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Publication Date: 
February 28, 1964
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{ No yy WtiFproved For R s a go- SUN Why Did Intelligence Agents of U.S., Russia Contact IN 1,11? CPYRGHT By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PAUL SCOTT - to most "n- sitive" question confronting to special 'commission investigat g President Kennedy's assassins n is whether Lee 11arvey Osw d was a double agent at the time f the slaying. On this sensationally signi:fie it enigma, the probers have dire conflicting testimony. BOTH U. S. and Russian auth r- Wes have flatly denied that e was in their. employ. At the e time, the commission has Indisp - able information from intellige e and s, -:;y agencies of the I. ooun1 'k that they were "in c tact" with Oswald on various casions in the four years prior the Kennedy s1-a Ong. Following are highlights of CPYRGHT st eries ` Develo Oswald Probe published et ence in the luinds of the special investigators: 0 The Oswald file the Soviet turned over to the State Depart- ment reveals that Russian intelli- gence and security agents con- tacted Oswald a number of times between 1959 and 1962 - when he was living in the Soviet as an avnwnA ",laFnnfn,- ? ;, b?` """ ! sensitiveness about inforniation'mst associations. So far, the com- er, in an affidavit, discloses mission has no ex that his agents made "three con ~relating to that agency. planation for this tacts" with Oswald after he re-`I FOR EXAMPLE. At Dulles' official dereliction. Authorities of vigorous insistence, certain ques-, the Passport Division are to be turned to the U. S. All of them, 6 Hoover explains, were wholly- In-vestigative. At no time was Os- wald in the FBI's employ, nor was money iven t g ent i transcribed and are not recolxle i formation about Oswald's being! A Former Central Intelligence In the testimony. ;a double agent, The lawyer reput.; Director Allen Dulles, a member Throughout , the inquiry, Dulles wily learned this from a client) of the commission, has told the has displayed a militant nroierawho has been operating In llnn,_ show that Oswald had several mounting to several hundred dol meetings with the CIA represen-'tars, during his frequent periods tative in the U. S. embassy in~of unemployment. Moscow. During this period, the o How. Oswald was able to ob- assassin was seeldng to renouncel-tain a passport in New Orleans his citizenship. One State Depart- to go to Russia despite the fact meet cable, No. 234, dated Nov.ithat the State Department had a 2, 1959, reports that Oswald was; file detailing his "defection" in !interviewed by the CIA and other.Moscow and four years' resid'encel uveness. regarding the CIA. knowledge of Oswald's acting"as Other mysteries being cxploredj a CIA agent. John McCone, pres ~ try the commission are: cut head of CIA, has said the same thing. i a Nkliere Oswald obtained all ap- 0 S t a t E Department records, parently steady flow of money.' munist circles for a number of years. Yuri Nossonko, the important Soviet security official who recent- ly defected to the U. S., may be questioned by the commisiion. In his position as a key nicnt- ber of the Amciicai.n sceilon of KG-11, Nossenko would have had a c c c s s to files on Oswald. . 111iether he did is not known. Staff members of the commis- lion are -slated to confer with him to determine whether het testifies before the commission. tt Lately, the commission's closed 0 Mrs. Marina Oswald, 23-year-. - ? v- !idoor sessions have been sparsely 'old widow of the accused killer,. This passport, Do92u211, was is. attended. ,told the commission that, Soviet sued on June 25, 1963. In his ap Only one of the Seven membersi security agents contacted her hus. piication, Oswald stated he pro. was present during the interroga- band a number of tunes - while posed traveling from three to . lion . of. Oswald's brother., T h I they were living in Russia. Under 12 months as a tourist to Eng. member was former CIA Director - questioning, she emphatically; ltuid, Franco, : perinany, Rol., Dulles, who balked at any testis denied fdtttt she or Qstwald halo mony that might reLlcct on the .,. ,intelligence ,yagatcy.,_ FOIAb3b g been KCB (secret- police) agentsi lend, Finland, Italy, Poland and organization. Mrs. Oswald con- firmed that her uncle is a Soviet "military colonel," and that, site and Oswald resided near him in Minsk. One of the curious backstage aspects of the investigation is for- 1733242. Nis second passport was given him the day after he asked for' it, and without the required "name check" for individuals known to lions and answers about Oswald s:gtleshoned about that, possible training as a secret ag-i ? A SENATOR has given the in- ent - while in Russia were put off vestigators the name of a Texas the record; that is, they were not attOracy who -claims to have in Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600160064-2 p FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Release Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600160064-2