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April 1, 1953
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Approved For Release 2001/%=, Ti4 tPP76-0018 UR0001 00090021-
A-DD/A 1 April 1953
1. At Mr. Wiener's request I supplied him with the total amounts of
CIA obligations beginning with Fiscal Year 17 and continuing through Fiscal
Year 52.
2? Ed Saunders and have both reported to me that recent
instructions received from the Federal Credit Union indicate that we should
not use our Credit Union as a check-cashing facility, except for members.
Ed and Bob are going to pursue this with the idea of having the restriction
3. I authorized to request to indicate true
names on our cables since he is already doing it for the DCI, the DD/P, and,
I think, the DD/I. 25X1A9a
4. SR Division tel honed to say that he understood that
the Committee had picked up on the new salary arrangement 25X1 A5a 1
which we have been discussing. I told him that it was ny understanding that
Mr. Dulles had given this new arrangement his blessing, inasmuch as the con-
25X1C tract would run only through September.
5. Walter Pforzheimer telephoned to sa that Senator Case had asked the 25X1A6a
Navy to investigate the leak concerning which appeared in a %
5X1 A6a
6. Agreed with that insofar as I could see now I would
be able to participate in his Orientation Program on the 6th of May. Shane
also requested that some arrangement be made vhich would permit him to serve
coffee without expense to him when he is briefing persons vdiom he considers
to be VIP's from other Government agencies. I told him that I could not approve
of such a voucher.
7. reports that satisfactory arrangements have been made 25X1 A6a
with the Security Office to supply badges for= personnel. The Center had 25X1A9a
previously proposed th hase of a machine to make their own badges at a
cost of $600.00. seers that-of Physical Security 25X1A9a
still believes that should have a machine of its own. I am afraid that
I don't fully appreciate this point of view and do not see the necessity of 25X1 A6a
spending $600.00.
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Swwft h w MAM
Approved For Release 2001hAQ DP76-001&aR000100090021-3
if and when we should have that mary on the premises. I asked Bob to take
this paper to Jim Garrison and request that he furnish me with his comments
and recommendations,
fact, do not have an adequate water supply for the domestic use of
we not only do-not have an adequate water supply for fire protection, but, in 25X1A
8. showed me a copy of the study made by
concerning the inadequate water supply at the Center. It seems evident that
9. Jim Garrison telephoned to request that I attend a briefing at 11:00
a.m. on Tuesday concerning the recent trip made by representatives of Training
and Logistics in connection with the Maritime Research and Training Project.
10. Dr. Tietjen was over to say that he had heard that some consideration
ties were not available at that location to look after them. I asked him to
check with Shef as to the status of this and he requested that he have a chance
to comment on the situation before it is finally presented to the Director.
11. At Dr. Tietjen's request I inquired of as to the status 25X1A9a
of a paper having to do with the interpretation of "line of duty". John
assures me that the paper will be out of his office by the end of this week.
12. Dr. Tietjen advised me that unless there was some objection he planned
to waive a re-examination for Mr. Kirkpatrick; I assured him that this was all
25X1A9a 13. telephoned to say that if it was agreeable to transfer
25X1A9a to OCI with the understanding that the PM Staff could have 60
to 9 Vs to obtain a replacement, DD/P was prepared to sin off. I told
him that this would be satisfactory and have advised of DD/I's 25X1 A9a
office accordingly.
25X1 A9a 14. telephoned inquiring as to the status of a $400.00
25X1A9a loan made to I told him that special arrangements for this
loan had been made, that the Comptroller and the Auditor-in-Chief were both
aware of these arrangements, and that he should not worry about it further.
Mr. Wolf will supply a Memorandum for the Record on this subject.
15. Shef Edwards telephoned to s that he was sorry he had not had 25X1A9a
time to brief Mr. Wolf or me on the case but that it had been one
on which he had been compelled to stay right on the job. He believes that
everything is going along all right and will brief Mr. Wolf at his earliest
25X1 A9a 16. telephoned to say that he had a proposal froi for 25X1 C
the handling of their liquidation reserve. I told him that this certainly was
a coincidence since we had planned to send Mr. Saunders out to the west coast
next week to make the necessary arrangements in connection with this fund. I
also told him that as a result of our _ experience on exactly the same thing
25X1 C4c
Approved For Release 2001/0'RIA-RDP76-00183R000100090021-3
Ss wity daifomstion
Approved For Release 2001/
we thought we were in a position to make the necessary arrangements with a
minimum of difficul . He was pleased and I have arranged for Mr. Saunders
25X1A9a to contact him. also advised me that certain key officials of ~
would probably be leaving for the Far East about the 8th and hoped that Mr. 25X1 C4c
Saunders could arrive in time to see them before their departure.
25X1 A5a 1 1* met with Mr. Wolf at which time he executed the
necessary papers to effect his. appointment as Intermittent Consultant to the
25X1A9a DD/A. (Given to
2. In a letter to General Cabell, Mr. Wolf expressed his regret that
he was unable to attend a meeting at which General Cabell was present to dis-
cuss the Career Service Program. Mr. Wolf invited General Cabell to attend
the next meeting of the CIA Carer Service Board tentatively scheduled for
4:00 p.m. Thursday, 23 April 1953. Mr. Wolf will furnish the agenda if
desired. (Eft-3-8649) forwarded to for delivery to General 25X1A9a
Cabell.) ######
1. Forwarded to the Regulations Control Staff for publication Notice
which appoints Mr. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick to the position of Inspec-
or ener effective 1 April 1953. 25X1A9a
SA-DDA~, *###
1. Forwarded to the Legislative Counsel a letter dated 30 March addressed
to the Director from Mr. George M. Norri s, Executive Secretary of the Loyalty
Review Board,, advising that the Board had received CIA Standard Form No. 98 25X1 A9a
indicating that had resigned from CIA and stating that the Case
would be closed without further action. (ER-3-8607)
2. Received information copy of a memorandum dated 19 March 1953 from
the Finance Division addressed to the Procurement Division, Logistics Office,
which states that requests for funds, other than those intended for small pur-
chases, should be made to the Finance Division with specific instructions as 25X1A
to the type of checks to be mailed, i.e. It indicates
certain past violations of this practice, orwar e to the gistics Office
with a note as follows: "This Office assumes that you are in agreement."
3. Forwarded to the Personnel Office for direct reply a letter dated 29
March addressed to the Director from Mrs. Pierce A. Jensen which inquired
about the procedure that her son should follow to apply for a position in
CIA. (ER 3-8600)
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