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Publication Date: 
April 18, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000100080089-2.pdf197.79 KB
Sani`~tized- Approved For Release : Etard "c6i.t 2cne - t'nno Pai~o j, HOUSTON, TEXAS CHRONICLE E. 226,598 S. 265,358 is H11, -5 -5 BY ROBERT HILBU RN Chronicle Washington Bureau Washington-The nation's new master spy Is a gullible fellow, by his own account. In the spy business, this i not the most salubrious of traits, and for retired Vice Adm. Wil- liam F. Raborn Jr., it might give a leg up to the opposition. It might, that is, if this weak- ness of the director designate of thi. Central 1-.ntel'4igence Agen- cy extended bis o id his hobby, which is growing roses. As any hobbyist can attest, gullibility in pursuit of the ultimate is no vice. Raborn, 59, who soon will take over command of the cloak-and- dagger corps, bit once and bit hard in his zeal to coax a crop of champion rose blossoms into bloom. Bit for .Fish Story Someone told him (with happy malice, it later developed) that spading old fish heads into the soil would work wonders. Raborn promptly paid a call upon a seafood'eatery and from CPYRGHT its perplexed management or- dered two barrels of left-over ish crania, then hired t h r e e orkers to help with the fer- ilizing. It was a hot day. The aroma of worse the longer they toiled. 11 wo of the workers, overcome ith nausea, retired to the alley. aborn and the other finished e'job. The admiral went to bed that fight dreaming of rosebuds, but est was not to be his lot. Went to the Dogs Growling and snarling, a pack onsisting of all the neighbor- ood dogs descended on the rose It was not only the end of and CPYRGHT one who could still get things done. Although he gained distinction as a brave and gallant World War II flat - top commander, his biggest naval achievement, was the Polaris submarine. which today remains one of the prime deterrents to nuclear war. It was Raborn who was chosen late in 1955 to head the Navy's special projects office, w h i c h was charged with developing an underseas ballistics missile. Raborn brought to the project not only zeal but a persuasion technique. that became known as the "Raborn Rededication Treatment." He delivered pep talks about the country, at every plant and subplant that had anything to do with the far-flung program. f i Beat tie Schedule a w ser rose gardener as WILLIAM F. RABORN JR ell. I'l . Roses Are His Hobby The treatment and a mana-I ' gerial system he evolved-now, Boss of Polaris idel d th h d R b tor, then a submariner and now, w y. use roug out in us- try-got results The first Pola - a orn, a native of Decatur (Wi C t No. 1 snooper. . r is submarine became operation, oun se y), tell this yarn on imself Th f t h In a profession well larded al in 1960 three years ahead oZ . e ac t at .he can- d d t ll with pomposity, Adm. Raborn , schedule - oes- e s quite a bit about is seadog who became i achieved an early reputation as . "He had the knack." one of 11 an av a- a good-humored.nice at, with his subalterns of fhiv perind ro,,;. Owtinued Sanitized'- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001.R000100080089-2 Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 ROOO1OOO8OO89-2 CPYRGHT calls, "of getting people/to do things because they wanted to. "It never occurred to' any of us that we were not working 'on, the most important project it vas possible , ; for us to be working on on this Earth." Says another: "We worked all the harden just to prove you don't have to have an S.O.B. running a program like this." occupied the post in the early 1950s). On the credit side, in addi- tion to his eminence as a "can do" man, Raborn was respon- sible for maintaining the sec- recy of the Polaris program and the studying of foreign nuclear weapons development. Besides, his mind is inventive and. open to suggestion. scientists, engineers and physi- but evidence is lacking t h a t cians supporting the-Democratic they were particularly c 10 S e standard bearers, friends. Raborn during the show ridi- Although he was born in Tex- culed Johnson's opponent, Bar- as, Raborn was brought up in ry Goldwater, saying the former Oklahoma .and went from there Arizona senator was "just not to the United States Naval smart enough to be President Academy at Annapolis. of the United States." Despite this, the 59-year-old The admiral, of course, had warrior remains proud of the I an acquaintance with Johnson state of his origin. He lists San vhen the latter was a senator. Antonio as his official residence.:, Succeeds Dour Man "I am not the kind of man,": Gregarious and down-to-earth, he has been quoted as saying, Raborn Will bring this same set l"who when he puts his pants of talents to his new assign-on in the morning thinks the wlic, is dressed." In the end, though, it report- edly was Raborn's popularity that led ;President Johnson to tap him for the job. He is well thought of on Capitol Hill, and the same ap- plies at the Pentagon from De- fense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Namara on down the line. Campaigned for LBJ perience in intelligence activi- What may have clinched it for tics, and there are those who Johnson was that Raborn ap- feel a military man should not peared, on a paid . television have charge of the CIA, al- show last year in behalf of the his manner will stamp a sun- nier image of the CIA in con- Isast to the somewhat dour im- pression left by his predecessor, John A. McCone, who is retiring. But just how well Raborn's acknowledged -,abilities w,i 11 serve him in the spy field has led to some criticism. Not Without Experience lie has had no significant ex- though there is precedence ;for Johnson-Humphrey ticket. this. (Gen.. Walter Bedell Smith The show was sponsored b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00001 R0001 000800.89-2