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May 17, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040151-8.pdf159.77 KB
WASI{1r4GTON 11 SUN E S YTIG MAY t TIM_ 1lz . 'Approved ,' For Release'; ~! , ALLEN' AC,OT singular role in tips kaleido- scopic Dominican ui' heaval. The huge, worldwide ' Intellh 41 genre agency is polling Dominf- cans on whom, they' prefer among the various military and the ? CIA was making these Ilshed by the Senate Internpolls. Security Committee, headed b SHOWS LEANINGS `? Sen.. James Eastland, D-Mis Adding particular interest to Others signing It Include Repu polling are views being voiced ? III., and. Sena Rbman? Hrusk 'by Vice.President Humphrey In t. R-Neb. ' telephone talks with Democratic The r It p o r t characterize governors' and state leaders. Bosch as an "Ideological Trot .throughout the country. ' . . skyite,'?' whose return to powe From accounts reaching In-,.'.; would mean "another majo trigued congressional leaders,; , victory for the' Communists." Humphrey Is displaying marked "Juan. Basch is definitely a friendliness toward deposed .. Ideological Trotskyite," declar president Bosch. the report, "and therefore, b Long, friendly. to the l)omini- definition, an ideological Com can, Humphrey' does not ,go so munlst. Evidence of his softnes far' as to advocate his return; towards communism Is empl But he'',.does, maintain that,." and convincing. ' While Boscl Bosch ' hit unquestionably the was president of the 'Dominica most popular leader In the Republic, not only. were th country, and that an honest Communists allowed free aei election'-would restore him to for 'all - their activities, but. th power. real power ' wag exercised b When one Midwestern gover known Communists whom Bosc nor asked whom the administra obviously either could not or, di tion Is supporting, Humphrey clot wish to control. replied: 'HANDS OFF' A HAVEN "No one. We're keeping hands' .' "Exiled Communist leader- strictly off of that. Our respon from all over Latin America sibility is to see to It that A .. flocked to the Dominican Re . civillan'aspirants to head a newt. ` priilvt .ovsona goernmen. The unusual soundings' are be- Ing made on the personal orders ' of President Johnson, a strong r1 !'consensus" believer. Publiclyi the administration Is Jnsisting It Is not supporting any Of the 'rival hopefuls. But the President apparently hopes to get some Indication of the tenor in1 Of Dominican sentiment through' ?: the CiA's.polls , kat dra, being conducted, and who. IV, and how many are tieing ques. tloned is. the CIA's secret, 'But. ` the first results seemingly' are; in -- on the basis of what has been privately communicated to 'members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee... A MINORITY A found only 5 per cent of Domini. cans favor Gen. Wessln y Wes. sin, "strong man" :leader of the forces that fought ,the April. 24 revolution.. 'i What th,~ polling; r??t'drns will be on Juan. Bosch, I:,hd elected :president 'ousted by44te tnilttary in 196.3, Col. FrancLsco Caamano ase-fire is achieved, a ' provi public under she .Bosch regime, tonal government set up, and rder and ahormaltty. restored so and the, Communises began a . free election can be held as, drive having as its long-range uickly, as possible. That's ours:.,objective not only a complete my purpose:" . .Communist take-over . In San Despite this avowed , neutral Domingo, but also the condition- ty, Humphrey went out of his: hog of the people of that Island ay to emphatically deny that, republic to such an extent that osch is a leftist or has such this Communist take-over would ies. Humphrey did characterize ? have majority support among i'.m as "naive," but contended . the people themselves," hat with the "right kind of pea- These Senate committee find- le around him, he.would be all logs differ flatly with Vice Pres- ight:" ident Humphrey's contention Observed onC governor, "Isn't' that Bosch Is not a leftist. , Deno, rebel leader who claims:'I 10 be "constitutional provisional president," and Brig. Gen. An.f . ; ~,~tonio Imbert Barrerr~s, head of l the "counter , revolutionary". military junta Is n n one's y In fact, .It's highly conjectural If these CIA findings will be re. men were' greatly ?dutprised, to' V "he told about ' WZsain'a ' low ;standing. Theydi0 ftti hat his trouble? He's so naive hat he invariably attracts the tong people.. That's why Ihe: 8 booted out.'' ' jhlsk:,fe rxaictly ,thp Ju~Jtnent Bran Leader (Everett Dirkse phrey, its a talk With Rep. Frpnk seeeble,tuwwre;to have'. the Corn pis ev~r~. pI5c .gvhrr+ the,-. is *1,wr-'aki ,r or lhev teCI there is arty possibilit .of suece'R. In thA 'present showdown, fortu? ntttely, the ' Organization of American States 14 bhcking us knd seeking forces to help 0o. 110 thA Dominican Republic until A new government can be elected." , , OT OKA CASE Secretary hf.Stat! Rusk wants to testify, again in the long. drawn-out Case of Otto dtepka, former tvaluMiOn chief Of the departntCnt'.a security office. Rusk-.' ha; made this request M Sen.'East'gnd, D-Miss., chafe ratan of , thn JntArnal :security 9ubcatrtnlitte , 'which hAa eon- Aucted Axt'enalve.._closed.-door hearing' in this pretrarteat.ran. treverny;, Thi't will ho i'tuak'a third ep. pe,11?pnre hefnrt tII committee, The aubcommitteel, will . roll. sides Rusk`s surprise proposal next weak. Fie made it after Eastland announcAd the' hear- ings wAre concluded and prep. aratinnc begun for their publica- tion in a 1'ew ivAekq, in talk! with r.nmmittAenien, Eastland ha,r indicated, he Is willing to Allow Rusk to testify Again provided he dots so im- mediately. "nut I am aaainsi Anymore staliinpx," :gale Castiand. "This CAst has hArn dragged out long enough. In fairness to Otepka, it should hA brought to a head And I propose to see. that It NOTE: The boxed portico of this article did not appear in the 21 May issue of the NORTHERN .I41DP75-00449RObg6O0 1 Wbi $