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Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-00001 R0~0~~~.~0~~971$51 NYSPAp~g THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK STATE PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION ISSUED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, KARL H. THIESING 768 iRVING AVE. SYRACUSE(10), N. Y. PHONE 5-0012 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY MEId ?nTIIL ADDRESS NYSP.~ CONVENTIdN AT WHI'~EFAGE INN CPYRGHT Colonel Chester B. Hansen and Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Assistants to~~CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith, will give a presentation, Ih~~ United States and Its National Intelligence System", at the 1V'YSPA Coa~- vention. This presentation will highlight the banquet program Monday evening. Publishers, their wives end guests, will have an opportunity to hear this off-the-record discussion on matters of vital concern in today's world crisis.. Colonel Hansen is a graduate of Syracuse' University, and has been em- ployed as a public relations consultant in New York?.City and Albany. During'World War II he was an aide to General Omar N. Bradley. After the war, he also served with General Bradley when the latter was Ad- ministrator of Veterans Affairs. In 198 Colonel Hansen was assigned as Assistant to the Chief of Staff. of the Army, and the following year as Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In May, 1951: Hansen became Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick is a graduate` of Princeton University. He has been an editor of U. S. News and World Report. In January, 197, he jcined the Central Intelligence Agency and in October, 1950, became an executive assistant to General Walter Bedell Smith, Director of CIA . WAGE DECONTROL OF PTiICE-EXEMPT INDUSTRIES } WSB Chairman, George W. ~'aylor, has stated that the report of the six- man tripartite panel on possible wage decontrol of price-exempt indus- tries has been placed on the- Hoard's agenda and will be considered at ari early date. Dr. Taylor added that any recommendations which may be agreed upon by the full Wage Stabilization Board necessarily will be submitted to Economic Stabilization Director Eric Johnston. A summary of- the findings of the ~.pecial panel, and the full text of the dissent of labor member Woodruff Randolph, were forwarded to the membership under date of August 25th. (Index Page 293) Over -1- Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-00001 R0002002bII0J7-8 Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-000018000200200097-8 CPYRGHT SALARY STABXLTZATION BOARD ISSUES POLICIES The Salary Stabilization Board has issued two Salary Sta'bil:izatior~~ Re,~;-- ulations . Salary Regulation No, l incorporates practically all the policies of the Wage Stabilization Board.- Salary Stabil:zation Re,gula- tion'No. 2 establishes the policy for approvira.g profit st~.aring and. bonus :payments to salaried employees . This latter Regulation tE~mp,ara.~i- ly freezes the total amount. of the bonus payments at the 1950 level, or . if the employer prefers, at the average amount paid dur;irig any three years between 1g~+6 and 1950 j-nclus ive . The Salary Stabilization Board has indicated unofficialay that Lts' de-? visions on merit and length-of-service increases twill be guj.ded by' cla_ General Wage Regulation No. 5 of the Wage Stabilization ~,oard, r,ather- than the new GWR 5 revently issued by tree WSB. The. rea?3 an f'or t-k~a_S is that the ald Regulation is more flexible and offers `con?si.derable ls~ti- tude for increases in cases where formal job evaluation plans are riot operative. It is recognized that the compensation of salaried emp~.oyees is determined more often an an individual basis, than on the bass l of a formal wage plan . i The Salary Stabilization Board will not use the offices of the Wage a.rc1 Hour Divisipn for the prpcessing of individual actions requiring; a~- proval of the WSB. Instead, a field organization of 15 district o~'fices dill be established to handle such cases, of which approximately 5,000 ark now pending. UNEMPLQYMENT CLAIMS. IN JULY DOUBLE ESTIMAT: CPYRGHT e paymen s in New York State d un er ~,he new Hughes- Brees Unemployment Insurance Law were almost double the number e.xpe~ctec~;. The sudden increase was due to a slacltenin in ' g consumer goods indus ',- tries, .scattered short-term lavoff~ hE=rA1]4a nf' ,,,.~+.,,.,~.., .. x,___.~_ __ , _ ___~ _... ~.+, i,..YVi V vy 1`1J..1VUl.t l1-. .t.,oySE~Y'1,1 executive director of the State P'[arPmPnr c,~~ r~rn~,,,,.,,,....y..~._~. T.__ __ The report put the total of new-law claims at 117,3$2. aga~.nst an antic:t~- pated.60,.000. Mr. Loysen said settlement. of claims was complicated by j'2,ilure of many claimants to produce employment record .slips which must lie given to' a.ll. separating employees by every employer. The number of cl~.ims ancL tie amount of unemployment benefits paid to claimants is of ~~ital concern to employers now that individual .merit rat ng h~,s been established . ', Of' course , each employer ~ s tax rate is based upon his awn individual. ex- perience, although the over-all experience of the State does have a, bearing upon the individual employer ~s contribution. -2- d Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-00001 R00~~200e~0~~18~~~ ? 'Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-000018000200200097-8 NYSPApER. N.EYOFSTA EL P BLUSH RS A S"N CPYRGHTp~~'~SHER MAY RE JECT ADVER~'ISING HE DEEMS OBJECTIONABLE The right of a publication to re jest an advertisement, or to withhold the privilege of advertising, fram any advertiser it deems objection:~;~~le has been upheld by the Supreme Court of New York. The case is that of Abco Movin & Storage Corp. vs . the New Y~ Telephone Company decided by Justice Charles D. BreiteZ on Februar~r 21, 1951. mhe plaintiff was a certified of household goods in interstate commerce . The defendant publishes various classified telephone direc?- tories circulated within metropolj.tan New Yark. Joseph Visceglia op~:;r-- ates and controls the Abco Moving $c Storage Gorp. and operates and con- trols the United Security Associated Warehouses, Inc., of New York Ctr,y. Both Visceglia and the latter corporation were convicted several years ago in the U . S . District Court for ~ the State of New Jersey on several violations of the Interstate Commerce Commission Act . Evidence brought before the Supreme Court by a Better Business Bureau representative in the Abco case, s'uppler~enting the telephone company's own records, revealed customer complaints against Abca and against United. The Court denied Abco's motion for a mandatory iri junction re- qu~ring the telephone company to publish its advertisements in the ca ossified directory . In upholding the position of the telephone com- pany, the Court held that the tele''phane company has an ethical obliga-? tion to protect the advert is3ng pages of its classified directory from being the instruments of unethical practices upon the public. CPYRGHT FCC APPROVES WESTERN UNION INCREASE IN PRESS RATES The Federal Communications Commission has authorized Western Union to raise, its rates by a total of $9,800,000 annually to off-set increased costs . Thee .~Comm.ssion approved an increase from 10 to 15 words in the minimum message charge for straight telegrams . ' It also authorized an increase in press rates . The new day press rate will be one-half the telegram and the new night press rate will be one-quarter of the telegr~~,m rate , rate . Previously, the ratio had been one-third and one-sixth respective-F ly . Last May, NYSPA President O'Hara joined. with the ANPA in requesting the Federal Communications Commission'to postpone the increases until a hearing could be held. On June 27th, El is ha Hanson, ANPA General Coun- sel s,nd F. E. Pdeinholtz, Comtriunin~'.ons" Director of the New York Times a.nd adviser to the ANPA Press ~;cm~:a~lications Committee, appeared before' trie ~'CC in opposition to the p~o;:~~?~a prase rate increases. The basic cbjection of the ANPA was that tract ?~destern Union formula would increase ;~re,~s rates proportionately more th~yn other telegraph .rates. The FC~~; r~cTaver, ruled that it diu no~ cor.~ider the Western Union proposal as ur_raueona'ole, and the new rotas have been approved. pprove or a ease ~ -3- (Index Page 295 ~ Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-000018000200200097-8 CPYRGHT LIBEL RULING SUGGESTS CAUTION ON LABOR AD3. Publishers should weigh .carefully their degree of exposure to l~.be1 actions before accepting controversial labor advertising. Statements issued in the heat of labar controversy, merit close scr~.~tiriy for libe~.ous material. A newspaper in Kent.ucl~y was recently held liable for staff;ements made t;~; a The ,2a.be1 suit arose out of a paid published ac~vertisemer~t that 'a small re-staurant was "unfair" to 1'members of labor.". ThP pra- priet' or Lzad. a handy man paint a two foot strip around the daor an the outside of the restaurant, which ~~ork was finished in 1~e,3s than an hour. The ],Deal painters'. union, about a month and a half later., inserted the fallowing; ad in the Paducah Sun-Democrat.. ('Circulation 2'r_ ?000) ; NOTICE -- Members of Labor CPYRGHT Wise ~s Cream Castle 6th and Jackson Sts. and Lawrence's Lunch Stand Lovelaceville Road axe unfair to you Paducah Central Labor Union e des auran estified that a,s a result of this publi~at'ion, he suffered a surstantial business loss. Z'he jury returned a verdict for $5,000 against the union and y1, 000 against the newspaper. Upon appeal, the case was upheld by the Kentuclty Court o~f Appeals on June 22, 1951. SITUA~'ION WANTEL CPYRGHT wspaperman w experience on e s veral upst~~,te newspapers, ~mmed~?ately availaba.e . Most recent experience as Direct o7~ of Ind.ustr' al Relatarzs at W ll il e sv le plant of Bausch 8e Lomb Optical Coclpany. Age 3~, ~Feteran. Pu~]7~ Ralatinn~ n~t~-t ,,..,., ,a.,._.e,,.... .~s,..~_ _ =-?~~L~,~. 3.V 1..7V lAV-1 ~Vi"CCI.I rye lmonl;, Ivew York. Complete res u~ie available f rnm ATSJ'CPn r~o,~,+,.,.,~ nr.c?.e __ ~F ~E iE ~ iF NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ~TEEK MAT enc~.osed with this bulletin, but 'only one t o a nee-~s paper. ~~~ a p Approved For Release 2000/05/05 :CIA-RDP75-00001 ROU~200~00 8290