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Sanitized - Approv*46LFor Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS MONTHLY REPORTS DECEBFR 1952 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RD05-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 13 January 1953 MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1953 During the first two weeks of December a substantial portion of D/A's resources were devoted to producing the ORR contribution to NIB-65. This con- tribution was forwarded to ONE on 16 December. During the two pay periods prior to 21 December, D/A worked 418 hours of overtime, Drimarily to meet the %/ deadline on the contribution to NIE-65. The authors of the report and the stenographic help deserve a "well done" for this strenuous effort. Consultation wit has 25X1A9a helped to "firm up" the various indexes produced in the ORR contribution to NIE-65. Furthermore, the revisions to the contribution, which are scheduled for completion early in January 1953, have materially benefited from the advice of academic-consultants. D/A has proposed that the ORR contribution 25X1A5a1 to NIE-65 subsequently be published in two parts as RR. reports. This decision has been approved by the AD/RR. A preliminary draft of ORR Project 110-51 was cut on stencils, and was subsequently submitted to the EIC Secretariat for duplication. It is planned to submit this draft to the EIC Working Group early in January at which time the ORit representative will suggest that appropriate action he taken to satisfy the NSC request which prompted this Ludy. 25X1A5a1 D/A representatives, primarily consultant met with ONE to produce a draft of NIE-59. The Board of National Estimates began work on the staff draft in the latter part of December. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 A third project which occupied D/A during December was the Supplement to NIE-64 (Part I), extending the original estimate through _nid-1954? Frequent consultation with ONE and IAC representatives was necessary during December. The estimate was published early in January 1953. The Acting Chief, D/A, moved during December to 1315 M building. The 25X1A9a Economic Accounts Branch plus our logistician, moved to 2106 M. 25X1A9a Six members of the division, attended the meetings of the American Economics Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 27 - 29. the ORR recruiter, was quite active 25X1A9a and approximately twelve promising young economists were interviewed. 25X1A9a submitted contributions to the Task Force Five Project on China on 15 December. of the Office of the 25X1A9a Director of Research has indicated that he will require substantial partici- pation from D/A in drafting the Task Force report 25X1A9a which is due in January 1953? Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Accomplishments 1. The major part of the branch's work was given to the three branch projects: Soviet Bloc National Accounts, Methods of Financial Planning and the Soviet Fifth Year Plan. 2. Preliminary dollar estimates of Soviet Bloc GNP. 3. Checking East-West trade data for ORR contribution to NIE-65. 4. _ attended meetings of the AEA in Chicago, Illinois. Plans 1. Continuation of research on branch projects. 2. Contribution to proposed revision of MP-35. 3. Revision of CIA/RR 22/51. Personnel 1. Unchanged Problems 1. Enormous drain of time involved in coordinating Project 21/51 over which D/S claims jurisdiction. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001.-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Accomplishments 1. During December the Capabilities Branch made preliminary reports on its two major empirical investigations during 1952. The responsibilities of the division for Project 110-51 were discharged when EIC R-2 was issued in working paper form. The branch also issued a preliminary contribution to NIE-65. 2. The activities of the branch were mainly connected with these two projects. Following up the 1952 Inter-industry report, the Inter-Industry Staff, composed of a member from each division and chaired by Chief, D/A, met and drafted general terms of reference for the 1953 Inter-Industry Research 25X1A9a Project 0.6. Following a visit by to 25X1A5a1 work has begun on refining the NIE-65 contribution. Preliminary work on the NIE-65 consistency check was begun. attended the meetings of the 25X1A9a American Statistical Association in Chicago. Plans 1. The immediate plans for the branch are to revise portions of NIE-65 in the light of various criticisms and issue revised parts of the original ORR contributions in the CIA/RR series. Work is expected to begin on the NIE-65 consistency check soon, despite the somewhat clouded situation resulting from inadequate military contributions. The Inter-Industry Staff will begin function- ing by circulating staff notes for review and criticism, with a view toward developing the specific terms of reference for the 1953 Inter-Industry Research Project. Personnel 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. at present has three helpers: on NIE-65; Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 (officially assigned to Accounts Branch) working on the Inter-Industry staff, input-output methodology, and the NIE-65 consistency check; and working on the Inter-Industry staff, the NIE-65 consistency check, and sane special statistical and theoretical problems of concern to D/Z. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 ECONOMIC ACCOUNTS BRANCH Accomplishments 1. Approximately 500 cards were added to the Estimates File. The file now contains about 13,000 cards bearing from 27,000 to 32,000 quantitative intelligence estimates. An additional 900 cards bearing approximately 5,000 estimates were typed by the unclassified typing pool. These will be processed into the file in the next few days. 2. A file was established to contain data on Finland 3. The form of the DCI's Blackboard was changed to permit tabular presentation of data. The scope of the blackbook has been enlarged to include many new items and blackbook 4-1 Capabilities assisting ? NIE-65. ^ NIE-65. lie to contain comparable US data where possible. The revised turned over to D/R. 25X1A9a has devoted his time during December to work on the EIC 25X1A9a devoted most of her time during the month to and to working on the Capabilities Branch contribution to 25X1A9a Report. devoted most of his time during the month to work on also assisted D/Z with statistical problems. 5. Approximately twelve analysts from ORR have consulted the Estimates File during December. 25X1A9a 1. During the month of January the branch will continue to process intelli- gence estimates into the Estimates File and to prepare statistical tabulations for the Handbook. Personnel 25X1A9a 1. on duty in the branch during December were: will join the branch on 25X1A9a 5 January 1952. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Problems 1. The fact that two typists slots and a statistical clerks slot remain unfilled continues to limit branch effectiveness. Sanitized - Approved For Rele.e : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Accomplishments 1. The USSR section and the European Satellites section completed con- tributions to NIE-65 on the regional distribution of Soviet industry and the pattern of intra-Bloc trade, respectively, on 12 December. 2. The China section completed its contribution to the Task Force V project on the economy of China. It covered four topics: a. Economic Planning b. The Budget c. The Banking System d. National Income 3. Members of the branch participated in meetings concerned with initiating office-wide projects 0.2, the Economy of East Germany, and 0.L, Regional Distribution of Economy Activity in the Soviet Bloc. b. Members of the branch attended the annual meetings of the American Economic Association, the American Statistical Society, and associated societies in Chicago December 27 - 29 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 5. attended the annual meetings of the American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division) in New York City, December 29 - 31. 6. Research continued on the process of price formation in East Germanrnf. Plans 1. The branch will resume work on the Handbook of Economic Estimates, interrupted by preparation of NIE-65. 25X1A9a 2. M will continue research on planning and )rice formation in East Germany. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 3. The China section will participate in the final report for the Task Force V project. 4. The China section will participate in developing terms of reference for China Project 0.3 and in initiating the project. Problems 1. The branch hopes to end the Handbook's position of subordination to other projects and to make substantial progress on a draft. 2. Time for adequate reading of documents, particularly in foreign languages, is still at a premium. 25X1A9a 3. The addition of as secretary to the branch has eased the personnel problem. may now devote much of her time to assisting the analysts in research. 25X1A9a 4. Six of the seven members of the branch share Room 1318, which is probably adequate for four people. The seventh member occupies quarters no less cramped. The efficiency of the branch is considerably hampered by such crowding. Conferences on one project habitually interfere with the research of an analyst at an adjoining desk working on another. Sanitized - Approved For Red2 se : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 i Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 SLCUIiITY ITr OR11ATION MONT'LY REPORT, BASIC IN LLIGENCE DIVISION, ORR, FOR DECEMBER 1952 1. Goanal Produc,ti, Prog as NIS contributors produced 39 Sections during December to surpass the monthly numerical requirement, which in this instance was 35 Sections, for the first time during Fiscal Year 1953. Most of these Sections, however, were overdue from previous months,, and only 29% of the Sections actually scheduled for December were received. State was responsible for nearly 2/3 of this production and the other con- tributors, with the exception of Navy, resin in default to a substantial degree on their eormit nts. Navy for the third time daring this Fiscal Year completed all Sections dm and overdue, and is the only 1IS contributor which has fulfilled its production commitments in full for the first half of this Fiscal Year. CIA/OSI reduced their backlog slightly. but D/GG and 050 submitted nothing during the month, and it will be necessary for them to produce heavily in the coming months to bring about any substantial reduction in their backlog of overdue Sections in addition to meeting cunt requirements. The percentage fulfillment of production requirements for December by agency is indicated below. Scheduled Production Per] 4 42" 990 ITO. of Sections Delivered % Fulfillment cq specifically scheduled No. of Fulfillment Sections of Delivered numerical to D sections c ol State 8 53% 23 153% Army 1 6 5 31 Navy 1 100 4 400 Air Force 0 0 3 1011 CIAaD/GG CIA-0S0 CIA..OSI None scheduled for Dec. None scheduled for Dec. Nons scheduled for Dec. TOTAL 10 29% 39 A Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Apr ved For Re 1- DP75-0a662R000300100001-0 The following is a tabulation showing the production record of the HIS, contributors at the end of the first half of the fYsaal year: ITo. of Sections No. of Sections Percentage of Average Scheduled ll?livercd to RJR Cents Ftalfj~]1 d Pb2ak State 82 Arc V 11,3 Navy 22 Air Force 17 CIA..D/GG 18 CIA-OSO 4 CIArOSI 21 TOTAL 279 81 91 22 10 3 7 215 99% 81 100 17) 25 33 77% 13.5 15.0 305 2.0 (2.0 36 B. For quality of contributions processed during December see Part B gene. This group has under consideration a draft report to the IV) proposing the establishment of a central processing unit in CIA to handle this type of intelligence information for the DIG. As stated -:.. 2 -;. SECURITY I ORMkTION SanitizedApprnv _d For RPI is - C:IA RDP7,5.006 Sanitized - Approved For R SEC TION in the DA report for last month,, this proposal affects the work o1` ITR in D/S, that of Z/SS, and of OCI, but it would go far beyond Vlia work of any of them. The work of ITR is essentially statistical and recording, that of Z/SS digesting, and that of OCI reporting, whez+ s the proposed new unit would analyze and follow on a case-by-case basis, for the benefit of the action agencies, the intelligence re.. garding Soviet procurement of and efforts to procure, strategic materials. At present much economic defense intelligence, including SO and 00 reports, flouts in normal dissemination only to the IAC agencies and to NSRB. With the exception of State, none of these agencies has any noteworthy responsibility in the field of economic defense. The important action agencies in economic defense operat.o , besides State, are OD14S, Comnerce and Treasury. In other words the reports are not going directly to the only agencies who could use then as a basis for action, D/E arranged some time ago for relevant savi- tized SO and 00 reports to go to the Coz reial Intelligence Division -af Coerce and a request for similar transmission to Foreign Assets Control of Treasury is under consideration. ODI-S, while seeming to rec:aive much intelligence information, probably indirectly through the E')AC Steering Group, might be given similar treatment. But this still '.eaves the request of ODMS for "fully processed, evaluated and timely intelligence information" in this field unsatisfied. The now of strategic goods to the Soviet Bloc in violation or evasion of Western controls, by transshipment or otherwise, could 3 _;_ SECURTT! OMITION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Rel a pP75-O'0662R000300100001-0 SECUR ! YI O IITION to a large extent nullify the highly intricate and involved legal. controls, Intelligence on a day-to-day basis as to individual transactions as well a3 to patterns of evasion becomes, therefore, highly important. In determining the nature and extent of future demands on CIA for this type of intelligence support, much depends, of course, on the future organization within the goverment for foreign economic operat;ions0 In the meantime, it would seem to be necessary to make the best arrangement possible within the existing; fr z work. CHINCOI4 Requirements The first big problem of CHINCOM (the little brother of COCOM which is to be responsible for Far Eastern security export controls,) is that of establishing definite trade controls of exports of specific items to China. It will be even more difficult in the case of CHID+MOM than it is in the case of COCON to give detailed intelligence with the specificity desired on some four hundred items proposed for cor.trol to China which are not under COCOM control. It might appear that in the case of the Chineee economy certain general conclusions could be reached and export controls agreed accordingly. Unfortunately, the problem is not as simple as that. An an occupied territory, Japan's controls were formerly established by the US. These have been con- tinued for a time. But, for the future, Japan's controls and those of other non-Soviet nations, especially Great Britain, can be established only by multilateral agreement, And the other nations SECURITY INFORMATION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release.: -CIA-RDP75-O'0662R000300100001-0 SECU t !INF RMATION do not accept the principle of total embargo, or even embargo by broad categories. Unless and until blockade of the China coast is declared, therefore, intelligence support will be required by the US delegation on an item-by-item basis. A background paper on is in draft for submission to IWG, Special China control problems such as smuggling, export control evasion techniques, including especially the Hong Kong and Macao transshipment situation and maritime shipping problems, are under study. 25X6A Intelligence Presentations in COCOM During the month, in addition to the normal and routine support of economic defense, directly and through IWG, D/ analysts made notable contributions through the loan of (E/C) and 25X1A9a 25X1 A9a (E/4) to CDHS for the purpose of assisting in the presentation of intelligence to COC01,11. 25X1A9a assisted the US delegation 25X1A9a in the interpretation and analysis of intelligence on a score of items. prepared, with the splendid collaboration of other analysts in ME. D/I, and D/S and CIS. technical ser vices, especially G/R in the reproduction of the pictorial material, an intelligence presentation covering locomotives, rails and signal equipment, which so impressed ODIIS officials, that they requested his loan to that Agency and his 25X1A6a r ... SECURITYINFO.RMATION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved F 75-99662R000300100001-0 SECURTT? I ORI,XTION The clearance of this intelligence, referred to in paragraph 2 abcvo, was accomplished after his departure, and release authorized by cable,, During the month E/C analysts worked with OIT Task Groups to complete intelligence contributions to International List II items under review. E/C also participated daily from an intelligence viewpoint in the deliberations of the Joint Committee on Export Control Levels to formulate advice to US Delegation regarding ratings and quotas of List II commodities to be negotiated in COCOb1? In addition, review was continued of US List IIB items considered appropriate from the standpoint of significance and available intelligence to be made the subject of individual intelligence papers. Evaluation of Alternative Economic Defense Programs A project which engaged the attention of the Division was the preparation of terms of reference for an ,. valuation of probable economic consequences of alternative measures to control East-West trade, as proposed in the December report, This work was carried on by a small group composed of one member from each Branch under the chairmanship of Although the project was only in its initial stages by the end of the month, a general approach to the problem was formulated and a survey of pertinent studies completed or in progress was launched. At the oral suggestion of the AD, a low priority was assigned to this work, pending any policy deter. urination or organizational changes by the new administration in the field of economic defense. sc12T?WdT! T0N 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-OD662R000300100001-0 SJcuIT! !`OOaTION In line with previous admonitions to reduce document flow to individual desks to essential material on a "need to know" basis, reading requirements of the Division and each Branch were reviewed. This indicated that while the volume to the Division and to the Branches is necessarily substantial, it is distributed selectively and unnecessary duplication is avoided. Interagency Nee s During the month D/E analysts attended 37 interagency meetings, and some 3 intra-CIA meetings. In the case of many of these, especially rUG and EDAC Working Groups, responsibility devolves on DA for :preparatory work before the meetings and follow-up afterwards. Instructions have been given to refrain from participation in all meetings unless clearly related to the work of the analyst. It is difficult to reduce further this participation without loss to the work of the Agency, One of the groups which it was thought we might exclude was the EDAC Working Group on Technical Advice and Assistance to other countries in administration of export control, This group teld three meetings during the month. The D/E analyst who attended reports that "these meetings have almost assumed the character of seminars on export control and, as such, provide very valuab3o experience for all participants and furnish our Division with excellent material on the export control regulations and relevant economic problems of the countries under discussion," -:.6. 7 -:- SECURYTY !N70MI7 TION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved F sECUxI ?tToW TZON 50662R0003001 00001-0 25X1A9a American Economic Association Five analysts of the Division attended the annual meeting at Chicago of the American Economic Association and American Statistical Association. An interesting observation by one of the analysts follows: "These meetings, good, bad, or indifferent, always serve as an excellent indicator of the essential problems with which these two social sciences are struggling at a given moment in history. Keynesianism, at the present, seems to be on the wane; the influence of mathematical methods is as strong as i`~ has been over the last few years, but its limitations are more clearly recognized; economic science in this country appears to be in a period of stocktaking and reflection, groping once again for new methods of solution to old and new problems." Consultants a Parcel The question of intelligence support for economic defense activities needed now for the cold war was not presented to the recent meting of the Panel of Consultants, which was apparently devoted exclusively to consideration of the research program. Several of the comments, hcv- ever, volunteered by members of the panel evinced an awareness of the immediate need of intelligence in support of the cold war, These comments assumed that time and manpower are available to do the research and that there are other adequate means for independently handling the emergency and spot requirements. If these conditions are changed, it was assumed that the program would be altered and the personnel used on the more pressing work, n r, n - SECUR!TY TffldWTION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-06662R000300100001-0 SECUR? W_ __ 0M `ZION Z-59 The current draft of NIC..59, 6 January 1953, has been brought to the attention of DA by the Acting Chief, D/A. Review of the paper reveals that the conclusions are open to the same objections DJ subudtted in the consideration of the basic paper -- and, furthermore, without the limiting assumptions and qualifications stated or implied in that paper. The basic papers, with all the limiting assumptions and qualifications, could lead to conclusions for policy-making and operations quite different from those in NIE@59. In the opinion of D/E, NIE..59, if approved in its present form., will have serious repercussions among the agencies responsible for economic defense policy and operations. It is recommended, therefore, that the representatives of those agencies on the Economic Defense Advisory Committee be consulted prior to the publication of the estimate, e:= 9 .=a. SECUR.ITg INFORt1ATION Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Security information PR0GR8S R T P8 GEWRAPHIC AREA, OM Month of December 1952 I +t.1=CZ PRCDVMOB A. Yntellis Rata 1. Cag>ed,and Issued ftlimtEr. G-l1 tR;-4 The Boundary Between Norway and the USSR Evasion Geograp$y of fii rghis ASR Rt4/CIS (M Evasion tieogramL3r of Rumenia R*/OIB Evasion GOOSM30 by of Bulgauria R */01S S-4 a Greek Turkish Islands in the Aegean 2. Schadulad 25X6A GR- Geography of the - S` l.ingzad-Urde Section of tt-e Vn1ga Carman Y end. Evasion Geography of Greece OSI Rgt/0IS DR-?4 5 Rap Intelligence Review W,11 Evasion oeogmri~y or Mongolia MR-3.0-41.11 25X6AI8413 R!/OIS Status 25X1 C8a in reproduction in reparoduction in reproductio . in reproduction in reproduction in reproduction in.typing in fin&3 typing in lina.t typir in final review in progress in progress in progress in progress in progress in abeyance in abeyance not initiated Armenia Rg1/OIS in review VrO*Y+ t n n the Soviet Zone of GWMUW PR 10,% 7.$syk 11' PR It 033 Evasion Geogxrpr of Asefbaidshan and PR 839 he Manganese I try of $tasil State PR 9:13 he Southwsstern 8'rontiers of China PR U43 Electric Pon -Ins ;allstioa~s-~~ at P7 f 1.CU Electric Po m- Ins ta37atioos--Aft'ica P'R 3.033 Analysis of Gcograic Factors in Uranium 08I Rap Intellige .ce Rant Chapter I7[, C z echoslorakia W-39 Chapter ixp C .iu OR-3.3 Target Study of X uric gam- ~3 Intslligeres Review PEE- Rap Intellige cs Review RR uriaoc 3 Rap Zntelligezce Review GiRmted to have left Reproduction December 31, 1952 altbouet copies have not been receive in D/GG 1S Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 25X6A Sanitized - Apfwoved For Release : CIA-RDP75p662R000300100001-0 security Infors$tion 2. Scheduled (cont'd) PN 1035 Evasion Geog a y of Khsai& P8 10,57 Evasion 0009M #W of Uzbek P8 :to59 Evasion Geography of Tadzhik PN low Selected Zeefto and Evasion Areas In central umis Piq 45 Casette er and Nap - Middle East Oil Installations R ter status Rq (/OZS in progress R4/OIS in review RQM/OTS in progress MOW PIS 1085 Border Study, 3eloru scan-Polish PE i086 Border Study, are1',r-Ptnnieh RgK/OZS PN ",90 Border Study, Ukrainian BSIt/Palish/Czech/Nua mw1an/Aweanian PN 1091 Border Study, L.ithianian. SSR-Polish Bounder, MIMS P N 1 Ore Border Study, HoUavion, 8SSR-Rmmisn 10 r356 Border Study, ".d 4zhik SSR-Ate Dounda y Zone PR me Master List of various series of lags RWOIS PN c4 Caeeeunications Project (Cables) ONX PR 1.110 Evasion Geography of Italy RWOZS PR 1= Restatement regarding representation of bo~undarie s--Latin. s` is PV 1112 Selected. E and E Arm in the Volga-Don Region Rgl/OIS PN ]..113 Selected E and E Areas in the l h Black Bea Region RWOMS PR 111b Evasion Geo rarby of Turkey R */018 3. US chapt r 7X Production NO. Area - Scheduled Date to D/8 ors 39 Chin January 1953 25X6A January 1953 se January 1953 11I8 AR Greece February 1953 NIB 86 Venezuela February 1953 I ms Syria and February 1953 Burm 1953 Ills Hut May 1953 J 25X6A une 1953 Ills 9 Spain June 1953 in progress In progress in progress not initiated not initiated in progress in progress in progress nat initiated in abeyance not initiated not initiated not initiated Sanitized - ApAKoved For Release: CIA-RDP754Q662R000300100001-0 Security tn!'aaaetion B. 1 Camdlatian and Construction Prolects . o&u- uct1~ and in! Numft4w Titles Im Greece : >3ypec atric UU38 Rev.- Imigzation Quota Areas 11553 Rev-- Strength of Caamunist Party 116 11838 1137 32093 222-W 12 ?7 123511 l2 123.4 12^50 Netberlends: Principal North Bea n.sning Western Siberia Retberlands: Coal Producing Area is Liab.:rg Province West Africa Guatemala Distribution of Soviet Shipping Iorotey: Te mitaa Seep Nos iayt Dslieitaticns of Territc rtal Selo Greece: A01c4tura1 Producing Areas l23 me Goianas 12"90.22b09 Central & South Urals Zak ~_O Central & Southern Uri Status CRR C state C state C R CCI C State C CRR/NIS C R CRR C CHR/NIS C CFR C. CSR C State C CRR/NIB C R R 25X6A g 22k",9 Urals Region - Electric Power Uzbek 88R Cm Europe and Asia cm 19-:79 Ru?ania: Mmianistrative Divisions Latin l rica CRR WE m C 992~ mmea & - /~ ~ s 3239 Central Soren WS ~w~~j 3255 Nearea r"t CCI 12551 lasts 8effisiere CCI 12Z;53 Southeast Asia CCI 255k Western Rurrope on Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75='OO662R000300100001-0 Security Information II. crrxc 0R 3Z Cam'j GCRAP$IC AESE~IHCS ss.r~rsr r.~r_.~r. A. Activities 1. Because of the increasing number of instances where Foreiga Service finds difficulty in obtaining funds in support of regional travel by Geographic Attaches, 'the Chief, Geographic Research, mart with the Acting Director of CLI/State and with the AD/IC for the purpose of discussing methods whereby funds might be obtained for strengthening overt foreign map procurement and geographic reporting during the rest of this fiscal year and fiscal year 1934. A staff study an this question has been prepared and appendices to' this study are being formulated. 2. A representative of the Organization and Methods Services Division has indicated that the proposal for the consolidationof graphics production services in CIA has received a at in so" offices and it. currently under consideration in t Chief, / Gaograpbic Research, pointed out to the Chief of the Administrative Office for D?/P that the Geographic Area of CM does not wish to assume responsibility for the total graphics effort unless there is complete cooperation and good will at all levels- Antagonism and opposition at. working levels would create a very inefficient type of operation and nothing would be accomplished by the proposed consolidation. Da/P advised that approval wu..ld indicate that full cooperation could be expected. 3. The Chief, Geographic Research, conferred with representatives Of WA, fEA/State, ATOIR and G-2 regarding the Egyptian Governrsent,'s dr3sire for substantial assistance in carrying out a detailed survey aad mapping project for the new Aswan dam and reservoir project. The rgquirements for such a mapping program- wane discussed ' in detail, and it was finessy decided that cwemercial firms shou2A be called in to binA s much of the work but that "WA would probably supply some equipment and training. A joint military mapping program, proposed by the Rgyptian Government, was shelved. 4. Evaluations of wrformance during calendar year 1952 were 25X1 C4a p9repsred for The Chief, Geographic Research, conferred at officers regarding 25X1 C4a pwomotional policy s~av current and job descriptions and classifications for the ' 25X1 C4a Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75'-'U9662R000300100001-0 Secuarity Information arise within a few weeks as additional personnel for the Photo Intelligence Division cams aboard. of personnel to new slot nos have been campleted? i3. Problees 1. A conference was held with a representative of the--Policy and planning Staff of the procvarewat aid. Supplry 0lf1C6 at CIA for the purpose of discussing probleaas that have risen in regard to the .VCMWI delivery of very specialized. equipcienct and supplies required- for the cartographic effort. It is believed that a procedure may be worked out whereby special purchases may be obtained on a rush. basis and precise specifications will be honored. 2. The problem of obtaining the proper person to head up the :Photo Intelligence Division is currently in hand and it is hoped that no no-jar block will be encountered. A very serious space question will 5. The Geog'aphic Area'received its restated T/0 which reflects all, changes resulting from the classification survey. All reassigo?ents III. GBOGPAM Aty=CN 25X1A9a program. After soucb revision because of changes by contributors in the substance of their contributions, the Chapters IX for Germany IF, and China are nm in final a uscript and are being typed for submittal to D/B in January. Typing of the initial draft for the HIS Chapter U on Czechoslovakia is practically complete and appropriate parts will be submitted to contributors for review during the first week in January. Progress on other US Chapters IX is satisfactory with murky contributions in from, other agencies. Higher priority work, however, has delayed and will continue to. slow up the production effort ' on some of the Chapters. .1S which have been distributed, such survey to be initiated and completed prior to the full-blown initiation of the MW eai Ce A. AccoaD}.ish?ents 1. The HIS Chapter U Suhcoamittee, chairmaned by the Chieff, Geography Division, amt an 17 December, and established a production schedule for fiscal year 1954 which requires the submittal of eight Chapters during that year. This Subeamsittee felt that it would be desirable to have a highly . cadpetent non-Gave zmefltnl group appointed in order to make a survey of end-user reaction to those parts of the Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-O 662R000300100001-0 25X1X3 security Enforwtion 25X1 C9d 2 5X 1 W ou se escape and evasion studies, nww4 for were distributed in quantity in December . No a~ore general escape and evasion studies are in re-duction; two arm in final review; and to are2SK1 6kess . The detailed study of escape and evasion areas in with the texts for 15 of the 20 areas is now written. All of the graphics for this studyy are Similar studies requested by DD/P for areas north of the ve not yet been aseainned. An IWVUI~Waft of the first border study requested by TJ)/P, namely for was subwdtterl to T$)/P for review. Pepeseatatives of that Office desired a detail which can only be obtained throw' the analyses of air photogra. Whatever graptiy is available has been ordered, and will be utilized to the greatest possible extent. Scree progress has been made on two other border astudies requested by DD/P- 3. several conversations have been held with appropriate officers in MM regarding geodetic and mapping questions that relate to the tan and to the sonezvZ field of guided reissiles. The current studies in response- to requests from OBI. have been moving slowly, bath because cf the difficulty of obtaining the necessary information and also because of the lack of personnel to assign to these projects. With more than "0 percent of the research and writing completed for the Issyk Ifliil? Ixo feet, it is believed that the final study sha= be ready for submittal early in )arch. The Geography of the Stalingrad-ttrda section of the V- Caspian Lowland was in reproduction at the and of the month and has now been distributed. This report is a sanitized. version of a TS report prepared in response to an OBI request. Also issued is the study of the boundary between Norway and the U=,, but. the report on tam is still in Reproduction as are tiro moat! issues of the P aence Review. 25X6A 5. A "-_ - the 25X1 C10b Division bas.been preparation of re~questel by DD/P. The m a n u s c r i p t is cowplated, and should be ready for subdttal to the uester ear in January. Scrcme attention is being given to project, upon request fay OR and with the assistance of S/Cta4. some material bees already been discussed with ONI . T major offort on this project cannot be undertaken until later in the spring. Other work by the analysts has involved the - Saniti7Prl Anprnucrl Fnr Release ? r-ie_DDP7g op66~I~A-0 A399.499994-9 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Security Information preparation of a special service study of fd reign-published map 25X1 C 10b series in answer to the completion of a low priority study involving the preparation an annotated gazetteer ma caraaadum of the addle at petroleum industry; preparation of a brief Amnia in =rw-cr to 25X1 C10b 3 ua av~.:.1-ibis aez'isl ;J;CtOgra'pjr - cov"Ang ashy of data for assistance 25X1 C8a to the Cartogfar y Division in the ansUsia of data and of boundary i1foTMtion as. required for nmp compilation; participation in the instruction required for 0 internal training couzeos; debriefing U. S. citizens and Caaverm nt officials returning Fran abroad; assistance in the preparation of detailed requiremments foarsax . to Geographic Attaches; preparation of collection requitMents; and the submittal of 22 evaluations of 00-B, 00-K and SO reports. B. Coordination 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 1. R sentatives of of the on 9 Daacember 1952 with C W. Berg D/GG, to discuss the adequacy of currentlygeodetic and astronomic data for use in guided missile systems. ton revealed aserious gap in the adequacy of the a available data. is preparing a brief non-technical swbmaLry of deficiencies. Ceder Berg has held conferences on this subject within the Departial t of Defense and will Grp the CeoVaZhy Div ice i.i?c " suanroy of , p sr ate offices, here in Washington, indicates that there is no parogr+~ established at the Vresent time for deter (t g the precise location of targets in tau UM. participated in conferences Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Chief, Geogr pby Division, and the Advisor on the UM., 2. Coordination for a progrm to provide escape and evasion studies to newt the require?ents of the three Service Daarparteents is maving sloiiy, althou i 200 copies of the reports prepared by the Geography Division are distributed to .tae Wavy and over 300 copies to the Air. Force at their specific reaquests. The Ari is f ting its Muirewwts ftw escape and evasion studies, and it is possible that the research undertaken within the Geography Division can be geared to satisfy total requiteaeeats for this type of research. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-Oa662R000300100001-0 Security larow adian 25X1 C8b 3. The Advisor on the USSR, D/GG, assisted CCI in the ans1y8is and paration of comments on extremely revealing intelligence received from In regard to Soviet glans to unify Satellite mapping into its system. This development will be foUcwed closely and will be related to other information recently obtained regarding Soviet activities in the geodetic and mapping fields. c. Problems 1. There appears to be a continuing increase of interest on the past of D?/P and OBI regarding the capabilities of D/GG for taking on additional geographic research in support of their respective operations and intelligence production. On the basis of the experience obtained in the preparation of the first border study requested by DD/P, it seems clear that agreement east be reached with the requesters regarding a reduction in the scope of these studies or a considerable augmentation of research time must be allocated to future studies of this type. 2. The Geography Division is concerned with the time lapse in clearing provisional personnel, and Is still handieappsd by inadequate typing assistance although the assignment of a.nev clerk- to the Division during December was greatly appreciated. IV . PHOTO I MME DIVISIt A. Acco plishnents 1. During December a second analyst began work within the Photo Intelligence Division. He returned from an intensive eleven-week. 25X1A5a1 course in phol tpemmetry A third analyst is fully cleared but has not ca , as MW exact date of availability. A fourth analyst is an the CIA pay roll In, a provisional status. As. stated earlier, steps are underway to obtain a, highly qualified man to fill the position of Chief of the Divisions. 2. A photo intelligence project was initiated for D/Z said stemmed from work previously done for this Division during Wevesnber. A second project was also initiated in support of D/GG. This project relates to the analysis of air photography for the border study being completed in answer to a DD/P request. There was considerable discussion with the Advisor on the USSR, D/GG, regarding the type of control needed in utilizing oblique photography for intelligence purposes. Several other consultations were held with representatives in other Divisions Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Security Information 25X1 C9d 25X1 C9d 25X1X4 of CM. The project for DD/P E gimme-consuming but is nowt practically ? has been very B. Coordination 1. The Photo Intelligence Division was approached by representatives 25X1X4 from the DD area and from ATIC, UW, regarding an operation on the Mar Force interest centers on observable Soviet airfields, but additi requirements were requested. It was pointed out that this Agency has 25X1 C9d icular interest in rather complete coverage of A M/P representative will. be coordinator for the CIA requirements. It is planned that the field party will depart in April for a six-month period. V. CARTCGRA1 T DIVISIpt 1. In general, production by the Cartography Division during December vas relatively noel, although the number of requests for. now substantive maps was overshadowed by the request for graplla, special support maps, wall. displays and other presentation aids. The extremely high priority and exacting requirements placed on some of the requests during the month, :.used a certain deg Gc o to fftcienay in op tions but the retuning products are believed to have been satisfactory. 2. Caxto6Eaphic Effort a. During December the Csrtograpby Division caeted 22 maps of which 18 were for CIA. Of special. interest were the 5 briefing maps ceoetructed at the request of G C1. Oth=r. were erAbstantive:` maps prepared for inclusion in the EIS publications and in R reports. As an assist to the Department of State, a detailed may on iffiigration quota areas was -produced in large quantity. Th vrk1o d was excessive in the Development and Construction Branch of the Division. A total of 188 projects were assigned, of which 80 were cc 1ated.,, corrections were made on 33, and 27 were still in progress at. the end of the reporting period. Among these projects were 19 charts for E18-65, 5 other charts for CM, a series of 21 "drop maps" for a study being prepared for D?/P as well as the briefing maps for the President-Elect. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - AppTbved For Release : CIA-RDP75-O'0662R000300100001-0 Security Information a. In arddition to requests for graphs and, special service. projects, the Division accepted requests for 36 maps of 'which 27 were fit CIA Offices. It is ennticlpated that the series of briefing maps for the President-Elect vill number 25 to 30. use are being produced accarding to epe lficatioass at the rate. of three per week. Pour to 8 pare=+s vithia the Division are aasignid ful Use to this project in order to saiutain this schedule. 3. QrraPhic Support a. he Graphics Branch ccoglaW numercua charts and other pree*ntation media during December- The output represented a slight increase over previous nontbs. Requests fro the Personnel Division vere particularly heavy, as were those from General Services and fn the Directors Office. S me work was also undertaken for CE and 06I. Because of the occssiot l pile-up of work resulting from short drowns, one request ftr assistance bad to be dwUne&- gmua ga a. The Special Support Branch accepted requests for 19 items of work and completed 17. This was in addition to the assigmment of ca filers on a full time basis to the series of briefing maps for the President-Elect. TI. HAP LIBRARY DIVISI06 A. of Statistics 1. S' 'v of Recei .$ fiend Disbursesents f0T the 1MsD Ltbrel7 DiviaiQ co s 1. Procurement a. During December 7,000 foreign-published asps verre received a s with fareiga agencies. Of particular significance t arzangemen Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Ap ved For Re. e ? fA-RDR754 662R000300100001-0 h" 1.J.131tA1tl i)IV 161ON St}IMARY OF STATISTICS e. DECEi DER 1952 (for retention in Map Library) Specialt y H Man She e Made in C r ~ 58334 bQ Can automa r eceipt and purchases for stock 2 9623 c, From other domestic sources , 97 d, From foreign sources 574 e, From foreign sources for stock ~ Total 118614 Atlases and ether reference mAterfa 'a. Cn automatic receipt and purchases for stock b. From foreign sources Total Maw a. Special maps . CIA/bAC b. Special maps ? All other c. Series indexed and cataloged Total C osi xi etc 8 of ~f ennce works a. Atlases b, Place.-name volumes C. Publisher's catalogs dp Other reference volumes Total UTSB SII~SENTS M R?auestas a, To domestic establishments 1, To CIA 2. To Department of state 3, To Department of Defense a) Department of the Aray 43 b) Department of the Navy 11 a) Department of the Air Force 34 d) Other components of Defense 18 634 238 106 4, To other Government agencies 67 b. To establishments overseas 1, To Foreign Service posts 16 2, To foreign agencies (including only materials furnished by DItL1,___ Total 1.,042 At1$ses and other reference material so To domes to establishments 119 bo To foreign establishments f TV U0 a, Place-name questions bn Other reference inquiries Total. 120 Total 204 71. 275 23 of these were separate tbt~,es, Sanitized - Approve ror' Relea Series Mau Seehts Total MAD Sheets 0 8,314 3,561 69184 12 2$67q 3,253 ...... 6 68252 170 Total Volumes 374 . 350 117 373 2 5 4 21 T=11 3436 558 389 112 26 170 81 l51 I" ..~.~.. 5 63-5 Sheets/plumes 533 18025 S 56 /Vo_ 1 s 98034 1,473 4,493 638 93 380,4,5 717 457 370 st. S 4,413 158832 52 150(est_) 28A 270 336 Sanitized - AppTbved For Release : CIA-RDP75-IM62R000300100001-0 U Security Info nation 25X1X4 wee 3,000 new obtained from and an important 25X1 X4 ehipmeat from A little over 50 percent of these maps wee distributed to other participating agencies, of which the MW Map Service was the recipient of the largest amount. Over 9,000 maps and 360 reference publications were forwarded to agencies abseed in f~ult"1].Zmant of U. S. cca fitments on the cmdwages. Most of the maps were provided by the U._S. Geological Survey. 25X1 C8a 25X1 C8a - - desired assistance. 25X1 C8a 25X1 C8a in order to t~ a ~ and reporting mission desired by agencies in Washington. She remain for m period of rcm1mately two months. 25X1 X4 ^ departed from Washington 25X1 X4 ^ in December for their respective posts. They have been tb fly briefed by the several agencies they serve. C. Tro domeitic procurement channels M maps, 13 engineers drawings and 20 books were received, of which the majority were transmitted to other user agencies. In processing twelve 00-8 reports 50 maps and drawings were recorded and reproduced. Several chive rsquirsasats for maps and related information were initiated for collection purposes throug2r 00 channels. d. The staff drafted 59 letters, instructions, airgrams and other eamesi nieations for. action by the Department of State wad transmittal to the field. 2. Processing a. A total of 1,000 maps and a number of atlases, catalogues and Other reference publications were cataloged and indexed. Due to the lack of available typing assistance, it has been impossible to reeot do current in the issuance of the Weekly Acquisitions List of maps on foreign areas. At the present time five manuscript drafts far this list are smiting further processing. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-e6662R000300100001-0 12 Security Information b. A total at 70 larders were placed for 3,400 maps, 200 plastic relief aps, and 226 other publications. Over 1,000 maps were destroyed as being of no current value ? On the other hand, 600 Items were sent out to obtain reproduction prints or lamination. 3. Map Re~temhaae Services S. of the nearly 1,500 requests directed to the Reference Branch of the Map Library Division, over 1,000 vere for maps, in answer to which nearly 16,000 sheets, involving about 4,2 O0 titles, were d! ftributed too Ices In CT, various arts of the Department of State, eoaponenta of the Department of Defense and to other agencies. The decrease in the number of requests during Deca her was undoubtedly due to the reduction of personnel on duty over the holiday season. 25X1 C4a C. Coordination 1. The Chief of the Map Librrary Division, in consultation with representatives of St/C/RB, 00/C, and OCD, arranged for the direct routing of requirements for the collection of maps from domestic sources from D/GL to 00/C . This procedure was suggested by St/C and has considerably expedited the handling of such requirements. Several. require?ents of the Army Map Service for information obtainable from domestic sources have been handled by the Map Library Division in this manner. to officers in the Map Library Division accompanied who were on consultation in Washington part o the month, to the mary camponects of the Military and civilian agencies. As a result, they obtained up-to-date review of the regvfremmats of these agencies for maps and related geographic information on foreign are". Sanitized Approved For Release '75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 itizad ' - Approved or Release CIA RCP - 300100001-0 Office emot endue- ~ ? UNIT STATES GOVERNMENT AD, RR DATE: 8 January 1953 FROM : Chief, D/I SUBJECT: Monthly Report - December 1952 1. Production a. Project Planning. 25X1A5a1 " draft of the proposal for project was received and forwarded to OAD RR for approval. This project will provide basic data and or methodology to be utilized in the analysis of Soviet Bloc aircraft production. Working groups have met on all office wide projects included in the 1953 program. The preliminary survey on China is virtually complete and the Trans-Siberian Rail study well along. The Division forwarded to DDP flow charts for military end items showing the sequence of production from raw material to final output. A subsequent call from the customer indicates complete satisfaction with the work doneo co- Progress Developments and Problems in Production. 25X1A9a During the month of December, projects )43-51 "Anti- friction Bearings Industry in European Satellites," 27-51 "Agricultural Machinery Production USSR," and 28-52 "The Determina- tion of the Ministries Involved in the Research Development and Production of Guided Missiles," were forwarded to D/R. All projects in the 1952 program have now been forwarded. I/IF has been conducting a series of seminars on research methods and report writing. The seminars have served as a most useful vehicle for exchanging ideas and techniques and-for giving analysts the benefit of own 25X1A9a considerable experience. A stenotype transcript has been taken of one of the sessions and it will be reproduced for each analyst in the Division and any others who are interested. 25X1A9a attended meetings of the American Economic Association in icago, 27 to 29 December. 2. Coordination and Appraisal The EIC Electronic and Telecommunications Subcommittee held its third meeting. A working group meeting was also held to complete the initial draft of the survey forms. The Armaments Subcommittee has completed its survey in record time. Attention will now be turned to an intensive study of ored forc s v c Sanitized - Approved F ; - R60l~5-edb6iht&5bU016) 6$ '-ed Sanitized - Approved For -00662R000300100001-0 an appraisal of available intelligence in the field. All Branches of the Division attended seminars with FDD. It is felt that these seminars have served an extremely useful Rinction for all concerned, and that is to be commended for 25X1A9a Arrangements were finally made for to inspect a Poebeda automobile at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Such inspections of Soviet material are invaluable to the working analyst. 3? Adequacy of Services and Facilities FDD has offered to prepare a bibliography for us in the Library of Congress, a service which we have had only small success in getting through the CIA library. Shipbuilding Branch reports that the library has shown a slight improvement in providing documents but that the service is still inadequate. arranging them. 25X1A9a 4. Relationships with other ORR and CIA Offices. The Electrical Equipment Branch conferred with representatives of OSI on the 1953 program of research and on the availability of completed projects. 5. Evaluations The Division made a total of 54 evaluations of 00 documents and 89 evaluations of SO documents during December. The results are as follows: (Note: We have now kept track of evaluations for a six months period and we believe the reporting has served its purpose of finding out how many of what kind of evaluations were being made. Unless the Assistant Director wishes us to continue this type of reporting, we are planning to drop it beginning next month.) 00 SO B-2 19 B-3 23 c-2 11 B-2 22 C-1 5 C-3 8 B-2 5 C-1 8 C-3 14 C-2 4 B-1 3 A-2 4 Other 7 B-1 3 Other 17 Total 51.E 89 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For R& se :'C`llDP75-O'0662R000300100001-0 6. Distribution of Branch Effort December 1952 Activity Hours Percent Branch Projects 25652 Office Wide Projects 425 34.7 5.7 July-December 1952 17,279 39.4 3,951* 9.0 .1 (Stockpiling) (15) .2 (E. Germany) (191) ?3 (China-ORR) (23) ? 3 (China-D/I) (29l) ?4 (Regional Distb)(171) .5 (Trans-Siber) (422) .6 (Inter-Indus) (6) .7 (WSM) (10) Special Projects 1642 NIE 65 (542) IP (Flow Charts) (73) Misc (37) Reading & Intellofaxing 18462 25.0 10,0812 23.0 Evaluations 195-3/4 2.7 997-3/4 2.3 Requirements 2052 2.8 711 1.6 Training 511 6.9 1,84 4.2 Export Control 162 .2 1,424 3.2 Estimates File 5 .1 46 .1 Administration 54- 7.4 2,504 5.7 Consulting 14 32 1.9 770 1.8 Internal Contacts 222 3.0 1,115 2.5 External Contacts 1672 2.3 967 2.2 EIC Subcommittee 68 ?9 Editing 106 1.4 3252 ?7 Briefings i 36 .5 Miscellaneous 164-3/4 2.2 1,8874 4.3 7389 100. 43,908 100. # All non branch projects Included in miscellaneous 7. Status of Personnel as of December 31, 1951,&.3) December, 1952. On Duty P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A L Dec751 Dec 752 Civilian 37 50 IAC 4 2 In Process 23 C L E R I C A L Dec/51 Dec 752 9 16 3 4 Sanitized - Approved For Release p Iii= DP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Rel r? iA- 01%62R0003001 00001 -0 "Ii P R O F E S S I O N A L Recruitment Requests Outstanding Dec Dec 2* Civilian Fiscal 1953 T/O 28 15 Civilian (111) 77 87 * Presently overencumbered by one (Dr. Drell) During the past year, there was a net gain of 13 civilian professionals and 7 clerical personnel, but a net loss of 2 IAC personnel. The number in process increased by 12. With respect to civilian professionals, the net gain of 13 was the result of an increase of 20 and a decrease of 7. Of the 7 who left the Division, 2 went to D/T, 1 to 0/S0, one to an overseas assignment, one to OCI, and one to another CIA office. The seventh person left the agency entirely for work with the Navy. With respect to clerical personnel, the gain of 7 was accounted for by an inflow of 15 and an outflow of 8. Of the 8 who left the Division, 1 went to the Office of Chief, Research, 2 to the 0/SO, one to St/A, and one is an overseas assignment. Three resigned from the agency altogether. The net loss of 2 IAC personnel represents an inflow of 3 and an outflow of 5. Of the 5 who departed, 2 went to Naval assignments, 1 to an Air Force assignment, 1 to 0/SO, and 1 to D/T. 8. Recommendations 25X1A9a ORR:D/I 8 Janu 1953 25X1A9a ff Distribution: 1 - D/I Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 .WW Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Report for Month of December 1952 1. The Materials Division's contributions to the ORR China Project were completed and are now being reviewed by - of the AD/RR's 25X1A9a office. (The report on cotton from the Food and Agriculture Branch is still being edited and will be turned in to 7 January 1953.) 25X1A9a 2. During the month of December, the branches continued work on their assigned ORR Branch projects with emphasis on those due to be com- pleted in the first quarter of 1953. 3. The Division examined the Analysis Division's projections and analysis in the contribution to NIE-65 in the light of the Materials Division's own projections. There exist areas of disagreement. 4. The semi-annual report of the Petroleum Subcommittee of the EIC was approved and forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the EIC. 5. The Chemicals Branch reported a large amount of time spent by sox Xu1A oersonnel in work outside of the ORR Program, e.g., "80% of time was spent on research and writing reports for COCOM." The work on explosives is still frustrated by the failure to obtain analy- ses of explosives used by the Communists in Korea; it has been impossible to arrange conferences with either the Ordnance Department or the Chemical Corps regarding information which they are believed to have. 6. The Division participated in all Task Forces responsible for the office-wide projects, providing the chairmanship of two of these Task Forces, and is satisfied with the beginnings made in these efforts. 7. The Division is proceeding in its attempts to establish three ad- ditional Advisory Panels - Solid Fuels, Ferrous Metals, and Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved FQm0 elease : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 STANDARD FORM NO. 64 ized - Apprb ' d For Release : CIA-RDP75-00 R000300100001-0 Office emorunaum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Assistant Director, Research and Reports DATE: 7 January 1953 FROM : Chief, Reports Division SUBJECT: 114onthly Report 1. General a. A detailed review of some of the major problems of this division was presented in D/R's report for December. These matters remain substantially as presented then and are not all repeated here. b. During the past month D/R has submitted to the AD/RR memoranda on the following: (1) Proposed New Status Report (2) Proposals for Categories and Numbering of ORR Projects (3) D/R - D/E Agreement for Processing D/E Papers (!t) Proposal for Standardizing PR Dissemination (5) Proposal for Controlling the Dissemination of Working Papers c. The Chief, D/R, has participated in recommending a manage- ment study of the allocation of project initiation and control responsibilities within ORR and in preparation of the forms and instructions for the study of daily time allocations. d. The Chief, D/R, has reported his concern over the magni- tude of the 1953 program in relation to the probable editorial and publication capabilities available. The contemplated handling of this problem seems to be a satisfactory interim expedient. e. The long delay in receiving a report of the results of the classification survey has been an obvious inconvenience to D/R and has prevented a number of well-deserved promotions. 2. Project Initiation and Control Branch 25X1A9a a. Upon recommendation of the Chief',1 D'TK, was made available for reassignment and designate cj Chief, R/PI, effective 22 December 1952. b. is rapidly familiarizing himself with the functions of this branch and is giving special attention to the issu- ance of the new status report, the problems of dissemination of ORR issuances to various groups of recipients, and the preparation of Project Initiation Memoranda for the 1953 series. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-R 00300100001-0 AMM Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 c. The initial establishment of the Control Board will require a major effort. Additional supplies have been ordered. Conferences have been held with D/Z regarding inclusion of their projects. The board has been seen by the AD/RR and approved in principle. d. A separate report on the status of the 1951-52 Series has been prepared for the AD/RR and is, therefore, not repeated here. a. There are currently 29 projects in various stages of review, 9 being typed, 6 in the divisions for revision, and 2 in reproduction. Twelve papers were issued in December: 1 EIC, 2 RR, 1 IM, 1 PR, 5 'GYP, 1 IP, and 1 T. Only one paper of the 1951-52 Series has not been received--namely, 18-51-which has been delayed because of the discove of errors in the statistical tables. This has been reported to the AD/RR. b. The most pressing problem of tti:is di-vrision is the recruit- ment of qualified personnel. Since this has been reviewed so recently both orally and in D/Rts monthly reports, it is not repeated here. For the effort expended, the results have been disheartening indeed. c. As suggested in last monthts report, guidance from the AD/RR is needed in developing the criteria to be applied in determining the categories of publications and the standards to be required in each. 4. Administrative Problems a. D/R's operation continues to be handicapped by two problems previously report--namely, the lack of messenger service and the intolerable delays in sending materials back and forth to the Reproduction Division in Alexandria. b. Although the policy for the handling of the release of 25X1A5a1 papers - has been established, the machinery for so doing requires some adjustment and lubrication. c. Additional requirements for transmitting papers to O FR representatives overseas have made this operation increasingly cumber- some. At this writing, D/R is seeking clarification and instructions. d. The physical dissemination of working papers outside ORR also presents certain problems of allocation of responsibility for which D/R is seeking a solution, e. The handling of the report on rubber suggests the need for a careful review of the procedures for processing coordinated interagency reports and the fixin, of responsibility within ORR. Both in its initial review before meeting and in its editing for publication, 25X1 C8a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 this paper presented a succession of problems which were essentially administrative and procedural in character and which were unduly time-consuming. f. D/R carries on liaison with the present staff of Ch/R on matters involving the control and review of projects whenever appropriate. Various problems have been referred to them. For the time being it,is assumed that this relationship will continue to be handled on an ad hoc basis. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a OPR :D/R~: hb Distribution: 1 - Addressee 2 - D/R files Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For e : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 MONTHLY REPORT SERVICES DIVISION 1. Research Activities and Projects During December the Division spent 46 1/2% of its available analyst time on research. In spite of a substantial increase in leave during the month, this represents a slight increase over November when the Division devoted 45% of available analyst time to research. During December the following projects were completed by the Division: a. 7-51, "High Tension Transmission Networks in the Urals Area" (Proof is now being corrected.) b. 16-51, Revision of "Air Transport in the USSR Fast of the Urals" C. 0.3, "Econon of China" (First Phase) d. 45.1, "Wages and Wage Differentials in the USSR" e. 46.1, Czechoslovakia Section of "Foreign Radiobroadcast Reception Potential in the European Satellites" f. 47.1, Preliminary draft of "Actual Growth of Volume of Construction in the USSR, 1928-1951" 25X1 A9a g. 00-B's 59719, 59720, 60825, Reports prepared by of S/TR based on the interrogation of a source in Chicago in November. Work was under way during December on the following projects: a. IP-279, "Manchurian Railway System" (Revision) b. 0.5, "Volume and Character of Trans-Siberian Railway Traffic" c. 43.1.1, "China - Statistics" d. 43.2.1, "USSR - Statistics" e. 13.3.1, "European Satellites - Statistics" f. 43.4, "Shipments and Transloading Facilities in Selected Areas of USSR and European Satellites" g. 47.3, "Underground Construction in the Soviet Bloc" Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 h. 47.4, "Housing Standards of the USSR" i. 4&.1, "Soviet Retail Trade" j. 48.2, "Soviet Services" k. 18-51, "Soviet Orbit Total Trade with Non-Orbit Countries, 148-51" In the final stages of statistical compilation, vhich forms the basis of this study, old errors were revealed, necessitating mart' hours of additional work and causing further delay in its completion. It is now estimated that the project will be completed by 1 February 1953. 1. 45.2, "Technical Education in the European Satellites" m. 45.4, "Development of Labor Force in Sovzone" no 45.5, "Agricultural Labor, USSR" o. 44.1, "Eaectric Power in Communist China, A General Survey" r. 41.2. "Organizational Structure of Communist China's Heavy .Industries" s. to IP-326, "Organizations in East Germany and USSR" 25X1X3 u. 45.3, "Slave Labor in the European Satellites" 2. Economic Intelligence Committee Activities a. Subcommittee on Trade and Finance This subcommittee did not meet during December although the working group on "Financial Policies and Institutions in Intra-Soviet Bloc Trade and Finance" is continuing its stucy*. b. Transportation Subcommittee 25X1 A9a 25X1A9a attended one meeting of the subco e. also attended one meeting of the working group studying the capacity of the Trans-Siberian Railroad and pre- pared a semi-annual report on the activities of the subcommittee. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 -3- c. Subcommittee on Electronics and Telecommunications This subcommittee met once during December and began,a survey of the status of intelligence concerning telecommunications facilities. d. Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities The working group of this subcommittee completed a draft of a catalogue of requirements concerning telecommunications facilities. e. Subcommittee on Population and Manpower During December, this subcommittee approved its survey of the status of intelligence on Soviet Bloc population, manpower, and labor. 3. Activities of Census Bureau Group The Census Bureau Group, working under the direction of the Labor Branch, was engaged in the following projects during December: The Population of Poland The Population of Yugoslavia The Population and Manpower of Manchuria The following projects have been completed: Wage Data on the 'USSR labor Force Data The Population of Czechoslovakia . (awaiting the clearance of State Department) Projections of Population (Revised) 4. Personnel The chief personnel problem of the Division continues to be the shortage of stenographers and typists. This is particularly acute in view of the requirement that the Division put its own working papers on stencil. Project 23-52, of 375 Pages, was returned by D/R in October for stencil cutting. So far, 105 pages have been completed. 25X1 A9a Acting Chief of the Construction Branch, died on 17 December. He had been absent for three months previously. This Branch is the only one in the Division in which there is a serious shortage of senior analysts. One applicant expected by the Branch has been rejected on security grounds. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDPv-00662R000300100001-0 5. Reorientation of Effort of S/TF The approaching completion of Project 18-51, which has involved a great amount of detailed statistical work, will enable the Trade and Finance Branch to devote itself to the broader problems pertinent to its charter to an extent that has not been possible up to the present time. 6. In recapitulation, the Division has allocated available analysts time in the following manner during December: Research -- !i.61/2% Service and secretarial work -- 9% In-box -- 21% Administration -- 9 1/2% Training --- 2% Leave -- 1 The increase in percentage devoted to research is due in part to over- time work. 25X1A9a WLT:jmc Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 ,)1N Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 M Office ? Assistant Director, Research and Reports FROM : Chief, Division of Techniques and r'ethods, ORR SUBJECT: i?.onthiy Report, December 1952 I. Data Procurement A. Activities during December *1. A Soviet Pobeda was exploited Fort Belvoir. 25X1 B4d 25X1 C8a 2. As yet no final reply has been received from the concerning the planned exploitation project. The first joint team has finished its intensive overall training period, is currently receiving three more weeks of language training, and, if there 25X1 C8a is still no indication of will then 7o on a stand-by basis. 3. Disassembly field research continues in the Control Office, Far East. The third T34-85 tank is currently being exploited. B. Immediate future plans 25X1 B4d Security lnfor?mati- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 *1. The substantial amount of accunmulated signal corps equipment available at Fort 1 onmouth will be exploited by a D/T team some tine during January. industrial items will shortly become available possibilities at Anniston. 3. It is anticipated that additic NWA44at-acquired *2. A preliminary trip will. be taken to determine exploitation DATE: 5 January 1953 Sanitized - Approved Fore_ _ CIA-RDP15-00662R000300100001-0 Securi B. Immediate future plans No extraordinary activities are anticipated for January. III. Production of Intelligence Output 25X1 B4d B. Immediate future plans The production schedule on the various working papers and/or reports outlined above is still- dependent upon the extent of field activities during January, as indicated in the November monthly report. IV. Special Items 25X1 B4d *1. D/T has initiated a series of briefings for other divisions of ORR to inform them of analysis and the extent of progress to date. The first briefing was given to members of D/I on 11 December. 25X1A9a *2. A special briefing was given for Yr. Sherman Kent and on 19 December. *3. Discussions have been initiated with Wright Field and Aberdeen Proving Grounds to set up continuing arrangements for training of D/T personnel in these installations. 4. Classification conducted its on-the-job survey of D/T positions between 29 November and 19 December. 5. Current status on D/T recruitment is as follows: on duty - 43; processing - 9; secretarial vacancies for which D/T does not recruit directly - 1; total - 53. 6. D/T has prepared its first SOP for hostilities, establishing a check list of essential steps to be taken now and on any future D-Day. Arrangements for safekeeping of essential material have been implemented, and a first estimate of the extent of personnel and space increase has been made. Security information Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 Sanitized - Approved For bMj4-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0 25X1 B4d Security Information 25X1 C8a 8. will ar---ive daring January for a period of briefing within D 25X1A9a security InEformatson Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00662R000300100001-0