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Approved For,please 2001/1?A~;,~lj-RDP76-00183,.00200020187-6 DIARY NOTES DDS 7 through 11 March 1955 1. Attended the Director's Staff Conference with Assistant Directors, etc., which in the future will be known as the Director's Senior Staff Meeting, The following significant points were discussed: a. Mr. Dulles announced that we would have our Fiscal Year 1956 Budget Hearing before the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday afternoon. b. General Cabell elaborated on the "agreed activities" paper which has been signed recently by the Director and the Deputy Secretary of Defense and noted by the National Security Coun- cil. He emphasized the necessity for implementing this on a cordial but effective basis and called everyone's attention to the need of improving our coordination with the services on defector matters, c. Harry Reynolds gave a presentation on our recruitment prob- lems. He pointed out that in order to compete we were rais- ing our EOD salaries for clerical personnel from grade GS-3 to GS-4 and said that he would need to expand his recruitment force. He emphasized the necessity for coordinated recruit- ment and asked that when the Office of Personnel had a high caliber candidate Assistant Directors, Division Chiefs, etc., grant a personal interview, Mr. Dulles thanked him for his presentation and emphatically stated to all concerned that he wanted all personnel recruitment coordinated by the Direc- tor of Personnel. d, Matt Baird announced that the Intelligence Products Exhibit (County Fair) would be in the R&S Auditorium on the 15th of March. General Cabell urged everyone to go, e. Matt also announced that he was running his next orientation tour of for senior Agency officials on the 17th of March. I would like to accompany this group if I can.) f. Larry Houston explained a memorandum which the Director has just addressed to the Deputy Directors requiring that viola- tions of the criminal statutes be reported to the Inspector General and the General Counsel. Mr. Dulles commented that he did not want anyone to get the idea that because they were CIA employees they would not be prosecuted for violation of the criminal statutes; in fact, he stated that he wanted to Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183R000200020187-6 SECRET Approved For22lease 2001/11/01 :pCIIARDP76-00183000200020187-6 SSECRET. prosecute in every case he could, 2. Arranged to meet with the Director from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tues- day to prepare for our Budget Hearing on Thursday afternoon. 3. At the Deputies' Meeting Mr. Dulles called my attention to Attorney Gen- eral Browneli's letter on "new security procedures" which was published in the paper, He said that he would like to install some sort of periodic reinvestiga- tion program for CIA personnel. After some discussion of this matter it was agreed that I.would require Colonel Edwards to produce a staff study on what is now being done in this field, what our capabilities are, and what is proposed for the future. I have asked Shef to do this and to have it ready for me about the 18th of this month. I.. Conducted a meeting of the Steering Committee for the new building. It was the consensus that we should try for a$55,,000,,000 building and not make com- promises to get down to the $38,000,000 for which we already have enabling legis- lation. On Thursday, 10 March, the Director, Deputy Directors Mr. Saunders , , 25X1A9a and I presented our Fiscal Year 1956 Budget to the House Appropria- tions Committee which consisted of Congressmen Cannon, Chairman, Mahon, Sheppard, Taber, and Wigglesworth. Aside from the fact that they were very critical of the publicity in connection with our proposed headquarters building.. I had a def- inite impression that we would have no trouble getting approval for the full amount of money requested. 25X1A9a 6. Messrs. Garrison and- and I met with the National Capital Region- al Planning Council to discuss the Langley site. The meeting resulted in a Reso- lution as follows: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A6b "RESOLVED: That a special committee of the Regional Plan- ning Council be appointed by the Chairman to consist of three members, one from each major jurisdiction, to study and make rec- ommendations concerning the desirability of the proposed reloca- tion of the Central Intelligence Agency near Langley, Virginia, and to report back to the Council at a special meeting to be held one week from today, at the same hour, the Council to meet in Ex- ecutive Session; the committee is to consult with the local plan- ning commission in the jurisdiction affected and with the special committee established by the National Capital Planning Commission to study and report on this problem." 25X1A6a 7. Mr. who is going ti to be the No. 2 man in Finance, was in fora r e interview. I was most favorably impressed. 25X1A6b Dr. 8. Dr. Tietjen brought in Dr~ who is assuming his duties at in the near future, for a brief interview. I was also well impressed OR Approved For Release 2001/11/01 ? CIA-RDP76-00183R000200020187-6 SECRET Approved ForAWease 2001/1 \.& RDP76-00183UP0200020187-6 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 9. Talked with about allowances Told him to leave them at ,000 per annum as a presen u to tell Admiral that if on the basis of his experience he found this amount to be inad- equate we would raise it. Also approved of the purchase of a Buick car for the use of the 11. Have talked to both and Colonel Baird about promo- tions to grades GS-1L1 and GS-15 and they have agreed to submit all such promo- tions to me for my approval. 10. Dr. Tietjen advised me that who used to be with OSI, has been appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary o Defense for Medical Affairs. 12. Asked Matt Baird to try to develop a regulation which would promulgate Agency policy on external training. 25X1A9a 1 Talked to General Cabell and Dr. Tietjen about the feasibility of Gen- Gen- eral turning to his post in in view of the I&R Report on that 25X1A6a Stat o aria en eral- physical con tion. 25X1A9a 25X%A9a 25X1A9a 15. telephoned on Friday to say that was the candi- date of the Office of the Deputy Director (Plans) for the position of Deputy Di- rector of Personnel. 19. Warned Matt of the friendship that exists between General and 25X1A9a and told him that I thought he might anticipate that the General will ask for when the former arrives in 16. Talked to again about the possibility of his taking over the administrative supervision of th and he is 25k, agreeable. 17. Have looked over a list of candidates for the position of Chief of Ad- ministrative Support in connection with special project. I am 25X1A9a inclined to believe that is our best candidate. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP76-00183ROO0200020187-6 25X1A6a