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Approved For Release 2001/08C~1J4- RDP74B00415R0005~9a1-0 10 , i~~,, Out 0 In 1 JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 11 May 1971 25X1A 25X1A 1. ( Secret - JMM) Accompanied Dave Brandwein and- FMSAC, who briefed Chairman Downing (D. Va.) of the NASA Oversight Subcommittee and "Dan" Boone of the Subcommittee staff on the Soviet space program. Downing was most complimentary and asked if the same briefing (which had included SI and TKH material) could be given the full Subcommittee. I said I'd check with the Director and let him know. Downing expressed particular concern on possible waste and duplication as between NASA and NRO activities, and wondered on what level decisions were made as between NASA's needs and the protection of sophisticated reconnaissance equipment. Downing requested unclassified figures on the cost of Soviet space efforts in terms of dollar equivalent and the percent of the Soviet GNP which we promised to provide. As we left Downing said he'd like to talk to me some time about some valuable real estate in his district. 2. (Confidential - GLC) Talked with J. Sourwine, Chief Counsel, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, about his having someone place in the Congressional Record the Time magazine article on the "Trade in Troublemaking. " Sourwine said they would be pleased to put this in the Record, but he raised the question as to whether we could document the article any further. I told him I would check on this and be back in touch with him. 3. (Secret - GLC) Talked with Mr. Hyman Fine, on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, about GAO's request for our assistance in the preparation of a study on a comparison of U. S. and Soviet military research and development expenditures and the Director's letter to GAO asking that we be excused from participation in this study. Fine does not have the compartmented clearances which would be involved in the full discussion of the substance of this matter, but is generally aware of the problems involved. He raised the question, however, as to whether we could not respond in large measure to the question raised in Senator McIntyre's original letter to GAO. I also asked him to consider the possibility of our working directly with members of Senator McIntyre's Subcommittee staff, bypassing the GAO clearance problem. (This would of necessity involve clearing Fine and his associates. ) We agreed to talk this over in our respective offices and then get to 41to see if we could not work out~re r&%1bR@.l@F@(baQQf jQ 130: IC A~. 415R000500040036-0 Approved For Release 2001/6EC-Rf JRDP74B00415R000500040036-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 11 May 1971 4. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Representative Lawrence Hogan (R. , Md.) and discussed the invasion of privacy of Federal employees legislation now pending before the Employee Benefits Subcommittee of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee. Representative Hogan told me that his studies so far indicate to him a probable need for complete exemption for the Agency, NSA, and the Bureau. He noted that he visited NSA yesterday with Chairman Hanley and was impressed by their operations. He is looking forward to visiting the Agency but is running a very tight schedule these weeks. He suggested that a visit by the Subcommittee not be delayed to accommodate his personal schedule but that if he was not able to attend with the Subcommittee, he would very much like to come and break bread with us at such time as it can be arranged. He noted that in particular he would like a careful review of use of the polygraph and our procedures which he feels is necessary to rebut statements made by Senator Ervin. Arrangements for Representative Hogan's visit to the Agency will be coordinated through Mr. Richard Barton, Committee staff, and Marie Chaillet, personal secretary. 5. (Secret - JGO) Met with Mr. Frank Slatinshek, Assistant Chief Counsel, House Armed Services Committee staff, and briefed him on the following items: French tactical nuclear weapon development; Soviet TU-?128 deployment; Soviet Mars probe failure; and Soviet ABM facilities at Sary Shagan. 6. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Richard Barton, Employee Benefits Subcommittee staff of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee., who told me that the first day of hearings had gone very well. The testimony was received from Representatives Charles Wilson (D. , Calif. ), Spark Matsunaga (D. , Hawaii), and Senator Ervin (D., N. Car. ). Both Representative Wilson and Senator Ervin were questioned somewhat extensively by Representatives Hogan (R. , Md.) and Brasco (D. , N. Y.) concerning exemption of agencies involved in national security :matters from coverage under the bill. Mr. Barton told me that as far as the Committee schedule is concerned, the members of the Subcommittee have hearings starting at 9:30 a. m. each morning during the next couple of weeks with the exception of Monday, 17 May, and Friday, 21 May. We agreed that I would check to see which would be the best dates from the Agency's point of view and be back in touch with him tomorrow. Approved For Release 2001/09A A. P74B00415R000500040036-0 R Approved For Release 201ECEfA-RDP74B00415R000500040036-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 11 May 1971 7. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Mr. Drury Blair, Senate Immigration and Naturalization Subcommittee staff, Senate Committee on Judiciary, with regard to the-(H. R. 3929). In brief, he 25X1A told. me that at present the Committee does not need anything from the Agency in support of the bill but that a copy of the report furnished the House Committee, if available, might be useful. I told him I would get a copy to him later in the week. 8. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Al Tarabochia, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, called on behalf of an unnamed Senator interested in whether Rennie Davis had met with North Vietnamese representatives in Paris last September. I told Tarabochia that, as he well knows, we do not keep track of the activities of U. S. citizens and suggested that he contact the FBI. 9. (Confidential - JMM) Met with Senator Clifford P. Hansen (R. , Wyo. ) and Sam Marler and William Thomson, of his staff, regarding a response for the Senator to make to inquiries from the poet, Allen Ginsberg, concerning allegations of CIA involvement in Southeast Asian drug traffic. The Senator welcomed our suggestions for responding to Ginsberg, and agreed to try to obtain from the Bureau of Narcotics a statement which could be made public in order to set the record straight. 10. (Confidential - JMM) Mr. and I met with Representative Morris K. Udall (D. , Ariz.) and explained our problems with the Ervin bill guaranteeing the privacy of Federal employees. Mr. Udall seemed to under- stand our problems, but offered no encouragement so far as our request for a complete exemption was concerned. Mr. Udall asked us to check into an individual in Tuscon who had been 25X1A involved in some shady activities, and who, according to the local press there, was suspected of being a CIA employee. (See Mr. - Memo for Record. ) 11. (Confidential - JMM) Met with Thad Murray, in the office of Senator William Spong, who wanted assistance in responding to a constituent inquiry regarding allegations in the Jack Anderson column that the Agency was involved in Southeast Asian drug traffic. Murray accepted my suggestions for a response, and agreed to have Senator Spong ask for further details from the Bureau of Narcotics. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/08/30 : CIA'-RDP74B00415R000500040036-0 Approved For Release 2001(1g-RDP74B00415R000500040036-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 11 May 1971 12. (Confidential - JMM) Talked to Don Henderson, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, who said he would not have an opportunity to visit Headquarters prior to his upcoming trip to Poland. I mentioned several security considerations to be kept in mind regarding his travels, and Mr. arranged to meet him tomorrow to formally debrief him on his security clearances. J . Legislative Counsel cc: ER O/DDCI Mr. Mr. Mr. Houston Mr. Goodwin DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB Item. 3 - D/OSR Item 8 -- Approved For Release 2001 -RDP74B00415R000500040036-0