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Sanitized - Approved For Release. CPYRGHT i COLORADO SPRINGS, OLORADO EE PRESS 14,699 13. 14,816 Edit Other Page Page ant DatejUL u 1964 FOIAb3b CPYRGHT nother Free Press First Presq Photo FOUGHT OSWALD-Dr..Carlos Bringuier, (right), tells why he believes ziedy was not ' a crackpot, but a cold and dedicated servant of Fidel is one Oswald offered. when trying to ? infiltrate the anti-Castro forces Dr. Bringuier. is. Free, Press Reporter Conrad Jensen. ? the aissassin of President Ken- Castro. The book before him training in New Orleans. With CPYRGHT By CONRAD JENSEN? Fact one: It was the bearded one, Fidel Castro, who ordered the assassination of Presi- dent John F. Kennedy. Fact two: Lee Harvey Oswald was a cold,, Sanitized - telligent, dedicated spy foi, Ca.!- ly brooding over his ? experience with the Marine Corps. ? These conclusions are those of 'Dr, Carlos Bringuier, the man Who,fought Oswald openly in New Orleans ,three :months before Os- wald successfully :sniped, down President J.Cennedy. iii1as_ Approved For Release Tral:i7i?VY.111,1" '41 insist. are correct include a cold whatv.ver to do with ;ticiut Inteltigenee 'Alritcy (CIA)or the gooettift??!V4ir the J.S. Govern- ment. "That story is one which the Communists are trying hard to sell the Ameriecur .people," D. Brin- uier said. "Bocause,. if they. can do it, Oswald will seem like evi- dence that tho 'United States is cpr_j : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600160023-7 enough that its own ? intelli- 'dent." In addition, if possible, the !communists wont to shoo li&t (),:? e ,4 tuld dNrefore was a ma riyr, atni therefo;e that the assassin is still, rt1ininpAckoe under the protection Continu CPYRGHT ?c the (AN, UtqltiZedomiAlalebted"RatrIbliftr6at egn was oun on n Eftw-tit!fgtga44 (ton't? want to be blamed- 3wa ? Ilea. eannot bone to gain new party . members if America 'mays the ders which read, "Viva Fidel," I cago mail order house) which later ,truth as Dr. Bringuier (sees it, and as he walked he passed out ? killed Kennedy, for which he paid $12.78. ' What are Dr. Bringuier's reasons yellow phamplets singing the Two FBI men were there t6 ask ' praises of the Fair Play for Cuba .for his' statements? questions with the police. Oswald said he was chairman of the Fair Play for Cuba organiza- ? tion in New Orleans. His nerves remained calm in the face of ques- tioning. Oswald denied being a corn- ,) munist, said he would not fight , Oswald, Dr. Bringuier got mad- cided against it. Dr. Bringuier e.? d r by the minute. also had the distinction of be?, same name he used to buy the Cor- ' Street, parading up and down a with a sign hung over his shout- cano bolt action rifle (from a 411i. , He knew Oswald, fought with ; him by debate on a New Orleans radio .station, opposed him in a municipal court, saw Oswald's pro-Castro literatlre thrown into the air, and had the chance to put his fist into Oswald's face but de- organization. "I did not kno* who I would find when we (he took two loyal Cubans with him) went out to have a look at this man. I'll have to admit was not especially surprised when saw Lee Harvey Oswald." Watching for Castro, but said he was carry- . big on a demonstration because { , - lag attacked by none other than He found himself accusing Os- Castro himself by way of Havana twald of being a traitor. A crowd the ' U.S. was carrying out a I . , Radio, at a time when Castro was gathered. Oswald kept passing out wrong policy with Cuba. When officers asked if there werel literature. "Soon there were about ? - talking fast and hard to defendothers in the organization, .i inc. and 100 persons standing there watch-, . '? Oswald after Kennedy's death. arphed there. were, but refused te' ng? and very quickly I began tell-a /. iname them in front Of Dr. Brin-I Oswald wanted to get into the i?g them what Oswald had done, , guier. He was taken to anotherl underground movement against liow he tried to infiltrate into the feral-Cast ro forces, how he had lied (Castro, presumably as a spy. "I was managing a store in New t? 1??. One of the men with Dr. Brin- !Orleans the day Oswald came in, ? otter, also Hernandez, grabbed Dr. Bringuier said. "He approached Oswald's literature and threw it roe, and before' long was saying into the air. As the leaflets flut- down, the crowd began ex- that he was against communism terod ressing strong feelings, shouting and Castro." Oswald said he had that Oswald was a communist, a ,guerilla warfare training in the traitor. "Go to Cuba," they shout- Marine Cors and was willing to fight Castro, and that he could teach others how to fight, even de- rail a train. "I was suspicious, not only be- cause this had never happened to me before?a direct offer to enlist ?in the anti-Castro forces?and I was lespecially suspicious because at that very moment we had a secret ;anti-Castro force of 22 Cubans in Itraining just a short distance from New Orleans across Pontchartrain 'Lake," the doctor continued. One ;man in, this force was already 'suspected or being a spy for Castro ,?Fernando Fernandez Barcena (he was later caught)?and Dr. Britt- guier. as Cuban Student Director- room. Later, in Municipal Court, Oswald was fined $10 for disturbance after ? the judge heard everyone speak. The next time Dr. Bringuie crossed with Oswald, it was throug a man sent to feel Oswald out at meeting of the Fair Play for Cub ed. "Kill him!" and they 'trilled organization. This man, who Dr. im names. It was here that Dr. Bringuier realized for the first time that, far rom Leing a crackpot, the future iller of President Kennedy was cold and calculated in all he did.' avald where he learned it, and Os Crossing his arms down the front y of his body, Oswald put his face ,wald replied that he was attendin out and said to Dr. Bringuier, ]Tulane University language school "Okay, Carlos, if you want to hit 'But, Dr. Bringuier later learned me, hit me." He waited, watching. Oswald .had never enrolled ther Dr. Bringuier did not swing," ' Investigation showed further the "because I understood Oswald ^ wanted nothing more than to look !Oswald had in fact lived in 'Russi like a martyr, like a poor Amer- -had married a Russian girl, and r jean attacked by refugees. This turned to the United States. is the communist way and I . After the assassination, a diary wanted more not to help him than of Oswald's was to reveal that h In hit him.".' had been receiving pay from the , ate, didn't want to chance getting Police came then. An officer Es- ! my"), Russia's secret police, it lanother. tened to what Dr. Bringuier had to i the amount of 700 rubles a moat! 1 Oswald insisted, but didn't get say, but pointed out that: Oswald ,. while he lived in an apartmen .anywhere. His remarks at that time had the right in America to prac- paying 60 rubles a month rent. t were remembered by two others lice free speech. Dr. Bringuier sug- The two men, Dr. Bringuier an I who heard it?a pair of young Cu_ gested taking them all to the police 1 Oswald, met for the last time :bans listened, and were later to ..,,station, and that is what happened, ,Aug. 21 when they entered publ. .testify before the 'Warren Commit- tour were taken, the angry crowd ,:debate on Radio Station WDSU . .tee investigating Kennedy's death. , left behind.? l'New Orleans. It was on this pr ' The following day Oswald left a I At the police station, it was dis- 'gram that Oswald first admitt 41ringuier refuses to name becau,s he still has family living in Cuba :heard Oswald speaking to his youn ]daughter in Russian. He asked Os _ book of his, the "Guide Book for covere. Marines," in a last effort to con- vince Dr. Bringuier of his sincerity. anything as to his political ties, sa big, "Yes. 1 am a Marxist," Dr.. Bringuier asked Oswal , whether he',agreecl with Castro th Kennedy was a "ruffian" and ."thief." Oswald replied that did not agree with that partial] wording, but proceeded wlth a d scription showing the Kennedy A ministration to be the cause of tro ble'with Cuba. 0160023-7 CPYRGHT Much later, after the death of hi; brother, Attorney General Rober, Kennedy was to publicly state that Oswald was both a communist ant an assassin. , Had Oswald ever been hi Cube: !Castro himself all but said so. t Castro, in a speech five days aft er assassination, made a Slip am said, ". ? .. the first time that Os wald was ia Cuba"?then he caugh himself and switched to somethim else. Castro had denied that Oswalt had aoything to do with the .Fai Play for Cuba organization, "an other reason.- why we know Castri and he communists are trying It disclaim Oswald in spite of th, truth which became known in Nes Orlean." . .? "Castro," Dr. Bringuier said "was losing the battle in Lath America to President Kennedy, an. Castro knew it. This is why Ker nedy could not be allowed to cor - , These are the reasons why 'Di ,)Bringuier is convinced that Fid( Castro ordered the assassination ( t.Tohn F. Kennedy, and why Lee 0: .wald was not the innocent ma 'Castro hopes to make him seem. Dr. Bringuier has been makin morning speaking appearances t - the Christian Crusade Anti-Commi 'fist Youth University. Later th -imonth he will speak in Greele: Tort Collins and Cheyenne. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600160023-7