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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1969
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00001R000100040162-4.pdf160.95 KB
CPYRGHT CPYRGHT San Francisco Examiner _ _ . _ . _. A -1 POKUST11an said his ? overnmen . serv- . ormer death resulted from compli- desk of Adolf Hitler's foreign ice, After his highly success- cations following an attack of l minister, Joachim von Itib ful, term as European diree- the fill and pneumonia. bentrop. tor. he resumed private law p ~~1 Dulles, brother of the late! The Belgian and French:.P r a, a tic e. He returned to { o v e r n rn e n t i'a J de or lui t d t h s c , o a e s ng on in N o v e m br n Foste Dll rues secre-' e, tare of fitatn t,,,.;,, . f4.,. ,_ ___l Dulles for o u t s t a n.d i n g1950, as No. 2 man at tha_ ? aciuevements. He also . re- LIA. e Dies years of the Eisenhower Ad- ceived the Medal of Merit ministration, a l s o fulfilled d Pidtil Citi an aresenaaton' P tnespecTal assignments for from the United Status. J4a ...u V ? - ~? I -VU itOLISS In 1946, Defense Secretary One of these Caine in 1964 James Forrestal appointed' Mos of Life lien he went to Mississippi him to a special committee o look into the slayings of to coordinate c i v 111 a m and. By ASSOCIATED PRESS AND knee civil rights workers. Military intelligence. UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Dulles was in the forefront Dulles was born in Water-i WASHINGTON - Al- f the cold war against Coln_ town, N.Y., on April 7, 1693,, W- BUftS, 70, forilifell, inistn. His appointment hv' five years after his brother senhower placed him in John The latter died in 1959 . . 'chief of the Central Intel- position of helping to Allen Dulles graduated C ligence Agency, died lash 'do American foreign polz from Princeton University in flight in Georgetown Uni- behind the scenes while 1914 and received his mas- Wersity Hospital. ? brother fought Commu- ter's degree in 1916. The former U.S. muster m openly as secretary of After g r a d u a t i n?g from te. Princeton, he taught for a spy headed the CI i'roni Dulles was no newcomer to year In Alahabad, India. He 1953 uitnl his retirement in ell.igence work. He had 'married Clover Todd in 1920. 1961. IIe first was appointed' The had three children - chief by former President Ei-, ved during World War IT' Y senhower and then asked to' i European director for the Clover Todd, Joan and Allen continue in his $22,000 a Year, ; flee of Strategic Services, Macy. VIENNA POST job by President Kennedy. ecting espionage activity. ainst both Germany andl Dulles entered the U.S. dip. Dulles was a member of : lomatic service in 1916 and the Warren Commission that: y' was assigned to Vienna. In investigated Kennedy's as- Among his more spectacu-1917 he was transferred to sassination a n d concluded r feats was the placing of a, Berne, Switzerland. He the President was killed by y in the Nazi foreign office, y is the Allies access to served at the Paris peace one man, Lee Harvey Os- gave conference after World War I 11 wain. and was transferred to Berlin DEPUTY CIIII.Ir' after the meetings. ei h r s Ins in on or the Say of Pigs fiasco 1922 throvva ugh P ruin 1926 he was The ever, Dulles had planned be I P` ~Kf g sion-of Near Eastern affairs. - fn- the 0.0 n., .....i,.t..--.. a_ .._ .:A` `..! .1. ,......-,a\.. 7.. .. ? h the State Department to Dulles looked more lilac a , as y practice law with Sullivan i grandfatherly schoolmaster and Cromwell of New York, than the director of a global ;rx KA'~ w@ his elder brother's firm. espionage network, r ` try ! ti" ` When the Office of Strate- Prior to his appointment as fie Services was organized CIA head, Dulles served two by Major General William Approved F , ., Teri" " b001 124: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100040162-4 ALLEN DULLES 'Headed ClA