging informatiOn on
Democrats.' Liddy had worked
briefly at the Treasury and ivas
thus' given 'tin offiCial:'post lie ? ,
financial colinselltir to CREEP. ;
Baldwin 'says : 'McCord told
Me my 'new job could lead,tii * ?
permanent position after . the ,
election. ' He .took Tile on a tour,
of the campaign headquarters,
a block from the White Hotise.
As various 'persons went by,
McCord.,would say, "There's so
and so, he's front the ,White
House,? or "That's another, guy
from the , White House.", ':,We
Went. to., get approval for .
employment at the..offire of Mr
Frederick LaRue, Special assig-
Drawing showing,the Democratic Party building and
. ,
how, it IS alleged, it was bugged. ?
1, Baldwin says that he was politieal elite, 11!ved.,
given a loaded .38 police gun I Baldwin alleges that McCord
and told 'Don't bother about 'Moved a quantity of bugging
authorisation. Any , trouble, ! equipment into his room in the
have them call me.' , And Bald- ? motel. It included, , Baldwin
claims, a short-wave radio, an
owmince.CalaticrlEE?1;tHQin. array of tape ' recorders and a
first view eta mass of bugging sophisticated receiving 'set,
equipment?Walkie-talkies, tele- vahied at $15,000, in. a letge
vision surveillance units and blue suitcase. ? Baldwin recalls:
electronic gadgetry 'in a fancy ''lie Said ' "I want to Show
briefcase that JO open.' He says you this stuff and how we're
that he was advanced five hew going to use 'it." hist like that;
$100 bills and moved, under the no preliminaries. He pointed
name Of 'Bill Johnson,' into the across to the Watergate office
local Howard Johnson Inn, ofie building Ind said'" We're going
of a chain of motels, which to put tome units 'over there to.
'directly faced the building that night for you to monitor." From
housed" the rival Democratic the balcony I Watched-McCord
National; Committee offices.' walk , across Virginia Menne.
' These were -on the sixth Eiger Later on I saw himi at a window
of tIti office block that forms part Of the Detnotratit ;offices with
Of the vast and elegant Water- one or two others. Ile 'returned
gate temples, with the luxurious and said, .? 0.IC,, we'tret got the
Watergate Hotel on one ,sid,a, _of units ,in ft.,?,1 ' th ' , firt di
the 'triangular . block end the 1 Baldwin riayi at , trio a
Watergate ? ApOttniertts Oii the tappeci"twi telephones theythaf
e41311:grOdNAM?0 Lakvtettee
clidifetn3leinttilciatfe 'cant.
tin6to the campaignt directdr.
over from t it ouse too.
traders aliases taken from
c id 'said, sa Aft.. ague is
characters in -ilia :
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
paign., chief, and a high staff
Baldwin continues .: During
the next. three weeks I moni-,
tored about 200 conversations.
Some dealt with political stra-
tegy, others with personal affairs,
I some highly intimate. I'd rather
not say at this stage what I
heard. The Democrats worked ,
I weird hours. Like on Sundays, or
until three or four in the morn-
ing. I had to keep an eye on the
? little TV-type screen on the '
monitoring unit. A constant line ,
ran across it when the tapped '
phones were not in use. When
someone , started talking across
the way, the line would scatter
and I'd snap on the earphones.'
Baldwin says that he typed
logs from his notes on the calls,,
making two copies; which, he
claims, McCord collected twice:
a day. On busy nights the
logs might run to six pages.;
When something exciting caught
McCord's eye he would sit down '
and type up a memo starting,'
"I learn from a confidential '
source... ." Once or twice when
I heard something especially lin-
portant I called him at commit-
tee HQ. He said, "Don't talk;
about it now?I'll come oyer ".'I
At one stage, Baldwin says,'
McCord brought his bosses,'
Liddy and a newcomer, Howard'
Hunt, to the hotel room. Hunt,
was a fellow-member of The I
Plumbers,' enlisted after the
Pentagon Papers furore.
playedliunt, who a planning.
role in the abortive Bay of Pigs
Invasion, had written 45 mystery
novels in his spare time while:
working as a CIA sleuth in
Europe, Asia and Latin America. I
The visitors, Baldwin claims,
left: after . a. discussion of the
alleges that he saw Liddy pro-
--ilectronic equipment. Baldwin
a thick wad of $100 bills
and peel off 16 or 18 for McCord.
5 January 1973
7 '
Baldwin's long vigil in room
7-23 was broken when, he alleges,
he was sent across to the Demo-
cratic offices to discover the
exact location of O'Brien's office
telephone?McCord, he says,
was not satisfied he had theright
one. Baldwin claims that he did
this by posing as a nephew 'of 'a,
former Democratic chairman.'
Party werkeis trustingly showed
him over O'Brien's office and
gave him his telephone number;
in Miami.
Baldwin states that McCord:
was extremely pleased' when
he made him a sketch map of
O'Brien's office, and that even-
ing, 16 . June, says . Baldwin,
he brought a new listening ,
device which looked like door,
chimes' and more equipment
and tools, wire; batteries, solder-
ingirons. The room looked like
an electronics workshop.' Bald-
win alleges that McCord said
that as well as placing new
devices, they, would remove or
relocate the Old ones.
Baldwin claims that before.
the attempt was made, he ,put
his. eavesdropping logs in' an
envelope on which, he claims,
;MCCOrd wrote 'the- name of -a
;high official in the President's
'Re-election Committee. Baldwin
says that, he taped and stapled
the package and delivered it
personally to the CREEP offices
seven blocks away.
Late in May, the Democratic
National Committee headquar-
ters were broken into and a ?
quantity of private papers, in-
cluding O'Brien letters, were ,
photographed by ? intruders. On "
10 June two men entered a
'Miami photographer's shop with I
38 frames of 35mm fflm for de-
Velopment as a rush job. The
pictures showed documents
being held against a background
of shag carpet by a pair of surgi-
cally gloved hands. Some papers
carried the DNC, letterhead, and
others O'Brien's signature. One
appeared to be a dossier on a
prominent woman Democrat.
? . 'The shop assistant subse-
quently claimed to identify two
Watergate defendants as the
men who brought in the films.
They were Frank Sturgis, 37, an
.ex-Marine soldier of fortune
who had fought in Cuba, and
Bernard Barker, 55, a wealthy
Miami realtor who acted as a
'key liaison man between the CIA
and Cuban exiles for the Bay of
Pigs preparations:
! Miami, scene of both party
;conventions lest year, is h major
CIA Centre where the Agency ?
finds eager and reckless, rank-
and-file recruits among the
thousands of Cuban exiles
I 'stranded there. ?
I As CREEP's man in Miami,'
!Barker handled much of the
I 'group's funds as they were
circuitously routed thraugh
Mexico. FBI records Show at
least 15 long-distance calls from
Barker in Miami between 15
March and 16 June, some to
'Liddy, the CREEP cashier, more
I to Howard Hunt, who happens
,'"to have been Barker's boss in the
' I Bay of Pigs planning 'and who
I had a job, a desk and safe hi the
, !executive office building with a
' ? special telephone under a tannin-
' Aaged listing. ? ' ?
, Barker was back in Washing-
ton on 17 June. In the pre-dawn
hours, police say, McCord led
him and his Miami gang on an-
other raid of DNC headquarters.
From their rooms in the plush
Watergate Hotel it would have
!been a short walk to% jemmied
'door in the adjoining office
'building. After a lobster dinner
in the terrace reatuRnt, say the
'police, McCord visited Bald-
win and left room 23 with the
door chimes device cov.ered by
the raincoat oh his arm. Baldwin
says that he. sat looking down
on the street with orders to give
? warning of any suspicious acti-
vity. His radio code name was
, I At 2 a.m. Baldwin says that
, he ? ,saw lights go on in the
'darkened Seventh flbor above
' the DNC offices. He gave
? the --alarm,- 'but the -intruders
I were unruffled. We know about
I I that,' he was told.'It's the 2 am.
' check.' 1
: Soon afterwards a car pulled
, I up in the street below and three
!men hurried into the Watergate
offices. Lights suddenly blazed
in the DNC office floor. Figures
appeared with flashlights and
guns. '
Baldwin says that he 'grabbed
his walkie-talkie: 'I heard a
;panic -'stricken voice I calling
"Are you reading ! this ? "
Then, " They don't have the unit
on or it's not 'turned ."
The street below was now full
of police cars, motor-cycles and
paddy wagons. Men Were runk
fling into the Watergate. Bald-
' win claims that he heard a last
faint whisper from hit walkie-
talkie: They've get ue. Then
me Li
? Star-News Staff Writer
, There Is an outside chance
:*that a motion filed yesterday
In the Watergate break-in and
bugging case, and due to be
argued today, could shed more
light on the controversial case
The main purpose of the mo-
tion is to seek to keep confi-
dential the contents of conver;
salons ? and the people in-
volved in these conversations
overheard during the al-
leged bugging of Democratic
!National Committee headquar-
ters last spring.
To this end, the five persons
briagings the class-action mo-
tion, all members of national
Democratic organizations,
have asked Chief Judge John
Sirica of U.S. District Court
to prevent such disclosure by:
9 Prohibiting . the parties in
The case from disclosing the
Information through testimony, questions, or any in-court
out-of-court statements or
Ordering all parties in pos-
session of any tapes or other
Not long afterwards, Baldwin
saw McCord and his four com-
panions taken out in handcuffs
by police summoned by an office
security patrol.
Minutes later, Baldwin alleges
that Hunt ran into the room
and began telephoning lawyers.
'They've had it,' he said. I've
got $5,000 in cash with me and
we can use it to bail them out.'
! Baldwin says that Hunt told
thim to pack up the remaining
requipment and take it to Mc-
Cord's home, and that Hunt
'threw his walkie-talkie on the
bed and rushed out of the door.
' Does that mean out of
a job ? ' Baldwin shouted after
!him. But, according to Baldwin,,
Hunt .was gone.
ht on Watergate'
records of these conversations
to bring them to Sirica, under
seal, at which point they would
be immediately destroyed.
' However, the motion, filed
by the American Civil Liber-
ties Union on behalf of all par-
ties 'w hose conversations
might , have been overheard
during the alleged bugging,
also asks Sirica to order 18
Nixon administration and Nix-
on re-election officials to come
to court and tell Sirica, in!
closed session, anything they
may know about records of the
overheard conversations.
Specifically, these men
would be ordered to tell under
oath whether they have pos-
session or control of any such
records, and to reveal the
names of any persons whom
they knew to have possession
or control at any time.
The motion asks only that
these men be ordered to give
this testimony to Sirica, not In
open court. Therefore, their
testimony would not normally
be made public.
However, a Democratic
,source close to the situation
'agreed, if one of these men
were to admit having some
knowledge of the bugging,
there would be nothing to pre-
vent Sirica from forwarding
this' information to the prose-
cution or grand Jury for ac-
tion. In this case, the men's
testimony could eventually be-
come public.
Many of the 18 men named
in the motion have been
named in unofficial news re-
ports as having had some
connection with the bugging
and a larger, unconfirmed Re-
publican campaign of i3olitical
sabotage and espionage during
the recent elections.
These men include White
House aide Charles Colson;
former Atty. Gen. John N;
Mitchell, who resigned as head
of President Nixon's re-
election campaign' not long aft,
or the Watergate case was
made public; and Maurice H.
Stens, Nixon's chief election
Most of those men named as
having had a part in the al-
leged scheme have denied
such reports.
The Democratic source, who
asked not to be identified, said
those bringing the motion
were sincerely concerned that'
private conversations would
be revealed, that Democratic
strategy would ? if it has not
already ? fall into Republican
hands, and that their rights to
privacy and political associa-:
tion would be infringed upon if
the contents of the overheard
conversations were disclosed.:
But he agreed that "there
are some who might think".;
that the motion could have a
political side effect beneficial,
to the Democrats.:
The movants, all members,
Of the Young Democratic
Clubs of America, the Demo-'
(*retie National Committee and
the Association of State Demo-
cratic Chairmen (ASDC), In-
clude R. Spencer Oliver and
Ida Maxwell Wells, both of
whom, according to 'the mo-
tion, have been subpoenaed ad
government witnesses in, the
trial. ?
The only bugging device ac-
tually found in place in Demo!'
.cratic headquarters was on 01-,
iver's phone, according to gov,
ernment sources. Oliver is ex-
ecutive director of the ASDC;
and his phone was therefore
used regularly for association.
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, I 7 Tr, 17' ri uli ',1777jv n :1171
9 January 1973
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Star?News Staff Writers
The lengthy process of se- i
letting a jury for the Water- '
gate break-in and bugging'
- trial resumes today following .
the prosecution's disclosure i
that members of President ,
Nixon's White House staff may i Haldeman's office and is re-
be called to testify as govern-' . sponsible for coordinating in-
ment witnesses. ,ter-office communications.
The names of Fred Fielding, ;
associate counsel to the Presi- i According to the New York
dent, and Bruce Keirli, an , Times, Fieldiing and Kehrli
aide to White House chief of were involved in the search of
staff H. R. Haldeman, ap- ? . a safe in the Old Executive
peared on a list of 60 persons i Office Building that had been
Asst. U.S. Atty. Earl J. Silbert' , used by E. Howard Hunt Jr.,
said yesterday may be sum- . I one of the seven defendants
moned during the govern- 1 and a former White House
ment's case against the seven ? i consultant. An unloaded pistol
defendants. , 1 and electronic equipment was
Five former White House 1 ? removed from the safe. 1
staff members, four of whom ' i Haldeman, Mitchell, Colson :
were officials in the Presi- and Stens have been linked in ?
dent's re-election campaign , the press to the alleged plot ,
Inst year, also arc among the against the Democrats. The
potential witnesses. Three of . White House and Mitchell and
the re-election officials alleg- . ' Stans themselves, have denied
edly had control over a special that any of the four were in-
1 cameaien "slush" fund from *?olved. i
; which money flowed to at least :
The four former White
s on .o. Lie defendants. I
House staff members who :
Democrats charged during , were on the re-election com-
the presidential eiection that ; ' mittee and may be summoned
the Juno 17 break-in and al- i to testify are Robert Odle,
leged 6-week bugging of their . Herbert L. Porter, Jeb Stuart'
national headquarters at the. Magruder and Hugh W. Sloan'
Watergate was part of a Re- Jr., Silbert disclosed yester-
publican campaign of espio-
nage and sabotage.
cleared all present White n
House staff members and off i. I
cials of any involvement in the
break-in or bugging.
Involvement Denied
Kehrli, who came to the
White House in Nov. 1970, has
been a staff secretary in
Conspiracy Dismissed
Government prosecutors
have privately dismissed re-
ports that the Watergate inci-
dent was one phase of a larger
conspiracy, contending that it
day. ?
The only other potential pros.I
,ecution witness known to have
worked for the White House is
Kathleen Chenow, a former
secretary who now lives in Mil-
waukee. The Washington Post
reported last month that Miss
Chcnow told them a special
was limited to the seven who, private telephone in the Exec-
were indicted Sept. 15. 'ulive Office Building was used
Initial questioning o' oil e-o. almost exclusively for conver-
spective jurors by Chief U.S. Wiens between two of the de-
District Court Judge Jc.nn J. fendants in the trial.
Sirica yesterday climirn'el
more than 150. The selection ' List Incomplete ,
process is expected to last sev- The prosecution said pri-
eral more days, with the ques- vatcly that the 60 names read
Boning focusing on the politi- , 1
1by Silbert did not comprise the
cal aspects of the case. i ; complete list of prospective
The list of 'potential prosccu- . witnesses however, govern-
tion witnesses did not include ? ment sources suggested that
any of Nixon's top White the "several" names Silbert 1
House or campaign officials, ' did not read are being kept
such as John N. Mitchell, for- in reserve as possible rebuttal ,
mer attorney general and Nix- , witnesses, and that their addi- I
on campaign manager; Mau- Won would not significantly
rice H. Stens, chief fund raiser
Iciiange the complexion of the I
for the Nixon campaign and ,
, government's case.
Charles W. Colson, former
special counsel to the Presi- I These sources also denied
1 speculation Elia tthe persons
dent. I
It was not known what biter- had
names were withheld
li I had anything to do with two
mation Fielding and Kehr
1 sums of money that alleg- I
would provide as the govern-
rnent s case unfolds. 1 city made their way through j
Fielding joined the White I ' the Committee for the Re- 1
House staff in Oct. 1970 and is ! , election of the President to the I
assigned to the staff of White ! bank account of Barker Asso- ,
House Counsel John W. Dean. elates, the Miami real estate
Dean headed the White ' 'Irm of defendant Bernard L.
House's own investigation of ; i Barker.
t'v Watergate incidentithich ' i .of Ir st of these
pprov% Rupp:pewit
itn ass. List
from a Minneapolis contribu- _ by the CIA, but did not say in 1
what capacity.
Many of the potential prose- !
cu :ion witnesses yesterday
listed had already surfaced in
the Watergate case, but three
new names drew attention;
o Jack Stewart, of North St.,
Petersburg, Fla., who told a
newsman: "I'm one of the
out-of-the woodwork types,"
' but he refused to give his oc-
' cupation.
.1. Morton B. Jackson, an at-
torney in Los Angeles' plush
1Century City area near Bever-
ly Hills. Jackson said he could
not discus his role in the case
because of Judge Siraca's or-
ider against pretrial comment. ,
? Asked about a published re-
port that Hunt had stayed with
'him when the former White
, House consultant vanished aft-
fendants inside the Watergate '
j headquarters, Jackson said:
"I can't comment on it. Ob-
' viously if it involves Mr.
I Hunt, it involves the whole
i case." ?
Others named as prospec-
tive witnesses included:
tor to a Midwest Nixon fund'
raiser, to Stans, to defendant
G. Gordon Liddy and on to
The second was $89,000 that
reportedly went from Texas
donors to Mexico, where it
was "laundered" to hid its
source, then to the CRP and
again to Barker. ?
The dull proceedings were
lightened somewhat by the an-
tics of Liddy, who as a prose-
cutor in upstate New York ?
once fired off a gun in a court-
room, according to published
news reports.
For example, as the day-
began with Sibert introducing
elach defendant, prosecutire
and defense attorney in turn,
Liddy stood and *eyed broad-'
ly to the prospective jurors as
if he had just been introduced ,
; at a political rally.
The long, rectangular de-
fense table set in the center
of the 6th floor ceremonial
courtroom resembled a meet-
ing of a corporation board of
.directors, with the seven de-
fendants, eight attorneys, one
legal assistant and a tvansia-
tor for defendant Virgilio R.
Gonzalez crowded around.
Gonzalez, like Barker and
defendant Eugenio Martinez,
was born in Cuba and all
three, alongi with defendant
Frank A. Sturgis, are said to !
be active in anti-Castro circles
in Miami.
The final two defendants,
Hunt and James W. McCord
Jr., both former CIA agents I
are reliably reported to have !
worked with the foul. Miami- !
ans on the unsuccessful Bay of I
Pigs invasion In 1961.
Half Eliminated
Al?nost half of the prospec-
tive jurors were quickly elimi-
"led by the judge's' first
query ? whether being kept at
the court house or in hotels
throughout the trial would
' cause them or their families
serious inconvenience. They
individually gave the judge
their reasons in private.
, At least three more were ex-
cused by the judge when they
admitted that they already
had formed an opinion about
the guilt or innocence of one or
all of the defendants.
.The jurors also were quizzed
; about whether they or rein-
'tires or friends worked for the
I CIA, the Secret Service, FBI
o ? any other law enforcement
agency. One man aeknon?l-
aged that he was employed
? Esther Kirby, a former re.
ceptiorist for Jackson's law of-
? Mary Denburg, . a former
receptionist for Jackson.
! o ML:hael Richardson,' a Mi-
ami photo shop employe, who
14s 'said. Barker and Sturgis
;brought n film of Democratic
I records to be developed a
' week before the Watergate ar-
o Hector Reynaldo, the Ml-
ami banker who handled Bar-
ker's deposit of $89,000 in Mex-
lean bank drafts and the
?I $25,000 check.
o Leonard Glasser, who has
said Barker asked for blue-,
! prints of facilities to be used
at the Democratic convention
In Miami Beach.
? ',no:lias Murphy of Pea-
body, Mass., who said ha
worked for a communications
firm but wouldn't say whethe;
Ithis meant electronics.
? o Robert F. Bennett, who was
,Hunt's employer at a public
relations firm across the.
street from the Nixon cam-
paign headquarters. Bennett
has testified in another court
ease th.L. In at up the dummy.
Nixon committees used to col,
tzt Fr.31.5r0 in 'do-ations from .
; dairy funds after the govern: ,
.0. ? .1.1t .1:11 upon ,
raised in *fn.,
/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
, n-r /1 TT i,nnx -TrIr?"1?,7/
r 41:111,9 4,4
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T?IVA15IltffittON POO.
F. Howard Hu
Pleads Guilty
,atergate C
elayed on
By Lawrence Meyer
' '
Washington Post Stott WrUST
Former White House aide,
t. Howard Hunt Jr., one of ?
the seven defendants in the.
Watergate bugging trial,
pleaded guilty yesterday to
three counts of conspiracy,
burglary and illegal. wire-
tapping. ?
Chief U.S. District Judge
John J. Sirica withheld until
today a decision on whether to:
accept the plea.
Hunt and six other persons :
Ore charged in an eight-count
indictment with breaking into
the Democratic National Corn-
mittee's Watergate headquar-
ters on June 17 to steal in- ?
formation and conduct Illegal -
Wire-tapping and eavesdrop-
The announcement of Hunt's
Plea, made out of the jury's,
presence, followed the open-
ing statements of prosecutor,
Earl J. Silbert who outlined,
in addition to the Watergate
'break-in, a series of six sur-
treptitious activities allegedly
'conducted or attempted by
'Hunt, his codefendant G. Gor-
don Liddy and others.
Silbert told the jury that
Liddy, at the time employed
1W the Committee for the Re-
election of the President, had
rheived $235,000 in cash from
his superiors at the committee
for various assignments. The
prosecution can account for
duly $50,000 of this sum, Sil-
bert said.
The money, according to Sil-
bert, was given to Liddy, then
an official of the re-election
Committee, to carry out as-
Alignments from deputy cam-
paign director Jeb Stuart Ma-
gruder and Herbert L. Por-
ter, director of campaign
!scheduling in December, 1971.,
Silbert. Who Interrogated
both Magruder and Porter be-
fore the grand jury, said in his
two-hour opening statement,
"We don't have any records,
the government ? doesn't have
any records as to what. hap-
pened to the rest of that
money given AO Mr. Liddy,
but as you will listen to my
opening , statement you will
listen also to the evidence re-
including Sen. George liter
Govern (D-S.D.), later the un-
successful Democratic eandi
date for President, Sen. Ed-
mund S. Muskie (D-Maine),
the early front-runner for the
Democratic nomination, and
Larrence F. O'Brien, then,
Eiemocratic Party chairman.
Among these witnesses, ac-
cording to Silbert, are:
? Jack Stewart, described as
an ex-CIA agent with I back-
ground in electronics, whom
? Hunt knew. Silbert said Stew
' art met last February in Miami with Bernard Barker, els
a defendant in the case, and
was told by Barker that "communications center" wa
"The idea at the time planned to be located on
1 houseboat in Biscayne Bay
Silbert said, "was that he ?
(Liddy) might have to in during the Democratic conven-
vestigate, develop intelligence ti
at . . . '10 different locations, Barker, according to Silbert,
using 10 different people for. Said he would "have access" to
10 months, January through ?# Democratic Party leaders, es
the election, at $1,000 a month, pecially O'Brien, and that
lind that is how you get' there would be i'plenty of
$100,000 . . money."
4 , , .;\
A second assignment Magri u-4 , Barker also showed Stewart
? der gave Liddy concerned records already obtained from
ceived in court, the testimony the Democrats,' Silbert said.
"anticipated mass demonstra-
of witnesses, we will be able
to account to you for approxi- tions" at the Republican eon- gtewart, however, turned
mately $50,000 of that money. down the job, Silbert said.
vention then scheduled for
re cannot account for the, San Diego, Silbert Said. Liddy ? ? Thomas James Gregory,
rest." was to look into the size, the described by Silbert as a stu-
According to federal sources groups that might demon- dent at Brigham Young Unt,
interviewed by Washington strate and their plans 'for dem- versity, whom Hunt met
through a business associate,
Hunt recruited Gregory, at a,
Post reporters during recent
months, the Watergate bug-
ging' -stemmed from a cam-
paign of political undercover
activities conceived in the
White House as basic re-elec-
tion strategy and was directed
by presidential aides at the
Committee for the Re-election
of the President.
That campaign, according to
the sources, was financed from
the money- mentioned by Sir-
bert and other cash withdrawn
from the same fund.
In his presentation to the
jury, Silbert did not suggest
at any time that any officials
?aside from the defendants?
of either the Nixon administra-
tion or the President's catm-
neigh committee_ acted il-
Silbert said Liddy was to
gather information about
planned demonstrations direct.'
ed at "surrogate candidates"!
who would be campaigning in
10 primary states for Presi-
dent Nixon.
Silbert said that Porter was
concerned that the Stand-in
candidates "would not have
the protection of the Secret
,Service that the' President
would have if he were making
an appearance."
Concerned about demonstra.
tions against the stand-ins by
"extremist groups on either
the left or the right," Porter
and Magruder turned to Liddy?
a former FBI agent and prose-
cutot, to gather intelligence,
Silbert said. '
onstrations in San Diego, Sil-
bert said: I
In addition, SHUR said,
Liddy received "from time to
time other intelligence assignt?
ments." Among these was an
assignment to check out a
person, supposedly a "big pol-
luter," who Was supporting ah
. unnamed pemocratic condi-
date who had taken a firm
stand against pollution, ac-
cording to Silbert.
For this, Silbert said,.Libby
was to receive $150,000. In all,
Liddy actually received $235,-
000 until last June, according
to Silbert.
"What did Mr. Porter and
Mr. Magruder receive in ex-
change or in return for that
expenditure of funds?" Silbert
asked. "Mr. Porter received
some information about an
anticipated demonstration in
Manchester, N.H., from the
leftdwing group. He received
a second piece of information
about an anticipated demon-
stration in Miami, Fla. from
a right-wing extremist group,"
Silbert said.
"Mr. Magruder," Silbert con-
tinned, "received some in-
formation from Mr. Liddy that
Instead of the 100,000 demon-
strators they might expect at
San Diego, they could expect
about 250,000 . . . That is the,
information they received,"
Silbert said.
Silbert said the prosecution,
would call witnesses who
would describe the alleged ef.,
forts of Hunt and Liddy to
gather information surreptV
tiously about the Dernoeratii?
Party generally and about inie-
eine candidates and leaders,i
salary of $175 a week; to work.
us a volunteer first tori'
Muskie, to find out Muskie's '
campaign schedule; the cons.
tents of speeches he would
give, whether there was any4
dilsension in the Muskie camp,
and who was filling important.
tiolicy positions. Gregory gave
Hunt weekly written reports,'
checking with Hunt oh a dailyr
basis by telephone, Silbert
In mid-April, when Muskle's
campaign faltered, Hunt told,
Gregory he "could be ? more
useful elsewhere," Silbert
said, and' Gregory went to
work for McGovern.
Silbert said that Gregory
was introduced to the "boss of
the operation"?L Id d y?and,
met with Liddy, Hunt, Barka
and the four other defendants
?James W. McCord Jr., Frank
Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez and
Virgilio Gonzales?about May,
22 or 23 to discuss breaking
into McGovern's headquarters.
Gregory "decided he had
had enough," Silbert said,-add
quit on June 15.
The third principal witneS
mentioned by Silbert is Alfred
C. Baldwin HI, an ex-FE
agent who has said publicly h
was hired by McCord and ulti-
mately ordered to monitor
phone converatttions in the
Democratic Party's Watergate
headquarters from the 1110v/i'
ard Johnson Motor -Hotel
'across the street. , ?
In all, Silbert stati,
monitored about 200 telephone
conversations from the phone
of R. Spencer Oliver, an tilde
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who was a liaison between the
national Democratic Party and
state chairmen. The calls con-
cerned the "personal
the domestic lives ... the po-
litical lives" of the persona
talking, Silbert said. .
"Some of those conversa-
'Lions; as you might expect,
were of a sensitive nature,"
Silbert told the jury. "McCord perfectly clear to Mr.
Baldwin that he was. inter-
ested in conversation either
personal or political that were,
of a sensitive nature." ,
Because one monitor was.
working improperly, Silbert
Said, McCord, who was secu-?
rity director for the Nixon re-
election committee, sent Baidll
win to the Democratic head?,!
quarters under a disguise to .
examine the layout. Baldwin,
posing as the nephew of for-
mer Democratic Patty Chair-
man John Bailey, got a "royal
tour, red carpet treatment,",
Silbert said.
' "Ironically *enough," Silbert,
told the jury, the person 'con4
ducting the tour was Oliver's
secretary, Ida M. Wells, one of
the persons whose calls
win had monitored.
. Silbert said Baldwin diet
Hunt and Liddy at least twice
before the June 17 break-in at
Democratic Party headquar-,
ters?once on May 28 while!
surveying McGovern . head-
quarters and again on lune 13
:When they came to .11aldwin's,
4toni in the Howard Sohnson
?'Motor Hotel, acroSs the street
from the Watergate.
14, ?At.the June 13 meeting, Sil-,
'fbert said, Baldwin saw Liddy'
;eouint out 16 $100 bills for Mc-
Cord. .Throughout Silbert's'
presentation, references were
:made to $100 bills. Gregory
and Baldwin were paid with
$100 bills, Silbert said. Barker,
Sturgis, Martinez and Gon-
'rates were arrested inside the
Watergate each with from
$200 to $1,300 in $100 bills, air-
line tickets were paid for with
$100 bills and McCord made
Three $10,000 deposits in his
'hank accounts, each in $100
:bills, 10 to a packet, Silbert
At the same time, Silbert
.said, Liddy was given expense
'money for his assignments by
Hugh W. Sloan Jr., then the
campaign treasurer, in $100
;bii1s,10 to a packet.'
On the evening of June 16,
Silbert said, McCord visited
Baldwin at the Howard John-
son's, gave him ?a walkie-talkie
and told him ? to watch the,
,Democratie offices in ' the
Silbert recounted that Bald-
win radioed an alert when he
saw three men , in casual:
clothes?metropolitan police.
officers?on the Watergate
balcony outside the Demo-
erotic offices. The police had;
been called by Frank Wills, a;
suspielouS security guard, Sill
bert said.
Baldwin later SAW five de-.g
fendants?McCord, Barkerk
Sturgiti, 'Martinez and 4;4rt1ro
zales?belng taken by police:
from the Watergate Office
Building, Silbert said. Baldwin
also saw Hunt and Liddy, car,:
rying suitcases, leaving the ad-
joining Watergate Hotel, he
said. ? Liddy was wearing "a!
conservative suit, as he always
does, as he is today," her
Moments later, Hunt ap-
peared, agitated, in Baldwin's,
hotel room, used the bathroom
and then said, according to
Silbert, " 'I've got to call a
lawyer. I've got to call a law-
yer.' " Hunt placed a alit'
spoke, and then told Baldwin;
to return the ,bugging equip
ment to McCord's home and
"get ,out of town,".Silbert said
Silbert said Liddy went to;
the . re-election committed!
headquarters the morning of ,
June 17 and began shreddint4
papers. Silbert said Sloan ?saW,1
Liddy and Liddy said, ;`"The''
boys got caught last night. We
made a ,mistake. I'll probably:
-lose my job." Silbert said
Sloan "didn't know what he
(Liddy) was talking about." '
Hunt, in the Meantime, had
gone to the Washington home
of M. Douglas Caddy, also ex-,
pected to be a witness, and
called Barker's home in Miami
'about 3:30 nut:, Silbert said.
Caddy started calling lawyers,
?finally getting Joseph 'A. Rat:
ferty. Silbert Said Hunt gave
Caddy $8,500, including one
$500 bill and the ,balance in
$100 bills."
At the second district police
headquarters, where the five
arrested defendants had been
taken, they were advised Of,
their rights and offered, but,
declined, the customary phon6
call. "Yet, lo and behold," SU-
bert said, "at 10:30 Saturday
morning in" walked two la*,
yers?Michael Douglas Caddy
and Joseph Rafferty. How Iii
the world did they get there?" ?
Although Liddy originally!
worked for the reelection com-
mittee, Silbert pointed out
that "at the time of the con-
spiracy," Liddy was working
for the Finance Committee to
Re-elect the President. "Why?'
What had happened?" Silbert
asked, then explaining, "The
fact of the matter, ladies and
gentlemen, as you will hear
from testimony of Mr. Ma-
gruder, (is) that Mr. Magrud-
er and Mr. Liddy did not get
along. ,
"Mr. Magruder was youngeri
and in charge and Mr. ,Liddy
did not like taking orders froth
him. Mr. Magruder never
knew where Mr. Liddy was,
didn't like the kind of reports,
he made either. They had a
blow-up," Silbert said, And
Liddy moved to the Finance
Only two defense attorneys,.
Gerald Alch and Henry Roth-,
blatt, made opening state-
ments. Aleh, representing Me;
Cord,' conceded that McCord
was inside the Watergate June
l'intene impoliant, AiCh
said, aaserting that McCord'
had "not criminal intent . .
He had no evil-meaning mind.
He had no evil-doing hands."
Rothblatt, representing
Barker, Stbegis, Martinez and
Gonzales, asserted ? that the
"character" of his clients
would preclude their.brealdng
the. law. Judge Sirica, acting
the ? prosecution moved to
bbject, interrupted ' Rothblatt:
Several times. to direct the
lawyer to restrict his ? state-
ment to evidence ? and not
make an argument to the jury.,
"Keep an even keel," Sirica
told the emotional? Rothblatt,
"and don't let your blobd pres-
sure getup."
? Sirica prodded' Rothblatt to
explain why his .'clients were
inside the Watergate, a fact
conceded by Rothblatt. "Who!
paid them?" Sirica asked, as,
he has before. "Did they geti
any money to go in there?
Was it purely ? for ponders
Rothblatt ? said that 'the
10 JANUARY 1973
Senate Look
At Watergate
,Ig iAssured
. '
fp?By Spencer Rich
Waehinaton Pos.t, Matt Writer
!,t The Senate Democratic Pal-
;icy Committee agreed titiani.
inously yesterday .that there
Should be a Senate probe of
.C,the Watergate affair and that
Send Sam J. Ervin Jr, (D-N.C.)
.should head it.
y The vote, taken on a show
oof hands, makes it virtually
?Certain that there will be a
"ynajor Senate investigation . of.
allegations of Republican po-
clitical espionage against Dem-
'ocrats during the 1972 election
'campaign, including alleged
)blagging of Democratic head-
quarters at the Watergate Ho-
; Senate Majority Leader
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) last
Weekend released a letter to,
Ervin urging him, as chairman:
cof the Senate Government Op-0
trations Committee and of the:
,Senate Judiciary Subcommit4
tee on Constitutional Rights;
to head up the probe. HeS
-promised Ervin full legal. Pow-i
'ers and backing. ?
i? So far, Ervin, snowbound in
North Carolina yesterday,
basn't announced whether he
,will agree to head the study,
and, if so, whether he will do
It through Government Opera-
tions or Constitutional Rights.
Yesterday's vote means that
there will be a probe regard-
iless?of who heads it, and that
'Ervin is the party's unanimous
Choice to do so.
7 According to senators pres-
,Cnt, Majority Whip Robert C.
' ,Byrd (0-W.Va.) raised the
r Trurn
"evidened wili einakv tlitit" hISi
clients, who kriewd each nth&
sinee the' abortive'? anti-Castrici,
Bay of Pigs operation in 1961%,1
"were following instructionC
that they had been trained to!
follow, with no evil motive." , .4
Addressing himself, to the
motivation for the alleged conl
spiracy, Silbert said, "We can
only look at Um facts and you
draw' the ?inferei?ce you choose'
?to draw ." ? .
One motive "01 ? tiously" wad
political, ?Silbert said. ?"er it e
Interests of the po..sons, the'
defendants in this .ase may,
vary," Silbert s.,.-i. ".'he moti=1
vation of defenda 'tunt and;
defendant Liddy 1.? v haves
been different from t2c, motq
vations of the fair defeicy qtr.
from Mitt& (Barker,
Martinez sand Gonzales),
they in turn may have ha,.. fr!
different motivation (than. cn,'N
fendant McCord." , s ?
, The facts, according tn. SiW
bert, are that McCord, Barkers)
Martinez in d Gonzales WV,
needed Money. ? ? ? IVA
Ilia determination to go hhead.
and his; desire to have Ervin'
head it: The 14-munber corn-
smittee, policy-making arm of,
the 57 Senate DemocrOs, then
voted unanimously.
Democratic anger over the
lads allegedly committed int
Republicans during the cam -;
paign is widespread. Byrd, for.
example, who has. often had
friendly relations with the ad'
ministration, said several: days
ago, "f don't think any partY
in power should be allowed to
ondmit,,acts of political sabo-
tage, slander and libel in an
attempt to destroy another pa-,
litical Party and its leader, as
alleged here." Mansfield hat;
tidied the purported acts Of
Political: sabotage a threat to
the entire constitutional, sys-:
0 The White House has denied
most of the incidents and has
said it is convinced, from its
Own investigation, that no one
currently on Mr: 'Nixon's staff
had anything to do with the
The idea of a Senate Water-
tate probe first came up Oct,
'12, when Edward M. Kennedy
(D-Mass.), as chairman of the
:Senate Judiciary Committee
'Administrative Practice and
Procedure Subcommittee, in
, formed other subcommittee
members by letter that he Waa
instructing the staff to under-
take a preliminary inquiry and
Issue subpoenas. This came
jtast after the House Banking
Committee refused to anther-.
Ire Chairman Wright Patmari
(D-Tex.) to' go ahead with ?
probe with full legal powers.
Kennedy, however, has
Ways been reluctant to lead
the full-scale Senate probe'.
Mansfield said last weekend'
that a probe headed by ErvItr
Would be less vulnerable te
attack on political grounds, and
agreed . with
M4 .
r, 1 lir ir? t, "TM r, /It ?
7 January 3.973
For Release 2001/08/07
ase called
road Plot
By Martin Schram'
'.'"The Watergate burglary and
,espionage mission at Demo-
cratic Party headquarters was
f? -
part of a widespread project
in ,which documents were pho-
tographed in the Embassy of
Chile ansl several liberal Dem-
ocratic ; senators were kept
under electronic surveillance,
according to a source close to
? .
, the defendants. ?
The operation at the Ern-
!bassy of Chile, 1736 Massachu-
Isetts Ave. NW, involved three
,?men, the source said. One
',pulled documents from ' the
files, one photographed the
'documents, and one placed
them back in the files, Embas-
sy officials have said that last
May their chancery was burg-
larized and the files of their
,ambassador and political chief
'were searched.
The source, a person Well
acquainted with the activities
of the Watergate defendants,
made the information
able on the condition that his
tome not be used. .
Among the senators whose
? activities were in some way al-
legedly monitored were Senate
Majority Leader Mike Mans-
field (D-Mont.). Senate Foreign
Relations Committee Chairman
'3. William Fulbright (D-Ark.),
'Mid Sen. Frank Church (D-
Idaho). This source, also said
that Sol Lincevitz. former U.S.
, ambassador to the Organization
of American States, was kept
under similar surveillance. ,
'While Newsday was able' to
confirm some of the source's
statements through officials
close to the investigation.' al-
legations concerning the sur
? vein:ince of senators neither
could be confirmed nor denied.
The seven defendants in the
? Watergate me go on trial Mon-
day in the U.S. District Court
-here. ?
It also has been learned that:
? Federal authorities have
tracked down and questioned
two Men who had been involved
, in Washington with the Water-
gate group bttt who had not
been caught at 'the Democratic
'headquarters scene June 17.
'The ? two nien, who have not
'been indicted, are Felipe de
Diego, a Cuban exile and Bay
af Pigs .veteran now living , in
'Miami, and Reinaltio Pico, who
fled to Venezuela after the Wa-
, termite break-in and is believed
j still there. Pleo was questioned
by U.S. officials in Veneattela.
J' ? ? Federal investigators have
obtained a daily diary that was
'being written by one of the"
:Watergate defend:its. Eu-
genio Martinez, '
Existence of the diary,
written_ without the knowl-
;edge of his codefendants, in-
dicates that the Central' In-
, telligence Agency?or at least
p CIA case officer?may have
been monitoring the activities
pf the Watergate team. Mar-
tinez has continued to do
work for the CIA in the
years following "his part in
the Bay of Pigs affair, accord-
Ing to a well-informed dc.
tense source in the case. The
t;ource says that Martinez
Confessed to his fellow de-
Pedants that he had been
keeping the diarY, at the urg-
Ing of his current CIA su-
pervisor, after it was seized
by federal officials.
; Investigation sources ac-
knowledge that FBI agents
round the diary in the trunk
Martinez' car, which was
parked at Miami International
Assistant U.S. Attorney Earl
Jc-- Silbert declined to say
whnther Martinez' diary would
be introduced as evidence in
the Watergate trial, which
opens Monday.
De Diego, 43, is a real estate
ikaaaleman who was ;employed
In Miami real estate office
of Bernard L. Barker, one
of the Watergate? defendants.
De Diego, who was granted
Immunity by the grand jury
'investigating the case, said he
told the grand jury and the
Fill that he had come to Wash-
ingtoh last May with Pico and
the four Watergate defendants
from the Miami area (Barker,
Martinez, Frank Sturgis and
Virgillo R. Gonzales). He said
that he believed he and his
friends were waiting to see
someone from the government
?he did not know whom?
and that when no one showed
up, they flew back home to
While in Washington, de
Diego maintained, he never
met James W. McCord Jr., E.
Howard Hunt Jr. or G. Gordon
Liddy, the other three Water-
gate defendants. McCord, the
former security consultant for
the President's re-election
committee, was arrested in-
side the Watergate on June
17 with the four defendants
from Miami.
While de Diego said he had
no knowledge of any sub rose
activities by the group while
he was in Washington last
May, other defense sources
said the group was quite busy
during that period.
During the weekend ofmMay
13-14, the chancery of the Em-
bassy of Chile was burglarized.
Pablo Valdes, first secretary
of the embassy, said yesterday
? that the embassy has had "no
reaction from police" since the
burglarly and that his govern.
Ment has not been told who
committed the act.
: Q1A-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
12 JANUARY 1973
Hunt Declares No ;
igher-Ups in Plot
)13y Cart Bernstein and Bob Woodward
Post Staff Writers
tog count, attempted inter-,
ception of oral communica-'
tions, and attempted inter-
ception of wire communica-,
, Former White House con-
sultant E. Howard Hunt Jr.'
said yesterday that to his
"personal' lincevledge" there'
? were no "higher-ups" in the
Nixon administration in-
volved in the plot to bug
Democratic headquarters.
Hunt also said he has to
`knowledge of any wider
; campaign of political espio-
nage than the case now be-
ing tried in the Watergate
:bugging case.
Meeting with reporters.
for the first' time since the
June 17 break-in at the
Watergate, Hunt's com-
ments came after h4
pleaded guilty to all si
counts in the indictment
'against him, tanging fro*
,burglary to wiretapping. ?
"Anything I may have ,
,done I did for what I be-
lieved to he in the best in-
terest of my country," the,
former CIA agent and au-
thor of more than 40 spy
and sex novels told; report-
ers. "And as a believer in,
the law, I understood then
,and understand now, the
consequences of breaking
Hunt faces uO to 35 years'
imprisonment after pleading
guilty to conspiracy to ob-
tain information from the
Democrats by bugging their
offices, Wiretapping their
telephones, stealing their
records, photographing their
documents and planting
'spies in their cannsaign
Shortly after the prosecu-
tion outlined its case against
the seven Watergate defend-
ants Wednesday, Hunt en-
tered a guilty plea to three
of the six counts against
Hunt's lawyer, William 0.
I3ittman, had said his client
svas?in effect?"pleading to
the entire indictment" and
admitting his total role in a
conspiracy. But U.S. District
Court Chief Judge John J.
Siricca refused yesterday to
accept a plea to only those
three counts?conspiracy,
breaking-and-entering, and
Interception of wire commue
Sirica, citing "the appar-
ent strength of the govern-*
Iment's case" against Hunt,
told him that "the proper
representation of the ,public
*interest in justice" could not
permit acceptance of a plea
to only seine of the charges.
Bittmati then rose to em
ter a guilty plea on all six;
counts in the indictment,
adding the following
charges to the original plea:,
another breaking-andenter-
' Rejecting Bittman's arm'
meat that Hunt remain free4
on his current $10,000 bond?
, pending sentencing, the,l
; judge set additional bond of
$100,000 and ordered Hunt.'
'jailed until posting the'?
; Hunt stood almost at at-)
.tention, his hands at his
side, as he faced the judge",
'and answered Sirica'e quese
lions about whether he un-1
',derstood the consequenceej
of pleading guilty with th&,
;phrase, "Yes, your honor, Ii
Hunt was held in the U.S.j
courthouse lockup for about;
three hours, then released'
'upon posting $100,000 'that,
had been obtained from a,
:surety company. The money?
'bad been guaranteed against
ithe premiums from life in-
surance policies bought by,
.Hunt's 'wife before an air-I
'line flight on which she waif
killed last month.
Ashen-faced but calm','
Hunt met briefly with re-
porters upon his release and
, under ground' rules estab-
lished by his attorney: that would make a brief,
statement and then answer,
thtee previously submitted,
, "Gentlemen, I'd like to4
, say this," he began in a'
` clear, modulated voice, and!
asserted that he had done
"what I believed to be in the
'best interest of my coun-
try . . . "
, His plea of guilty, he said
in answer to the first ques-
tion, "was a result of a great
Many factors . . . With the
unexpected and tragic death'
of my wife just a month ago,
felt that I could not sus-
thin the experience of a long.
, trial. I felt that I should be
with my children. I felt fur%
ther that by pleading guilty,
'my plea of guilty might be
'taken into consideration at
he time of sentencing later
on and result 'in a, perhaps
the time of sentencing later
hopefully, lesser sentence."
After characterizing the'
'prosecution's opening staten
meat of his role in the bug-
ging case as "substantiallY
correct," Hunt was asked!,
"It you testify before a
grand jury (as he agreed RI
do upon pleading guilty)'
will your testimony impli-
cate higher-ups or indicate
that there was a wider con
aptraoy than the one now
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trrli . .
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YIng tried?" ?-??ptol-?
would testify' to 'the fol
*trloWing, gentlemen," said
Hunt. "To my personal
knowledge there was not."
He refused to elaborate,
adding only, "I am very?anx-
'ious to be reunited with
family and I leave you with
'that." , ?
Accprding to the prosectt,t,
*tion's opening statement in
the trial, Hunt attempted to,
recruit several persons to
?participate in undercover ac-,'
ttivities against , the Demo.
? crats, including a 25-year-old
t college student who worked
.as a spy in the presidential
,?"campaigns of Sen. Edmund
S. Muskie and Sen. George:
I McGovern. .
During the FBI's Water-
gate investigation, federal
sources told Washington
?, Post reporters that ; Hunt
wall a key figure in under-
? cover political activities?
eenceived by high White?
House aides ? which have
not been mentioned by the,?
prosecution in' the bugging
f trial.
') Among them, according to
those sources, was an at-
tempt by Hunt to persuade.
a California :lawyer, Donald
'Ii. Segretti, to organize an
"attack" on GOP convention.
headquarters ? in the name
of supporters of the Demo:
erotic presidential nominee.
Segretti has said that both
? Hunt and presidential ap-
pointments secretary
'Dwight L. Chapin were
among his "contacts" for pd.'
:Mica' spying and disruption.
.Segretti's name was on thel
;prosecution's original list of
;witnesses for the Watergate:
Arial, but it was .not read in:
court as ' the rid opened
Monday. ; ? '?
In Ma career,. Hunt had
been ? An operative for the?
CIA around the globe, a
consultant to the White'
?House, end a public rola-
:dons man.
Born 54 years ago, he.
:graduated from Brown UM-
I?Vbrsity in .1940, served with
?distinction in World. Wir
tivOrked at the U.S. Embnasy ?
'In Paris as an attoehe *In
1948 and for the 'CIA 'from
11)49 to 11)70. He ?also hod a ?
key 'role in ?the Bay of' Pigs
invasion during ' which ? he..
?met some of the men who
*could later be recruited for
the bugging of Democratic .
headquarters. ,?
f ? In the summer of 1971.,''
`Hunt , joined the Whlte,,'
;House as a consultant upon
the - recommendation of,
'Charles ?W.. Colson, Prest-i
dent 'Nixon's special coun-'
Se; In the Executive Man-?.
. Won, according to the White4.
, House, Hunt worked primar-
ily on a project involving do-
classification of the Penta.
On Papers, and completed
4:11O,chltiel ort Ma)h 20AplypV
12 JANUARY 1973
tn Watergate Case
,Implicated by Witness
Lawrence Meyer
Washington Post Staff Writer
1 Thomas James Gregory, a-
25-year-old college senior
who said he was recruited
by E. Howard Hunt Jr. to,
; spy on two Democratic Pres-
idential candidates, yester-
day implicated at least six
of the seven persons.
charged in the Watergate,,
bugging trial during testi-
mony in U.S. Distiict Court.
Gregory, Who Who will resume
his testimony today, briefly'
described a meeting he said -
he attended at a Washington'
hotel in which at least six of
the defendants were pres- ?
.ent. The prosecution, con-1
?tends the' purpose of the,
? meeting was to plan a
break-in at Sen. George SI
McGovern's campaign head-1
quarters. Gregory was un?
:able to say positively
whether defendant Eugenio;
, B. Martinez was at ,tile meet-
' Hunt and six' other per-'
, sons were charged in an,
eight-count indictment with
'breaking into the Demo-
cratic National Committee's
,. ? .
Federal Investigators an
associates at the public re-,
:lotions firm ? where Hunt
,worked have told Post re..
porters that he continued to
'work at the White House
until shortly before., OA;
break-in. The prosecution, I
4n its opening . arguments
.'"Wednesday, said Hunt weal
at the White sHou'se until'
, The White House, after
months of silence on the
'question, recently confirmed,
that Hunt worked in the
,basement of the Executive
Office Building with other
presidential aides who were
attempting to determine the,
source of government leaks:
to the news media ? who
were known in the White
House as "the plumbers."
In addition, Hunt is also
known to have been doing
'research on Sen. Edward M.
'Kennedy during the period
.when the White House re-
garded the Massachusetts
Democrat as a likely 1972
Presidential rival of Presi-
dent Nixon.
During his days at the
White House, a special tele-
phone was installed in
Hunt's office and billed to
the private home of a White
House secretary the same
telephone on which the pros-
ecution in the _Watergate
,case said Monday that Hunt
Oid0fietri,rttee MOM
? Watergate headquarters on
June 17 to steal information:
and to conduct illegal wire-
tapping and eavesdropping.
? Prior to Gregory's testi-
mony yesterday, Hunt, a for-'
mer White House consult-
ant, pleaded guilty to all six
'counts of conspiracy, bur-,
glary and illegal wiretap-
ping and eavesdropping,
with which he personally. ,
Was charged.
? Hunt's admission of guilt?
to all the charges against.
him followed Chief U.S. Dis-'
trict Judge John J. Sirica's
:refusal to accept a guilty
plea to only three counts of
eonspiracy, burglary and il-
legal wiretopping.',
,Sirica acceptea Hunt's,
'guilty Plea to all six count?
and ordered, him to post a
,$100,000 surety bond, in ad,,
dition to a $10,000 bond he
posted earlier, before he
could be released pending:
sentence. Hunt was placed.
.in the court lockup ond're-,
leased when he posted the'
'jury, 'which has leeen
sequestered from the begin-.
' ning of the trial,, did noti
hear Hunt's plea. Sirica in-I
formed the jurors, "You are
nb longer, to be concerned
with the Case pf the United
States ? against E. Howard:
, Aunt Jr." . ?
Although Hunt no longer
, is A party to the trial of the
other six defendants ? G.
Gordon Liddy, James W.
McCord Jr., ? Bernard L.
Parker, Frank Sturgis, VW
Milo Gonzales and Martinez'
?testimony yesterday cons
Untied to' focus, on Hunt's
role in 'the alleged conspir-
From the 'opening state?
Meats of principal Assistant'
U.S. Attorney Earl J. Silbert
Wednesday, it appears that
,an explanation of Hunt's
role is central in proving"
that a conspiracy existed. In,
calling Gregory, whose main"
ties were to Hunt, as a with;
ness, the prosecution;
seemed to be following the'
same course expected had
;Hunt not pleaded guilty.
Silbert refused comment
yesterday on whether Hunt
might be called as :I prose-
cution witness. Silbert -has
said Hunt will be called to
testify before the grand jury
that investigated the Water-
.gate incident and returned
the indictment. Hunt's
grand jury appearance Is'
, not expected until after the
- a s concluded. Calling
Hunt to testify in the trial,
1. e en =tilt, 7aMitlikOt197//3964A*100
one ;
!sources, would pose difficult
legal problems. ? ?
However, William 0. 131t',
man, Hunt's attorney, said '
Hunt could legally be called
to testify against the six re-
maining defendants, but'
that the prosecutor has not
indicated an intention or A
riebd to es?i Hunt.
Gregory, 0%; :fifth witness
called by the' prosecution,
. was the first wi,,oss to say.
he saw as many as %:7 of the:
'defendants together onei
place at one time. The
ing' described ?by.
? to6k place on May 22 or
hn the Manger Hamiltdn Ho?
tel at 14th and K Streets:
NW, according to his testi;
? mony. . ? ?
Gregory's testimony about,
the meeting, taken' out of
?the jury's presence to see,
. if it was admissible, did nal
go into the purpose of thei
:meeting or What was actu-
ally discussed. ? ' "
,? While the jury was ? hi
court, Gregory testified that
'he had been contacted by
Robert Bennett Fletcher, arkt
old friend from New Jersey.,;
. Fletcher had testified ear=
her that fiunt had asked,
him if he had any friends in
the Waphington area. "whti`
wer'istrong ?Republicans but'
who might be ?interested in'
joining the Democrats for!
'the purpose of getting Mil
formation and turning it
ever." . ?
Fletcher is the nephew Of;
'Hunt's employer at the time,.
Itobert F. Bennett. Fletcher,
? said be told Hunt he could,
think of no friends in the'
'area but that if he thought;
of any others, he would let
,Hunt know. ' ?
' Fletcher said he later
:thought of Gregory, con-
tacted him And Gregory wae.
agreeable after thinking the
;matter over for a day or so.
Gregory, ,a rosy-cheeked,
slight student of history at
Brigham Young University,
:with neatly trimmed hair,i
?testified that after Flotch-!
er's call he received two
tters?one signed "Earl War-
ren" and the other "Ed War-,
Ten," aliases used by Hunt I
c,One letter contained a'
,round-trip ticket for Greg?
ory to fly to Washington,!
, which he said he did on'
? about Feb. 20, 1972.
Gregory said he met with
t,"Warren" 'the 'same night.;
,Gregory identified "War-.?
ren" as Hunt from a picture
shown him by Silbert.
, Hunt,. Gregory said,
10.10500etbether 1 had any,
? f .(11/ 111E1 01 +I Vi .17711.11 ,1'flinV1I/)
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12 JANUARY 1973
U.S. Says Finance Law Violated
Nixon; Committee Charged'
Tivalms about what he had.
asked me to do and what he
' had asked me to do was to
work for Muskie N(Sen.
isnund S. Muskie) campaign,.
. 'headquarters and simply
him Hunt) with information.: ?
: . I said no. Then we '
'talked about my going doW1t1
there the following day- to t
, Muskie headquarters and
:.trying to get on as a student
Gregory said he went to
rtwork for Muskie about,
;March 1, endeavoring to get
for Hunt the information he
t requested. Gregory sald
Jltint wanted "to know ad.
'tar aa possible what the coll.!.
tents of speeches were. .
He also wanted me to In.'
form him of any major at1.1:
visers he (Muskie) had. He'
(Hunt) wanted' to know, if
there was any dissension in-
-the headquarters and if
between what parties." Hunt'
also wanted him to find out.
about Muskie contributors,:
-Gregory said.
; Hunt, Gregory said, told'
him the information would
? be given tO? "Bob Fletcher
'And the gentleman 'Mr. War..
yen' (Hunt) referred to as
,the man who would give.
him the money to pay me."
Gregory said Hunt'
"Indicated that there was a
friend or friends in town to'
whom the information
would be of great value."
Gregory gave no indication
tin his testimony that he
knew If the information he
was giving Hunt was being
turned over to the Commit-
tee for the Re-election of
the President. . ? .
Silbert had indicated in.
his opening statement that.
the alleged conspiracy in-
-volved at least six surrepti-t
nous intelligence operations'
iaimed At the Democrats.
Once a day, Gregory said,
he called Hunt on an un.,
listed phone. They met once'
,,a week, sometimes more of-
ten, at a drugstore at 17th
"and K Streets NW. "We'd .
come in at different. times ,
, and meet in the back of the ,
drugstore and I'd give Mr.';
, Warren a white envelope
; with typed information he ,
:ley (-.It-N.Y.). There are no' ,
had requested, such as the
scheduling of Sen. Muskie," ?
:Gregory said.
In mid-April, Gregory
Said, when Muskie's cam.;
! paign faltered, Hunt told I
:him to sign on as a volun-
User with McGovern and try
to get the same type of in-.
'formation he had sought'
1 from Muskie. The weekly :
meetings were switched to I-
qhe lobby of the Roger
Smith Hotel, at 18th Street
;and Pennsylvania Avenue
?gNW1 Gregory said.
?!t ? In mid-May, Gregory-testi.
Med out of the jury's pres..
once, Hunt introduced him .
Id another man, whom Greg,-
ory Identified. in court as
.McCord, then the security
BY Morton Mintz .
Weshineton Post Staff Writer
The Justice Department;
yesterday accused the
nance Committee to Re-elect,
the President of eight crimi.-.`
'nal violations of the elec.'
tion-financing law.
The department also fired'.
criminal complaints against;
rthree congressional candi-
'dates who did not heed re-
peated warnings by the
Clerk of the 'House and then '
the department to submit
reports? on campaign ? con-
tributions and expenditures.
; Known technically as t
: criminal informations, the
.complaints filed in U.S. -Dis-
Viet Court here are the first
under the Federal Elections
;Campaign Act, which took
effect April 7. '
The cOmplaints against
the congressional candidates
are the first of their kind,
ever. Nonfiling of financial
;reports first became an of.
e'lense under the Corrupt
Yractices Act of 1925.'
The complaint against the
'finance committee, which
was headed by Maurice II.
-gtans, former Secretary of
Commerce, contains eight
separate counts. Each car-
ries a maximum penalty of
$1,000 fine and one year in
prison. No person was
'named a defendant. how-
'ever, so no one could go to;
jail. ' ?
Thee complaint cited finan-
eial transactions -last sum.'"
mer-in which the-committee'
;allegedly passed cash sums,
-$12,000, $12,000 and $5.-
300?threugh its then tress,'
urer, Hugh P. Sloan Jr., to I
its then legal advisor, G.
'Gordon Liddy.
The committee 'obtained
no receipts from-,-Liddy and
maintained no records, as,
:required by the new law,- oni
the purpose for which earchi
expenditure had been made,
:the complaint said.
The committee also via.,
lated the law' by, failing to
report?the 'cash transactions;
to the General Accounting
Office, and by failing to ob-,,
tam n a receipt for and report,
to the GAO "an additional;
82,000 spent by Liddy, the:,
complaint said.
The $5,300 was reportedly.
routed through Herbert '14;
,Porter, the , committee's'
scheduling director, for de",
livery to Liddy. I
Two of the congressionall
'candidates named in crimi-i
Ina% complaints Were Demo-1
,cracts who lost in their re-
spective prima rii. e s last
,spring. They were Charles,
W. Johnson of Ohio's 17th!
'District, which encompasses
'several counties in the east-
central part of the state, anti;
William C. Haden, of the
Pennsylvania's 14th District?
encompassing Pittsburgh
and Allegheny County. ?
The third candidate,
Fritjof P. Thygeson, won the
nomination of the Peace 'And'
Freedon Party from Califor-
nia's 40th District, Which in.;
chides west-central San Di:
ego County and two-thirds?
of the city of San Diego, but,
was defeated in' November. 4
. All told, the Clerk ,of the
House referred roughly 3,--
000 House candidates and
-,committees to the depart-4
ment. Most complied after
the department sent them!'
warning letters. More crimP
bind complaints are expected'
to filed,- hoVever.
A finanee committee
it,"Osman -.said the corn.
7e- oordinator for the re-elec-
tion committee.
McCord, according to SCI-
-bert's opening statement,
,? later. visited McGovern'
headquarters and. tried- un"
successfully to plant. a bug.?
' in Mankiewicz's office while
Gregory distracted others. .
Ado in mid-May, Gregory
I said, Hunt introduced him
; to another .man, who sat
, wearing dark glasses in the ?
rear of a car driven ? by
Hunt. The three of them
stopped at ? a? McDonald's
"for hamburgers and soine-
., thing to drink," Gregory'
said. "The gentleman took:
his dark glasses off."
Approved For Release '2001/O8/OClA
refers to technical and unifq
.tentional failures to comply' I
with certain sections of a
omplex new election law. It'
is the policy of this commit-
tee to fully comply with all
election laws, We have al"
?ways sought to do so."
Common Cause, a citizens!
lobby that is suing the coin"
,Mittee to compel disclosure
of all contributors who gavel
ian estimated $15 million WI
i$20.million' before the' nety,
'law took . effect, welcomed
.the Justice Department se."
;yen but termed it "ratheri
;belated." ?
f The time to act was be- t
fore the Noverriber election,'
"when it mattered," said
Staff counsel Kenneth .T.
uido. The' law assured
"expeditious treatment" of
'suits 'the department might,
bring, Guido pointed out. 4
; Liddy and Porter figured'
in the prosecution's opening
Statement at the Watergate
hugging. trial Wednesday. ;
Assistant U.S. Attorney(
Earl .1. Silbert told the jury;
that Liddy's committee 'au-1
periors had given him $235,-,
000 in cash for various as-,
signments, but that the prosi
ecution could account for
only $50,000 of this. Some of
the assignments came, from
Porter, Silbert said.
The complaint against the
finance Committee was rela-
ted intseveral."apparent and
possible" violations by:Pres-
ident Nixon's re-election oit
ganization that the GAO re-
ferred to the department on
Aug. 26.
I The GAO listed the possi
hie offehses OS outgrowths,
'of the bugging of Demo'i
`erotic National Committee)
Offices in the Watergate,
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
Mystery Comedy, etc.
,...Arid Dirty Tficks. , ,
. , , . ?.,,
. ...._ Of Conspiracy, burglary; and eaves, t'
' WASHINGTON?Scandal, like a lot dropping that had been placed against
of other things, never quite made it as; 'him. Hunt showed up in court looking
' an issue in the 19'72 Presidential cams, .'bad. He had lost weight lime his in- !
,. paign. Last week, with the election two ;dictmentt, his face was very pale, his ,
1 months past and the Inauguration at ' expretsion somber. ? Hunt's wife Was...
:. hand, there were scime footnotes and` 'killed last month in a' plane crash, leav-..
limit, , entirely new chapters. in ' the: !Ing him with three children at home
' Scandal' dossier. . - *, between the ages of nine and 21. He is.
! , e;Thq Justice Department, on Thurs.', , free on $100,000 bitil,'..pendblg,?setts
'? day, charged 'Abe ? Finance- Committee, Aenclig.
' to Re-elect the President with eight . (,' The obucity_aa a clA. agent hal
.criminal violations of the Campaign' '1:was anonymous for 20 years-.seemed
'Spending Law. The committee spent ,.
$31,300 without reporting it as ye-;to bother _ Hunt more than it did any,
d f d
' quired, the Government said. The Gem.: ',:! Of his co- e en ants , and he worked
, t hard to avoid it. He was the most enig-
eral Accounting Office had audited the i: , matte of the defendants and. perhaps
had reported a series of "apparent
committee's records last , August and ';becaust of that; the most interesting: !
, . . ,
' ? violations" involving about $350,000. Bernard L. Barker of Miami, who
The Justice Department said its charges , served under Hunt in the planning Of .
lest week stemmed. "In part" from the; the .Bay of Pigs fiasco, hes said he ,
1,G.A..0. report. . ? . . ' .1
. i , 4 . would follow his old boss "to hell and
alit Was alleged in court papers that; ;beck." By the end of the week there
?resident Nixon't personal lawyer, Her- :were. reliable indications that he and,
43ert W. Kalmbach, had been a major. ' ., !three other defendants wanted to Join
,eolicitor of the dairy industry con-, Hunt in pleading guilty. . . .
.tributions to the Republican Party that., , '? ? The legal situatitni was immensely
:learn? after the Administration reversed .
1 com Heated. The two other defendants,
iself. and raised milk price supports. ' Liddy and James W. McCord Jr., both
. 'According to a deposition in a law sult? officials. of the President's campaign .
'Mt. .Xalmbach 'first asked "quite un. organization at the time of the'Water-
Atquivocally" for Money and then "tri,eu'- ' '1, :gate arrests, showed no signs of want-
( to, stop at least same of the gifts when .: Ing to, follow Hunt in changing .the&
:,industry Officials made it plain they -: rpleas, Since , conspiracy is the mai*,
'Would make., the donations public as'. charge in the indictment and since
,Iettnired by law.' , ? ? n.. ? . . , , Liddy and McCord are among the .a1-
,.,.. ? -ft Criminal Case 1?111i. 182.7-72,' ilia t ,leged-participants, it appeared that. as
- ,`United States of America v. George' long as both or either of them stand.
. '' ,
.'Oordon Liddy, et al., came to 'trial On- to be presented, in. full, regardless of '
' ;
'rMonday trial the Government's case would have
In the United States Distiict
Court for the District of Coluinbia.% the other guilty pleas.. . . , ..- .
i.Thus the first formal ' exploration of: ? The case was outlined in an openl'-',
- this Watergate affair got underway.. i Ing statement to the jury by the ,prinl.
it had been by far .the, most mid.: cipal Assistant United States Atto
:ney- Earl ..7. Silbert The prosecutbr
'odorous item in the scandal bag, ;
' Stemming as . it did from the arrest 'sought to implicate . no one except `
inn . June 17 ' of five , Men?some of :those charged, but he was scarcely shy,
Ivihorn had links to the White House--7 : ,in discussing the President's Campaign
inside ' the offices of the Democratic' Committee. He said he would prove
'National Committee, and from the that, the committee ? had peid Liddy '
'Indictment on Sept. 15 of the five.' $235,000 for an "intelligence operas .
And, two others. ,
'1, ,. ?! .
first five days of trial,. like the'
Isis: months of inquiry, speculation;
'and. debate that preceded them, pro;
iduced.? vast, amounts. of significant
Information,' confusion; cromedy, mys-
toil', and pathos. The most important.
developments wete these: ;,..:
, .,
E. Howard Hunt 'Jr., author of 46 effort,'had hired him to get informs':
titeVele. onetime ePP for the Central, tion from the campaign 'offices Of Set'-
Int,elliOnce Agency, and. more recently ?. :etors McGovern and Nokia. ?,-. ' ? ? ,*1 '
a Consultant to the White House, en-; ? ?, ornaWALTER RUGASI4 :
,taktta sa . Plea 'Ot guilty to :all .tharge9 : L.: t'
tion" during last year's campaign. It
'was unclear, the prosecutor said, ho*,
most of this money?all of it was In'
cash?had been spent ? , .r.
; A previously 'unreported spy 'wa
.also unveiled., A college student,'
.Thomas James Gregory, testified that ,
Hunt, who was alleged to have joined,
'Liddy in recruiting for the intelligence
17 January 1973
Watergate fog.. ,
If. the W,atergate political' espionage:
case were only a matter of the individual
guilt of seven men, the guilty pleas of thel
defendants might seem to put an end to it.1
' But the spying incident involves morel
than the individual guilt of a few men)!
The entire psychological climate in
which government operates is affecte&
by the case. Such matters as why the;
:defendants took on the assignment, 1.,,w!
high up the Republican c Impaign staf; '
, and White House staff knowledge of the;
crime reached, are not ye' cleared up ?
-Until they are, the forces A cynicism')
About the American elect ral process
will be strengthened.
. Thus while one must acce ? to the 1
defendants the right to plead ':,,,wever
they wish to protect their indi luta
,rights, one must regret that the, so,
doing will ciit short a full court ?, i-
vestigation of the case. ,
Fortunately, if the trial in federal coup"
"sputters 'in a fog of guilty pleas, the
public can still hope for a thorough :
explication of the events through another
venue. ? e
Sen. Sam Ervin of North Carolina will,'
Ihead a congressional investigation intoi
the Mcident. Paradoxically,' the motive:
:behind the guilty pleas in federal court
4111 become yet another topic of inquiry
before Congress.
? One could say, at one level, that the;
:admission of guilt by most of the defen-1
dents settles the public rJecord. YeV
,several questions nag. What happened to
the nearly $800,000 in Republican cam-,
Oaign funds thathive not been accounted
Are the defendants, in pleading guilty;
Merely acting in the tradition of the
espionhge profession in taking the rap'
When caught out, and riot implicating:
their hirers? And who are the guaran-,
The problem with the guilty pleas i8.
that they seem part of a consistent effort,
,to contain the ramifications of the ease.4
'Whereas the only real way to settle thei
Matter is to let the investigation run a!
ifull course so that all suspicions are
Confirmed or disproved. If the federal'
'court does not perform this service, tied
as it is in protecting 'the rights of thi
;defendants, then hopefully Congresa
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIAADP77-00432R000100050001-1
I ir"I'r1171,111-rd IT its rtIrttt
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
14 January 1973
u ity
? By BARRY KALB and -
Star-News Staff Writers '
One guilty plea and the pos-?
sihility of several others havel
'brought the Watergate,
break-in and bugging trial to
a temporary, halt, and are re.-
clecing the chances that 'the,
complete story -- at least the
government's version of' It ???";
will be fully told.
The possible pleas of the:
Pair defendants from Miami,'
corning at this point in the
trial, have raised speculation,
, that the move is being inches-,
trated from behind the scenes,
by: some unknown person or;
persons in order to prevent:
disclosure of information in
the trial.
:ticcept for E. Howard Hunt
Jes guilty plea Thuraday,
nothing is definite yet. But
even if other decisions to plead
guilty are made by individual
defendants independly of any;
? tOreement among the others?
ary reduction in the number
en. trial- would diminish the,
amount of information that
vlial came out. .
" :Four more guilty pleas could'
result lh a mistrial being de-,
aired on behalf of the two,
rinhaining defendants, putting.;
of the trial for as long as
Waver al months .
' ?
, Mistrial Plea Items certain that the
trequestered jurors would think
It strange that every time they
were brought into the court-
room, another of the defend-
ants had disappeared 'with no
explanation from the judge,-
. Chief U.S. District Judge John ,
J. Sirica.
? Attorneys for G. Cordell Lid-
dy and James W. McCord Jr.
have indicated that if the four
Miamlans ? Bernard L. Bar-
ker, Frank A. Sturgis, Virgilio
H. Gonzalez and Eugenio R.
Martinez ? do plead guilty,
they Will ask for a mistrial.
Whether Judge Sirica would
itant a mistrial remains to be
seen. He has made it obvious
I-that he is aware of the public
Interest in the case and all the
preparation that has gone into
',.it. One attorney remarked:
? "Sirica Is so. determined to
;have a trial that he'd try this
case without any defendants."
"Mistrial Cr not, the turn of
stiOenta this pest week has.
raised a number of questions:
Was Hunt's plea motivated
'Salley by his very real family
'problems and Ida expressed
hope that Sirica will take the
plea into consideration at seri-
fencing, or was he, as has
been suggested without proof
acting at the request of high
Republican officials? His at-
torneys state unequivocally
,that there was nothing in their
tlient's decisien that hat not
? been said publicly.
? If the four Miainimen do
decide to plead guilty, and
'their decision was not infin-
.enced by the Nixon adminis-
? tration--?to which the Water-
gate caper has been unofficial-
ly linked, have they been influ-
enced by anybody else?
? In the event that the four
plead guilty, will McCord and
Liddy ; follow suit? So far,
"McCord's attorney, Gerald
iAlch, has said he will continue
!With the 'trial. ILiddy's attar-
ney, Peter Maroulis, has con-
sistently refused to comment,
-but it has been generally as-
sumed that if anybody fights it
out to the end, it will be
t Speculatfon Cited
Any suggestion that the
"White House has any part in
" the pleading is sheer specula-
tion at the moment, and there
are arguments against this
The government has con-
tended that its investigation of
the case was thorough, and
that it has no evidence to sug-
gest that the case involved
anything more than the limit-
ed burglary, bugging and po-
litical spying outlined in the
Indictment and in Asst. U.S.
Atty. Earl .J. Silbert's opening
argument onW ednesda y.
There have been allegations of
a broad, administration-led
plot of political espionage and
sabotage, but these ham not
been confirmed.
In private, both prosecution
and JusticeDepartment
sources have said they were
anxious to have a public trial
in order to back up their con-
Silbert made this clear on
Wednesday when he told Ski-,
ca that he had agreed to
Hunt's plea to only three of the
six counts with which Hunt
was charged ? Sirica ulti-
mately forced Hunt to plead to
all six ? as long as the plea
was withheld long enough to
give Silbert a chance to lay
out his entire case in the open-
ing statement.
Hunt's background has
'raised suspicion about the ad-
ministration's role. He was a
'White House consultant until
at least late March, and was
reportedly hired on the recom-
mendation of his personal
friend, Charles W. Colson,
special counsel to the Presi-
dent. ,
But Hunt's attorneys, Wil-
liam 0. Bittman and Austin S. _
Mittler, are both firm in say-
; !trot behind Hunt' f plea. ? ?
Without going . into detail
, about their conversations with
'Hunt, his lawyers say he con-
cluded that the government's
case was overwhelming, that
he 'has family problems that
require his attention, and that
they went to the prosecution
with the offer of a plea ? not
the other way around. 1
, Hunt's wife, Dorothy, was
killed Dec. 8 in a Chicago
plane crash. His oldest child,
,Lisa, 21, was seriously Injured
In an automobile accident last ?
year, according to court pa-
Ors, and the youngest child,
David, is only nine years old?
.according to Bittinan's state-
ments in court. ? ?
One suggestion that there
may be more behind the ac-
tions of the Miami defendants,
Is the fact that they would
apparently have nothing to
gain ? within the judicial
process ? in changing ' their,
pleas to guilty. 4
' "With a judge like Slrica,""
says their attorney, Henry B..
Rothblatt, "there are no bene-,
'fits." Disagreeing with Hunt's'
expectation, Rothblatt says he
has no reason to expect thatl
guilty pleas might result in'
shorter prison'terms.
He also pointed out that Siri-i
ca's actions so far Indicate,
that he will accept nothing less
than pleas to the full seveni
; counts with which the four are,
charged. Sirica refused to ac-'
.cept Hunt's plea to three'
kcounts, forcing Hunt to plead',
to all six.
On the other hand, Rothblatt
'aeasons, if the four continue
,with the trial, there is a.
, chance that the jury would ac-
quit them on at least some
charges, and if they are con.
, victed they might eventually
win an appeal. One obvious
claim in an appeal, he said,
'would be the massive pre-trial
?spublicity in the case.
By pleading guilty now, they
would be cancelling out all'
these options.
Further evidence that the
'pleas would not be completely
independent comes from an
article Friday in Newsday, a
Long Island, N.Y., newspaper.
The article, quoting sources
close to the defense, said that
the four are being urged to
plead by unidentified "friends
in Miami," who have prom-
ised to provide for the men's
families at the rate of $1,000
pet month for every month the
men are in prison.
There has been no Immedi-
ate explanation for the timing
:kik that theta Orattiothing se-
of the pleas,
In Hunt's ease, his attorneys
approached the government
during the week before the
trial and agreed to plead
guilty. The plea was held up
only by the agreement to allow -
'Silbert to- make his opening
'statement first, according te
Silbert and Bittman.
But Rothblatt has conceded
that there were no surprises
for the defense in either Sil-
bert's statement or the so-
, far-incomplete testimony of
Thomas J. Gregory which '
'might have convinced the de-
, fendants that the case against;
them was stronger than they
bad originally suspected. '4
w? Gregory, a student at Briga:
ham Young University wile;
;admitted spying on two Demo.'
' cratic presidential candidates'
at Hunt's request last year,f,
;testified outside the , presence
, of the jury that he could Iden
, tify some, and perhaps all, o
! the seven defendants as hay,
,ing been involved in a, corn.'
, Iron plot. " , ' ' i
t Conversations with a ntim-;
!.ber of persons familiar with'
the case have tended to clear'
Up a few other points.
:- One point ,is the statement
on Friday by an American,
Ciyil iLiberties Union attorney;
IthAt on Dec. 22, Silbert told'
kith Hunt was attempting, in i
participating in the bugging of,
blackmail a Democratic 0
'Democratic headquarters, 0
' i 1
, Sources close to the prosecu:
;tion contend that the attorney,,
:ttliarles Morgan Jr., misun-A
derttotid Silbert's egad' state,'
ment. They state the matter in
this way:
, The prosecution has ob4:
tallied no evidence which has,
jblgektriall was a motive in the,
t bugging. The government does'
' have evidence, however, that
? the eavesdroppers were as in??ii
terested in intercepting per4
sonel conversations as they,
were in overhearing political
, The government plans to,
present this fact to the jury,
? and allow the jurors to infer:
ilhat the alleged conspirators
might have been planning to:
extort political intelligence
not money ? from those
whose conversations were ov-
erheard, as well as obtaining
this intelligence directly oiler
A.'the wiretap.
1, This would be consistent'
with Silbert's statement in
court that the jury. will be able
'to infer "a variety of motives"
Lfrom the prosecution's evi-
i dence.
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIAIRCii;iiiijr:t6.14066iiikOT:C/$6(0611111 17.7):1/17:17,-?'
4pproved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100056001-1
15 JANUARY 1973
Hunt Urges 4 to Admit Guilt\
By, Cart Bernstein ?
. reporter: "I'm almost certain
the Cuban community in Mi-
1 . arid Bob Woodward ' . ami will take care of those
Washington Post Staff Writers four."
Foul, defendants in. the;?
Hunt reportedly began urg-
Watergate bugging trial haves ing the four defendants ? to
been .'urged, by former .White, plead guilty more than a week
House aide E. Howard Hunt ago, almost immediately after
Jr. /to follow his lead and .3 the prosecution had been in.
plead guilty, according to al, 'formed that he wished to en-
source close to the defendants.; ter a guilty plea in the case. ?
/Hunt, . according to, thei . There was no indication that
Source, has led the four de,; the remaining two defendants
fendants to believe that .--in the case?Liddy, a former
they plead guilty ? their fam.i White House aide and Nixon
Hies "will be taken care ()Pl. campaign official, and Mc-
and they can expect relatively' Cord, the former security Co.
early release from prison.- -
'ordinator of President Nixon's
The four, all from Miami ?
Bernard Barker, Frank Stur-
'gis Eugenio Martinez and Vit.= ?
gilin Gonzalez ? are ,. now
.seeking to plead guilty as a 'di- ,
rect result of , Hunt's urging
and their loyalty to him,. the,
fiource said. . ,.
1, ,The four and two other ?.
'man, 0. Gordon Liddy and
James W. McCord Jr., are /on
:trial before chief U.S. District
Court Judge John J. Sines,
;charged with conspiracy, wire
'tapping and burglary in the
;break-lb and bugging at the
1,Watergate Democratic Na-
ll:tonal Committee headquar-
lers June 17. The trial will en.
ter:its second week today. '
;. Some of the Miami ? men
have been associated with
Hunt since he .was a CIA
lagent assigned to the 1961'1*
of Pigs invasion. 'All of them
'served as subordinates ? to
I Hunt 'in the ?Watergate hug:
?Vng, according to federal in-
vestigators. .
. .
.? Hunt's attorney, William 0.
1?Bittman, said Saturday that he
'10.Ows of no suggestion made
by his client that any of his al-
' leged coconspirators should
1. change their pleas to guilty
t and drop from the case?a8
i Hunt himself did on Thursday.
i "I would think that the sug-
gestion is absurd. : .. I can't
',conceive of it," said Bittman.
The report . that the four de-
fendants from Miami have
,been urged by Hunt to plead
?guilty follows news stories?
by The New York Times,
!Newsday and syndicated col-
umnist Jack Anderson?that
"the men are still being paid.
re-election committee?intend
to change their pleas to guilty,
and drop from the case.
On Friday, testimony in the
Watergate trial was abruptly
halted as Judge Sirica held a
full day of secret conferences
with the six defendants and
their attorneys?amid indica-
tions that the four Miami men
were seeking to change their
pleas to guilty.
It was reported that the
four were in a clash with their
extiorney, Henry B. Rothblatt
of New York City, who was be-
lieved to be resisting any
change in their pleas. Roth-
lilatt confirmed to ' reporters
Friday night that he would
refuse to enter a guilty plea. ,
Rothblatt was said to be
aware before the trial both
that Hunt intended to plead
guilty and had urged the four
to do the same.
The attorney reportedly told
his clients to "stay away from
that son-of-a-bitdi Hunt," but
the former White House aide
continued to advise the Miami
men to seek guilty pleas
through the first half of the
last week.
Finally, after Hunt had
pleaded guilty to all the
charges against him on Thurs-
day and Rothblatt would not
follow suit for his clients, the
situation reached an impasse.
As thd trial was reconvened
Friday morning, Barker ? the
leader of the Miami group ?
passed a note to the chief
prosecutor in the case, Assist-
ant U.S. Attorney Earl J. Sil-
The note, apparently notify-
'While the Times and Newsday hug the government that the
reports have described ? the four defendants wished to
iource of the money as mys- plead guilty but were being
thwarted by their attorney,
led to the day's secre? confer.
ences. It is believed that Roth.
blatt told the judge that, his
professional. judgment would,
not permit hitn to enter guilty;
'tory men, Anderson reported
in a column today that "most
,of the money for the defend-
tints has been funneled
through Hunt (who) delivered
guing a lack of criminal intent
? the jury will not convict his
clients of all seven charges
against them.
The New York attorney also
reportedly made 'it clear he
would not withdraw from the
case voluntarily and enable
his clients to seek new counsel
who would enter *guilty pleas
on their behalf. A change of
counsel in the midst of a case
being tried can only be made
with the approval of the pre-
siding judge.
When court resumes at 11
a.m. today, Shies can accept
Rothblatt's judgment and con-
tinue the trial without any
pleas being entered, he can re-
lieve Rothblatt from the case
or convince him to withdraw,
or he can continue to negoti-
ate the disagreement.
' If the Miami men enter
gifilty pleas that are accepted I
by the judge, its effect on the
trial?with only ,two rettain-
ing defendants?is unclear.
there have been indications
that attorneys for at least one*
of the two men, Liddy or Mc-
Cord, would move for a mis-
Such a move, it is under-
st6od, might be based .on the
surprising effect on the jury
of returning to the courtroom
and finding only two defend-
ants remaining. After Hunt
'pleaded guilty and was drop-
ped from the trial?out of the
presence of the jury?the ju-
rors were instructed without
elaboration by the judge to
disregard his case.
If the trial continues with
only two defendants; it is pos-
sible that its scope might be
diminished through the elimi-
nation of some witnesses rele-
vant only to the eases against,
the Miami men.
One incident in court?the.
dropping of Donald H. Segret-
ti from the prosecution's pro-
posed list of witnesses in the
case raises the pessibility
that the scope of the trial may
have already been diminished.
Federal mutes haVe said
,that Segretti was hired to con.
duct political sabotage and
espionage against the Detnt
part of the cash to Bernard pleas. 1
Barker." In his' opening statement to,
, Time Magazine also report-, the jury last week, Rothblatt.
ed today that the same four argued that his four clients'
defendants will receive cash involvement in the Watergate,
settlements as high as $1,000 case was that of "following or-
each for every month each ders" in "a military fashion"
spends in jail as the result of and not that of "evil intent." ..
a guilty plea. The magazine Rothb att apparently feels -
;quotes Hunt as telling
;ertits by Dwight L. Chirpiri;
'President Nixon's appoint-
ments secretary, and that Se-
gretti reported .on his activi-
ties to both Chapin and Hunt.
Segretti's name was elimi-
nated from the prosecution's
witness list at abouz. the same
Lime that ? the p.,-,Aecutore
earned that Hunt wok.s..1 seek
to plead guilty and thus ?,
probably be dropped from ??;',e
According to f e'd e r a
sources, Segretti was not in-
volved in the Watergate bug-
,ging, and his only known
relationship to any of the
seven men indicted in the
ease is with Hunt ? a central
figure in the alleged conspir-
acy to bug the Democrats'
To prove a conspiracy, the
prosecution must demonatrate
in court,- that the defendants
Joined together In a purposeful.
0 plot.
Based on the prosecutor's;
opening argument to the jury;'
the prosecution will attempt
in part to prove the conspiracy
by establishing that , the de-
fendants purposefully joined
together in an espionage oper-
ation that extended beyond
the Watergate bugging itself.
To support its contention,
the prosecution will submit evi-
dence to the jury about Hunt,
although the former White
House aide is no longer a
defendant in the case. Many
of his activities must still be
discussed in the trial because
of his central role in the al-
leged ? conspiracy; but some
testimony dealing only with
Hunt may no longer be neces.
'nary to"prove the conspiracy
charge against the other de.
The elimination of Segretti
es a witness means there will
be one lesa person who coul
vonceiveably testify about atil
;pects of the alleged conspiracy'
that do not deal with the bug..
Ong, and who could possibly
'answer some of 'the questions,
Judge "Sirica has said he want*
? answered at the trial:
s "What did these men go into
that headquarters for? Was
their sole purpose political
!espionage? Were they paidt
Who hired them? Who started
this?", ? ? ?,:. ?
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(7.71 .r If P.! . ,,Trrm7in I rrrITrrrTI-OrirtrarrrTrnrorrrr,..o,r
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
15 January 1973
Pressures to Plead Guilty
Alleged inWatergateCase
siesta to The N
Source close to the Watergate
ttne said today that four of
the five defendants were under
athat he termed "great pres-
Sure" to plead guilty to charges
of eavesdropping ort the Demo-
cratic National Committee head-
quarters in Washington last
Julie. ,
ow York TTmeo
sharply reduced in the last few
One reliable source indicated
that the same group or per-
son now paying the defendants
?whom he refused to identify
?may be behind the new
offers of a cash payment to the
men in return for a. 8Intly
The, plea change itself would
make little legal sense in-
formed sources said, because it
could lead to only * relatively
slight difference in the possible
Prison Sentences facing: the
men. Complicating the risk be-
hind the change in plea, the
sourte said, le Judge Sirica's
reputation as a stern judge.
?Mr. Rothblatt is known to be
angry over the reported out-
side pressure on his clients aed
has told associates, don't
want to be a party to anybody
being pressured."
If the men decide to "top a,
pica," as a source said, Judge
Strica could order Mr. Roth-
blatt removed from the case
and provide another attorney
for the men. Mr. Rothblatt
known to be prepared for that
Another source said that the
persons behind the Watergate
money offers were "simply of-
feriae a lot of promises at this
Mr. also known
to have become upset at Mr.
Huht's decision to plead guilty
earlier last week. Mr. Hunt's
attorney later told newsman
that his client had done so be-
cause of the great stress a trio)
would place on his family. His,
wife, Dorothy, was killed M an
airplane crash last month.
One source had a different
view of Mr. Hunt's guilty plea,
however. In discussing the cur-
rent pressures on the defend-
ants, the source said, "it ttll
started with Hunt. He pleaded
guilty?and that's the story."
There has been newspaper
speculation that Mr. Hunt's
plea had been made at the be-
hest of unidentified White
House or Republican party
officials anxious to have little,
or none, of the Watergate de-
tails aired during a court battle.
The other two defendants in
the case?James W. McCord
Jr. a former agent for both the
Federal Bureau ef Investiga-
tion and the Central Intelli-
gence Agency who was arrested
with the four Miami men in-
side the Watergate complex on
June 17, and G. Gordon Liddy,
a former White House and Re-
publican re-election committee
aide who is said by the prose-
cution to have led the intelli-
gence operation?are apparent-
ly resisting pressures?if any,
have been applied to plead'
It was unclear what would
happen in the Watergate trial
If Judge Sirica accepted the
guilty pleas of the four Miatni
The source, who has pro-
vided other reliable information
about the case in the past, re-
fused to name those who were
said to be putting pressure on
the defendants?all of whom
aro from the Miami area?but
he did say that a Substantial
promise pt motley had been
Made to the men.
? In essence, the source was
corifinning a Time magazine
report that the Watergate de-
tfendants had been promised a
leash settlement as high as
'$1,000 a month if they pleaded
'guilty and took a jail sentence.
Additional funds would be paid
to the men upon their release,
Time said. The article did not
Cite the source of the inform-
The New Yotk Times source,
`however, said, "It's not realist
a question of money?just
peessure." '
"It is not a bribe," he added.
"Just a lot of promises."
' The four men?Frank A.
Sturgis, Virgillo R. Gonzales,
Bernard L. Barker and Eugenio
Rolando Martineze-ate repree
seated by Henry R. Rothblatt,
it New YOrk lawyer.
Mr. Rothblatt refused to dis-
cuss the reports of "pressute".
during a brief telephone inter-
view today, but did acknowl-
edge that he would withdraw
from the case if the four men
decided to plead guilty.
"I have repeatedly said that
will not be a party to any
plea of guilty," he said.
The Watergate trial, held In
United States District Court
here, was recessed Friday by,
Chief Judge John J. Sirica omit
tomorrow amid rumors that!
Mr. Rothblatt and his clients
were at odds over a sudden
decision by the defendants to
plead guilty.
Earlier last week, E. Howard
Hunt, another defendant who
once worked as a White House
consultant, pleaded guilty.
, The New York Times re-
ported In today's issue that the
four Miami defendants were
continuing to be paid by ;
sources as yet unidentified. al-1
though their funds have been I
14 JANUARY 1973
4 in Bug Trial
Still Paid,
Paper Says
? Sources close to the 'Water-
gate case have said that "at
least four of the five men ar-
rested last June in the Water-
gate raid are still being paid,"
The New York Times' re-
ported in its early editions to-
se The .Times, in a front-page.
Article, also quoted sources
,s"familiar" with the case as
41sering that one of the men
,baught in the break-in at
Democratic headquarters. Eu-
genio Rolando Martinet, "was
an active employee of the
Central Intelligence Agency'
at the thud of the break-in"
and was stricken from the
CIA's payroll within a day of
and' five othet
Men enter the second week
of their trial here Monday
on charges of conspiracy, bur-
glary and wiretapping before
Chief U.S. District Court
Judge John J. Sirius. There
have been persistent reports
since Friday that four -of the
defendants?the ones the
Times reports are still being
Paid?want to follow the lead
of former White House aide
E. Howard Hunt Jr., and
switch their pleas to guilty.
The Times said these points
Were made by more than one
Person in a series of interviews
,with "federal investigators, po-
litical figures and defense
?? High officials of the Com-
mittee for the Re-Election of
the Presideot have ackdowl-
edged privately that they are
unable to account for $900,000
In campaign contributions.
? ? A Nixon supporter working
In Democratic headquarters,
taped open doorlocks leading
to the basement, allowing the
five men eventually caught to
enter the Watergate.
The Times' article, writtett
by Seymour M. Hersh, says
that one of the defendants
Frank Sturgis, acknowledged
inert' after assigning a new,
lawyer to them. The attorneys
for Mr. McCord and Mr. Liddy
have indicated to newsmen that
they would immediately move
for a mistrial in that, case, Pos-
sibly delaying for many months
the public testimony about the
background and scope of the
Republican operation.
If the trial does go on, with
only two of the seven defends
Ante remaining, observers inch-
cated that it would undoubted-
ly not diminish the amount of
Information that would be de-
veloped. It was also not clear
whether Earl J. Silbert, the
chief assistant United states
Attorney prosecuting the case,'
could still cal thel same wit-
etesses who had been previous-
Sinitounced. /
tin a meeting in Miami testi;
iweeks ago that he has contin-
ued to
"his funds had been sharps
ued to receive payments but
rly reduced in the last few:
*months. Another closely in.
volved source spid that payS
sments to the four men novel
Srange from $400 a month up"!
s The money is coming from,
unnamed sources, the Timei
Said, with Sturgis suspecting
sthat part Of it originated with.
Ithe committee for the Re-Elec-1
'tion of the President.
t, The article states that a fru.'
ti a ne e writer, Andrew Sts
;George, has been circulating
'a 'proposed book outline to
? New York publisher that re-
:tounts Sturgis' undercover
Work. In the outline is an as-
Sertion that former Attorney
General John N. 'Mitchell was
? Itept informed of the activities
of the Watergate defendants.
DeVan Shumway, a
spokesman for the re-election
committee, was quoted in the
article as saying that the
Times' story was "outrageously'
false and preposterous," and
that Mitchell joined in that
criticism. ?
The article said that Ste
George signed a contract
with Harpers' Magazine Press
for the book, and that a pule
lishing firm spokesman had
confirmed that such a contract
had been signed 'for' "under
In addition, an NBC of-
ficial was quoted as saying
that the television network had:
paid something under $8,000
for a gontract with Sturgis,
with Sturgis to be interviewed
on the "First Tuesday" month-
lyenews program.
The Times states that "both
Mr. St. George and Mr: Stur-
gis are controversial figures
In their own circles, where
they have mixed reputations.
While some praise Mr. St
George's intelligence" and
devotion, others say he "some-
times confuses fact and fan-
The article states that
""there are many in the Miamli
'area who have denounced Mrs
Sturgis as a fabricator" let
,"there are obviously thos
'wild thought him rollabhi
'enough to join the.intelligeacit
' rTirr77717"r7777,71.7", .-"11.1777Tnrirn7
k, Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-11 .,'.1 ';
Ppprovecl For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1'
' 16 January 1973'
2 STILL ON TRIALccheertiraimn money
youtht that
tthhead sboeuerncesuiipf,
'Judge Dubious About.
tDefendants' Replies I
.to His Questions
1Ilbeotal to The tteir ?eft 5tOtei'
tour of the six remaining de-
fendants in the Watergate trial
leaded guilty today, in Federal
'eourt to spying on the Demo-
crats during last year's, cam.
paign. ?
They pleaded guilty to all
'Seven counts of an indictment
.charging them with conspiracy,
Second-degree burglary and
swiretapping. The action subjects
Ahem to a maximum of 55
'ears in prison:
The four ? are Bernard L
Barker, a Miami real estate
agent, and three of his asso-,
'Ciates?Frank A. Sturgis, Eu-
genio Rolando Martinez andl
sitirgillo R. Gonzalez.
? Last Thursday, E. Howard'
liunt.Jr., a former White House
Consultant, pleaded guilty to
iiJi six charges against him in
,the cast. ,
2 Insist on Innocence
Chief Judge John J. Strict of
the United States District Court
here questioned the four de..
tendants, who changed their
iileas about their motives for:
Spying and about the possible,
ihvolvement of others, end then'
sent them to jail in lieu of
'$100,000 surety bonds each, to'
await sentencing. ' ?
? Testimony In the case re-
sumed immediately with thel
remaining defendants, both of-
ficials of President Nixon's po-
litical organization When the
spying charges arose, maintain-
, big their innocence.
When the defendants who
pleaded guilty answered Judge
Sirica's questions, the replies
were not directly illuminating.
The four men appeared confi-
dent tind even bland in their
exchanges with the judge, and
they confined their answers as
much as possible to the allege.
tion against them.
Judge Silica was openly du-
bious about a number of their
plied. to them, he said, "Well;
I'm sorry, but I don't believe,
you." s . ? s
The judge did not purtu&
some lined of questioning in (hi;
face of limited replies, but ?it
was later pointed out by, legal
observers that he was not
strictly entitled to force an'
swers, on some points. , ?
The four men were arrested
Inside the offices Of the Demo
cratic National Cominittee on
June 17. They admitted today
that they had gone there to 'In4
stall wiretaps and bugging
equipment. and to rifle the
party's files.
Arrested with them was -One
of the remaining defendants,
James W. McCord Jr. At the
time of the arrests, Mr. McCord
ivtcs security coordinator for
the Committee for the Re-elec-
tion of the President.
, The second other defendant,
G. Gordon Liddy, was counsel
'to the Finance Committee to
Re-eite the President. He was
not arrested at the Watergate
office complex, but the Govern-
ment has charged that he had
been inside and was close by
at the time.
,Judge Sirica questioned the
four men closely on whether
"higher-ups" had put pressure
on them and on whether they,
had been offered money to
change their pleas. k
They replied with noes and,
with vigorous head shaking..
They also denied, in response
to a specific question, that
Hunt had urged them to follow
his example by pleading guilty.'
Barker, who has acted more
or less as spokesman for ' the
other three men, indicated 'that
he was prepared to implicate
no one In the conspiracy be.
yond Hunt, a former agent of
the Central Intelligence Agency
More than 20 years.
Hunt, who had operational
charge of the Bay of Pigs fiasco
in Cuba, in 1961, was Mr.'
Barker's immediate superior
during the invasion attempt.
Judge Sirica asked each of the
four whether they had ever
worked for the C.I.A...
"Not that I know of, 'your
honor," replied at least two of)
the men?Barker and Gonzalez',
?in chorus, suggesting the pos-
sibility they had prepared the;
answer in advance.
Judge Sirica began the day,
with a statement on develop-1
ments last Friday, all of whichs
took place either in a closed.
door session or in a series of
conferences out of earshot of
'the spectators,
Asked to Change Pleas
responses. 'tone point, after He read into the record a
all-the men said they werAminlateti EneRelease SOO 698
'finchuits 'to their attorney':
Henry B. Rathbiatt of New
York. They said they had been
asking to change their pleas
since Jan. 7, the day before the
trial began.
"You have not complied with
our request," the four men
said. They added that defend-
ing themselves any longer was
"not acceptable to us" and that
Mr. Rothblatt "will no longer
represent us."
Mr. Rothblatt, ytho received
the "sincere gratitude" of the
four for his performance up to
that point, had made it clear
from the outset that he would
not represent them unless 'the
'case went to trial.
During the session in pri-
vate, Judge Sirica secretly
sunmmoned an old friend to
represent the four as, a court-
appointed lawyer. He was Alvin
L. NeWmyer, a Washington
lawyer who celebrated his 89th
birthday last week.
Apparently tb avoid any psi
sible delay should the four men
'change their minds over the
wbekend and reassert their
innocence, Judge Sirica ap-,
pointed Mr. Newifiyer only to
handle guilty pleas.
First Stratagem sl
Speaking softly and slowly,
the elderly lawyer said his four'
suddenly acquired Clients had
at' first wanted to plead guilty
to only some of the counts
against them, a stratageth that
had been tried unsuccessfully
by }flint.
"But having been advised the
court would accept pleas [only]
On all [counts]," Mr. Newmyer
went on, "they have agreed to
change their plea to guilty on
all counts of the indictment."
Barker, Sturgis, Martinez and
Gonzalez were then called be-
fore the judge and warned that
they would forfeit a number
of constitutional rights by
pleading guilty. They accepted
this prospect with almost eager
Judge Sirica then began to
read and to explain at length
the indictment, remarking that
he Intended to be "very care-
ful" and wanted "to find out if
yott know what you're doing."
At one point he said:
"If I'm not convinced after
I finish the questions that you
are doing this knowingly, vol.'
untarily and without any coer-
cion I don't have to accept a
Beginning his questioning, he,
said: "I don't care who it hurts
or 'helps. Don't ' pull any
punches. You give me straight
He added that if anyone else
was involved, "I want to know
It And the grand jury wants to
know it."
Asks Direct Question ?
Tunrning to Martinez, Judge
Sirica said he wanted him "to
start at the beginning, and I
want you to tell me how you
got into this." Martinez told
the judge he would have to
pose "a direct question." The
judge complied.
The 50-year-old native of
Cuba denied he had been paid
to participate in the spying
conspiracy, acknowledging only
t. Me-101514i7e-V9
?r $500 to cover hit "eicpenset."
Martinez said that he had
owned a hospital, a hotel and h
furniture factory in Cuba and
that these had been taken over
by the government after the
Castro revolution. I'Money don't
mean a thing to us," he asserted.
Gonzalez, a 46-year-old Mi-
ami locksmith who is also a,
Cuban refugee, indicated that
Barker and Hunt had said that
the spy operation would ad-
vance the liberation of his na,
tive land.
' "I think of my country, of
the way people are suffering
there," he said.
"What does Cuba have to do
with the Democratic party?"
the judge asked.
"They told me this had some-
thing to do with solving the
Cuba situation," he replied.
Sturgs, 48, a former marine
who fought with Castro during
the Cuban revolution but who
broke with him shortly after
ts success, took much the
same line. He said he would
do "anything" 'when Cuba and
the "Communist conspiracy" in
this country were involved.
Barker, 55, expounded on
theme publicly for the, first
time during an interview with
The New York Times last fall.
He displayed' a passionate
hatred of Castro and asserted
'that many Cuban refugees be-
lieved that the election of Sen.
,ator George McGovern, the
Democratis nominee, "would
be the beginning of a trend
that would lead' to socialism or
communism, or whatever you
want to call it."
It was also at this interview
that Mr. Rothblatt began to ad-
vance the suggestion that his
Clients C were soldiers taking
orders from others. The oth-
ers were unidenfied, and Bark-
a? made 'It clear he would not
implicate anyone else.
"This is the way these things
are," he said. "You know it
lbefore you get there. You
work, you help because you're
needed. And when you're not
needed, then you forget about
An example of' the lack of
elaboration today came when
Judge Sirica asked Martinez
why he had come to Washing-
ton in June. He had come to
enter the Watergate, Martinet
said, and to
There was a pause and the
defendant finished, "Whatever
the charges are." .
Barker was questioned sex.1
tensively on $114,000 in checks
that passed through an account
he controlled in the Republic
National Bank of Miami. The
money had been given to Presi-
dent Nixon's campaign 'organi-
zation and, the Government ha
charged, -passed on 'to Barker
by Mr. Liddy.
"For a definite fact," Barker
said, "I cannot state who sent
that money." He asserted that
all of the $114,000 had been
sent to him by mall and that
he had been asked to convert
It to cash.
He denied that he had used
any. of the money to finance]
spying activities or for anything:
'else. The Judge recalled that a
sizeable sum of currency had
is possession on
, _ 17 tri 1 "v-fr? rt rr , 4t 111T,/rTrn-771Trqr,rrrrr
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Itine $7.
"This money came to me In
a closed envelope by mail,"
Barker said. "I can't make a
definite statement as to who
sent it to me. I have an idea
It was sent by those persons
Involved in the operation and
that it was sent for the pur-
pose of the operation."
After Judge Sirica accepted
their guilty pleas, the four men
were taken into custody and es-
'coded by United States deputy
'marshals to a cellblock in the
basement of the courthouse.
Both Mr. Rothblatt and Bar-
ker's wife, Clara, indicated that
the men would not attempt to
Ft the $100,000 bonds set.
y remained' in the court-
house until closing, when they
Were sent to the District of
Columbia )ail.
Judge Sirica denied a motion
by the remaining defendants for
a mistrial. The jury was called
in for the first time today at
Midafternoon and it resumed,
bearing testimony for the first
time since Thursday.
There was no indication that
the Government's case, as out-
lined in an opening statement
to the jury before any of the
five guilty pleas, would be al-
tered by the actions of 'the
last week.
The conspiracy count of the
Indictment would require the
prosecution to establish, eyed
to convict only one defendant,
,that the scheme took place a)
alleged in the original indict
16 JANUARY 1973
Judge Pushes
For Answers
? By Carl Bernstein
? and Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writers
, Judge John J. Sirica was
asking Bernard L. "Barker, a.
defendant in the Watergate;
ugging case, about "these'
$100 bills that were floating
' ground like coupons," and
Barker was saying that he
didn't really know -where,
they came from.
? "I assume it was in con-.
hection ... to the operation,
Of ? the Watergate," said
Barker, adding that he could
not say much else because
"I got that money in the
;mall in a blank envelope."
"Well, I'm sorry, I don't
believe you," replied Judge
Sirica, who for almost an
hour had been fruitlessly
seeking to elicit some in--
? formation about what led
Barker and three of his com-
rades to break into the
Watergate on June 17.
The four "men from Mi-
ami" as they have repeat- ,
edly been referred to in the
Watergate trial?Barker,
Prank Sturgis, Eugenio R. ?
-Martinez and Virgilio B.
'Gonzalez?were not under
oath as the judge ques-
tioned them.
They bad been called to
'the bench by Sirica, who
asked assurance that their'
desire to plead guilty to all,
the charges against them ,
'and march off to prison for
, up to 55 years was entirely
'their Own.
Their heads bobbed up I
,and down in unison as they,I
told the judge that their de-
cisions were =coerced, then
"nodded vigorouely back and':
forth amid a :chorus of "No,'
your honor" as Sirica :asked
if anyone had made sugges-.
bons about "executiVe
ency ... or commutation of
sentence." , ,
On this, the sixth day cri
the Watergate trial, rflUrst;
? Ing ,newspapers had quoted
sources '"close to the defend-
ants" and "close to the case"
as variously saying that the
? Miami men were under
"great pressure" to plead,
.guilty and had "been urged
by former White House aide
E. Howard Hunt Jr. ?to
low his lead and plead
guilty?' Over the weekend,.
there "were other 'newspaper
and magazine -reports that
the 'four still -were being+
As they stood in front df,
,the judge?with Barker, the
aiSparent leader among thel
four et parade ,rest and his'
three codefendants at atten-
tion?they told Abe ' judge-
? they did not know anything
about such matters.'':
Sirica?noted for his no-
'nonsense meal oom ,denTea.,
'nor and strict prison sen-
tences?then began asking
the kind of questions he has,
told the prosecution he
wants answered In the trial..
"What purpose did you
four men go into the Demo-
cratic headquarters for?" he
asked. "Who, if anyone, hired,
you to go in there? . . Are
other people?that is, higher-
ups in the Republican Party
or the Democratic Party'or
any party?involved in this
ease? ... What was the -mo-
tive? ... Who was the mon-
ey man? Who did the,pna,
Ing off?"
The interrogation 'began
with Martinez, who works as!
a real estate salestrian for!
Barker 1nM.iarni. When ai
clerk handed Martinez the',
microphone in the big cere-
?monial courtroom, the pa-
rade rest that had been,
maintained by his boss dig.'
integrated and .Barker be-.
gan wringing his hands be-',
hind his back and bouncing
up and down on his toes. '
"I want you to start from
the beginning and -tell me
how you got into the coni
spiracy," Judge Sirica de-
manded of Martinez. "". Ir
don't care who (the iinsweesr?
might help or hurt. . .
Don't pull any punches." ?
? "I believe the' facts that'
you have read in the charges
are true," was Martinez' re--
"That's a blanket state-
ment," noted the judge and
'asked Martinez pointedly'
how he was recruited for
the Watergate operation.,
"Maybe I' offered myselfr
the defendant suggested. ?
, When the judge at-
tempted to find out if Marti-
nez had ever done work for,
the CIA, as news reports
,have said about all of the
Miami men, Martinez an-)
swered, "Not that I know'.
, of." Among those who:
'laughed at the anstrer was tV
codefendant, G. Gordon
Liddy, a former White,'
House ?aide, and Nixon cam-
paign offileal Who ended a
'brief nap at the defense bi-:
ble 'when Sirica started ask- ,
ing about the .origins of the,
"I want to forget all thei
,things, I don't want -to
member any, -more," MartI2,
,nez said when the judges',
Asked the defendants whiM
they -were talking about in
their room at the Hamilton
.1:11itel before the 'Watergate
break-in. Even though a
'key ;prosecution witness said '
on Wednesday that he could
not remember 'whether Mar-
tinez was in the hotel room,
Martinez volunteered to the
judge that "even that he
didn't recognize me, I admit
Imes there."
Was he paid? the judge
iasked Martinez. "I did /we
get paid your honot, for 'rtiy;
Services," except for expense.
money from Barker, he
answered. "Marley doesn't'
mean a thing to ,us, yntit
honor," added Martinez. "I,
'own a hospital in Cuba, one
of the best hoapitals. I own a
.`ifactory of furniture in Cuba:'
I was the owner of a hotel in:
Cuba. I left everything in the,
Olands of the . C,ommunisti
there . . I lose everything,
' and really money ;s not' al
great deal in my decisions."
Prank Sturgis, the Nor-
folk-born soldier of fortune
who wants to write a ,book
' about the activitiei" 'of the'
, Miami men, was equallc, erne
'?phatic in dismissing mond:a
as a motive. "When it comes,:
Flo Cuba ankthe tOttfinunipt,1
Conspiracy Invoiting the
!United States," he told
::Sirica, "I Will do anything'
:to -protect this country."
?,.*The. only connection be-
stween the Watergate bug-,
ging and Cuba that the,
/judge was able to elicit was'
a statement from ,,Gonzales,1
'that Barker and Howard
6Htint had ,hitn theta
solving the Cuba
Ntituation" by breaking Inta,,
`the Democrats headquarters;
; "Sir,I have had . the privi-
lege and honor, of knowing'
-Mr. Hunt for some ,
;Barker said ;by ?way+ of :e
,SWering why 'be Was making
.phone calls to. ,Hunt id 'th
White House long ? befOrg
-17?when the governi
merit says the conspikaeib&,,
rpoWere..yotti vorkinvunderi
:direction of Mr. Bunt or oth-;
.er people in this job that was,
e d ormt. Barker was,
asked. "I -iMs Working. with
Yfit.4Hunt. I was corn-1
liletely identified with Mr.
Ilunt . . greatest,
. :?:!?fr;I ,worked withl
inkt?40, m.superior . . . I,
aye; known,,' yhtlt, my r
onsihititieg are ,?tiid wi
?tace to all MY' responlib
ties,? he responded. ? ,
AS the- judge Continued'
his questioning, assistant'
Attorney Earl J. Silbert.
and Seymour Glanzer sat.
at either end of the prosecu-
tion's table, Silbert 'shaking
his bead, frowning and atm*
Ing down at his cello* legal
150; Glamor leaning.,backt
fin his 'chair. and rubbing one'
side of his face. Mentha,
'ago,. the prosecutorn re-
peatedly had told reporters.
they could not discuss the
case .but that at the trial the
facts would finally become
known and the Wholesstory'
; of the 'Watergate, bugging
' ?
? 7or a' definite-fact I can't'
'say' who. sent that money,";
'Barker was saying Of the
$14000 luhis,?bank account,
that Silbert's Opening state-
ment said had come from G.-.
Gordon Liddy at the Com-
mitte for the Re-election of,
? the President.
; Didn't it seen' "rather
strange" that he would re-:
ceive $114,000 and not know
where, it came from? asked
'Judge Sirica.
"Illon't think it is strange,'
your illonor," said Barker.
9 have previously before'
thii been involved- in othen
operations which took the'
strangeness out of that teli
far as 1 wall concerned." -
flyr,7711771' TrAl ti17
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17 JANUARY 1973
Watergate Defendant]
Claim,s Tugs' Legal
By Lawrence Meyer ' to discuss distributing a tran-
script he had made of tapes
of an interview The Los Ange-
les Times conducted with Bald-
win. The defense sought the
tapes on the grounds that
Baldwin's statements could be
useful in impeaching his testi-
"There are one or two names
mentioned and I'm going to
call them to the attention of
government counsel for what-
ever action they think .apeio-
priate," Siriea said. ?
As a key government wit-
ness, Baldwin has been inter-
rogated at length by the prose-
cutors. The judge did not elab-
orate on the names.
In The Times article based
on the interviews with Bald.
win, it was reported that he
could not recall the names of
re-electiod committee officials
who received copies of the
logs he made of the phone con-
versations Baldwin said he
Baldwin is reported to have
"ldid others that he could re-
member the names of three
White House or Nixon cam-
paign aides who received
memos describing thetele-
'phone conversations: White
House congressional liaison
aide William E. Timmons, and
campaign aides Robert Odle
and Glenn Sedam.
Sources close to the Water-
gate investigation have said
that Baldwin, a former FBI
agent, named Odle and Tim-
mons from memory and picked
out Sedam's name from a list
when interviewed by the FBI.
All have denied receiving the
Odle's name is on the prose-
cution's witness list. No men-
tion has been made of the
other two men at the trial.
The fullest account given of
how five men were arrested
inside the Democratic offices
was given by the prosecution's
seventh witness, Officer John
B. Barrett of the metropolitan
Ipolice. Barrett followed Frank
Wills, a Watergate security
guard who testified he had be-
come suspicious and called
police after twice finding the
;Same doors taped so that they
would not lock. .
Barrett said r he and two
other police officers respond-
ed to a radio call and arrived
at the Watergate at about 1:45
a.m. After a quick briefing
from Wills, Barrett said, the
officers ? dr et sed in casual
clothes ? began surveying the,
building. They found , a door
taped on the eighth floor,
where the Federal Reserve
has offices, but found no other
Washington Post Eltaff Writer
James W. McCord Jr., one of
the two remaining defendants
in the Watergate trial, will try
to argue that he had a legal -
reason to hug Democratic;
Party headquarters because
he was trying to protect Re-'.
publican officials from poss0
ble danger, McCord's lawyer
said yesterday.
Explaining the "relatively.
unused theory" of the "law of .i
duress," attorney Gerald Alch
Said, "If one is under reason- '
able apprehension, regardless
of whether he is in fact cor-
rect, he is justified in break- ?
ing a law to avoid the greater
harm ? in this case violence
directed at Republican pffi- 1
cials up to and including the I
In court papers filed before !
the trial began,, the Prosecti-?
'Lion dealt with such an argu-
ment, asserting that "an al-
legedly 'good' motive" is never
by itself a defense for a crime.
Alch's statement to report-
ers was one of series of devel-
1Opments on the seventh day of
the trial before chief U.S. Dis-
trict Judge John J. Silica: ? ?
Sirica said he had listened
to tapes of a newspaPer inter-
view with Alfred C. Baldivin
III, a key prosecution witness,
and had heard "one or two
? names mentioned." Sirica said
he was referring the matter to
the prosecution "for whatever
action they may think appro.
? 0 The prosecution said that
' Baldwin, who has said he mon-
itored telephone conversations
in the Democratic? headquan
tots from a hotel across the
street, will be called to testify
-0 A metropolitan policeman
!gave the first public account
Of how he and two other offi-
? cers searched the Democratic
National Committee's offices
in the Watergate on June 17
find arrested five men, includ-
ing McCord, inside, with one
of, them saying, "Keep your
tool, you got us."
McCord and G. Gordon
Liddy, both former officials of ?
/the Committee for the Re-elec-
tion of the President, are be- '
'ing tried on charges of con-
spiraey, burglary and illegal
wiretapping and eavesdrop-1
ping stemming from the June'
.17 break-in at the Democratic
headquarters. Five others ?
'former White House aide E.
,Ilikard Hunt Jr. and four
Men from Miami who said
they reported to Hunt ?
;ready have pleaded guilty to
the charges against them.
doors unlocked.
Barrett said he Was called:
to the sixth floor, the location.
of the Democratic Party of-
(stairs to office Corridors wal
taped open and "scratch:
marks were apparent" on the:
lock. -
After finding one office "in;
disarrayed fashion .. . messed'
up," Barrett said? he drew his
service revolver "because I
felt this might be something
good, that there might be
someone in there."
The search was continued,
Barrett said, and they found
the platform preparation
room, where the 1972 party
platform was being prepared,
"In even more disarrayed
fashion." The two officers
with him, Sgt. Paul Leper
and Carl M. Shoffler, went
briefly out on the adjoining
terrace, but found nothing,
Barrett said.
Barrett said he and the
others continued looking, with
Barrett moving toward the
office of party chairman
Lawrence F. O'Brien. Final:.
1Y, Barrett said, he came to'
a spot in the office where a
cubicle for a decretary had
been created with a partition,.
steel on the bottom and frost,'
ed glass on top. Barrett, a tall.,
thin man with reddish-brown
hair and a beard told the
jury, "I was hesitant to go
around that corner. I just had
a feeling." ??
While he hesitated, Barrett
.said, "an arm appeared . . .
Just inches from my flice" on
the other side Of the glass.
'"Needless to say, I was
alarmed. I jumped. back . . .
back pedaled here very quick-,
ly. . . . I yelled out, 'Hold it,
police.' "I'M sorry," he cor-
rected himself, "I didn't say,
"I saw numerous hands. As
they went up, I saw gloves,
similar to a surgeon's gloves?
blue, i and white. . . . I said,
'Come out.' The gentlemen
came out," Barrett said.
At that point, Barrett re-
called, "I believe it was Stur-
gia said, 'Keep cool, you got
us." Frank Sturgis was one
of the five men arrested Inside
the Watergate along with Mc-
Cord, Bernard L. Barker, Eu-
genie R. Martinez and Virgilio
R. Gonzales.
Among the items taken
from the men, Barrett said,
were abour$1,300 in $100 bills,
burglar tools, bugging devices,
two ca m era s, photographic
lights, about 60 rolls of assort-
ed film and several pieces of
false identification on Sturgis.
In addition, Barrett said, Mc-
Cord had applications for col-
lege media press credentials
for the Democratic convention
in his suit jacket pocket.
Alch, McCord's lawyer, told
reporters his defense strategy
after finishing his cross-exam-
lination of the fifth prosecution
witness, Thomas J. Gregory.
}Gregory had testified that he
was recruited by Hunt to spy
on Democratic presidential
I Shortly before the afternoon candidates.
aeasinn began YeaterdaY' Mgt 4#88;r0elkeelbgtig IVEPINA/07 ?CeititijilliVgat4S7k
%tidied the lawyers to tbe 21:
14 4
'Cord as having came to the
;campaign headquarters a'
;Sen. George S. McGovern in
an unsuccessful attempt to
,plant a bug in the offices of
Frank Mankiewicz or Gary
Hart, the two top campaign
aides to McGovern. McCord at,
the time, in mid-May, was se.,:
entity coordinator ' of the. re-'
election committee.
Alch, in. cross-examining
Gregory, asked if he had seen
any contributions to the Me,
Govern campaign made by the
Vietnam Veterans Against the
War, the National Peace Ac-
tion Coalition or the People's
Coalition for Peace and Jus-
tice. Gregery said he was: "not
sure" about contribur
from the National Peace AI ?
tion Coalition because of the
coding system the McGovern
campaigri used for contrib-
utions and he knew of no con-
tributions from the other two
have conducted numerous
demonstrations in recent years
that have consistently advocat-
ed orderly, lawful and nonvio-
'lent expressions of antiwar
'sentiment. The:, have enforced
discipline at t r activities
,with trained nArshals and
their events hay.' generally
been peaceful. ,
[However, one fa,- :in of
PCPJ was responsible lila
1971 Mayday disruption},
Washington. Leaders of th,-
faction took pains to empha-
size in advance that its actions
were directed against the ides
of government conducting busi-
ness as usual while the war
Zontimied and not against any
individuals or organizations.]
I Sirica interrupted Alch to
? tell him. "I think you're going
pretty far afield. When it
tomes time, you can put' your
defense on." Alch said he
wanted to call Gregory as a
defense witness later in the
McCord's defense, Alch saidi
will be based on the "theory
of law that if a man has rea-
sonable grounds to anticipate
violence to himself and oth-
ers, he can technically violate
the law to avoid greater
In his opening statement to
the jury, Silbert said that
Baldwin would testifly that
McCord instructed him, "made
it perfectly clear to Mr. Bald-
win that he was interested in
conversations whether per-
sonal or political, of a sensi-
tive nature."
The prosecution has taken
the position in Its proposed in-
structions to the jury at the
conclusion of the ease that the.
government does not . have ',,to
prove a particular motive "nor
Is an allegedly 'good' motive
ever by itself a defense Omen
the act done or omitted IC
Wri '0 PT. UI 1 -Tr 71 VI 49r1r 071,7TIT"Trirni r 14r7(
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17 January 1973
Baldwin Expected to Describe
Role of Liddy and McCord
"? By JOY ASCHENBACK across from the Watergate. At
and BARRY KALB one time, the prosecution said,
Stax-News Staff Writers , Baldwin saw Liddy give Mc-
Alfred C. Baldwin, the for- Cord 16 $100 bills.
mer FBI agent who secretly Liddy, the government said
monitored telephone converse- at the opening of the trial, had
tions of officials of the Demo- $250,000 in re-election commit-
deltic National Committee, is tee funds at his disposal for
expected to take the witness Political and security intelli-
stand at the Watergate trial genee operations. Virtually all
today in the midst of a legal of it was given to him in $100
dispute over how much he can; bins.
reveal of what he heard. , ? Baldwin's testimony will be
? A key government witness held up somewhat by a U.&
granted immunity in exchange', Court of Appeals ruling that
for his testimony, Baldwin will before the government can
? according to the prosecution elicit testimony as to the con-
- directly link the two ree tents of any conversation
maining defendants, G. Ger-. Baldwin overheard, that testi-
don Liddy and James W. 1Ve- Mony will have to be given in
Cord Jr., to the break-in and., closed sespion before (...,triet
bugging of the Democratic 'U.S. District Court Judge John,
headquarters at the Water- J.' Sirica, who is presiding at
gate. The five other defend- the trial.
ants already have pleaded 'rhe ruling, which the appel-
1 ,
late court refused yesterday to
McCord, who was chief sem- ,overturn, followed the filing of
lily officer for both the Repub. a motion by some of those
Dean National Committee and persons whose conversations
the Committee for the Re- were overheard. The motion
election of the President, re- contended that revealing any
ceived the logs of the approxi- part of these conversations
mittely 200 conversations Bald- , would be violating the speak-
win overheard during a I ers' rights of privacy, and that
three-week period in May and such a revelation was not nee
June, the government con- essary to the government's
4Inds. ? ' , case anyway.
eOe one occasion, Baldwin The appellate court agreed
told The Los Angeles Times, that the issue needed a close bons as well as political.
he personally delivered the look, but in order to keep the Defense attorneys yesterday
legs to the re-election commit- trial going ordered the "In were given transcripts of
tee. He said he could not re- , camera" testimony, with the Baldwin's interview with The
member the name of the corn- attorney who filed the motion, Los Angeles Times, but with,
Mittee official to whom he ad- ! Charles Morgan Jr-. of the "third-party" names deleted,
Senate Democritic Leader Mike Mansfield has asked
everyone involved in the Watergate bugging incident, includ-
ing We Committee for the Re-election of the President, not.
to destroy any documents that would be needed in a sched-
uled Senate investigation of the matter. ,
t In letters to key figures in the case, Mansfield noted that
the Senate will be conducting a thorough investigation of its ;
own into the Watergate incident as soon as the federal court
trial is over. The Senate probe will be headeci4by Sen. Sam'
Ervin, DrN.C. ?
. Mansfield said he was acting at the request of Ervin.'
Without mentioning any specitidproblems of the past, it was
clear that be wanted to avoid what happened in the Senate's
Investigation of. the Internatibnal Telephone & Telegraph
Corp. where key documents apparently were destroyed in a
paper shredder.
ask Baldwin to give details of the bench with Sirica, fewer
the conversations, but only to questi on s on cross-
characterize them as political, examination, fewer testimony
personal or business, with a ? if any ? to be introduced
general statement of *hat when the defense gets the
they were about. chance to present its case. 1
Silbert said that the nature - Baldwin, according to the
of the conversations is net es- government, is expected tol
sential in proving the govern- testify that he was first hired
merit's case, but is aimed at by the re-election committee.
establishing motives for the jest may 1 to protect Martha
? electronic surveillance. Mc- Mitchell, wife of former Atty.
Cord, he said, was interested Gen. John N. Mitchell, who
in sensitive personal converse- was then chairman of the re,
election committee. '
About 10 days later, Baldwin;
was given a new assignment
-- to find out about anticipated,
or planned demonstrations in,
Washington, Silbert said.'
dressed dressed the envelope. American Civil Liberties Un-.
'1The Washington Post has ? ion, tobe present.
geId that Baldwin "is known to If anyone objects to the ad-.
Poe told the FBI" that the mission of any proposed testi-
envelope was, in fact, 'ad- , many, the appellate court
(tressed to Glenn J. Sedam Jr.i said, the Sirica overrules the
counsel to the re-election coin., objection, then Sirica must al-
2nittee. low those who objected to ap.
? In addition, The Post said, peal to the appellate court.
Baldwin told the FBI that This procedure is expected
"among others" the bugging to affect the testimony of only
information had ,been Sent to three people ? Baldwin; R.
Spencer Oliver, executive
'William E. Timmons, assist-: director of the Association of
ant to the President for con- State Democratic Chairmen;
, gressional relations, and Rob; and Ida M. Wells, an associa-
ert C. Odle Jr., former White thin secretary. Oliver and
Reuse aide who was director Miss Wells were among-those
Of administration for the re- filing the motion.
' election committee. , Some of the calls-overheard,
Spokesmen for the White Baldwin told the Los Angeles
? Times, involved explicitly in-
House and the committee have Where there was originally
denied that Timmons, Sedam timate" details of personal an unruly mob scene of de-
er Odle received information lives. fendants and defense atter-
based on Baldwin's eavesdrop- Morgan said that technically neys and a law clerk and an
) Ping.
? be could object to testimony interpreter seated around the
1 revealing who was speaking, five-yard-long defense table,
$250,000 ler Intelligence ' what they said, what their there is now only a lonely knot
Baldviin, according to the meaning was, or even that a of four people clustered at one
governinent, worked directly conversation- was overheard. end: Liddy and his lawyer,
for McCord, but met Liddy, But he said he will listen to Maroulis; McCord and his at-
who was then counsel to the each proposed statement be- torney, Gerald Alch.
:Finance , Committee to 'Re- fore making any objection. The drop In the number Of
relect the President, several Assb. U. S. Atty. Earl J. Sil- defense attorneys means more
tinest at his listening Pesti ?bert has said that he will not Manageable _ conferences at
according to Peter Maroulls,
Liddy's lawyer. The Times
had agreed to turn over the
tapes of the Baldwin interview
'following an earlier court rid-
The trial so far has been like
a bubble-that grew and grew
and grew ? and suddenly
burst, leaving only a remnant
Where there were exciting
matters piling one on top of
the other ? the names on the
witness list, the opening state-
ments, the first guilty plea,
the rumors and then the reali-
ty of four more pleas ? there
Is now the dull but necessary
business of taking testimony
and identifying exhibits.
Yesterday Mch revealed
that he . will try to show that
McCord, in participating in the
bugging, was trying to obtain
information on left-wing
groups as part of his job to
provide security for the Re--
publican National Committee'
and the re-election committee,:
Alch said be will try to show
that McCord thought there
was a real threat of danger to
Republican candidates and
other politicians, and that his?
actions were therefore justi- ,
fled ? and legal. He said he
would present evidence that
McCord was acting under a
form of "duress."
Alch said his client partici-
pated in the bugging of Demo-
cratic National Committee
headquarters and the attempt-
ed buggng of McGovern cam-
paign headquarters. because
"these would-be violent
groups" were Democratic-sup-
porters and "it's possible that
be could have ascertained
some of their plans" by listen-
ing in on conversations at,
these two offices.
However, Alch told a report-
er that McCord "didn't do It
With the knowledge of won't,
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hove hit, AS fat Ai I knotv:if`
Ile said his client had been'
approached by E. Howard
Hunt Jr., who has pleaded
Aunty in the case, and joined
in the plot on his own.
Baldwin's assignment was
gain switched about May 26,
the prosecution stated, when.
he was ordered to monitor,
conversations on Oliver's tele-,
phone from a room across the
street from the Watergate at
the Howard Johnson Motel.
McCord, the prosecution has
Said, also tried to bug the tele-
phone of then Democratic Na-'
Ronal Committee Chairman.
'Lawrence F. O'Brien, but the
.reception was, inadequate. He
;tried twice, another govern-
ment witness testified Mon-
'day, to bug the Washington
headquarters of Democratic;
presidential ' candidate Sen,`.
Cosorge S. McGovern, butwas:
unauecessful. '
Baldwin told The Times that
he at first prepared the logs in"
longhand, but subsequently be-
gap typing them, making two,
copies, both of which he gave
to McCord. McCord, he said;
usually came by twice a day
to pick them up.
At one time, when McCotd
.wits' in Miami and Baldwin ov-
erheard some important jut or-'
mation, McCord told him to
personally deliver the logs to
t h e re-election committee:
Baldwin told The, Times he
could not remember to whom
the logs were addressed.
, When. McCord and four
the defendants who haste I
pleaded guilty were arrested
Inside Democratic headquar-
ters at the Watergate June 17,;
Baldwin was across the street
at the Howard Johnson's Hs,
toning in, the government'
Yesterday, John Barrett, a.
Metropolitan police officer,'cle-,
scribed the arrest for the jury..
Police had been alerted by a
Watergate security guard of
possible break-in at the Demo-
cratic headquarters.
Barrett said that at one
point while searching the of-
gices he found himself next to
a glass partition and was
afraid to turn the corner be-
cause he had a feeling some-
pne was on the other side. Sud-
denly,, the arm of a man ap;
tesaid, ?"I shouted 'Hold It.
eared through the glass, and
,Police.' No, I just shouted
'Hold it'." '
? Barrett said he expected to
gee one person emerge from
behind the partition. "Need-
leas to say, I was surprised:
when I saw numerous hands
?go up . . . all with blue or,
, white surgical glihes on," he ,
'told the jury.
Barrett said he held a gun
;On what turned out to be five
Imen McCord;' Bernard L.
!Barker, Frank A. Sturgis, Eu-
;genie R. Martinez and Virgin()
R. Gonzalez: Sturgis spoke
first, Barrett said, telling the
'policeman to "keep teal. You
17 January 1973 1
The Watergate Message
As the trial of the Watergate Seven give direct orders for them or even tol
moves on, the whole picture of bumbling
political intrigue grows sillier and sor-
rier. Along with the iervor and naivete
of the Cuban trio, who do seem to have
,undertaken their part in the bugging of
Democratic headquarters in a spirit of
revulsion against hard times in Castro's
;Cuba, there is mounting evidence of the
kind of skulduggery and coverup that
has, down through history, given politics
.a bad name. -
The willingness ? eagerness is a bet-
'ter' word ? of the defendants to 'plead
guilty suggests that there's a lot to hide?
and that somebody is making it worth-
while for these people to keep it hidden.
How far up the Republican hierarchy
does involvement and responsibility go?
It. may take a Senate investigation to
bring out all the facts. If that's what it
takes, we should have one. While every-
body knows dirty fightin% goes on in
politics, everybody knows' with even
,more ? certainty that it .shouldn't. When
it's discovered, the full range of public' through- terrorism and widespread cur-
sanc,tions and censures is in. order. ? ? ' tallment of citizen liberties, and disrupt-i,
Perhaps, even with a Senate plvesfi. lug the soeial order to push an ideologyi',
:Ration the whole eterY weuld ntlf, mime . The Message of the Watergate affair;
Out., Many things are done With the im- ,is the old one that 'eternal tirigilante
? plied consent of the poweriul that would the price.of practically everything. Esp.O..;1
never comp to pass if anybody had to Wally clean politics.
know ior sure what was happening.
Was Hamlet's mother in on the murA?
der that gave her a new husband? It'.
'that sort on problem. .
But perhaps the most dangerous as-e,
peet of the case is the moral confusion.'
, stirred up around it by the administra-;
tion's enemies. It's well to remember:
what the Watergate malfeasances, no.
matter how bad they turn out to be, aro:
? not.
? There are disingenuously scandalize
Nixon-haters ? who act as though usin
Big Brother techniques to spy out Demo-,
cratic campaign strategies was a combi-
nation of high treason, grand larceny,
and genocide. It's not.
It's dirty pool, to be deplore, pun-:
ished, and avoided by one and all in the,
future. But Ips important to distinguish'
+ it from the other undesirable things pol-
iticos have been' known to do, such as
? grinding the faces of the poor to enrichl
I themselves, building personal power
.17 January 1973
Undr. the WatercfatesRug
One earlier view of the Water-
gate affair was that even if it'
couldn't be clarified before the
presidential election, the facts
would ;eventually all come, out in
court.. The view is fast turning out
to have been too innocent ? as the
probability increases that the
: story, .by its smell one of .the
; dirtiest in the history of national-
'level politics, will never be felly
known, or the names of Its prin-
cipal moVert ever quite pinned
dOwn. ' '
With five of Seven defendants' 'in
the current case already having
pleaded guilty to conspiracy, burg-
the case henceforward in doubt,
the likelihood that- its essentials
will be revealed decreases steadily.
Judge John J. Sirica has , posed
those essential questions. Speaking
te+four of the defendants he asked:
"For. What purpose did you four!
men .go into the Watergate? Who
hired you? If there are other peo-
ple?that is, higher-ups in the Re-.
publican party, the Democratic
party or any other party?I want
to know it. What was the ,motive?
Where did this money come from?
Who was the money man?" TO one
of them ,Particularly he said: "I
want you to start from the begin.
tory and illegal wiretapping and' ning and tell me how you got into
eavesdropping, and the course of the conspiracy." /
For Release 2001/08/07
??? 1-77"----7 ?
? ? ?
The defendants did not answer,
except for a couple of the now.
familiar vague statements of de-
votion to the cause of freeing Cuba'
from communism?whatever that ,
may by any stretch of the imagine
tion have 'to do with It. They dicl
not have to answer. They had al-
ready pleaded guilty as charged,
and the charges did not encompass
these larger matters; and they,
were not under oath. If .the
thing comes down to no more than
this sort of business, the persons
actually responsible Will have been
slipped past; but the' smell wills,
linger, and it will linger most"
strongly in the vicinity , of' the
Whit.e 1414e. '
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hti.ratiaydan.18, 1973 ? THE WASHINGTON POST
(ey U.S. Witness Tells
f Bugging Democrats
By Lawrence Meyer ? ?the 90-minute
Washinaton Past Staff Writer hearing, Sirica ;indicated that
key government witness he would overrule Morgan's
Hi the Watergate bugging objection, according to partici-
trial, Alfred C. Baldwin III, pants in the hearing. But no
testified yesterday that. he formal action was, taken yes-
monitored 200 telephone con- terday.
versations in the Democratic Sirica reportedly asked chief '
National *Committee's Water. prosecutor Earl J. Silbert to
gate headquartcts from a mo- draft an appropriate order.
tel across the street. ? Morgan indicated'that if Sirica'
Baldwin, taking the witness rules against him, he would
stind for the .firSt, time, re-'of Anneals
go (immediately to the Court
pOted under oath details of ? ? ?
htew he eavesdropped in this, Baldwin, the prosecution's
faahion for about three weeks, 18th ? witness, testified with' a'
Oilloiving closely :an account matter-of-fact tone about his
t' his activities written for ;recruitment by McCord 'to'
Los Angeles Times in OcA :serve first as Martha Mitch-
tether. ? ? ? . tell's bodyguard, then as an
41e described how he cattle ,'observer" of student groups
i&his motel room one day and Avho might direct violence.
faind James W. McCord, one kagainst President Nixon, theoi :
the two remaining men on 'Mitchells or the re-election
ttinl, arranging some 'dec. icommittee and finally is a si-?
tilinie equipment. lent listener monitoring tele-';
'.!4!Hty handed me some car- 'phone conversations in the
ptomys and said, 'Listen, to ,Democratic Party headquar-
this,' 5' Baldwin said, referring e? t,ers. ? ?
tt McCord. Baldwin said he McCord called Baldwin at
listened. "Mr. McCord said, 'his Hamden, Conn, home on
"Take notes. That's what we may 1, Baldwin said, and
"Baldwin said. 'asked him to come td Wash-
',Baldwin, a former FBI ington immediately for an in-
r*rit who has been granted terview. Baldwin said he flew
immunity from prosecution for down the same night, met
.440/Ong, said he was intro- with McCord the following
thread to two men, called "Ed" morning and was hired after a
aid "George" by McCord, later brief meeting with Frederick
that evening. Baldwin identi- C. LaRue, chief deputy to
find "Ed" as E. Howard Hunt
? R. and "George" as G. Gordon
McCord, former security di-
tictor of the Committee for
tip Re-election of the Presi-
dent, and Liddy, former fi-
niince counsel of the re-elec-
tion committee, are being
tified on charges of conspiracy,
burglary and illegal wiretap-
ping and eavesdropping stem-
ming from the ,4Tune 17 break-
id; .at the ?Demdcratic 'Party's
Watergate offices.
Five other men, including
Omer White House consult-
ant Hunt, were indicted with
MeCord and Liddy but have
pleaded guilty.
Baldwin's testimony for the
prosecution was -interrupted
topfore it was completed when
Charles Morgan Jr., a lawyer
representing the persons
Whose conversations Baldwin
Monitored, objected to a prose-
cution question asking Bald-
win to reveal the names of the
persons he heard talking.
linder a U.S. Court of Ap-
peals ruling issued Friday,
Chief U.S. District Judge John
Sirica had to hold a secret
hearing on the contents of the
conversations to be revealed
hi open court `before allowing
tile Actual testimony. Sirica
adjourned the public proceed-
ings to hold the required hear-
About May 23, Baldwin said,
he went to? Connecticut, re-
i turning May 26 to his hotel?
room. "Mr. McCord .was there
and there wde different
pieces of electronic equipment
in the room," Baldwin said. . 1
"Mr. McCord said, 'I want to
? explain some of the equip-A,
ment. This is what you'll be.
doing'. . . He said, 'You'll be
monitoring here ? . You'll be
working here in the room,' 4
Baldwin recalled. :
In the room, Baldwin said,:
were two receiving units, a
headset and two tape record- '
ers. Baldwin said the tape re: ,
corders were "never used" be
dause McCord was unable to
hook them up to the receivers..
In addition, Baltii,vin said, only
one of the two receivers evee
picked up any phone conversal
After having Baldwin listen-
to a conversation and 'make
notes of it, McCord told him'
he would be back in the eve-.
ning with two men, Baldwin'
said. "Mr. McCord told me he
'Would he introducing me un-
der an alias . . . and 'he told
me he would be introducing
the other individuals under
aliases because we're all in sh-
curity work,"
' McCord la er brought Hunt
;and Liddy to the room and
showed them the equipment.
"Mr. McCord stated the Y had
received a conversation and
handed -Mr. Liddy the memo
he had put in his wallet."
The three left and McCord
returned about 11:30 p.m. and
told Baldwin to come with
him, Baldwin testified. Bald-
win said he and McCord drove
to' near the Capitol and on a
side street McCord told Bald-
win, "This is what we're inter:
ested in. This is where we'll
be working." It was Sen.
George McGovern's campaign
headquarters, Baldwin said.
"'We may move you up to this
lbeation and have you do the
same thing here,'" Baldwin
quoted McCord as saying.
Then they stopped by a
parked car, where Baldwin
Said he saw Hunt on the front
teat and Liddy got in the cat'
with McCord and Baldwin. Af-
ter, driving past McGovern
headqUartera, Baldwin., said;
'John Mitchell, the President's ,
campaign manager.
, His first assignment, the 36-
year-old Baldwin said, was to
guard Mrs. Mitchell on a trip.
McCord gave him eight $100
bills for expenses, Baldwin
said, and he left with her May
2, returning May 8. His pay
was $70 a day while with Mrs.
Mitchell, Baldwin said.
When he returned, Baldwin
said, he went home to Con-
necticut and returned to
Washington May 9 or 10. Mc-
Cord said LaRue would be ac-
companying Mrs. Mitchell on
her next trip, Baldwin said,
but McCord "asked me to stay
In Washington to conduct
other activities . . . Mr. Mc-
Cord told me this was the way
to go up the ladder. If the
President was re-elected, this
was the way to join the team
and come up the ladder." The
new job involved a cut in pay,
Baldwin said, to $225-a-week.
?' Baldwin Said he attended
'different demonstrations at
McCord's direction to see if
any threats were made against
the President, the Mitchells or
the re-election committee
headquarters. At the same
time, Baldwin said, McCord
asked him -to move to the
Howard Johnson's Motor
Lodge on. Virginia Avenue,
across the ?street keel , the
riVIr. 'Liddy advised Me. 're:
Cord it was a nolo. We'd have.
'to try it again some other'
'time." McCord, Baldwin said,
addressed Liddy as "sir."
Baldwin said he continued
nionitoring conversations from
,the phone of Democratic
:Party official Spencer Oliver,
'making logs of the calls and
;turning the logs over to Mc-,
1Cord, who came by at least
once a day.
'. "Do you know what Mr. Mc-
'Cord did with the logs?" pros-
'ecutor Seymour Glanzer aske
# I de not," Baldwin Saftit.
."Do you know to whom the
:memos were addressed (that
McCord prepared)," Glanzer
? "No, I do not," Baldwin rep.
lied. ??
? Baldwin is reported to have
told others that he could re+,
member the names of three
White House or Nixon cam-,
paign aides who received me-i
mes describing the telephone
conversations: White House
Congressional liaison
E. Timmons, and campaign,
aides Robert Odle and Glenn
Sources close to the Water-
-gate investigation have said
that Baldwin named Odle and.i
Timmons from memory andl
picked out Sedam's name fromi
Pla list when interviewed by theBI. All have denied receiving
the memos. Odle's name is On
the prosecution's witness list
No mention has been made of
the other two men at the trial.
Earlier, metropolitan police
Det. Robert G. Denell testis
'fled that he had found an
'3iddress. book belonging to Bet*.
'bard L. Barker, one of the five
men who has pleaded guilty,
,in his Watergate Hotel room
after the June 17 break-in.
In the book were eight
names, all apparent aliases; in-,
eluding the aliases of slit of
the original seven defendant&
The two other names?Jose
Felip Piedra and Joseph Rep!
naldo Granda?were not
mediately identified. Felipe
DeDiego and Ronaldo Pico
were described in a recent
Newsday story a? two men,
:who were interviewed by tha
FBI concerning .the Waters/it
. Carlo Neel, front desk man-.
rager of the Watergate Hotel,
'testified yesterday that eight
men, with the same name!) SS
those in Barker's book,
cheeked into the hotel on May,
26 with 'reservations threu
May 29. The $1,208 bill waii.
paid with cash, Neal said.
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18 January 1973
unt Recruite Ex-Agent
? StarNews Staff Writers
, ID. Howard Hunt used White
' House stationery to solicit an
lex-CIA agent to join ,:he cam-
paign espionage Wm*, which
led to the bugging of Demo-
$tcratic National Headquarters
The stationary was only a
, portion of White House facill-
ties employed by Hunt over
the course of the effort.
Other evidence indicates
that Hunt used a special phone.
In the White House Executive
' Office Building to make 11
calls to Bernard Barker. Both
Barker and Hunt have entered
'guilty pleas in the Watergate
'bugging case.
Hunt, an ex-CIA' agent and;
, former White House aide, used'
? a note with the White House I
letterhead to contact Jack
'Bauman, a retired CIA agent
now working as a security spe-
cialist In Winter Haven,
The letter, dated Dec. 20,,
1971, read:
. :rack:
? I'm going to be down in Fla..)
? a few days after Xmas, and
? plan to call, you. I have some
things going in which I think ,
,you might be interested if your. ,
ltime and health permit.
Howard Hunt.';
In his opening statement at
rthe Watergate trial, prosecu-
tor Earl Silbert said this letter
, "Inquired as to whether or not
'Mr. Batunan himself was
available for some work, a
kind of vague assignment in.
the letter ? Mr. Bauman hav-
ing retired from the CIA." ,
Silbert said that around Dec.
28, 1971, Bauman met with
Hunt and another man at the '
'Playboy Plaza Hotel in Miami,
where they had a discussion
about Bauman's possible em-1
Although ' Silbert told the
'jury that Bauman could not
remember the man who ac-,
companied Hunt, Bauman's ?
date book lists a 4:30 p.m.
appointment at the hotel on
Dec. 28 with "HIV and
"George Leonard," an alias
'used by G. Gordon Liddy, one
let the two Watergate defend...
ants still on trial.
Beneath the notation of the
meeting, Bauman's note pad
, listed the District telephone
, number 347-0355.
That number was a special
White House line used by Hunt .
' on several occasions to call ,
1Baricer. The phone was in a
'basement room in the old Ex-
?ecutive Office Building.
. The secret number was
? 'billed to a secretary's home in
Alexandria. ?
White House Press Secre-
tary Ronald L. Ziegler has
said the phone was installed
for use by those tracing news
leaks in the administration.
After the meeting in Miami,
Bauman discussed the job of-
fer again with Hunt at a hote1,1;
" were pretty vague,?
Silbert told the jury last week.
"Bauman understood the job
to involve development of se-
curity capability for the Re-
'publican party and It was Disci,.
explained to him at that time
I this was a legitimate enter;
Bauman later returned to
Florida and wrote Hunt a 10,
ter turning down the job offer.
For 'his trip to Washingtin
Bauman received four $100
Expresses Regret
: In another letter dated Jan.
14, 1972, to Bauman ? this
time on his own stationery ?
Hunt expressed his regret over
Bauman's decision. ?
"George and I appreciate .
the trouble you went to on our
account," Hunt wrote, "and
for my part it was rewarding
to see an old valued friend. I
assume your verbal offer to
cooperate peripherally ' still
holds. . ."
Hunt ended the letter with
? an apparent reference to the
old CIA days: "So as the sun ?
dips low over the far shore of
Lake Dot, your old comrade in
arms takes leave of his some-
what younger buddy and once
again attains the low visibility
in a land where high profile is'
what usually counts." '
The prosecution has **in.':
eluded Bauman on its witness
list. Silbert did not say In his
opening statement why Bau-
man was not scheduled to tes-
? The Hunt-Bauman corre-
spondence involving the White
House letterhead and the date-
book entry with its secret ,
phone number were obtained
'exclusively by the Star-News
and have not yet figured in the,
Placed in evidence yester-
day were address books of
barker and Eugenio Martinez
which included handwritten
entries listing the undercover t
White House phone number,
' with the Watergate ?ate be-7
cause the phone was in use
only from August 1971
March 15, 1972. The Watergate.
bugging was discovered it'
months later.
. In addition to the appear-f
ance of the same White House
number in the Bauman, Bar-1
ker and Martinez books, a 1:
prosecution summary also"
shows it was one of four tele-
phones used bar Hunt to make
102 long-distance calls to Bar-
Three Numbers for "FM"
It was the first of three ?
-numbers for (assumed I
to be Hunt) in the Barker
book. The next was an official
White House number, 466-2282,,
Martinez' book used Hunt's,
name, office and regular,:
White House number, followed '
by "George . . . 347-0355," ap-
p ar ently indicating Liddy ,
could be reached at the covert
number also.
A former White House secre-
tary, Kathleen Chenow of
waukee, who worked ,,with
Hunt and Lkidy in the Execu-
tive Office Buiklbg a year ,
ago, told The Washington Post
last month that the secret ,
phone had been billed to her
home address, then in Alexan,
Team of 'Plumbers'
"They apparently wanted it,
in say name because they.
didn't want any ties with the
White House," she said. Miss
Chenow told the Post she had
given the bills to ?an aide in the
office of presidential assistant,
John Ehrilcan for payment.
Ziegler said the covert tele-
phone was installed for use in
trying to track the sources of
information leaks to newsmen
in late 1971, and Bunt and Lid-
' dy were on a team of White'
House "plumbers" tracing.
Ziegler has Claimed It,
"would be folly" for the press'
ito link the secret telephout
Liddy Number Noted
Eleven came from the secret
number. Eighty others were
made from two phones at Rob;
ext R. Mullen 81 Co. where
Itint was employed. The rest'
were placed from Hunt's home,
, in Potomac, Md.
' Two numbers used by biddy'
at the Nixon campaign head-
quarters at 1701 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW also were in the Bar-
ker and Martinez books.
Other telephone numbers!
from the Washington area
found in Barker's addrel.?.1
book when it was introduced in
evidence apparently were,
friends from the past:
' ? Maj. Gen. Leigh Wade, now',
retired from the Air Force,
knew Barker slightly as a..
officer when Wade was'
of U.S. troops in
Cuba at the end of Work! War!
IL The general was attending'
'a funeral and could not be
rest?hed, hiit his wife said he,
had had no contact with Bar-
ler for a quarter-century. J'He
didn't even remember him.
We think it's crazy," Mrs..
Wade said.
? Mrs. Virginia Topping of
Baltimore said Barker.
by her home with two friends
to visit late last May. She had:
known . Barker when he and:
her ex-husband shared an
apartment while working at a.
steel mill 37 Mrs.
ago. Her,!
sister-In-law,Mrs. Ora Poplin;
Of Baltimore, who knew him I
then, ludo was in the book.,
Mrs. Topping said Barker ME
his friends had a couple of soft
drinks, stayed half an hour.)
and lett. She doesn't retneaw
ber wholsfiienswere,
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19 JANUARY 1973
;Senate Offered Wigging
i BY David S. 'Broder
Wanhinoton Poet Staff Writer
. Attorney General Richard G. Klein-
dienst offered yesterday to give Senates
investigators of the Watergate case )te
private look at everything the FBI his'
'found out about the case, but caution* ?
that tlire may be limitations on what
'they can make public.
He said Justice Department policy does i
not permit release of material involved'
in ?a possible appeal by any defendants,i
or of any Unverified allegations affecting
?Innocent people." Two men are now on
trial for allegedly bugging and breaking -
Democratie Party headquarters 1141
"thnnniet. Five others have pleaded guilty.?
A Senate aide said Kleindienst's state.,
Merits, raised the possibility, that ,"we may:
.not be able to get the stuff we need,"-'
'but the Attorney General said he was
ieenfldent he will not have any problems
working out an agreement with Sen, Sam
T. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), the Man. Senate ,
.Democrats have picked *to, head their ,
Kleindienst made the Comments in the,
course of a breakfast session with nenee,
'men in which he also put public presatire
on President Nixon to make' ? ? '
acting FBI director L. Patrick
Grey III the , permanent di- '
, He said Grey has done "a
great job" since succeeding J.
Edgar Hoover in the pest last
year, but will remain an "easy
target" for both critics and ri-
vals for the job as long as his
status is "acting director."
Kleindienst said he had rec-
ommended that Gray be
named director and "I don't
know why" the President is
? Pressed as to any possible
reason for Mr. Nixon's mace
tiem, Kleindienst told report-
ers, "I don't know. You know
where he (Mr. Nixon) is. Go
ask him."
At the White House, deputyk,
press secretary Gerald L. Way
ren said he would have no,
Comment on Kieindienst's re-
marks, "When the President
has an appointment to make,
we will announce it," Warren,
. The Attorney General said
he welcomed the Senate deci-
sion to investigate the Water,'
gate case, including the Jus-
tice Department's handling of
'the matter.
"It doesn't bother' the a bit.'
It's a 'mod thing," he said. "A
jury trial is not the best place
to explore the ramifications of,
,this kind of thing for the pont:
teal system." ?
Reminding reporters?he was
under a court injunction not
to discuts the extent of the in-
vestigation or the identity of
any persons who may have
been involved in the alleged
eavesdropping at the Demo-
cratic National Committee,
Kleindienst nonetheless as-
serted there had been no
. White House interference and
no liminations on the invest!.
gatio of the ease.
"I have a duty to uphold the
Constitution and enforce the
law," he told the reporters,
"and it's a sad fact that some
of you At this table don't think
that means anything to me."
But, he added, even if he
had wanted to curb the inves-
tigation, "it would be impossi-
ble to do" because the itivesti-
? gators and prosecutors in-
volved would not permit it to
happen. s ,
"You take this fellow Sil-
bert," he said, referring to
Earl Silbert, the prosecutor in
:the curreet trial of the seven
moo involved in the Demo-
cratic headquarters budging
case. "I don't know his politi-
cal affiliation, , but fI'd guess
he's a Democrat, considering
his age (36) and the fact h?'s
Jewish . . . Glen ze r and
Campbell (Seymour Glanzer
and Donald Campbell, who are i
working with Silbert on the
ease) are both liberal Demo-
crats . . . If I told them to go
1,easy on someone, they'd tell
-Me to shove it."
. As for making the FBI in-
vestigation material available
to the Senate, Kleindienst said
the "only thing we'd hold
back" would be materials in-
volved in litigation and
"irresponsible" or unsubstanti-
ated allegations included in
the files.
lie acknowledged- to report-
ers that the first limitation
would continue as long as any
appeals were pending from
the case now being tried. A
Senate aide said that might
mean the FBI material would
be embargoed "for eight or
ten years."
But Kleindienst said he
hoped Ervin "would look at
what we) have in camera
(Privately) before we decide
what we make public. I have
great respect for Senator EY
yin. I don't think we will have
any problems. He's concerned
about protecting' the rights of
innocent people, just as I am.".
Kleindienst told reporters
he welcomed the press public-
ity on the Watergate case, be-
cause as one who had spent 20
years in polities, he thought,
the "illegal wiretapping" al-
leged to have taken place at
the Democratic headquarters
"is one of the most far-reach.
ing and significant -crimes
against a free society."
He said, however, that he
ought The Washington Post
had ' e.mggerated or distorted
on occasions in its coverage
Ofthe case.
I'You read some of these
'beadlines in The Post and
they had very little to do with
what was in the story,'. the
Attorney General said.
He said he had told Katha-
rine Graham, publisher of The
Post, that "the administration
is being no more unfair to The
Post,"in barring its reporters
from some White House social
events, "than The Post was to
-the administration" in some of
a its reporting on the Watergate
"I told her, 'Don't get so up-
Set. You've got a great paper.
Go ahead and run the .
thing the way' you want. But
:don't be surprised if the Pres'.
dent gets a little upset-,end
does something a little 6.?y to
you in return"
13 JANUARY 1973
Evidence Is Curbed
In Watergate Case
The, U.S. Court of Appeals
ruled yesterday that no evi-
dence concerning the contents
of "allegedly illegally inter-
cepted communications" shall
be admitted in the Watergate
bugging trial except under
conditions outlined in the
court's brief order.
Five officials and employee
of the Democratic National
Committee, saying that some
their conversations may have
,been overheard by a witness
scheduled to testify in the
trial, had asked the Court of
Appeals to, bar testimony
about the contents of the con-
versations from the trial.
Chief U.S. District Judge John
Sirica denied the motion
last week.
The appellate court ordered
that Slrica hold a hearing in
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secret with lawyers for the
prosecution, defense and the
five Democrats present to
hear a description of the testi-
mony before it is given in
open court.
If any objection is raised
but overruled, the court said,
an opportunity shall be given
for the matter to be brought
back to the Court of Appeals'
'before the evidence is admit;
? The court's order was issued
by Chief Circuit Judge David
L. Bazelon and Circuit Judged,
.1. Skelly Wright. Circuit
Judge George M. MacKinnon
dissented, saying that the dec1.
sion about whether the evi-
dence should be admitted is
one for the trial judge to dei
eide "without any interim,
right of appeal" by persons it4
the case. ; ? 4.1,
Approved For Release 2001/08/07; CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
18 January 1973
Veil Over Watergate .;
1! ,Chief Federal Judge John J. Strici spoke for a hot
,Incredulous observers at the Watergate: trial. when he,
,old defendant Bernard' Barker that he 'simply. did ' noti
believe his Story that $114,000 had ,arrived in, unmarked
envelepes from sources unknown. Since then the defense'
has inoVed from the intredibleto the outrageous. It has,
presented the court with the extraordinary doctrine.that
. anyone who, Correetly incorrectly, imagines lilrhseli.
.or his friends to bein 'some sort of danger is thereby:,
'justified in breaking the law. . ?
' In' enunciating, this legal version of the protective"
reaction ? strike, defense counsel' Gerald ?Alch. tried to.
'cloak his clients, acts of political espionage in a mantle
Of patriotism. The violence which the defendants wanted
to intercept, he said, would have been directed' egaintt'
"Republican officials, including but not limited to, 'the;
President."' .
? ? Far from protecting high officials against violence, the
validation of his thesis, would constitute art open hunting!
license for every fanatic to take the law into .his own'
hands. Guided only by hallucinations akin to the' rint1=,'
Castro fanaticisny that 'motivated the hirelings in the.; '
Watergate plot, any individuals o4 groups Could feel free,
to take up arms or utilize .any other repressive measures
their- paranoid suppositions' dictated. Such a political'.
law of the jungle ?might readily lead from 'protective'
espionage to defensive assassination. ? .
The need becoMes intleasingly plain for extending the
!investigation beyond, the .case of the hirelings rloW ort
trial.' The significant 'question in the unraveling of the:
Watergate scandal it leis who 'carried out the orderS:
.than who issued them. ? , , ? .??
? The courtroom scenario . that has frustrated 'Judge
Sirica's efforts to extract Illuminating or even believable?
answers is all too transparent The Rite defendants, whO
pleaded guilty to everything in order not to have to telt
anything, acted in the tradition of an internatiOnal espio-
nage apparatus that considers caught agents expendable.'
13 January 1973
Behind 'Watergate-7m-
An air of unreality surrounds the Watergate political
espionage trial. The prosecution, in presentin,g its case,
:went out of its way to portray the defendants' alleged
offenses as something of a Republican protectivweac-,
tion strike against villainy anticipated from President,:
? Nixon's Democratic opposition. Earl J. Silbert, the
Assistant United States Attorney, said in his opening,:
' statement that the assignments given to the defendants
,resulted from concern that "extremists" Might disrupt'
, campaign appearances by Cabinet officers and others
serving as surrogates for Mr. Nixon.
Such points, one would think, might more appro-
priately have been made by the defense. Coming from
the prosecution, they underscore the awkward nature of.,
a trial in which the Administration's Department of? '
Justice conducts the prosecution of criminal acts' com4i
mitted in the cause of re-electing that same Admin-
istration. ?
? Final judgment Concerning the proceedings must, of 4
course, be deferred until the trial of all seven defendantel
.'has ? been concluded. But it is disconcerting that E.'i
Howard Hunt Jr.,. former White ,House consultant, who
?'played a Major role 'in the break-in and eavesdropping ,
' conspiracy, appears to have been permanently removed .
,from .questioning in open court by, 'pleadieg, guilty to t
l'hat analOgy it made stringer by `indications that the*
,invisible masters of the plot intend to compensate their'
,exposed Mercenaries for any temporary sacrifice of their
freedom. . ?
? ?
? ,The guilty pleas entered by the five self-confessed
political spies do not of I themselves raise any legal;
barriers to their recall at witnesses in the trial of the,
two remaining defendants. It is doubtful, however, that,
their enforced' testimony ' would gerve' any purpose in:
getting at those crucial questions that go beyond their
personal law-breaking. The prosecution, after all, repre-`
gents the Justice Department of the same Administration
whose re-election the defendants sought to advance,
through their illegal activities.
? ?
? A trial, in any event, is an "Inadeqtiate'in,:stk-urnent
for probing all the ramifications 'of a political scandal iti
;Which no charges have been leveled against the string-
pullers responsible for planning and financing the whole
operation.. puestions beyond the guilt of the defendants
?assuming that the prosecution had much stomach: JO
ask them-7--might indeed he, difficult to .sustain cArei
objections by !defense counsel. ? That' transfers to' the
?Senate the task of getting to the bottom Of this ominous
affair after the present trial ends. The aim of its inquiry;
should be td bypass the cloak-and-dagger hallucinations'
*of the hired spies and to .identify the chain of command
that Issued the Orders and provided the funds. Tho prior
guilty pleas of the defendants in Judge Sirica's court,
would make it possible for the Senators, to question,'
,them Without the protective cover of self-incrimination.i
? Senator Sam J...,Ervin has' already asked the Justice
Department and' Other agencies to safeguard "all pertli
nent 'public and ? nonpublic documents" 'bearing on, the
'Watergate case. As one who long ago expressed serieus!
concern,' over: the erosion of Civil liberties' through'
growing' resort to political espionage, . Ervin Cart,
find In the, Watergate scandal an opportunity for expos.;
tag to full publid scrutiny, a, subveraion of the political
process that ieust not he allowedito happen again.
'ill the 'charges 'against' 'MM.' Even though the GOreini.1 ?
ment has said ,that it would , seek to summon him later.
'before a grand jury for questioning about his knowledge
of the Watergate affair, it appears that the jury amt.,'
the public have been denied access?perhaps pertne.,,?,
.nently--7--to a major source of information.
The question that cries out for answer is not Who,'::
? were the hired agents but who hired them. The cast;
of characters on trial had connections 'that reached
,at least to the President's outer office. The funds used-41
and substantial amounts are still unaccounted for--
appear to have come from safes and checkbooks under
the control 'of former Cabinet officers.
Because these entanglements come so. close to the
White House, the appointment of a special and inde-1
pendent prosecutor would have done much to bolster
confidence that the court proceedings would be 'con-
ducted with vigor and detachment. Now, only the most ,
intensive questioning of witnesses can assure the public ?
that, in the aftermath of this disgraceful . and bungled
affair, 'the hirelings will not be sacrificed 'for the pro-
tection' of higher authority. What 15 involved' in this
?case is not merely an irregularity 10 an election canvq,
palgn that is past and gone; the issue is the Integrity
and credibility of an Administration that must continue`-1
to be* accountable to the American people for, the next,
, , ? ? .
? four years.
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Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
18 JANUARY 1973
Nixon Unit's Miami Apartment
Listed in Barker Address Book
By Bob Woodward
and Carl Bernstein
Washington Post Staff writers'
An apartment rented by
President Nixon's re-election
committee in Miami is listed
lin,the address book of Ber.
nard L. Barker, one of the men
who pleaded guilty in the,
Watergate bugging trial Mon-,
The address book, intro
duced as evidence in the trial
yesterday, lists a two-bedroom
apartment and phone number
in the Octagon Tower apart-
ments, 1881 Washington Ave.,
Miami Beach.
Three of the men indicted
with Barker worked for el-
ther the White House or the
Commmittee for the Re'-elec-
tion of the President?both of
which have denied any role
in the bugging. The entry in
the address book is the. first
Indication that Barker may
have had direct contact with
other officials working in the
President's re-election cam
pal gn.
The apartment manager said
last night that the apartment
was rented as a clerical office
to Steven D. Nostrand, 27, of
the Republican Convention
Nostrand was in charge of
arrangements for young sup-
'porters of the president at-
tending the party's national
convention last summer. He
Is listed on the official pay-
roll of the Committee for Re-
election of the President as
A member of the convention
Spokesmen for three Miami
ittea colleges have said that
two ,of the other Watergate
defendants ? Eugenio R.
Martinez and Frank A. Sturgis
sought convention housing
for nearly 3.500 Young Repub.
'leans last spring.
Nostrand could not be
reached for comment last
night, but last June he said
he knew nothing of attentpts
by the two men to find con-
vention housing for young
supporters of the President or
Young Republicans.
Powell Moore, formerly a
spokesman for the Committee
for the Re-election of the
President and now a member
of the Inaugural Committee
staff, said last night he did not
"have the slightest idea" why
the address and phone number
of Nostrand's office would be
4n Barker's address book.
Barker's address book also
tentained the following entry:
"Lawrence O'Brien, Sonesta
,Hotel, Gulf Stream Suite. Hey
'Itiscayne Pt, Feb. 21-22-23,
'tVarrettf Airport Inn, #303.".
.1 The chief prosecutor in the
Watergate case said last week
that Lawrence F. Oltrien, the
former.' chairman of the Na-
tional Democratic Committee,
was a primary target' 'of the
spying operation allegedly con-
ducted by? the seven men
indicted in the .case.
An official at the Miami
Sonesta Hotel said last night
,that 'O'Brien was not at 'the
hotel from Feb. 21 to*.23," but
?that other Democratic Party
'officials stayed in the . hotel's
Gulf Stream suite on those
:dates.. ?
Warren is the alias used by
'former White House aide E.
Howard Hunt Jr.,' who pleaded
guilty in the 'Watergate case
'last week, court records show,
,The Miami. Airport Inn 15
about '30' minutes drive frern
the Sonesta Hotel. ,
The night Manager at' the
'AirPort Inn said hist night
Pat he could not obtain the
records to see if there was it
person -named Warren reg-
istered there during those
? It is known that Hunt; using
the alias Edward J. Warren,j
'stayed at the Dupont Plaza ,1
Hotel in Miami 10 days earlier t.
irom Feb. 11 to 13.
A pop-u0 address book be-
longing to Eugenio It. Maatl-
hoz; another Watergate ? de-
fendant, has the name and ad.
dress of the man in charge of
electrical and telephone ar-
rangements at the Miami hotel
used by, the Demoerats, during
their National Convention in
"Jul3r., ?
, Martinez', address book was
Ihtroduced Into ? evidence Itt,
? t
the tHai yesterday. The-entfri
,Fernando Madrigal, 1202'
NW 31st Ave, FOunt'ainbliai
'Hotel, 649-1007."
Madrigal, 32, was readied Al
his home last night by Wei
Phone and said that he is thel
:assistant chief engineer ',for!
'the FountainbleaU Hotel. ' Hei
'said that he doeS not 'knot
.Martinez and does not' have
any knowledge of the WaterY
'gate case. ?
Madrigal said that he is in
charge of 'everything' "front'
'electricity tO plumbing,", and,
specifically worked with the'
,electrical contractors handling
!the conventions ? for both?,
'political parties. The Fountain-)
Ibleau Hotel was the headt
quarte'rs for both Democratil
,,and,Republicans at theit
Men conventions last surt4
Though Madrigal's name la;
clearly listed in the address)
'book, which :has been in the!
,harris of the, FBI for six
'Months, Madrigal said lad
,night that he has never beeti
$questioned b Ythe FBI or fln
Ow enforcement officL3Is1
i!about the matter. "
Prida'y, Jen. 19, 1973 THE WASffloGION POST
Debate on Ta ed Talks
By Lawrence Meyer
, Washington Post Staff Writer
, The Watergate bugging trial
was stalled yesterday as the
U.S. Court of Appeals took up
,the question of whether a key
'government witness should be
allowed to testify about the
contents of conversations he
said he monitored.
The hearing was sought. by
Charles Morgan Jr., a lawyer
for five officials and employ-
ees of the Democratic Party
who said their telephone con-
versations were monitored by
Alfred E. Baldwin III, a key
government witness in the
Watergate trial. .
Baldwin testified Wednes-
day that he was hired last May
by James W. McCord Jr.,
then the security coordinator
for the Committee for the Re-
election of the President, and
directed to monitor telephone
conversations in the Demo-
cratic Party's Watergate head-
quarters from a hotel across
:the street.
McCord is on trial with G.
Gordon Liddy, another former
election committee official, on
charges of conspiracy, bur-
glary and illegal wiretapping
and eavesdropping in connec-
tion with the June 17 break-in
'at the Democratic Party head-
' , quarters. Five other men, in-
cluding former White House
atergate 1 ri a
aide E. Howard Hunt, have
pleaded guilty to the charges/
The Court of Appeals ruled
last week that testimony about
the contents of the ,conversa-
tions that Baldwin overheard
could be admitted in the trial
only after the trial judge,
Chief U.S. District Judge John
J. Sirica, held a closed hearing
to determine what would be
If anyone objected to the
disclosures and if Sirica over-
ruled the objections, the Ap-
pellate Court ruled, the mat-
ter would be brought back to
it for immediate review. That
happened Wednesday, and the
court heard arguments yester-
day without reaching a deci-
Morgan, a lawyer for the
American Civil Liberties Un-
ion, argued that if the prose-
cution were allowed to go into
the contents of the conversa-
tions at all, defense lawyers
would have a right to open the
subject up for full discussion
on cross-examination.
Morgan repeated his conten-
tion that the government does
not need to go into the con-
tents of the conversation to
prove its case.
Prosecutor Earl J. Silbert
said that if the defense *ere
barred from cross-examining
'witnesses on the contents of
the " conversations,
"compelling argument" cciuld.
be made by the defense 'ap-
peal that a defendant had
been denied his constitutional
rights. '
Complaining about the
"unprecedented into'ruption,
with orderly conduct of the ,
trial" that the Appellate Court,
had caused, Silbert also re-
peated his contention that the,
Court of Appeals was in "too
abstract" a position to decide,
what should or should not be,
admitted in evidence.. '
Lawyers for McCord and
Liddy split on whether the
contents of the conversations
should be discussed. McCord's
lawyer, Gerald Alch, sided
with Morgan, arguing ,that it
would not help his client tO
have the contents of the overt
heard conversations disclosed.
Liddy's lawyer, Peter Mac,
mills, said he wanted the con..
tents introduced and asserted
his right to cross-examine wit,
nesses on the contents of con-
Since the sequestered jury
began hearing arguments tine,
testimony in the case on Jan.
10, it has sat for only ? three
full days, hearing testimony
for only a portion of two other
days and no testimony on two.
days. The jurors are not giveni
an explanation as to why they:
are not in court.
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13 JANUARY 1973
ri 2d Jury Selected for Ellsberg Trial
From News Dispatches
, 11 LOS ANGELES, Jan..12 ?,-A
ritirY "of ? 10' women ' arid two
i. then, including a Vietnam war
keteran, was chosen today to
:try:Mantel tlIsberg and An-
.4 flint* Rutile in the. Pentagon
Vatted' cam. '
It was the second jury to be
fselected, ,The , first panel,
I !warn last summer, was dis-
Abissed after a four-month
trial recess while appeals were
! made to higher courte; ? '
k..;:o5 .' ' their
right to . protection against
1 double liopardy in. order to
; get a new jury. ?
I. Ellsberg, 41; and Russo, 35,
pth former .4.eseatehers 'on
bvernment projects, are
arged . with espionage, , con-
1.? ti ? . ? ,.. ? '
spiracy and theft of govern-
ment property in connection
with the leak to news media in
1971 of secret documents de-
tailing the origins of U.S. in-
volvement in the Indochina
Both have acknowledged
their role in releasing the pa-
pers but say they broke no
Six alternate jurors re-
mained to be chosen. Tire trial
was expected to get into open-
ing statement's and the :first
federal government. ?witnesses
sometime next week. ? , ? .
It required eight days to
pick the 12 regular jurors.
They and those who were dis-
missed were questioned at
length about theit attitudes
toward the Vietnam war and
whether they had formed Any
opinions in the case: ,
Six of them said that either
the United States should get
out of Vietnam or the war
should somehow end. Three
others said they did not like
war in general or that they do
not like people being ldlled.
The remaining three had no
opinion or said they did not
know enough about the war to
have one.
The jurors approved by both
government and defense attor-
neys were:
Cora Neal, a widow and
draftswomen for a telephone
company; Jean E. Boutelier, a
housewife; Donna R. Kelps, a
former nurse's aide; Joan B.
Duggings, a housewife; Dulcy
Embree, a former professional,
jazz pianist; Anna Saunders, a
postal employee; Margaret
Kaschbue, a part time comit-
ies saleswoman; Lupe Vas-
quez, a seamstress; Phyllis
Ortman, a secretary, and Dar-
lene Arneaud, an electronics
assembler. '
Others were Monellis Pitt-
' ;
7 January' 1973 .
man, an automobile atsemblyl
man, and Wilfred 13altodano,
lOartiailY disabled Vie*
Three of the jurors are
Baltodano, at 25, appeared
to be the yoUngest member of
the panel. ? ? ?
Ellsberg and'Russo left court
at noon.
"I'm in love with this jury,sii
exclaimed Russo'. "I think
a great jury."
Ellsberg said, "We're ready;
to go into trial now. Our fatti
Is in their hands and I think,
to a large extent the libertieV
ef all of ug are in' their handS.1
A think ? they're in very good:
He ? added that 'he ivasi
pleased at the preponderance.'
of women on the jury, saying,
'Women as a whole. have
clearer eyes about this war ...I,
they are' more skenUcal.abbitt.
this war," ,
Pentagon Papers: Constitutional Issues
, Froth the moment the Pentagon
Papers were revealed to the public
lehne, 1971, grave issues concern-
ing; freedom of the press have been
,inseparably linked With debate
o'er the conduct of the Vietnam
war. In a way, this has been an
apt concurrence because the presa,
ast,en institution, has been fore-
Intiat in challenging attempts by
lliC,..government to justify our in-
:volvement in Southeast Asia. If the
;government is to be held account-
able for its miscalculations and
deceptions, then the press must be
?prepared to defend the provocative
role it has played in this tragic
history. Yet this process has had
itC'dangers, too, especially as the
issues have been removed from
? the arena of public debate to the
courts of law. It is a murky busi-
ness at any time to try to deter-
:mine where the public's right to
, Wow 'conflicts with the govern,
? mht's claimed need to protect via,
'. Atonal security interests. It is even
: more, troublesome during a period
of.war, when government is most
tempted to take a restrictive view
of First Amendment rights Of
speech and press.
The Nixon administration, which
has an illiberal record in regard
to the First Amendment, imposed
prior restraint on a newspaper by
'enjoining ? the New York Times
from publishing excerpts of the
Pentagon's secret recounting of the
Vietnam war. This, was prior cen-
sorship, of a type, we have been
taught to deplore in authoritarian
regimes, and even though the Su-
preme Court threw out the govern-
ment's case the administration did
succeed in delaying publication for
a few days.
In the New York Times case,
the Supreme Court found that the
government had failed to prove
that national security interests
were threatened sufficiently to jus-
tify prior restraint of expression.
It did not, however, preclude the
government from pressing charges
of conspiracy, theft and violation
Of ,the Espionage. Act against the,
newspapers Involved and the schol-
ars, Daniel Eilsberg and Anthonyq
J. Russo, Jr., whg were instru-
mental in makibg the "Pentagon;
Papers available 'to the media.
According to a New York Times;
report, the government is seeking
the conviction of Ellsberg ' and
Russo on very narrow questions,
involving what it describes as
legal use of government property.i
Defense attorneys, however, ,are'
reported to be interested' In broad,
questions relating to the rights not I
Only of newspapers but of persona
who co-operate with newspapers for
the public interest, as they see IL
The Eilsberg-Russo defense is
justified in using whatever legal..
arguments and devices are avail-
able to it. But it should be kept in
mind that if the government wins
this case, the Nixon administration
and the federal courts may be- ,
come ever bolder in trying to break
past constitutional proteetionS ,and
shield laws designed to protect
newsmen, their sources and the'i
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t 18 January 1973
US. Sees Ellsberg Issue
As Simple Case of Theft
Special to The New York Timei
LOS ANGELES,' Calif., Jan. to the national defense in
1 ?The Pentagon papers trial,
considered by many to be a
landmark constitutional case,
'I opened today with the Govern-
' Merit attempting to make it a
simple case of theft.
The chief prosecutor, in a
courtroom crowded with 150
spectators, including about' 20
uniformed Vietnam veterans
who are opposed to the war,
said in hls opening statement
to the jury:
"We will present no wit-
nesses in evidence to litigate
' the war; we will not present
any evidence on the infor-
mation policies of the Govern-
ment or evidence on whether
the Government has withheld
information about the war?
withheld too much, too little."
Nor will the Government
present evidence on "the de-
fendants' reasons; motives do
not excuse doing something
wrong," said the cheif prose-
cutor, United States Attorney
David R. Nissen.
:lather, the Government will
present a simple case charging
that Dr. Daniel Ellsberg and
his codefendant, Anthony J.
' Russo Jr., stole and received
"guarded" classified informa-
tion, information that was
classified by duly constituted
18 Volume History
The documents involved are
18 volumes of the Pentagon
papers, a Defense Department
-history of United States involv-
? trent in Southeast Asia; a 1988
memorandum by Gen. Earl C.
Wheeler, then chairman of the
? Joint Chiefs et' Staff, and a
1954 memorandum on the Ge-
neva accord. Dr. Ellsberg and
' Mr. Russo are charged With 15
;Counts of espionage, theft and
,conspiracy in the case.
Mr. Nissen made use of slides
' that were projected onto a wall
In the courtroom.
There was a slide that listed
the various persons and agen-
'cies that had contributed to the
"guarded" papers: the Presi-
dent, the National Security
'Council, the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Commander in
Chief, Pacific; the Military As-
sistance Command in Vietnam,
the Department of State, the
Bureau of Intelligence and Re-
search, and several Ambassa-
dors. Each was listed separate
And there was another slide
listing the 15 counts in the in-
dictment, using labels such as
"Ellsberg Steals," "Ellsberg Re-
tains," "Ellsberg Conveys,'
"Rinse Retains," "Russo Re-
"The documents are related
1969," Mr. Nissen said, explains
ing that the term "national de-
fense is a broad one that covers
not only military matters, but
covers things as broad( as the
Interstate highway system."
But, he said, in this cased
the "government is talking
about documents that were
guarded, not lawfully available
to everyone."
The defense, in its opening
broadened the issues consider-
ably to tell the jury that it is
relevant to determine whether
or not the documents involved
should, in fact, have been clas-
sified; to determine whether or
not all the information con-
tained in the documents had not
already been .long in the publie
domain, even if the physical
papers themselves were being
guarded. Th constitutional issue;
as the defense and many auth-
orities see it is th night of the
public to information. ?
Leonard B. Boudin, one of
Dr. Ellsberg's attorneys, gave
the opening speech for the de-
fense. He told the jury that
when Dr. Ellsberg's case was
finally presented "you will
come to conclude that the
revlation of the information [in
the Pentagon papers] to your
Senators and Congressmen was
helpful to the United States."
The motivation b6ind Dr.
Elisberg's action, he said, was
to make the information con-
tained in the papers available
to the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, which did not have
it, and then to the public at
He also said the defense
would prove that more than
100,000 persons have the right
to classify information, and
that this is "an absurdity."
Opening statements are not
arguments. They are, rather,
presentations to the jury on
how each side perceives the is-
sues, and at one point United
States Distriet Court Judge Wil-
liam Matthew Byrne Jr. ad-
monished Mr. Nissen to state
his case, not to argue it.
When the courtroom was
opened today, spectators were
startled to see that a 12-foot-
by-10-foot screen had been put
up facing the judge's bench, but
blocking ut the spectators
view of the proceedings.
Mr. Nissen said that he
needed the screen to give his
opening, but after the defense
objected, Judge Byrne ordered
it removed and made the pro-
secution use one that rolled
down on the courtroom wall
directly opposite the jury box,
: CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
12 JAN 1973
Downing Offered
Look At Peary
:.:FIRST DISTRICT Congressman Thomas
.:N.:.".Downing revealed Monday that he has
been offered "an inch by inch examination of
Camp Peary" by top Central Intelligence
Agency officials. He 'said he intends to "take
them .up on the first opportunity."
.:.DOWNING SAID the offer came during ;
a meeting he initiated with CIA officials last !
week in Washington after reading the story in
,the 'Dec. 22 issue al The Virginia Gazette
...exposing the 10,000-acre base as a training
.facility - for the covert. Special Operations
-Division. Downing had declined comment on
the story until he met with the officials.
' ASKED IF THE CIA had repeated its
.denial of ?allegations that the base was used
for training of assassination cadres and the
testing 'of "mini-nuclear bombs," Downing
replied flint, one of the agency's top officials
had 'made '?'a blanket denial."
, `THEY 'ASSURED me there was no
assas,sination training or 'mini-nuclear.
bombs' at Camp Peary," Downing said:?"I.
feel sure that:that's probably true," he ad..
ded,.leferring to the denial. fie said he has
been on the base before, "in 1967 or 1968."
? ON. FURTHER questioning. Downing
admited.there is no explicit monitoring of
the CIA's operational or policy-making
functions by Congress, although ap-
; propiiations are monitored, by "a Special
subcommittee of the apropriations corn- 1
mittees." He added it is olikely some efforL
will be made in the 93rd Congress to oversee ,
CIA operations., ?
? MEANWHILE, CIA officials continue to !
:heatedly deny the allegations made by author ;
Joe Maggio concerning assassination cadre
training .and "mini-nuclear bombs," A
spokesman in the Office of the Director of the '
Central latt-viligence said ?: Nlanday, ? "Mr.
P.Inggid's allegations that the CIA trains for
I or participates in assassination operations is
entirely untrue. The same applies to any ?
allegation, concerning the agency's contact
with or association with any so-called 'Mini-
nuclear bombs.'"
MAGGIO HIMSELF told the Richmond
Tirne3-Di.;1atch that his contentions of
es:ios-inre inn training and nuclear weipons
heseti on ;:ecend-hand information. ;Jut i
he also said he stands by his sources.
seggested that "if they (the (IA) are ?so
' adamant in the;r denials, they should let a
newsman 20 ifl th&e and see."
' ? - ?t. ? ) i? 111 1 trr'i"ghl'irril.77/,_t 37,777771(,( J ff); r,"""'?
"..k. Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77L00432R0001 '050001.-1'; I !..' ?
? '? .;t
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
Friday, Ian. 19,1973 THE WASHINGTON POSTI
itness Says
Ellsberg I ata
mid Aid Reds
' By Sanford J. Ungar
Woshinston Post Matt Writer
Ments disclosed by Ellsberg'
and Russo related to the
."national defense" and thus
eould not legally be made pub-
On cross-examination, Led,
nerd I. Weinglass, Russo's
thief defense attorney, forced
a concession from the , Army
`general that "the passage of
time" means that, with respect
to some of the material in the
Wheeler report, there is "less
Potential for harm to the tta.:
tional defense."
: DePuy acknowledged, for
example, that after a few
months there would have been
"no value" to the North Viet-
namese in seeing that part of
the Wheeler report which dis-
cussed the 1968 request of
Gen. William C. Westmore-
land, then commander of U.S.
troops in Vietnam, for an ex-
tra 206,000 men.
LOS ANGELES, *Jan. 18?
An Army staff officer testified
today that a top-secret docu-
ment allegedly disclosed by
Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony
toI'. Russo Jr. could have helped
be Vietnamese Communists
Van their. 1972 offensive in
:South Vietnam.
t Lt. Gen. William G. DePuy,
assistant to the Army vice
tbhief of ataff, said that the
North Vietnamese command
In Hanoi would have found it
Interesting and useful" to
have 'access to a 1968 report by
'Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, then
chairman of the Joint Chiefs
;Of Staff.
1 Mils might.well be the best
piece of intelligence they (the
North 'Vietnamese) ever had,"
Depuy said.
, Eight pages of the report,
based on a trip to Vietnam by
! Wheeler, DePuy and seven
'other officials to evaluate the
? effects of the Communists'
' 1968 Tet offensive, were
among the documents that the
government says Ellsberg and
Russo duplicated in 1969 and
' distributed to the press in
Along with the Pentagon
Papers and a Rand Corp.
study of the 1954 Geneva se.
cords, the Wheeler report fig-
ures in the indictment against
Ellsberg and Russo on charges
of conspiracy, espionage and
theft of government property.
The, Vietnamese Commu-
nists, would find the Wheeler
report useful, DePuy testified,
, 'particularly If they intend to
do it (mount an offensive in
the south) again..., and they
did it In 1972."
Staring at the jury of ten
women and two men, DePuY
said, "my belief is, looking at
This document, that It would
be of assistance to them in
planntng a new attack."
There is not expected to be
any evidence in the, case that
the Vietnamese Communists
at any point actually gained
aceess to the Wheeler report
or the other documents before
,their publication.
But DePuy's testimony is
pert of the prosecution's effort
30 demonstrate that, the dim*.
' "It never happened," DePuy
pointed out, referring to Presi-
dent Johnson's decision not to
grant the Westmoreland re-'
quest for an increase In the,
troop ceiling to 731,000..
i3ut DePuy said his opinion
about the most sensitive as-
pects of the Wheeler report, as
a military expert who himself
once had a planning and oper-
ational role in Vietnam, would
not be altered by the fact that
its contents might already
have been "available , to the
,general public."
The defense plans to Show
during the trial that the
Wheeler report was exten-
sively discussed in newspaper
reports in 1968, long before
Ellsberg's and Russo's alleged
Weinglass also alluded to
the fact that the Wheeler re-
port was included in a book
subsequently published by
Walt W. Rostow, who wad
President Johnson's chief na-
tional security adviser.
But the Rostow book was
published only in 1972, and
the jurY is expected to reach
its verdict on the basis of the
facts as they existed at the
time of Ellsberg's actions. De-
Puy said he was not familiar
with the Rostow book.
Weinglass sought to show
that many passages of the
Wheeler report cited by De-
Puy discussed only
"elemental" military strategy
well-known by the North Viet-
namese and everyone else.
civdd labctefkabe 2004008(07 :41A-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
'the fact that if the Conutiti-
nitts attacked South Vietnam-
ese cities, Saigon's forces
,would have to defend them,
,selves there and leave the
"tountryside vulnerable.
"Didn't they (the North
'Vietnamese) know that
already?" Weinglass asked. ?
"They might have though
It," DePuy answered, "bet
,they would be delighted to
have it confirmed by the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff."
?DePuy, who will continue
testifying Friday, was the gov-
ernment's second witness
against Ellsbergand Russo.
? The first was Frank A. Bar-
time, assistant general counsel
of the Defense Department,
who revealed that only after
the Pentagon Papers were
Published in ?the press 19
months ago did his depart-
ment "ahelyze and evluate"
them to determine whethei.
they actually related to the fie,
tional defense.
1?.,,,,Bartimo said that the ands&
ida Was completed "toward
the latter part of 1971."
In June of 1971, however,
the Justice Department was in
federal court in New York,
Washington and Boston, argu-
ing that newspapers should be
prevented from publishing the
top-secret history of the U.S.
role in Southeast Asia because
of the clear relationship to na-
tional defense interests,'
Chief prosecutor David R
Nissen said he had already
privately submitted the Eke:
fense Department analysis...A
known as a "damage report"?
. W. Matt Byrne Jr.
When Bartimo inspected the
. 1
to U.S. District Court Judge
report submitted to Byrnei?
however, he said it was not the
correct one, and he was or-
dered to produce the actual.
"damage report" in court bk:
' \ The defense seeks access tel
!the report as part of its effort:
' 0,10 show that the Pentagon Pal
pers did not relate to the titoi
dional defense and should not'
have been classified ifi thO
ilirat place.
; 18 JANUARY 1973
e' ,e ms ile
By Maxine Cheshire
t... CIA director Richard Helms, who pie,sumably-already!
has the top sectirity clearance in government, is nfver-t-
theless undergoing an ingestigation by the FBI beforei
he can be named the new. U.S. Ambassador to Iran. \
j? And,. if anyone in the, FBI believes what its agents'.
!have been told about Helms, he may never be confirmed,
!for the diplomatic post. ?
'According to Helms' wife, Cynthia, many of their.
.? ;friends thought it was. a joke when they began getting
?.`queries from FBI agents who were asking all .kinds of
probing, personal quettions.
So, believing it to be a' hoax, many Ofthose quizzed
Thade up outrageous, fanciful answers'. , ,
1.... Some gleefully called Helms' later, to relay. to him thei
!dreadful "suspicions" and "damaging innuendos" they
!Said they had voiced about him. Others wrote him let;
'ters front afar to inform him they had gone' along with.
Awhat they believed to be ft good gag and, 'acecordinglyi4
?divulged the worst fiction their minds could conjure.
`1.. ? 'Imagine," says Mrs. Helms ruefully, 'what our IVO
is going to look like!" ,
. ? 4ifj
?' If Helms has any way of getting a, peek at his nwtir:
'dotsier, he hasnst mentioned it 'tit 'home' '
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
The Washington Merry-Go-Ro-nnd THE WASHINGTON POST Thuraday,..lanill, 1973 s'
Watergate Defendants Might Talk s
publishers through an agent
about doing a book after the
By Jack Anderson
Some of the defendants in
the Watergate trial are send-
ing quiet signals to the Nixon
administration that they may
start talking before they'll go
to prison.
' Sources close . to fOrmer
White House advisers G. Ger-.
don. Liddy and E. Howard
Bunt. say both men have dron,
ped hints, intended for White
House ears, that they have
seine embarrassing revelations
they could tell. (Hunt pleaded
guilty yesterday to three
charges in the Watergate
matter.) They want to get
across the message that they
don't intend to ? take the rap
for, the who di-
rected the Republican espio-
nage-sabotage operations.
Bernard Barker, who ? re.
erilited the wiretap crew that
broke. into Democratic head.;
quarters, has also ? let it be
known that he is preparing to
write a book about his expert.,
einces. Sources in touch with'
him have passed the word that,
the book could be highly em-
barrassing if he is left. "to rot,
in Jail" for carrying out or-
ders. 1
One of Barker's boys, Frank
Sturgis, has also sounded out
Defense sources say that
Henry Rothblatt, the. high.
powered attorney for four of
the men caught at gunpoint
inside Democratic headquar.
ters, is. also unhappy. He, is
quoted as complaining. that
?the higher-ups haven't deity-
:erect-all' the money-they prom.
lsed fOr thedefense.
..? One problem, say these
sources, is that congressional
investigators are subpoenaing
the bank records of everyone
involved in the Watergate ca-
per. This makes it necessary
for the secret benefactors 'to
? deal strictly' in cash.
The $10,000 in, greenbacks,
found on the body of Hunt's
wife after she died in a' Chi.'
cage. airliner crash, was part
of the secret defense fund; the
sources acknowledge.
None of the defendantS
would make a statement for'
he recOrd. Rothblatt has re;
tised to discuss where the
money for the defense is corn-
ing from.
Aan Clemente Styles
While ordinary narcotics
agents risk their lives in
The Washington Merry-Go-Roam'
shootouti with smugglers
around the world, President
Nixon's favorite drug fighters
are having fun in the sun at
San Clemente, Calif.
The lucky fee/ are the
bosses of the Drug Abuse Law
Enforcement office, which the
President set up personally to
fight narcotics on the street
They flew down to San Cle.
mente at considerable expense
to the taxpayers to discuss the
narcotics problem. But much
Of their time has been spent,
frolicking in yachts, fishing
'boats, bars and heated swim-
ming pools.
'A private note to the confer,
;tea and their wives not only
destribes the fun to be had
'hnt tell them how to dress
for it. The dress code, which
reads more like' Emily Post
than a decree to tough narcet.
Ics agents, advises delicately:
"For dinner with Attorney
General Kleindienst, gentle-
men will wish to wear their,
best business suits suph as
mitght be appropriate for 'an
appearance in federal district
"For meetings on Western
White House grounds, the ap.
propriate dress will be suiti,
or sports jackets with ties.%
You will find use for golfing,
tennis, swimming, fishing,'
boating and-or 'touring at-
'tire . . .
' "The ladies will be at liberty
ivith their husbands on Tues.
.day and Wednesday afternoon.
Swimming in the heated pool
will be popular, rain or shine.
'It is expected that a short
Yacht 'voyage will be offered,
ln which event the skipper
; will appreciate the wearing of
.soft-soled shoes."
For evening affairs, accord.
ling to the dress edict, "a silk
or wool suit or a cocktaii
dress" would be approprlatii.
for the wives. "At the coneltql.i
int dinner on Wednesday eveA
fling, well-dressed ladies wilk
appear in dresses or pantil
sults appropriate to the !irk-
class yacht club locale."
From San Clemente,
spokesman said the Balbot(
Bay yacht Club dinner hadi
been canceled because most oft
the 60 conferees had left fort'
home. As for frolicking in tile.
sun, he insisted that their pritt
'nary mission was to work.
0 1973. United Feature *40%0
THE WASHINGTON POST Monday, Jan. 15,1973
Hunt, Urged Gui4y Pleas in Bitgging.i
By Jack Anderson
We can now idled more light
on the backstage efforts to
persuade the Watergate de-
fendants to plead guilty and
save the White House the em.
harrassment of a public trial.
? On Dec. 26, we reported that
the Justice Department had
discreetly sounded out some
of the defendants about enter-
ing guilty pleas. The prosecu.
tors were cautious in their
conversations with defense
lawyers. But more direct mes-
sages were relayed through E.
iHoward Hunt, the former
'White House aide and CIA
At first, the defendants held
,out for a softening of the
charges. The five who were
I caught inside Democratic
1 'headquarters, for example,
wanted the break-in charge re-
duced to illegal entry. This
would have made their offense
a simple misdemeanor.
Any cutting back ? of the
'charges, however, would have
looked like a fix. So instead,
the mystery men behind the
Scenes used pressure and per-
suasion. They also alternately
stopped and resumed tile cash
payments that had been prom-
ised to the defendants.
In return, the defendants
hinted they might make some
embarrassing revelations if
they were abandoned. Some
Indicated they might write
books about their experiences,
telling Mi.
Hunt agreed to plead guilty,
apparently with a tacit under-
standing that he wouldn't have
to spend too long in jail: He
privately urged the other de-
fendants to follow his exam-
CIA Visitors
Some of the defendants,
who had been involved with
Hunt in the Bay of Pigs opera-
tion, also received private vis-
its from some of their former
CIA comrades. The visitors
brought expense money and
also offered to make regular
payments to the defendants'
families. A $1,000-a-month fig-
ure was mentioned.
Our sources could not, or
would not, identify the men
behind the scenes. We can re-
port only that most of the
money for the defendant; was
funneled through Hunt. He de-
livered part of the Cash to Ber-
nard Barker, who distributed
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it to the men he had recruited
for the Watergate misadven-
ture. Hunt's wife was carrying
$10,000 In cash when she was
killed in a Chicago airliner
Footnote: At the outset of
the trial, the prosecutors made
a remarkable agreement not
to introduce the most damning
evidence the FBI had dug up.
This was a detailed diary that
one of the defendants, Euge-
nio Martinez, had kept. As a
minor functionary for the
CIA, he was required by the
CIA to keep a retord of his ac-
tivities. Those who have had
access to the diary, however,
tell us Martinez, in true CIA
fashion, used code names to
identify all his contacts and
associates. Nevertheless, the
diary provides an excellent rec-
ord of the espionage opera-
tion at the Watergate.
Pentagon Pipeline
Pentagon Censorship ? The
Pentagon has acknowledged
that orders went out on Dec.
30 to all personnel, civilian
and military alike, to keep
their Mouths shut about mili-
tary activities and peace pros-
pects in Southeast Asia. Not
reported, however,, was the
' 32 ?
sweeping nature of the orde
American pilots flying combs
missions over North V1etnam
for example, were specifIcallt
prohibited from talking t?l
newmen. A special directivi
stipulates: "The no comment
guidance specifically pf
eludes interviews at all level
and with air crews In partioU
lar." Even the Coast Guard,
though it doesn't come undet
Pentagon jurisdiction, submits
ted to the censorship order'.)
Adm. Chester Bender, the!)
Coast Guard commandant, Or,
dered all his people to report ,
press queries not to their 'tuft
perlors in the Transportation;
Department but to the Dee,
tense Department.
Zumwalt's Elephants?Adnt.4
Elmo Zumwalt, the Navy..
chief, recently ordered twco
ceramic elephants delivered
to him from South Viet.",
nam. The tiny pachr4
derms were shipped free of
charge by Pan Am. This hap-
pens to. be patently illegal:,
When we asked the admiral*
office about this, they told uk4,'
he would pay the shipping's
charge. The cost of shipping4t
we have learned, Is more thasi
Zumwalt paid for elephant*
*1971 United Posture Syndlest?
? ,?;.
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : CIA-RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
The Washington Merry-Go-Round THE WASHINGTON POST Mondaydan. 8,1973
Turks Warn on Poppy-Growing Ban
By Jack Anderson
If the United States wants
to keep Turkish heroin off
American streets, it had better
hope that the' present military
dictatorship is not replaced by
a new democratic government.
Either way, the Turks want
the 'U.S. to cough up a whop-
ping $400 million.
This is the secret warning of
Turkish officials who have
told the U.S., in effect, that
drug trafficking may be the al-
ternative to their military
The $400 million is sought to
finance a substitute crop for
Opium and pay compensation
for foreign currency losses.
The U.S. has offered to pay a
more realistic $35 million. But
a secret General Accounting
Office report declares:
"Apparently the $35 million
grant is viewed (by the Turks)
only as an initial payment,
and it can be expected that
Turkey will continue to press
for increased U.S. contri-
The Turkish armed forces
compelled the ruling Justice
Party to give up power in 1971
and replaced it with a council
of generals. Thereafter, the
military junta quickly aP-
proved an agreement with the
U.S. to ban all opium cultiva-
tion in Turkey, which was
growing at least 75 per cent of
the heroin entering the U.S.
Now the Turks have warned
American officials that the
agreement may survive only
as long as their military gov-
ernment. States the secret
"(American officials) were
informed that the ban on
poppy growing was issued by
the current military-backed
government, which was not de-
pendent on popular support.
Whether a freely elected fu-
ture Government of Turkey
would continue the ban is an
open question ?..."
Police Corruption
Classified documents in our
possession also raise the nag-
ging problem of Turkish po-
lice corruption. One case in-
volves Turkish narcotics chief
Abdullah Pektas. Intelligence
reports, stamped "Secret . . .
No Foreign Dissemination,"
saY Pektas met with a major
narcotics trafficker within re-
cent months.
After the meeting,, Pektas
directed lower-level Turkish
narcotics agents to stop har-
assing the trafficker. The in-
telligence reports also suggest
the possibility that Pektas
may have been paid a bribe,
but other officials insist he is
Despite the Suspicion over
Pektas, U.S. narcotics agents
have high respect for the
Turkish national police direc-
tor, Orhan Erbug, whose gen-
ius for developing informants
netted a recent cache of more
than a ton of opium.
Good work by the Turks has
also cut black market
"leakage" from the 1972 opium
crop to less than 20 per cent.
On balance, the secret reports
show the Turkish poppy-ban-
ning experiment seems to be
working. '
Footnote: State Department
officials deny that the Turkish
government has made any for-
mal demand that the U.S.
lock the present military re-/
gime if it wants to prevent a
return to fultscale opium
production. Theoretically, the
military council' will step
down after free elections are
held in Turkey next October.
Washington Whirl
Military Hunt?The military
brass- and their civilian coun-
terparts have made deer hunt-
ing easy. They hold their
hunts on the top-secret Army
base near Woodbridge,?Va
where the deer are penned up
in the base's. heavily guarded'.
preserve. Indeed , the , deei
have become as tame
cattle which graze on nearby ;
farms. If the deer are relul-,]
tent to participate in the butt,
GIs merely run them throUgh
the woods towards the brib-
ers, who pick them off Ilke
carp in a barrel. The Virginia
Game Commission's local,
agent, John Berry, tells us this,
military sport isn't properli,
called "hunting" but should be-
referred to as "a thinning O.
Political Hacks?While Prek:
ident Nixon is promising te ?
trim the bureaucracy, the Fed-'
&al Railroad Administration,
Is,' adding eight regional
"safety directors" at a starting:
annual salary of $25,583 '
apiece. They won't be required.
to take tests or show any rail- :
road experience. Yet they will
have authority over lifelong
railroad men who had to pass.,
stiff civil service exams. The
FRA claims the new men are,
needed to enforce safety,
standards. But our sources say!
what the PRA needs is kno*1-
edgeable workers, not expen)
sive political hacks.
0 1973, United Pestur. 0sfadloath
The Washington Merry-Go-Round THE WASHINGTON POST
Friday, Ian. 12,1973
Terrorists Plot Tel Aviv Plane Dive
By Jack Anderson
The Mack September terror-
ist, who planned the Munich
massacre of Israeli athletes,
are now plotting to hijack an
airliner and crash it into the,
heart of bustling Tel Aviv. '
The plot has been picked up
by intelligence agencies which
Monitor the secret radio bands
Used by the Arab terrorists.
The same intelligence sourcei
intercepted similar ominous
messages shortly before 'fanat-
ics machine gunned the Tel
Aviv airport and, again, before
terrorists staged the? Munich
tragedy. ?
In the earlier instances, the
messages were vague about
where the terrorists would
strike and what exactly they
planned to do. The latest
messages about crash-diving an
airliner into Tel Aviv have
been more specific.
Among others, American se-
curity officials have tipped off
Rep. John Murphy (D-N. Y.),
who has written to President
Nixon about the Arab plot
against Tel Aviv. Murphy will
cite the bizarre scheme as
added evidence of the need
for a stringent anti-hijacking
Murphy has introduced a
bill which would compel the
U. S. to bar commerical plane$.
from any nation that refused!
to prosecute a hijacker led re.a
turn the pirated plane and
ransom at once.
Offensive Urged .
Ainerican military advisers
have urged President Thieu to
mount a new offensive across
the South Vietnamese border
'into neighboring Laos.
They have asked him to fol-
low up the saturation bombing
of the north with a strike
against the Boloven Plateau In
,southern Laos. This is known
Ito be a major staging area for
North Vietnamese attacks.
i The American fadvisers'
promised, ' if Thieu would'
,launch out offensive to support;
It with US. air power. But thili
iSouth Vietnamese 4rmy wa
:sti badly battered during last:
year's Communist offensive.
that Thieu isn't. prepared tiS!
send it back into action.
Although most losses Wei
'been replaced and the army!
is back to full strength, the
,discipline, training and Morale
.of the troops are still lagging.
.Not only are the replacementi
green, but , the ceasefire 'ne-
gotiations have made all troop
tcautious. They don't want t
be the last to die before cease-fire is declared. -
Meanwhile, the Saigon gov-
ernment is drafting men a'
the ,rate of about 18,000
month, but deserters ate lei*:
Ing the army in almost ettint
inumbers. ?
Approved For Release 2001/08/07 : Cli3RDP77-00432R000100050001-1
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