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August 19, 1959
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Sanitized - Approved for ReWfiWe6: VA VRD w YORK ? .., . ...o..,. FOIAb3 Letters to The Times 'debate on the Hitler Plot JGerinan Attitudes on the Morality of Participation Described If I i,e writer of 0rr foUotarng lrtter a. Gern,a.n soldicr to World War i 1 111d no American officer i,, Worldl TO THa Eorroa or THa NEw YORK TrMEa: gated In the July, 1944, abortive attempt to kill Hitler traitors or heroes of their country? No other question has been more actively de- bated in post-war Germany. President. Heusa recognized the participants as great patriots. In his praise for their supreme courage he, quoted the classical words of Fried- rich Schiller: 'There is a limit to the power of a tyrant; if the oppressed cannot find Justice elsewhere, * ? ? he confidently reaches above to heaven and seizes the eternal rights Which are up there as unalienable' and undestructible as the stars." Yet despite the very positive atti. tude of President House and Chan. cellor Adenauer, public opinion .11n Germay today is much divided. While the Germane are ready to con. cede that civilians may have a right -- tad perhaps even a duty-to over- ; throw a criminal regime, many have serious difficulties in judging the deed of a soldier who took an oath of loyalty and in times of war con- spired to eliminate his Commander ' I r, Chief. Surely such doubts will be shared by Allied Officers, It is therefore rather sensational that on th f e ifteenth ai nnversary of the Hitler Plot Adolf. Hbusinger, Inspector General of to new Ger- man armed forces, published thei following Order of the Day: CPYRGHT 194 - I no Met] or e July, a deed against wrong and oppression - is a ray of light to the darkest period of Germany ? ?, *. We soldiers. of the German defense forces pay our homage to the sacrifice of those en whose conscience was awakened ive guilt of the German people; ample for us." In World War II General Heu- Inger was Chief of Operations equivalent to Chief of G-3). In this eating at army headquarters when, Considering that Hitler not only bused his powers as Chief of State ut committ4A the heinous crime of enocide In is own country and in ilitary occupation, the action of he men involved in the July plot- ears fully Justified. Indeed, it was holy reactiorL Heusinger's proclamation offers 'cod evidence of the new spirit in FOIAb3b