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Document Creation Date: 
December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1955
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PDF icon CIA-RDP76-00183R000200020175-9.pdf46.41 KB
Approved For .1ease 2001/11/01 76-00183R4@0200020175-9 Memo for Record - Deputy Director (Support 17 March 1955 funds. In this connection, I have asked him to review this about 1 June 1955? There might be some way to use 155 funds if a need for them in PY 156 can be clearly anticipated. 25X1A9a Told Mr had recommended against increas- ing the CM Staff at this time. We discussed the matter at some length and I agreed to discuss it again after I had had a chance to consider 25X1A9a it further. Mr. -emphasised that at the moment he is in greater need of clerical help than professionals. 25X1A9a 25X1A2d1 briefly, more or less Mr. - mentioned his role in MR as a query to know whether he would con nue as or not. He prefers either to hays the whole responsibility or none, and apparently is not completel ha about the recent arrangements that have been made con- 25X1A9a cernin I told him I had not had an opportunity to get into this very eep y, and that we would let everything remain status quo for the moment insofar as the CM Staff is concerned. We also had some discussions as to the relationship of the CM Staff to the SSA-DD/S vis-a-vis the DD/S. I think this may take some under- standing and possibly some missionary work on the part of all of us in order to insure that the supervision of the CM Staff (as well as PAPS) by the SSA-DD/S can be done without friction and without creating in their minds at least that there is an unnecessary layer. Approved For Release 200111EGNI'EfIA-RDP76-00183R000200020175-9