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Appr r -ReIease 20gJWpi CIA-RDP7 Q 1,R000100160001-9
Bulgarian Party Press Attacks CIA, FBI,, USIA,aiand Peace ,Cotes
Six of the seven columns of page 5 of the 25 December 1966 issue of
ofia's Rabotnichesko delo, .organ of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian
ommunist Party, are devoted to a series of seven articles, including a
sychological warfare organizational chart and an aerial photograph of CIA.
eadquarters at Langley, attacking the CIA, FBI, USIA, and Peace Corps,
ender the banner headline "Ideological Sabotage -- Toxic Weapon of Imperialism."
The individual articles are entitled: "In the Arsenal of Anti-Communia ,"
'Intelligence - 2L Hours Per Day," "The Fifth Column," "The Corps of Peace-
Lovers," "USIA - Serpents Den," "Diverse Forms - One Goal," and "Facts and
igures." Although only one of the articles, "Diverse Forms - One Goal," by
Lulchev, cites the book Psikhologicheskoto oruzhie v sluzhba na im erial
stite (The Psychological Weapon In the Service of Imperialists ), Sofia, 1966p
12 pp., as a source of information, it is apparent that the book also
erved as a source of information and inspiration for the remaining article .
elected excerpts and a Xerox copy of the aforementioned psychological warfare,
rganizational chart follow:
"...rich in terms and doctrines, the political lexicon of the West off rs
iverse titles for the subversive propaganda activity of the imperialist
ountries, primarily the US, West Germany, and England, against the world
ocialist system and Communism....
"The goal of psychological warfare is the erosion of Communism, which
must be achieved by means of vilification of socialism...."
"A complex of strictly guarded buildings is located not far from the
Central Intelligence Agency
9 improved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100160001-9
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R0001 00160001-9
i181Rd7tTMTbT:TS Of b5 UlapTunage, u ver;1ve activity, and ideological sabotage --
work in the complex. Information from thousands of coworkers, scattered
through the world -- from reports of legation employees to microfilms from
secret agents entrusted with special missions -- arrive there daily.
"The real goals and methods of this unique espionage concern, created
in 1947, have always been diligently concealed behind murky formulations.
According to the official principle, the CIA is exclusively concerned with
the collection of 'information affecting problems of US national security."
In reality, the sphere of activity of its coworkers is very multilateral --
from the search for strategic data to the implementation of secret operations
of a "psychological warfare' nature, ideological sabotage, and other subver-
sive activity.
"The CIA works in close cooperation with the FBI, which is concerned
with US 'internal problems.' They exchange 'qualified' coworkers and reports
of mutual interest. The CIA maintains close contact with several intelligence
services in 'estern countries.
"'We are in a position to obtain intelligence information 24 hours a day,'
said Admiral Raborn, former CIA chief. But, 'psychological warfare' is most
closely associated with espionage."
"In the US, government organs (State Department, USIA) as well as big
monopolies (Rockefeller, Ford) are concerned with the training of ideological
and political agents for European, Asian, African, and Latin American countries...
"The AFL-CIO is also concerned with the training of agents. A Sao-called
'American Institute for Development of Free Labor,' where young trade union
activists are schooled in the 'technical aspect' of trade union work, has been
oreated in the AFL-CIO.
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CPYR Pt1roved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100160001-9
9'Ourrently in the US, there are about 200 institutes, research centers,
and organizations associated with the intelligence and propaganda services,
which are concerned with the finding of 'weak spots' in the economies and
policies of the socialist countries and which make recommendations for the
directions which may be employed for the 'erosion of Communism.'
"According to US press information, a total of 46,179 people were
employed in the US diplomatic agencies abroad in 1964. Of these, 39,884 were
employees of the CIA, FBI, military intelligence, USIA, and Peace Corps.
"Currently, the espionage and propaganda station known as Radio Free
Europe has 30 transmitter stations. They have a combined total broadcast
time of 1,500 hours weekly. In addition to the station in Munich, there are
lK peripheral bureaus for espionage and information collection, such as Rome,
West Berlin, and Vienna. About-.1'0200 people, including 200 Americans, work
for Radio Free Europe....
"One of the instruments for expanding the ideological and political
influence of the US in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America
and a key factor f the official propaganda of the US abroad is the so -called
'Peace Corps,' created in 1961.
"The 'Peace Corps' reflects the efforts of US imperialist citcles to
find new ways and means of struggle against the national liberation movement
and the aspiration of liberated peoples for complete national independence,
for a noncapitalist way of development.
"Its basic mission is to create, in the various states, a broad network
of its own agents, who are to implement a more active and purposeful propaganda
-3 -
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP75-00001 R0001 00160001-9
., a Cacti r2'cju uu+c HO
A;'23JyJxlr,J no 3 np.CUm,C
(C) ~tiil;~7J'u"~cx Cb,7c,71
ll (C) 33 Cu.y'N'J?rt
4+~, ~~511 7JLr1R j k nyc
Na iiupa
1 V?My:R 7 I ~Iivh J ra
C'%JNyua CnJ?
C'm NJ F?WOJx7
i C3 ` yNJEda~na
f PN?a~
x:.. ~:: UXtIMA nA U~nUI t1
Hama, aay3na5an;cauu
ea y/OU d OmreR 170 n~ 4,ITJ
Fa bpxo6e;t genopmONZNr
j1npO6ncl'uc JJpJ3y.UN3a?
tic, cnywba n0 ne-10ma
(A) US President
t. rpynaTa no noAroro:.Ka K2, nporpaMoTa 2a r.x~co,-.orA-
4OCKa M nOnHTM40CKa GOHKa (Cb3AaAOKa 0 , :941 C. oT
2. KOMCynlaruaMa KOMKCMA no ObnpOCMTQ Ma
1, Diagram of the Basic Groups of the US Organization for Psychological Warfare
II. Also directly related to psychological warfare are:
1. The group for preparation of a psychological and political warfare
program (created in 1961 by Kennedy)
2. The consultative commission for information problems (questions)
(G) Defense Department, Intelligence
Services, and. Press Department
(D) Special Presidential Assistant for
National Security Problems (H) State Department, Intelligence, Press
(C) National Security Council (I) Press Secretary
(D) CIA - Planning Division (J) AP, UPI, and other press information
agencies, radio, television, motion
(E) USIA -pictures
p roved For Release 2000/09/08: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100160001-9
(F Peace Corps - 4 -