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Document Release Date: 
June 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
March 26, 1959
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,17fi:.~.,a Ti; 118 For Release 2000/063 CW Circ.: a4. 206,734 CpYRGHT,:,r T~ A important questions that a great ,~ra,erican; have 1)(!(,n asking for route time were answered a few days ago rand yet :anntr'how the procrealinrtt were overt- '-rd or Ignored, '1'l, lnr stions are those pertaining to the future of the world in general, and, specifically, uf~on what facts are the changing facets of our relations with world contanunis.rn---end that mestis Rim- ,in- being hosed. Tile answers were provided by a mart who is as well qunlifieai to give them its any in the United States. Ile is Robert Amory Jr., deputy chief of itttelli? eneo U -the- rte 1, pence A ency, IIt, I f;~"~ answers in t ?';,a ~a a['yuts- tion;s in an address at Columbia, S.C, but it iippenrs there was; no one there to rreord than for wider dit,trilmtion. The basic answer he gave to the basic question fjf how near h: the danker of c'.tua1 conflict with Soviet 1 tr:,:,iaa was that the rulers of the Knorialirt rlrclded li'I months ago that their econruny must have at least 1 years of peace to achieve their internal development plan,, ".Their economy is by no mrans mobilized for war or prepauing for war." he "'i'iaey strike a balanec between inihiary aaad other experiditai?rs just as the do,., x' lkita Khrtttahchcv, ht, believes, thinks lie can force the West to "chicken out." lit ether words, -lint we will get rand what we havo been getting; is bluff with dc::dly Intent. Who+t We will get Is the 1 kind of preyinring for war without firht~ gs5-00001 fl 3IMS tag a war ilvhieh Is the basic eoattmunist view of "pca:ave." At the same time Mr. Amory sounded a Imnrnltt"t r,} liw tr ttt lTt' +"c:aU ret;`l~t tirittf; there tf, yeais, or take refuge in complaevney. We must lit, continually prrhaarerl as they go on preparing. "We face it race for leadr.r:,hip in the world agaaimo militant. coamnunisis with fervent i'nith," he saial. "War must newer tempt then into a major military path while letting dmrn our strongth although they do not, have what it takes rationally to challenge ats tilde, :spring.," While at the Sonia, time carrying their internal prol;raanas at full ,iwrrl ahead, till, ca,manuni;rts will he just as busy around the rest of till, world, They can he expected to push their Sputnik diplomacy to the hilt. to stand firm ara ist prcnsurl,s in the arras now dnrrtinatetl by corn,namis;m, to keep their tracrhle?an,akint: roachinrwry working at high pitch in non-tottirntaliist countries, to contilme flair economic aid prograu)s working for ihr?ir :special alias. Me crisis atier another can he expected. Continuing jabs ou shifting international fronts to keep it,, off I c atalicc_ is the pat- tern. Sp:atinl proles. West Berlin, thv A'ti(ItIIv 1 r:,t, Fii rnoSat Strait, Ktarcya, Vitt Nara, Loan;; ill, C'7lmbndiii all of these offer the kited of possibilities the Kremlin need i. The price to its remains, as always, eternal vigilance, adequate preparation, acid tier will to fart' that future. Approved For Release 2000/06/13 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R0!00100190023-2