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SECRET Approved For Release 20W08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400029068-6 DIARY NOTES 8 June 1962 DD/S A 7)f _111L 1. I talked to again about the appearance of the grounds and asked him to continue emphasizing to the Public Buildings Service that they must do a better job than they now are doing if they want to keep us at all satisfied. 2. I talked to Matt Baird about the_Course and, after ascertaining that neither DD/P nor DD/R would come up with the necessary candidates for attendance, decided to cancel the Course for this fall. 3. I accompanied General Maxwell Taylor on his visit to the Counter-Insurgency Planning Course, where he listened for a few minutes and said a few words about the history of the counter-insurgency movement now going on in the Government. While it was a fairly routine appearance, I am sure that his presence there was keenly appreciated by all of the students. I also attended General Carter's presentation to close the Course. There was nothing spectacular about his presentation, either. He did request that the students from other agencies attempt to appreciate and bear with CIA's security problems which dictate special handling of many of our activities with the country team. 4. was in to report on his job prospects, which he feels are quite good, and I agreed to extend his current status for one more week or until 18 June. (See separate Memorandum for the Record.) 5. I met with Messrs. Echols, Houston, and others to discuss the paper whidi Emmett has produced on early retirement possi- bilities. I think we accomplished something, although there was still lack of agree- ment as to whether we should establish a Foreign Operations Corps with admission to the following: meeting by the employee of certain criteria, which generally take several years to accomplish, or eligibility for benefits after meeting this criteria without admission to a Foreign Operations Corps. Larry Houston suggested that we approach seeking this legislation by asking for an exemption for employees from the Civil Service Retirement Act and inclusion of those exempted under the Foreign Service Act. If we can go this route, we can leave many of the internal problems to ? be settled later. Larry Houston, Emmett Echols, and a Comptroller representative were asked to expedite a paper using this approach which we could consider again as soon as it is drafted. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020068-6 SECRET SECRET Approved For Release 200/08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R00040002QD68-6 25X1A9a 6. Larry Houston reported tha from SEI called on him and said that he was not going to argue about the decision which has been made about his proposed retroactive pay increase. He also said that he was so unhappy about the way he was treated that he thought he would look for a job elsewhere. 7. Mr. Earman telephoned to say that he would like to send two of his inspectors 25X1A6d down to for a day or two to look around- -this is not to be a detailed ins ection. I told him that he was welcome to do this at any time and have 25X1A9a alerted 8. General Carter buzzed to inquire if we could award CIA medals to military personnel on detail with the Agency. After checking with Emmett Echols, I assured him that we could and that we had already done so on a limited scale. I pointed out, however, that, generally speaking, we thought that it was more advantageous to the military man to get an award from his own service based upon his performance with us. I also explained that we had done a limited amount of this. General Carter asked me to advise him within the next few days of the number of people we had recommended to their parent services for awards during the past few years and the number which had been approved. (I have asked to do this.) 25X1A9a 9. who has just returned from Saigon, was in to see me for a few minutes. He regarded his experience in Saigon as very satisfying, although demanding, and he was pleased with his assignment to the Office of Logistics as Deputy Chief of Support. 10. I spoke to bout General Carter's reluctance to sign off on the cases and suggested that Dan might wish to talk to him on this subject. Dan called me later in the day to say that he had talked to bout this, 25X1A9a and Tom thought that it would not be appropriate for him to call General Carter. LKW:jas Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000400020068-6 SECRET