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Publication Date:
May 22, 1957
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Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200100089-6
Wednesday,, 22 May 1957
PRESEN `: Mr, Dulles
Mr, Dulles:
U 46 VP IS and commentee
he would like to see everything we could get on t
his, (ACTION: DD/P).
The Director also said he wanted to mention Zhukoyd's statement during
his briefing for the NSC on 23 May. ACTION: DD/Io
a) Referred to a UP report that Zhukoy had indicated
the Soviets were willing to ring down the iron
Referred to a cable from - ITN AMAP41 25X1A6
c) Noted his intention of calling a meeting of the _ 25X9A2
group to report on all items proposed and accomplished since the
new order covering the activities of this group went into effect,
ACTION: DD/P to prepare a review for the Director's use,
Mr, Kirkpatrick)
Ys a or the directoro
respecting a
the Bromberger book and reiterated his instructions to DD/P that
any type of sensational publication which would be of interest to
the Agency should be airmailed without delay. commented 25X1A9a
that the book in question had been dispatched through the pouch and
undertook to make It available to IIG/i for preparation of a brief
anal i f
Reported on the pro
or celebrating the
Agency's Tenth Anniversary on 18 September and after some discussion
the Director asked the IG to circulate his proposal0 Note: It
was agreed that certificates of service (ten years with CIA) would
be issued an the Anniversary date to those eligible. Credit for
service with CIG, SSU? OSS9 G-2, A-2, ONI, FBI, eta* was discussed
and it was agreed that such service would not count for eligibility.
Cole White:
a) Reported that the first award was ready to be made
under the Language Incentive Program and it had been contemplated
that the Director would personally present it. However, due to
the fact that the individual to receive this award had been a
language student for a number of years, he (Colo White) recommended
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200100089-6
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200100089-6
that we wait until someone who had started from scratch qualifiedd
The Director said rather than do this he as Id
pass ity of the Agency's
picking up some of the activities to be dropped by USIA as a result
of its budget out. Gal, White said he had advised Macy that in
his opinion we had about all we could handle with our own budget,
however, he would raise the matter with the Director, Mr. Dulles
said there might a,a ....,........ _
b) Noted that Bob *soy of the Bureau of the Budget
had suggested a meeting to discuss the ib
ACTION: DD/sq e a part of our Tenth Anniversary Celebration.,
w" prefer
possibly ten awards at one time covering al
l categoriesoandkcommented
that this c+auld b
pe us for this committee originated in the
office of the Secretary of Defense. Note: No decision was reached
as to how this matter should be handled,
meat of militar r ace the subject of assign.
.Y personnel to CIA before the IAC, It was noted that
In all probability the In t
he believed the best way to sagreed with these recommendations
y prevent the Agency fren receiving a
formal paper from Defense would he to 1
that USIA performed a most valuable service In sampling forei noted
public opinions which he would hate to see lost* ACTION: D /S
to arrange a conference with the Bureau of the Budget* No final
action to be taken without the approve o the it rector?
c) Reported that an ad hoc committee consisting of
representatives of the Department of Defense and CIA had been
appointed to consider the assignment of military personnel to CIA?
The draft report of this committee is most disturbing in that it
recommended, for example, that detailed justification be made In
each request for the assignment of a member of the Armed Forces to
CIA, upon return such personnel would be debriefed on his activities
with the Agency, etc, Col, White said that while our representatives
on this committee had staron I Al
.....~ rauja+JI5 in zne gray propaganda
field which J.
we might pick up since the dividing line of responsibillt `.
between USIA and CIA had always been thin at best Br
The Director asked where we t d
prepared to recommanrc notf,tw a.. -/r -OA this and would be
-- ."~, rv,c?y gear iusure, Mr. s nor
noted that Gen,, Collins had raised this at th
ast IAC meeting
and uraish the Director a briefing, The Director asked
1A9a to nAt in ~....~. ..~~~ --
-.& %ow-Lans t near at he
nas to say and in any event he wanted -to*place;thisoproblemhbefore
the IAC in about two week?_
Secrets y of Defense that a national eounter.?inteligeupceapolicthe
eat hed (discussed at the deputies' meeting on 8 Bay). 25X1A
A9a stated he had been in touch with ?
Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200100089-6