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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1969
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'.VASIIINGTON STAB 6C4dTFor Release 2006d/N19 IA-RDP75 Allen W. Dulles, 75, former hief of the Central Intelligence gency, died late yesterday in eorgctown University Hospital f complications following an at-? ck of the flu and pneumonia. The former U.S. master spy caded the intelligence agency 961, a period in which it first ame to the attention of the ublic. He first was appointed hief by former President wight D. Eisenhower and then sked to continue in his 22,000-a-year job by the late President John F. Kennedy. Mr. Dulles was a member of- he Warren Commission that in- estigated Kennedy's assassina- ion and concluded the President vas killed by one man, Lee arvey Oswald. Quit After Bay of Pigs His resignation as CIA chief ame 'a few months after the 3ay of Pigs fiasco. The White louse said, however, that he O ad planned to retire before the uban incident. I Mr. Dulles, who looked more ike a grandfatherly schoolmas- ter than the director of a global spionage network, was a broth- er of the late Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Before his appointment as CIA mad, Mr. Dulles served two rears as deputy director. Mr. Dulles, also fulfilled some special assignments for Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson. One of these came in 1964 when be went to Mississippi to look into the slayings of three civil rights workers. . As head of the CIA, he was In the forefront' of the cold war against communism.: His ap- FOIAb3b for outstanding achievements. ITe also received the Medal of Merit and a presidential citation from the United States. In 1948, Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal appointed him to a special committee to coordinate civilian and military intelligence. Mr. Dulles was born in Water- town, N. Y., on April 7, 1893, five years after his brother John .Foster. He was graduated from Princeton University in 1914 and received his master's degree in 1916. After graduating from Prince- ton, he taught fora year in Alla- habad, India. He married Clover Todd in 1920. They had three I Mr. Dulles entered the U. S. pointment by Eisenhower in Diplomatic service in 1916 and January 1953 placed him in the was assigned to Vienna. In 1917, position of helping to guide he was transferred to Berne,, American foreign policy behind Switzerland. He served at the the scenes while jiffs brothers Paris Peace Conference after fought communism openly as World War I 'and was trans- secretary of state. . ferred to Berlin after the meet- Spy Director During War ings. In 1920 he was assigned to Mr. Dulles was no newcomers State Department headquarters to intelligence work, He had; in W a s h I n g t o n. From 1922 served during World War II ass through 192G he was chief of the European director for the Officc'departments Division of Near; of Strategic Services, d rectin Eastern Affairs. g g In 1926, Mr. Dulles resigned espionage activity against both from the State Department to Germany and Italy. ' ! practice law with Sullivan and Among his more spectacular,' Cromwell of Now York, his elder feats was the placing of a spy in,brother s firm. the Nazi Foreign Office. Thisi When the Office' of Strategic gave the Allies access to every Services was organized by Maj. I message that left the desk of Gen. William Donovan in World, Adolf Hitler's foreign minister, I'. War II, he returned to govern- Joachim von Ribbentrop. meat service. After his highly : The. pelgian;,and'.Frenph gov- successfuMterrm,asEucropean di; Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00001 R000100040116-5