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Approved For Release 2QD21Q~/s1qr4CIA-RDP76-00883R000100140032-8 T1 x.i OTu?a,NT7U 1 O Deputy Director for Intelliucrx co D;:1DLty 11i. w;cwt,r lor Plano Del u?ty T)iracto+ for Sctenco & Tocla: olozy Dcp ty uirescl o? #or Support SUBJECT .r~rchivt;, History, axed .Records 1. Considarabla study and discuoaioaa hau taken ptwc : of t2,co Agency Historical P o-ra:n, and ti Re co.:'ds Ma37 C:a4iexxt"and ~Xrchivos Progrrn#a. Tins rx1rlrnorai~;C ur . will outlino a 9:+^s sIc approach to the into rrelatiohnship of these three subjocts in an of ort to improve tho Agency's porfox:.:nance in all these fields. 2. in essence, the three subjects all record our emprior ., briefing and training now person' el, aYnsve4rinv press or Congressional questions as to the .A-to cy':i rolo in earlier ~:vont.;, e:4c. The problem is to design a systorn which will satisfactorily answer the needs of the future in those fi,:lds with a minimum on-~pendituro of man hours and Z= a&; at pro car.'" In those days of per .onnol ceiili.n s, we obviously cannot dedicate are ar ou .t;s of current manpower to making in7x..e- ciiately available detailed ah rvrars to all contingent questions. On the other hand, some records have direct value to future opoa'Itions and certainly our need to h,a.nd a press or Congressional qua +tions warns us:; of the need to devote an appropriate of :ort in this -direction. 3. In our approach to this problem in this internally cor paart- r entod Agency, it is. as sent is l to decentralize much of the respoaraibil- ity and most of the actual effort. At the same time, . this deee:ntr a li ,a- tion needs to be matched by a, reporting system which will indicate the degree to which minimum standards are net by all units, and a rnecha - nis n by which units can profit by corchanhgye of ex o rienco and by sliar- thg solut "ton . 4. In our analysis, we must clearly recognize different kin.drs of records material and the different purposes we expect them to serve. Some of our records are important. basic reference tools, e. g. , Cl A106-, .Approved For Release 2 /05/1.0 : -CIA-RDP76-00883RO0Q10014003218 ";} Approved For Release 2002/05/10: qlA-RDP,76-00883R000.100140032-8 uom av analyst worlxi .u flloa of raode ato ifo A"rrcluircrnol 4s. ,io o ara formal l ublication;s Sri' the A rency d,_5tribtitcd ci.scswhcrc in tho 4;ovornw rY. rACI'iri ti'U''L.1 sources fai3,l~lt'ti:.~:1d'Jn. i:+U!'ao arb C"?w;X"wtkUYA+`a.l :'eCr3:.'dG and dC)C'CJi- mei,its. Some of our r view, of past Qvont arc cas ntialky ch7 onicloo o thc:~o ovcntz' Which havo value to now a.r Yval . 4Som'o should be ana- lytical : avicvrsr drawing loss ono and CuixCluziona. 01AT zysto i a houid re- floct theso diffe.reacos if it is to do tho job needed. 5. The following over'-all approach teals s uatioi-4 bas 'boon do.. voloped for implorriontation 4hroCIg14 tho 8: a'xi3C13ui1'i13 "t't+Ei in'kdiCaated; (a) X'. co:.c7s_ ,~tinr,,,:emo rli` 25X1A (1) Tho Rocords Mana.gomont Board, with rc prezonta- Lion from each .Dig: cctorato, will report its concl,u'-Aon;s, 1'ocorn- ?mendationi, etc. , (with any dis ents) throctly to the E3 ccutivo Director. The Deputy D1+3Ctor for MuPPoi't will remain 41 a-411- istrativoly re ipoonciblo for the over -all Record-.,s Management l-'i'o ra-m while each :Ol `ctorato will rora In r o, 4.poa iiblo b r the Recorde, Management Pro ;ram within its, own lei;: ector te. The Chairman o,&' the a ccord z~ Management Board will be the Agoncy Records A01miaiatration O ficer, adminietra4ivelyy re- sponsible to the DDS through the Support Sor vlcea Staff. T ho Record a~'1raY2,'{j~ ra ent Board will make uomi-annual rcipcrtu to the E' ocutlvo Diroctor, outlining; the statue of the A ;ency' cz Recorda Mana,,omorA Prog rare, any problonta it $.r t~srlnra.^ionci:n3 and its rraco;;mnondations for improvement of the pro; rare ("in1- A.1? , cluding ropoi: i:s on 1. ecords Management to be eubmtt od by the Diractoratas). The l .ocutivo Director will consult with the Deputy Directors before irnple renting any such rocommonda- tion . (2) The Agency l,,eco cde Aclsnint tratim-4 Of cor will be a non-voting member of the Agency In ormation Se's; oces:iirk Board, w th authority to submit a enda itoY'n and UCt Yr:YCitaYickr~ - tione to the I nforma.tion Procucgszina Board. 110 will particular- ly bring to the attention o the Information Processing Board those awpects of the Agency'3 Record MaunagCmomt. 1 io Lar1'i which ohould he cem6"idcYed by the Information Procaslin Board, with any reconmmendations for support of the Agency Record Management Program requiring Information Procoosing Boar d action. i:C will similarly n ake available to the Records Man- agement Board all it orr mation corning, before the Inforimation Approved For Release 2002/05/10 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100140032-8 ~+V ih ?f.n7m /'fir rtm ~, ~~ (l~/`i~Y YII'Y`'J LIY"~~ ~ Y.?r~~in Approved For Release 2002/05/10 : CIA-RDP76-0,0883R000100140032-8 . Pxoco{auinZ Board which 1n.i ht ba o valu3 or loo appropriately contsidor od by the Agency l .ocords Mana ;onneiat Board and itu rna=:bor a. (3) The .4'GC Corth i :~1 4; t:7Cr1ont Z card will develop reco n-" rnonta~atioa1 FA O cato ;43:`ie o Agency reCordi, (Loch ao the cato- gcyrias i.aaila.ra 4 ., a.bova, k"sZua any others doomed aiJprOpri.bawQ) and as to spoc fic -uldelxno; for 4 a selection and re::Gntie w of records in these catty oa ioc;. There , uidalineo should also where appropriate taclu va time pOrtods for ru Curtion ic, 7 C a te- gor y and indicate Q' poa!13on thol oaf or , and icnc udes ap'propr i - o al and ecutive requi:: om.ontc ato z;ra0a sur os to comply with 10--'al, for retention and 64cla c:x ication. In particular, rocom'menda- Lions should be made as to the idc nthicatwioix of sate oriels w hich rrzi t tired as class+i ied Govi rnmallt docu- mOnts under GSA auspices or passad to the National Ar chivOw, y a.thar than bald s alvly under CIA control to protect tutolligenco' sources and my ""ho d s. (1) Annual, 1 ;acr.P t : To provide the necessary chronicle of of the Agency's ac ivities at Y'c:.ia'lhnura a onditur0 oi' effort, a sys- tem or annual reports of the units and offices of t1he Agency will be dovolopod. Those will be a, part of the annual pro ;ram proposal subrnittod by units in response to the program call, covering significant-ovcrlts within the unit durixn ; the previous year. The identification of the elements to ttubn'Iit those annual reports and an outlino of their format will be dovolop d by the Office. of PPI5 in coordination with the Deputy Directors. These annual reports should highlight major accomplishrx onts, major problems and over- .all conclusions and recommendations for future action in the unit itself or by eleianen4 supporting or associated with it. (c) Arch (1) In t ho process of compiling its Annual Report, each unit submittizn ; such a report will identify its key documents or the year Izn question for permanent inclusion in Agency Archives. The Records .14anagement Board will develop tile system or systems by which such documents can bo Identified on a s stemat c basis during the year for refrercnc.o in the Annual Report. The Annual Report will provide an occasion for an over-all review to insure that the documents marked for archival retention are neither occeasivo in detail nor iza- comploto through omissions. Approved For Release 2002/1 0-: C[,A-R 6-008838000100140032-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/10 : CIA,R P,76 OQ. 8 Q100100140032-8 (2) Azi A ency Arch1vrist will bey appointed to r~u1 0 r- vx6e the Agency' xi .%1 chtvea Pro rci,zn, and will report d'ir ec'.ly to the .C. e cu tivo, Decor ? No will be a r.iornber oZ the chi r;o c Racox ds Man ,,anacnt Board and will coordinate the e e~~ e~ io:a 1:~ .~.IL7+"~Lid? .4.i.L,e W.1.iL.1a 4ao (`JLn ta'a 'tD .1"5 n.1.'Syhxwri3s A ,~. ~.Y;~, L~ ! r .+ga1 ^t3 Mw~a, '"-ota.~.Y~. ~'' t4A'l.'iH-5 e ar; work in close coot dinatioa with the Agency Records M .an m nt'; O 4'icor and the A c,,i cy -i.`L ir;OJ ]1. Archiv.iut will be appointed by `dic Deputy D'tr ector o in thoir Mr ccto. The "Offiice Ifl toA y" approach to date, which has been largely successful in i.x?ing- ing our history up to 1965, will no loner be the major facu.:, of the programs a .s One chw of future Agency activity . r leer t.~ ~a1C3 annual r~, nt. t , will i 1..~li..G'i ~ lace ~ui2Gti..~ ;~Diw ayst cx'1"ll U7."s~.l.'aa~:C:1, above. Thus, future Agency histories will talon major subjects of Agency activity and analyze the ways in which the various dl.c:a'1Zento of the A ;oncy woncad together to 'produce the over- all Agency contrtbutioa to the operation in question. There will be some situations is which a single olement of the Agency Approved For Release 2002/05/10 : CIA-RDP76-00883R000100140032-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/10: CIA-RDP76-00883R000100140032-8 p;t ovidod all or li;io%=,t: of ?thv A ;oncy 1 rt:ic~.pattion in any o n activity. Thorn will bo occa aior also when .'anc i"Ivity will a'Gl~lii e t is at a+ay an a i?y ttca v~aow of io? 3., operI~ -lon hC con- ducted in a n oct r? ,',rich d fashion. Thth will ~1 ply to many, Clande .+ttlno Sorvicoz I: i torlo;.. Priority will be givon to . rya e ` < ~fifAY~ ent the La: is a ' .~ r_r tiJ 4. the eia~ Y tit Ci'iC~a`~, of E.Y Ili o table ,t.4la oporutiono and acti.vitio~5 in which the Agency has bec.1 en,.a-ed, a. # . , Cuban L i:iult~l] Cu iuiie, ,say of Pigs, War in Viotnana, War in Laos, Cox go Opera ions , U-2 Cperatlont? , etc. , with particular attention to lcz oni:+ derived froii^~, the o Cr:_p er menu and eettabIlaI i.n- a, cony ein ant method of iTgraodlate re.,-pony a to public or cesawr s:r:;iarzal inquiric on Chose pr omioil't evcrut i. f. t. ~i1t3iC3:iCA4:i; "4aTll~k in atoa3? sLtrC:..E7 Cita-pt3i1Ci Ll+7oSi the ?,,111"riv:Z 1O1` much raw +la o u t and idor.tificatiOn of key docturtei to through the Archivo a:--I o4;ran . The 1,-r ncy Historian will be an a:1t-officio member of 0-h Rocoi de i%l,ana cr~ae nt Board, will report direr wly to the ; xecutive iroc -w , and will work in cloLio coox d-lna !o4 with the Agency Archtvsat nd the Agency Records ManaLorriont Officer. 6. 1i,, ez irn P In many aria it will bee r ontial to produce one-time ric:ports to cover the yearn from 1965 (or t1 ho most recent Mato:ryy) to the current Annual Report. Thla will be undertaken by each unit idonti i d to 1:5ubnalt . futuro Annual Reports;. In those liw mtion.J in which an over-all enncyy a M history to be :produced will, cover, t': period in awes{)bean, a at An Dual T.oport :aced not be developed, (a. g. , the War in Laoa, the `Tar in Vies am), u the necoozzary chronicle ani Archive can be dovolo'p od at whe u+ .ie til: e as the analytical hi4tor y. In other cauo:a, however, a one-time effort to catch up to the cup rent axrgl~ual repo: t t ye r exn will be nocew e ryr and t:h'ie will be undertaken by the raft in eauoation. This activity will be euper- vicod by the Agency l atonian and AL cllivlat. W. 7. Colby Executive 1 rector-Corrapt, 0llor C Approved For Release 2G/05/10 :'diA4kbP76-00883R000100140032-8