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Sanitized -Approved FIE TIM Mit ZireakiCTI 75-00662R000300150005-1 102 Director of ,,-;entral Intellizence Deputar Director for IntelWows Attendance et the VIth Pen American Goneultation on Cartokirephy, Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic 25X1C4a 2. The trIth Pan in assoolation with the of the Pen American InaUt. of O.ogr and Uatoxr. At the United stet** mere senior representatives from the Photo and Buyer, Section of the Joint Intelligence Groups the Azov hap ;Arsine/ the Bydrograrkdo Office* the Aeronautical Photocrephic are Cart Service the U. S. Geolozical f?urveys the Coast and Geoditio surly, and tho Department of &tote.. Also to the United Etates were the !director of the Modals end Charting Research laboratory of The Ohio ttato University itesearch Founds/1ton and the Executive teerstery of the American doogrephical Society, Croat Britain wee representedi, the Director of the British Colonial Erne"! and Trance by the Technical Advisor to the Institute Geographique tationats, who also spoke for the international Union of Geophysics and Goodeey? The Director of the International Ilydromphin Buramu. representatives of ICAO ant the Cartographic Aeries of Uwere also presezt, as were the top officer*. of the Pan American Institute. on N The prima' function of the Ccamisatan on Gartogreptio and of its Conseltatione, is to further the baste surveying, mending and shorting of the Americas. Urinal% stimulation of cooperative widower and the exchange of technical advice and inforeetion nrm developments 491ffileith Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 Sanitized - Approved For RclowilDEMP75-00662R000300150005-1 Si Willi ME-MAW" the field of trerrsying and awing. flriy Presidta of the Coneultation ware Conerollasime Warael4.1111* caltvesident of the Doti:dean Rep*lie and aeuerea Hector D. Wm. current President and brother at the tome. President at the Oonsultation yea Den Tieenti Tolentino Wm, a hi4lk 4figates7 in the Doodnioun Party and Director of the inetitatte Sur tieographical. end Coological, Investigetione at the University at Sento Doninge. As in former secenistationet the taohnieel work las sondsetod under nine eectionst Getwietrn exavinetry end Topographic *Ws mad AillroPhe ardregreAril Tides/ SP*51.1 ibPet initial. plenary soesion wee held an 11 artsber and the ternal closing took place cm Ifie October 1952. Toohnicat esesistes generall,y were held from 9tOD to 2200 and trot 3100 to 6.313 escleek tech der at the University of Santo Dewing. 1 N. the nation* mapping and informatics closer relation*'with tram texopeen **nutria* end international orgentnaticaso dth a vier toward subsequent *operation on queittione at direct interest to the Agency In other tortden areno. C. LALONILAMLEMT ha.......713107.1106 at CONFIDENTIM. Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 Sanitized - Approved For ReICOMBENT*75-00662R000300150005-1 fifitarkiliaMANN amen security pato b 1I b arm* h.emegitoi eat to being Wiwi net swipe or the tteitesi States but else Owes* asaustre at Ow aritish TAW, ell of the emutrim of Oaten% Seem the, thdea of &nth Attlee end to than Of *Duda was in Attie* Tam the atlitery point of witer. the atiectielectit the tint thy oat of the teeter& World is of mg, coal teparteiee. flWM pointed oat ter theU, $? represeettAdree that the ,Iffil,Rtorozcsiog awstAte goad be amedS37 agglad to or _t nape thmegie the uwa of the eieetreato ocepattug swehiseet the eariewe of ad* iresid be reWie oseilshie to Mr of the Latin mark= 0010101d40 st *Mt te thou attention was thre4theut the Aseriese be caravel' to **W. AU ? B, A, the vedettewitastessit magma has provided thot eatieent with a Saes *dew maths the trioargettea arc extmediag through Africa will, be oraeleted fed semeeted with the Wimple/Am of lierepeo A Wadi* deters for the Sea AM* AM.& Mit will be possible AD seas so the by trieugeistica or other of oeutiel to & shwas detwe to pactiaassoly la view or guided The semateett Latin hariewt agreessalts with the Dater.Merioan Geodetic aconando pre aerirc regicirte of the as this etervey? it is theme/ this imiiitanos 104 itrimplatico sumo tem propemiug se Afterietto The Disseter of the Saw. with that mietateme star weebase rem Beakuartere, Pima* most -01109Milittidn of Miro telaasillation et eight* This method is aat tridging Wm* polite-1dd* as. plateathsedelitai paseeil ei tom the CONFIDEIMM. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 Sanitized - Approved For Reeovidg Ar75-00662R000300150005-1 ADA= wawa In on eggoopriate technioal Mations* eaphsata woe given to the neat t.rincroating serial photographio *overage taw topographic napping, aoronsattealcharting end ocantal wows tor hydregraphis PaPeses? Althoesh was eleastriesi such as Chile1 hens obtained attonsive Oeverageik others War hendiempad by the high cost et au& sperationeo, the ,dolegate tam Ooleabie adted ter adds* taws oeverit It. $o delegate* negazding ono la which hies eaantay could obtain serial photograyhie easely* under owe typo ot essistanos ~as go Attention was given to the mica and larproattacut of tar ell survey works Ths najerity et patosicus Consultations anti bare the various Sionhei Stataao The igotamiabowt. f & stbausattes ibeholeo Stendardisatica awe has alzeady bow *weed upon Oast itritain orot Cosools? taloa 'arbordordo S ire touolitoration la the hope that evaeloell Mt swift prognemas it tha Zatth AsseSsaa 041atattell laphseis ins avo Awed co ta:* for soronattioat obarto at landing abort*. Mose those established by 14i0o that dodo required ter and swoosh points of viar. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 `Sanitized -Approved Forlpage_;_CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 UUNFIOENTIAL B/Calri ilifORMATION h* It w.very enparant that the Intenwurarieen Goodetin' sumer developed a Way efficient magma of irith the various surely and napping agencies of the countriss. The resserins official ourweesians et appreciation roposentativoe *on the Latin Mariam eanntries for the graft by the WIS wee indiective of the good will and reepont by IA perwewel in the conduct of their adasiane? gap in this 000perative Wort be. hem argantbie. bps* Sevemsont bee not rot signed a concretive amowswit with the TM* although ropeotodly urged to de so, as Ai visitors to the Daninican the tio Thilications at matinees to rule the counta7 cit ixen hand, even thou* he recently to his brother* Nestor* through the neoliardsu election. The GlatinalsidaGis only offieici *Mae at to to colcoWooNidn.Chief of the Anted 7461104110, bin tdrthditre an inproeeive denonetration of neatal striding of targets a shark dietenee offoichors 'me undarteken b c tsstcZ7 MU= Boadnicon Air Ftwao fighters* of this "a tyy** * This shwa saw intanded to eopiamise the amilitary alartatimat An *winos and eueesaata attempt nue mode to *wow the forsiga delaptticee with the aotorial tagetwoowat4 that be.. him brought about during the past ormacal pears in the nada of Aftrittiotteht 13401AN oluestign and ether naterial benefits. There la inoreasing awl:Sono* that Trujillo naer to strongar naasursa in controltinj foreign isweetwent end lautzetr7 within hie conntri. This Is of perthrular eirront eonoern to the Unison Itebaupo The *matbe.ey Pronrdwid ?Id hils,ter"leftVeratima"Girbsteraihisi rigil:fiallosittaHiltapubit0114. laboring aim a forsottra not roacising wages au& higher thist t although this appeare to CONFIDEIMM, Sanitized -Approved For Release :CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 25X1A9a Sanitized =Approved For Rearkr-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1 I ihL MUM ififORMAII014 the Thsittute cseopephique Nationale iz P.ria,who also is away associeted with mappisu progrweeVttbLth the LtTO tresswesice Potentially mate DNS contacts were eatablishid with the incasing etweesiting Officer* at the Airanautlial GbArt and Infornstiea Centers AM'S. end the Interwasarican Geodetic Surveys ea wall as with the slime ether senior *McLain in attendant* who were not previously known personally by the undirsigeed? Oh/GMtnic Distribution: / Dp/i A.DAR 1 STA IIUICWG 1 00 1 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300150005-1