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Ap''oROMteIease 0/U5/ACIA-RD P75-001 STATINTL Fre a d;6P e Seas CPYRGHT a x,-0-taAs.s.zs and his whaling fleet have~,imade. world raevvs. There is-spmeaing fascinating aboutri private iuditvidual who battle against sovereign s ationslitgdistant snaat~ .Mr Onassis, misreover, has managed to lihiplicate a aitiber of countries in his venture and the r&sgltvng situa: f oniis4an! ihtennationalalawyer?s nightmares I A sAIgentine aiWzn' of_Greek origizgbresidetrt in Ftancalianti'- rhoge ships f1.c%iPangmanianflag .aid car4 Germ n,Yrcws ar ij:British i iWra Ce, has= beeivcattacked fit sea by Ileruowhiafljis sup- ri dabyiEcuador ddd: Chile. nth:the) liitldjMv v W ,crtt of Baaig,z,%ve: eapttired ships; ~, iuclifng.bthk-nlfac ry4ship ,Jth'ic, V hallengengi *ere hello t? wdek 1d~Eibh uAS of drlee ticstrc 'ers. Members'tiec ?i ecmahiahdbPsndtnanian hrguikons- in PeruaPried to geEaon bipard. rd:Rc reenta-tives *&loy!d's- appara ntly succet edhtrti (It ; it 1(l bikat the sure .of Mr Ondssis's shipBHis c(hting; Is ntlottn%rtder- $tifitors some #ri,opo a day.), iOff Panama,itliicl'ernwin1ng ti drishipa 'of the Onassis fleet are waiting fcfriwd6s. Itq the Inter-American conference at Rio and in the'*t+9id4rs of the Uvkcd Nations, legal consultants arejaeruTitlgi*t`a major iliernational conxttoversy. - di djiv, brBut despite the~domic-opera atmosphere, `[Here 'ate serious m3pects to i~ir Onassis's latest adventure. It is not yet clear whether the Onassis fleet ever approached within zoo miles of the t-eruvian coast. But even if it did, this would Inereiy, have meant chall? a~= one of the tnoa;t absurd eiaims"eRir--F put forward in an~ern~ati l a1 t >r. By placing the limit of iteil itcrial waters 200 isles off their ,coasts, Peru, Ecuador and C,hle arc scaling off more th afif4saillion square miles of open sea. Britain has, on some previous occasions, been prepared to challenge the claims of any country to more than three miles of territorial water. Will itt,,#, cept the l;reposte,Fpus idea of a vast area of for,,>pi?ldg a? jSlown the sYliole w,estcrn flank of Soutl}.An riiC ~v jlnru,:: ; . ~ United Ki .gdom's intcreet jr t}pis affaar is a double aye ; it must concern itself, with the losses arbitrarily inflicted on Lonylon underwriters as.wcllaaswith the broad principles of the freedom of the, spas,-- n t }e ",bad;old days " c f' Palmerston and Don Pacifico, 4{ British ,squadron would doubtless have app a,r ?off tI'~yta~ Quietpxrepresentations are in vogue Ro,~ ,days. This country's relations with Peru have been good-in recent years, and trade between the two has developed to the profit of both. In that light,,it,is surely it be hoped that Peru will review its stand and, accept the principle that freedom of the open seas is to everybody's adlvantage. Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00149R000600090075-8