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December 15, 1998
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Publication Date:
October 15, 1967
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ocKy r11
SjaAlt pproved:For Release : CIA-RDP75-0014
Like a bad dream for the aj2epart- . stroy the bulk of. their files on governmen
as keeps bobbing .to `security risks.
th Ot
politics. Latest ripple in this strange, epi- mony of Otepka who was removed from
i glimpses of 'a sordid story in Washington
g ly lapses, corroborating much of the testi
mew----= The Senate. Internal' Security subcom
soda is the news report that Walt Rostow, his security post for telling, the committed
special assistant to President Johnson, was what he knew. Of a list of 800possibile de-
rejected three times for security clearance partment security risks, Otepka said he had
during President Eisenhower's, administra-. 'granted clearances to a majority, but that
tion Rostow, it will be remembered, was he also recommended a large number for
Department smoke screen is the move sew ~ ?~ for,a hearing,. they were fired. Such is t
I makes it difficult to' dig beneath the State.. they declined their transfers, and aske
misconduct by diplomatic personnel. What _e d into virtual exile for their efforts. When
The brief filed by Otepka outlines at . curity, information was sold at a public
1 least 18 cases of alleged security laxity in auction by mistake. Two. of Otepka's as-;.
the State 'Department, including sexual' sistants who help him were order-
i all. along. negligently handled that a trunk full. of se-
siring, something. Otepka has Vinsisted on State Department security files are so
holds his dismissal Otepka plans to. take der oath) the falsity of testimony which,
He has been fighting dismissal ever since ' vealed that Reilly and Hill, subpoenaed fore
through a series of hearings. If Rusk up- additional testimony, admitted (agiain un-J
he knew of information in Central intelli- tioned by the Senate internal Security sub-
gence Agency. and Air Force files that committe.e about their handling of.the,
im feel a field investigation was; "Otepka, investigation".
made Win-
advisable Otepka's troubles began then. . On Nov. 8, 1963, the subcommittee re-~
He told Rusk and Bobby Kennedy that 'division chiefs) lied under oath when ques-{
was called into a meeting in 1960 wAth , 'Rusk grounds.,for firing, Otepka, used Lac-
1 Dean -Rusk and Bobby Kennedy.. They tics. which would -send a police officer' to
wanted btepka to - give Rostow emergency jail for entrapment and invasion of pri-
clearance for a State Department post, vacy. On ,July 9, 1063,.J6hn F. Reilly (Dep
without a routine field investigation., uty Assistant Secretary ~f State for S'e,curi-
Ote ka refused . ty) and Elmer Dewey Hill (one of' Reilly's
'Senate--Internal Security subcommi ee , p
-Actually'. Otepka's troubles began when he order to "make `a case" ' `that would give
e p
It was filed with a department hearings . . subcommittee that of 168' State ' Depart
officer on behalf of Otto F. Otepka, who .' ment employes appointed since 'Dean .Rusk.
is fighting dismissal as the State Depart- became Secretary of State, 150 were not
ment's,chief security evaluations officer. given security checks required by law. In-
Otepka was railroaded for charging 1-ax stead of complying with the law, Rusk
security procedures in the State Depart, hired ' the 150 by, issuing "Waivers" to
ment, which claims it shunted Otepka aside ignore the law.
because' he gave secret documents to the Otepka has done nothing illegal or, un
thical but State De artment officers in
John F. enne y. .
A brief filed in a Civil Servrice case at . was made by higher authorities.
th State De artment makes the charges. Otepka told the Senate Internal Security
brought into the administration by the late dismissal as security risks. But final decis
d ion to clear the employes in such cases
y ootiu m,
Sanitized - Approved For Release : ,C A-R'DP75=00,1:,4,9RQb'goQ;b