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AY_ 1 i9?1 itt S. NEWS ANT) Sanitized - ApproveaN ror Kelease : CIA-RDID3p woRLT) 13_7:11ORT PEOPLE OF THE W corsOITMIEsiibT 11111.11, 4.1114,4111111....141.11. CPYRGHT came to power in poverty-ridden Greece at the age of 48. His six years as Prime Minister have been the longest period of stable government in modern Greek his- tory. Under him, the Greek economy has made important gains. The Greek leader told a Washington audience his goal was to prove that a poor nation does not need a dictatorship in order to develop its economy?that "it is possible to seek prosperity in freedom and dignity." ETY BACKER? Meraialker Is U0er Fire In faraway Frankfurt," many, Ma. eta Gen. Edwin A. Walker und himself th.2 key figure in a grsgeing U. S. politiczi dispute. The Gen041 was relieved of com- mand of the 24th Division pending a 1 Army invest4ation, ordered by President Kennedy,. of charges that he had use i EK 1110 VOW. MOM MOW MC FOIAb3b CPYRGHT his position to promote the ideas of the "INVASION" SUPERVISOR Birch Society among the troops. e So- ciety, a semisecret organizat' regarded as having strong "right w1" views, has become highly contr gal because cf the opinions of some its leaders and its tactics in anti-9i4munist campaigns. Original Oltrges against the Generd came frvf "The Overseas Weekly," a privaWowned newspaper published ft r sa o U. S. troops in Europe. The Ger - I, in reply, called the paper "immoral, unscrupulous, corrupt and destructive" The dispute promptly reached Congress, where there were demands both for a court-martial of the General and invel - tigation of the paper. Being in the center of a controversy s not new to the 51-year-old West Pointer. Four years ago he commanded Arnry units sent to Little Rock to enforce cour :- ordered integration. (What Mr. Kennedy said about the Birch Society, page 73.) Richard Bissell of the CIA The man in charge of U. S. aid to the ill-fated "invasion" of Cuba by anti-Cas- tro rebels has been identified by The New York "Times" as Richard M. BisselLjr. Mr. Bissell, a 51-year-old native of Connecticut, is deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, dealing with "special operations." The newspaper, in a lengthy report on the project, named him as supervisor of "invasion" preparations that were begun during the Eisenhower Administration. The CIA official is a former economics professor from Yale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the top-secret agency after serving the Tru- man Administration in executive posts handling foreign aid and foreign policy. Now, Mr. Bissell also serves on the Pres- ident's "Tuesday group"?an informal panel of policy experts. PRESIDENT'S PRESS SECRETARY VS. CRITICAL NEWSMEN CPYRgfj Secretary Salinger Presidential Press Secretary Pierre Salinger is a man with numerous critics. Recently, charges that news has been "suppressed," or that the President's news conferences are mishandled have been flooding in?from a committee editors, from fellow newsmen. Mr. Salinger took on his er s April 20 at a Washington mee g of the American Society of Ne aper Editors. Far from suppressing ws, he said, the Kennedy Admin4 tion believes "as much informat.pft as possible must be made availa to the people." Then, a panel discussion, Mr. Salinger heard more criticism. Peter Lis- agor of the Chicago "Daily News," said that the TV news coseamized ?USN&WR Photos pyRGHTrters vie for Mr. Kennedy's attention; Mr. Salinger looks on. . . . disorderly, disorganized, almost cha- otic," and that newsmen were "little more than props in a show." Trying to gain recognition in the big auditorium, he complained, was turning newsmen into "hog callers." Mr. Lisagor added that "there must be a better way of handling" the sessions with the press. Mr. Salinger's reply: Radio and televi- sion coverage of presidential news con- essential and enduring branch of Govern- arevodsPbreFteleateePZIA-41D R7540001 R000100260042-3 long for the "intimate" news conferences of yore are being "unrealistic." Backing up Mr. Salinger was Max Freedman, correspondent for "The Guard- ian" of Manchester, England. He said newsmen must bear a large part of the blame for shortcomings of the confer- ences. He praised the President's answers as "incisive," termed the conferences "an 24 U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, May 1, 1961 Sanitized Appro e : CIA:* R000100260042,3 IR EXPRESS gets your shipment first on, first off, first there IR EXPRESS is more than America's fastest shipping service. . it's the most impartial. Large ship- ents or small get identical, top priority treatment, plus those "extras" that make AIR EXPRESS first hoice nationwide. A special fleet of 13,000 trucks, many radio-dispatched, pick up and deliver door- o-door. Your shipment is first on, first off, first there, via all 35 scheduled U. S. airlines, with kid-glove andling non-stop. And the cost for AIR EXPRESS service s amazingly law. Just one telephone call arranges every- hing, to 23,000 communities in the U. S. ano Canada. RNA* t pays when youSgigifqgg 7 ARINFA-vRa F _ E% .P.99!: CALL AIR EXPRESS DIVISION OF RE A EXPRESS ? GETS THERE FIRST VIA U. S. SCHEDULED AIR! INF.S J.') ;1 Sanitized 7 Approved FIWIttellete:81: CIA-R CONGRESSIONAL RECORD week eye a small minority has given the kabor movement affects all of us. A 'dee ittTrrOint is a meat statement by :3e1,..nor The Mc Ian hearings built up steam for Lite Lan m-Orialth law. This law put the riampe n the ofholals of dishonest unions. liii it also put the clamps on honest unto. Thus, It hurts you and me. rills mon Senator McOmmtaw de- manded still 3 re restrictive legislation. He claimed "Oro r laws are needed? in some areas to working people who are members of unions." Suoh may be he ease. But we are sue* antiunion enth era and lawmakers Will clap their hande. n glee. To paraphrase ant Crowell's words; the Landrum-Ort law does not differen- tiate between clea unions and corrupt Me*. We hope Presl4lnt Crowell is right in predicting that gadtertsm in unions Will decline in the noX 2 years. However, we hope It doesn't taker new Landrum-008n law to dO it. Another remark 'by President Crowell. Is al,to worth repeating. /Crowell predicted the recession will make n*e members turn out Or union meetings. We agree that this As line. ' A But. as Crowell panted out, there are re "ham forgotten unions. greater cause trouble. should forget rank-and-Me Arne unions whose le how to lead." And. lin membership participatio No union member or 0 that the Union exists kik membership. ? ? Both President. Crowell Secretary Rolert 8. Ash portant* of electing friends tabor. 'this applies to everything from board of edit- cation to the President of the t tilted States. Alameda County's Mean, labOr movement has IA ouistanding rd in this respect. Many labor councils and fed4tlons give lip service to the feet that gaI4 over the bargatning table can be. ind anti- labor ordinances, Laws, end oouj =Mee, In Alameda ()aunty. we. de about it. As a result, most or the etnUltyli t,,rs are friends of Ube". Oovsrn& Mown .nnd President Kainedy earriett- Alameda County by big msilgios. 104 iNeallriwi the im- Thy Cebu Altair ?????????????? ? EXTENSION OP MIMES or HON. STEVEN B DEROUNIAN OS mite TOM IN THR HOU= OP BISITUtalahnIne Monday, Mai I. tul Mr. DEROUNIAN. Mr. Speaker; Rete is a report on the Cuban linime? With the conclusions forMed by Joseph NWIrelin of the New York" Harald fl'y The article appeared In this ntorntinrS LOW: SEARCH roe Tait GUILTY IN TIM UMW" alma: Tina Is Own Viamter (By Joseph Nalialatildl 1) Wssunernow, April 50.?Thiskient *m-" nedy's top foreign polity adiameni. anit10011.t9. ' protect the United States from worldwide condemnation, watered down the battle plan for the invasion of Cuba to the point where it was virtually' docitted to WWI from the outset. 'This is one of the Major conellielons that emerge from questioning of" emerioia add Cuban participants in the abortive scheme to bring down the pro-Oonimenlet nevus of Fidel Castro. They were interviewed in the three principal centers ad the lirritsion operation?New York. Miamel -Wash- Secretary of State Dean Rink is acheduled to appear tomorrow at a elOsed-door hearing of ? the Senate Foreign Relations Subcom- mittee On Latin Amadei to testily about the- administrations handling of the Ctub0,21 invasion. The committee also plane to hear Allen W. Dulles, director Of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Malice originally was scheduled to testify tomorrow, but swim it became known that Mr. Busk would appear, the testi- mony of Mr. Dulles was. put off "until a later Urns." patiently Tumidity, Thti 11)Pollal Ittrvitirttltm. now 'doing under- taken by Gen. Marvell D. Tsyl?at /Mei- dent Neneedy's ? request, Is alinost oertein to reach this final lxhictusion: The Military support provided by Washington was enough to compromise the United States in the eyes of the world, but It was too :little to give the invading Cuba Tome a far chant* of 'Overthrowing dastrd. -. ? ? The hiatus Mud .fall M. the Ana Ltatenos tin the milltiray.intelligence side (the Paint 'Chiefs of Staff sad the Oentral Ifftelltieffloo Agioney) as well as on the ? foreign policy advisers. These two- groups entered into a 'compromise **Wean military needs and international political tonsideratione. The comproinle? resulted in failure. President .Kennedy. In the; lest mai acceded to the comprofidea aid he enr- .lIsd the operation. In ha crippled forth to premed against heavy , . The plan to itiatair Cube with. relatively tusignihoant force Of 1.400 Cuban miles aree 'based on two broad aseumptibtma (1) eon- ' trot or the dr to Secure a beachhead. ant (I) -*Moirballing support from the Cuban people. once the invading force ?mild iteniondeete that its foothold was aboure and that 14 was oaths march., ? ? ' Thaw. twit prerwodsktims lutiettAY Impaired by reeteteriellle ? by three of President idenneity's eblid f policy edvisere?Searetaret .Z4,04.4?11 Rusk, Under Iiicartary Chester iast neat 114- steveramy; American AteibedeedOr to the United Nations. ' Other key ad ? Walter W.. liostow,- and Jr,--apparently wait , eking wear tam Of Ma 420,111 MOM The clrcumstapcse aro raparrzaglostad? bate me we. , . The Cuban eapeditiontrzy train had in 6ittati fleet of cargo planes end leinslierfi It had no lighter probation for thieflaZiro the beachhead. cum ""a Kennedy refused to pirmildtairs'ititiall. hull- . able from nearby ranee ?Sielleana An American aircraft carder whtchipen .ideg ...In the Caribbean. ? . ?? ? . VOgiri teinatiee tir=aar.t 2" .0at7toko, mated the form =.4. ahrOp4Jl, ii ad ooniiL5?:-pletely'?Ieu;cesqtt.Priel LL Jr IX' took aerial photographs to support their con- tention. ?But photographs are not always conclusive evidence andthis Strategic plan called for two more attacks on the Cuban airfields to pro- vide absolute assurance that not a single one of Castrois fighter planes had 'survived to imperil the entire venture. These attacks by the 11-26 bombers was to take place just .before thi dawn landings at Bahia On Cochinos (Bay of Pip) on Peril if. They were vetoed by Rusk, Bowles. and Stevenson. The throe men were alarmed by Castrot outcries following the first 13-28 at- thck. Charps of aggression were leveled against the United States at a special meet- ing ofthe U.N. Caporal Assembly 01101a few hours after the attack. ? The time foreign policy advisers argued that additional attacks would make It im- possible for them to uphold the official U.S. contention that this country was not a direct participant ha the Cuban attack, and to an- swer charges WM the United States was corn- raitttug acts ntegpineicar in violation of the .United Nations Charter and provisions of the Cirgardeation of American States. For the sane 'raison the three vetoed two ? other lethortant provisions of the original invasion plan. These called for a direct radio appeal to Cubans to rebel against Castro and the showering of the island republic ? with leallete.maing on' the Cuba's people to ritie Up-in. revolt. The radio appeal was, to be made by Jose' taro Cardona", heed .ot the Cuban arrolu- Llama council, and She leaflets were to be dropped by the roba bombers. By prior arrangement with the leaders af the anti-Castro Underground. In Cuba, these were to serve as the twin signals 'fornation- wide sabotage atidnthe beginning of an up- When these genes felled to appear, the tUttliffeutin4 leaders unturned that something had gone Wrong and they were immobilized by Uncertainty. Before they could even ? establish what had happened. Castro. by wholesale amens in all the key popir.v.",,n gentles, was able to disarm them. ? forbidden by Washington to transmit the = ed revolutionary call by Dr. Miro radio SWAN, situated on an Wand Olt BondUras and used by the rebels for ptplide warfare against the Castro re- gime. taaWy substituted a message that said; "alert! /deal Look well at the rainbow. The Shit will rise very men." But this and the rest of. the message = meaningless tis the underground In Cuba. If anfthing, it meant that hootething bed gone Awry. has been written about the failure (Adam pimple- to revolt in support of 13-Castro Settee. The fart of the mat- that the landing operation never a point Where the Cuban masses win put to it real -choke between Castro and his__ ".001111regr to witteepreltd reports, the first Oil the Witting operation went off pretty niniihns planned with the unloading only dightlp SWIM than scheduled and the sp- , ppm* CfCaelWs ground forces and guns -40104f Armee Own expecte& VT 7 7 oasts? mann are What igiand'. dinner eat. d the appearance of a band Atts, Mite margriee boron nerretpen Out only two-thl.... "4Sr Arearffing lo a rebel pilot who tog in tin battle. 'five British-made two Americem-made T-413 sureteed. . These were mown to et the amulet and give 4111ailli1g viatery. ACT' IWO! able to prevent the rebel asnrying oat ono of their prin- labillielet: to destroy CastroW heavy .Ank.M0260042-3 The writer of this man?Is the chief United. NS ? spondent of the Herald Tribune author of ?this niti*liiiire "cubs--8.5.R,?" which which Castro has Communists. Neleffure wee une's roving lAtin *MO for several Pare MA, Si tioned in MoscoW g i 'In '7. *anent ?